@Sacramento Kings

The James Ham Show – Sacramento Kings Are Active But Will A Deal Get Done?

The James Ham Show – Sacramento Kings Are Active But Will A Deal Get Done?

we bring in Instagram’s newest influencer James ham how about a round of applause for James ham who posted pictures on his vacation huh what’s going on people what’s up man on kifm West Sacramento 98.5 FM KX qd2 Sacramento ESPN 1320 always live on the free Odyssey app and in the chat our guy Matt George I think he’s getting a little upset with me because he feels like I’m selling Keegan short I said Lori marketing is like the highest level of what Keegan could be as a ball player L Markin is Allstar Mar is all like I said that ain’t shade I just think when you talk about style of play I don’t look at Keegan and Lori as this super creators uh type type of ball players they kind of get it within the flow pass kick out one dribble get to the cup things of that nature and yeah I think that’s what what Lori markeet is yeah my opinion on Lori like I’ve always liked Lor Lori mark I I think he’s like a wonderful talent I I think that um when he became available and was just sitting out there and the Kings had a mid-level exception a couple years ago and he had to wait until like August to sign a contract I kept saying like why are the Kings not just going out and signing him and that’s when he ended up signing with what was it Cleveland where was it where he signed and it was a budget deal and then he ends up Cleveland Cleveland yeah yeah yeah so um for me like look I think he checks so many of the boxes the one difference and distinction I would make between him and Keegan is like offensively I do agree with you he he is uh like they’re somewhat similar I I I think that you know maybe marinen has had enough time to show a little bit more of his game but Keegan is a much much better Defender and and and I think will’ll always be a better Defender and I I just don’t think that that’s been Market in sort of um you know like Focus I’d even say that of the like the three names that we Banny about today whether it’s Markin or or it’s Ingram or it’s it’s kozma I would say Markin is probably the worst defender of the three um but you know who knows like I still I still love him as a prospect you’re talking about a seven-footer who can shoot the three ball like crazy who averages eight rebounds a game like I like very very good fit alongside uh d sabonis uh of the [Music] um two names that the Kings have been linked to we’ll spread it out a little bit further we don’t have any uh official reports that they’ve been linked to Kyle kzo but we’ll open it up to him because we’ve talked a lot about him your buddy over uh on the Kings Beach Sean Cunningham reported over the weekend that there are trade conversations or have been trade conversations involving the Kings and the Pelicans in Brandon Ingram and you and I reported this morning that uh everyone is quickly followed that that Lorie Markin in that the Utah Jazz at the Sacramento Kings there’s conversations there of those three which one which one entices you the most which one do you think makes the Sacramento Kings uh the best and I know outgoing is a part of that we’re gonna eliminate Keegan Murray from any conversations when we have this discussion hypothetical I think it’s so incredibly complex like I think all of them have their pluses and minuses uh the fact that Markin and and uh and Ingram are both on expiring contracts is a is a huge issue and just so people know out there when you trade for a player who’s entering the final year of a deal like this um you can offer him a two-year deal with 5% raises and it like neither Ingram or or Markin are going to take those deals that’s what you can offer them on day one a two-year deal with 5% raises after six months of being with your team so we’re talking about early January uh you can go into full-fledged negotiations on a long-term contract that would put them you know a four fiveyear contract whatever it might be and so any any deal that you do to get those players is a huge risk and it’s why I don’t know that I buy like three four first round picks for either one of them uh that might be the going rate but the fact that they can just walk away next summer that’s a big big problem so on face value I think kusma is cheaper uh to acquire I think he’s cheaper contractually because he’s already locked up at 23 and a half 21 and a half and and 19 and a half million over the next three years uh markting and and Ingram you’re both playing paying um like a fouryear like 50 I mean like a close to $200 million deal for either one of them um so you’re going to have to pay those guys where kuzma’s under contract and and already uh more affordable but also I’d say that the downfall is that kozma uh has chosen to play for bad teams and not only that but he also um you know he’s he’s a player who is a little older than the other two and so each of them have sort of their pluses and minuses I think kozma is probably the easiest guy to get Markin is probably the most difficult guy to get and I think right now Ingram is probably a guy that makes the most sense real quick Casey what because we were just having this discussion why do you think marinan is the most difficult to get um I think he’s most difficult to get because that’s Danny a in a nutshell nailed it nailed it yeah yeah Danny a likes to rip everybody off except for the Lakers and like I’ve never understood that but that’s just kind of the way Danny a is and you know like there isn’t a a general manager out there who puts other players names other teams players out there as much as he does um and using whatever method possible to do that uh so like for years they were on the verge of getting Harrison Barnes like at any moment and never got Harrison Barnes he’s still in Sacramento um so like yeah I think Danny AES I mean he does his job really well uh he’s stockpiling uh trade assets and and draft assets for sure I I just think that that’s going to be the guy that they believe they can try to get a Kings ransom for where I don’t know that there’s a huge market right now for Ingram for whatever reason uh