@Toronto Raptors

[Grange] There is real doubt that Trent will even be offered a deal for the mid-level exception. Trent is almost certainly headed towards becoming an NBA ‘have not’ rather than a member of its upper-middle class. “I don’t even think he’s going to get the mid-level,” said one Eastern Conference GM

[Grange] There is real doubt that Trent will even be offered a deal for the mid-level exception. Trent is almost certainly headed towards becoming an NBA ‘have not’ rather than a member of its upper-middle class. “I don’t even think he’s going to get the mid-level,” said one Eastern Conference GM

by The_Living_L


  1. we really traded Norman Powell for a younger player and Powell is outlasting him lol

  2. Thick-Hospital7738

    Raptors should be offering a MLE imo that’s a good asset 

  3. vis-major

    GTJ was given so many opportunities by the Raptors but failed to show any type of consistency. Even his primary skill which is shooting is wildly inconsistent.

  4. CazOnReddit

    If true, I feel like I’m the only one who’s going to miss him

    Dude was a positive in the locker room and one of the few examples of continuity Scottie has had on the roster in his thus far short time as a Raptor. That and his shooting will be sorely missed – something I feel will only be on full display when we see what the roster has for outside shooting in the season proper.

  5. Potential-Comment960

    He can still play, but in a reduced role.

    I wouldn’t mind the raps bringing him back for like 10 mill on a reduced role.

  6. ZoroChopper10

    He needs to go to big market and get a boost like lakers

    Did well for Malik monk

  7. -WaterIsGreat-

    Keep Gary then if he’s not gonna take a lot of money elsewhere I loved him on the raptors 

  8. Cheechers23

    Gary is gonna get a TPMLE offer from a contender and go there, isn’t he

  9. vaalbarag

    Yeah, he’s sort of in no-man’s land where he’s a not-very-valuable archetype as a pure scoring guard, he’s theoretically got the ideal skillset as a bench scorer, except he’s actually got little history of producing off the bench.

    I did think he’d get offered a little more than MLE by someone… he still might once the other pieces have fallen into place.

  10. cad_internet

    When his shooting is going, he’s more than good enough to stick on any NBA team. But when he’s cold (50/50 chance every game), he’s unplayable.

    I thought his passing actually improved. But he’s an awful rebounder and one of the worst fast break finishers I have ever seen. He’s a G with the big man 2k layup package.

  11. I think we should do mid level for him but that’s just me

  12. Until we figure out what’s going on with Chris and Bruce, the only question is if we offer the last roster spot to Gary or Shead.

    I think we should give Jamal a full spot, and let the two-ways be Chomche, Carlson and someone else.

    So unless we can find a deal for Chris+Bruce for 1 guy worth keeping around, Gary seems like he’s just naturally going to be squeezed out.

  13. motherseffinjones

    Damn I’ve always believed in him and still do to be honest. I figured he’d be a mid level guy but maybe not

  14. Remember part of this sub was so adamant that he’s worth 20m a year? I had to argue with so many that he isn’t getting half of that in the free market

  15. UncleNuks

    I remember watching GTJ in the bubble against the Lakers and he seemed like a dog back then so the Powell deal seemed super reasonable at the time. I still think it was an okay deal but GTJ definitely seems to be at a crossroads – which is weird to say considering he’s only 25, has averaged 14ppg across 6 seasons and is a career 38% 3-point shooter.

    He’s definitely gonna find a roster spot somewhere, it’s just kind of a shame that he couldn’t unlock some other areas of his game over the last couple years (rebounding, playmaking, on ball defence, etc.)

  16. Responsible_Chain551

    There’s chance he will sign with other team and come back with revenge performance! Typical Raptors destiny

  17. catscanmeow

    i wonder if theres something goin on behind the scenes like some sort of character issues that the league knows about but isnt out in the media.

  18. Jesus the hit pieces for Gary are out in full force.

    He’s a good player, goddamn. We gotta AT LEAST defend our boy here. Some dudes talking like he was the worst player in the entire league.

  19. Green-Umpire2297

    There is no reporting on this

    But I think Gary is perceived as one of the main reasons for the failure or the pascal Fred raptors.

    Selfish attitude, selfish play, non-commitment to defensive effort outside of trying to get steals for a year, inability to perform off the bench, or really in any circumstance where 3-4 better players do the work. He’s also a bit of a dirty player.

    Basically, the opposite of norm even though they play a similar role and have similar box scores.

    He could have been a recurring $20m player, like Norm. Now, his reputation is “talented spot up shooter with delusions of grandeur”.

    A major letdown after what seemed like a savvy trade at the time. If they had kept norm, that would’ve been a solid team for masai’s build from the middle approach.

  20. chrisPjelly

    Is that Grange doublespeak for “Take the MLE when we offer it to you, nobody’s gonna offer a deal as good as that to you “

  21. MarginallyClever

    AKA that very Eastern Conference GM is currently negotiating with GTJ’s agent and is trying to drive down his price.

  22. NaNGSTaRx

    He’s too tunnel vision. He will only flourish playing along side a superstar. Someone who can penetrate and dish it out to him for a wide open three.

  23. kevin_lam1203

    Honestly, it might just be the case that you don’t resign him at all and just let him go. It’s not even worth it to resign him. Let him leave and let Dick and Walter develop properly without this huge log jam at the 2. It helps the tank efforts and lets the youth grow properly with experience on the court.

  24. Despite being notoriously hot and cold, GTJ has always expressed how much he loves the city (unlike some other former players) and has been nothing short of a class act. He doesn’t deserve the slander that I see thrown at him here on reddit.

    He has value at the right price, and I’d love to bring him back.

  25. WheeTheNorth

    To me, this looks like Grange speaking for MLSE trying to lower his value so he’ll sign for less. I think he’s going to get a decent bag, but the Raptors obviously would want him for as little as possible.

  26. Vivid_Bluebird6625

    am I the only one that wants him back here, sign him at 10 mill or less. Or give him the full 12.5 mill. 2 year deal. He’s still 25 with a flamethrower, can’t let him walk for nothing. Ja’kobe isn’t going to get a ton of minutes off the bat so what’s the issue? More shooting around Scottie the better, we’ll figure out our forward/big holes later on. We ain’t doing anything else this off-season so might aswell take a flyer on Gary.

  27. They put this out to let him know what’s up. He’s gonna have to take a huge pay cut.

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