@New Orleans Pelicans

How Much Better Does Dejounte Murray Make the Pelicans?

How Much Better Does Dejounte Murray Make the Pelicans?

de Jon Murray got traded to the Pelicans last night we weren’t able to record a video but today we just did a bleach report stream we’re in studio so we wanted to put out a video for you guys and talk about this dejonte Murray trade so Deon was traded to the Pelicans and the Hawks received Dyson Daniels Larry Nance and two first round picks Dyson Daniels was mentioned in the trade much later than when the initial news came out so I just tell you guys like my initial reaction I was like wow Larry n and two first that that is all day for Deonte Murray and I was like how could the Hawks possibly do this but once I saw Dyson Daniels included in the deal I think the Hawks are making some really good moves I know that is very popular right now to [ __ ] on everything they do whether it’s trading somebody whether it’s who they draft like they got uh they got bass for drafting Reet with the first overall pick but if you look at this roster from the perspective of keeping Trey young let’s say he doesn’t get traded to the Spurs you have Jaylen Johnson who can take a leap this upcoming season you have good Center play with Clint and Ona you have wings in DeAndre Hunter Rees aay Dyson Daniels now comes to town they are adding some defensive pieces to this team while still also maximizing Trey young and making sure that he has the ball I have some net rated numbers from the Hawks this past season this past season when Trey and Deon were on the court together they had a minus 6.2 net rating and 2.6 2.62 net rating minus 2.62 net rating in 2,779 minutes with Trey young and noja no J jante it was plus 2.78 and then with dejonte no Trey it was minus 1.12 this was an odd fit from the from the GetGo and I think it was clear that Trey young has to be the guy to have the ball he you’re his he the Hawks are at their best when he’s making most of the decisions so I think even if they don’t trade him they they’re probably in a a good position moving forward just because they’ve been adding some Wing depth to this team it’s always been the idea that you should surround Trey young with defense you understand that him alone he’s still going to be great offensively may have not been the most he’s not the most efficient point guard at this point in time you’d like him to clean that up a little bit but we still see Trey young maneuvering top five top seven offenses he’s a great offensive engine he just needs the rest of his surrounding parts to be sound defensively and that can space the floor that’s really why we saw rashay really climb up the boards heavily because he can space and he is very versatile Defender I just saw that without Dyson Daniels I say and and people were on me for for giving praise to Dyson Daniels as a Defender Dyson Daniels is a great piece he does leave a lot to be desired on the offensive side we understand that but still surrounding treywood defense is always going to be a plus now let’s look at the opposite you look at the Pelicans and now they pick up a point guard that they’ve desperately been looking for since Lonzo ball left them in free agency now you can move CJ back to the two where he can get back to his natural position and now dejonte Murray gets to be on ball a lot this also is interesting because they did not have to include Brandon Ingram in the trade to acquire dejonte Murray what happens with Brandon Ingram is Brandon Ingram going going to still be on the move are they going to run it back one more year have him play the three and let the two of them be The Playmakers of the offense now is Zion Williamson obviously we understand he’s the most essential part of the team we know Zion’s at his best when he’s running the show and point Zion is one of the more real things that doesn’t get enough credit in this league how’s that Dynamic going to look so for me I do anticipate Brandon Ingram still going to be on the move because you do have herb you still have Trey still one of the best wings defensive Duos that we have in the league right up right up there now next to Mel and OG and of course let’s respect Tatum and Jaylen Brown themselves but all in all to me this made a lot of sense for New Orleans you get your point guard a guy that can initiate it’s a real point guard and and it wasn’t that much it didn’t cost you that much the Lakers pick next year is going to be average in my opinion we’ve seen the last two years the Lakers pick at pick 17 two years in a row I I anticipate that this Lakers team will be better than the year before so you you trade that first round pick that’s whatever to me Larry Nance that’s depth that you could have at the big position but who really cares for for just looking who n Larry Nance is a lot of injury issues this was a great move for the Pelicans but for the Hawks we knew that the riding was on the wall Trey and de jonte simply was a failed project and at least they got returned back right I like this trade for both sides uh for the Hawks getting two first round picks one of which as you mentioned is from the Lakers in 202 five it’ll be an all right first round pick in the teens the second one is a 2027 pick from don’t sleep you’re sleeping maybe a little bit no I me I probably am tiny bit higher in the Lakers and then the 27 pick is the least favorable between the Bucks and the Pelicans but I think what’s so fascinating about this trade is does jante gain a play in an offense that is filled with shot creation and good playmaker Zion if he’s healthy Brandon Ingram you have cedra McCollum in the back court so he’s not going to be asked to had the same