@Philadelphia 76ers

NBA Free Agency LIVE Reactions, News, & Updates!

NBA Free Agency LIVE Reactions, News, & Updates!

hey hey yeah hey he woo let’s go ladies and gentlemen we are less than 30 minutes away from the start of the 2024 NBA free agency and we got you covered right here on Philly take with RB we will be breaking down reacting live to all the free agent moves the news the rumors the updates we got you covered what will the 76ers do will Paul George take his talents to the east coast could it be kcp Klay Thompson we got a a lot more in store oh this is going to be a good one ladies and gentlemen it’s a Sixers off seon and it’s always filled with some type of drama buckle up get your popcorn it’s about that time it’s about that time oh yeah oh yeah welcome on in once again Philly take with RB I’m RB do me a favor ladies and gentlemen if you are out there live right now drop a like on the show we got almost 300 people in here already like the show so we can push this around subscribe to the channel follow us on all platforms Instagram Twitter Tik Tok as well boy oh boy gear up it’s going to be a wild couple of days but most importantly it’s going to be crazy this is one of my favorite shows of the year because at 6 PM even though teams are not allowed to legally talk to players yet WJ shams all these boys have like 50 signings lined up in their drafts and they’re just going to let them fly there’s nothing like the NBA off season we’ve seen trades already we’ve seen moves we’ve seen guys go back to their own teams right now the Sixers have a lot on the line will it be Paul George will it be kcp who will it be they need to make something happen we’re going to go over all the rumors because right now it seems like we’re trending in a certain direction what do we think in the chat who do we we want who do we want on the 76ers drop your thoughts in the comments first I want to shout out to the members thank you to the channel members who go above and beyond to support the show even in the off season we got Chita up in here Jeff tasos what’s up my guy sharp what’s up who else we got up in here where’s the other members D green what’s up I know my guy RJ’s up in here as well man it’s about to get crazy it’s going to get wild here today man give me your predictions give me your final thoughts in free agency who do you think’s going to make the most moves do you think the Sixers are going to get a a couple players tonight do you think they’re going to wait for Paul George what will it be what do you want it to be I don’t know man we’ll see what happens uh be sure to join our Discord as well I know they’re firing off over there so shout out to them I got my Twitter up I got the TV up we got everything we need and we got the best chat on youtubee appreciate everybody tapping in shout out to zah what’s up zah sequan what’s up Jeff uh we got Grace Martinez Julian C Daryl prior Jumpman Goma what’s up marshia mcum fire tank goat let’s go let’s go also guys I want to let you know we will be opening the phone lines multiple times during this show the number is on the screen over there at the bottom 518 31877 one6 so at some points we will be opening the phones in case you want to get your thoughts in about the 76ers maybe we’ll react live I don’t know I don’t know hopefully something happens um yeah man I’m excited I’m excited we we did a great draft show for a couple hours the other night we are doing videos every single day we got you up to date almost 400 people in here how do we not have 100 likes yet come on people I didn’t even think we were going to be able to get this show in literally it was dying outside like 20 minutes ago I’m like uhoh we might have to push this show back because you know how the weather gets and how it makes the show man we’re fighting through right now we’re fighting through it’s like a flu game for my computer right now let’s go let’s go all right man we’ll talk about some uh some rumors also tonight’s show brought to you by Mando the best deodorant in the game right now can’t really see it that well cuz of the green but Mando check them out get the Mando starter pack use code Philly take five get $5 off best deodorant in the game let’s shout some more people out ant what’s going on man Marsha McCollum chaita dropping the Daryl myy Emoji ladies and gentlemen give me your honest prediction like one player in the chat right now that you think the Sixers are definitely going to get maybe it’s not today but you know over the next several days who one player you think they are absolutely going to land in free agency Sean quig what’s up bro says I hope we have no tampering this year you know what would be funny Sean if the Sixers do get Paul George and then they get hit with tampering because of that Joel andb TV appearance that would be such a Sixers thing but we’ll talk about the cap we’ll talk about what they are able to do based on what happens with Paul George let’s see man let’s see uh PG already opted out what is there to wait for it’s either done or it isn’t uh not necessarily true shyro from Germany what’s up Germany where’s everybody tapping in from tonight drop your cities your countries in the chat um what I will say ladies and gentlemen is Paul George opted out and I saw a lot of people commenting on the video yesterday saying that he should go to Golden State golden state is pretty much out of it at this point it’s going to be the Clippers or the 76ers I know he’s meeting with Orlando as well but I just don’t see him going to Orlando maybe he does and he shocks the world but it feels like it’s going to be either the Clippers he goes back stays at home signs a Max for four years through 21 or he comes over to Philadelphia to pair up with maxi and embiid they have a three star model and they go from there and that would be four years 212 million now I do want to say as we count down the time till free agency uh been reading the reports all day Chris Haynes from Bleacher Report he says uh Sixers have growing optimism that they will land Paul George in free agency so something I noticed yesterday and if you guys are not following me on Twitter by the way RB Philly take definitely pop on over to Twitter and give me a follow there because I’ve been putting my thoughts out there and I I noticed something yesterday with all the players that decline their player option like LeBron for example they said in the reporting LeBron decline player option but intends to sign on a longer term deal how come they didn’t say that about Paul George right if Paul George was going back to the Clippers unless unless they’re playing this crazy game of let’s wait and see right now maybe they’re just literally baiting him and saying all right Paul we’ll let you go go ahead you really want to go to Philly you really want to go to Orlando it’s hard for me to think they would do that but what I will say is in that reporting yesterday they did not say anything about Paul George intending to resign with the Clippers the reports are that the Clippers will not offer him a fourth year on the contract and that is the holdup they want to keep the timeline similar to kawh Leonard’s where he has three years left on his extension so they want kawh Leonard PG to be on the same timetable PG saying I want a fourth year I want a Max contract four years Philly saying we’ll give it to you question is is Paul George willing to pack up his bags go across the country start new at 34 years old to play with Maxine embiid for an extra year of about 50 plus mil someone in the chat said uh Chris Paul has now been waved yeah I figured that would happen um someone said he might go back to the Suns but anyway what I do want to say guys and this is why it’s also one of my favorite shows is I’m going to need help from you guys right we’re going to be reacting to the reports but if breaking news happens I need you guys to spam W bomb in the chat if something happens W bomb in the chat so I’m counting on you guys all right J ABS $2 Super Chat my guy says no matter what happens I’ll always be grateful J ABS what’s up my guy welcome in welcome in we have 540 people live watching us do me a favor get these likes up get us to 500 likes let’s go man let’s make this the biggest viewed free agency show on YouTube we give you all the content right when it happens Chris Haynes says it’ll take quote a Hail Mary for the Clippers to keep Paul George now again it’s not a done deal maybe the Clippers go out and they say you know what new stadium lot of business we’re going to give you the extra year Paul we’re going to go above and beyond maybe that happens and Paul George says all right that’s enough to bring me back but the way I’m thinking about this and this is what I’ve said all offseason if you’ve been here watching the videos I am perfectly fine with Paul George the concern for me is the contract you’re going to give this guy four years 52 53 million per year you’re going to be left with about 12 to13 million in cap space which is going to be hard to build out the rest of the team we saw that this year with the Phoenix Suns that’s number one number two you’re going to be paying Paul George when he’s 38 39 years old 50 plus million per year maybe it won’t look as bad then but you know you’re pretty much banking on a year or two of Paul George trying to get this team over the hump is that enough to get you past the Celtics and the Knicks if you think the answer is yes then pay him pay him but they’re is concerned there’s a lot of risk right especially injury risk but again you’re at this tough point in Joel embiid’s timeline where he’s 30 years old now so you can’t just you know sit here and say well we’ll figure it out no sometimes you got to evaluate what your options are and you pick the best one and you just go in right there’s going to be risk no matter what I’ll tell you what would be the worst case scenario is if the Sixers don’t get Paul George lri marinin stays in Utah Jimmy Butler stays in Miami Kevin Durant stays in Phoenix and you get nobody and you wait and then what are we going to wait till the deadline to try to wait for someone to uh you know get mad and request a trade that would be the worst case scenario Paul George fits in terms of play style perfectly with maxi and embiid it’s just can he stay healthy will he show up in the bright moments in the playoffs can he take over at times I mean you think about this right I know sixer fans are scarred from tobi’s Harris Tobias Harris has done emotional damage to us okay and I know these bad contracts have just been they leave a salty taste in your mouth but last year Paul George averaged 224 and five he shot 41% from three on eight attempts per game if he does that if the Sixers had that they might be in a Conference Finals this year if he did that for the Sixers this year maybe even a year before or the year before and they didn’t have Tobias hairs Sixers might be in the Conference Finals right so you’re in a tough situation man um it’s I don’t think any of these are like the dream scenario but if it happens you got to ride with it it’s either that or maybe Brandon Ingram in a trade but then you’re going to have to give up assets that’s that’s another point for the Paul George case is that you don’t have to give up any assets via trade and I don’t see this being a sign and trade because then the Sixers would be hard capped and I don’t think they want to do that so anyway we got a lot of Madness going on who do you think the Sixers are going to get shout out to uh Jay ABS we got another Super Chat here he says we got to bring back Charles Bassie and Isaiah Joe not happening most likely not happening unfortunately Isaiah Joe uh declined his player option but he’s going to sign longer term with the OKC Thunder then we got a $2 donation from even even says PG has never won anything 50 million a year is crazy I understand your point I understand where you’re coming from but at the end of the day if they don’t get Paul George say right and nobody else you know becomes available then what they get a couple 15 to20 million free agents sure they go the role player route but is that enough is that enough to beat the Celtics and the Knicks so I feel like their hands have been forced but I do want to say something else though because again reading these reports gets interesting right and this came out a little earlier from uh Mark Stein he says the Philadelphia 76ers are considering ways to acquire both Paul George and kcp Now ladies and gentlemen this changes everything I’m trying to do the math in my head to figure figure out okay well if Paul George takes 50 million and then kcp takes you know he wants 15 to 20 million you know he’d have to renounce the cap hold there’s there’s a lot that goes into it but if they could get Paul George and kcp oh then we’re talking then we’re talking you get kcp a two-way Wing guy with championship pedigree he’s been on two championship rosters and you get Paul George oh boy oh boy question is would anybody take a a haircut you know what I mean I don’t know oh it’s going to be crazy man I love free agency we’re going to get like 50 signings at once we’re going to react it’s so funny because they’re not allowed to