@Los Angeles Clippers

[Tomer Azarly] The Clippers traded the farm to bring Paul George home, acquired as many point guards to help ease the ball-handling responsibilities, had his worst postseason performance in a decade when he was needed most

The Clippers traded the farm to bring Paul George home, acquired as many point guards to help ease the ball-handling responsibilities, had his worst postseason performance in a decade when he was needed most, watched his 2 co-stars take less to build a contender in a restrictive CBA, and left in the end because he could make more elsewhere.


We move on, It is always Clips gang or dont bang.

by JimmyV34


  1. LilTurnippman

    We didn’t trade the farm to bring PG home, we did it for Kawhi. We wouldn’t even have traded for PG if Kawhi didn’t want him.

  2. nepats523

    Jesus, Tomer gonna cook PG into another mental health issue

  3. Salty_Watermelon

    The last point is being overlooked by Sixers fans. PG didn’t go to Philly to win, he went to get paid. If the team loses in the 1st or 2nd round every year of his contract, PG doesn’t care because he got paid.

  4. BroClips35

    Clip gang or don’t bang. I’m a clip fan forever since russ came and will still be after he leaves. Fuck pg haha dudes a fucking snake

  5. LoneSoloist

    why people shitting on PG? Thats on Kawhi, he forced the Clips to trade for PG or hes not signing.

  6. InformalExplorer369

    Honestly can’t blame him for taking 1 year + $50 mil more. It’s not like the Clippers offered the same and he still chose Philly.

    Many of those would’ve done the same. Hell, I’ve switched jobs for a lot less than 50 mil lol

  7. Greedy_Ear_Mike

    O man, here come the hit pieces, lol.

  8. Philly welcome Tobias Harris 2.0 lol. I think I’m the only one not mad at pg get your bag.

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