@Sacramento Kings

Chris Webber SAVES Sacramento in Boston! – Kings vs Celtics / 4.4.2003

Chris Webber SAVES Sacramento in Boston! – Kings vs Celtics / 4.4.2003

welcome back once again NBA Friday here on ESPN from the fleet Cent are in Boston the Sacramento Kings are charging in the west against the Boston Celtics who can clinch a playoff birth with a win tonight let’s first have a look at our McDonald’s starting lineups and not a lot of changes from what they have done throughout most of the Season as the lineups work pretty well especially for these Sacramento Kings bbby of course started the season injured but the team hasn’t missed the beat since he came back in can fill it up that’s for sure he’s got a beautiful rotation on his jumper and he does a nice job of directing the team blunt is into the starting lineup as Pierce launches the shot and we should point out the reason is because Tony B has had some problems with a knee and a toe so he has been playing the last a couple of games but missed about a week before that we saw Paul Pierce sit that first jumper John he’s going to get a lot of good looks tonight BBY with a floater along the [Applause] Baseline the problem is the kings are going to get a lot of good looks too yeah that’s the question Jim O’Brien has talked about his defense Bremer launches it looked like a three but foot on the line that’s a deuce yeah that’s the shot I don’t like because it’s the long two you step back two or three Ines you get another Point got a step back a half an inch on that one rememberer trying to stay with bbby into the paint off the Weber ball fake swings it back out BBY with a look that’s a two as well as his toe is just on the line he’s an exceptional shooter John this guy spends a lot of time in the gym he’s a gym rat loves to play the game and it shows one pass David says you don’t want to even think about doing that in the playoffs because it’ll swing a game one game will swing a series Walker puts it on the floor and Weber strips him Christie with it bounce past to bbby takes it to the glass and gets the roll to drop did you see that shot yeah did you see the kind of English he put on it I mean that that had the spin was going the opposite direction of what you’d like to shoot a bank shot blunt with a travel with nobody near him and watches first of all that’s an incredible bounce pass by Doug Krispy but the presence here he’s spinning the ball really the opposite way you would like off the glass and still gets it to go that’s just Talent Weber jump shot is good now unless the Celtics are going to step up a play D and really get in the Sacramento Kings jerseys the kings are going to get wide open looks all night long and their defense was so good in their last outing when they beat Miami held them under 70 points and Pierce gets Stripped by baby walker tries to get back not even close in the easy layup uh you know the back court for the Kings is too good I mean defensively BBY has quick hands Christie moves his feet he has excellent reach as well all these guys play Passing Lanes got to be careful with the basketball Pierce launches a three-pointer that’s a little deep and then out five of five from the field and turnover is part of the problem sto yakovich I’ll tell you what Jim O’Brien might want to get a timeout right now because everything’s going down it done from the outside getting steals pierce with a three that doesn’t go it gets reset by Williams Walker takes Weber away from the hole Pierce slipped Walker ball fake comes to Williams on the Baseline jump shot is good and it’s a three Celtics they shoot more than anyone else and when it’s going their way it works thus far right now it’s not one of six Walker tries to work on sea web and dut walk a SE web wanted to travel but that’s a good move by antoan Walker he keeps his pivot foot he’s able to use it he doesn’t pick the ball up too early and he shows you fundamental basketball Jimmy Jackson right on the line that’s good for two Jim I’m talking to one of the coaches before the game Terry Porter my old teammate he said Jim Jackson’s been a big surprise for him you know he does so many things for for this team and Twan Walker no good I’ll tell you what he’s been doing thus far since he’s been on the floor it’s rebounding and he brings toughness Bremer gets right out Jackson with it now dumps it inside to Weber who lays it up you just can’t make any mistakes against the Kings if you’re out of position in any way they’re going to exploit you rer for three and it’s good AER they’re going to keep shooting them yeah you don’t know if it’s good or bad until you see the results at the end of the night because going one for nine you figure you start taking the ball the basket rimmer steps up and hits a big one are they going to continue to shoot the three ball baby great pass down to Devo and you know vot just took his time laying that ball up he looked like the guy in the old man’s court at the YMCA you’re the guy that still has all the tricks says I don’t have to style you don’t get extra points for Style Bremer another three this one’s