which doesn’t make that much sense to me but after the Philadelphia situation kind of dried up um it feels like the next step is like is like who are you competing for for Brandon Ingram and that’s not to say that someone else isn’t going to come in and swoop him and steal him away from the Kings but not sure who they’re competing with because we literally haven’t seen another name mentioned for for Brandon Ingram Services the one of the things when you were talking about um like the the the players that are on expiring deals and things of that nature Damien brought up a great point and you know maybe I’d be willing to play a little game of chicken if I were the Kings or somebody else like that turn down this this money if I’m Lori talking to Lori Markin or Brandon Ingram yeah I know I you know traded for for you without any type of promise or anything and even going back to Pascal SE yakum and all this other stuff and what they told you they weren’t gonna do and all this other stuff allegedly turn down this money I’m telling you I’m gonna offer you this type of money and I want to see you turn it down and take less money to leave Sacramento and I think that’s that’s a play as well you know what I mean like to to just get them in the building have the opportunity to offer them the most amount of money and then say I want you to turn it down we don’t even know if uh uh Donovan Mitchell wants to be in Cleveland but we’re up he gonna turn down that that super max that he’s being offered so I I think that’s also something that is part of the thinking when you try to draft one of those guys yes they are on expiring deals but you give them the best opportunity to make the most amount of money that they’re looking for yeah I totally agree with that I and I would also say that like in my in Sacramento very seldom does a player leave on when they have this opportunity like this like and we can go back to like the Mike bbby uh Chris Weber days where you know they signed extensions here but also you know Rudy Gay signed an extension here uh DeMarcus Cousin signed extensions here dearon fox has signed extensions here I think I think once you get to Sacramento it’s a lot different than you think hell domas we were concerned about domas and not only extension and he signed a weird one oh yeah yeah he he renegotiated and extended it’s very good you chose your words carefully nice job there Hammer so yeah like that’s where I think everyone needs to understand like the being in a city where you feel love uh where the fan base is incredible where it’s the weather’s beautiful um I I wouldn’t want to like trade for a guy and bring him in this week per se just because he’s gonna be like um I’m never coming back here ever again it it’s hot as hell um but at the same time I I think that there’s something about Sacramento that when people get here and like they’ve done a really good job of building a culture here whether you know with Mike Brown uh the culture has been great but even the Monty McNair era like the culture has been good and I think if you if you walk in the door you’re Brandon Ingram or you’re Lori Markin in and you’re playing next to bonus who is no nonsense and you’re playing next to Dear Fox who’s quick witted and super funny uh Malik bunk is here longterm you can see the talent in Keegan Murray I think someone would have a tough time walking away afterwards maybe the next contract you know they they wouldn’t want to stay but you never know uh for me right now I think if you go out and get any of these guys you’re probably they’ll fit in and they’ll find a way to be happy and will probably be around long term but that doesn’t mean it’s not a risk and it doesn’t mean that you want to give up three first round picks for a guy who might be there for one season shout out to our brother Garrett Temple who got the latest W alert that infuriated Kenny uh Garrett headed Toronto Raptors that’s our Mano always good always good to see Garrett in the league man he’s one of always he’s one of the good he’s one of the good dudes man he’s one of he is one of the good dudes one of my favorite players to ever cover agree wholeheartedly agree um Hammer are you concerned it’s been this quiet for Sacramento uh 24 hours now in the free agency no what do you mean they got Alex Len they did they did that’s that’s important I think everyone uh you know 50 Cent this joint they liked Alex it’s good yeah I would say this when it comes to what’s happening right now like people need to calm down a little bit because this is the first James we’re ready to P it’s a first year you can trade the mle so the Kings have as of right now really close to a full mle that they can offer a team like a team in trade for a player and so I think that that aspect of this has allowed the Kings to not panic right to sit back and just go okay even if we miss out on some of the guys that that you know the fan base would like um you know there’s still going to be opportunities out there to go add the piece and we don’t know what a trade would look like at all at this point so just because we’re lining up some magical trade in our mind of what this would look like or that would look like it doesn’t matter that I mean it doesn’t mean that like one or two players from the other team won’t get included and that the deal won’t be like a five player deal not just like a two for one um and I say that because when you make a trade like that it’s possible that you get the backup small forward or you get the the backup point guard that that you also need and in uh in addition to the big name player that you you traded for so you can balance your roster in so many different ways and you know like guys like Caleb Martin are still out there but like look at all the guys around the league who are making like 12.8 million and less and all of those players out there are you can fit them into the mid-level exception and and trade for those players if somebody wants to give up somebody so if again the Lakers end up way the cap or they’re not comfortable with their situation and you you want to call them and say hey we’ll take Jared vanderbeld off your off your plate and we’ll