@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Offseason Kickoff Ep: 536

Miami Heat Offseason Kickoff Ep: 536

e [Music] miam miam Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami welcome welcome welcome to the Miami heape podcast I’m your host Carlo Navas and with me today reality check Master Tiffany Meeks hey long time no speak long time no speak listen want to give a quick before I introduce producer co-founder Brian gos I want to give a quick shout out to the draft beat boys we got Frankie we got moose we got Lou held it down for a month uh really did I think truly uh some of the best draft coverage that you’re going to see for a local team they were exhaustive I implore you to check out all those vods or podcasts are on our podcast app or on YouTube please check them out because they have they were Sensational so I just want to give I want to give a shout out to the boys because they did they did an incredible job and I had covid pretty much the whole back half of the month so I was out of commission and uh Brian that brings us to our second point and uh today you know is our last day of our pride drive we’ll keep the we’ll keep the donation link up the Link’s in twitch chat exclamation point Pride if you want uh to click to donate we’re donating trans social again quick kind of housekeeping announcement we decided not to do a pride giveaway show this year uh I take full responsibility for that my co really put it’s a very as you guys have been a part of this it’s a very exhaustive show and it it was I was unable to do everything and and it shouldn’t fall on one or two people to put a pride show together and and I was truly with fever in bed for days and we just couldn’t do it so we’re going to make it up we’re going to find other stuff to do but um absolutely please if you could still find in your heart to donate to the link you know Mi he it’s going to match whatever you guys give um so please check that out we’ll kind of do it interpers from with the show we love you guys and the support that you guys do remember you know helping you know trans people and a lot of the people that don’t have the means especially with everything happening in our country right now with gay marriage not being safe with all the Supreme Court decisions you know now more than ever um I think that we need to kind of band together as a community and do that so love you guys don’t want to make that the whole show but also if you want to buy the shirts the pride shirts this year really good Brian did a kick-ass job designing them uh four Pride stars for every four rainbow stars for every year of Miami hepp Pride we’ve done and there’s 11 stars in total representing the 11 years of Miami heape it’s a shirt with a little bit of Heritage and a lot of heart Brian again the goat at uh design so shout out to Brian and uh chats listen we’re we’re chat’s already saying I hope Brian’s ready for apron talk what are you what are you wearing what are you wearing dog so this is the first apron we might we might have to pull out the second apron if we get that far we’ll see I don’t know heer teetering on the edge of getting to the second apron but I have a first apron and right now we got a soft cap going on right now we’ll see if we even get to a hard cap we got we got a soft cap going on right now and a first this is where the heat are at right now but they could trigger a hard cap they could trigger a hard cap at the second apron who knows see that happen who knows there’s a lot to get to today and so Miami has not done anything Miami has really resigned one thing Kevin Love for two years I believe $8 million is that correct Brian uh two years 8 million is what has been reported uh it seems like there is no player option at second year so it is going to be two years straight um so he’ll be on contract for what it would seem like the next two seasons which also uh not having that player option the second year actually makes him no longer um he doesn’t have vtor rights in order to deny Trad Miami could actually trade him consent anymore it’s something that he had over the last two seasons but if he doesn’t have a player option that second year and it’s no longer a one-year deal then yeah Miami could actually trade him he’s actually basically a trade piece for them come December 15 okay so that’s the extent of Miami’s offseason uh a day a day and change in’s more there’s more wa they said don’t forget Jay Rich yeah oh yeah oh yeah J well yeah we we had some player option decisions so yeah for like Tiff was mentioning J Rich did um agree to his player option that he had from his contract that he signed last season um worth 3 million which is basically his veteran minimum um in fact he he actually could be making more I’m surprised he actually did opt in I’m not gonna lie because he actually could have made 3.3 $300,000 difference you could have made um this season and then potentially uh Miami could have actually form that four million in away if it was just a one-year deal where they could have actually brought his cat pit number down to 2 million so Miami could save a million dollars on her CIT he decided to opt in um I mean I don’t know maybe Mi wasn’t willing to give him a one-year deal maybe that’s why he decided to opt in because he wanted at least guarantee that he was at least on the roster somewhere making making the minimum so yeah regardless the the uh the activity has been lackluster and I think that the fan base our audience people in Miami you know it’s really