talk to teams until 600 p.m. yet there’s already 50 signings that will be done look man at the the end of the day I I just want to look I’m on both sides of this here I think it’s not a perfect situation but sixer fans if we go into next season and we don’t land any of these players we’re going to say damn Daryl mury sat on his hands and did nothing if we get Paul George they’re going to say why did you overpay a guy who hasn’t won a championship and disappeared this year on the playoffs etc etc it’s not perfect either way but if we go and get p Paul George that shows me that darl m is is trying to go all in and win this season so I will remind people what was it three years ago I think Paul George led the LA Clippers to the Conference Finals their first ever Conference Finals without kawh Leonard he’s not the same guy however can he be a third option 22 points per game could we actually get 22 points per game as a third option boy oh boy I see everybody saying Shams in the chat we’re g to go look you guys better not be playing with me by the way 730 people in here can we get to 700 likes man I need everybody right now go down below the stream hit the Thumbs Up Button let’s go to Shams page see what’s going on here let’s see what’s going on all right boom we do have a Shams bomb let the siren ring baby breaking news from Shams Jania James Harden plans to sign a twoyear $70 million contract to return to the LA Clippers Harden’s agents have been working with clippers officials to finalize the deal well what that tells me ladies and gentlemen is that they’re not going to give that fourth year to Paul George James Harden’s on a two-year deal Kawhi Leonard’s on a three-year deal they’re not giving more to Paul George also James Harden forced his way out of the 76ers organization thinking he was going to get a Max contract and he only gets a two-year deal you got to love it you got to love it so James Harden did his thing and um here we are so what do we think about that James Harden deal that gives me even more confirmation that the Clippers are not giv that fourth year to Paul George man things are going to be crazy man Raz with a $2 Super Chat my guy he says RB do you think the six should bring back buddy heeld would I take Buddy heeld back yes however I don’t think it’s going to happen I think somebody will pay him more and I think the Sixers would rather use either their room or midlevel on Kelly UB so I do not think Buddy will be back I think patum will be back I think Lowry has a good chance of being back but not healed sorry guys I’m getting Tex I mean things are crazy right now we got we got a lot going on J ABS $2 Super Chat says Josh Harris needs to stop with the luxury tax BS I agree but um yeah the Sixers are not going to go and pay luxury tax it’s just not going to happen all right man what do we think’s going to happen 875 people in here we should have a thousand likes let’s go shout out some people out in the chat Sean quig what’s up bro buddy costed himself major money with his terrible playoff performance not only that how about the couple months that he disappeared guy literally disappeared if you guys have been rocking with us all off season man drop a fire in the chat we got five minutes to go five minutes to go also I can literally hear the weather outside um hopefully we’re not getting another storm here if we do be patient with me hopefully the stream stays strong but um yeah man it’s getting dark out here storm is brewing I feel like something’s about to happen man something is about to happen keep us on man 900 people in here let’s go drop some fire emojis in the chat ladies and gentlemen digital prouse what’s up man $2 Super Chat thank you we will boost PG’s pod by coming to Philly in my opinion I mean PG’s got a big old audience out there in LA and honestly I think that could be another Factor too you know he loves that podcast but Philly fans will go die hard on that podcast and shoot maybe we could get PG on for an episode PG you’re welcome to come on the show anytime if you sign here man let’s go let’s go Rick Bennett in the chat longest member of the channel 44 months sir oh let’s go baby let’s go we about to crack a th live viewers let’s get it let’s get it we got storm PG Brewing on the East Coast let’s get it let’s get it any signings happen we will cover them live here on the free agency show we will drop videos as well we got you covered I’m excited man I’m excited let’s go secret Underdog we got Lexi in the chat Michael Connelly Eagles what’s up chaita Jay what’s up I need final predictions ladies and gentlemen will Paul George end up with the Philadelphia 76ers yes or no in the chat yes or no in the chat dude let’s freaking go man let’s go maybe it’ll be Klay Thompson maybe it’ll be kcp guys we we only got 200 likes in here that’s crazy we got almost a thousand people watching do me a favor like the show man couple minutes away couple minutes away guys before we start off our free agent chaos frenzy I got to let you guys know this show is sponsored by Mando Mando is the best out there doing it when it comes to deodorant and right now new customers can get $5 off the starter pack by using my code Philly take5 over on you probably seen them everywhere at this point they are an absolute Juggernaut and this is the best deodorant that I’ve ever used I use it every single day it was created by a doctor who noticed that body odor was being misdiagnosed and if you’re someone that sweats a lot and you can’t find the right deodorant you’re trying all these different products oh we’re going to prevent sweat all day and odor and it’s going to last all day and it doesn’t live up to the promise get your hands on one of these bad boys developed by the founders of Lumi this thing actually lives up to the hype man 72-hour Odor Control and the best part about it is that you can actually use it everywhere not only under the pits anywhere on the Skin Man back feet legs package doesn’t matter you know it’s hot outside it’s summertime we got the storms Brewing man you got to be able to clean yourself up and this thing will keep you smelling fresh for the ladies 100° weather it doesn’t matter man we got you covered this actually controls odor for 72 hours and the body wash which is also my other favorite product controls odor for 24 hours this is the bourbon leather I like the Mount Fuji so get your Mando products go check out the Mando starter pack use code Philly take5 at get $5 off once again Philly take five and get $5 off the Mando starter pack the best out there doing it man shouts out to Mando all right man let’s go let’s go I’m locked in we got one minute to go drop a one in the chat drop a one in the chat it’s 558 I don’t want to hear about Mando well damn it Tom you’re gonna hear about Mando let’s go let’s go let’s go man shouts out to Mando you’re gonna hear about it Tom got to pay the bills you know what I mean let’s go let’s go let’s go 300 likes now we’re getting there let’s get it the 500 let’s get it to 500 let’s go free agency baby yes sir let’s get it free agency kicking off I’m telling you I’m sweating I need some Mando right now it’s too hot with these storms going on the PG storm is brewing on the East Coast let’s get it let’s get it we got Kion in the chat dropping the Mando L thank you man glitch says like the show it is officially 6 pm. ladies and gentlemen it is officially 6 p.m. all right man all right man let’s get it let’s go refresh W’s page I’ll do it with you guys here we go let’s go refresh any news drops drop a w bomb in the in the chat all right we got to move we we got to move Luke cornette has agreed on a one-year deal to return to the Boston Celtics bo bo really Luke cornette Luke cornette RJ what’s up brother J AB sean quig we got all the members in the house we don’t care about Luke Cornett shout out to my guy Nick Batum with the $2 super Super Chat says I’m getting a ship this season and a gold medal lfg I think he meant chip let’s go Nick let’s go Nick shout out to Mrs Batum as well for tapping into the show let’s get it let’s get it all right let’s see if we got anything else we got a th viewers in the chat drop the 1ks ladies and gentlemen are we team Shams or are we team W are we team Shams or team W because uh right now wo is slacking I know he’s got like 50 signings on his drafts right now come on now come on W we don’t want to hear about Luke cornette Luke cornette and Chris Paul come on all right we’re going to Shams we’re going to Shams we’re going to Shams man let’s see what Shams has cooking for us W didn’t even report the James Harden news all right man oh oh oh wait James Harden deal includes a player option in year two he’s going to request his way out man but anyway enough of James Harden after 13 iconic Seasons Klay Thompson is departing the Warriors and the sides will begin to work through sign and trade options m wow sign and trade who are they going to trade him to the Mavericks maybe the magic keep in mind ladies and gentlemen if you do a sign and trade you get hard capped at the first apron so Klay Thompson is departing the Warriors could he end up in Philadelphia not on a sign and trade I’ll tell you that not on a sign and trade but all right interesting way so we kind of knew that Klay Thompson was most likely going to leave but um okay let’s see if we got anything more all right all right we got another one Shams is cooking ladies and gentlemen Kevin Love is finalizing a two-year $8 million deal to return to the Miami Heat how old is Kevin Love man this guy’s got to be like 38 hold on let me look it up let me look it up so we got Luke cornette and Kevin Love what a start to the free agency you know what I think ladies and gentlemen I really think that the Paul George news is going to hold a lot of this up because if the Sixers say don’t get Paul George then they’re going to have to sign a bunch of people but maybe they don’t want to sign too many people because of Paul George and maybe with same with the magic you know or or whatever other team oh Kevin Love’s only 35 it’s only 35 all right someone said W bomb in the chat guys don’t fool with me now don’t play with me now only the only the legit ones let’s go check W let’s go check w w has only reported a Luke cornette signing what comes next man we know it’s not a strong strong free agent class but there’s still a lot of guys out there what about Gary Trent Jr kcp Klay Thompson um couple other guys got resigned couple trades happened but there are players to be had Nai Marshall we’ll open up the phones a little bit later once we kind of cool out a little bit but Paul George is supposed to meet with the magic Clippers and Sixers I would like to believe that he meeting with them now first off what does he have to say to the Clippers it’s either give me my fourth year or don’t give me your number four or don’t give it to me that’s it Sixers Paul George you are a seamless fit you’ve made the All-Star Game the last two years you have a rising star in tyres SMX you have an MVP in Joel embiid who literally recruited you on TV that’s all you got to say so I there you go there’s my pitch there’s the pitch now sign with the 76ers and let’s call it a day the biggest nightmare would be if Paul George holds this up and then he doesn’t sign with the Sixers and then we get nobody 1,300 people in the chat let’s go man welcome on in ladies and gentlemen NBA free agency reaction show we got you covered right here on Philly take with RB I’ve covered everything all off seon so if you guys do enjoy this channel hit that thumbs up once again guys shout out to Mando Mando starter pack get $5 off use code Philly take five all right we got the wo just spamming in the chat I’m scared we’re hitting the refresh we’re hitting the refresh all right all right Klay Thompson plans to have discussions with the Maverick Lakers Clippers and Sixers in the opening hours of free agency yo could you imagine if Klay Thompson took a discount say he took a one-year deal right a proov it deal maybe a two-year with a player option Sixers get Paul George and Klay Thompson could you imagine it’s it feels like a d Mory sequence it feels like a Daryl Mory sequence if I’m being honest but I don’t think the sers are going to get Klay Thompson I think he’s going to go to the Mavericks or the Lakers if I had to guess but what do you guys think do you want Klay Thompson yes or no in the chat because I know people you know feel like he’s washed and yes he definitely is compared to his old self but you know Klay Thompson he still average 18 point per game last year he shot 38% from three talk about a champion I mean he knows how to win and he would be like if the Sixers could just rekindle the old clay from like two years ago he would be absolutely perfect next to Maxi but he did look pretty bad at the end of last year so what do you guys think hold on let me pull up this NBA special make sure I got it on here we go you guys want Clay Thompson on this team David in the chat says yes Philly says no couple yeses I see a lot of yeses now boy oh boy let’s see Clay is worse is better than Tobias at his best I love how we just compare to Tobias hairs I see wge I see woes you guys better not be playing