not on the Mark devat has it come right to him and BBY wants to push it yeah like like I said John is it a good thing or a bad thing that he hit that last three then bbby draws rain with that and has a look down to the Baseline to the Celtics fans who are giving him grief he wanted a three-point play thought he got hit on his arm he’s five of five from the field he he just should like the way it’s going right now and leave it at that Walker fights his way in see I love that move by Antoine Walker appears not good many a point guard has been drummed out of this league for having the wrong type of nails oh what a pass whoever dakovich man off sea web makes the pass here you see Jimmy Jackson go but you see how Chris Weber uses his body to knock off Walker right there or mcari excuse me and you see that easy layup by ped sakovich it’s it’s all ball movement and really guys accustomed to playing with each other Del tries to scoop It Up and Under no good as dakovich leaks out but T trying to get back and commits the foul what about the two passes by the Kings big men leading their players up the floor I I you don’t see big men pass the ball that way John Scott pards in too with that Wyatt her mustache going you like that I’ll tell you what I won’t say that I like it if you’re walking down an alley in the wild wild west and you see that one coming at you turn and run the other way hey you’re not kid shot clock and a game clock are just about dead even so Celtic’s going to take this thing down down by 10 points right now Pierce 5 seconds left has to go to work takes it hard to the glass ke on all fake Jackson got there in a hurry Delk in for a closer look as Jackson went past him and he knocks down the deuce now Bobby Jackson was going for the steal he almost got it but after he missed it that left the door wide open for Tony Del to get a good [Music] look Jackson Bard sets the screen rolls off of it and then kicks the ball off his shin turlu nice step in to come up with it and get foul right to him the Celtics turning the ball over there’s been a problem tonight eight already the Kings only have three Pierce tries to lose Jackson One Shot no good rebounded by La Grant long is a tough but it’s not very often a team can go big and athletic and when you put Keon Clark out there you’re doing just that oh strong strong move by Eric Williams Eric Williams is a handful in the block he knows how to work with his back to the basket but like you said they can play par and Keon Clark together these guys can compliment each other especially if Pard can give you a couple buckets here and there and that’s gravy and you have a guy that big who’s going to bang and give you a couple jump hooks Del now trying to lose Jackson Williams again working on turku spins and turku comes over over the 15 players 310 games 13 different lineups BBY Miss 27 Jackson 23 that’s Bobby Jackson Pard 56 Weber 15 sto yakovich 10 you’re talking about all stars out of your lineup yeah you know I thought early in the year after they beat New Jersey and Jersey I thought they were a 65 plus win team [Applause] easily you know you know just because of their style and and you see they have so many weapons turkalo is coming off the bench he’s knocking down jumpers getting three-point plays on you Paul’s throwing jump hooks Jimmy Jackson’s hitting threes on you Keon Clark is blocking shots Duncan oh Anon Walker the ball Pard with the screen on Pierce stays with him off the rub turo inside the ark jump shot that’s a guy 69 John fumbling the Basketball picks it up and drops a long jumper on you in two possessions before that he Nails a three-pointer off of kind of a broken play bench scoring is 16-2 in favor of the Kings look at Pard get over with the help defense and the Block Jackson right at Bremer well that was a tough shot you don’t normally see Bobby Jackson try and force the issue like that but he does blindsides that ball well I have to say the advantage goes to the Kings is 610 jumping against 62 inside of Keon Clark look at that pass down well 27 in the league an assist per game well kings hold that the kings move the ball John like it’s painful for them to hold it it’s the deck has turku came up with the rebound Doug Chris’s re entered Jackson from the outside and Bobby Jackson Nails you and one other thing you can’t do when you’re coming down the floor against the Kings is say well you know I have Bobby Jackson or I have Doug chrisy so I’m just going to stay on him I mean you have to scramble on the defensive end to find the open man period can’t let a guy like Bobby Jackson just stand in the corner and shoot a three Walker tries to spin on turkalo again duck under good job to stay with him and it won’t go down Weber gets the rebound no one responded Pierce sets up a three-pointer and that one is good yeah he snuck that one in the in the basket we could see we had a perfect angle looked like it was off to the right it sure did Weber with the ball fak and dishing theal to get shoved by Williams under Whoever thought he was fouled oh and that bounce pass that pierce tried to get into