@Minnesota Timberwolves

The Spurs GIFT WRAPPED The Minnesota Timberwolves The STEAL Of The 2024 NBA Draft

The Spurs GIFT WRAPPED The Minnesota Timberwolves The STEAL Of The 2024 NBA Draft

the 2023 2024 NBA season was an outstanding year for the Minnesota Timberwolves in round one of the Western Conference playoffs we watched them sweep a team that consisted of Kevin Durant Devin Booker and Bradley Bill they swept the Phoenix Suns and then in round two of the Western Conference playoffs I believe they gave us the most entertaining series out of all the playoff series and that was their matchup against the Denver Nuggets where they were able to complete a comeback on the Road in a game seven to knock off the defending champs and then we get to round three of the Western Conference playoffs the Western Conference Finals where they ultimately came up short against Luca Kyrie and the Dallas Mavericks but nonetheless this was still a great season for the Minnesota Timberwolves I think it was very Monumental and they just took a huge step forward um they just took a huge step forward as a franchise so here we fast forward a couple of weeks later and here we are in the off season the Minnesota Timberwolves are figuring out how to improve their roster and as great as their season was there is also I mean there is always room for improvement now the Minnesota timberwoods last season they were able to create a very strong identity on the defensive side of the basketball we saw them put on some great defensive master classes in the um in the Western Conference playoffs against some really good offensive teams but and they did finish the season number one and defensive rating but they also finished number 16 in offensive rating and I think in the third round of the playoffs it kind of caught up to them they just didn’t have enough offensive Firepower to match Luca Kyrie and the Dallas Mavericks so here we are in the off season and you look at the Minnesota timberwoods and you look at their situation this is already a really good basketball team and they have a lot of miles to feed especially when it comes to the type of players that they have and the type of money that these players demand in today’s NBA game they have a lot of high value guys you have Anthony Edwards who’s obviously the franchise the future for the Minnesota Timberwolves you have Rudy Gober who just won a defensive player of the year award for the fourth time he excels at blocking shots and grabbing rebounds you have Carl Anthony towns who can give you 20 points every night to go along with eight n 10 rebounds and then they have some really good role players with nas Reed and jayen McDaniels all of these guys um are going to make a lot of money and it’s a lot of miles to feed for the Minnesota timberwoods so this offseason um cap space was not on their side so they went out and in my opinion I think they made a really good deal with the San Antonio spars and they got one of the bigger U one of the bigger steals in this year’s draft they were able to take a I want to say I know the two picks what are from 2030 and 2031 one is a unprotected pick and one is a first round protected pick but they took these two picks and they were able to turn this into the eighth pick and to um the eighth pick in this year’s NBA draft and that pick turned out to be Rob Dillingham and before we get into what kind of prospect Rob Dillingham is coming from OT coming out of the University of Kentucky I just want to say that I love this trade for the Minnesota timberwoods and I I love it for two reasons number too we don’t really see a team this good be able to get be able to bring in Talent out of the out of the NBA draft lottery we just saw the Minnesota timberwoods they just knocked off the defending champs and they also got into the Conference Finals so for them to be able to make a move that and they don’t give up none of their core pieces none of their core guys and gets them a lottery pick you got to applaud them for that and then also the picks that they gave up are kind of far away 2030 and 2031 that’s 5 six years from now I believe an ever is 22 23 years of age he wouldn’t even be into his 30s by that time so I don’t think the Minnesota timberwoods I don’t think they’re going to be too desperate for any type of Lottery help in that stage but you never know and then also Rob Dillingham is a player that has tremendous upside you never know this might pay off he could be a guy that is a perennial Allstar each and every season if you watched him play or seen any of his highlights he does have that type of upside but that’s what we’re going to we’re going to get into we’re going to look at what kind of prospect Rob Dillingham is and we’re going to start with what he excels at and the easiest way to describe Rob Dillingham as a basketball player as a prospect he’s a walking bucket when he played at high school when he played with overtime leite when he played at the University of Kentucky he makes scoring the basketball looks he makes scoring the basketball look very easy and the stuff that he’s doing they are very tough buckets very impressive buckets but it make he makes them look easy for him if that makes sense and we start with and we look at Rob Dillingham we can start with his handle on the basketball I think his handle is so Elite he has stop and go he knows how to change his Pace he knows how to rock his Defender to sleep and blow right past him and he also has the hesi one of the nastiest hesis in basketball right now and and kids love Rob Dillingham like anybody from I want to say probably the age of 25 and younger they’re huge fans of of Rob Dillingham he has a lot of Swag to his game but um his handle is Elite and then his ability to score from all three levels he can knock down the three-point shot off the catch off the dribble he can get to the mid-range area and knock down a jumper and then also he’s a really strong finisher around the rim he can finish in so many different ways despite him being 61 62 he does not shy away from