@Los Angeles Lakers

Los Angeles Lakers GENIUS Plan REVEALED After Klay Thompson & Jerami Grant Update | NBA Free Agency

Los Angeles Lakers GENIUS Plan REVEALED After Klay Thompson & Jerami Grant Update | NBA Free Agency

NBA free agency has officially kicked off and to many fans disappointment it most definitely didn’t get off to its usual hot start with Adrian W narowski and Sham shiria firing away with breaking news like we’ve grown accustomed to instead players like Chris Paul Jonas valent chunes kavus cow pop Andre Drummond were one of the few players to join new teams all while the rest of the league continues to patiently wait on bigger name stars to make their decision one of those bigger name Stars being Klay Thompson who is witnessing his list of potential Landing destinations dwindle with the Orlando Magic just signing canavis Cowell Pope who plays the same position as Thompson although day want a free agency didn’t necessarily pan out the way that fans of the purple and gold would have hoped looking at the NBA landscape Rob linol the front office are in Prime position to make a tremendous amount of noise in the upcoming days but before we dive into the specifics and connect the dots on a couple of significant Laker reports that have flown under the radar in the midst of all the other transactions going down the league let me know down in the comment section below with several of the Lakers offseason targets now off the board what would your ideal Lakers offseason be with the talent that remains in the free agency pool and trade market with Jonas valent chunes and James Harden both finding new deals on day one of free agency the Lakers will be going all in on recruiting Klay Thompson as their sole remaining wordfall candidate that LeBron James reportedly would be willing to take a pay cut for the good news is the Lakers have plenty of factors working their favor between the strong familial ties with his father being a former Laker and current Laker radio host the close proximity between his current living situation in Los Angeles and arguably most important the Leer’s roster offers the strongest Superstar Duo along with Supporting Cast to pair up with rarely do free agents come across a situation that checks off all the boxes of aligning with personal life while also being a convenient move and joining a team where instant title contention would be in play whether fans like the idea of it or not Klay Thompson’s clearly plan a for the Los Angeles League Lakers as no report exists of having interest in any other free agents at the moment the lack of free agency activity tied to Los Angeles Lakers up until this point shouldn’t be seen as a concern though because even if the roster as is the Lakers have a plethora of assets to make some Blockbuster moves and fans already got sneak peek into that in the hours leading up to the star free agency with reports that the Lakers are working with the Portland Trailblazers to find a deal to land veteran forward Jeremy Grant and then shortly afterwards it was separately reported the Lakers have expressed strong interest in Milwaukee Bucks starting center and former Laker Brook Lopez between Jeremy Grant and Brook Lopez that’s roughly $52 Million worth of salary which the Lakers could easily cover between the contracts of DeAndre Russell Roy haimura Jared Vanderbilt and Gabe Vincent then take into consideration young assets such as Dalton connect and a pair of future first- round picks the Lakers front office could leverage to sweeten the pot and the next thing you know fans will realize the Lakers actually have more than enough assets to get a deal done if they really wanted to now taking a step back it’s pretty evident the Lakers priority for 2024 off season is to sign Klay Thompson at the mid-level exception and then leveraged her put of team-friendly deals and tradeable future first round picks to bring on board complimentary win out veterans in the form of Jeremy Grant and Brook Lopez if all the cards fall into place and plan a for the Los Angeles Lakers comes to fruition the Lakers will be looking at a revamp rotation highlighted by LeBron James Anthony Davis Jeremy Grant clay Thompson Brook Lopez Austin ree Max Christie and then whoever else the front office is able to fill the roster with so let me know down the comment section below with the startup free agency coming and going what is your current ideal blueprint for the Los Angeles leakers 2024 off season but that’s it for the video take it easy guys Jeremy uh Jason Qui with the athletic it seems like in today’s NBA that relationships are important for players be playing and it it sounds like you and Dame kind of forged the foundation of a friendship at Team USA what what was it that you kind of identified that hey I click with this guy uh just the way he acts uh he’s real he’s a real person um a lot of times you don’t really get that with a bunch of other players and people that you you’re around U so we kind of clicked pretty pretty fast um and since then um we’ve been bu in our relationship and it’ll just go further from here and just knowing him like you do can you gauge what his motivation is like right now yeah he’s um he’s locked in for sure uh he’s definitely ready to to come back this year and and win and um and do a lot and and I’m the same way so um we definitely clicked on that so I’m sorry just one more just like how can you tell he’s locked in uh just his demeanor um I think that’s just who he is but uh you can tell he has a little bit more motivation right now so uh The Impressions from you from your teammates have been that you’re this versatile athlete and all of these things that can really help them what who among the new guys among your new teammates have stood out to you when you’ve been in the gym uh it’s a lot of talent I think it’s a lot of young Talent um and maybe the league doesn’t really know um how talented these young players are um I think we you know uh they need a little bit more experience and stuff like that but um it’s a lot of young Talent here um obviously uh Anthony um great talent um Nas uh Josh um and then the the older players that that’s already uh been proving so did that perception change for you like when you showed up was there anyone like oh I didn’t didn’t realize he was like that or anything um yes I think uh a lot of a lot of the players um you know like when you’re playing against them in you know in the games and stuff like that uh you see you know you see flashes and stuff like that but um when you’re in the gym with them you know for a few weeks uh you get to see uh exactly who they are as a player and like you know how they go so hey Jeremy bill orm with The Oregonian how did having the opportunity to be a number one and a leite option uh in Detroit um change how you how you approach the game and and then how will that help you coming into a situation where you know you know Dame’s the guy but you know where how do you see that experience helping you here uh I think it’s going to help me a lot I think um throughout my career I’ve been through different stages um where I have to show uh different things and um I think me being in Detroit helped me to grow a lot uh as a player as a leader um and uh uh I do intend to to bring that over here uh obviously changing my role um on this team but uh still bringing the same mentality same energy uh the same attention to detail to to here Jeremy Danny BR 10 the fan Beyond Your Role change there might be some positional change chy Bops has kind of hinted at playing you at some small ball five uh with the Olympic team obviously there a lot more positional versatility that’s just something that you’re just kind of accepting and going with or is that something you’re kind of looking forward to doing as maybe swapping between three four and five throughout the season um definitely looking forward to it uh my whole career I’ve been um at every different position you can name um throughout on the court so I’m expecting more of the more of the same um in that aspect and uh I’m expecting to play uh a bunch of different positions on both ends of the Court Jeremy Nick krupky from Fox 12 in Portland here basketball can be kind of a circle of life thing what excites you about coming back to the place you’re born obviously your dad played here I don’t if you recall that but um you were here yeah see I don’t know if you call him playing here but you you were certain here yeah um n it’s amazing just to be born here and uh like you said it’s a full circle for it to come full circle uh and be able to play in the same city that my dad played in uh that I was born in that you know we lived here um just a surre real feeling um so I’m excited to you know be a part of this organization and uh and grow from here so we do our last one Jeremy Jamie Hudson with coin and the Blazers um so you talked about being excited to play uh with Dame and nerk with nerk he’s a big fell that we know likes to pass how do you see uh the two of you work working out on the court I think it’s going to be a great connection um he likes to pass I like to cut um I’m athletic um I don’t know if he’s played with someone athletic like me but um he’ll have a big Target to hit um on his passes so I’m excited about that um I’m excited about that connection uh on both ends so yeah thank you’all