Bremer was picked off by bbby saw it all the way yeah B’s just too quick in the open floor we if you’re going to leave me open by 5et you can bury that all day long just one the Celtics think they’ve caught a break they have another break go against them on the other end you cannot leave Chris Weber open from 12 ft away shot clock was down to seven Walker loses it sto yakovich lines up a three-pointer that’s good in transition what kind of shot is that and he comes down three on three in transition just pulls up for a three ball with the utmost confidence just [Applause] scary but T from outside draws nothing but the floor and then it’s SA by Williams but right to sto yakovich not chrisy he was making that pass to Williams oh how about that rifle in there BBY to Weber and you see BBY had a wide open look there wasn’t anybody within 10 ft of him and instead he gives the ball up to the big ticket I mean it becomes contagious when you move the ball like that and it’s so good for your comaraderie it’s the largest lead of the game right now Walker trying to cut into it St Yakov staying with him now we’re seeing some one-on-one play Walker’s floater is good he just got tired of it so I’m going to take this possession over and you know again when he wants to go inside with that bulk and with that Talent there’s not a lot of players in this league that can stop him in the low block area Devo in for a closer look swings it out sto yakovich for three and it’s good you know how do you defend against that again John because you have a guy who’s penetrating and he looks like he has a wide open layup that sucks your defense in then he throws it 25 ft out and it’s money when it gets out there too well Pierce trying to create something that’s not there but T was not even looking for that pass he’s going to come out and give you 30 points anyways bad back and all he’s going to have an off night with a bad back and only come up with 32 or three yeah well I I must say that Tracy McGrady has converted me this year I told you he would he’s he’s something else bbby now at the free throw line finds Doug Christie jump shot is good yeah well you got your breaks early on the Sacramento starts rolling [Music] again find yourself down 20 Eric Williams trying to muscle in but ke with a tremendous follow pitch on the switch from the free throw line Pierce shot no good Williams thought he had the rebounds to yakovich knocked it out of his hands from behind even Sacramento now they’re kind of walking up off the floor they’re not full of a lot of energy now both teams are playing as if the game was over after the first half exactly Chris Weber though Walker Williams turns around good move on the Baseline he’s look good tonight offensively yeah in the low block area whenever he’s been able to touch the ball he’s established it’s a scoring presence that’s the good news bad news is the Celtics now have 11 assists and 15 turnover Weber trying to work Walker off on his left finds Pierce on the right Christie goes down no call and bl with the flush now come back and get a stop if you’re if you’re the Celtics you knew vlady was going to come with something clever I look at that in and out by Paul Pierce Walker ball fake then drives down the lane trying to create something that’s not there gets it back goes up gets blocked by DX Williams to pierce three-pointer is good and that’ll get him excited you just effort Anto Walker keeping the ball alive on the glass fighting for an extra possession Weber’s jump shot rattles round and drops down yeah and then and then you get a jumper right back down your throat how about this Sean wday night against Miami for the game Boston allowed 62 points they’ve allowed 68 already to this Sacramento Kings team even though he’s out there he doesn’t look 100% to me he’s still hobbling a little bit getting up and down the floor and he’s a guy at that power forward spot who can outrun a lot of other power forwards in this Le oh Pierce jump shot over top of Doug Christie that’s a good battle you know Christie knows his role he’s not going out there trying to score a bunch of points he’s going to take him when he can get him but he’s out there to play defense and then Walker to read that lob into Chris Weber but bbby gets back and strips it the other way yeah Celtics just can’t get a [Applause] break Weber now into the trees off the glass and good yeah you know you watch Chris Weber the last four or five possessions he’s kind of forgot about passing the ball he’s trying to take it at the Celtics defense Bibby now has six steals in the game so having a great night mccardy to pierce and Pierce is stripped by Doug chrisy and behind him so Doug chrisy is out of the game right now so perhaps a chance to turn up the offensive end with the best defender out wow home Pierce says boys get on my back let’s go ouch that’s how you put it down that’s how you drive the Baseline like you want to score the buttet and no coincidence Doug Christie’s on the bench when that happens seeing everybody involved or knock down some jumpers take care of the basketball get in some