@Golden State Warriors

How The Warriors Ended Their OWN Dynasty…

How The Warriors Ended Their OWN Dynasty…

and that’s it just like that he’s gone he is not here anymore and there are a bunch of things that you can say about this whole situation I will try my best to to keep my thoughts organized in this video but as the title suggests the Golden State Warriors completely mishandled this entire situation I made a video back in I believe November somewhere around there where I said that I would be shocked if the Golden State Warriors did not figure out some sort of contract extension or some sort of New Deal for Klay Thompson before the off season and as the season went on it was becoming more and more apparent that it wasn’t actually going to happen which was pretty concerning considering the fact that throughout the year it was pretty apparent that they weren’t going to be doing anything of value anyway and so me personally I thought it would have been in their best interest to just game plan for next season just make sure that he is locked down and guaranteed to be on the team and I feel like the trade deadline was a pretty big turning point for this whole situation I just rewatched a video that I made right after the trade deadline in which the Golden State Warriors didn’t do anything their only move was trading Corey Joseph to the Indiana Pacers and that was really it after them talking the month leading up to the trade deadline about how everybody was going to be on the table except for Stephen Curry how they were potentially looking to move off of a bunch of contracts Chris Paul not being moved at the trade deadline or at least not even really being attempted to be moved at the trade deadline was was really it it said a lot about their actual mindset about the roster going forward and their thoughts that they would make public pretty much throughout the rest of the season that we still think that this roster can do something special come playoff time things like that even though literally everybody could see that this was going nowhere given that they were the 10 seed and actually out of the plane when the trade deadline actually passed and I understand that there needs to be a team that is willing to take these contracts but it didn’t even really seemed like they were trying to make moves they did try to make the Alex cruso trade of which Chicago was asking for way too much at the time the fact that they were in that situation in terms of not really looking like they were going to be in a position to even compete in a playoff series let alone contend for a championship and they still believed that this roster was the best way to go there should have been a point where like now seeing how this whole situation has transpired it’s really surprising that there was in the point where they were just trying to do anything to get off of some of these contracts that they had Andrew Wiggins possibly Chris Paul definitely should have been traded at the deadline is not a move for the current season it’s a move for next season and the offseason because now you are no longer in the second apron and you have way more flexibility and freedom to do whatever you need to do with this roster and you don’t need to see or wait so long to figure out what you need to do because you are second apron you can’t do anything this whole Klay Thompson Paul George contract situation trade situation whatever you want to call it would have been handled so much differently if they had gotten off of Chris Paul’s contract because now not only are you losing Klay Thompson a franchise Legend who in every single reality should have been retiring on the team you are now potentially losing Chris Paul 4 nothing so as I’m recording this we found out Chris Paul has been waved by the Golden State Warriors they extended his deadline until June 30th it was originally June 28th and they have now decided that it would be in their best interest to just lose him in free agency to nothing so that is definitely interesting that’s definitely a decision so even more news that I am just now I’m literally haven’t even finished editing the audio for this video yet and two more things came out the Chris Paul situation with him being waved earlier was the first thing secondly Chris Haynes just reported that the Chicago Bulls called the Golden State Warriors offering Zack LaVine for Andrew Wiggins and or Chris Paul and the Golden State Warriors rejected any offer that they tried to give and sent Chris Paul into free agency I have no idea there’s nothing that you can actually say to even justify what I just heard like it it’s so insane to me not only are you losing Klay Thompson provided it is now reported that he is probably going to be involved in a s in trade so you’re going to get something in return for him but not to the level of getting the second star that you needed when that opportunity came came up for you to get a second star in Zack LaVine you