@Utah Jazz

Did The Utah Jazz Draft Damage Goods In Duke Basketball Star Kyle Filipowski?

Did The Utah Jazz Draft Damage Goods In Duke Basketball Star Kyle Filipowski?

Kyle filipowski story yeah this is real right here bro do you guys do you guys know this story Kyle filipowski Duke Duke is Duke and stuff you know Duke is Duke you prick yeah Kyle filipowski projected to go in the middle of the first round on its face solid pick good basketball player Duke like nothing wrong right doesn’t go in the middle of the first round doesn’t go at the end of the first first round what’s going on here Kyle filipowski sitting in the draft Green Room oh now we got to go to day two because the draft is now two days Crash and Burn there amav uh no Crash and Burn would be an understatement he plummeted to 32nd what happened what happened well uh it could be that good old Kyle filipowski um here he is at prom with his girlfriend um okay he’s 17 in this picture allegedly allegedly she’s 25 in this picture H okay high level basketball player going to Duke clearly on track to the NBA pulling some older trim no problem right well I mean other than the fact other than the fact it it is alleged allegedly she’s 25 he’s 17 allegedly you know that’s a crime but who am I right I mean they’re just friends Marty no we’re on the verge here too are we really oh yeah um do you do do I need to go and uh do do we need some procure sure yeah go for it all right anyway so you know that um this is this is Kyle filipowski at prom uh this is the same girl with Kyle filipowski at Duke okay so they’ve stuck it out now and here they are now no longer boyfriend and girlfriend uh but instead they are now fiance in in stuff they’re like engaged how’s this sitting with everybody else everybody’s happy for Kyle right oh wait no they’re not uh this is Daniel filipowski on Twitter who is and I’ll say it allegedly Kyle’s brother uh I’m Kyle’s oldest brother y’all don’t have a clue of the extent of the story that has to do with his girlfriend it’s been pushed under the table for two years um if giovon respond Jonathan giovon responds to my DMs he would be able to get the full story that no one knows outside of Who’s involved Duke coaching staff and his agent other than messaging him on IG don’t know how to get in touch with him meaning Kyle filipowski but look up and read on Mormon grooming and brainwashing uh oh uh and you’ll find some introductory details in there to connect some dots into the story that’s going on here here’s the story Kyle filipowski does not speak with his family who are you Patrick Reed um he does not speak with his family and they are alleging and accusing his girlfriend now fiance of grooming him and indoctrinating him into the LDS church now if you such as and like ourselves right live in the state of Utah if you’re at all familiar with the the LDS Community you understand a few things it is not irregular in any way shape or form to have age gaps in relationships right that is not abnormal it is not abnormal for young people to marry older people very quickly and once you are married it is not abnormal in any way shape or form to seed the Garden in Sprout flowers otherwise known as let’s have some sex and make babies we show up right like it’s not abnormal at all right which is why the Utah Jazz don’t have any trouble drafting Kyle filipowski yet every other team in the NBA passed on him why did every other team pass on him according to multiple reports and this is just Google search Kyle filipowski all over the place he plummeted because he was asked about this woman in his in his pre-draft interviews and he could not provide answers about why there was such a significant age Gap and why their relationship was so dysfunctional and why it drove a wedge between him and his family well and I think that’s the biggest issue right I I think a lot of people want to want to say oh well well you know AG Gap shouldn’t be a reason for organizations in the NBA to be concerned to which I say if you really think that’s the sole reason you’re lost on this you need to understand that if you’re an NBA organization and you’re looking at drafting a kid who went to Duke obviously has got a skill set that works in the league like very much an attractive player to draft if you’re looking into his background and you see a situation in his personal life where he’s with a woman who’s older than him doesn’t talk to his family that has red flags written all over it that has hey and his family is openly talking about things like indoctrination grooming you’re going to take a risk on a kid like that you’re not going to do that unless you’re the Utah Jazz who are owned and oper ated by a member of the LDS church Kyle is now going to live in Utah uh he is going to be surrounded by fellow LDS members like it’s a it’s an easy fit for the Jazz he is not his relationship is not awkward in our community no now again I’m not LDS I am not a member of the church but you live in Utah for five minutes and you quickly understand this is normal this is not abnormal in any way shape or form yeah unless you’re every other team in the NBA but the Utah Jazz and I think it is it I think it is something that is very much worth paying attention to oh and I think for all the people on you know Twitter who are like oh this isn’t a story like what are you talking about like you’re just making things up it’s like dude why do you think that when you have the combination of hey this dude fell in the draft as far as he fell in the draft and then the Jazz drafted him and tried to spin it into no we’re good we do deep background checks we do you know like like we we saw this we’re good with it there’s no issues well why do you think there’s not issues oh that’s right because culturally in Utah’s fine yeah so I’m just telling you man that just because just because it’s cool culturally in Utah doesn’t mean that they’re potentially issues down the road and he will not be asked about this by the media he will not be it will not be I don’t believe it’ll be openly talked about it it nobody nobody here will care about it and it is it’s something that will this impact the way he plays basketball probably not probably not will it impact him off the floor I think it absolutely will and that’s what NBA teams are worried about does it change his jump shot it probably does not but will it bring him discomfort will it bring him distraction I think it will I don’t know I don’t know how you have your family so openly and honestly his brother his parents like so openly and honestly talking about the fact that this woman I mean when you throw around words like grooming yeah and indoctrinated indoctrination like that is a big big deal yeah and the way I always like to frame this too is like let’s take the basketball side out of it if I just told you hey you know uh uh you know I don’t even know how old he is 20-year-old kid or whatever you know is is with a 25 26 year old woman doesn’t talk to his family and just got indoctrinated into the LDS church everyone would be like oh well that’s kind of an issue right like this dude got tricked this dude got groomed this guy got trapped by this woman but but because this cat went to Duke and and you know is an NBA caliber Talent all of a sudden it’s not a problem and we just want to write it off that he fell in the draft and and what I might add was a very light draft like this wasn’t like some crazy deep like you know amazing draft and oh well Kyle just fell because you know what like teams went another direction that was a little unexpected and it was super like that’s not what happened here not at all and I don’t understand why people won’t just say yeah you know what like the Jazz the Jazz drafted him because their set of circumstances made it more comfortable for them and because they’re in Salt Lake they don’t have an issue with it they’ve got you know literally two seconds from their front door at the Delta Center you’ve got a massive the the home of the church is sitting in downtown Salt Lake and you’re going to tell me that’s not a factor on any level when your owner’s LDS come on dude think I think it he’s a perfect fit here

The Utah Jazz selected Kyle Filipowski 32nd, in the 2nd round of the NBA Draft, after shocking revelations surfaced about his relationship with an older woman, who is now his fiancee, and the strain the relationship has put on Kyle Filipowski and his family, who say they are now estranged from Kyle Filipowski. Did the Utah Jazz make a mistake drafting Kyle Filipowski? Is there something wrong with Kyle Filipowski and his relationship?

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  1. Nothing normal about a woman 8 yrs his senior and being engaged… there’s nothing in Utah/LDS culture that normalizes that. Now, if he’s converting, then that’s where the accusations from the family seem more “normal”, as it’s a common and understandable response from family that don’t get what’s going on. Unfortunate that it bled out into the public. That’s hard to get over on both sides.

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