@Washington Wizards

Alex Sarr press conference – NBA Draft, 2024

Alex Sarr press conference – NBA Draft, 2024

all right questions for Alex we’ll start with Mark Spears over here on the right congratulations thank you um now that it’s real talking about it for a few days but what statement does the number one and the two pick and then one from last year make for France I mean you know he just shows the the amount of talent we have in France you know I’m really excited for Zach and uh you know I think your national team is really going to be good and uh what were your immediate tions when you found out oh you know I was really happy for him uh I kind of already had a feeling but uh I was happy for him you know and uh yeah it was it was nice oh and for me I was really happy for me too Randy Richardson NBC news congratulations Alex you’re entering a new chapter and tying off your last one what plans do you have to give yourself a sendoff before entering and joining your new team you said what s what do you how do you plan to celebrate or close this chapter before joining your new team yeah I mean uh you know I have some family and some friends in town so I’ll definitely spend some time with them later later today thanks first row right here first row here on the left [Music] Navy Jacker right there in the middle sir oh I’m just recording right here in the middle well good stretch uh Lloyd Carol from the Queens Chronicle and I understand you grew up in French Wine Country Bordeaux and you know red wine has health benefits you know for I’m just curious if there is a brand that your family enjoys anything anything you can pass on to us as a tip for a good french wine that’s probably not that’s reasonably priced I can’t really tell you much about that but um maybe if you go there and you ask people they’ll tell you right in the middle uh Alex uh ELO here from Filter 360 Puerto Rico how special is been selected second overall pick for the Washington Wizards in front of your family friends and also what did you bring uh for this organization of the Washington Wizards yeah I mean I think it’s really special you know like any pick you get picked you know the the team is taking a chance on me and I’m really blessed for that and I won’t take it for granted and uh doing it in front of my family then being able to come to New York it just means a lot and I’ll just you know just play with effort and uh and impact winning first row on the right [Music] first row in the middle hi Shar Taylor New York Beacon congratulations what are you most excited about and about going to Washington DC I mean I’m just excited to join this team you know it’s a team I I watch a lot this past year and uh you know I think I can be really impactful in that team and uh I can’t wait to to add uh my my game to the roster other questions for Alex let’s go second row here yeah elior show Alex obviously your brother’s in the NBA and youve talked about your dad who’s an expr having a lot of influence on you kind of falling in love with basketball originally how is that sort of relationship with them and sort of basketball being in your DNA as a family helped you get to this point now that you’ve made it yeah I mean he helped me a lot you know my dad he really loves basketball he always looked at basketball and he he never was happy after one of my games he always had something to say for me to improve on it and I think that’s what made me and my brother good players you know and uh I can’t thank them enough for this backer on the left hi Tom ifp uh you’ve you’ve done your you’ve had your own path like making different stops trying to learn from different places do you feel like the end of a journey or is it just a step I mean I think it’s it’s just the first step but it’s definitely achieving something that was big for me and uh you know being drafted uh I don’t take it for granted and uh I’m sure enjoying it uh a lot all right thank you Alex thank you

NBL Next Star Alex Sarr speaks to the media after becoming the #2 overall pick in the 2024 NBA Draft to the Washington Wizards.


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