@San Antonio Spurs



the heck man what the heck I I literally just did a video that the San Antonio Spurs were interested in Chris Paul I I thought that it would least be a day before anything goes down but no no they go ahead and do it now it’s too late now it’s going to seem like I’m late to the punch and I’m really not I want some rest are we having fun yet the algorithm is ruined it’s absolutely ruined for me but that’s okay uh it’s kind of funny because everything that I said in that past video um I it still holds true right now like I feel the exact same and I think it’s a pretty solid take and a lot of Spurs fans in general are having solid takes about this so I I think it’s good that I took you know at least a couple hours to to see what comes out and there’s quite a few uh things that I want to go over I have a lot of tabs up and I think that it’ll be you know helpful to at least go through the thought process of the Spurs doing this what does it mean for the team and just some other takes that I’ve seen around that are kind of kind of wild okay um now funny enough uh this channel has been growing like crazy you guys are great please for the love of God go subscribe to Spurs Invasion uh let me know what you think of this video in particular the one that I just put up on Stefon uh castle and we’re this is actually going to be a full circle moment cuz we’re going to get back to something that I said in this video in particular so let’s go ahead and go one by one here yeah start with W uh so w posted this in which we agreed to a one-year 11 million plus deal uh you know obviously for San Antonio Spurs and one thing that a lot of Spurs fans were worried about is you know how much would Chris Paul actually cost um now you guys know that I was not super high on getting Chris Paul months ago and the reason being was okay this is going to cost quite a bit of money but also I don’t think that we we’ll fully be able to utilize Chris Paul with the team that we had I don’t think Blake Wesley is going to be like a starting point guard I I could be wrong but he doesn’t play like a point guard I think his more natural position is the the second guard um and then on top of it Trey Jones there is a ceiling with him right and I think where he is right now is kind of his ceiling and I don’t think having Chris Paul to give him some insight would make him that much better uh as a as a player I’m just being real just being honest I I don’t think that that brings him over the edge and I at the end of the day he’s a solid backup point guard so it was either okay we’re doing this for Trey Jones and we get Chris Paul or we’re expecting Chris Paul to save the day which neither things were going to happen so I was not on bored with it but as soon as he became available I even said in the last video this this would be a good deal it it would be a really good deal to go ahead and get Chris Paul now um that you have Stefon Castle uh speaking of Stefon Castle he actually reacted um not really but he did uh we all compare him to Devon fael and uh Kawai Leonard in that regard and yes I don’t know I I see more Kawai than than Devon fael I think Deon fael has a little bit more energy all he did was just repost Chris Paul joins wimy and San Antonio uh Sports Center post that that’s all he had to say he he didn’t have anything else to say Hey how do you feel about Steph I don’t know look look what happened though but you can tell that he’s excited um and you know he he’s he’s coming to San Antonio Spurs at a perfect perfect perfect time so he didn’t necessarily have a take but someone did so someone someone had a take and I what is he doing what what what what what is our boy what is our boy doing now let’s let’s be honest here Dez Bryant if you’re if you’re a Cowboys fan obviously you know Dez Bryan if you’re NFL fan I guess you know Dez Bryan um but he does not have good takes I mean I I I’ve seen many of takes that he’s put out he does not have good takes okay and this is a terrible one so he actually posted something actually hold on actually I’ll go to the first thing just put it all in context okay cuz that’s him just reacting to someone um this is Clan the Spurs fan reacting to what he put here so this is what he put He said Chris Paul might get his first championship ring next year uh okay um and then he responded to someone replying to that with Dez didn’t take you as a casual and then this is what he had to say I mean I look at player situations okay great move by CP3 and Coach pop this situation will be better than what most people think they get another Sharpshooter it will be scary times in San Antonio uh a ring look if anyone thinks this I don’t think there’s a lot of Spurs fans that think this okay but if anyone thinks this no getting Chris Paul does not mean the San Antonio Spurs are Championship favorites like that’s no no no and Chris Paul was with he he was just with a better team not that long ago and still couldn’t get a ring th this isn’t no no he’s he’s older now that this is not that situation the Spurs don’t have enough fire power to to be going after a ring we were one of the worst teams in the NBA this past season this is huge don’t get me wrong getting Chris Paul is huge for the team and I I’ll talk