give you a second round pick they might do that just to save the money and to go chase someone else so there’s all of these mechanisms in place now where you can go and get a player down the road that might make sense to you and you can use those exceptions all the way up until the trade deadline and so just because you don’t get someone now doesn’t mean that you could get Midway through the season be like man we are really really soft at this position let’s go out and get that that type of player and uh so like again there’s a lot of flexibility here do you think the the Kings um main focus to improving their team this year this this offseason excuse me is through a trade and I only ask that because a lot of people are like you know they’re not doing anything in free agency and you know even the the marginal guys are um getting picked up like the Kings aren’t doing anything and I I feel um they’re looking at it like we we’re trying to get this trade done that’s going to be our move yes we may sign an Alex ly or you know at the beginning of August maybe we’ll sign somebody to be a backup point guard or a c a camp invite but the free agent Market isn’t necessarily where we’re trying to do work this summer we’re trying to get this trade no that’s what they’re doing right now their focus is very much on trying to swing for the fences right they’ve they’ve put themselves in a position they believe where they should have enough assets uh you know whether it’s expiring contracts or whether it’s players on shorter term deals like the two-year deals for herder and Barnes um they they think that they put themselves in a position to take those pieces add them to draft capital and Come Away with a I I would say like a a top three or top four player in their own rotation and and that’s where I think the Kings really can improve if all of a sudden you go out and and you get a market in or you get an Ingram they’re like your third best player like on day one and then all of a sudden that means that haris I that uh that Keegan Murray or Malik monk are your fourth and fifth best players and then that’s when this team really starts to take off I if you’re gonna go out there right now and try to find your sixth or seventh best player and miss out on your third best player because you’re you’re playing in the wrong pool then that’s not good business and so you can address the other situations down the road I think again Jaylen McDaniels is a very it’s a lowbudget low risk hey worst case scenario we at least have a backup here that we can throw out there um now let’s see what big piece we can add to this puzzle at least you have some uh additional length in athleticism that you didn’t have before and again I think Alex ly is the same thing like you know now you have a backup Center I like Alex good backuper I love Alex I really do I think I’ve been advocating for that like hey man just bring Alex ly back he’s a good dud yeah and do you think this is laid out and maybe in terms of like not not individual players like Lori a kma b Ingram or whatever order you want to put him in but like one of the Marquee trades at a do you think they have a plan B like especially now that you know we’re we’re into this and free agents are starting to sign do you do you think they have all right here this is what we’re going to Pivot to or all right we’re gonna re we’re gonna explore this trade market in September or October and then again in January and then again in February and that’s just kind of where they’re at with this well I I think that they’re pushing all their chips in right now they’re trying to land the player that they want and and I get it like we keep talking about this I I I think that they have plan a plan B plan C it doesn’t mean that any of them work out like you know we’ve talked about this so many times there are times where I think that this uh this front office has been too cautious right but the names that we’re hearing are all upgrades on what the Kings have right now there’s no question like we’re not hearing some Rando that doesn’t really move the needle at all um and if that does come up uh you would hope that that would be like a secondary or a third move that’s like okay well they went and did that as well um but for me like this is they have like sat here and been patient and been cautious and overly cautious too many times in my opinion but you don’t have any more time to do that like you didn’t make the playoffs and as of today I hate to tell this like they haven’t improved the roster like we can talk all we want about you know how good uh you know Devin Carter might be but Devin Carter is probably going to be really good in in year two and year three and and ertic and a rookie in year one a and you have to expect that right he could step on the court and be way better than we think and he could play 20 minutes a night but that’s what we’re talking about we’re not talking about a guy who’s going to step on the court and might be able to play 35 minutes a night as you’re starting shooting guard maybe that happens but there’s no guarantee of that and even still that’s like your your eighth and Ninth man in the road ration at this point the Kings have to find a way to improve the top five of the rotation and you know that’s they don’t have the talent that some of the teams above them have like from top to bottom and that’s okay like you built a really good roster that finished third in the west and but the other teams also continue to build and continue to get better and and contined to build chemistry and organically grew and got better than you Oklahoma City min inota they got better than you so how do you respond to that and I think that’s what we’re looking at with with Monty and Wes at this point they’ve had enough time to build something and what we can’t do is walk away into this season or this you know like this second half year training camp and all that stuff with basically what Monty McNair did in his first season which was he went out and got Glenn Robinson I third and he got hisan wh side like that’s at this point that’s what that’s the equivalent of getting jayen William Jay uh McDaniels and and uh