@Charlotte Hornets

Michigan State Wing Malik Hall joins Charlotte Hornets for NBA Summer League

Michigan State Wing Malik Hall joins Charlotte Hornets for NBA Summer League

heison Walker is not the only Michigan State Alum who is going to get a chance in the NBA Summer League Malik Hall has also gotten a roster spot this time with the Charlotte Hornets Malik Hall 6 foot eight blue guy we’re well familiar with him from his days in Michigan State um kind of one of those guys you kept waiting for the breakout to come in college and I think it came late in his senior season and maybe a little too late for Michigan State’s hopes but uh he did get better and better over the course of his career and he ended up a very polished very good veteran player could step out and shoot it a really good ISO scorer he has this Baseline fade away that’s just beautiful uh he averaged 12.7 points a game six rebounds two assists last season was honorable mention all big 10 in college uh certainly looks more like an NBA player just bodywise than his teammate Tyson Walker does but uh I think he’s gonna have to crush summer leue to get a real shot here what’s your reaction to Malik Hall and his chance with the Charlotte Hornets so you you know coming off talking about Tyson the one thing Malik does have going for him is that if we’re doing the just the straight up does that guy look like an NBA player like he has the size you know what I’m saying he’s not an undersized player like Tyson Walker is so there’s a world where Malik Hall Cooks in summer league right and you’re like oh I got a 68 guy who could be like a glue roll guy to have at the end of your bench who 68 can knock down shots rebound the ball low maintenance you know all that which honestly sorry see my language the Hornets need like some low mainous guys like they got so much going on like that team is lowkey wild and they need like some non wild guys and Malik is not wild you’re not wrong there at all um do you believe that Malik Hall will ever play an NBA game yes sir no I don’t either and I don’t like this probably isn’t fun video to even do because we have to come to that conclusion but that that’s fine though that’s the thing like that it is fine like not everyone is an NBA player I think Malik could there’s a There Are Places on this planet that Malik Hall could play basketball and make money make a good living playing basketball yeah I don’t think it’s the NBA where do you think that ends up being like do you think he becomes an overseas guy do you think he um you know like what is it is he like a lifelong G leager summer league dude I think he could be an overseas guy and actually I kind of believe he could be a high level overseas guy like I think he can play for some high top end EUR League teams I’m not shocked by that like I I would be rooting for that to happen I think um yeah the I guess Malik’s whole career wherever it is and you know maybe maybe it’s is in the NBA I don’t know but like his career is going to be defined by can he make shots from three or not and I don’t feel like he ever got there like his wholeo is going to have to be like 3 and D because he was like a mid-range you know ISO guy from Michigan State even when he was cooking late in his career there’s no appetite for that in the NBA like no no NBA team wants Malik Hall to come take Baseline fadeaways so he’s kind of gonna have to like redo his game and I’m not saying he can’t do it because he does he’s athletic enough he has the frame he’s smart enough he’s a low-maintenance guy a good good teammate it’s just not really his offensive skill set what NBA teams are looking for right and also like he’s not that great of a Defender like he’s he’s okay it’s good but like I I don’t know yeah I just it’s g i think it’s gonna be an uphill battle for him um but in these scenarios he can’t do anything just kill in summer league and figure it out you mentioned the Tyson Walker video sometimes these guys just got to kill and figure it out yeah yeah a lot of miles on him too as a basketball player like we’re kind of forgetting that part like this this a man who really had some serious injuries and played a ton of games for Michigan State so yeah ton of minutes to he’s got a short window I would say hopefully he crushes summer league we’re rooting for Malik call one of the more fun players to cover in the Big 10 these last couple of seasons

The Sleepers discuss Malik Hall’s chances with the Charlotte Hornets


1 Comment

  1. One of the most over hated MSU players in Recent years, did not get enough love when he finally got his stuff together his final year

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