about that in a little bit but we we may be a playing team I still think the Spurs will be a playing team but playoff the championship team that that’s in that’s insane and that’s just Dez Bryan having a bad um bad take there um also someone says Sharpshooter it’s it’s really strange really strange um no no Chris Paul is huge and I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll talk about that in a little bit but no um but moving on also if you guys want to see uh Stefon Castle dunk there you go there there’s actually nothing here I have nothing to say about this but um there that’s him Duncan in in a Spurs jersey hold on he’s going to do it again all right okay wasn’t that fun wasn’t that enjoyable this is the content you guys subscribe for by the way all right but moving on now this is what’s huge though okay this is what’s fun this is where things get fun Ty Jager brought this up and I was thinking the same thing buddy Chris Paul has always been number three now we already know that there’s been a lot of rumors and speculation that Kellin Johnson could be on his way out which I think I I don’t see I don’t usually advocate for oh wow I got a subscribe while I’m recording that’s crazy hey John um I don’t actually I need to turn that off while I’m recording I don’t actually um I don’t actually advocate for like we need to trade this player this player’s garbage I try not to but I think this is one of those situations where Kellin just does not fit um as far as his salary I won’t go as far as to say he’s overpaid or anything um he has he still has a really great uh contract but at the end of the day he doesn’t fit with what the Spurs got going on um with the addition of of Ingram not saying that he’s going to get a substantial amount of minutes but I think that he can eventually you know go into that role um they’ve already parted ways with Barlo we’ll see if that stays true but as of right now that that’s what happened I I think keldon should be on his way out I think you’ll get something pretty decent for him but this is a a good speculation as well like Chris Paul does wear number three he’s going to have to change that number right so either Kellin Johnson’s changing that number or he’s gone this might be an indication something small but it might be an indication as well that you know Kellin Johnson is on his way um out so and there’s no way Chris Paul doesn’t get that number I I think that will be um insane but yeah cell Johnson should should be should be gone and there’s enough rumors going around that that’s going to happen so uh shout out to tyer for for posting that tyer is a good guy by the way you guys should follow Tai all right um let’s move on oh I just want to show you guys this because I just thought it was fun uh yeah so Chris Paul from my memory okay I tried to look this up it’s hard to find um but from my memory Chris Paul was the first to exchange jerseys with wimy I think he was the first uh so he’s been excited about wimy for a very long time but I believe this was preseason when this happened and I don’t think another player had done it with wimy yet I’m pretty sure he was the first um but this post is just funny this is uh Chris Paul and his tippy toes uh exchanges he didn’t have to do that I think he was just doing that to be cute um but yeah so there you go all right moving on moving on next order of business I brought this up in the last video but I think that it is still relevant and we need to talk about this so we’ve said many times we said this all last season as well that Chris Paul wanted to play for the San Antonio Spurs but one of the things that stopped him from doing so was this and Boston so going to the Spurs you know what the biggest wild card is Greg papovich some people think that he may have what he say a year or two left so that’s not the Spurs without papic Boston so there you go so he said before that we were on the table this is back in 2017 in which he wanted come to Spurs and he was thinking about it but he was like pop might not be there that long you know 2017 CP3 is a different player than he is now now he’s he’s still he’s still decent he’s still decent but uh CP3 back then he was he was a hot commodity okay um so just wanted to bring that to your attention he has always wanted to play for papovich but that’s what held him back and now I mean at this point in his career uh there there should be no doubts as far as like who stays who goes um but yeah so no no big deal there uh hold on just got news [Music] ESPN it says guarding Paul deal ESPN plus Chris Paul will be massive immediate upgrade at point guard as he becomes veteran mentor to Victor W banama Pelton said that all right so Pelton has a bad take this is my take all right that’s ESPN um just out with some other breaking news that we could go over but no not necessarily so the that’s that’s not the case okay and I think this is actually a good segue this is actually a smooth segue um everyone’s talking about him being a mentor to wimy which obviously obviously he’s going to be a mentor wi obvious obviously but I think what’s the most important part of all of this is this guy right go follow Spurs Invasion subscribe to Spurs Invasion but I talk about it in this video Stefon castle and