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Miami Heat: On the futures of Martin, Highsmith, Love, more | Five on the Floor

Miami Heat: On the futures of Martin, Highsmith, Love, more | Five on the Floor

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they’ll do the damage assessment for you if you get to them a little bit late and they’ll work with your insurance company to get you the best possible money back so check it out water cleanup of Florida if you’ve got the Schmutz they got the guts and now on the floor ride for my dogs where here the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple scars wear bubble frogs just like Buck Say you in trouble yo check the FL play got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust is f have the guts we’re here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan skullet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reasons Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan scull you can follow me Ethan J skulling and five re Sports I got Greg slander you can follow me GRE sander I got Alex Leo you can follow the tropical blanket we hope that you’ve enjoyed all the post-draft coverage we appreciate everybody who’s been on here on the podcast whether it’s Matt Eternal uh some of the others who have joined us Brady’s going to be back with us uh during free agency right now he is literally swimming at the Panthers parade uh he does not get Hazard pay for this because I did not assign him to this uh we do appreciate our guy Alex bomgardner who I do want to mention uh for those of you who are panther fans Alex was with the Panthers the entire season covered at ton of home games covered some road games made the trips to Edmonton all the trips to Edmonton 12 hours uh out there back didn’t see the the championship and then got to see it here make sure you’re following a bomb gutner 91 hopefully he’s going to be with us uh a long time and and check out all of his Panther coverage all right but we’re talking heat today and uh I did an episode with the Turnal kind of resetting things after the draft now we’re going to go forward a little bit there has been some news since the last episode we can tell you also we’re going to be on playback if you’re listening to this before that we’ll be on playback during free agency tonight we’ve got everybody seems to want to join today it’s funny we can’t get anybody to host and then today I’ve got like 15 people so you’re going to check it out uh playback download the app for free uh go on to the five reasons room and hang out and watch the free agent stuff develop today so uh let’s start with this I’m going to go through the list guys of things that have happened uh and where they may stand Uh Kevin Love Has opted out of his contra the report is that he’s looking to sign a different deal with the Miami Heat my expectation is that he resigns but again anytime that anybody opts out you never know he’s a free agent uh he’s did a very good job for the heat particularly last season uh I do think there’ll be interest in him but I also think there’s strong interest from the heat in bringing him back and having him Mentor the guys the way that he has and also be available maybe this year for more spot Duty than full-time Duty than he was last season the other thing that’s happened is Thomas Bryant has opted out I’m not entirely surprised about that I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world either it seems like he wants more playing time that he’ of course uh drafted khw um that adds another big to the front Court Thomas Bryant really didn’t get consistent playing time last year he had moments but he also showed some of the flaws that we knew he had when he came particularly on the defensive end so I don’t think Thomas Bryant will be back and in a way I think this helps the heat um so that worked out Josh Richardson who was starting to find his way a little bit last year uh particularly on the offens event but the defense was starting to come up a little bit as well then he separated his shoulder didn’t play the rest of the season they replaced him with d Wright and Terry Rosier uh Josh richon has opted in which is something we anticipated and he gets another uh roll of the dice here basically with the heat to see if he can rebuild some value maybe he goes somewhere else next year but he’s a good depth piece for the heat he’s somebody they know and obviously somebody that they like uh Caleb Martin appears to be gone uh that was our anticipation before free agency started this is the max stru thing I think more than the Gabe Vincent thing I don’t think this is particularly close for the heat I think there was an acknowledgement that Caleb was not going to be back he had a choppy season but he’s certainly worth more than the 7.1 million option that he opted out of um they will miss him I know he wanted to stay but even when I spoke to him during the playoffs I got the sense that okay he was probably goingon to follow the Gabe and Max route um and this is look this is what should happen Okay you find a guy like that you develop into something more than you thought he could be he had a much bigger role I remember Brady and I being at the first scrimmage that he was at and both saying wait wait a second that looks like a rotation player uh he turned out to be more than that he was a part-time starter could have been Eastern Conference Finals MVP he’s a great guy if you’ve ever dealt with uh Caleb and I think that uh I think all of us are sort of in agreement here that we wish him the best uh so that’s where things stand right now I know everybody’s going to want to talk about other players we’ll certainly get to that the one other thing we do need to address and I address it a little bit with eternal is the Jimmy Butler situation uh bam outo has gotten his threeyear $166 million extension Jimmy is not going to get his extension now he says he doesn’t want his extension uh this feels more like uh I’m breaking up with you you’re not breaking up with me kind of deal but if you’ve been following me here and us uh on off the floor and on five on the floor we’ve been telling you this was going to happen that most likely the heat would not offer an extension and that probably Jimmy would decide that this was going to be his last year in Miami now he has said publicly that he wants to be in Miami Miami we’ll see I have also said that I don’t think that this is the worst case scenario for either side Jimmy Butler when he’s a free agent if he has a good year is going to be highly sought after and if he has a good year the Miami Heat are going to benefit uh there’s motivation here for Jimmy to play a lot and play well and I think ultimately