@Brooklyn Nets

Lakers & Nets Trade Following Klay Thompson?

Lakers & Nets Trade Following Klay Thompson?

what’s going on everyone so when d’angel Russell opted in for the Los Angeles Lakers that was the best case scenario because it gave them his $18.7 million contract and now they they can use to go and shop and try to upgrade this roster and the Lakers are doing that very thing Lakers are waiting around right Klay Thompson we’re all kind of just like sitting here looking at our watch right like come on can something happen right we’re we’re all very impatient want to see that first Domino to fall but the Lakers I’m sure are still behind the scenes kind of having these conversations trying to see what is out there and are heavily shopping d’angel Russell based on reports but also uh Anthony Irwin recently talked about d’angel Russell uh and a potential Brooklyn Nets trade and talked about how the Brooklyn Nets are still interested in d’angel Russell uh and that you know his expiring contract could be more appealing to the Brooklyn Nets now uh because one they could use the point guard to make some plays but two uh he’s a guy that would be expiring so worst case you could just let him go clear some salary off your books uh give them a new contract if you wanted to right Brooklyn would have some options and flexibility but also Brooklyn has several pieces that the Lakers could use right you got several Wing players that make a ton of sense um you know they got a couple centers that could make some sense it it boils down to to like what would actually be available and of course what would the cost be right like what would it take for the Lakers to get those guys now I still think the first Domino to fall will be Klay Thompson I don’t think anything happens until Klay Thompson makes his decision whether it’s to go to the Dallas Mavericks or it is to come to the Lakers uh oh and I also think it depends on in which form does it take to acquire clay right if you have to trade for clay then that’s a l different than if you have to uh or you can just sign him with the mle right because if you have to trade for clay what do you have to give up for clay and what if they want d’angel Russell right what if DLo is the guy that they want because he’s an expiring contract and they’re like oh we don’t want to take on ruy or something like that because we don’t want to we don’t want salary on the book we want to try to clear some salary so now you end up losing DLo and a deal for say clay and whatever else and now you’re in a position position to where it’s like okay well there goes the the Brooklyn Nets trade because you know they only want DLo and that’s not a thing right so that’s kind of again the first piece that has to fall but going under the assumption that either clay goes to Dallas or the Lakers uh sign clay for the mle I do think Brooklyn I do think Brooklyn would be an excellent trade partner at that point uh because particularly they have wings that you could go and put around clay and Reeves and LeBron and AD right first one and my favorite option would be cam Johnson uh cam Johnson’s a guy that is very versatile right he is looked at as a three and D Wing but he could do a lot more than that he’s versatile in the sense of like he can put the ball on the deck he can go get his own shot hit from the mid-range right he’s got good size you know he’s 68 he’s still only 28 years old so he’s on the right side of 30 um he’s got good length could basically play you know two through four if you need him to so you’d have that versatility um I know a lot of people like clay and believe Clay is probably best at the three at this point but I actually think if you have say a cam Johnson right long with an Anthony Davis I think slotting clay at the two makes a lot of sense right I mean I also think you can make an argument that part of the reason Clay is had his decline is because he slid over to the three because he’s having to defend bigger quicker twitchier WS where you look at the two guard position it’s like how many are how many two guards are that much of a problem outside of like you know Anthony Edwards and guys like that most of them are guys that you can stay in front of right and Clay just has to be serviceable at that point because you’d have Cam Johnson who could defend the best player on the other team and use his size and length you’d have Klay Thompson who you just need to be serviceable if you go with Austin Reeves at say the one just for you know position sake right like again he just has to be serviceable cam Johnson’s a guy that go get you anywhere from 15 to 20 on any given night um for him it’s just you know attempts right like what what what is the shot attempts that he ends up getting but this is a guy that’s 52% from two-point range shoots 40% from three-point range I mean he’s a career 39.2% uh from three-point range on six attempts per game so it’s not a guy that’s taking two or three it’s a guy that legitimately can knock down the three ball and and again create a little bit for himself put the ball on the deck uh can rebound do basically everything that you could want from that position and like I said he’s still young enough to where you’d have him long-term longevity wise uh so I I think if you could you know end up with clay and then go get a cam Johnson I think that that would be massive uh and and just really starting to upgrade this roster uh and you know he’s also a guy that he has long-term money but it’s actually a good thing for the Lakers right because yeah if you’re making these types of moves you’re keeping these guys more likely than not long term and so cam Johnson he’s making 23.6 million this year he drops down to 21.5 in 2025 2026 which could depending on how things shape up actually be kind of helpful and then jumps back up to 23.6 million uh in 2026 2027 so you basically have him through the age of 30 and you know again you’re kind of pushing your chips in at this point if you are to land clay and do these types of moves to where you know you you’re he lines up perfectly with like the rest of the team and the rest of the roster so and he like I said would be 30 years old so you could just keep him if you wanted to or you could just let him walk and go with everybody else basically have clean books and kind of hit the reset button on the franchise in 3 years right depending on you know what LeBron does and Anthony Davis and all these guys so he’s just another guy that lines up perfectly you could help the Brooklyn Nets kind of clear off some salary which they may be inclined to do especially a team that’s kind of trying to hit the reset button you probably having to give up you know a first or something uh for cam Johnson um know could you get something else the process right could you get um say like a sharp or you know Dorian finny Smith I know a lot of people are like you know you always mention Dorian finy Smith and it’s like well yeah because one he is the type of player that we need and two I think he is one of the more realistic options right because you know I’d love to have you know Jeremy Grant and cam Johnson and all these other high-end profile 3 and D guys that are making more money but realistically it’s like what what is the cost what is truly obtainable Dorian finy Smith 31 right he just turned 31 in May this is a guy that again is could play essentially two through four if you need him to is a veteran guy right a guy that shoots 40% from three or has the capability of shooting 40% from three you know he’s a guy that can defend on the other side of the court right he’s a guy that can go get you you know 10 points a game right again he’s not obviously I’d love to have Cam Johnson more I’d probably prefer Jeremy Grant more there’s several guys I would prefer more but it’s about what’s most realistic right but could you work it out to where you get both right could you get Dorian FY Smith and cam Johnson and now you have you know Dorian finy Smith Off the Bench or you know you could I mean if you really wanted to you could kind of operate LeBron as like your you know point guard and even go with something like a clay Dorian finy Smith cam Johnson LeBron James and Anthony Davis now you have this like just big versatile switchable lineup right I’m not saying you have to necessarily start that or anything but gives you that option would give you that flexibility and you can’t have too many just sizable three and D Wings in this league and the Lakers that’s the problem is the Lakers don’t really have both in one right it’s like ruy great offensively bad defensively V great defensively bad offensively it’s like if you could get a cam Johnson that’ll give you both get a Dorian FY Smith that can give you both right like that’s where it’s like okay this is starting to to Really Shape Up and round out the roster and then you add in Klay Thompson you know can you still go make some other moves right like it’s just I I I do think that you at least pick up the phone and have the conversation with the and see like what does it look like with particularly the wing players right what does it look like with the what would it cost to get Dorian FY Smith what would it cost to get Cam Johnson and if the price is right for them I think you I think you have to do it right you need the defensive pieces right so anyway as always this is a discussion I pass question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts uh do you think that um Dorian FY Smith or Cam Johnson do you think that would be the way to go hit up Brooklyn right see what happens with Clay first because again I think Clay is the first Domino to fall no matter what I think we’re all going to kind of wait up uh for clay and then if he signs on then they’ll you know act accordingly and go this direction if he doesn’t he goes elsewhere then I think that they’ll go this direction right so I think it just depends but we’ll see time will tell anyway again however feel whatever your thoughts are let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me a lot me you enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate yall see you in the next one thank you