would rather now lose Chris Paul for nothing rather than trading away Andrew Wiggins or CP3 or possibly both which I feel like that would make more sense from a contract perspective cuz that’s a much cuz I believe that is a smaller discrepancy if you send both of them rather than just one especially if the the one is only Andrew Wiggins but now you are sending Steph Curry off to the Olympics and he is going to come back with possibly a worse roster than last season a team that didn’t make the playoffs nothing that happened within the last hour just made any sense to me and I’m not actually sure what they’re going to do now after all this has happened because now you have to consider per potential player relations might be shot because they’ve seen now how you handle the Klay Thompson contract situation someone who is extremely valuable to your franchise over the last decade players might see that and go I I mean if that’s how they treat clay that’s how they’ handle that situation I I don’t know about that like you just completely cooked yourself for what I don’t know that’s that’s it from Post recording Double D now back to uh me from an hour ago before we knew all of this and I still was only somewhat pissed off I know that I’m going to see some idiots in the fan base hating on clay for not taking a pay cut when as I said before that’s really not even what this whole situation is about it’s not even really about the money anymore it’s how the situation was handled but well will always be a warrior Legend nobody can take that away from him four championships in 8 years coming back from two of the toughest injuries that any athlete can come back from and still being the player that he was especially in 2023 when Steph went down and at some points in 2024 obviously fell off a little bit but still an extremely valuable piece given the amount of attention that he draws on offense and obviously his shooting ability which those two things directly go hand in hand but it is definitely going to be very strange to see him in a different uniform and I am not prepared at all for that next season but in terms of what the Warriors can do now Paul George obviously off the table Brandon Ingram still available but it really doesn’t make sense for the Warriors from just a fit perspective SBI operates mainly in the mid-range which is something that is not really going to work with the Warriors offense all that being said I think this is legitimately the end like there isn’t really much that they can really do at this point other than that to get better obviously if another deal comes along somewhat down the line we can have a conversation about that but you have to consider de bro Steph is 36 turning 37 years old next season while he is still putting up the numbers that he is he is getting old given how he looked in the second half of the Season there’s no telling what he’s going to look like next year I feel like part of the reason why he looked worse towards the back half of the season was because he was having to carry so much of the offensive load but only time will tell with that but yeah I honestly I honestly think this might be it as I said there really isn’t that much that they can do at this point you might as well just have Steph Draymond play their contracts out and then figure out what to do from there if they still want to play or if they decided to hang it up and I mean that sounds kind of depressing but I mean if you’re the Warriors you got to accept reality at at some point a lot of teams in the Western Conference are getting better wemi is going to arrive within the next two years he’s going to in all likelihood have another star player next to him and so it’s going to be the Spurs conference for God knows how long the Minnesota Timberwolves are still existing the Denver Nuggets are still there the Dallas Mavericks still exist and there really isn’t that much that I feel like they can do to be on the level of those teams consistently so again I do feel like this might be it and it kind of all started again with the Warriors front office’s mismanagement of Klay Thompson’s contract which I’m I’m sure that after he retires we will look at that and go mad what could have been it very well could be one of those situations like Tony Parker going to the Hornets randomly for one year which I feel like that’s honestly the main comparison that I’m thinking of a franchise Legend multiple time Champion that just plays for a different team when they realistically should have retired at that franchise that’s about it for me thank you to Klay Thompson for everything that he has done for this organization for me as a fan mental healthwise over the years really really sucks to see him go but with all that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this video subscribe if you’re new hit the Bell to be notified when I upload comment down below what you want to see next and as always I’ll see you guys in the next one

