@Oklahoma City Thunder

The Oklahoma City Thunder Won Day 2 Of NBA Free Agency

The Oklahoma City Thunder Won Day 2 Of NBA Free Agency

they got their big man we knew for weeks now that Isaiah hardstein was somebody that the Oklahoma City of Thunder were targeting by coworker Michael Scot had told me that it seemed more than likely especially after we saw the New York Knicks resign OG anobi and then trade for male Bridges it became highly unlikely that they were going to re sign Isaiah harinstein and now AJ rinowski reports that free agent center Isaiah arnstein has agreed to a three-year 87 million do Isaiah arnstein leaves the Knicks for the top West seed eager to add his size skill and physicality this will allow Chad hen to play power forward and isaah AR sign to be the starting center and then they can also go into small ball lineups where Chad goes back to being the center but it gives them different looks similar to how the kind of how Christ for zingis sometimes to play power forward for the Celtics Chad will do that same thing how Victor weeman a power forward for the Spurs and that’s how I think they want to deploy Chad because he has the nimbleness to do that and Isaiah arenstein he’s one of the they’ve literally brought in two of the League’s best role players and Isaiah hardstein and Alex Caruso while retaining their two role players Aaron Wiggins and Isaiah Joel really really really good job and for me it makes sense it made sense that they went out and they got a big because right now the team Shay L Dort Chad Omen Caruso Kendrick Williams cassam Wallace us man Jen Jay will Jay dub I guess topage and Dylan Jones we got to throw in there and now Isaiah hardstein their front Court Jay will Isaiah hardstein Chad hren I guess Dylan Jones can play a little bit and so can Kenrick Williams can play a little bit of small ball front Court player be small ball front Court players however primarily both of those guys I are more small ball forwards and I really like Isaiah they have a bruising big I wouldn’t be surprised if they go in and get like I think they’re fine with the chat Isaiah and Jay will do they go out and get bring back Mike muscala who somebody that they very much like within the organization or they get bring back a bismack Biondo do they want to bring like a a a big uh to be like the fourth guy I don’t know or like an Xavier Tillman but I think this is a really good move on their part and did they potentially win the first day of free agent I mean not first day the second day of free agency right now they resign two of their players they bring in Isaiah arnstein and I’m waiting for the details of the kraak to come out but my assumption is this three-year deal is similarly structured to Fred Van bleit which means it’s going to be a 2 plus one with the 30y year maybe being non- guaranteed and you’re like what do you mean by that Ser well that means like the first two seasons yes they might have overpaid but the reason they did that is because they’ll be able to maybe they give him in the first two years 30 million each pay him 60 and then the final year you’re only paying him 27 or something where it is 87 what that’s 23 it’s I guess it would be 22 20 it’s like 22.3 a year right I’m also yeah yeah 23 point or 22.3 a year 333 a year is technically what it is so maybe the last year is fully non- guaranteed and it’s a team option so they can get off of it if they wanted to I just look at that and I think the Isaiah arnstein deal is just a such a good one for the OK Colombia City Thunder was a deal that it goes to show this is a loaded Squad they are deep it’s it’s not even funny how good of a team they are [Music] and I don’t know what is your guys’s expectations for the Thunder are they contenders or are they Pretenders but I I definitely want to hear your opinions as I think we we gotten to the point where OKC’s making moves to be cons to be looked at as if they’re Championship contenders but yeah Chad aren isaia arnstein Jay will in the front Court then you obviously have L Dort Usman Jen Kendrick Williams Jay dub Dylan J you also have J A Mitchell who they drafted Alex guso Nicole topage cassan Wallace Shay Gil Alexander and Adam Flagler what a squad yo what’s going on guys and today we here they’re back both of the boys have came back so the exact report we’re hearing from both from both reports are from sham Shania but the report is that free agent sharp shooter Isaiah Joe has agreed to a 4-year $48 million deal which will pay him now average of 12 million well pay an average of $12 million a year and I think that’s one of those things that Isaiah Joe joined OKC after being waved by the 76ers in 2022 and now he gets himself this long-term contract that I I think is obviously something huge for them now outside of that OKC also signed free agent Aaron Wiggins to a 5year $47 million deal which doesn’t that Technic Al mean what 8 * 5 is 40 nine times so that’s like just nine times a little over $9 million a year so like $9.5 million a year which is a significant raise for a key rotational like Swiss army knife for this team and for me I think this is a team that really really really values their their role players and bringing in two guys like this long term you know what’s going to end up happening they’re going to be able to go ahead and put together either down the road if they were let’s say they are a team that goes out and tries to trade for Lowry marke in I’m not saying that these guys would be included but because they have so many pieces like they resigned Kendrick Williams they’ve resigned Lou D they resigned Isaiah Joe they resigned Aaron Wiggins if they do have to give somebody up I feel like they’re R now because they have so many layers of players that it’s it’s ridiculous that how much talent they currently have and that’s what I want to hear your guys’ thoughts when you see a team like the thunder it’s it’s impressive because they’ve been able to do something that I think a lot of teams when you look at their their ability to construct rosters they get kind of scared to to start to put money into players because they don’t want to get stuck but now that they’ve got themselves Jay will J dub who man Jen cassan walls Nicole topish Kendrick Williams Alex Caruso Chad hren L Dort Shay Gil’s Alexander there’s a lot of guy I remember last you remember they brought in Jack White I they did end up cutting him but they gave him money they gave him like $2 and5 million dollar basically to go into training camp so this is a team that two dors locked up till 2026 so Shay Chad alren will his rookie probably extension will kick in that year they’ll extend Caruso in 6 months Kendrick Williams is locked up till 202 2026 to 27 so is cassam Wallace and after that Usman Jang is as well so is Jay will and J dub so is Nicole topic and now with these fouryear extensions you got these guys locked up till 28 29 at Isaiah Joe and Aaron Wiggins Kudos the they did something good so it’s fun

The Oklahoma City Thunder emerged as the big winners on Day 2 of NBA Free Agency by signing Isaiah Hartenstein and re-signing both Isaiah Joe and Aaron Wiggins. Hartenstein, a versatile center known for his rebounding and shot-blocking, adds significant depth to the Thunder’s frontcourt. Isaiah Joe and Aaron Wiggins, who have been key contributors, return on long-term deals, securing the core of the team’s young talent.

What are the details of these signings, and how will they impact the Thunder’s strategy and performance? Join us as we delve into the specifics and discuss the potential outcomes of these moves. Stay updated with the latest NBA news by subscribing to our channel and following us on social media @CyroAsseo.
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I own none of the footage in the video, it is intended for the purposes of critique and education.


  1. Hi my guy! Did U ever sleep? Any ways I am looking to jump on the Thunder band wagon. My hometown Lakers look lost and hopeless….. You have said I-Hart is a game changer but still under the radar for casual fans. He is tough and a locker room culture guy!

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