Alex Len like they they can be functional pieces but they’re not they’re not moving any needle at all in the win loss column so how do you go out and get better from here on out and that’s a it’s a little bit of pressure but I mean like look that’s the job that’s just what it is ham hopefully you can ease some concerns from um from a number of different people with by answering this question know what you’re about to ask but it’ be so awesome if James just said no we need to panic James the most levelheaded guy here no it is time to panic James do you see any scenario in any of these possible deals or players that the kings are trading for that involves keeg Murray because I don’t I don’t really see one I don’t either but like no one is untradeable Panic like no I mean that’s that’s the rule of the league right like no one is untradeable and like look if you had to do one move and and give up Keegan I would hope that you had another move that would make an equally Big Splash and I don’t know that I mean it’s difficult to see how they would give up on him um he’s 23 years old going going on 24 um he’s proven to be a very very good two-way player whether he can become a great two-way player I think that there’s still a lot of Hope around the team but like you don’t like if Giannis comes up for grabs then yeah Kean Murray’s gone like those are so that’s where I mean like there there’s a deal out there that maybe that that you have to get involved real quick J I’m not saying just in general I’m just we’re having a conversation we all the know know the names that have been involved in these discussions Ingram kosma uh mark I’m really focusing on LaVine I’ll throw him in there just for you know whatever ghetto but those Beverly Hills and then you got the ghetto those three or four players specifically I’d be shocked if Keegan was involved in a trade for any of those guys considering contract situations and all this other I’d be shocked I’d be shocked yeah I mean we talked about this at the end of the Insiders when when you were on with us with us on on the off um like there’s something like people need to understand that Kean Murray he’s he’s barely two years younger than Brandon Ingram but Ingram has been in the league for eight years and Keegan’s been in the league for two and so that means is that Keegan has two more years on his rookie scale deal and then if he if he were to somehow get a Max rookie scale extension you’re looking at a player who would make like 30 32 34 36 which is what Brandon Ingram is going into right now in his in his ninth season the $36 million deal and then Brandon Ingram’s gonna go get 45 or whatever on on the backside here he’s a a a guy that you have under team control for like seven years still or six years depending on what kind of extension you give him you you shouldn’t trade for a guy to speed up the process when Keegan isn’t that far away from being part of the process where you would trade Keegan is if Donovan Mitchell became available or if some Star level player that you can’t say no to says I want to go play for Sacramento and that team says the first call is like the only way we’re getting this done is if Keegan Murray’s involved that’s to me it’s not Brandon Ingram it’s not Lori Markin it’s not uh it’s not Kyle kosma and I even like maybe two years ago well a year and a half ago um I asked very specifically and conversation off the record with somebody in the walls um like would you trade Keegan for for Lori Markin when he was an All-Star and the answer was no they believe that Keegan will be better than Lori Markin and I I still think that the team has that understanding that he can be equal to or better than and certainly not someone that you would trade when you know again Ingram and Markin are both on one-year deals that’s just not going to happen and and kma like for all like just not to be rude but kozma is not good enough for you to trade uh Keegan Murray for that’s right like you have a core your core is four guys it’s dearen Fox Malik monk Keegan Murray and damont sabonis how do you add a fifth how do you add a six how do you add and that again I don’t want to be disrespectful to Trey lyes or someone like that that’s just that’s not what I’m saying um and and I I think some people like took it the wrong way when I said well Jaylen McDaniels can be a backup for you um as of right now you you still have Trey Lyles you still have Keegan Murray if you go out and trade Harrison Barnes for one of these other guys it’s okay for him to be your fourth forward um with the potential for you to do three guard sets and that fourth forward never even getting on the court hardly at all um you know I I I think that like Jaylen McDaniels can play he just probably won’t play a ton of minutes for you uh we’ll come back uh there’s a lot more to talk about as nothing continues to happen with the Sacramento Kings but let me tell you nothing is happening fast uh it’s moving nowhere it is moving [Laughter] nowhere we’ll continue to talk about it as if something’s going to happen we keep looking at our stupid watches and our stupid phones every time they vibrate waiting for something to happen but we’ll do it together as a family because that’s what we do Ste and KC on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 two things two things number one I want to give like not mad that’s I’m not mad but I want to like go to the block button for our guy in the chat but I actually respect that he he stands on his own business and that’s that’s bad news sour grapes 916 I mean look he tells you who he is he ain’t gonna say nothing positive I respect that you won’t get put in timeout bad news because you just being who you are I’m afraid I some bad news I’m not I’m not mad at that at all bad news I’m not mad at that at all I respect it yeah they were they were three quarters gone that’s funny yeah someone asked if Jayla McDaniels can shoot jayen McDaniels had a rough shooting year last year but his previous couple of Seasons not that bad so yeah he shot 33% with uh Charlotte but that was like forcing up a bunch of extra shots because that team was horrible uh he shot 40% for Philadelphia