@Atlanta Hawks

Skip Bayless Reacts to Hawks’ No. 1 Pick Zaccharie Risacher from France! 🏀 #hawks #nba

Skip Bayless Reacts to Hawks’ No. 1 Pick Zaccharie Risacher from France! 🏀 #hawks #nba

Hawks decided to to take and then trade Luca for Trey young so Paul Pierce looking back how big a blunder do you think it was giving up Luca for Trey and a pick that became cam ready that’s not a blunder skin no I mean you got an Allstar caliber player in Trey young you know what a blunder a blunder no no because think about it they both yeah Luca he’s having a better career of course he’s going to go out all go down as one of the alltime players I get it but a blun is like say my draft you Draft tractor trailer got drafted stop no he got drafted by Milwaukee I mean by the Mavs and you traded him for dirk that was a blunder okay when you drive Sam buy and not draft Jordan that’s a blunder okay like this is not a blunder I mean neither one of us has won a championship yeah it happens every year you’re going to draft a player that’s going to be ahead of another player that you probably could drafted say for instance Steph Curry was there at the seven pick that’s a BL that that right there that’s a blunder he took ball instead of Tatum you took B that’s a blunder you know the Lakers got a history of blunders shut up you could have took brown but who they take who they take instead of brown the year before which brown notame brown jayen brown you took Ingram and Stella of brown those are blunders well Ingram no well not Ingram became an allar that’s not that’s not really a blunder but but I get what you’re saying you know what I’m saying those are blunders like the the you know I mean yeah he’s going to be alltime great but you still got an All-Star player you still got a guy uh who’s giving you 25 plus nine 10 assists you know he’s not a bust you know like when you when you get a player that’s just head and shoulders above the player you could have gotten traded him then you feel a different type of way but not with Trey Young no I don’t think I don’t think it’s a blunder skip number one let’s look at the foundation the foundation starts with the organization right which one to you is a better organization you would say the Dallas Mavs are a better organization to the Atlanta Hawks Atlanta Hawks done been through some stuff right they it’s a whole it’s just it it it’s just better stuff they both have won Luca yeah he helped get his team to the championship this year and I say help because Kyrie was a piece that got them over the hump mhm to bring LCA Al so I ain’t going to just give all the credit to Luca Trey young has yet but they both been to Conference Finals both been the allstar games then when you start getting into the numbers and I understand accolades I I get it from an Accolade standpoint he’s made some all NBA teams and all that sort of stuff but when you look at the numbers they both averaging over 25 points a game they both average over eight assists a game yeah they both shooting around 30 35 36% from three just different one’s bigger than the other but the organization of Luca goes to Atlanta what what what are we looking at they done been through multiple head coaches Lucas had two Trey young that had probably what three now three or four head coaches they just have been through it remember McMillan was was assisted then got kicked up I forgot who he replaced and then Pierce I believe yeah he replaced so Lloyd DS so you you start to look at multiple coaches so that organization is all kind of Lou scratchy around yeah solid organization in Dallas with Mark cubin and Company so it’s just it’s one of those deals where you should more so longevity wise who you think will last longer that’s the question based on body based on size those sorts of things is what I would look at opposed to was it a blunder different situations okay I hear you about the numbers because if you just straight Compare the numbers it’s the same it’s a wash comparable yeah it’s a wash but if I go it test it’s a blunder it’s just a blunder when I look at Luca and then I look at Trey and I look at Luca and I look at Trey I say I I’m sorry it was a big swing in a Miss by the Atlanta Hawks he’s just too good in so many ways he impacts everything you do because he is 67 and again we go back and forth about how tall Trey is you’ve seen him up close to person seems taller you think he’s 6’2 yeah I do and I think he’s six feet and I don’t know he’s probably 6’1 some somewhere in the ballpark but he ain’t 67 like this man is a full 6′ s in tall LC is really tall sure and Luca packs a wallet because I always think he looks out of shape but it works works because he can throw his weight around in the lane and he can bump people off him yeah and score it at will in the paint and again I’ve never been the biggest fan of Luca but he did improve his shot until the finals and then he goes three for his last 24 from three and it won you a championship if he’d made 10 out of those 24 we might be having a different conversation because it might have gone six or seven games but it didn’t I still got on that duck boat you got on the duck booat but to me there was all this talk at the time about at Atlanta with its black population obviously a black center a hub needed a black star and Trey is fun to watch yeah it just doesn’t translate that often into winning basketball games because it’s high turnover he’s led the league in turnovers since he entered the league but Luca is second in turnovers so he’s high turnovers too I got it there’s another thing that’s to say I got it but but Trey is high turnovers poor three-point shooting for the most part Luca can be too but LCA just just score it like CRA think about what you just said you’re trying to cover you trying to cover it up you’re trying to cover it up by saying he can score he can score he can score too both high high turnovers and both got lousy three-pointers they both get exposed on defense yes so if neither one of them end up winning the championship it’s not a blunder I know but I’ll take on defense any night over what’s the difference what’s the difference lcas 67 but he’s still o letting guy here man you go right by me matter go right here it don’t matter listen Trey is the alltime again but again is not but again no Skip it’s all about at the time what is it that Atlanta was looking for yeah you said it you mentioned it they looking for a certain type of guy cultural that would fit and just all of those sort of things box office man and so you got to factor all that into it they probably wanted to run a different style offense you got what Rick Carly wanted to do in Dallas so it’s just you know it I don’t think it’s a blunt on either side yeah I both team it be interesting to see they had Luca drafted a European now they just draft another European Trey young had a run he had to run to the confence real quick on what the point you just my man Mark Ry told me that last night he goes they just took another European I wonder how that’s going to work in Atlanta well well seriously I mean that that’s my first thought when they did it I’m like and you know like okay and then I saw the note this morning and I don’t know re’s game at all so I I don’t know what I’m talking about but I saw a note that just a year ago in the feba championships for the under 19s he played in the championship game with SAR on the team and re s scored zero points in the championship game just last summer last July I think it was was less than a year ago I I don’t know and it seemed to me like what’s wrong with SAR cuz he’s you met him I think had a chance to be 71 and they say re a at six what is 6 8ish I think is is the the classic Wing you know length that have somebody that was a European in Atlanta that that Bal I’m trying to think who it was that was a baller no I don’t know it’ll come to my mind yeah banovich was that it is that who I thought yeah he to play there maybe that’s who it is then I just remember yeah was it ginori he played in Atlanta yeah it was one it was one of the it was a Euro they had that was a baller to me ginari played there all right but but I think right now if you had it to do over you would take Luca I just think you would I don’t think it’s no different you really don’t I I don’t what am I trying to do yeah yeah Ian I think all right so look you know Luca you can win a champ ionship I believe if you put the right pieces around and that’s what they tried to do yeah that’s so I feel the same way about okay what would happen in Dallas this year if it had been Trey and Kyrie in the back court but but they would never do that but you not but you never gonna do that they got jante they got they got deante Murray and and and uh Trey in the back court now so you just would never do that and I don’t know why they would put Deon on the trading block cuz to me he’s a much better both of them could be I know that’s what they’re saying but to me Deonte is a much better allaround basketball player cuz he’s a led the league and steal he can guard multiple positions you know play on or off the H in the back court that be a that’d be a trip man right trip to that would not work bottom right