Lakers are looking to upgrade the roster but we are all anxiously waiting for Klay Thompson to make a decision and give us Lakers News of signing. Lakers and the Nets could work out a trade to give the Lakers some quality wings in Dorian Finney smith or Cam Johnson. Lakers Nation could really round out the roster nicely.

#Lakers #lakerstrade #Nets


  1. Nets don’t have shit worth trading for. We already have a bunch of average players . We need good players. All we needed was to sign Drummond to get boards which were didn’t do. And to scorer that can shoot 3’s. Trade D-lo for Lavine, Lavine is the complete offensive package.

  2. lmao making trades is futile now the lakers cannot compete with the likes of the celtics knicks thunder etc why chase something that not attainable instead of rebuilding smh

  3. So funny that Lakers fan all assume & think that teams wanna trade with the Lakers and make a trade that helps the lakers more than the other team

  4. Well if we don’t sign a full time center, we’re not going to win a championship anyway IMHO. Therefore losing Klay to the Mavs is not a big deal to me. LeBron fans will be happy that their guy gets to keep his money.

  5. But why trade with the Lakers they have nothing any team wants. they can get better offers from other teams with draft picks

  6. Y'all talk bout who you prefer it's not you it's them,no matter who u prefer it's up to them…. Looking like dont know one just want to play with Lebron or play for J J Reddit

  7. Cam Johnson is always hurt, and even if he was healthy is not better than D’lo.

  8. Vet minimum to miles bridges MLE to derozan trade for broke Lopez or another center

  9. tyler give me tyus jones off the mle. grant for rui gabe and jhs and a unprotected first (basically giving them 2 first rounders. this is realistic). and then dlo and necessary filler and 2 picks for cam johnson. who is beating tyus-johnson-grant-lebron-ad with reaves christie vando off the bench. this is the only scenario i am settling for this is best case scenario forget demar

  10. The fact that no team wants Dlo tells you how bad of a player he is. Yet some Lakers' delusional fans think he's a good player.

  11. The lakers are done!! It’s going to be very difficult for them to land a high caliber player, and one of the main reasons, they don’t have a legitimate proven coach, and also I don’t think alot of players want to play with lebron.. that’s just one mans opinion.

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