@Phoenix Suns



with the 22nd pick in the 202 24 28 yes that’s right Ryan dun yeah we got him they got the guy we [Applause] [Music] wanted I’m a little torn here I like both pics if they were to get collect or Dunn I I prefer dun I think what dun brings is harder to get um I I collect size worries me a little bit but I still I still think he’s the best passer in the country he’s the best pure point guard in the country as far as uh his ability to pass the basketball he can shoot the basketball so I’m happy with either of these picks um if they if they keep it and make this selection but I I can’t believe if if we walk out of here with Dunn at 28 and three second round picks M uh man I don’t think you have a better night I I don’t know if he can go better than that guys I oh [ __ ] G you scam is the pick in all right with the 22nd pick in the 20 24 28 yes that’s right come on G Ryan dun yeah we got him they got the guy we wanted hell yes let’s go g give me some love that is exactly what we had said earlier in the week that we thought that they wanted they get the athletic Wing that can play defense that can also cut and is athletic look I I’m going to read I’m going to read a a expert analysis scouting report to you uh an athlete who runs the floor and finishes with spectacular flare he’s great transition player that has tremendous potential on the defensive end and can run with speed and stamina although he’s an accomplished score he’s not a great shooter he struggles with the derange and consistency and has some difficulty hitting the pull-up jumper okay who is that that’s a lot of guys that sounds like sounds like Ryan dun doesn’t it that sounds exactly like Ryan D you want to know who that was who was it 1999 it was Shawn Maran that said about it Shawn Maran and I’m not saying this guy’s gonna be Shawn Maran but the hope that you look at you look at his three-point shooting you say okay done struggled couldn’t couldn’t do it what shot 30 uh% overall in two years or 20 yeah 22% over two years excuse me uh you look at sha Maron 29 at UNLV shot 18.2% his rookie year in the NBA yeah I get that he may not be able to shoot now that doesn’t mean he can’t develop it and I still think that what he can do in this offense with his cutting ability is great I think they got immense value at this pick what what were his strengths that you liked in this draft I’m giddy man you man listen again 67 and a half 71 wingspan 214 a guy that can play on ball defense off ball defense will will try to will block shots will help you on the offensive glass the defensive glass he’s a great back door cutter um he he will put pressure on the rim he will attack the baset he’s got a good IQ his the flaw with this kid is very simp Le he’s not a great three-point shooter and he shot 53% from the free throw line I know that scares people but I’m telling you you could not find a better fit for this kid if I was this kid’s agent I am so damn happy because I’m like you’re getting the go play with Devin Booker Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal and Grayson Allen and Royce O’Neal and and Damen Lee if he Ops in and God knows who else comes and those guys will shoot the threes and your ass will bring everything that this team is missing defensively athletically getting younger G I’m I’m [ __ ] giddy g not J PA look look I you look at this and you go you you checked off one of your big boxes for the off season athletic Wing that can play great defense you you got probably the best defender in this draft at 28 after you traded down right that’s a crazy thing to me because I think I think guys would have been happy happy with him at 22 yes I I think people would have been some people would have been thrilled you get him at 28 you pick up three second round picks I think you accomplished everything that you could have hoped to on night one of the NBA draft look this kid motion that’s cool and he could have multiple all defensive Selections in his future just because like we’ve said he’s a pterodactyl in terms of that 7 foot one wingspan the way he makes plays defensively all over the court he can blow up a def an offensive play from anywhere on the court in terms of at the pick and roll at The Rim uh you know being a free safety and picking off passing Lanes he is incredible on the defensive side of the floor there will be offensive concerns the shooting concern the lack of a handle or or really much offense in general outside of right at The Rim uh but if you put the right amount of shooting around him if you teach him how to be an elite screener roller uh finisher and transition all things he did shoot a really high percentage at the basket so uh this is a really good pick in terms of addressing their need for defensive length athleticism all that good stuff right I mean yeah I’m guys I am ecstatic I am ecstatic listen when you when you have when you’re in I’m sorry ESO I don’t want to cut you off good but when you’re evaluating players and you’re in the NBA draft and especially when you’re the Phoenix Suns with a late first round pick the the dream scenario is to come off come out the draft with a player that you can say yo this guy could be the best at some like cam Johnson when we made that pick people said it was a reach I remember saying I think it was a reach but this guy might be the best shooter in the draft right man we might have the best defensive player in this whole draft and you got him at 28 and you also added three second round picks to the mix man what was it what would you say G you you made an interesting comment you said that you read an evaluation that said this guy Scout said he could he had one the highest def from multiple draft experts when I was doing my research on these different guys because you look at different mocks and see where they have them going and how they evaluate different prospects and multiple one said this is if not the best defensive prospect I’ve ever evaluated one of the best so I mean this is an elite defensive playmaker and the Suns needed that they needed someone I know he’s a rookie so he’s not going to come in maybe starting lineup and you know alleviate that burden from Kevin Durant but if you need a stop you no longer have to turn to Kevin Durant and say we need you to stop this guy or or an older Royce O’Neal and say we need you to stop this guy you have a guy who’s gonna come in inject athleticism inject length um and high motor high defensive instincts and skill set into your lineup wherever he winds up playing do you think he gets on the floor with the with the offensive limitations do do you think there is a defined role with this bench unit that that this guy can play or minutes with the with some of the starters that he can play is is it is it possible because yeah we obviously know that teams are not going to focus on him at all on the offensive side right the the hard part is obviously that he not that him and Josh aogi are the same but similar to aogi because of the lack of shooting at this point he would be optimized if you had him with the starters um just because if you look at the shooting of Devin Booker Bradley Beal Kevin Durant that’s obviously easier to space the floor so you are gonna have to I I Envision him being a bench player in year one obviously um you’re gonna have to surround that bench with enough shooting hopefully you find someone that can maybe move Grayson Allen to the bench so you have a shooter in that respect who can help space the floor around him uh a big who maybe can space the floor because Ryan Dunn at this point if you have him next to a rim rolling Center who doesn’t really have gravity that makes things complicated so like I said this is a very fit dependent pick but I think the Suns have enough shoot like they were a good shooting team last year they just need to shoot more of them and if you’re playing in Mike buers hoer system I imagine that they’ll be able to do that like I I think that’s going to be the focus is get up more threes and in that environment I think dun has a better chance you got you got Law and Order dun dun I’m good I I love it man and and here’s the thing too guys um I I agree G he’s gonna be a bench guy I think he’ll I think his defense will allow him to have a chance to be a rotation guy um when it all shakes out but you you’re talking about a guy that my phone calls my conversations my evaluations people were raving about how he was working out and espo the shot concern in the workouts weren’t as Extreme as I’ve heard like I heard that he shot the ball really well G in some of these workouts and so you you see that mechanically there’s it can be you know he can make the shot it can get better um man espo man he’s pumped I am pumped man because you know you know we talk we’ve been talking about this now a couple weeks right we’ll pull back the curtain go I’m sorry uh no I’m going along with what you said Monday night a couple nights ago yeah I was still leaning K and you said no listen to me let me let me tell you why if Dunn is on the board Dunn’s your guy we were talking yeah probably 22 at this point you know or potentially trading back and you mapped it out in terms of showing some of those those defensive plays of Virginia uh showing the comps that people talking about herb Jones herb Jones herb Jones and his struggles shooting early and in college and then what he was able to do what have the what have people been saying that the Suns need they need a herb Jones they need they need a Jaden mcdel they need they need that guy that can be disruptive defensively and do enough offensively yeah I think he can get there doing enough offensively and we sure as hell know B on what we’ve seen that he can do it defensively in the last 25 years at Virginia yeah uh only only one player Ryan Dunn has had 50 block or 50 blocks and 40 steals in a season this kid can do it defensively is a defensive machine they’ve always had been

