@Utah Jazz

The NBA Is Witnessing A Rebuilding MASTERCLASS

The NBA Is Witnessing A Rebuilding MASTERCLASS

the Utah Jazz just had possibly the best return in this year’s draft Here Comes rice a race by Williams out of five the jumper it goes a three good hands by Ellis getting the deflection ker and when I say this might have been the best draft not only did every media publication grade it incredibly highly but Utah got two players in Kyle filipowski and Isaiah Ker who were predicted by many to be drafted in the lottery with pretty much second round picks but this is nothing new for Danny a or the Jazz because ever since he’s taken over it’s been right move after right move after right move to the point where in a span of just two seasons they’ve gone from a team where their best players 23 and under were Oka asabuki and nikila Alexander Walker to now having seven first round level talents all 23 years and younger not to mention the 27-year-old allar and 25-year-old 20 point per game scorer who they got As throwin in the Donovan Mitchell trade and it’s one thing to have all these first round picks in the war chest and now on the court but it’s another thing when you were actually hitting on those picks and although it’s so early in the process we know what Walker Kesler brings you as one of the best shop blockers in the NBA he put it on the floor get on out of here you also saw some elite shot blocking traits from Taylor Hendrick in his first season and then the future star of this group is konay George now if you were to just look at keontay George’s counting stats from his rookie season you wouldn’t exactly be blown away by 13 points and four assists on subpar efficiency but it was the flashes of star potential that was the reason so many people like myself think he’s the future of this franchise along side Lowry marinan yes Lowry marinan just look at him here against Josh AI where he attacks him around the Lowry screen and with aogi still attached to him look at the filthy crossover and pull up midi this is what makes Keon such a special talent he just has a great ability to create separation that doesn’t appear to be there using Shifty Crossovers and changes of speed to hit pullup midies and threes at will not to mention he’s also got some size at 6’4 so he’s able to get out in transition and use that size and athleticism to finish against bigger Defenders like here where he gets right into the chest of McDaniels and puts it in or he can also do things like this in transition now it’s great that he has this level of athleticism and shooting prowess but what makes Keon special is he already has a really high basketball IQ even as a rookie just like on this plate where he has the ball out top with with the he in a Zone and Lowry having a mismatch he gives it to ston pointing out the mismatch in the post which paired with the cut by hendris forces the defense to collapse leaving him wide open for three he didn’t move at all but one simple play turned a tightly contested shot into a wide open three and as far as showing star potential it wasn’t just moments within games it was stretches of games throughout the season just look at his 4 game stretch at the beginning of March where he had 31 points and four assists vers Miami 29 and 6 vers Denver 26 and six verse Boston and 25 and five verse Atlanta he had multiple other games like that but to have four star level performances in consecutive games is always a good sign and what Utah are doing right now is stockpiling the best talent possible and then figuring out who they should keep or who can then be traded at a later date because clearly Jordan Clarkson keontay George Colin ston Bryce sensar and Isaiah Kia cannot exist but if Danny a and this Utah team have shown us anything is they can really get value out of anyone on their roster and they’re not afraid to then trade those players which brings me to their second round pick from this year’s draft what player are you most surprised is still on the draft board today Christine it has to be Kyle Philip Not only was he a steal but when I say they can turn anyone into a player of value Kyle filipowski being on the Utah Jazz is a result of trading a 33-year-old Kelly oin and I’ve said this before but it’s actually starting to get scary the Utah Jazz always find a way to get even what do I mean when they traded away a 25-year-old oldstar level player what did they get back in return when they traded away a dominant rim protector what did they get back in return and now this season they traded away a versatile offensive big man that can space the floor and in the draft with that pick what did they get you guessed it and let’s talk about filipowski because sure there’s some interesting stuff going on in his personal life which according to all reports he is not to blame for but there should be no question marks over his skill set if you want to see just how versatile he is offensively look at him here initially face up the defender Drive spin off him and once he recognizes the help defense he’s able to hang and then find proor in the corner guys that is not a normal play for a 7t big man to make or this time getting the ball in the post and again look at him notice the double team instantly and find the cutter with filipowski you have a seven-footer who can shoot the ball face up drive to the rim and maybe above all he just has a great understanding of where where Cutters and Shooters are on the floor allowing him to consistently make passes that very few other bigs can make I’d be willing to guarantee that he is going to be a good offensive Center in the NBA for the next 10 to 15 years whether he’ll be good enough as a Defender to be a legit starting center is the only question mark But for a second round pick you aren’t going to get much better than Kyle filipowski now one thing about filipowski defensive limitations is Utah’s last two draft picks have been guys who have all the tools to be all Defense level players Taylor Hendrick and Cody Williams are both freakishly large paw very athletic Wings Williams is a guy who has more in his bag offensively as someone who can handle and create for others or for himself like here where he gets past the first Defender kicks it out to the corner before then relocating for the three or how about this move in transition with the initial change of speed before the spin move and Euro Step for the layup there’s a reason Cody Williams was the number one ranked prospect on certain draft boards at times during this season whilst Taylor Hendricks is more of a work in progress offensively but he might not need to be some Elite offensive player when you could potentially field a lineup with keonte George Colin Sexton Larry marinan and Kyle filipowski that could be four three level scorers who can all make plays for others instead Hendrix just needs to focus on two things knocking down his three-point shots and being a menace defensively and it’s plays like this which give you hope he can do just that he’s isolated against Kevin Durant KD hits him with a little hesy before attacking the rim yet Hendrix is able to get up there and block his shot it’s one thing to alterate Kevin Durant shot but to actually block it is a whole different ball game we about on this play where he’s able to help off wemi on the drive and meet sohan’s two-handed dunk attempt at The Rim you also don’t want me to tell you how good low marinan is because I will be here all day and I know everyone thinks he’s getting traded well if you thought the maau bridges trade was a Godfather offer Danny a isn’t picking up the phone for anyone who’s not offering that level of package and more now if you did make it all the way to the end of the video and want to see more content like this all throughout the off season and going forward consider subscribing it’s free either way have a nice day bye