funny to go from a parade of of the team in Sunrise the Florida Panthers to kind of looking at the heat are doing who they were on what felt like similar trajectories and the Panthers finished the job and Miami is is kind of floundering and I I kind of want to have a little conversation and we could start with Tiff about H how we’re feeling because Tiff my thing when I when I saw a lot of the tweets was you know kind of Brian and I and and some of us on Heat beat kind of have a bit of an understanding of how the salary cap works and Tiff for me I I thought when you traded for Rosier you gave up any cap flexibility that you were going to have not that Miami would have cap space but you’d get under the aprons that Brian’s going to explain in more detail later which allows them to kind of sign more players with their exceptions or take back money in trades so their offseason move Tiff to me was last trade deadline getting Rosier that move may or may not have panned out depending on how you view Rosier and how he’s going to contribute so I can’t be mad at them for not doing anything because that’s they already did their move last season and I’m kind of like understand that there’s frustration in the fan base Tiff but I’m like I think their hands are kind of tied and I’m I just think that you’re mad to be mad yeah I think um I guess I’m more so mad about the Terry deal um just because we’ve watched this roster the last couple of years and I guess you would have been blind to not have seen where they ended up because they ended up exactly where I thought they were going to end up so the fact that you you made the train and then you know ky’s contract was expiring correct and you also gave up a first yep yeah so and you brought a guy in who can’t really comfortably play with the other starting guard so I kind of thought all of that was like all right how’s this going to work um I think the idea of being mad is I think people are just the madness is carrying over from season to season if we really want to be honest um we’ve watched them get into this cap hole and they haven’t been able to figure it out so I think for me personally I don’t I don’t see them winning a championship next year but I think what they need to start to do is they need to start to clean house in a way to get fresh talent in and it doesn’t have to be you know Allstar whatever whatever but you if you’re if your goal is to keep Jimmy this season then at least build a team that’s collectively more together than what you have right now because what you have right now is you’ve got two guards that need the ball you got two guards that don’t make a lot of layups you got two guards that don’t play defense so your back court is already in shambles youve you’ve got no you’ve got no point of attack defense and you’ve got Jimmy and Bam you got no real point guard too you and you got no real point guard so I kind of feel like yes all these names are flying off the board but if you just brought in a couple of guys who can actually round out a lineup instead of what you have now you still look better than what you looked last year Brian I think what Tiff saying makes a lot of sense and I just don’t you know I understand the frustrations that the fan base has but what I start to laugh and I’m not trying to chastise people cuz I I do agree that sometimes I can be a little bit like you know a little bit high and mighty about certain things because I actually do understand why people are upset but what I what I kind of think is funny is like you guys wanted Caleb Martin burned at the Stak class year and when he opts out you act like it’s code red and I was like it can’t be both you can’t say Caleb Martin sucks and they shouldn’t play him and then also say that they would have gotten returned for him in a trade and then you can also be mad when he leaves it cannot be all those things you know what I mean so there are there are degrees to this that matter and I just think that people want the team to improve they’ve seen pretty really two straight poor regular season three out of four poor regular season performances in the last four years Brian and I think they just want I think fans just want a little bit of Hope and maybe a pulse from the front office um I agree with all those points I kind of tweeted out that I think they haven’t really done themselves many favors particularly uh the front office um just with be able to manage just their cap book like they had an opportunity to at least reset so that one they could maybe try to get under not just the aprons but also like give themselves an opportunity where yeah they can use the mid- level but they can also get themselves in conversation on any free agent on a signning trade um and they also did it basically in a way where they just instead of letting expire they gave up a future asset that they could have used and a trade that honestly would have been more of a A Difference Maker than the small needle mover that this Rosier trade ended up being in a way was almost to satisfy the the fan base that hey we did something we tried to do something the Salvage last season but in actuality it’s it’s gonna handre them for the next two seasons because he’s going to be making 24 pretty much $25 million this season and then he does have a partial guarantee but it’s pretty much an extra $25 million next season he can get get up to 26 if he makes the second round I believe or wins the first round I forget what his incentive is essentially he’s going to be in the books for