
We Tested Viral Basketball Myths!

We Tested Viral Basketball Myths!

today we’re going to be testing popular basketball myths to see if they are true or not and the first myth that we are testing is if insoles can actually make you jump higher Victory claims that their insoles will make you jump 1.6 in higher because the carbon fiber base acts as a trampoline you believe them not so much I can we’re going to see what we can dunk up to in our normal insoles and see what we can dunk up to with these insoles now Zach unfortunately I suffered an injury okay these are size 12 which means it’s all up to you to test these ooh actually my foot grew I’m a 13 and A2 you’re going to have to cram it in bro all right so we have an 8T hoop we’re going to see what Zach can dunk up to today and then we’re going to see what he can dunk up to wearing the insoles this is 8’5 hey hey I’m going to go all the way up to nine for you wow this it a 93 oh definitely can you definitely can wow we have it on 9′ 6 light work 99 nope oh yeah you’re right there hey victory insoles will get you there Zach has not dunked on 99 do you want to test if these will give you an additional 1.6 in of vertical sure how’s it feel walking around with them what does it feel like oh yeah he’s running faster feels about the same he’s going to dunk it you made it but did not dunk it okay it worked it worked feels the exact same though yeah it feels the same the next myth is that heavier basketball shoes slow down both your speed speed and your agility high top shoes are naturally heavier than low tops so this also acts as a test to compare low top and high top basketball shoes for Speed and Agility you think it’s going to make a difference 100% I actually don’t think this is going to make a difference we are going to see just how heavy your guys’ shoes are Jeff’s Kobes are 371 G let’s see how much your retro LeBrons are wow so Jeff’s LeBron are 490 G which means they’re 120 g more Zach’s Curry’s are 430 G so they’re a lot heavier than Jeff’s Kobe Zach’s high top shoes heavy shoes for the day are also carries and these are 450 G they only weigh about 20 G [Music] more Jeff that was 1.97 seconds I didn’t reach top speed yet 2.02 you guys basically [Music] tied yeah I beat my old time you did beat your old time by .03 seconds wo I felt faster because the shoes were moving me forward so you feel like this help with your acceleration though yes because it just heavy like it pulled me forward Zach you beat your time by 0.01 seconds did you feel like they helped your acceleration at all or no I feel like I’m just a little bit more loose now yeah but I feel like these have way better traction I had worse traction on my shoes in terms of the myth that lighter shoes make you faster are we saying busted busted we are going to be testing the agility of liver’s heavy shoes next so we’re going to find out if that’s sure or not as well but that myth is busted Jeff on your go I will start it 3.2 seconds for Jeff on the agility course what was that James no he was right here J starts the timer Zach we might have to have you go again Zach got 2.69 which is way faster than uh Jeff’s 3.2 oh no tractions on these shoes oh I fell so slow there so you had a 3.42 so you were slower though on Zach’s first run he had a 2.69 let’s see if you can beat that damn he’s fast wow wow your second run 2.3 traction traction I think it just felt more stable cuz they’re higher tops so I think the myth that lighter shoes are better for agility is also busted then AG we have tested three different myths related to Footwear but we are now going to move on to shooting myths as the sport has grown people have gone from shooting mostly mid-range jump shots before the three-point line was invented to expanding their range to deeper and deeper from behind the arc we are going to be testing if hand size affects your shooting ability by shooting with three different size basketballs a normal basketball a women’s basketball and a mini hoot basketball before we could test the free throw shooting Miss we had to get our Baseline shooting stats I only managed to hit six out of 10 free throws I’m going to go 9 for 10 no I’m 610 let’s go as did Zach oh [Music] but Jeff managed to make nine out of 10 free throws oh no room for improvement we are now going to be testing with the WNBA ball and the smaller ball for each person people have theorized and debunked that shooting has to do with weight or height but one myth that has stood the test of time is that players with bigger hands struggle to shoot the ball there are exceptions to this rule like kawi Leonard or Victor wanyama but guards who struggle to shoot free throws like Rajan Rondo tend to have bigger hands if the myth is true our free throw percentage will go down with ball three for three once we downsized the WNBA ball I managed to up my free throws to 8 out of 10 we’re not doing the Heckler myth yet all right yes oh yes yes myth is not looking good right now here comes the Catapult oh Jeff dropped to 7 out of 10 and Zach upped all the way to 9 out of 10 Zach is the tiebreaker oh yeah look at that I love the rotation on this ball yeah I do too two just means that big men are lazy yep