responsibility that he had in a place like San Antonio so do we see that version of De jante defensively come back onto the Horizon because he has not been anywhere near the guy he was in 2018 2019 I think as a whole for the Pelicans what they really needed was more creation more shooting they get that creation and admittedly deante has improved as a three-point shooter off the catch playing a longside Trey I think it’s the best possible fit for him on a contender glad you’re waking up John I’m not waking up I’m just yeah actually maybe tiny B yeah no I know actually maybe B okay um listen John I think you laid that out perfectly but I’m not moved by the jont Murray I’m not I think deur because without the Spurs he’d be out The League yeah I think he’s empty stats I think he’s empty stats that’s kind of been part of my perspective on him and I think post Allstar break with the Hawks when he averaged 24 and seven and he was efficient as hell and as a mid-range shooter he’s drastic I I could acknowledge that he played really well but also saying it was nobody on court with him yeah so he was able to do whatever the hell that he wanted uh with the Spurs he had his best gear when he ran the show but the team wasn’t all that talented my question marks with him is how real how true of a point guard is he really is he more of a combo guard who can uh um from time to time get people into the right spots and pass and get these assists or is he somebody that’s actually going to run an offense and get everybody involved because my biggest thing is now that you go to the Pelicans maybe that defensive tenacity and ferociousness is increased with a team like that that has more offensive Firepower at its disposal but offensively where what type of seat is he going to take you know is he going to play Third fiddle to Zion and Brandon Ingram because I think simply as one-on-one scores Zion and Ingram are better scores than deonas so that that’s my biggest question if Deonte is the third guy how will his shots look how how much of a backseat is he taking you know we just seen it with Phoenix right now with Bradley Beal you go from being the number one guy on Washington and you’re getting all the looks you’re getting all the shots to you have a very efficient season in Phoenix as a third option but you’re not your impact isn’t really felt that much so is Deon gonna have an All-Star level impact with the Pelicans I don’t think so if he gets back to being the defensive prow or having the defensive prow that he had back on San Antonio close now I’m very intrigued if I’m the p i mean that version of him and Herbert Jones would be disgusting and he justra me Jones Trey Murphy of course you still now me’s another one that that was a great addition to have to the really badly needed a rim protector more than anything uh that’s the biggest problem with what y Val junus never brought to you now for deante his role is going to be a lot like CJ McCollum it’s going to fluctuate all the damn time their nights where CJ was their third option in the playing game when Zion got hurt B Ingram got hurt he plays like [ __ ] he has can’t into Rhythm cedra McCall went from being their third to their main crater doing everything so I think for Deon it’s going to be him having to be a chameleon some nights he’s going to be their fourth option some nights he’s going to lead them in scoring and it’s going to be mainly because of injuries to me it also is hinting that they’re going to be looking to maybe move Ingram they’re going to continue to shop him is the right way to put it to try to upgrade this team and I think as a whole what his role is going to be took 73 three point attempts this year playing off Trey young made 36% of them he’s going to get a lot of spot up looks one thing I’m sorry Joel to to cut you off there the one thing that I feel like sits with me the wrong way is now the discourse that shifted onto Brandon Ingram’s name and I say that with the idea that when Brandon Ingram was healthy and Zion Williamson was healthy this was a top four team in the Western Conference and post Allstar break there was a moment in time where there was a legitimate conversation of them being a top three team in the west arguably top three team team in the league right behind the Celtics and the Nuggets right there the Pelicans are playing that high level of basketball their defense was unbelievable their interior their perimeter everything about him was clicking on all cylinders and then Brandon Ingram gets injured and then Zion Williamson gets injured in the playing game versus the Lakers where he’s going off he has probably the best game of his NBA career a 40 ball on Anthony Davis that was incredible man I think that the discourse on Brandon Ingram has kind of shifted too negatively for my liking but under understanding that there is a style of basketball that New Orleans can play that can translate to winning and we’ve seen that with Brandon Ingram and Zion on the court together and I think that’s why they’re going to be looking to shopping or more and more it’s injuries that’s what’s really going to hold this team back because every time they get into Rhythm they you feel like there’s something clicking somebody gets hurt and we see it all time in sports the best teams that go the furthest are the teams that are the most durable the ones that can last the longest and physically you’ve seen the story so many times with the Pelicans the thing is though they they were going to lose in the first round anyway they might have given OKC a bit of a fight but to the SE play he they were consistently four and five all season long when the two were healthy and playing High