@Los Angeles Lakers

Lakers to show interest in DeRozan, LeBron willing to take less than max | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Lakers to show interest in DeRozan, LeBron willing to take less than max | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

so are you surprised LeBron is open to taking a discount on his contract well there’s no max player right now that’s taking discounts so I think it’s whenever a player who is still able to get a Max takes a discount it’s surprising yes because it is rare the the reason we remember Dirk and Duncan doing it is because it was rare but those guys to be honest Durk in particular was not a max player anymore you know he was a legend within a franchise but he was not coming off at all NBA season way LeBron is and I understand people the the snap reflexive argument of ah he’s made enough money well right Paul George now is on the books for 512 million in his career wow that’s nice the most in NBA history he didn’t take less he hasn’t won you know what I mean so and again and I don’t expect anyone that is not a shot I don’t expect anyone to take less like the owners don’t take less of a player can so yes I am a little surprised whenever someone says give me less money for the greater good I would be shocked if he does it for a name of for a player below yonas valunas level if you will meaning they have just missed out on Clay they I wouldn’t have liked the Harden thing at all but they made you know Harden resigned with the Clippers we knew Harden was going to try to recoup some of the money he lost if they don’t get D rozan I’m not and they don’t execute some sign in trade then would you know marking in I think would be exceptional for them that’s the number one target I had for them in the beginning of the off season I think it’s on the board LeBron’s like all right well then in that case give me the money yeah I Ag and I and by the way I think he’ll be criticized for that but who cares you think he’ll be criticized for taking the max yeah I think people say he was he was never real I think people say he was never real and the oh the the the threat the threat the offer would just be haters because it it’s not difficult to say just what you said well he was willing to give up some money for so and so for clay for James Harden for valent chunis for Demar de Roan for whoever and they didn’t get those guys so now he’s taking the match I am not surprised LeBron the first year he went to Miami from Cleveland was willing to take less than the max now they worked out a sign and trade where he could take the max but he was willing to go there without getting the max contract and I think LeBron’s number one priority right now is to win a championship in La now not just to win a championship meaning I’m going somewhere and chasing a ring but he wants to stay in LA and I believe he wants to win a championship so I’m not surprised I think it’s smart that yeah if we can get another great player then I will take a little less money all right I I I I’m not surprised by it I think it’s smart and I also think Nick like you said if they can’t get one of those guys of Demar de rozan whoever Zach I mean Zack LaVine that’ be a trade I guess I mean I I don’t know how it would work but if they don’t get a star player then he shouldn’t take less okay logistically and Simmons brought this up on the podcast that Wilds is on last night it was a great podcast very good I’ve listened to it thank you for listening listen to your podcast and listen to Odd Couple and then you can listen to bills in that order and then watch listen to our podcast so you have a you have a full night you have a full night to be honest with you uh but Bill was asking how does this logistically work do you think he’s like all right I’m LeBron I’m willing to take less money for clay and Demar de rozan and valent Tunis and if you’re repping you’re like how about player X like no yeah so like so DeAnthony M odd mix just signed with the Warriors for I think the midlevel it was during the show I saw it it’s another story that Wild’s like well we should be talking about this like I don’t know um but uh so I think that I I think that there is a clear threshold of n give me the money and I think like DeAnthony melt wouldn’t reach it and again this is just pure I not talked to Rich I obviously not talked to LeBron this is pure speculation but in a world where he when we’re talking about LeBron taking less what if we are really being specific about it we’re saying LeBron is going to sign up for Isaiah quickly money which is $35 million a year in today’s NBA that’s what Isaiah quickley just just signed up for Scotty Barnes makes $45 million a year in today’s NBA God bless him I you know what I mean that’s the today’s NBA the point I’m making is I think that this is a real give back to the team of of that he would be on there talking about a oneyear deal of you know around $35 million it would instantly become one of the best value contracts in the we see I mean look we saw Tom Brady take less money we Patrick Mahomes is not getting as much as he could get so I I don’t think it’s a huge deal but in the NBA it’s rare it is fine but it’s still I mean he’s I I make as much money as you can but he’s already made a ton of money I mean it’s not like I have been in situations where if I’m happy in a situation I’ve taken less money where I could have went somewhere else and got more I mean if LeBron is happy he’s I I’m fine with it I don’t know why we’re LeBron James eight million a years making a real difference in his life no yeah what go ahead I think he should I think the max is not enough for LeBron well that’s but there there’s rules we get to no I know but he’s worth more to the league and to the Lakers than he can currently is allowed to be compensated for so the idea that he’s already taken a discount that’s my take the max is a discount if you’re LeBron James I’m LeBron James you can’t pay me as much as I’m actually Worth to your franchise and the league so I’ll be kind and take 51.5 million because that’s the maximum amount I’m allowed to get under the CBA but everybody knows that be and we have to move on but that’s also one of the reasons why you get these tricky things with teams such as draft Brony and or with Giannis with have your brother on the team when you artificially suppress what a player can make the guys who actually deserve more than that you have to give them other stuff like that you know that’s the that’s one of the reasons that the star players you know a lot of teams could decide if they’re practicing or not they get perks star NFL players don’t because they are making their worth in the marketplace but when you put an artificial cap on it those things happen that’s why I take you know a few days off last week well there’s an artificial cap on what you can make I don’t want to get into it if Steph was if we found out today Steph were leaving the Warriors what and I was like guess where he’s going is one of the teams you mentioned would it be the Hornets yes why what’s his con he’s from there where’s clay from I think more so he’s from there okay where’s clay from California okay exactly not Dallas and his dad but I don’t think he’d go to Charlotte I don’t think that understand but they get a meeting like the Lakers got courtesy meeting any moves at all the Lakers can make to make them contenders all right break out your tears Brew here we go waiting for it all day that’s it you had a graphic you promised I got a graphic I think we’re are we revealing it gradually know okay here we go not the fourth row all right the Jazz you’re doing my tears set what wait it’s been called tiers all show what you you expect so the fourth tier are the Jazz and the Blazers terrible two terrible teams Portland I don’t know what just conf ni guy uh scoot didn’t pan out now he rips me cuz my guy is panning out you haven’t set up what what these are the tears of the Western Conference all right but he didn’t name them the third tier these guys I don’t even know fighting what is that that’s the Clippers the Clippers that’s the Clippers new logo yeah that is the Clippers new in the millionaire all right you got the Clippers the Spurs and the rockets so I like look the Spurs they ended the season 11 and 12 or seven and four which however you want to it they beat Denver they beat some other good teams might Clippers better than the Rockets bro they don’t go left I don’t yeah it’s not left it doesn’t go left here’s the third the second tier and I cut it off I was going to put the Spurs in out here but here’s the second tier these teams are all likely to make the postseason but they’re going to battle and I think the Spurs will battle with the Warriors and the Clippers might battle too and then here’s the top tier all right this there it is the the the Mavericks the nuggets the Thunder what is this the to the question what there is nothing the Lakers can do to move up a to move up to the top tier I just went the long way to tell you that there’s nothing they can do they’re squarely in the second tier who how did this how did this we haven’t had tears this good in in months how did this come to fruition no it’s a question and you’re like I want to make tiers and this you want to name second tier team in the west he did name them tier one tier two three I give second tier that’s Nick five teams the names are Nick six teams okay um yeah cuz those are the if you notice Wilds there’s 10 teams in the top two tiers that would be the postseason yeah we get it no well you get it I don’t think wild no I do think wild it I just think he’s off on a creative and those tier three teams are going to be battling so I just to be clear the top four is the top four only two teams out of it are the bottom okay got it uh thank you sorry jazzing so here’s the thing I as presently constituted the Lakers obviously are not contenders mhm the I do think that they if they I know we’ve talked to Rosen if the Jazz truly are willing to trade L Markin in I’d rather have him than clay who’s obviously off the board than you know as far as fit and far as what they need shooting size all of it I it is very difficult for me to just cross out the way to bring up for the third time on the show Bill Simmons has with the Lakers any team if LeBron is healthy and has Anthony Davis it’s going to be hard for me to just eliminate them in full but as presently constituted they’re as close to eliminated as can be if they were to make a significant move then I do think they could be in that tier one in that tier one but even but the point of tier one is even if you but Brew even if they moved up to tier one your there would be five teams in it by definition one of those five doesn’t get out of round one you know what I mean and so that’s it’s also why the tears need to be a little more you know I thought it was those tears were great were they best we’ve had in months were they that’s the word I’m getting well we’re doing not we’re doing a post free agency tiar when’s that coming on Wednesday in its normal spot at 4:00 and it will I didn’t name these cuz I didn’t thought you were yeah I didn’t want to I thought it was good all we’re doing Chris Paul you thought it was good I’m just trying to be supportive Chris Paul and wemy next we wanted this to happen last year wemy and Chris Paul yeah thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips from other shows on FS1