what his ceiling could potentially be and one thing that I bring up in this video is that if everything comes together him being a great rebounder great defender uh 66 frame um he’s a patient player he’s a winner uh all these different things if if he can bring it together and he can develop a better shot and everything he could be very similar to someone like SGA like that’s that could be his ceiling and he’s already said and put on record that yes I I my game is very similar to sga’s so I think that that’s where this is huge because if he can mentor Stefon castle and allow Stefon Castle to be the starting point guard I think that that would highly benefit the Spurs for the future and even the short term honestly now here’s the thing though and this is where I get kind of excited okay uh Chris Paul also mentored Shay and I don’t think Shay would be the player he is today if it weren’t for Chris Paul and they actually have a really great relationship I don’t know if you guys ever seen this but this is pretty cool him to now being a I mean he’s one of Dre’s favorite players I mean this when I say it and I try not to get emotional when I talk about Shay man cuz that was that was my first year living without my family right without my wife and my kids in LA and um man Shay he just a basketball head right you show me somebody love basketball and crazy about their family that me and them going to be tight right and so Shay would come over to my house uh before practice just to eat cuz I had a chef you know what I’m saying night after game Shay at my house him and Darius basley L dor or whatnot so he’s so good when it come to come to hooping and he just even better person and I mean that talk about now now the reason why that I’m not saying Shay and and Stefon Castle are the exact same you know player I’m not saying that um but I do I do highly believe that SGA wouldn’t be who he is if it weren’t for uh Chris Paul you know helping him in that regards or at the very least um he he expedited the the process of of what Shay was going to um become inevitably become so the reason why this is huge where Chris Paul is like hey man we had you know dinners together we spent so much time together and you know I love that I love basketball heads I love that is the Spurs I mean I mean it’s mandatory if you’re going to be a Spur to spend that time together so they’re going to be having a lot of time around Chris Paul it’s going to be a an abundant amount of time spent with Chris Paul Paul picking his brain talking basketball and there’s no one in our core right now in our Core group that I’m worried about when it when it pertains to their mind isn’t going to be set on basketball right I I think all of these guys love and breathe basketball I mean Jeremy soan is that way I mean say whatever you want we need to do a video on him I need to put down Spurs Invasion we got to do a video on on on our boy um but soan is that way uh Castle has been you know described as that way he’s described as a winner um by me many many different people obviously wimy is that way I don’t even think I have to say that Devon fael is that way like all these guys really care about the Craft um and really care about basketball so I think it’s a match made in heaven um like I said uh several months ago this wouldn’t have been a great deal but I think everything lining up the way that it has is is is great and I think we need to go ahead and say which I mean I keep saying it I keep saying it but this right here Brian Wright is a good GM man I I’m I’m not someone that’s just going to be a homer no matter what right like you guys hear how badly I talk about my Dallas Cowboys I I think they’re terrible I think they’re incompetent with some of the things that they do um I think they have a terrible front office uh but I don’t feel that way with the Spurs man I I I truly do believe Brian Wright has been doing a phenomenal job and him making that room right not getting the eighth pick but trading that off and and getting future picks where you can potentially use that um in the next year or two you know trying to make a a a big deal happen um whether it be pushing off Graham’s uh contract and that’s another way you can see this as well maybe this is just a Devonte Graham replacement which is a crazy great upgrade for Devonte Graham but I won’t go as far as to what ESPN has to say here where this is a huge upgrade and now he’s about to Mentor Victor and they’re going to be great it’s like I I don’t know about all that um he will Mentor Victor but I think at the end of the day the person that will benefit the most is this guy right here the guy we just we just grabbed and he’s been very open that he wanted to go to a team that didn’t already have an established point guard um so I I highly do believe that he is going to be being mentored by someone that could help him transition into uh the player that he wants to be so that’s all I really have to say um but yeah guys like I said subscribe to this channel um I’ll give it to you guys later I got the link below like in the description of this video or you can just go straight to Youtube type in Spurs Invasion I’ll pop right up um but I will give with you guys later man until next time bye byebye [Music]