in 24 games he shot 38% over 55 games for uh for Charlotte so I’d say in his last couple of years he he’s not horrible um and last time I checked the teams that he’s played on um outside of you know again the situation in Philadelphia where he played with embid uh the teams that he’s played for don’t have a passer like deonis sabonis it gets you wide open shots so I would look at the 40% he shot in Philadelphia with embiid slightly like weighted heavier than I would uh seasons in Charlotte where you know he’s he’s playing as a as a guy who’s miscast so yeah 16% last season but he he played like zero minutes like it’s it’s impossible to get in a rhythm when you play you know over 50 games you’re playing 500 minutes that’s that’s just not a lot of basketball 538 minutes I I like the sample size of 1900 minutes a lot better where he shot 33.2% that seems a little bit better or even the 419 minutes he played with uh Philadelphia where he shot 40% so could we have gotten more for Davon Mitchell no Frank anore no yeah I mean Davon Mitchell like like his value was just dropping with the Kings and and I say that because the closer he gets to free agency and you have to pay him money that’s when it becomes a problem I I don’t know where Lonzo ball lands I does does anyone care like not to be rude but like does he still play basketball because I don’t think he does if he’s able to play I’d like to have loun a ball here if he’s able to play I see you stepen brown man oh man hey I wanted to make sure I I read this while Damen was here because he would feel the same way I would did you see the crap that’s happening in golden state no with a coach this time but with Klay Thompson they are burying his ass yeah this this little move that the Warriors have been doing all day is whack they are ridiculous bar you see you saw the Jason Dumis uh I did come on and I like J and I’m I’m not even saying nothing about Jason he’s he’s doing his job it’s not about this is on on the Golden State Warriors yeah they are burying Klay Thompson on his way out that is wrong are they are they doing the exit strategy yeah well I’ll read James then I’ll read it real quick and we can talk about the Jason Dumis was on 957 the game and he said clay has been equally exhausting behind the scenes it’s not as loud it’s not as loud because it’s not you stomping on someone’s chest if he’s slamming stuff on the bench or soaking and doing that on the court how do you think he is in practice how do you think he is in a locker room it’s been uncomfortable it just has it just doesn’t come out as loudly as Draymond Green that’s that’s after they have put out the report that P was going to start and Clay was going to be a bench player what’s the purpose of putting that out now you want to make sure you bury Clay on the way out and like I said I’m not even here to say the reports Jason the people who are wrong or untrue there’s no to put that no Jason got that information from somebody no no I’m saying I’m saying the somebody could be telling exactly what happened there’s no need to put that out there don’t don’t put that out there not to somebody like Klay Thompson not to anybody really but somebody like Klay Thompson done this before what they do to Mark Jackson same thing gonna bury him that’s that’s that sucks that’s I’m just slightly surprised with Clay you would expect them to be a little bit more reverent like that that’s not to say that like he’s a moody dude like you know the whole you know Clay on a boat clay with his dog and even I remember last year with uh Steve Kerr was asked about Klay Thompson and he said well you know know like Clay is kind of a surly dude like he he’s quiet and you know like my impression of him the first time I met him was at a pre-draft workout and somebody asked him about he had just been popped for marijuana in college and he did not take that question well at all and it was like oh this is I see an unpleasant side of somebody um so yeah I don’t know like he was never I’ve been in their locker room he was never rude or anything to me um but you know doesn’t mean he wasn’t a surly dude for marijuana is an incredible sentence in24 yeah but uh but that was 2011 I know what I mean it’s an incredible sentence in4 the um like I believe everything that Jason said like I believe that actually happened my thing is you there’s no need to put that out there yeah that’s you tried to resign him and he said no like he left so regardless of all that other stuff like you were willing to resign him and he said no and by all accounts he took less money yeah I don’t know how much less money he took I don’t know well okay you’re right he took less money annually whether he took less money over the term of the deal that that remains to be seen as everything seemed to hover around two years but um at least those were the reports that were out there um and that’s all that there is to talk about as it pertains to Northern California basketball I mean we could break down DeAnthony Melton uh nice signing sure um Chris Paul headed to San Antonio I I’ll ask I’ll ask both you guys this real quick um because I mentioned it a little bit on Sports Sunday but I want to know what you think Damian and you James ham that the Warriors completely fumbled the Jordan pool situation because they got looks like nothing out of it oh I’ll be completely honest they fumbled that when they got him to sign a contract that was obscene the the thought was they made the trade and they they got off maybe that’s all they got but why didn’t you trade Chris Paul at the deadline and you that that’s a great question players to get back in return for Jordan yeah I don’t know because any team at the deadline would have known and that’s why I kept saying he’s not going to finish the year as a warrior would have known they could they could they could have cut him the day after the season ended and and not paid him so yeah I’m I’m 100% with you on that I think the team was delusional enough to believe they could compete that 2022 title ruined their line of thinking they thought we’re still a championship team all right hey you w a championship that’s all that matters but I also