that’s what you want for this season but I think Heat fans have to prepare for a future without Jimmy Butler at some point here uh guys did I miss anything Greg no I think you about covered it that’s a lot of stuff that’s gone down recently um the Jimmy stuff is interesting especially because it came out right as the BAM extension news hit I thought that that was interesting timing that those news you know those two nuggets were floating around at the same time I want to start off by tempering expectations on free agency start today Miami is not in a position to be big-time free agent players and so I think naturally when you see all the woe bombs and and Shams Shams tweet out what he does you’re going to want to see the heat involved they don’t have really exception money because likely anything that they would use in terms of if they use their um taxpayer exception it will probably go to Haywood High Smith if I had to guess guess versus an outside guy and then it’s veteran minimums it’s Kevin Love coming back maybe uh saving the heat a little bit of money uh shout out to Brian Gos in Miami Heat beat he’s documented all this on Twitter in a great way easily digestible check him out there uh so there’s ways that they can you know bring back Kevin Love Maybe add a couple veteran minimum guys that they immediately Target remember Josh Richardson was fir was on the first day of free agency and we didn’t expect that last year so I think that those are the maybe things to watch early as they try to find guys that are willing to take the vet minimum in a good situation in Miami for a role and that’s kind of how free agency starts and then we have to just watch the trade market that’s where Miami is going to be able to have the most impact as we head into free agency at 6 o’clock today Alex uh so far what you’ve seen what’s the most uh what what in your view is the best news what’s the worst news and what’s the most surprising news um well I guess the most surprising was uh Kevin Love opting out but as you mentioned and has already been covered by others that it’s just you know it seems like a situation where you know he he’ll be back on an extra year maybe at less per per year annually and it allows the heat to save a little bit away from the second apron because God knows it’s terrifying them and the rest of the league but other than that other than that I just feel like um the Jimmy thing is uh you know it’s headed towards a place that I’m not comfortable with and that’s just kind of where I’m at right now because like um you know you mentioned what’s you know what’s the bad news whatever like that’s the bad news that’s the bigger picture here um that report coming out you know like right before the draft the other night that you know he he’s not going to sign an extension anymore even though he can still it’s not like a deadline pass like they can still offer it to him if they if they so please but that signals that it probably probably wasn’t offered and now like you guys mentioned he’s just like kind of getting ahead of it and saying all right you’ve made your decision you know and has like it’s already been put out I’m GNA you know be professional and play this season out and but like we all know where this is headed and Ethan is the one who who’s been talking about it this whole time you know with like well if he doesn’t get the extension he’s just gonna opt out and you know walk next summer and the fact that we’re even like it’s it feels like we’re headed towards that outcome and it’s starting to feel like you know uh it’s kind of snowballing towards that direction and uh that sucks it sucks because there’s been so many good memories out of this run like so many expectations blown out of the water so many great moments and it’s like um you know I don’t how do you how do you build around that have they already like accepted okay this is like the last year of the Jimmy era is that is that what is that what it is now like you just kind of have it in the calendar like this is it with the Jimmy era for the Jimmy window and then after that we just pivot to the young guys right who who you got some now and I don’t know like I just think you know what you’re you’re playing a game where your contention window you’re kind of you know playing around with it and it might be a lot shorter than you might have expected a couple of years ago right or maybe even after last year where you made another finals run it’s like man here we are right just you know a year out where we just like go through this season of Jimmy playing and then he walks like that that’s how this all ends and that’s just kind of how I feel about it and then cayb we already know like I talked about it all season I think it’s just unfortunate you know um to a smaller much smaller extent than the Jimmy situation but comparable like you mentioned to Caleb and Gabe I mean to Gabe and Max excuse me and it’s just like you know three guys who are ration players for you in you know a big finals run and as well as other Playoff runs and it’s just you know it ends very unceremoniously and that’s the theme of kind I just it just you know it it it it leaves you with a sour taste at least at least it does for me because I know everybody or not everybody but a lot of people had moved on from Caleb already and it’s like whatever you know not that high high on him anymore but he was a Conference Finals MVP runner up like that actually happened one of the craziest things that happen in this whole run and it’s like oh man now they’re just going to let him walk because of the second apron and and I understand why but it’s like yeah here we are again you know you’re you’re building up guys you’re you’re turning them into good players you know you end up getting nothing out of them after you know like several playoff runs and they’re just going to go to good teams and do their thing and you know whether it works out or not I just think all of it you know that to a smaller extent but Jimmy to a much bigger extent all of it just ending very unceremoniously is what I feel like it’s it’s headed toward well okay let’s have a discussion about that and uh and maybe we’re going to split this into two episodes actually and and we’ll get into what’s going to happen today uh in the next one because I think this does warrant a discussion um on the Caleb Morton thing I I I think we we’ve got we’ve got to make a choice here okay you know I I I was very outspoken during 16 and 17 in particular about the heat overvaluing guys who they could replace and I so I can’t have it both ways honestly um you know and and trust me people at the heat of reminded me of that and I’m cognizant of it I mean you know you look at the