@New Orleans Pelicans

Am I Doing this right??

Am I Doing this right??

by ExplanationPure3798


  1. OvenIcy8646

    No I think your mouse glitched on the picks button

  2. Eventide718

    Griffin has squandered many picks over the years, so why not unload every pick they can through 2031 and see how that plays out. If this Pianoman trades BI he better get a haul in return b/c I can tell you Danny Ainge would and doesn’t even play the piano. The Cavs would have to be incompetent to not take your trade.

  3. SaintsWing

    I liked the idea of Jarrett Allen when he was seen as more affordable, he’s not even worth as much as BI IMO. I’d rather we look for cheaper options at C and trade BI for future assets that can be flipped for an actual upgrade in the near future.

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