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  1. Klay is a one-dimensional player at this point in his career. He went 0-10 in an elimination game for Golden State, and we all know about the struggles shooters have when they put on that Lakers jersey. I think Klay is a lateral move as he's basically no different than Dlo. I hope the Lakers go for Cam Thomas or Dorian Finney-Smith and maybe kick the tires on Mo Wagner.

  2. They should just sign klay and that’s it and just build chemistry our depth is good they just need to mesh more

  3. Rob Pelinka must be hitting the pipe if he thinks that's a fair trade. DLo-28, Rui-26, Vanderbilt-25, Gabe-28, D. Knecht-23 +(2) 1st rounders for a washed up Lopez-36 & J. Grant-30 (career ave. 13pts & 4reb). The Lakers would have traded away their best 3-point shooters, perimeter defenders & youth for some overrated has-beens. Hell no that's the worst trade ever!

  4. I wouldn’t trade for Grant he lacks heart. I would sign Klay he can be another version of his father just like in the 80s for the lakers

  5. Grant is too small to be a PF. He can’t rebound at all. Rebounding is the main reason we lose.

  6. If they did this I’d put them favorites in the west. Klay and grant would be better than green and kcp was and Lopez would be better than McGee Howard was

  7. (A) Lakers trade Russell, Reaves, Vincent, and Hayes to CHI for:

    LaVine, two protected first round picks and a second round pick:

    Russell – 18.5
    Reaves – 13
    Vincent – 11
    Hayes – 2̲.̲5̲
    45m for LaVine's 43m

    Good for CHI because they get to rid themselves of LaVine and his horrendous contract, while also receiving salary cap relief, a tremendous value contract in Reaves, and a large expiring (Russell) to make more deals.

    Bad for CHI because they must attach multiple picks to both jettison LaVine and receive Reaves in return.

    Good for LAL because they receive a dynamic, athletic, pure-shooting guard with potential to become their closer and some picks to go with him.

    Bad for LAL because it costs them Reaves and taking on LaVine's contract with it's size and his injury history is a tremendous risk.

    (B) Trade Hachimura to GSW for sign and traded Klay Thompson (three years, 17 million per).

    (C) Resign James and Christie.

    (D) Sign Kyle Anderson to a portion of the MLE (three years, 9 million per).

    (E) Sign Biyombo and Dwight Howard to veteran minimums (or any other similar physical, defensive centers).

    1. Davis – 43m
    2. LaVine – 43m
    3. James – 25m (-25m paycut)
    4. Thompson – 17m
    5. Vanderbilt – 11m
    6. Anderson – 9m
    7. Christie – 7m
    8. Knecht – 4m
    9. Schifino – 4m
    10. Wood – 3m
    11. Reddish – 3m
    12. Biyombo – 3m
    13. Howard – 3m
    14. Lewis – 2m
    15. James – 1m
    TOTAL — 178 million total

    PG – 𝗝𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 —– 𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 – Schifino
    SG – Christie —- James —– Lewis
    C — 𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗶𝘀 ——- Biyombo — Howard
    PF – Vanderbilt — 𝗞𝗻𝗲𝗰𝗵𝘁 — Wood
    SF – 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗼𝗻 – 𝗟𝗮𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗲 —- Reddish

  8. People act like Lebron won’t trade Dalton, when Lebron moved Wiggins the #1 overall draft pick when he went back to Cleveland. Stop underestimating Lebron’s desperation to win now.

  9. Signing Klay for the veterans minimum?! Why do you think that Klay is unhappy with the Warriors? Because he is not getting paid ! And you think that the Lakers can get him for the vets. minimum?! That is why he just signed with the Mavs.

  10. I meant to say mid level exception, but I don't think that will cover the 50+ a year that Klay wants.

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