with me right now better not be playing with me let’s see playing with me bro get this guy out of here mods get him out of here can’t be doing that bro you got to get out of here all right peace now you’re in timeout all right let’s see RJ says I’d rather bring back buddy than get Klay Thompson Fair take Fair take as I’ve said before ladies and gentlemen uh lri marinin would be a dream Target like if they could get him I’d get him over anybody I would give up every draft pick the Sixers have to get him but um yeah that that all depends on Utah and what they want to do somebody even said Paul George could be a sleeper Target for Utah because they were trying to get Bridges but I don’t know man Nick says happy belated birthday thank you Nick shout out to Nick in the chat chat’s going so fast we got 1,400 people in here guys get us to 1,000 likes we got to get 1K let’s go we got 10 minutes into this stream into free agency my Twitter is going crazy people are blowing me up right now it’s a great day to be alive man will when will Paul George make his decision Sixers cannot miss here man they cannot swing and Miss I understand people don’t want to give that fourth year to Paul George it’s very risky but you know what if you’re telling me it’s Maxi Paul George and embiid and maybe another good role player rather than the alternative of guessing I’m not completely mad about that sometimes you got to go based on your options I know the Sixers have all the cap space in the world and there’s not a lot of good free agents other than 34 year olds but anyway here are the final cap projections by the way shout out to Keith Smith over at spot track Sixers are number one think about the Sixers being a playoff team every year they’re number one in cap space with all these roster spots open like that is something you do not see often man it is crazy it’s pretty crazy I would not uh overpay for Klay Thompson by the way but if you could get him on a bargain deal like one or two years I would think about it let me ask you guys this in the chat who would you rather have Paul George or Brandon Ingram drop either PG or bi in the chat so if the Sixers get Paul George they’re going to pay him around 52 53 million per year that’s going to leave about 13 million in cap space to get another role player then they could use the room exception for example and bring back Kelly UB and that’s pretty much your team are you willing to go in and just invest in all the big stars and try to fill out the rest of the team with like minimums and draft picks or do you think they should try to get like three quality role players and say screw the PG idea maybe get Brandon Ingram and go from there looks like the chat is um looks like the chat is split to be honest matter of fact let me go ahead and um let me put a poll a new poll in the chat we got 1500 people watching man let’s freaking go let’s go I appreciate you guys so much this is like our third or fourth year doing this free agency show I love it man we got a ton of people up in the building we got a ton of people up in here man do me a favor get us up to 1,500 likes RJ says I’d rather have PG because we can still use draft picks to make another move it’s a good point it’s a good point let’s go ahead and refresh over on the W side is W like is he sleeping he still hasn’t made a tweet W are you serious you took a nap you took a nap at this point come on man we still have no other signings this is weird man usually we have like 20 signings by now all right I’m I’m getting desperate I’m scrolling on the regular uh profile man all right so I just saw this tweet first one popped up Sean Cunningham who’s this guy sports reporter for the Sacramento Kings all right so he’s a Kings guy sources confirm Sacramento Kings are pursuing a trade for Brandon Ingram told Kings have had discussions with the Pelicans and it’s worth noting Ingram was an emerging start under coach Alvin Gentry who works in the king’s front office so sleeper team on the way okay okay glitch says PG will be the domino effect I agree once that happens I think we’ll see a lot more FG says been watching five years ago love this time of year thank you man guys we need 10 more likes get us to 500 let’s go this this chat’s going wild right now I’m trying to read some comments but it’s going fast all right let’s keep scrolling see what’s going on Clay Thompson we know that Max Christie goes back to the Lakers cool Spurs have strong interest in Chris Paul it’s unfortunate he’s not going to win a championship but all right Brian wior the Sixers and Magic are not spending their money until they know for sure where Paul George is going there’s a whole secondary list of free agents that are lined up behind PG that will potentially go to Philly or Orlando when he gives an answer so there we go that is why this is not happening ladies and gentlemen Daryl myy I need you to tap into the stream right now Daryl Daryl you better be in that room and you don’t let him leave without a contract Daryl myy better be in that room like PG here’s the key here’s the key it could all be yours you want to win or do you want to go back to LA where things are nice and pretty and be with your fam but never win you want the best chance to win PG you to Philadelphia Daryl Mo you better not let that man leave without putting his name on the dotted line let me chill man let me chill let me chill anyway man you guys are all incredible I appreciate everybody who has been supporting me on this journey for the last several years I mean fact that we got 1,600 people in here right now it’s incredible incredible have we all bought into the idea of Paul George or do we want somebody else let’s see what the poll’s at right now Paul George 64% 36% say Brandon Ingram I mean to be honest the point about Brandon Ingram is that he’s much younger you’d have more time to kind of develop there but tough situation to be in the timelines don’t add up and that’s why I’m confused why they drafted McCain ever since they drafted McCain I’m like yo they’re going to get Paul George because like why would they get a 20-year-old rookie that’s going to take time to develop you know somebody said go to John Clark’s page all right we’ll go to John Clark right after I read these couple super chats Hayden azano my guy what’s up I don’t want the Sixers to sign George and have no money for anybody else just like the sun situation got to actually build the roster so I guess my response to that would be okay but who do you want to build it with you know because I agree but at the end of the day Anon obi’s gone couple of these other players that we thought the Sixers may have a chance at gone I mean you could get kcp Gary Trent Klay Thompson is that enough I think at this point you’re in desperation mode $10 Super Chat Rick Bennett hot take I would rather have how Neto and Paul George oh oh oh now that’s a hot take Rick you’re not lying chats in flames right now drop a fire in the chat that’s a hot take that’s a hot take Kion senior what’s up bro thank you man all right let’s go to John Clark you guys keep spamming John Clark let’s go we’re making our way up man let’s get it let’s get it let’s go to John Clark that’s crazy that the Warriors are just gone like like Klay Thompson said no I’m done Source confirms the Sixers will be meeting with Paul George this evening what does this evening mean we need to meet with them now Daryl you better already be out there in Cali these boys are trying to fly there there’s storms going off Daryl you better already be in California we can’t wait any longer man I think it is crazy though it is crazy that every free agent is holding up based on Paul George’s decision it is kind of wild it is kind of wild Daryl Mo you better already be out there in in California man hold on people are saying W bomb what do we got W what do we got give me something good WJ Jazz are planning to wave Center Omare yur 7 another Center into the free agency market are we serious right now are we serious right now I would have rather had no W bomb I would have rather had none I thought we were about to get a signing damn every breaking news report so far has been so and so player plans to meet with this team wonderful wonderful I like the report though that the Sixers are trying to find a way to get kcp Paul George hold on let me make sure I don’t miss any super chats here where we at where we at Omar the creeper says Brandon Ingram you guys think Brandon igram is actually G to get traded though you think he’s actually G to get traded or no Hayden ainaro $2 Super Chat Daryl is there might as well meet with Klay Thompson this book a hotel Daryl book a hotel this man should already be in Cali hopefully is honestly man I just want I just want a big signing even if it’s not the Sixers right now I want to see a signing I don’t I don’t want to see Omare yur 7 I forgot that guy was even in the NBA in the meantime though can we guys can we get this to a th likes we got 1,500 in here man we might have to fire up the phone lines for a few $2 super chat from AER Navaro darl M go get Larry and clay or kcp I mean AER once again man if the Sixers get Larry marinin it’s over bro if the Sixers get lri marinin tyres Maxi lri marinin and Joel embiid and L’s only making1 million this year could you imagine if they get Lori marinin and kcp they’re the favorites in the East next year they’re the favorites in the East if they get marketing bro that would be crazy that would be crazy Danny a we will give you every draft pick every draft pick $10 super chat from my guy Keith Richmond what’s up bro how about marketing and PG now guys this is an interesting one cuz I was reading some reports and some uh some articles it actually is possible just by a little smidge of cap room that the Sixers could get marinan and Paul George but then they would literally have no cap space like they can’t get anybody else no minimums nothing they could use the exception I guess that’d be it that means Markin PG maxing and beid they got to play 48 so I don’t know that would be crazy though that would be literally doubling down on the Phoenix Sun strategy but it would be wild it could happen it actually could happen $2 Super Chat from Philly C kyp Beasley Malik Beasley Andre Drummond and Brandon Ingram would be a great off season yeah that’s possible Malik Beasley is a sleeper Target I could see him coming to Philly no doubt no doubt $10 Super Chat from smirking Apple fire take goat 20th Super Chat I don’t recognize your name you must have changed your name but thank you very much absolutely no shot it happens but it would be huge if the Sixers could sign Paul George and trade for lri marinin look I’ll be honest man Daryl Mur Danny a they go way back back right they have connections from before Danny a wanted Paul Reed if the Sixers could offer up Paul Reed four first round picks two seconds I’m doing that all day to get marinin at that point I don’t even care about Paul George get marinin best player out there that would just be a perfect fit he would be a perfect fit why is is the chat saying Batum why is the chat saying Batum $2 Super Chat jaab says LaVine was about to get traded to Golden State apparently the Bulls are trying to get rid of LaVine and nobody wants him hold on why are we saying Batum hold on hold on we got something cooking we got something cooking nothing on W nothing on shams what are we talking about what are we talking about let’s refresh here let’s refresh Nico Batum will not be returning to the Sixers next season per Kelly Eco what does that even mean dude what does that even mean are you going tell us where he’s going does this mean we’re getting Paul George what does this mean hold on I got to quote tweet this what does this even mean are you going to tell us where he is going does this mean PG is is coming to the Sixers like bro who puts out a report this is the weirdest free agency I’ve ever seen in my life what does this even mean Nicholas Batum will not be returning to the Philadelphia 76ers sources say Paul George just ordered a Chick-fil-A sandwich and a Sprite to go like what does that even mean bro what do you mean it means he’s not coming back yeah but who reports something like that who reports something like that tell us where he’s going or tell us what he’s doing if he’s retiring just say Nicholas Batum is retiring okay all right well Nicholas Batum will not be returning so glad we got a report $5 Super Chat AER Navaro says my needs to work his magic and still be able to bring back UB at all costs bring him back I agree I’m team UB I’m team UB for sure it means what it means okay but where’s he going where’s he like I’ve never seen a free agent report say yes all right Paul George will be meeting with three teams Paul George will not be signing with the Charlotte Hornets that’s that’s like getting that kind of report wait wait wait we just got a Shams bomb I think we just got a Shams bomb Shams don’t do it to us what do we got Shams I’m waiting for these these guys probably are waiting drop so many free agent reports right now with cap space teams with cap space teams Orlando focused on Wing free agents and Utah focused on current roster DEC what all right I’m