@Oklahoma City Thunder

iHart and Shai following each other now 👀

iHart and Shai following each other now 👀

by LoxDnw


  1. BeautifulArtichoke1

    Was Ihart not following him before this? I saw the post the other day about shai following him but hadn’t seen that he followed back til now..?

  2. BidenAndElmo

    Man with all the hope in the world gains additional bit of hope he didn’t know he had

  3. Adorable-Flamingo-32

    Plz dont jinx this 😭😭🙏🙏

  4. carvemynuts

    Sam Presti aint going back without iHart. Prolly 4 years 90m

  5. OklahomaRuns

    I’m getting a little nervous at this point. If no announcement comes tonight I don’t feel great about this.

  6. MorphinMajor

    I cannot believe we’re doing this again after what I said last week.

    You can literally check following based on the order of the list cause it goes from most recent to oldest. Hartenstein’s latest following is Pat Bev’s podcast.

    He followed Shai before he even followed the Rockets (his first nba team). We don’t know the connection, prob something Canadian related.

    Y’all gotta stop with this.

  7. ![gif](giphy|plOk4BJPGosPNCmDWI)

    I believe there was an offer. Does iHart take the deal? Feeling Lucky? Im a thunder fan so yes i do!

  8. Derilicte

    The longer this goes on the more unlikely it is that he signs here.
    He wants to stay with the Knicks, and is probably waiting to see how close they can get to our offer.
    Could be we’ve been used.

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