kind of Rhythm and Twan Walker swings it out to Del there you go good B corner mccardy for three and it’s good for Boston it’s Pierce and Walker again Pierce comes up with a jump shot that’s good and now you have a ball game now the Celtics want to play defense well David you’re absolutely correct you could see it in the way they played in the first few minutes of the third quarter there just was no bounce in the steps of the Kings they were lucky though that the Celtics kept missing early Pierce looks to drive and get it’s fouled by Clark coming down the stretch in the playoffs in the Western Conference Finals they got two Cavalier with the basketball you know there’s times to make certain passes there time to leave those passes alone there’s times to execute like that time Chris Weber taking care of the basketball and getting the job done but you cannot go through these lows and you can’t have these kind of Ls haunt you come playoff time it’s overconfidence here’s almost lost it Jim Jackson staying with him into the corner mccardy around turkalo Antoine Walker five and a shot clock got to go to work dumps down to Mardi who hammers it home well his only problem is he’s waiting too long for that shot he’s waiting for that ball to swing around he was anxious to shoot that ball before he even caught it get better ball movement he steps into that shot and he knocks it down Bobby Jackson trying to create he does got the ball on his shoulder then kissed it off the glass and that shows you Bobby Jackson with the basketball he’s like the Tasmanian devil I he’s going all over the place super high energy and on top of that he’s extremely talented Pierce drives and gets fouled by Jimmy Jackson but he he just doesn’t care he’s going to get himself to the basket somehow and Pierce much like Allen Iverson is a fourth quarter kind of guy matter of fact second to Iverson and number of points that are scored in the fourth quarter that says a lot about what kind of competitor you are [Applause] turkalo puts it on the floor Keon Clark turns the face anine Walker spins him Walker stays right there shot no good Weber’s up for the rebound keeps it alive and knocks it to [Applause] Jackson Weber open look pass to Jimmy Jackson fights it up and drops it over the iron wow great defense great offense Antoine Walker did a tremendous job at the beginning of that possession on Keon Clark not allowing him to get to the bucket but they’re unable to come up with the rebound and they get a second chance it’s unselfish basketball that finally comes through for the Kings and after the Celtics got it down to one point it’s a six nothing run for Sacramento Walker turns Weber got his hand on it and knocks it away the mark delt with the rebound Walker’s got pierce with him Pierce takes it up and gets hammered and it dances down lots of times you get up in the air and you like to have that bump because it helps you balance can’t convert the three-point [Applause] play two-point game 6 minutes to go turku had a wide open shot but when Walter mccardy started to run at him he didn’t know what he wanted to do with it John he just tossed it up there Weber turns and fires and barries it big shot Celtics to score the next six and that’s what your superar does he comes through with a big shot on the road and crunch time in the guts of the game Chris Weber delivers silencing all that criticism about not wanting to take a big shot that’s a big one right there and I’ll tell you what that’s the second consecutive time that he’s done that to end a Celtics run here in the second half C web with a typical night didn’t didn’t work it doesn’t work again Pierce jump shot SC here Here We Go Again two-point lead young fellow he was unable to start an offensive play that possession looked like he wanted to pick a roll couldn’t get anybody up high enough to set a proper screen for him bi in a double team steps through Jim Jackson no good tacked around by Deo sent in that’s because you have so many people cutting to the basket your Defenders are not in position to get that rebound and vah deok has a free shot down the lane Jim Jackson doing a nice job of denial on Pierce he has it now shot clock at eight Walker closer look out to Bremer corner to mccardy two on the shot clock Blount releases their bench well you look at things just the opposite to get things going here BBY now trying to enter the ball devot sets the screen little split bbby hits the jumper how beautiful is that splits the pick and roll and stops on a dime elevates and knocks the jumper down like it was an easy shot pierce with it now Pierce is taken over the second half Walter mccardy threep pointer that’s beautiful ball movement and when Walter’s wide open in the corner he’s going to knock a high percentage of those three-pointers down bakovic to devis goes into crowd Jim Jackson has it Weber tacked around Celtics come out of there with it [Applause] Walker Pierce open three good and Weber comes back with the dagger those calls on the road this is where Chris Weber has struggled this year shooting free throws and again but Jim