basketball I think they beat the Clippers if Zion and be Ingram are both healthy I have them beat that’s close series but then again it’s a health thing it’s kawhai Health other other side too I still think the Pelicans are good enough to be a team like the Clips in the first round listen the thing that I hate about this Pelicans team right now is that as it stands right now the locked in starters are Deonte CG Zion bi which means that what no why who who started at the five honestly M might that’s fair could be is so right now you’re having herb Jones started almost every single game I know but if you add in jante I I don’t think CJ is coming off the bench unless he accepts a six-man I wouldn’t hate that I would it either but I feel like at this point of his career he was just their third best player last year I don’t think he’ll just come off the bench so I I feel like the the just don’t make sense from a roster construction standpoint they just don’t make sense Brennon Ingram is a low volume threo attempt kind of guy de jante upt it this past season and he really shot well from the corners and we know what he offers as a mid-range shooter and CJ also off the ball can really shoot as well but it it just feels like CJ to be at his best needs the ball by to be at his best needs the ball Deon to be at his best needs the ball Zion is the only one that can Thrive off ball at a high level but you want the ball in his your bester when playing off the play the best playing off you him with the so now everybody’s else games kind of takes a hit this roster still doesn’t make much sense to me and yees Mei is their starting center as of now who’s a rookie I don’t know if he’s going to be ready to play day one that’s why I think the best trade that makes sense is probably like a brandan Ingram for Jared Allen swap for Cleveland that’s probably what makes the most sense for them and then you can you can start herb Jones or Trey Murphy alongside your other guys me it’s getting to the point where I need Trey Murphy and Herb Jones in my starting lineup every single night yeah you can’t do that if you have CJ and you’re right that’s why I think CJ does need to get delegated to that six-man role and that’s that’s not a knock on him that’s understanding we need you to be in this role because we would be so much better with you in our second unit going up against other teams second units because you would go out there and do whatever you want right no that would be a perfect fit for CJ long term for the Hawks do you think that they’re trading Trey young or you think they’re running it back with him one more year it it would be so irresponsible if they traded Trey young understanding you trade Trey young you have nothing you have legitimately nothing to be excited about and if you’re a Hawks fan you have to hope and pray at that point now if you trade Trey young that whatever package we get is mindblowing and Zachary rishe really has to be a number one overall Talent that’s what you’d have to hope for but you cannot trade Trey young it would be foul play to do so right I think they kept their options open by making this tree cuz Dyson Daniels is someone to me coming off a Tor meniscus that really can Thrive playing off a Trey I think they’re kind of two totally different players right Tyson’s this big 6′ s point of attack Defender is a good connective passer but he really has not taken anything from three just two attempts a game 31% how does he benefit play off of someone like Trey gets you a lot of open shots and then defensively I like what they’re doing you have Dyson DeAndre Hunter when he stays healthy above average Defender you just took R there’s so many different WS they’re adding more and more and stockpiling them but I think the ultimate end game here is you’re going to up trading trade trading Trey yond one year from now I joked about on Twitter I don’t think this team has came a chance to compete and ironically when I went to the NBA draft it was kind of crazy we somehow we somehow bumped into Trey young because we’re doing I wasn’t doing it I I’m proud to say I wasn’t doing the [ __ ] Trey young chant but a lot of guys are trying to get on like Nick’s TV or some [ __ ] because they had people there um with cameras so they do a [ __ ] Trey young chant and it it was like 25 30 people and then some guy walks up and he goes were you guys doing a Trey young chant and they’re like yeah and he goes I’m his dad and one of the guys knew Trey Young’s real name which let pulled up right now his dad’s name is raford so he goes your name is not raford the guy goes yes it is and then he goes into his phone start scrolling through his camera roll pulls out a draft night flick with him and Trey and afterwards I got a flick with him was cool but um a couple of my boys were talking to him like legitimately they’re like where’s Trey going he goes anywhere I can give him a chance to compete with teams like the Knicks that’s what he did out of said cuz they were talking about how they all them were Nick fans that hated him one kid went up to him was like I hate your son it’s kind of kind of crazy but he said it he said it in like a more playful way so it wasn’t like too I Cy but no I mean like that to me was like kind of highlighting like hey like even like him and his family his Camp obviously know this team’s not going to give me a chance to compete everybody knows and at this point in his career at 25 years old it’s really best maybe the Hawks give this one two more years knowing they can develop their young core and honestly trade’s going to help guys like Reay develop but then afterwards in two years you’re going to want to maximize that trade equity