interpreting this a lot of different ways right now with cap space team Orlando focused on Wing free agents but I’m worried about this part Utah focused on current roster decisions what does that mean does that mean marketing could be on the Move Nick’s working to unhard cap sources say the Thunder are in Eugene Oregon set to meet with Isaiah hartenstein what a what a wild report dude I’m confused all right so again the tea leaves are kind of pointing me towards the fact that PG is going to sign with Philly because Batum not coming back James Harden on a two-year deal just feels like like it’s going to be PG and Philly can teams sign anybody today or just their own free agents today is anybody teams can can sign anybody right now teams can sign anybody right now but it feels like everything’s being held up by po George uhoh we got a windy we got a windy tea leave here Ryan windhorse when they signed kawh Leonard to that deal they never told Paul George about it so I’m guessing that means he wasn’t involved in terms of saying like yeah we’re going to sign Kawai to this threeyear deal we want you kind of to be on the same wavelength guess that’s what Wendy’s saying here oh boy things are getting interesting here everything seems to be pointing to to Paul George not being back with the Clippers it is unfortunate that Batum will not be back though it does suck that Batum won’t be back I really liked his veteran presence his IQ just all of it you know Batum was a Pros Pro he was a great vet and um it will suck not having him back I hope they get UB back though they need Kelly UB boy oh boy guys we got 1700 people in the chat like the show get us to 1,000 likes let’s go man we’re a half hour in half hour in I want to open the phones but I feel like as soon as I do it something is going to happen everybody drop a Batum in the chat RP Batum in Philly thank you for your contributions let’s see Man Lego says is Dwayne deadmond available yeah that’s where I stopped reading the chat bro Dwayne deadmond I hope that was a joke I hope that was a joke it’s crazy how none of these signings are coming out because of Paul George are we going to have to wait for like five hours or you going to make your decision the timeline is dry people are getting pissed off what would you guys do if Tobias Harris got resigned to the 76ers my man still had hasn’t been signed Tobias doesn’t need to wait bro I I just don’t know if he has any interest to be honest 1,700 in the building you guys are slacking on the like button though oh the anticipation man the anticipation people don’t understand that they can actually sign until next week that is correct they can’t technically sign until July 6 but today is when they start to agree to deals with teams so yeah today they’re going to say I intend to sign a three-year deal with the Charlotte Hornets they can’t technically sign it until July 6 but today is when we get the signings and the new news and usually there’s a ton right now but right now this free agency is hinging on the decision of Paul George once he decides to go somewhere then we’re going to hear like six more signings most likely cuz the magic are going to make moves the Sixers the mavick the Clippers Etc I’m just kind of confused on that wording about the Utah Jazz saying they’re making current roster decisions like does that mean marinin could be on the table cuz if so that would be crazy I feel like I want to open the phones man like I said right now the dream scenario would be marketing but realistically I feel like it’s going to be Paul George but if they can get kcp on top of that I feel like going into a into a season with maxi kcp Paul George and beid and you know find another rebounder it’s not a bad lineup at all try to bring UB back $5 super chat from my guy Rick Bennett Rick thank you my man shout out to all the members by the way up in here where’s everybody tapping in from tonight drop your locations your cities countries in the chat stay Rick Bennett says RB you may have to go to the bathroom like past years yeah if you guys are ogs of the channel every time I go to the bathroom something big happens I might have to take a little bathroom break to be honest $5 Super Chat from Brian pump expect news to drop randomly at once apparently agents are scared of possible tampering allegations no I don’t think it’s tampering we’re in the legal period now of uh negoti but I think they’re just waiting on a couple big signings I think they’re waiting on a couple big signings right now that’s what’s going on man once Paul George gets signed we’re going to hear a lot more guys let’s get this to a th000 likes everybody at once let’s go we know LeBron’s going back to the Lakers sounds sounds like Jimmy Butler is going to stay with Miami unless a wild card comes into play Durant probably staying with the Suns so who’s it going to be is it going to be Brandon Ingram Paul George Klay Thompson kcp who’s it GNA be C block says if Tobias gets resigned I quit darl M better be in that room right now he better not be on his way to California damn it darl you knew what was going on you don’t have to sell anything man give it to him straight PG you want to win or not bro you want to help us get over the top you want to help us get over the top come on come to Philadelphia come to Philadelphia let’s go all right I’m opening the phones man I’m tired of this I’m waiting you guys are incredible man keep the chat flowing I’m going to take like one or two phone calls see if I can get this even fired up at this point all right if you guys want to call on the show 518 318 7716 that is the phone number it’s on the screen guys you got to come with the fire though man you got to come with the fire can’t hop on the phones and and wait for me to ask you a question all right and if some news does drop I’m sorry I’m going to have to bang on you it’s almost 6:45 p.m. I know man hold on let’s make sure we don’t have any other news I don’t get why Shams is putting every tweet as well on like a a video that is pretty crazy too about James Harden man literally thought he was getting a Max contract this is chaos man all right let’s go to the phones damn we got like 30 callers on the line all right man let’s go to let’s go to the 863 863 what’s going on where you calling in from hello is this RB this is RB what’s up man oh snap I’m watching your YouTube channel while watching this man this [ __ ] crazy I didn’t think you was going to pick up for real dude we have like 30 people waiting and we just randomly picked one so what you got for me okay boss I’m G be honest with you man I I used to always like watch your your show I like the James Harden slander I don’t really like it because I understand with what he did I think PG’s best option is is to go to Philadelphia I respect that hold before you keep going years PG go hold on hold on before you keep going I just want to say uh you’re saying Harden slander I was the biggest fan of Harden while he was here I supported the move I supported the trade I wanted it to work problem is that he flamed out in the playoffs just like everybody else did okay but let’s beond every year Joel is hurting the playoffs I think his problem was that Joel’s hurt you bring Joel back he do bad the first game then you keep Doc Rivers keep trying to feed Joel the ball which is not working out for them Joel’s hurt why why would you keep feeding him the same guy that’s hurt you don’t do that look what the clipp TR you feed Ka ball and look what happened with him you gota like it was just bad the man won you two games you don’t ever talk about like the two all right bro appreciate the call man call back anytime um I’m not sitting here going on a James Harden Fanboy rant this is free agency bro this is free agency I appreciate the call man but come on I just said bring the heat bro we’re talking about James Harden in the playoffs playoffs this is why I didn’t want to open the phones bro this is why I didn’t want to open the phone lines we’re talking about James Harden winning games in the playoffs for Philly all right man we got Harden stands on the line they’re mad because I said James Harden should have uh tried to get a Max he got 35 million for two years and a player option on the second year all right man let’s try somebody else 610 610 on the line what’s up where you calling in from yo yo calling from Philly Philly in the building what’s up what up R be happy belated man I I always you know watch the channel I’ve been watching for years yeah thank you sir all right my thing is PG I don’t know man I’m not really so doing that Superstar guy I like more people that’s like gonna give us like real you know progress not be up and down like because let’s be honest PG sometimes he’s car in the playoffs too but he do can make a big change in the season for us but we need people that’s going to last down the stretch man and like like like you said like how got a high IQ we need more of that give me clay or marketing or like people like that man like I don’t I know the odds of that are kind of way off but yeah now it’s tough you don’t have a lot of options right now you know and another thing my problem with the six organization is man is we need more Player Development we got to stop getting silent and letting it sit on the damn [ __ ] yep like I got I got a real question for you though that I always wanted to ask why why do why do like people don’t revert back to like to Greg papic way of doing things like make like have a whole 10 to play like you remember when like Greg papovich used to he’ll sit this full start VI they playing and put the v in and they’ll still win the damn game it’s like we so sold on just staying with a rotation at eight deep in the playoff and it’s not working yeah I I think the best answer to that question is unfortunately now the game is Just centered around you know star chasing and trying to get as many big names as possible I know the new CBA kind of flipped that but everybody’s all you know worried about the topheavy roster and unfortunately it’s hard to fill out the rest of the team nowadays I think that’s the best way to answer that but I do agree it is good to have depth you know even a team like the Knicks like they bring in some of these dogs off the bench and you know it makes an impact when they’re healthy but um yeah unfortunately we kind of went away from that in terms of roster building yeah yeah I appreciate the answer that gave me more into it I just yeah think like far as the sers man I just want to see go far and like you know normally like with the sers like when I say Player Development is like tyres maxley literally pushed himself to be who he is like you know what I mean yeah and Joel was already that talent but it’s like when those two are in their boo it’s like anybody nobody never said this but I’mma say Tobias Harris literally gave us the Ben Simmons effect like when everybody else is going off he’s standing around on the wing on the three-point line not doing nothing if the Sixers had anybody else being paid that money other than Tobias they probably make the Conference Finals I mean simple as they just needed something and they got nothing but appreciate the call man I got a ton of people so I’m going to get somebody else on but great points and I agree um Player Development is huge man you got these guys draft picks sitting on the bench you don’t develop them that’s why some of these great teams have these deeper rosters because before you have to pay everybody in free agency you have guys on rookie contracts that contribute also I just saw this Bulls offered Zack LaVine of the Warriors for a package around Chris Paul and Wiggins Warriors declin so nobody wants Zack LaVine all right I see Shams in the chat let’s go to Shams do we finally have something all right Shams bomb the Clippers are actively working on trades to move Russell Westbrook Russell Westbrook so I think he what opted into his $4 million player option or whatever maybe it was a signing I forget but Clippers are trying to move Russell Westbrook and before anybody says it in the chat no no I don’t want Russell Westbrook no thank you all right we’ll go to a couple more callers and then we’ll try to refresh and find some news we got a ton of people on the line appreciate everybody uh calling in let’s go to the 908 908 what’s your name where you calling in from yeah what’s good AR you can hear me yes sir sure y all right just want to say you know happy belated birthday to you and you know everyone hit that like And subscribe button for my guy RB real quick thank you man thank you yeah so this what I got so I think we’re going to get I think we’re going to get Paul George but I think it’s going to be like one of those like 2 a uh signings because I know that he’s like interviewing with everyone like in the evening in the Pacific time so we’re not going to get it here in the eastern time until like 2 am so I’m think I think we’re going to get that I do think we’re also GNA get Klay Thompson I think that might work out I think that might work out other than that I really hope we resign U I am kind of bummed that we didn’t get the back I was the part of the Baton Battalion I was kind of you