next two seasons at at least $25 million when Miami could have let him walk they would have had the access to at least because they weren’t a cap space team still they were still over the the salary cap but they were under the luxury tax so they would have been a non- taxpayer team which would have given the ability to use both the buy exception as well as the um non- tax per mid level which is roughly about $13 million that they used to go out into the free agan market and spend that and on top of that they could have also um done s trades which would have hard capped them at the first AP but you’re already under it because you’re already under the luxury tax right now if that would have happened Miami could have basically been in the ball game right now still need to sign at Le three players um let’s see they’re 23 under the first apron 23 million 33 under the second apron had they just let Larry walk and basically not done that trade they and they would still have up to almost three first round picks that they could trade it it gets a little grayer we can get into that later if you guys like but essentially Miami would have had more assets they would have had more space to at least try to do some moves right now so in a way they’ve kind of already accepted the fact that Terry Rosier basically was better than any free agent maybe they would have pursued in free agency which who knows if that’s true and that’s not that’s not a crazy thing to think now Tiff and I don’t like the move that’s not a crazy thing for the front office yeah and I’m not to like carry water for them or like anything but I’m just I think we’re just trying to explain how we get to where we are cuz clearly these people who are running this team they’re actually not asleep despite what the Chiron may say yeah and they’re actually not stupid despite what you guys may allege but also it now hamstrings them because now that you’ve added his $25 million books salary this season you’re now basically right up against the second apron you’re you’re if so if you add basically at least the minimum salaries that you would need to Feld a 14-man roster to sign that last 14 player when that’s Heywood High Smith for Caleb Martin you’re basically left right now with 6.7 almost 6.8 millionar that you can play with to still be under the second apron there’s no hard cap that’s hard capping at the second apron but for all intents of purposes Miami doesn’t want to climb over the second apron because they don’t want to trigger any of those penalties like not be able to aggregate salaries or potentially putting them in a position where if they hit get in second for multiple Seasons they end up freezing a first round pick that they can’t end up trading which they need all the first round picks they can they can use to be able to get into the ball game to make any trades because they really only have kind of one but really it’s almost two that they can trade and then also if you in there multiple seasons over the second apron then you basically if if for whatever reason MIM ends up like being a really bad team by like the year 2030 I believe is is the year that that it would happen that that first round pick if they’ve consecutively actually like been over a second apron team for multiple Seasons even if they were a n they basically like won the lottery got the number one pick that pick goes right to the very end of the first round so there’s lots of penalties with the second now you know a year in play because they G basically gave last season like a like a a one-year freebie for all NBA teams to get their books cleaned up and Miami had a chance to actually get it really cleaned up had they just let Larry walk but because they made the the rier trade they’re now up against the psy apron to the point where they can’t really in a way phys like phally probably bring back Caleb Martin because he’s he’s not gonna come back for something that he’s making less than what he opted out of because he opted out of over like 7.3 million he he would have to take something slightly less to come back over multiple seasons for that to be in consideration so I I would say Caleb Martin for sure is gone sign and trade him either right they could sign and trade him away to another team that’s that’s not the picture so that that’s what they did last season with Max stru and they obviously weren able they got a trade exception and a second round pick correct correct and that trade exception is about to expire in a few days they always do and then and they can’t even use it right now because they’re over the first apron so that’s another thing like that’s something else that’s that’s triggered this season that wasn’t a thing last season but Miami has three TR exceptions they can’t even use because they’re over the first even so that’s another point they could have used any of those trade exceptions um had they also let Larry like they had they had exceptions they could have used that they no longer can use right now because they decided that they wanted to basically add another high salary player to the roster they have Five Guys four guys making over 25 million that’s that’s hard to build a team around and then you have another guy that’s making almost 20 now so like the rest of the roster is minimum salaries de you can’t trade players if you don’t have tradable contracts they don’t really have them right now Tiff you’re deep side said at all I mean I don’t yeah I don’t I it it okay so it’s done it’s done like we we are here this is