  1. Damn, I respect the grind y’all are on. As a viewer, that work ethic and dedication to putting out content just makes me want to watch that much more

  2. I would love for ya one day to break down how nba coaching can take things from the nfl in my opinion if you are a offensive coach ya assistant should be defensive & vice versa would love ya opinion on this .. allowing maximize a team no matter the personnel

  3. Why would trading Trae be irresponsible? I mean this hawks roster is not good, I’m sorry it’s not. I hope they trade Trae because he needs to be in a better situation and a better run franchise. You cannot be serious if you think this hawks roster is good and a roster that can lead Trae young to success, like let’s be serious

  4. Go pels ⚜️⚜️ I Love this move we been needing a point guard for years time to go all in now

  5. Anyone saying Dejounte isn’t that much of a “true point” or facilitator simply need time compare him to CJ as a PG to see the improvement

  6. I agree with most of what they were saying, except that CJ needs the ball. I think he was being very solid as a catch and shoot type of guy

  7. I think everyone is overrating Dyson Daniels. I’ve watched all his games. I scouted him in the G league, thought he was a better prospect then even Mathurin, and was hoping the Pelicans picked him. With that said I’ve been disappointed in his play. I’ll briefly break down his worth and the trajectory I think he will end up on.

    He’s a C- prospect with a B upside. His biggest strength is his age. I have to remind myself he is still only 21. Herb Jones, which is his archetype, improved massively from his freshmen, sophomore, and even junior Alabama years. With that said I don’t think he ever comes close to being a Herb Jones, even though he has a few stretch at Herb doesn’t. Dyson’s defense is obviously elite for his age and there isn’t anything to pick a part there. He is also a good rebounder for his position and size, which often goes overlooked. As he puts on muscle, I think he will become one of the best rebounders for a SG/F.

    Now on to the negatives. His passing is overrated, even if he has flashes of being a good passer. In many ways he is very similar to a Lonzo-lite in that regard. Lonzo Ball is one of the best passers in the league but for some reason could only ever average 6 assist despite having a high usage. There was a reason for this. Both an inability to create any space when handling the ball, and a tendency to stop his dribble. Lonzo could not, and would not create his own passing lanes. Had he done that he would have been leading the league in assist. Dyson has both of these flaws, only worse. Particularly his tendency to stop his dribble. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a player with his skill set as bad as he is in that regard. I don’t know if it’s fear, a lack of early childhood reps, or something else, but it almost completely nullifies his passing skills. Can he kick a good pass in transition or get a hockey assist? Sure! He’s solid in that regard. Most players can do those things at a solid level though. I don’t think he will ever overcome this major flaw, which will forever stunt his offensive game. Lonzo never overcame it, and I don’t think Dyson will either because his problem goes even deeper.

    The rest of Dyson’s offensive problems are well documented. He offers no value on that side of the court, and is a net negative there. It’s so bad that it chips away most of the success his defense brings.

    Is there a world where Dyson becomes a Herb Jones defensive monster, who can grab 8 rebounds a game, and shoot close to 40% from three. I think so, but it’s highly unlikely. I don’t think he will overcome his inability to continue his dribble, which will always keep him from being any more than a solid passer as a forward. I also think it will take a minor miracle for him to become a 40% three point shooter. He’s just way too shaky on even his free throws.

    With everything said Dyson is a hard worker, and that almost always leads to some kind success. Hopefully he’s able to overcome his confidence issues, which I think are the likely culprit of many of his offensive flaws.

  8. Give David Griffin time to get a 5. This was just the first step. Look for a 3 team trade involving Ingram or keeping him to next year's Trade Deadline. If its the latter I see the team trading for Kessler Walker or Walker Kessler from Utah as a rim protector. Can you amagine a lineup of Murray, Herb & Walker with Zion supplying weakside help!

  9. Have never checked out any videos but this is the best analysis of the Pelicans I have come across that isn't from a Pelicans fan. Well done

  10. The spurs I think regret not paying Murray because he would've fit perfectly with Wemby as a playmaking two way player. and now they got an old CP3 and Tre Jones who could benefit training with a vet. Devin Vassell could also gain some promising insight.

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