know kind of hurt when I found out that he wasn’t coming back I’m there with you man um so what you’re telling me is I’m gonna have to go live at 2 am eastern time you might AR you that that’s what Shan is saying say he’s going to talk to talk to us at like the evening in California which is like going to be like 12:00 a.m. 1:00 am here in the east coast so let me ask you might happen I won’t be I w’t be surprised let me ask you this what what is there to pitch what is there to pitch first off the Clippers have nothing to pitch it’s either give me my fourth year or don’t what else do the Sixers have to say man Maxi and PG come on I think Paul geordan is just being a diva and just you know wants the attention so he wants to I think he just wants to you know I think that’s Paul George being Paul George just making things more difficult for than they need to be that that’s that’s my best bet so he’s just going to hold out just like did yesterday to the last couple minutes I wouldn’t be surprised but I do have one hot take before I let you go here’s my here’s my hot take I think that if myy and I hope I hope I’m wrong with this but I think if my can’t land Paul George can’t land Klay Thompson can’t can’t even land Brandon Ingram I think he’s going to panic and he is going to just outright trade for Zack LaVine or sign deard Rosen just because he’s infatuated with star hunting he’s not gonna want go the depth route he’s just gonna get a star just because he likes Stars that’s my hot take oh I I feel like you’re about to get some tomatoes in the chat for that one um I would that’s what I hope I’m I hope I’m wrong but I that’s just how my is he’s always been a star guy can’t land STS I mentioned he’s gonna go after those STS even though they’re not the best fit oh man I just see him doing that oh man all right man appreciate the PA great points thank you yeah yeah of course yeah keep it up appreciate it Zack LaVine I could see him getting Zack LaVine too it’s actually a fair point Zack lavine’s making what 43 million the next three years please no please no they’re trying to give away Zack LaVine this is how bad the Chicago Bulls are they repaid uh they resigned Patrick Williams last night gave him 90 million they traded Alex Caruso they didn’t get any draft picks back they got Josh Giddy and now they’re trying to give away Zack LaVine and they can’t even do that that’s crazy $5 Super Chat from Ernest he says Fear the Beard n for real give me Lori and kcp which gives us room for someone too and I am good I mean yeah it’s a dream scenario man but who knows what the Jazz are going to do they’re another wild card team right now all right just because I like the last call we’re going to go to one more for now and then we’ll get back to it later we’re we’re just going to stay on here and see what happens the Nuggets shown interest in Russell Westbrook keep Russell Westbrook away from the Sixers man let’s go to the 843 843 what’s your name where you calling in from hello oh hey uh RB um it’s Ridge King calling him from Philly um so here’s what I think was going to go down um I think they’re going to get uh Paul George but I’m not going to be too optimistic about it because at the same time he is going to contribute in the regular season he’s not durable enough to last longer in the postseason and also I would love Lori marinin on this team like that is a guy who can contribute on both sides of the ball at an elite level so and also I think they get Klay Thompson because um they he just fits the team very well so that’s it that’s all I have to say all right so Klay Thompson Paul George but you’re not happy about Paul George got it yeah all right man well appreciate the call man thank you the Clippers are hilarious bro Clippers are looking to trade PJ Tucker so he opted into his deal I think it was like the last year of the Sixers one right 10 million or 11 million they’re trying to trade him too they’re saying Get these boys out of here who’s taking PJ Tucker you got to attach a draft pick for that man maybe two who wants PJ Tucker on their team let’s be honest Russell Westbrook PJ Tucker so help me Daryl Moore you better keep your Pauls away bro why are you staying away from Hometown numbers RB bro I there’s like 50 people on the line I’m trying to get to everybody I’m trying man Hometown number let’s go to let’s go to the 215 215 what’s good what’s your name where you calling in from Yo be honest yo help you got keep yours away bro all right got a bang on that’s why bro we’ll go one more for now 717 717 on the line Andy yo yo yo hey how’s it going it’s going fantastic man how are you I’m doing well I’m doing well uh so in terms of the trade uh talks right now if we do get Paul George which other players could we sign besides like Klay Thomson or k is called W Pope because I think that you know if we do go for another star we’re not going to be able to fill out the roster properly I would rather get like casy P Klay Thompson a rebounder and one or two other above minimum salary role players what do you think do you think that team would be better than if we had a third star or do you think um you know the Star team would be better I think that it depends on the role players but you know there’s not a ton of options out there maybe you could find a couple hidden gems but I you know I think it’s a valid point about signing the third star and you got to evaluate which option is best and just fire away you know and make it happen I think that um it’s not a perfect choice either way but you got to go with what you view as the best way to get to the finals yeah yeah to follow on that question so I’m assuming if we get Paul George going to do like a three or foure contract on him so let’s say like the first one or two years like we kind of get to the finals and then like the third and fourth year like he starts really declining and showing his age do you think at that point it’s going to be like a John Wall type contractor to buy here type contract where we can’t really move him and we’re kind of stuck with him or do you think he can play out the fouryear contract in like an impactful way yeah it’s a good point I think to be quite honest with you um signing a guy like Paul George means you’re trying to compete in the next two years and I think it’s an uncomfortable combo that people don’t want to have say with a guy like Joel embiid like after these next couple years then what you know like you can’t really worry about the fourth year and I know doesn’t sound the best but you get four years down the line and the Sixers still can’t say get past the second round you’re probably going to have to at that point make a tough decision and you’re going to be stuck you know a lot of teams have trouble building now with the new CBA and you’re either going to have to draft a couple really good young players or you’re going to have to you know suffer right and you’re you’re you’d probably either have to move that Paul George contract and attach picks to it down the line but the thing is is that it doesn’t matter like if you win in the next year or two none of that matters you know so it’s either you go all in and try to maximize the final couple really good MVP years of embiid or you take a risk and you hope that other guys can develop and you can find some of these gems that’s how I’m looking at it here’s the thing though so basically I know that Paul George is not like LeBron LeBron is like about to be 40 and he’s still a top 10 player Paul George I think he’s like 34 right now I think he’s probably got like two years left I’d say if we fill out the roster with like a bunch of good impactful people later down the line if we can win a championship these two years that’d be great but later in like the third or fourth year we’re not going to be screwed we’re going to be able to move these smaller contracts around for like veteran players um like since they’re going to be veterans at the time we’re going to be able to be able to balance back easily like it’s more of an insurance plan as post committing four years on him and then we’re just going to be screwed and we’re going to be at like a bottom seat again because we just have old guys that we can’t move you know what I mean yeah yeah now good points I appreciate the call man thank you for calling in call back anytime um yeah made some good points you know but at the end of the day you’re in a win now timeline there’s no more time to waste you know you had a couple really good years and good opportunities to get to the Conference Finals to make a final and you blew it now this is what you’re working with you have all the cap space in the world you have an opportunity to get a good third option like Paul George and it’s either you’re going to do it or not I just can’t see Daryl m going the role player route at this point now if if the best five role players in the NBA were available maybe maybe he would but right now I feel like they’re going all in for the third star it’s what Daryl mury has always done and now with the Knicks getting better the Celtics being a juggernaut they are trying to gear up and compete with those teams that’s what I’m seeing random gamer says I don’t care if you ruin the future if we get a ring out of it easy as that Joel doesn’t have long and we have yet to make the Conference Finals exactly my point exactly so somebody in the chat said that the Clippers are trying to free up space to keep Paul George I mean they can still sign him given that he’s they have their rights you know like they they don’t really need to clear up a bunch of space like that they can already sign PG for more money than anybody else can so they can sign him to four years 221 so I don’t think they’re trying to free up space I think they’re just trying to maybe portray a better opportunity to win you know we’re going to get rid of the Dead weight try to get some other players in here that’s what I’m looking at but it’s going to be tough we just got this from hoop Central per Keith Pompei Tobias Harris is receiving interest from the Pistons the Jazz the Spurs and the Mavs so yeah I I mean this is it sounds just like a Tobi Harris free agency for being honest I think my prediction is Tobias goes to the Detroit Pistons for like three years 58 million and um he just kind of uh you know I’m not going to say wash away it sounds kind of harsh but I think he’s just going to you know give his 16 points per game and make his money and do his thing Drummond tweet about Philly Andre Drummond Drummond Drummond all right what do we got going on what do we got going on with Andre Drummond could he be coming I would take Andre Drummond back in a heartbeat I would take him back in a heartbeat whoa whoa whoa whoa breaking news breaking news yeah ladies and gentlemen we got him he’s coming back yeah yeah breaking news Andre Drummond has agreed to a two-year deal with the Philadelphia 76ers Drummond gets a player option in year two during his career Drummond has been a two-time Allstar and a four time rebounding champ he’s back yes finally finally bro let’s go man bro he is back baby Andre Drummond was definitely the best backup that embiid has had man Drummond had a couple games this season where he was incredible he had that one game I forget it was like he had 23 rebounds and like 18 points I forget the exact statline but Joel embiid gets his guy back man on a $5 million per year basis and a player option in year two holy smokes man bro we finally got a deal man we F how do we feel about this Andre Drummond is back with Philly oh I like this man I’m happy about this Sixers tried to get him at the trade deadline the Chicago Bulls did not give him away sixer fans love this guy great rebounder knows how to do his job would have really helped us this year he was great for Chicago they probably could have got a pick out of him but they just kept him great rebounder knows how to play behind Joel andb just a a pure veteran that has been around has been through different generations of the game let’s go man I’m happy I’m happy Andre Drummond is back and what this probably means is that Paul Reed will be waved to create cap space looks like Andre Drummond is the new backup center or the new backup center again for the Philadelphia 76ers ladies and gentlemen how do we feel drop a fire in the chat we finally got something myy is not sleeping baby I’m happy about this man $2 Super Chat J AB says I still want us to keep Paul Reed at the power forward please I would assume that he’s going to get waved now so they don’t have to pay his $8 million shout out to my guy bball Paul Kenny Smith member for 31 months says Andre Drummond welcome back let’s go let’s go somebody had just said it before we pulled that up Andre Drummond said I’m in the mood for a Philly cheese steak baby he is back man woo let’s go he finally has guys I never wanted Andre Drummond to leave when Drummond left I was like man why didn’t they just pay him the 2 million per year why didn’t they pay him the 2 million per year when he left it never made any sense and he washed away in Chicago but um Andre Drummond is a sixer again I want to see how old Andre Drummond is feels like he’s been around for 20 years but he’s