five six yep wow okay so as a group we shot better with the small ball so we’re going to do one more test and even smaller ball to see if this myth is true or not I don’t think a basketball looks like that in anyone’s hand this is accurate that looked like a big man free throw with the smallest ball I managed to make six out of 10 wo wrong wow 5’9 oh wow okay there’s no way I do better with this ball but Jeff and Zach each only made four out of 10 air probably a mental thing because there was a photo of the Lakers practice and it said Dwight Howard was shooting 86% in practice so how did that hit on the inside of the rim and come out there you go nice okay you did the best James yeah I feel like this myth is busted yeah yall feel that same 100% there’s a lot of Miss relating to free throws the next one is that having a routine makes you shoot free throws better Russell Westbrook used to have a free throw of walking to half court after taking his first free throw but the NBA changed the free throw rues so you cannot leave the circle anymore and Westbrook went from a career 82% free throw shooter to a 69% free throw shooter after the change let’s see if this affects us we already know with our routines that I shot six of 10 Z shot 6 of 10 and Jeff shot 8 of 10 nine of 10 N9 of 10 my bad I kind of have like two free throw routines myself it’s always spinning the ball and then I either do one dribble or I do three dribbles all right Jeff let’s see your routine is that your actual routine the step back yeah every single free throw I did it oh wow all right what is your routine Zach yeah I spin spin two dribble but when I was doing this one one I think I do no spin one dribble so we’re each going to take 10 free throws without a routine oh God doing our free throws without routines resulted in me making only four out of 10 free throws and both Jeff and Zach dropped to six out of 10 free throws see the thing is Zach’s taking his time he’s smart oh never mind I feel like this myth is true yeah yeah all mental I feel like the myth is true but they’re both saying it’s false but we’re on to the final free throw myth which is the crowd affects your free throw percentage boys get whatever you want to make as much noise as possible we each going to take 10 free throws with the other two of us being as obnoxious as possible on the Baseline if I see Jeff has a a lawn mower or a leaf blower I think Zach is getting a microphone like megaphone type thing what up everybody it’s DJ in the building all right boys you’ve assembled everything you have to distract me tell me when you’re ready I’m ready you guys got to be on the Baseline though oh okay that boy hair that boy hair look like some some look at that yeah the mouth all right I’m two and three with Jeff and Zach trying their absolute hardest to make me miss my free throws I still managed to make seven out of 10 which isn’t very good but it’s better than my Baseline was for the day I’m at 6 out of N9 can I get to 10 you got Jeff go you’re not going to make it lvp boom you thought I was getting that rebound did you Jeff could not focus with the crowd his free throws dropped from 9 out of 10 to four out of 10 Jeff I feel like it got to you oh 100% what they don’t know is I have a toddler so I’m used to blocking out [Applause] sounds he’s three of six he’s doing pretty trash I think myth busted because I don’t know about you Zach but I felt like on a normal free throw I’m not trying to like overly focused but with you guys screaming the whole time I’m like taking that breath and it helped me focus more all right we’re on to normal shooting mths now jump shooting has evolved a lot over the years according to the Team USA Basketball website proper way to shoot is with your feet facing the rim completely now I know a lot of us like to go sideways a little bit you should be shoulder width apart legs even facing the basket I I don’t actually think that’s the right way to shoot but that is our country’s official stance on how to shoot a basketball so we’re just going to take five jump shots from each elbow our normal mid-range jump shot and then we’re going to test Team USA style shooting hey guys I had a dead leg that just would not go away so my shooting continued to be bad in this video I only made four out of 10 mid-range shots that’s not how you were shooting a second ago all right but you made it anyway both Jeff and Zach made eight out of 10 on their mid-range jump shots so that is their Baseline shooting ability I feel like all of us to a certain degree we are putting our feet a little bit left I don’t know what my feet do right now we’re going to try the Team USA stance I feel like there’s no way we do better so I feel like for all of us we’re going to have to literally look down at our feet to make sure we’re doing it right already feels weird my hips my hips are hurting with the official America Endor stance I made eight out of 10 you’ve almost made as many as you made last time yeah all right Jeff let’s get those feet straight are you perfectly straight I don’t know you guys tell me it like I’m about Shan Mary in this Jeff made N9 out of 10 all right Z go crazy here go Z oh God and Zach well he made this many