difference between 16 and 17 where they got Deon waiters at what $2.7 million right for one year and they got James Johnson on a make good contract and all that and then you know then the next year you know they overpay guys who I mean let’s be honest I mean Dion had some injuries you know he had some other issues but was ultimately and I know Alex May disagree I he was ultimately replaceable I mean you know Dion is he didn’t do anything after he left Miami let’s just again let’s just be honest uh James Johnson the same uh others the same the the his of this is that when players leave The Heat whether they’re Rodney McGruder or anybody else you don’t really hear from them again um now Max last year uh had a pretty good year in Cleveland there was some dissatisfaction during the playoffs in terms of his consistency which is kind of what we talked about in Miami I think Cleveland fans liked him Gabe of course uh Kendrick nun others I mean there’s really nobody out I mean Derrick Jones it took him like four years to find the right fit uh to end up on a finals team so I you know I I don’t and then we go back to like even like the decision they made to keep PJ tuck keep Caleb and not PJ Tucker because of the circumstances that were involved was the right decision but now I think unfortunately the you know the right decisions are once you maximize these guys I mean unless the guy has unreplaceable skills or Irreplaceable skills I’m sorry um then it’s it’s better to move on than to hamstring yourself in any significant way so I I’m I look I didn’t think Caleb was going to be back I wanted Caleb to be back for selfish reason because personally just I like Caleb I like his game um and and I was hoping they could work it out but it was pretty clear from the start and that’s why I asked him and we played that interview I said have you had conversations with Max and Gabe uh and I’m sure he’s had conversations with Max and I know what Max went through and Max pretty much knew from day one that he was gonna get an offer that was the heat we’re not even going to really look at so I I just think I I just think there needs to be consistency at least for me on this that I’m not going to give them a hard time about not keeping a guy who I mean again was recommended by a rapper I mean I you know I mean anybody in the league could have had Caleb Martin okay uh and and they they maximized him and I guess the only argument Greg and I’ll go to this because I know there’s some in the Twitter sphere who feel very strongly about this part of it is if you’re not GNA keep them then why not this is a more reasonable argument to me if you’re not going to keep them why not get an asset somewhere why at the trade deadline and I argued against I said keep Caleb we thought they were trying to make a run they got Rosier okay so it was kind of like okay you know let’s see what this team looks like but I can understand the other side that says well why not try to get a second round pick when you could have does that make sense I mean I understand the argument I think what’s difficult is that there’s a bundle of context that comes with each player situation and the team situation at the time of when you’d be able to trade them and like if you think back to all these scenarios the heat are typically trying to compete and so it’s sends the complete counterintuitive message to send a contributor away for future assets and then tell the locker room oh well we’re just managing our assets like players don’t want to hear that kind of crap so I I think there’s a balance there maybe they should be a little more opportunistic with finding the right guy to send away when the value is high enough to actually yield something that that makes sense but for the most part I think it’s unrealistic to think that they’re just going to keep flipping these guys and kind of fracturing the locker room over and over again and and sending that message when they’re trying to also compete because that’s talking out of both sides of their mouth as well all right Alex i g to let you get in on this on the other side and and I think what we are going to do here we’re going to discuss love um I want to discuss thean Wright uh so this will be more about their own free agents and then we’re going to produce a short episode after this where we’re going to get into what might happen today so make sure if you download this one the other one will be coming right behind it do want to mention a great sponsor of the five reason Sports Network our friends over at autograph you want to find all your heat content in one place this is where you can do it you can also find episodes of five on the floor there they’re posted there on the app so go to autograph download it for free using the code five FIV they also got great contests on there we once gave away a bam Jersey was 500 bucks we gave it away for $13 we’ll be doing more of that check it out where real fans get unreal rewards go to the App Store and download the autograph app app for free um Alex let’s let’s pivot to another player here uh Kevin Love how important is it that they bring him back honestly um I would say pretty important um I would say you know you want somebody like that back especially now that you’ve drafted Kare um you know just somebody another guy who can help you know Mentor him a bit as he comes up the NBA now but uh more importantly as because you know all the off the court stuff has been talked about with him since he’s been acquired how much he you know he’s he’s helped the locker room and all that um I obviously can’t speak to that but as far as on the court I feel like just having him back you know like you mentioned earlier somebody who maybe doesn’t have to play quite as much who doesn’t have to be relied on every night to do it but can right like I think that is the sweet spot for him and that’s the you know drafting a guy like where is I I see the vision partly because we’ seen the limits with Kevin Love it’s like he’s just he’s been this great piece um great again off the court locker room Edition all that on the court has really helped uh you know those Jimmy K LOVE units this year were pretty much their best lineups and have been since he’s been here like that it’s more so than like him playing next to Bam which I think is what a lot of people were excited for uh when he got here and and you really saw it like only that time when he got here and not much since because like those Jimmy and Kevin Love units have been so valuable to him right like having a guy who can actually space the floor and is a threat and teams are scared to leave him open out there as you’re big right and it’s just it gives Jimmy so much more space to work with and so