The Suns traded back and selected Virginia’s Ryan Dunn with the 28th pick in the 2024 NBA Draft, the PHNX Suns podcast gave their instant reactions!

#NBADraft #RyanDunn #KevinDurant #Durant #KD #DevinBooker #Booker #Book #BradleyBeal #Beal #PhoenixSuns #Phoenix #NBA #basketball #Big3 #hoops #sports #BolBol #GraysonAllen #JusufNurkic #Budenholzer



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  1. We drafted a guy who is going to unplayable in the playoffs lol 20% from 3 is laughable all teams gonna do double kd and book Beal and leave him open

  2. The Suns should lock him in the gym with a shooting coach and make him shoot 100 free throws and 100 3 pointers every single day until it pays dividends.

  3. He had 49 jump shot attempts the whole season, that’s insane, he’s not a basketball player, he’s an athlete and a wasted pick.

  4. What need was filled? We wanted a point of attack point guard or a lop threat, rim protecting big, got a taller 6’6 Josh okogie, pointless literally pointless

  5. Perfect pick!! The elite defensive length and abilty. Definitely needed. We had difficulty guarding the Luka's and Ant man in the West. Those guys threaded us this year. KD is too old to be guarding the other teams best wings. This was a great pic. The offense will come and will not be shocked if he starts by all-star break. He's that much of a difference on the defensive end!!

  6. Shoulda got filipowski…hopefully we still can and let jusuf go or he can come off the bench…filipowki fits perfect. 7ft1. Amazing shooter. Good size

  7. Horrible shooters don't make it in the NBA this was a massive miss. Taller Josh Okogie and worse offensive player its feeling like Landry Shammot nightmare again.

  8. Suns are. It's another 6ft 6 guy they have full roaster of them no power forward suns are soft will never win

  9. Anyone else worried that he might just be the exact same type of wing on our roster who plays defense but can’t do anything on offense? Okogie, Little, Roddy, etc. I mean, those guys don’t play for a reason.

  10. I really would like to enjoy this show but the language and dropping Fbombs and other makes it where this isn't alright to have on in my home! SAD!

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