Today we’re going to be talking about Klay Thompson and Chris Paul leaving the Warriors, and how the team has completely ruined their future. If you guys enjoyed this video, be sure to hit the like button and slap the sub button with your nose (also the bell).

Klay Thompson Documentary:

Warriors Redemption Documentary:

Follow pls I need to feed my dolphins:

Instrumentals Used:

Nasty – Luxray

Trigger – LCS & KXVI

Combat is Real – Damma Beatz


  1. Im pissed at this shit organization ever since the trade deadline
    Honestly u can also blame steph, it dosent seem like he ever tries to do anything that has to do with recruitment or makin sure ppl on the team r actually trying .it feels like he comes plays ball and goes home

  2. Naw Joe lacob and green and Kerr screwed the dynasty lacob by not trading the second pick and get a now ready player not surrounding and helping curry prime and draymond and green punch Jordan pool after coming off a championship and the lacob two year timeline crap and Kerr this year by playing saric at five no account of ability on draymond to pull him to side and knock it off and be a leader real coach would of did that and his 4 guard lineup and not playing and starting trayce

  3. Clearly you don't understand how contacts finance works, if they traded for cp3 they must trade him with a package that equal for him money wise, by waving him and letting Klay move they have now a space to sign a max contact player

  4. Drafting Wiseman destroyed Warriors
    Not trading Poole right after winning the Championship for Myles Turner
    Keeping Wiggins instead of trading for defenders
    CP3 instead of a big
    And Coach Kerr wasting young talent by keeping them on the bench

  5. Klay is gone and good riddance to his selfish ass. His many flaws have been exposed for the whole world to see since the injuries robed him off his athleticism. Underneath his once supreme athleticism and shot making ability is a selfish player with little awareness of concepts of team defence or team basketball. He was always a shoot first ask question of think later kind of player. Now there is pretty much thing he brings to the table other than his reputation as one of the best shooters in league history so he still gets guarded like that. But he can't guard in space or down low on the block, once his man beats him he's just as likely to wander around aimlessly rather than make timely rotations. And if he can't even shoot 3s efficiently because he can no longer get the separation he once did and still has awful shot selection then he has almost no value.
    At his current level of production and consistency on both ends 15m per would have been generous considering his age. The 2 for $48 Mil that he turned down was already a massive overpay based on passed achievements and sentimentality.

    The truth for Warriors fans of which I've been one is that the dynasty died when KD walked out the door. That chip in 22 was a confluence of good fortune carried by an all time Steph playoff run. It wasn't the Dynasty reborn it was just a fluke run from a still good team with an all time great player playing at his peak when it mattered.

    Now Free Agency has been a bust if they were hoping to give it one last run because a half decade of dominating the league has made them plenty of enemies no other teams were going to do them any favours.

    Personally I think Joe and Mike must be breathing a sigh of relief. They can say they made honest attempts to get another star and give it another go, but now the pivot towards the future is clear. Paying a stupid payroll and luxury tax for a 10 seed is just not sustainable even with Steph on the team. They won't actually tank and rebuild while Steph is around obviously but objectively they should be trading him and starting the rebuild as fast as possible.

  6. Why would you want zack lavine 150 million dollar contract. He also hasnt been healthy, gsw dont know if that man is healthy, would he even play at the level gsw needs from him?

  7. You’re acting like losing Klay and CP3 is a huge loss. Now the young guys will finally get more minutes.

    Even if we kept Klay, then what? We wouldn’t make the playoffs, at least if Klay does leave Moody, Podz and others guys get more plying time.

  8. Cry baby Thompson can now cry at another teams bench we do not care that guy can’t defend he will get cooked be everyone can’t wait for Steph to drop 50 on his head top and flash him the 4 rings and draymond stomp on his chest 🤣🤣

  9. Did you SEE his last game?? Tell me THAT was a player who wasn't headed out the door. In fact, that was a player who would've been kicked OUT the door, if he had plans of staying. If the W's have future plans to return to the Finals, they weren't doing it with that guy on the roster.

  10. The Warriors loyalty to aging players, overpaying them, and neglecting developing their young guys as a result, is what killed the dynasty. Now they're being pilloried by Klay, and his dickriders, for lack of loyalty. Genuinely hilarious.

  11. It is you who is the idiot here, brah. You are caught up in feelings/sentiments rather than reality of the matter. Klay is not the same! Plus, they already paid him well to suck!! May we all be as fortunate as that Lol 😂

  12. Nah ain’t no way Warriors front office ruined their dynasty. They’ve already established their legacy. Atp, the fans were hoping for their big 3 to retire as Warriors.

    Klay’s ego ruined their big 3 tenure. Yes, he’s still valuable and can still contribute but the Warriors already gave him that loyalty contract. Bro needs to put his pride aside and accept he’s not in his prime anymore

  13. Life is funny, most NBA player stars get payed, party every night, don't allow their co-stars to truly shine and get credit for taking a paycut when they finally want to win a ring. Meanwhile someone like Klay who sacrificed his whole career and spotlight is now greedy and egolistic. The only time I saw this guy partying was a championship parades, now he's egolistic?

    But hey thats life

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