bringing him back for that alone I would say is valuable especially when you’re talking about getting a guy around the vet minimum like I think that’s a pretty good value ad and as we know you know with the the newer CBA like these these value additions are important right and I think that’s part of the reasoning behind their draft in a in a way because I know that like they could have gone with a 23y old and Dalton connect or Tristan D Silva with that first round pick but when you look at the totality of the the players they got they kind of addressed like different roles different holes you might say and uh you know I feel like they’re looking at this draft class as like like and and not to mention maybe one or two of these undrafted guys as guys who could help you know in the as far as being just like a value ad and having them at a nice little contract like I think they’re they’re you know that influenced their thinking with like like maybe getting a guy like kashad Johnson as a guy who could be a wing replacement I think that influenced their decision with you know drafting Pelle Larson and then I also wonder if you know the Jimmy stuff maybe took took away some importance from drafting two guys who could help you right away right now who are both polished right away right now because I think where will right but you know um they got a guy who kind of you know they they they they they were trying to do two things with one pick there because like they got a productive guy who’s also really athletic and still young right so I feel like they’re trying to play both sides of the timeline there and regardless like you know you solidified your front Court you solidified a couple more pieces there that I think they they’re excited to add to their program but in the meantime you need guys like Kevin Love you need those Band-Aids and I think he still got a little bit more um to give so even though you don’t want to play him too late in you know against some of the best teams in a playoff series you need what he gives you from now till then Greg um one guy we haven’t talked about is Haywood heith uh and another is dlon Wright uh there hasn’t been a lot of news on Wright so far I I would anticipate that he would have interest in retaining him particularly the way he came on at the end at the vent minimum right so maybe let him explore his Market but I kind of feel like that’s somebody that they Circle back to um let’s discuss Haywood here uh what what is reasonable for him because he’s not Irreplaceable I don’t want to say that particularly if they’re going to try to go a little bigger in the front Court then you’re going to have to play Haywood more I again I I know Sean’s going to get I always say this Sean you’re going to get on me about positions but they’re going to have to play him more as a three maybe there may not be the minutes uh up front particularly if they resign love then you’re talking about you’ve got yic and again if there’s no major trade you’re talking about you know bam yic uh wear and and love there not a lot of room there so but you don’t have Martin anymore so you have you need somebody to and again if they’re going to go with a Rosier hero back court I mean God help them defensively they’re going to need somebody to uh to guard guard the quick guards there at times um so what what would what would be reasonable it seems like it’s trending towards him coming back what’s a reasonable number there so this is interesting with him because um you’re right they’re likely GNA put a number up draw a line in the sand and not go over that number and that’s just how they’re going to approach and I bet you it’ll be somewhere around the non-t taxpayer mid level somewhere in the $5 A5 million dollar range maybe they’ll try to get a little under that per year um for multiple years and they’re gonna have to hope that there isn’t a team out there that wants to use a portion of or all of their non-tax pyramid level that’s kind of what I think Caleb will go for which is you know almost $1 13 million or so 12 point something um we’re rounding up on today’s show uh that is where I think Caleb um will they just have to hope heith doesn’t get an offer similar to that or above the number that they set because even even if they do their veteran minimum additions to round out the roster uh it looks like they’re only going to be nine 10 million away from the second apron once they’re done with that so they can’t have a team come in and offer Haywood Highsmith you know 9 million a year they just can’t afford that kind to be that close so they’re gonna have to hope for it to be more non-t taxpayer um or the excuse me taxpayer mid level which is you know five and a halfs somewhere in that range hopefully it comes down bit you try to get a HomeTown discount for a guy that you’ve cultivated and it appears he wants to be there I think that that could be something that gets done early but there only needs to be one team that offers more and then you’re kind of in a in a tough spot with them all right we’re going to close this one here uh I do want to mention a couple things on heith first thing uh he he has a very specific skill sets I I you know with Caleb like you can see what the market would be like I think people could a lot of teams could project Caleb as potentially a starting Wing or maybe a sixth or seventh man Swiss Army type like there’s a lot of teams I think Caleb would fit on like different style type teams I kind of feel like there’s a very limited number of teams that Haywood would really I mean I’m I’m afraid that if he goes somewhere else he becomes a Rodney McGruder that we never really hear from again like if he goes to a bad team there’s no fit there it’s it’s like the conversation I talk to when I talk to Shane Bader he’s like listen listen I needed to be on the right team he’s like you put me on a bad team I’m useless there’s no point to me I’mma plug the holes on a good team player and that’s what Haywood is and I think he understands that and the second thing is uh and I will say this because she’s broken more news than I have lately uh my daughter was at heat camp this past week and Haywood was the featured guest on Tuesday and she said Daddy don’t worry he’s coming back he told everybody is’s staying in Miami all right so we’ll so blame her but don’t blame her anyway we’re going to do another episode here uh in a second after you consume this one make sure you check out the next one thanks to our sponsors of this one autograph use the code 5 FIV uh and also water cleanup of Florida we’ll be right back with you thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the F and Sports Network after all someone needs to listen to my dad