Nick Wright, Chris Broussard and Kevin Wildes discuss the latest news in sports including a report LeBron James is willing to take less than a max contract from the Los Angeles Lakers. The FTF crew also react to a report the Lakers are expected to show interest in DeMar DeRozan.

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Nick Wright, Chris Broussard, and Kevin Wildes team up on First Things First. The trio offers their take on a bevy of sports stories alongside special guests from across the sports world.

Lakers to show interest in DeRozan, LeBron willing to take less than max | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First


  1. I don’t know , Denver lost kcp and added nothing. Denver could get even worse too if they trade for Westbrook 😂 they might be in danger of dropping to tier 2 …

  2. lbj wants to win with his son before he retires thats why he is okey to take a discount thats a winning mentality his happy his motivated to win another because he wanted before he retire he win with his son the biggest achievement that his done not in basketball but in his life

  3. I hope i am wrong but DeRozen can't finish games. I think he'll be a good roll player especially as a scorer on lakers.

    I just have my doubts. I rather have Zach Lavine as laker

  4. These guys are great together. Laughing and having fun, not yelling and disrespecting each other or athletes. Thanks.

  5. Let’s call a spade a spade nobody takes rob serious even the bad teams don’t he only got the job cuz Kobe so u kno how that goes never earned his stripes….. the killer dude traded away Jaden McDaniels 😭

  6. Delusional Lakers fans, congratz, u have been tricked by the Front Office once again, the clowns! Enjoy and be happy about it, next time we go again! Sjeez freaking mess they are, the Lakers FO! 😑🤦

  7. Helluva take, Wildes. “ Hi, I am LeBron James, Sr. I’m going to be doing you a favor by taking the max as a discount.”

  8. Love how Nick doesn't bring up MJ stats anymore after they got caught up lying and found out LBJ stats wasn't adding up.. Never will be talked about again… what a backfire

  9. He should sacrifice a lot if he wants to win, if he is gonna get 50 mil plus a year he gonna take around 20m a year so that lakers will have the flexibility to negotiate. Money should not be the issue for him now he is a billionaire or near one. If he wants to win another chip and cement his legacy as the "goat" or whatever.

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