think when early in the season that um he was so effective with the young guys off the bench and so it kind of got you into this mode like oh just wait till he gets back because then he got hurt he missed a bunch of time like just wait till he gets back just wait till he gets back he might be able to Galvanize the second unit and then we got a shot and that just didn’t happen like when he got back it was like okay I mean I I understand fully and and I don’t blame the Spurs for for going in there and bringing him in um I Michael Malone told me one time that Chris Paul’s the greatest leader he’s ever been around he’s like it’s not even close and he’s like I like I was around young LeBron James and like trust me he’s like it’s not even close like that is the leader in the NBA he is a incredible leader and for him to go in there and be able to do pick and rolls with uh Victor wiim Bama but also to be a coach on the floor and to teach Victor Wim Bama how to be a leader I think is a really really good thing for for Spurs agre and and I’m not a Chris Paul guy at all like he he like DeMarcus Cousins almost like strangled him a couple of times and like I wouldn’t have like faulted him which is always funny like he wouldn’t even let Isaiah Thomas shake hands with him oh no yeah yeah that is an alltime King’s moment no no no no no no over here over here I was like bro what are you doing literally wouldn’t let let him shake hands with Isaiah Thomas or with uh with Chris Paul yeah amazing um all right Hammer we’re just going to sit here and wait just go away I thought he was about to ask some tough question we’re just gonna sit here and wait what we’re all gonna do we’re gonna sit here and we’re going to wait together I guess I guess the thing Kings fans can be optimistic about is Ingram Lori kzz go ahead ghetto boy if he comes to Sacramento I’m have to explain cam Johnson none of none of them have been traded so it’s not like the kings are missing out on anything like nothing with those guys is happening and real quick because I James probably want to add to that I don’t believe this is just me then I don’t believe Monty made that pick on Wednesday night without knowing he had something coming down the road like I I I think I think a deal is going to be made I don’t know which one but I think a deal is GNA be made here I don’t disagree I I think that that they’re pretty far down this pathway that you almost have to make a deal of some sort and and again like I’ve advocated this so many times don’t make a deal just to make a deal make a deal because it makes you better and and your team’s not good enough uh like if the goal is to win an NBA championship your team is not there there like that’s that’s just being honest right and I think that they understand that as well like I’ve had conversations with people there and they understand that they have to get better this offseason there’s no question with that um that they are going to try to be aggressive and I think your point Damian is very well taken like there could come a point where where Lori Markin gets traded and it’s for um Jonathan kaminga and uh and Kavon Looney and four first round picks and we can all just look at that and go okay they got more I don’t know about that that’s gonna sting but and not the return it’s GNA sting because it’s the Warriors and that was one thing that we were talking about earlier is like Danny is gonna milk this like he’s he can publicly pit and that’s why I think the Keegan Murray stuff is out there from Jake fiser is he can pit the Kings against the Warriors through through yeah different people no I I totally get that but at the same time if if they land him and the and the Kings don’t have what they the Warriors gave up to give up yeah then that’s okay you you lost like again we talk about the PJ Washington you know and Daniel Gafford additions to to the the Dallas Mavericks last year the Kings could if they would have given up two first round picks to go get those two players number one they would not have been playing in the Western Conference Finals like the Dallas Mavericks number two they would have had nothing to move this offseason their offseason plans their next offseason plans are completely shot and done they can’t do anything so for me like look we have to see what happens and and what the deals are if they’re and you can say hey yeah you should have got Derek uh Jones Jr for threeyear 30 million okay number one Derrik Jones Jr turned down the Kings like at least one other time um when he was a when he signed a free agent deal with Portland and and Shan the king so maybe he would never sign here but at the same time like we don’t know what else is out there what else is available whether like again a Caleb Martin is still available what if you can go get him what if uh you know one of these other player what what if your fallback is a cam Johnson um and you go make a deal for him and Dorian fenny Smith and who knows maybe that does move the needle maybe that does make this team better but I I want to see what it is if if you do lose out on some of these players did you lose out on on a Kyle kusma because somebody else gave up less than what you were gonna offer and and you just wouldn’t offer more and that’s where I would judge somebody more harshly is if you know again all things were considered they they went out and got a a different 25 5-year-old shooting guard with two years left on his contract and got a first round pick and a second and the kings were only offering Kevin herder and a first a and not you know and the other team was offering a first and a second and so that’s where I would be like okay like look if you’re G to lose out on a deal because you barely got out bid that doesn’t make any sense if you lose out on a deal because someone gives up four first round picks and you don’t have four first round picks to give up and is what it is is there anyone on the free agent Market that is out there that kind of maybe maybe we look into this I mean there are players that I wouldn’t mind having on the team but like the difference makers are all via trade which hey let’s be honest the Kings have always had