As free agency approaches, Ethan, Greg and Alex discuss the latest developments on the Miami Heat’s own free agents — starting with Caleb Martin and Kevin Love.

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  1. Sorry to say this but i think the only way we could save this jimmy build is to some how manage to trade for Mitchell or maybe Trae Yong "maybe " but right now looks like we're going to run back again and get ready to build around Bam for next year when jimmy leaves

  2. What makes anybody think this front office won’t do to Bam the same they did to Wade after 2006, and Jimmy after the 2020 finals? I’m not an expert on anything, but it seems to me the objective is very clear.

    1. Build a roster with the min $$$ possible to avoid tax
    2.Spend some money to show changes
    3. pray that Spo makes something out of the stuff his granted with that fans will be stupid enough to continue watching this, happy to have anything and live off of the memories of a past games 7

    Nothing I’ve seen so far (since we got trampled by the celtics) says we’re not on target to be the slowest team in the league. That our top paid players are not going to come out looking disinterested. This last one is egregious…. Getting paid millions to play basketball, and looking in the court that they’re not interested enough. I don’t know how many of us in this country can afford that.

  3. This franchise is just selling tickets. Fools will hold on to those Finals appearances but these rosters would’ve been 1st round exits if they were out West. It’s ironic the use the “culture” slogan on a season that they threw away games

  4. I hate this front office, Tyler should’ve been gone. A bam and Herro build gets us the play in every year. Good luck! I’m done when Jimmy goes

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