out of 10 that might be a me problem oh yeah too I feel like it’s weird to think about your footwork busted confirmed dude it’s all about hero I feel like if you perfectly practiced always aligning your feet straight it would be better I think if majority of people don’t shoot like that probably not a good shooting position the next shooting myth this is also from the Team USA said when you are finishing your flick you should see your fingers at the top of the backboard and hold that until the ball hits the rim I’ve heard it but my release is very low okay yeah mine is like way below the rim I don’t know take a couple practice shots wait till it hits the rim mine mine is Above the Rim but it’s above the backboard yours yours is up above the backboard look yeah so you already shoot like that yeah shooting coaches teach that The Closer you are to the basket the higher your finish should be and the further away you are the lower I don’t I don’t know how to feel about this one I feel like nowadays is more players have a one motion jump shot whereas in the 2000s and the 9s more players had that two motion jump shot and I feel like on the one motion jump shot usually your release is a little bit lower so this might be outdated all right I’m going to say myth what are you saying busted confirmed I don’t mind this one I’ll confirm it I’m rating this myth an 8 out of 10 they say the most important part of jump shooting is confidence what about the jump I would say jumping is more important than confidence I’d say shot is more important than both of those we’re going to take five jump shots where you have to ment I need you to all mentally lock in everyone truly believe you’re going to make five shots so I’ll go first then we’re going to have a depression session I’m going to make this Ray Allen Ray Allen there you go Ray please go ahead Ray Ray go ahead ray ray ray y y Ray R I can’t make anything today hey two of five with confidence all right my leg hurts I haven’t made a shot all day dude you just can’t shoot why are you even why does he have the ball make it teammates how do you feel about me today not good TR TR I’m not going to make it I’m not going to make it yeah you’re not all right I shot the same it had no effect on me all right Jeff full confidence visualize it going in and yep five five yeah all right so Jeff I need you to go to a dark place it’s tough I don’t go here usually your ass dude that helps you got to like support me come on Jeff you can I think you can do it you can do it man I’mma miss a shot psych these shots are totally different Jeff is just so good at Jump shooting the confidence thing didn’t matter I spent my whole life trying to be confident confident Zach you believe in yourself yeah oh yeah he don’t miss that I know exactly oh that was my hand placement okay I need you to go to a deep dark place bro James butthole that is a dark place oh I’m just trying to not care yeah that’s where yeah difference you have to want it so bad there’s nothing you wanted more and it’s so easy it’s free super confident I shot better okay I shot the same we all shot the same it didn’t make any difference I think it’s true I think it’s true look at clay I don’t know I feel like confidence is better than no confidence but I feel like not thinking like you’re not thinking about confidence at all you’re not thinking good or bad sometimes confidence can lead to like cuis which leads to bad shot selection thank you guys for watching this basketball Myth Busters guys which myth did we not test today that you think you’re still wondering H that we did not test today I have a myth I don’t know how to test it cuz none of us are in the NBA I have a theory that when players are not clutch because they have bad stamina I don’t know how to test that but that’s a myth that I would love to see tested BO2 Max yeah Steph Curry has great stamina Drew holiday soccer player crazy stamina make sure to check out Zach’s Channel make sure to check out Jeff’s Channel and click up here to watch one of my last basketball videos I’ll see you in the next one peace

Today @JeffreyBui & @ZackTTG join me on a journey to debunk basketball myths old as the sport itself!

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  1. Psalms 23:5-6
    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

  2. The hand size test wasn’t really a proper test and isn’t something that can be tested unless you grow someone’s hands someway

  3. James please make a Minecraft series again. I really enjoyed the last series and I’d love to watch more!!❤❤

  4. James please make a Minecraft series again. I really enjoyed the last series and I’d love to watch more!!❤❤

  5. James please make a Minecraft series again. I really enjoyed the last series and I’d love to watch more!!❤❤

  6. James please make a Minecraft series again. I really enjoyed the last series and I’d love to watch more!!❤❤

  7. James please make a Minecraft series again. I really enjoyed the last series and I’d love to watch more!!❤❤

  8. When james said you gotta stuff the size 12 insoles into a 13 and a half shoe ??? Uhhhhh 😂😂😂😂 wouldn't it go into the shoe easier 🤔😉

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