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  1. gotta be careful with these predictions, people thought the pistons were gonna make the play in last year with amen thompson and cade being healthy with monty williams, and turned out to be the worst team in the league

  2. Only problem is they don’t have a guy. You can win without a guy like the Celtics did but it’s very hard. They’d probably need atleast 2 more all star level players next to Lauri

  3. Love the analysis! I am a bit worrried that everyone we took slid from where they were projected but if 1 or 2 of them pan out we won't be talking about that.

  4. Lol! Yall are so dumb.

    Imagine thinking the Jazz rebuild is actually good.

    Mediocre for the rest of the decade, you goofballs. Pay attention…

  5. I have to see how Utah does I honestly thought they would have been much better last year and they were horrible.

  6. I literally had to watch like 3 minutes in YouTube ads just to dislike and make fun of this steaming hit take. Utah and singe are hilarious. Half the team is leftovers. Their 2024 picks are jokes.

  7. I'm a Jazz fan. The very last thing that I would call this build is a masterclass. They did do very well in the 2024 draft because they got very lucky. But overall it's been a complete disaster. And they're likely to end all hope of fixing it when they give Markkanen the max this offseason.

  8. Actually Collier is the result of the Kelly Olynyk trade. The Filipowski pick was from trading Simone Fontecchio to the Pistons

  9. I’m just gonna say it, Ainge learned how to build teams from Red Auerbach. He knows how to sell high and buy low. He values youth to build the future.

  10. Keyonte is going to be a star…. I’m a Jazz fan and he reminds me a lot of Donovan Mitchell. I don’t think he will end up as good as Mitchell, but pretty close!

  11. They just drafted popular names in 6 years only 1 would be remembered and that’s why they got A on most sites

  12. Sexton had a really underrated season. Same amount of points in similar minutes as Kyrie, with more assists. Young bull😮‍💨

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