only 30 years old can you guys believe that can you guys believe Andre Drummond is only 30 years old Andre Drummond this past season averaged eight 8.4 points per game and he averaged nine rebounds per game in 17 minutes per game that’s actually wild if you think about it eight points and nine rebounds and 17 minutes off the B bench it’s pretty wild great signing by the 76ers $5 Super Chat from Sean quig he says finally some good news I’m tired of Reed giving up 10 runs when he came in a much needed and welcomed Edition drumming is back baby good to see him back finally it feels like it should have happened months ago but only $5 million off the caps so still in play for Paul George ladies and gentlemen of course can’t do much else yet $5 Super Chat from Philly C says would PG make us better than Boston New York or Milwaukee think we are top four in the East and I’m on the multiple role player side like Denver and Dallas so would PG make us better than Boston New York or Milwaukee well that’s a question they got to ask themselves does the alternative make them better than Boston New York or Milwaukee don’t have a lot of options man what do you guys think Andre Drummond is only 30 but at one point in his career he was literally the best I’d say the best rebounder in the game um just a really high Vibes type of guy knows the city knows how to play behind and bead just a value backup signing man and I you know bball Paul’s my guy but obviously they’re trying to create as much cap space as possible so I mean that likely signals that he’s probably gone guys if you’re just tuning in like the show for Andre Drummond being back in Philly we got 810 likes let’s get it to 1,600 rocking with us live man we’re goingon to pull up Andre Drummond’s stats then we’ll get a couple calls in here to react let’s see here’s Andre Drummond here was his numbers last year 8.4 points like I said nine rebounds per game shout out to drum man sun says trade Jared McCain to get lri marinan dude let’s go man I’m so happy this guy’s back always like Drummond here thought he was a great backup I thought that Drummond was a a very good professional he went from having the I guess beef with Joel embiid to just being a great backup man and I know people were frustrated when he got involved at the last second if you remember he was put last second into that Nets trade he was not supposed to be in it and at the last second I remember he said he went to the facility to go practice thinking that his job was safe and they had to throw him in that deal at the last second all right we got a good backup center it’s not last year where we uh where we uh sign five backups dude I’m pumped man I’m pumped all right let’s go to the phones man we’ll get a couple quick calls in as we react to the news the Sixers have signed Andre Drummond back let’s go let’s go all right let’s go to the 267 267 what’s up hello hey what’s up is this AR yes sir how’s it going ARB um that Andre drumond siging is great man I’m I’m pumped man I’m glad he’s back me too I feel we we definitely missed the uh the big last year big behind and be yeah I mean we we definitely needed somebody to step in and they just weren’t getting the job done and Sixers tried to get Drummond back of the deadline but it just didn’t work Chicago wouldn’t give him away but it finally happened he is back and I’m glad to have him yeah I think the Bulls are the front office is pretty dumb for not giving away because they definitely could have gotten something in return but I was one of the guys who wanted uh jump him back in the deadline and but you know getting him back now is very exciting bring back the who who was that who just said that my father is he a Tobias fan he’s a Tobias haris fan I’m not sure why yo ask him what he’s smoking right now I know he’s smoking on something good CUA uh that’s crazy what are you smoking right now IND oh appreciate the call man appreciate the call we got Tobias Harris stands eye in stream he said I’m smoking on that indicia that was great man shout out to Pops in the back he said bring back Tobias man not happening that was good though you see how he tried to keep him he was like he was like I didn’t hear that that’s crazy uh $2 Super Chat J ABS says yo we can trade Paul and Jared to get Lori marketing if that happens man I’m gonna jump through the roof that happens I’m jumping through the roof we get Markin in man that would be crazy crazy man $5 Super Chat from Brian he says dudes are talking about resign Seth Curry when we’re probably getting PG is crazy people are just trying to rekindle that old magic right Seth Drummond yeah nah nah we’re good on Seth Curry unfortunately he is washed at this point but uh Drummond’s back baby Drummond’s back time to write the wrongs he’s back pops is lit he really is man he was smoking on that good my man said bring back Tobias all right man let’s go to another caller shouts out to all the callers on the line let’s go to the 856 856 what’s your name where you calling in from uh this is Rob calling from Philly what’s up man how you feeling I’m I’m I’m happy man I got the Drummond signing let’s go this is what’s happening man I am pumped they should never got rid of her in the first place I don’t understand this damn sick this organization man this is this is what’s happening we need this one more pick and we’ be all right what’s next my man what are we doing next well I don’t know man we got to get a power forward that’s what we need I agree they can find somebody they get I don’t know about Paul George he’s you know a little bit up in their age I mean he might help but we can get a power forward that’s all we need you know that’s all we need that’s all we need I’m pumped brother I’m pumped yeah man yeah we need a rebounder we need one b can’t keep getting out rebounded and just out hustled Etc man and we we never had it with the bias it was sick and every time embiid would leave the game with with a nice lead they would just relinquish that lead man I couldn’t take it anymore I was sick got tired of it yep I agree man hopefully we get a couple dogs I’m glad yeah I’m glad you took my call and I am looking for some sixtion tickets this year yes sir baby thank you so much man shout out to the caller we got a Shams bomb the LA Clippers have agreed to a two-year contract with Kevin Porter Jr what are the Clippers doing man look no offense man shout out to kpj um really good Prospect had a good start to his career and then he ran into some issues uh I will not speak on those but he has had some trouble don’t know if he’s the best locker room guy Clippers might be in panic mode ladies and gentlemen but these are the type of signings I guess we got to get excited about right now because it may help the 76ers but you know what nobody cares about Kevin Porter Jr we got Andre Drummond let’s go at least the Sixers made a move man they made a move okay let’s see um issues would be an understatement exactly I don’t want to get into that I don’t want to get into that I don’t want to get into that RB can you get me on the line now I’ll try man I’ll try we got a lot of callers let’s see let’s go to the next one 302 302 on the line what’s up how’s it going it’s going great man how are you do good just watching Twitter getting ready for some big news feeling what you got for me man I’m thinking Paul George is the way to go does he get us over the top I don’t know to be completely honest with you but I feel like the options are very limited so I feel like he’s the best option we got at this point I agree with you man and if it’s G to happen it’s gon to happen and we got to go all in man it’s time to get to the damn Conference Finals you know dude I’ve been waiting and it’s it’s been a long ride um but how how do you feel about the possible cwell Pope being brought to Billy I’m all in especially if it’s PG and and calwell Pope I would love that I really would yeah he’d be great for spacing that’s what me and my like friends were talking about he’ll be great like spacing with like Max Maxi plan like point guard you know exactly and I think something that people don’t realize you know they always look at the stats and the numbers but it’s about complimenting your stars like you have to get the right role players that just know how to play around your stars and that’s what kcp did in Denver and I think almost in a similar Dynamic right you have the point guard the center here he wouldn’t have to do that much he would just be able to sit in a corner and knock down threes and defend the perimeter so I would take kcp I know people are going to say it’s an overpay but look man guy is Championship pedigree so I would definitely take him yeah I feel like he would be great for us a player that would always you know feel like the role player that we’ve been needing you know playing you know being like that shooting guard that’s always you know reliable yeah yeah I agree man so hopefully it happens but I I I just have a feeling that kcp is going to come to the Sixers I don’t know why it just feels like he has been linked to Philly I like you the good for us too I feel like he’s a player that would always you know be reliable and always be there you know trying to what he can yeah man let’s get Championship number three for him why not yes sir man thanks for having me on man yes sir thank you for the call let’s see um shayy in the chat what’s up says we thought they were clearing space to sign Paul George yeah their their BigTime signing was uh Kevin Porter Kevin Porter was the signing here is some more context on the Andre Drummond situation Elias Schuster the Bulls could have traded Andre Drummond to the Sixers at the deadline for three second round picks they decided not to and remained competitive now Drummond goes to Philly the Bulls end up with nothing crazy mismanagement by the front office and I would add on to that Elias what about uh Alex Caruso they don’t even get a draft pick back for him they wanted two first for him they got none uh demard de rozan might leave without getting anything back now they’re trying to give away Zack LaVine they got to get rid of Lonzo ball yeah I agree Bulls are mismanaging heavily heavily we got a $10 Super Chat from Brian combes he says what if we keep bball Paul and we have Maxi PG UB Joel and a rebounder like Paul or Drummond to stay down low since Joel likes to come up a lot I don’t see Joel playing at the four I don’t think they’re going back to bully ball with the two big lineup but in terms of Paul Reed the reason I think he’s gone or at least going to get waved is because again you need every dollar that you can to you know get more players and if they sign PG to a Max then you know the $8 million comes in and is is really hurtful to your cap so uh that’s why I think they’re going to wave them and obviously they just signed a backup so my guess is that he would be waved maybe he would come back on a lower deal but can’t really guarantee you on that one someone said bring back Tobias please okay we got 1,700 people watching us let’s go man if you guys have not yet liked the show Philly take with RB we’re keeping you up to date with all the live updates news and rumors we’re taking your phone calls we got it all cooking up for you man now we’re waiting for the big Domino we’re waiting for the big Domino will Paul George sign with the Philadelphia 76ers feels like all the signs are pointing towards it but at least they got got a a backup center who is agreed Andre Drummond coming back to the Sixers you know he loved it here in Philly man that love that crowd there’s just nothing like it man there’s just nothing like it RB in your opinion if we get kcp and Paul George and add some depth how many years would you put our Championship window at keep up the great work thank you uh our Championship window would be probably the next two years in my opinion East is only getting better you’ve had opportunities now you got tougher teams along the way yeah I would say like two years honestly two three years depending on what else they could do but again you got to keep in mind these tough restrictions on the salary cap now and the new CBA it’s not like you can just bring in four big-time players like they’re going to need Joel to stay healthy that’s obviously the biggest Factor but you know Maxi’s got to continue to take leaps having a third option like Paul George and if they get kcp imagine that man bro I’ve been watching you for a while I realized I never subscribe my bad keep up the great work if you guys haven’t yet hit that little subscribe button down below man we drop videos every day we keep you up to date it’s not only today we’re going to have you covered the next day the next day the next day we got all of it for you man RB did Maxi get resigned so they’re going to resign Maxi at the end it’s a way of manipulating the cap uh to be able to have more space so right now he’s on a cap hold uh but they’re going to give him a Max contract after all the other moves are made so you don’t have to worry about Tyrese he will be back on a Max contract but that’s just for more clarity on that who else do you guys think we should get though like I mean obviously it feels like it’s the