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CLAN the SPURS fan
55 Backusburg Rd
PO Box 102
Kirksey, KY 42054

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💲 FOR $20 OFF any Concert or Sporting event go to WWW.SEATGEEK.COM and use promo code: SPURSDYNASTY ! You are welcome in advance.

//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

0:00 Intro
1:24 The Deal
2:50 Stephon Castle Reacts
3:32 Dez Terrible Take
6:18 Keldon Johnson Gone?
8:06 Jersey Swap
8:45 Always Wanted To Be A Spur
10:00 ESPN Take
10:44 SGA to CASTLE
14:25 Brian Wright

I am not affiliated with the San Antonio Spurs
or #NBA


  1. castle, jones, and nunez all get to go to cp3 boot camp for pgs… sochan and wemby sharpen their decision making skills. Nothing but positive things to come from signing cp3. Nick Batum next!

  2. CP3 is gonna be the Chip England to Castle. That’s the main point for him being on the spurs I think. Not just him to point, but to the whole team as a whole on and off the court.

  3. stop with the castle at point guard garbage. Its not out of the question, but 5% it actually happens. Paul will guide all the players in how to decision make and pass.

  4. Finally!!! We have a veteran to share his years of experience and comfortable in the spotlight…for these HEB commercials!

  5. Even though I kinda hate CP3 for his dirty antics, this is a GREAT move for San Antonio. He taught young OKC and the SUNS Teams so much to become winners and he can do it for SPURS. Wemby will FEAST and learn so much. Castle gets the best PG mentor for a year.

  6. No, it's my favorite thing about this… is that Chris Paul will NOT get a ring with us. Though it does give us a sliver of chance to get into play-in/play-offs.

  7. why even entertain that Dez Bryant tweet lol and his 2nd tweet was right on point. Obviously we wont win a ring. next

  8. One year!!! We're not getting a young vet that can help Wemby and the Spurs for years to come. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Paul will be his half court slow offensive player he has always been. He doesn't do anything for us other than mentorship to the young Spurs. Brian Wright continues to make poor decisions for our Spurs.

  9. As a rockets fan I just want to say f the spurs 😂😂😂 nah j/k yall made good moves the future in Texas looking bright for all 3 teams

  10. Something else I’m thinking about is, what if CP3 transitions to a coach after he retires? He can learn now by playing under Pop. Coach Pop as the off-court coach, CP3 as the on-court coach.

  11. Good deal for all considered. Paul gets to tutor the youngsters for a few months, Pop is going to evaluate him as a future assistant or successor, then he gets released, takes the full 11 million and signs with whichever team is most likely to win the title.

  12. Maybe cp3 starts for the beginning of the season, but I think theyll look their best if/when castle is ready to take up that starting position, and have cp3 lead the bench squad and control the game flow while wemby and the starters are out

  13. Good work on the new channel Clan. I like the intro lol. Also sorry I muted this channel from my YouTube feed cos I didn’t want game score spoilers during the reg season and now we’re in the offseason I don’t know how to unmute you.😔

  14. I gotta say this out loud. I've been a keldon fan. I love the energy and attitude he got. But I get it. I thought he had more potential. If he goes I will accept it, but be a little sad.

  15. Stephon Castle’s ceiling is a bigger Shai and his floor is a bigger Jrue Holiday. With CP3’s mentorship he can be deadly. Remember CP3 mentored Shai before he became the player he is today. Us spurs fans are so spoiled I love it!

  16. If the Mavs made the finals , I don’t see why spurs can’t make a run this year. You just don’t know what’s gna happen

  17. Now that CP3's on the Spurs, Sochan's probably gonna need to chill on trolling Lebron (one of CP3's best friends) through social media 😂

  18. People are just seeing 39.

    We don't need him to be a scoring machine. The man can facilitate & actually get the ball to Wemby. Which is what this team struggles to do.

  19. Hey clan , you sound very confident the spurs won’t win. You should bet him that if the Spurs win, you’ll eat a Chris Paul Jersey on stream.

  20. CP3 is good but not for being the starting PG. I see him more as an Assistant Coach. He can guide the youngins in the process of growing and developing in the right direction. We should still go for Trae Young…especially now with Castle and CP3 on the Roster. He could be the perfect piece of the puzzle starting in the upcoming season. CP3 could teach Trae some lil man defense

  21. What really makes Steph castle sound just like Kawhi Leonard is when he says Ummm between some of his sentences. it’s fine with me if he sounds like Leonard, I actually rather enjoyed Leonard’s personality.

  22. A Chris understudy might benefit from watching videos of Chris in his prime and learning from those. This is in addition to what Chris teaches that player in the flesh.

    I remember Tony Parker as a skinny rookie or sophomore player struggling against Chris. Later a bulked-up Tony would do to opposing guards what Chris and Stephon Marbury had done to him.

  23. Warriors weren’t a better team last year, spurs were tanking. Warriors were horrible that’s why theyre starting their rebuild

  24. I think CP3 will mentor Nuñez to become the next General, and they'll work on Castle's 3 ball. That'll give you 2 sharp shooters along with Vassell. They'll then close it out with Wemby and Sochan. I think that's the lineup of the future.

  25. spoiler alert. cp3 going to mentor sochan and the experiment will be back bec they still tankin for 2025 lol. 😝 😂

  26. cp3 wasnt brought in for his on court production… i dont see how this moves the meter. should have spent that money elsewhere

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