to go via trade like we’ve talked about this how many times now the best free agent signing ever is Vlade 327 this is the 328 the second best is probably Malik Monk and like so like look the free agent Market is tough for the Kings um that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t mind you know going after you know if you felt like you had a need which at this point the Kings don’t but uh what is it Gary Trent Jr they’re saying could sign for less than the mid-level okay Kyle Anderson someone brings up oh okay none of that like those are fine they don’t move the needle you have to have the other move first and then one of those moves hey James we we um didn’t get to talk to you um after the draft and everything man and Devin Carter and um James came back from Cabo without a tan oh no I I’ve got one I just no no screenshot it Dam Dr D it’s just right here the only of uh love it I work really hard to not get burned between James ham at home and James ham in Cabo is in Cabo he just wears a bigger hat oh yeah no I wear sleeves like when I’m in Cabo I’ve got I’ve got a James can’t even go out in the sun no I take my shirt off for like 10 minutes and go out in the water and I already have sunscreen on I already waited like 20 minutes for the sunscreen to dry and then I go out in the water and then I get out of the water and put my shirt back on because I I learned the hard way you can’t even trust the The Umbrellas you’ll I’ll get burnt through an umbrella in the shades so gra great that is a James is war against the sun hey but look no lie if you look at the little well we can look at our little numbers up there numbers gone up since James gave that little peep show well that’s that’s a shoot James hey James show us a little bit more and we might get to 5,000 we was at we was at 4,800 we now at 49 bro numbers going up ain’t no shame in in in dowlo and KC getting the numbers up but uh first ever 5,000 live stream show because James is showing a little it’s G up again it’s 4918 19 word is f word is we’re gonna go WID screen just in James just case James gets real H you guys are ridiculous oh man but uh James man just your thoughts on on Devin Carter um his fit with the Kings potential fit with the Kings or whatever and uh yeah what what you think of the player yeah to be honest with you I really really like the the draft pick um I mean I think what you’re getting is a like sort of a mature prospect that can can you know step in and play m in year one uh someone said he’s he’s better than Davon he’ll be better than Davon in year two most likely but in year one I don’t know if he’ll be better than Davon Mitchell Davon Mitchell is a perfectly fine player a very very good defensive player um but the things that he brings you know he brings um like that grit and energy and sort of mentality that the Kings need uh he also has that crazy long wingspan um which you know it’s 6’2 and a quarter with what a 69 and and three quarters wingspan um like I’m in like that’s great uh the Kings need that type of long athletic Defender that’s sort of the problem I had with Davon it’s not that davon’s six foot tall it’s that he’s six foot tall and his wingspan might be like 61 62 and that’s a problem you know when you’re trying to defend uh bigger guards in the league and I think he’s going to be able to defend all over the place my concern like I I’ve said this but I said it um last week on the Insiders is there are some murmurs about his shoulder and what kind of injury that might be and if he’s going to miss time and we’re gonna have to wait and see it’s possible that he gets to Sacramento uh which he got there last night right and um and they’ll put him through a battery of tests but uh there was definitely some murmurs not just before the draft but even after the draft that that there are some that he does have a shoulder issue which is why I was asked in Monty McNair’s press conference about the shoulder so yeah I think it’s it’s worth you know kind of f figuring out but same time I like I I really like him his energy is good he can shoot the three uh 42 inch vert right like he attacks the rim uh just kind of a dog and the Kings need those guys hey Dame real quick look at the view I saw it come on man no I saw it come on hey show a little more J at this pointet I retweeted just so you know Malik Malik mon day topped out at 4100 live viewers today with absolutely nothing happening we’re at 5100 and soaring because James is showing skin and retweeted we went from 48 to 51 once James show a little shoulder no it’s all we need Little James ham shoulder and he goes again we are not there he goes again this is not gonna be free after a while I’ll tell you that right now oh man um James did the not lead the witness James what is your opinion on the Sasha Vaz zenov experiment in Sacramento you know I text Kyle um I think it was on Friday like when whenever the trade happened I said my my opinion is this that that good like everybody makes mistakes in the NBA every every general manager makes mistakes I mean like Thomas Robinson instead of Damen Lillard uh Jimmer for debt instead of Klay Thompson or uh Ben McLemore instead of Giannis Anto Dumbo right everyone makes mistakes and and those are three well two different general managers right there the good general managers in the league look at their team look at their players honestly assess them properly and when they’re not working or it’s not going to work they pull the plug as quickly as possible possible and mistakes in the NBA cost money they they cost you something on the way out the door it very very seldom do you see a team make a big mistake and somebody let them off the hook just ask the Chicago Bulls right now what they’re feeling uh when everyone is tweeting out that there is absolutely no market for Zack LaVine and they owe him like 190 million bucks or whatever it is so I would say like the Kings made some mistakes and uh the number nine pick in the draft I don’t think that Davon Mitchell is a bad player just he wasn’t built for the system this type of offense this type of flow offense he’s a half court player and that’s okay now you found him a good spot