Paul George sweep Stakes right now but like who else are there any sleepers that you think would be cool I mean Nai Marshall has been mentioned before uh I really like Gary Tren Junior people don’t like him though apparently so Legion Hoops Legion Hoops all right hold on let me refresh my page oh man breaking news cavius calwell Pope is signing with the magic shut up RB damn damn so kcp never mind so he is off the board now I would have really liked Paul George and kcp man damn well what that means now ladies and gentlemen is they better hurry up with this damn Paul George meeting this is what I said to you guys before I think I said it like a half hour ago you can’t miss out on other free agents you can’t miss out on other free agents I’m surprised though I’m a little shocked I feel like kcp if he knew he had a offer on the table from Philly would have waited a little bit I want to see what the numbers are maybe they just maybe it was a complete overpay maybe it was a complete overpay and and that’s why he signed but that is kind of interesting to me it’s kind of interesting they need to hurry up with this Paul George meeting man you cannot miss out on anybody else honestly I think I predicted this like a month ago I think I think it’s going to be Paul George and Klay Thompson is it going to be PG and Clay what are the numbers on this deal I don’t know if this is legit but the magic signed KP on a 3-year $66 million deal and if that is true that’s 22 million per year yeah there’s just no way the Sixers would have been able to match that there’s just no way that that would have been able to happen uh if Paul George is coming to Philly I I mean I feel like he would have had to taken around like like 15 17 but 22 is just too much Lego says does that put Orlando out of the running for Paul George that is a good question that’s actually a really good point um I don’t know how much cap space they have I feel like they could trade pieces so I don’t think it puts them out entirely but maybe it does maybe it does such an overpay well sometimes these guys do get paid like this and we saw it with Bruce Brown he was then a part of a trade package for Pascal cakam so they overpaid they got their vet they overpaid they got their vet see if we can find out a little more context I gotta be honest to I I do have to go to the bathroom it’s been two years or I mean uh two hours I can’t even talk anymore um I feel like as soon as I go to the bathroom though we’re going to sign Paul George yeah Adrian walski just reported it yeah W has to be sleeping or something man finalizing a three-year $66 million deal for cavius Caldwell Pope yeah the Sixers were not matching that Orlando had 52 million in cap space so yeah they’re probably not going to be able to get Paul George unless they do some kind of like sign and trade or move a couple other players as well two years two years all right you guys got to chill man yo I’ve been talking for literally two hours straight I’m tired man tired hit the damn like button get us to a th get us to a k and Shams apparently just said that it was a third-year player option for kcp so yeah yeah third-year player option so the magic just overpaid and there was nothing that the Sixers could do but they need to hurry up with this Paul George meeting maybe this will mean that um that break can come back though I’m happy that Drummond’s back though shout out to Drummond shout out to Drummond where’s everybody tapping in from I’m going to shout out some of your uh cities countries states Etc I want to know where everybody’s tapping in from tonight this is fidly take with RB if you guys are new to the show we do shows like this throughout the entire offseason we drop videos every day and um during the season we do live streams for every single Sixers game postgame stuff and more so welcome in we got Norfolk in the building Lancaster Connecticut South Philly in the building Chester Allentown Romania Downing Town Nashville New Zealand tapping in from South Carolina Bucks County potown Arizona Cali Cleveland let’s go we’re everywhere Sean says dude go pee I’m about to man I’m about to man I gotta pee got, 1900 people in here though I’ll go pee once we hit a th likes how about that Legion Hoops South Jersey in the building NC in the building AC uh Puerto Rico chat’s going too fast I can’t read it I can’t read it let’s go let’s go let’s go man Greenville South Carolina I’ve been to Greenville I like it there bro go pee so something can happen Legion Hoops Delaware Cameroon I can’t I can’t read it I can’t read it 10 more likes let’s go let’s go we got California in the building Australia Vermont Allentown PA Ben Salem Delaware Philly let’s go man let’s go we got a th likes drop the 1ks in the chat yes sir let’s go 1K is in the building shout out to the members shout out to everyone in here Clippers are pursuing free agent Chris Paul dude the Clippers are cooked man Clippers are cooked let’s be honest what are they doing what are they doing all right we’re GNA take a couple phone calls right when I get back we still got people waiting on the line shout out to you we will be back momentarily if something happens I need you guys to drop W bomb in the chat all right we’ll be back momentarily we’ll be right back let’s go e e e for all right man like I said man I had to we’ve been live streaming for too long man why is the chat saying W bomb don’t yo don’t play with me man don’t play with me they’re saying W bomb I yo I just went to the bathroom I came back what’s going on what’s going on don’t play with me yo I feel like they’re playing I feel like they’re playing ah man guys are playing with me I thought we signed them I was about to run through the damn wall I was about to run through the wall Man Bo that’s crazy man that’s crazy someone said Tobias is back killed my spirit man killed my oh man what time is this damn we’ve been on here two hours all right we’re going to get off in like 30 minutes but if Paul George does sign tonight we will be back later um we’re we’re working overtime man if you guys could and you’re just tuning in do me a favor like the stream subscribe to the channel we do this every single day uh we’re we’re working overtime right now if you guys are just tuning in maybe you took a nap or something cavius Caldwell pop to the Orlando Magic Paul George meeting with teams tonight Andre Drummond back with the Philadelphia 76ers it’s what we’re working with right now Jack says how do we call in the number is on the Screen Man 518 318 7716 be sure to uh follow us on all the platforms Twitter follow me RB Philly take Instagram Philly take with RB Wade says like the stream to support RB Paul George Pistons uh they’re tripping y’all are weird for doing that that’s a fact Le trying to troll me like that troll me like that come on man for once the free agency front is pretty quiet due to the Paul George sweep Stakes so see if we get any other news but uh let’s go to the phones and let’s go to the8 excuse me the 929 929 what’s up hello hello hello yeah yeah I have a question quick one okay okay so we had James Harden couple years ago uh he affected Tyrese Maxi that’s what I think so do you think Paul George will affect tyres Maxi what do you mean how how did Jame Harden affect Tyrese Maxi I think James Harden like for for a couple years for that year and a half he’s been there he like stopped Tyrese Maxi’s growth so I do think Paul George will do the same thing or do you think he’ll keep gr as a player I think Maxi is going to take another leap regardless uh the guy works endlessly um I actually wouldn’t agree with your point about Harden I think Harden actually helped Maxi learn how to become more more of a dominant point guard um even though Harden you know has his flaws Etc I thought Harden actually did help develop Maxi in that uh in that area oh I I I thought the opposite because he was having the ball too much in his hands usually so I thought he since he was the ball dominant point guard he took away from tyus Max yeah now I respect the take man I just I just respectfully disagree but um no I I don’t think Paul George Will stint the growth of Maxi by any means okay got it all right man thanks for taking the call all right thank you man let’s go to the next one um 856 856 what’s your name where you calling in from Hello go next one yeah yo yo what’s up man can you just uh turn the volume down I got you thank you man yeah so um I was calling to say uh with us signing well with kcp being off the board how strong of a possibility do you think it is for us to sign Thompson and George I actually think there’s more of a possibility of that than it was for kcp and Paul George just because I think Klay Thompson would be willing to maybe take a little bit of a discount you know had a tough year struggled may be willing to come off the bench uh maybe that’s not the case and Clay is strict on his three-year you know whatever it is 25 30 million per year but based on what we’re hearing with the Lakers teams like that sounds like clay would be willing to maybe take a little bit less to just fit into a team um I actually don’t think it’s a wild scenario as many people may and I think Daryl M would be fascinated with Klay Thompson so so one more thing so if we lose Kay would you say you were kind of screwed because who else could we look forward to signing um I mean what do you mean by screwed because I I think UB is definitely in the the conversation to come back you know so I think UB could come back if you get PG maybe you’ll get one more role player on top of that um that’s kind of how I see this thing playing out based on if they get Paul George all right and he hung up all righty but yeah that’s how I see this thing playing out I think they’re going for Paul George now if if somehow right say they don’t get Paul George I think the Sixers have a good chance of being screwed they don’t get Paul George somehow even though I feel like we’re trending towards that then I’m concerned because then what are you going to trade for Brandon Ingram are you going to overpay to get somebody like that’s where I get concerned but I’m operating on the mindset that I feel like the Sixers are going to get Paul George they could try to get Klay Thompson they could use the room exception to bring back Kelly ubre so that won’t really hurt their cap space but I think they could get another good role player like a Gary Trent Jr I keep bringing up that name I think he’d be a good fit e let’s see man um chat’s getting weird end the stream for your own sanity even Twitter’s getting kind of weird right now I’m just trying to refresh my Twitter to see if anybody sent me anything all right let’s see uh would you be happy if we got Klay Thompson but missed out on Paul George no I wouldn’t be happy I don’t think just a Klay Thompson signing is going to put the Sixers over the top no way as I’ve said all along marinin is the dream Target for me if they can’t get that which I feel like is not likely then Paul George is the next guy that’s where I’m at I want to hear from the people though I want to know what the people think call into the show give me some thoughts let’s go to the 470 470 what’s up how are you what’s going on brother hey what’s up man nothing much so I got a pretty hot take for you yes please drop it on me let’s go yeah man I know people are in love with Paul George because of his CL and his smoothness but um I think what would be greater of a pickup would be um a true facilitator like a tius Jones and then go get like a Demar de rozan as a replacement for Tobias reason why I say dear is one he’s more efficient um and he’s more consistent you know he’s not getting injured every year I think he has the greatest track record for um playing and not missing games of any player besides like James Harden I I hear your point I I respect the take but here’s where I disagree um if demard de rozan could knock down the three ball at a high clip I would be there with you but unfortunately he cannot now maybe he could be that mid-range killer for the Sixers but they need shooting man and they need rebounding so I just don’t know if the rosan at this point moves the needle I’m not saying any of the other options do but I just don’t feel like the rozan would be the guy to get this team over the top that’s just how I feel about it yeah no I respect that but I feel like cuz you got Maxi right so the thing with Paul George is he’s very bald dominant like he he even said like in a recent interview where he just likes to have the ball and dribble it and he wasn’t able to do that a lot in this last season with the clippers because there was a facilitator running the offense so you got Matthew who’s obviously on the up kick right what did he average 27 almost 28 and then you got indeed you got somebody like the roen who you could literally just pass the ball to automatic MIDI every time and then he’s like the best closer in the game right now so I mean I think he would be a better addition than playoff p in my eyes and if you bring in an actual facilitator to run the offense make the passes find all the different there’s another hot te if you can’t get tyus Jones maybe a CP3 on a friendly deal somebody