Skip Bayless Reacts to Hawks’ No. 1 Pick Zaccharie Risacher from France! 🏀 #hawks #nba

Dive into Skip Bayless’ reaction to the Atlanta Hawks selecting Zaccharie Risacher from France as their top pick! 🌟 Explore the implications and potential of this bold draft choice. Stay tuned for more exclusive NBA analysis and updates—subscribe now!

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  1. Luca is way better what yall talking about Luca is the truth he id amazing Trar is okay but whole different level

  2. If Luka would have stayed in Atlanta, Trey would have the same success as Luka having now, and Luka would have what Trey having in Atlanta.

  3. Luka the great white hope, but in reality their numbers are the same. Mavs have surrounded him with better players.

  4. Skip has always hated Trae Young deeply, blamed him for the Sooners not being good the year he played for them. Dude is delusional and hyperbolic but that's kind of his thing and why he has a career.

  5. That was a great move Trae for Luka. Luka is going to have injury problems for the remainder of his career. Trae continues to get better. If Reddish had not been a bust, or if they had gotten a better player, it would have made a bigger difference. Plus they’ve put better players around Luka. Atlanta just changes coaches.

  6. I mean Mavs actually built a team around him Luka had Kyrie Trae had Murray and John Collin’s as his 2nd best players

  7. Luka 6’7 and plays defense just like a 6’1 Trae young 😂😂 Trae led the league in points 2 times b4 and lead the league assist every year but you say Luka can score at will

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