where he can go try to do that um when you got Sasha penov here it was a question that I asked before they actually went over and signed him is he better than Trey Lyles and if he’s not is he enough different than that you’re not going to have a redundancy issue and the answer was absolutely not he’s not enough different he’s too redundant and so my point is that a couple of second round picks and one year of Jaylen McDaniels for to to move those players that’s what a good team does and not only that a good team does it as early as possible because that money is drying up quick and the fact that the Kings did it before this new season started absolutely brilliant move by the Kings and it those guys just weren’t part of the plan and that’s okay it what’s not okay is to let them sit on the bench for an extra two or three years like what the Kings did with Kenny Thomas years ago like where he just sat there and like what’s he doing over there he makes eight or nine million dollars a year oh nothing he ain’t playing plot now R yeah yeah or or Costa Kus like you just ask Costa Kus to sit there and not play for for three years or two years whatever it was like there there’s no value in that move the player when you get in a situation and this second time they did it the first one hurt much worse uh when they had to trade uh ran Holmes with the first round pick but a couple of seconds like it got you out from a like eight and a half million dollars in salary cap and it allows you to go out and do more right now it frees you to do more or at least feel like you can do more people were bugging out over the ran tweet because I think they all read it wrong what what was it ran I I I think he opt it out and then resigned uh he basically resigned for the same exact amount with next year having 250 million or excuse me 250,000 guaranteed instead of 13 million and so it was framed as he signed uh it was like a two-year deal worth 13 million annually and I think how did he get like $26 million when the second year when it again it’s the same amount he was making roughly yeah and the second year is really only worth 250,000 so if they he plays well they have him and and can keep him and if he doesn’t or you know someone takes the spot yeah then you move on from it for U you know Kenny carway chump change well that’s not what that is at all well then they also went out and signed valan chunis and and drafted a center with an number two overall pick so yeah kind of a weird situation for Fallon chunis took a pay cup for the first time in his career he did also didn’t um did I read it right or hopefully I didn’t get chatty house uh Sasha’s gone right like Sasha’s going back that’s not is that not true uh there was a lot of talk that that that he’s uh negotiating with olympiakos but um one of the reporters from from uh the Raptors came out and said hey look he’s under contract next year and everyone expects him in Toronto to be back if he wants to walk away from his 6.7 million they probably would be fine with that but at the same time the Kings couldn’t take that risk and and not knowing and they they probably had discussions with him before about what his his ideas were because I mean he’s you know he’s under contract he was under contract with the king before they traded him so I’m I’m glad like look it wasn’t going to work out and and you needed longer more athletic players that’s it like again jayen McDaniels isn’t a better player than Sasha VZ zenov but he probably will fit a better role here in Sacramento what limited time he gets on the court in two two seconds ham so you’re saying when he was with the Kings when he was under contract and all those stories were coming out it was kind of a concern maybe for the kings that he’d try to leave and go back to Europe no he has no way to do that just like he had no way to leave Europe and come to Sacramento without paying his buyout so he would have had to negotiate with the Kings and maybe it would have worked out maybe the Kings could have got him to leave for nothing but probably not and so you would have had to pay more money on the way out the door and um a lot of times that it just creates like more trouble than it’s worth so um I I think the Kings knew exactly what his plans were and his plans were to be in the United States or at least in the NBA because he’s no longer in the United States uh but uh to play in the NBA next season and they didn’t want to pay the money and so they traded him does anything happen by the time we get here tomorrow at 10: a.m. man I hope so because you know what Wednesday is it’s gonna happen yeah it’s gonna happen in the middle of uh you know what Wednesday is Wednesday’s the day everybody for those yeah yeah for for those this is this is this this is for everybody it’s a weird schedule for all of us we’re all here tomorrow we got you 10 to 4 and then the station shuts down for a few days we’re not here Wednesday we’re at a trust fall a mandatory company retweet Retreat uh Thursday is the fourth Friday we’re just not here and so um you know I’m not going to speak for Thursday or Friday but we you know if if something happens uh on Wednesday just head over to your stream streaming favorite streaming platform like we’ll we’ll be there uh we’ll we’ll figure it out we’ve already you know have let all parties know Kimberly has our back here um but hopefully Monty doesn’t do that to us I’ll be convinced Monty hates us if that winds up happening and then if Monty does something on the fourth of July it’s because he hates America well like clearly or barbecues like he hates mothers well he does he doesn’t like mothers we we all know that Luke Walton will attest to that um well I said today would either be heartbreak heartbreaking or exhilarating and it turned out to just be boring so well until James started showing some SK well and that was exhilarating that was exhilarating uh we’ll almost tomorrow almost 6000 we’re almost six this is crazy it’s crazy j$ a month for the next next we’re signing off the radio and James is showing a nipple we’ll see you tomorrow at 10: a.m. on ESPN 1320 m zantes

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