who can actually come run the off the offense through and who’s going to make the right play every time because I feel like you put too much on Tyrese he’s really a a score for me yeah you know what I mean I I don’t think of him as a facilitator I think of him as a an AI Allan Iverson type short of guard but it’s gonna get you a bucket too quick to guard um and you just can’t do anything with him when he has ball in his hands but I don’t see him as someone who’s gonna facilitate maybe a CP3 and a d rozan that I don’t know man that that sounds a little bit more enticing I think people just want Paul George because how this game looks and are not thinking like okay what’s going to actually make the team better what’s going to make the team flow the best yeah because shoot when had James Harden that team was really ticking it’s the only problem was Joel and B can never stay healthy in the playoffs all right man well yeah D rozan and CP3 well at least somebody brought a different take to the table I I appreciate your points um I I do really like your take though about the facilitator like I think the Sixers could really benefit even like a Mike connley type um just having that guy to like know how to run the offense and not putting as much pressure on Maxi who still needs to take a little more time to develop as that point guard so I I think that’s a really good point yeah tyus Jones had a great year with the Wizards I mean obviously was on the wizards but um he got pulled up to the starting spot yeah for a few he B out great assist to turnover ratio so it’s even like maybe bringing a him in he’s younger is what 26 27 yeah would it would be a little bit tough on the defensive side on the back court but who knows maybe they can make it work maybe they can make it work appreciate the call man call back anytime good good caller right there let’s see um no W Bombs all right we’re good take a few more and then we’ll probably uh wind it down but we still got 1,600 people in here thank you all for being a part of the show keep smashing that thumbs up and uh yo be sure you got those notifications on too cuz any news drops we’ll be on it right away we’ll be on it right away if the Sixers end up getting Paul George and marinin somehow some way it probably won’t happen but if they ever did that um yeah pencil assist is the favorite penil a sin and again I’m not saying that Paul George is by any means a perfect option I’m definitely not saying that but brings three-point shooting can at least be an adequate Defender uh can take over the ball duties and and create shots for himself just a lot of the things that we wanted from Tobias Harris that we never got but I do think the rebounding component is going to be huge and Sixers have failed to really establish that power forward position we we’ve finally just been kind of like relieved in a way now that Tobias is not here but Tobias just never brought any of the qualities that we needed from the power forward position and they’re going to have to find a guy that can so I agree with that $2 Super Chat from AER Navaro says drumond coming back baby bring back Curry too yeah I don’t I know why everybody keeps saying bring back Seth Curry I just don’t see it happening I just don’t see it happening but maybe maybe all right we’ll go to a couple more callers let’s see what somebody has for me let’s go to the 302 302 what’s up where you calling from uh I live in DOA Delaware originally from Atlantic City delw where what’s up man how are we feeling hey I feel good man you know it’s one day at a time in life you know how that go oh yeah so what you got for me six or wise um I have some comments and I have a few things I was thinking about um me for one I’m not a Paul George guy he’s 34 years old he has the injury history injured uh regular season he’s always hurt playoffs he’s always hurt G threeyear deal he’s 37 and I don’t know if he’s a guy that going to get us a championship um my other comment is I think that um in the Knicks series we got bullied around a little bit so with the Knicks getting Bridges and bringing back anobi where does that lead Julius Randle I think Julius Randle can give us some physicality because we got pushed around by the Knicks pretty good in my opinion and um I think we need a backup point guard who can come in and shoot and I think the Wizards Ty Jones is like an underrated guy who can help us yeah I I like Ty a lot I I would certainly take him on this team Julius ah I don’t know if I can buy into that one um give you a little bit of shock creation you know I mean he was really having like an All-Star year I will give him credit for that but I’ve just seen a lot of ups and downs with Julius he reminds me a lot of Tobias I don’t want to make the comparison but I feel like with Julius it has to be the perfect situation for him you know I heard a rumor Tobias was coming back I almost almost had to go to the hosital yo if Tobias comes back man I might have to start looking for a day job because I don’t know if I can do it I don’t know if I could do it man um and um my other comment I think we need um athletic Wings who can defend because if you ever go back to the Boston serieses um really we lost the game because jayen Brown was just too athletic for Tobias Harris too athletic to Skilled Tobias Harris didn’t have the lateral quickness he might have some little bit of toughness but we need athletic Wings who can defend that kills us we playing teams like Boston and stuff yeah no absolutely that’s why I want UB back I think UB gave us a glimpse of that this season uh love his intensity love the way he plays on the perimeter and um I hope they bring UB back back but yeah I mean you’re right you know Tobias Harris he couldn’t really guard anybody so it just it was like too slow too slow on his feet too slow yeah I mean he’s not a knockdown shooter we need somebody when Joel’s double team if Maxi has a off night and I seen plenty of times with the ball end up in tobi’s hands he’s just not a good long wage pure three-point shooter that this team needs I heard Eric Gordon is a possibility Eric Gordon’s probably on his last legs I don’t know if he can shoot the ball up anymore so I just don’t we need shooting as well shooting yep Klay Thompson I don’t know if he wants to come back East but apparently you know he’s not married to the Warriors anymore so sometime you need a new wife yeah Clay’s gone man um yeah it’ll be interesting to see I I agree with you though they need athleticism they need Wings they got to let some of these other young guys play like Ricky Council um right yeah hopefully they find it man it’s not a perfect situation but maybe PG could give him a little bit of that so if they get him what about the uh you know we hear a lot of Brandon Ingram rumors he is 7 years younger than Paul George uh I don’t know about what’s Donald Mitchell suure in Cleveland the reason why I suggested those two they are seven years younger than Paul Paul George is 34 yeah I mean that that you have to consider that before you throw 160 million that’s the guy’s 34 and he he has an injury history it’s true so it’s a good point we’ll see y we’s see all right man appreciate the call call back anytime thank you man all right thank you you have a good one thanks you too man good Call $5 Super Chat from J ABS he says remember what hinky said to always get the best player available no matter what with whatever position no matter what um yeah kind of I’d say to a certain extent you know you don’t want to get five centers but yeah I think the Sixers will be interested in whatever free agents become available I mean it’s just it’s tough like they have all the available resources at a time where there’s not a lot of options so it’s frustrating all right we’ll take one final call and then we’ll wrap it up but shout out to everybody in the chat do you guys think Paul George is going to land with the 76ers yes or no give me your final no prediction I’m just making sure we don’t have any updated W bombs or Shams bombs or anything nothing from Shams man this is a drive free agency I’ll tell you nothing I know what’s going to happen too because it’s happened the last two seasons uh every time I end this free agent stream the Sixers make a move right after it happens every time but so far what we got is Batum not coming back Andre Drummond is back in Philly that’s really all we got Nets are trying to trade Ben Simmons no thank you no thank you let’s see we got a lot of yeses in the chat here’s an updated free agency tracker from Brett seagull this is all we got man this is crazy this is crazy no Batum yeah apparently Batum is not coming back I think he’s going to retire but we’ll see why is Batum not coming back we didn’t get any answer we got a report that said ni Batum is not coming back to the Sixers it was the weirdest report I’ve ever seen gave no context all right let’s go to one final caller still got like 30 people on the line thank you all who have called in and uh if Paul George does sign we will go live again most likely and we will have more callers so try to get everybody in all right let’s go to the 267 267 what’s up yo how’s it going RB good how are you yo so I just got a question about like uh kcp signing with the magic I was wondering if there was any other viable options like uh Trent or buddy heel back uh for a certain amount of money yeah um Buddy’s definitely an option depends what his next value uh on the contract will be I think Klay Thompson could definitely be in play they said um you know klay’s meeting with the Sixers that’s one of the teams I would like Gary Trent Jr there’s been no Rumblings about him yet I could see him going in like the 1520 range so yeah couple different options and it all depends on what happens with Paul George I think once that signing happens we’re going to see like a trickle down effect and a bunch of other ones come out right after he better sign within the next couple hours I’m not staying up for this crap yeah honestly please don’t give us another like 4 a uh breaking news update and we’ll have to wake up and and all come on here at 400 a.m. no thank you um yeah I mean I also got like a little you know besides Luke corck going to Boston I think uh Mando is a great deodorant to use if I’m being honest thank you man yes support our sponsors that’s how you support our show as well um Mando rocks man so shout out to Mando shout out Mando shout out Mando man thank you so much appreciate the call guys speaking of that that’s a good way to for us to wrap it up go to man the link is pinned in the chat and get the Mando starter pack best deodor and out in the game right now Mount Fuji is my personal favorite but I also like the bourbon leather got the uh the body wash right here bourbon leather they got the deod and cream all of it use it anywhere on the body the best out there right now so shout out to Mando and uh check him out that being said man if you guys have been in here rocking with us the entire two and a half hours I need you to drop a fire Emoji in the chat I’m going to shout some of you guys out if any breaking news happens we’ll try to go live again as long as it’s not uh 4 in the morning again like the James Harden deal but I’ll try to keep you guys updated as much as I can appreciate everybody coming through all the great callers you guys are incredible man no other updates at this point shout out to uh secret Underdog Jim Shane GLD Bruce Patty Carter deal we got smooth Hood Mikey uh Andrew Charles khif hype Michael Connelly glitch appreciate you man CL William Carter shizzy Andrew Lee CL uh Marcus Matt Alisa Robert thank you guys man appreciate everybody coming through just like that guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens next what’ll be the Domino Paul George probably meeting with Daryl M right now as we speak get it done get it done we’ll be back as soon as it happens or doesn’t happen love all you guys thank you for tapping in with RB on Philly take with RB like the show subscribe to the channel follow us on all platforms join our Discord it all comes down to this man it wouldn’t be an NBA off season without Sixers drama and suspense shouts out to Mando man Sixers are sweating right now they need some Mando you guys have a great rest of your night catch you on the next one maybe tonight peace n e

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The 2024 NBA Free Agency is finally here! Join RB live as we react to & break down all of the signings, trades, news, updates, and rumors in real time. What will the Sixers end up doing? Let’s find out! #Sixers #76ers #nbafreeagency #reaction #nbatrade #darylmorey #joelembiid #tyresemaxey #paulgeorge #brandoningram #klaythompson #NBA #76ersnews #SixersNews #nbanews #breakingnews




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  1. The Clippers and Magic are OUT! Why would Morey give PG the full max at this point??? Instead of 4 years 212m why not 4 years 190m or something close to that ? We need to build that bench !!

  2. Welcome back DRE!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍💙💙💙💙🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️

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