contact um since he’s been the deeper he’s gone into his basketball career he’s Pinn on muscle you can see him at the University um of Kentucky that’s probably where he’s been in his strongest he did a great job of finishing through contact and then he also has NBA level finishes being able to lay the ball up off the high glass lay the ball up with some English on it and then he has a really good floater to his game as well having the floater and being a smaller guard we see how beneficial it has been for guys like Trey young um guys like Chris PA that floater for a shorter guard in the NBA it can be very elite and Rob Dillingham has that to his game and then his offensive game just flows really well all of those things come together really well his ability to handle the ball his ability to shoot the ball his ability to finish he knows how to put those things all together and he’s one of the best ISO players in the country the best ISO player in his class so um his ability to drive the basketball his speed his ability to to to shift to use the hesi it just makes him a problem on the offensive side of the ball he’s also a really really good playmaker he can run the two-man game he’s not a selfish basketball player he does not mind feeding his teammates and setting him up to be successful and then he’s just a he’s just a basketball player that has a lot of Swag and I I believe that’s why he was traded from the San Antonio spish to the Minnesota timberwoods is because we never really seen nobody on the San the San Antonio SP with that type of um their basketball game has that type of Personality we just look at them over the last few years kawh Leonard who was very fundamental um they have wimy now and then we know they had guys like job Tony Parker um Tim Duncan those wasn’t the flashiest flashiest GU so that’s my theory that’s the only reason why I think the the San Antonio Spurs would be rebuilding and trade a talent like Rob Dillingham but nonetheless you know what they say one man’s trash it’s a’t another man’s treasure and then um of course with this of course with us evaluating the the prospect that Rob Dillingham is we got to look at some of the things that he doesn’t excel at and um I’m not going to say that he’s a bad Defender and I honestly I I honestly think when it comes to to the basketball and the NBA a lot of these guys aren’t bad Defenders they’re just smaller players and and in the and the skill level is just so Elite nowadays but if you watch um Rob Dillan him if you watch him at the University of Kentucky he’s a willing Defender he’s not just going to let nobody give up no easy buckets but we live in and we live in that age where every team is trying to get that perfect mismatch and a lot of the times it’s either getting a a bigger player to to guard a smaller player on the perimeter or getting a smaller player to guard a bigger player in the paint so teams are most likely going to try to hunt Rob Dillingham uh when he’s out on the court but teams have a way of hiding they’re they worst Defenders we see it all the time so I don’t think that’s something to to stress about too much and the Minnesota Timberwolves are Elite on the defensive side of the ball so he’s going to have great Defenders around him and then some of the other things are just things that come with being a young basketball player like sometimes he might hold on to the basketball for too long he might have he might have a possession where he’s doing too much dribbling or he might have a possession where he tries to throw a flashy pass that his teammate wasn’t ready for but those are something that those are things you get better at with Excuse me get better at with time with working with um NBA level professionals so I’m not too worried about that you look at the difference but um you look at the difference when Kyrie Irving the way that he’s played when he first came into the league versus the way that he plays now it’s two completely different players and Kyrie is still as flashy and and he’s still as flashy and as crazy as ever but his game is very fundamentally sound now so um I think those are things that are going to get better with time so I think this was an outstanding pickup for the Minnesota timberwoods the timeline is perfect they have a veteran point guard and Mike connley that Rob Dillingham can learn a lot from and they’re both around the same side so he can teach him some T some tips some instincts on the defensive side of the ball so this is just a really a really good situation I think for for Rob Dillingham in for the Minnesota timber Wills I think Rob is gonna have an opportunity to come in and make an impact for a for a NBA team but it’s not going to be a lot of pressure on his shoulders to to live um to the expectations of being a number eight um the number eight overall pick he’s going to have some time to grow and develop because he has a really good team backing him up so um that’s my thoughts on this trade I think it’s a big time still for the Minnesota timberwoods and in the long term it can end up paning off crazy because Rob Dillingham he has the he has the upside to be uh a really nice offensive force in today’s NBA but that’s going to be it for this video If you guys enjoyed please leave a like uh sorry if my eyes look a little low man I’m just getting off work I’m super sleepy but I wanted to get this recorded but let me know what you think down in the comment section um about Rob Dillingham let me know where the San Antonio Spurs am I tripping or are they tripping for for trading Rob Dillingham and then subscribe subscribe for more weekly content so you don’t miss anything and and best curtains

Todays video will be on the minnesota timberwolves and we will be discussing how the san antonio spurs gifted a huge present on draft day, rob dillingham. Please enjoy the minnesota timberwolves news today and subscribe for more weekly content!

The Spurs GIFT WRAPPED The Minnesota Timberwolves The STEAL Of The 2024 NBA Draft

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