Jackson sneaks in and tips it back in that’s unforgivable if you’re the Celtics yeah it was a bad bounce though In fairness to an Walker he was underneath for the rebound and the ball just came out quickly Pi gets fou as he tries to go to the hole are you watch here there’s Jim Jackson working against Antoine Walker but the ball comes out watch out rattles around pops out on Antoine he’s caught holding Jim Jackson Jim Jackson elevates That’s where Twan needs to use that body to push Jim Jackson out of the lane Pierce gets the first and again this is the guy who number two in makes at the line this year number one in attempts and he gets it back to a two-point game mccardy to Walker thinks about the three Weber out to gam Walker almost loses it bremmer now Celtics got to settle down here final minute Pierce Glides in gets it on the iron P one Paul Pierce but I love the way Antoine Walker came over got the ball from Walter mccardy took their time and they got a good shot Kevin we got some work left to do here you see the situation one-point lead you see the timeouts and now Sacramento plays from behind for the first time since it was 42 and who do they go to Chris Weber suers defense by the way on Anon Walker part just better offense by Chris Weber that’s an eight n foot jump hook I don’t want the ball yeah right yes again folks one point eight points 27 of those have come in the second half alone including 16 of him in the fourth quarter he he just made up his mind that he wanted to take the ball to the basket and there was no one stopping him and no one in this Arena has the ability right now to step up and stop Paul Pierce Bremer has it BBY plays off him pierce with Jimmy Jackson backs him up goes into a crowd and the foul gets called now Weber had a piece from behind Jim Jackson did as well and the foul is on deot who was a guy I thought didn’t foul well here here you see him dancing with the ball in the perimeter you know he’s going to come with that low crossover you see devot there trying to draw the charge but he just kind of falls back and Doug Christie on the bench they’ve elected to leave him there and Pierce really started to take this game over one of the best defenders in the game Doug Krispy went to the bench yeah Doug Krispy can’t be happy about that cuz he feels that he could be out there doing a tremendous job like he did in the first half on Paul Pierce Weber again Walker out on him swings the ball free throw line bounced around Walker comes down hard and commits the foul and Weber comes up empty sto yakovich is forced the foul bremmer and so Bremer steps to the line already nursing a one-point [Applause] lead doesn’t look like a rookie up there does he he hasn’t looked like a rookie in a long time you’re right he makes this it’ll be a three to tie for Sacramento misses it and a timeout called by Rick Adelman I’m looking to give the ball to my St or get Mike BBY open for a shot Weber for a three and it’s good p i me w s wow oh he shot that ball with Supreme confidence that was the guy I thought they’d go to but not a three-pointer this play has Superstar written all over it maybe comes off that pick and roll antoon Walker is kind of half expecting Chris Weber to launch that three that surprises you again when you have a guy that kind of size that steps out beyond the three-point line it throws you off Anon Walker doing a great job there spacing the play cuz he has to step out to stop Mike Bibby then he’s got to get back to his man and that’s an extremely difficult cover as SE web just picks up the ball and drains it no questions asked and the reaction from the Sacramento bench that’s matin Cleaves on the injured list right now and he is fired up and there’s Doug chrisy who’s been spending a lot of time on the bench with foul problems and Weber puts Sacramento back on top I tell you what John nobody better start talking to me about Chris Weber not not wanting to shoot the ball in in the clutch because this place is loud the Celtics fans right now are they’ve been excited they’re froing at the mouth in this fourth quarter and SE web just continues to silence him that was just his fifth three-pointer of the year five of 18 for Weber yet they show the confidence to go to him in that situation Pierce now drives on Jackson backs him up jump shot for the win is short and Sacramento walks off with the victory a sewb just came through in clutch time a superstar performance John

Chris Webber (27 points, 11 rebounds) hits a game winning three in the final 10 seconds, allowing the Kings to escape Boston with a win despite a huge game from Paul Pierce (40 points)

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  1. La passion avec laquelle chacun sโ€™engage dans cette discussion est palpable. C'est contagieux !๐Ÿ˜š

  2. ์˜์›ํ•œ ์ƒˆํฌ๋ผ๋ฉ˜ํ† ์˜ ์˜์›… ๋‚˜์˜ ์˜์›… ํฌ๋ฆฌ์Šค์›จ๋ฒ„!

  3. A lot of people were talking about the 02 team and how deserving they were of a ring. I think this 03 was just as good (when injury free). Still hurts til this day that these kings weren't crowned.

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