@Los Angeles Lakers

[Windhorst] “I think there’s more than three [players LeBron would take a paycut for]. I think DeMar DeRozan is on that list as well, and there may be another one or so.”

Personally – I would LOVE DeMar. He’s not a 3 point shooter, and people saying he fits like Russ but that’s just not true. DD been shooting like 50% from the field and is arguably a top 3 mid range sniper in the NBA today.

His clutch gene the past few seasons has also been unreal.

Brings another big body at the wing position as well.

by BBaron08


  1. ragner11

    Demar is not it man. This will be another Westbrook trade. We need defending, 3pt shooting and/or center. Not mid range specialists that don’t defend.. team ball over iso ball

  2. RushFPS

    DeRozan and Klay are the only ones left he’d do it for imo (I strongly prefer Klay)

    And then trade for one of Grant, Cam, Sexton & Kessler

  3. FaithlessnessSea5153

    My guess is Klay won’t take it so now they are trying to draw interest

  4. CockroachForeign6419

    If we get Derozan I quit being a fan of this sport

  5. BlackedBiJames

    This dude doesn’t have sources. y’all know this is the season reporters get the most engagements? we shouldn’t be posting thought pieces.

    “I think” isn’t reporting

  6. Jsmooove86

    If DeRozan comes to the Lakers then Rui is gone.

    Redundant players and with Lebron you have to stagger them both which leaves Rui the odd man out.

  7. I’m can almost assure if we get DeRozan, everyone’s scoring average goes down. Reaves might not even hit double figures. It’s such a bad fit. Unless he fully commits to a Kuzma type role by running the floor and only shooting it when your open. But I doubt that because that’s not his game.

    Who knows, Orlando or Atlanta might offer him a max deal.

  8. GoalPublic3579

    DeRozan and AD on the same team sounds like three point shooting hell

  9. TorontoRaptors34

    No debo at all he better than Russ but would be a poor fit still. And he not coming otb id rather get Klay he got championship dna. Hell be inspired to rub it into the Warriors. I know he a step slower but he still Klay Thompson and that would be the best shooter LeBron ever played with.

  10. Hyderabadi__Biryani

    I feel DeMar, especially for the salary he would mandate, is a Westbrook type of trade. Midrange Sniper or not, he is a polarizing player who’ll keep the ball to himself for most of the time, and he’s not even a PG.

    Bron is an F who plays a great PG, yet doesn’t keep the ball to himself for this long.

    Its red flags all over, just like DeMar’s jersey colours in Chicago and Toronto.

    Good player, not for our current team composition though.

    I’ll much rather have a half good C who will bang tough against Jokic or other elite centres for 7-8 minutes.

  11. justredditting1010

    GTJ and Goga splitting the MLE might be best at this point

  12. sezyHena

    He’s not a 3 point shooter…but he CAN shoot the 3

  13. heshouldgo

    Why do people post any of these reporters when have 0 sources lmao

  14. lol, Windy making that dumb shit up. Derozen is a terrible fit.

  15. elsavador3

    Man maybe Bron isn’t a good GM. NO TO DEROZAN

  16. ChiefRicimer

    Would rather get GTJ and Grant if they’re still available

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