where we are Step Brothers what’s done is done and you gon to invest for what exactly that’s it boats and hoes that’s it that is it this is where we are um all right so with that being said yeah how how are we cleaning it up well I mean we’ll see what happens next season with Jimmy but that would be $ 52.4 million off your books next season if he ends up just what he what what seems like might happen based off what we’ve last talked about since I think we last potted um he was basically entertaining trying to get the extension now there’s reports that he’s no longer going to sign an extension with any team so basically he’s going to play off this season his $ 48.7 million salary next season he has a player option for 20 in the year 2025 2026 season that he can opt out of 52.4 million we’ll see if that he actually does that or not but if he does he can sign a three-year or four-year deal four-year deal with Miami or three-year deal with any other team that that’s that has a cat space to sign him or or maybe even facilitate a sign TR with Miami that that’s basically his options now because he’s not going to sign that extension um we’ll see if that happens I don’t really know if there is going to be a market for Jimmy next season I mean we’ve seen reports that maybe teens would give him the max but you’re talking about paying him to his age 39 season three years at the max I don’t know if that’s going to be doable and Miami was hesitant just to give him a one-year extension with one year of new money basically it was a two-e extension but it was one year of new money that would have took him to his age 38 season so I don’t know I I that’s going to be an interesting conversation that we’ll have to have throughout the rest of the season uh regarding Jimmy and his future whether it’s here or or they end up maybe having to have a conversation where they might have to trade him by to trade that lineup and maybe recoup some sort of assets that way but then again you’re also talking about trading away a guy that’s GNA be a rental for another team because there’s no guarantee that he’ll stay with them so that also limits the limits what they can potentially get back for him in a trade right so I mean that that’s one conversation we can have is that they can clear up a lot of cap space that way um because next highest book under her salary would be bam making 37 before his extension which he hasn’t finally signed yet but his extension would kick in the year after um next season Tatum just signed his and usually those guys have been especially the last time they were pretty concurrent yeah and that bam extension kicks in 2026 2027 season that’s two seasons from now where he would start making 51.1 million so like yeah it’s it’s crazy and and Tyler still has three years left on his contract yeah has this season that’s like almost a presidency and there’s no player option on it so he’s gonna he’s gonna three yes that last season he’s making 33 still a long yeah that’s a long time um Duncan actually has a there’s an out Claus on Duncan TI your daughter’s gonna be driving by the time Tyler’s contracted he going be driving you around right oh gosh I’m I’m going keep going down a list so I talked about Terry Rosier so he’s going to have that that option next season where he’s not option he has a 26.6 million contract that might go down a hair but he’s probably gonna have the 26th for next season um Duncan actually has a he has like a clause in his contract where he can early basically it’s like a player options early termination options it’s called something different essentially he can opt out or Miami also has in its Clause where he’s only guaranteed like 5 million like 5.2 million of his contract ract and then the rest of it or maybe it’s nine I can’t remember I have to look back at it but either way it’s it’s basically between five and N I have to look at it again because I was looking at it earlier today and now I forgot what it was um but essentially he has basically part of its only guarantee up to a certain proportion and then the rest of it they can wave and stretch and and they’re basically down to like a two or three million dollar dead cap hit for next three seasons but they would in Turn end up saving like 17 million off their books so imagine having Butler come off your book off the 52.4 and then Duncan Robinson having his basically $20 million um books for next or CIT for next season down to about two million you’re you’re talking about serious space you still have bam hero Ros on the roster potentially maybe you could trade one of them to another team this season try to get expiring and then you can be major players to get I don’t know who will be available next season but you can have ma Max cat space that’s that’s in the realm of possibility they don’t have it yet but it’s in the realm of possibility that they can position themselves next season if certain things play out particularly with probably Donovan Mitchell if he ends up not signing that extension with Cleveland and maybe he tells them that hey I just want to play out the year before I make a decision on my future like he just wants to play it out and see where the chips fall with where he wants to play because he’ll get his money no matter what team he ends up uh either signing with like now because he could sign it right now with Cleveland or if he up trading him that that same contract still on the table for him no matter where he goes boy they and I I I like how Brian kind of explained that because I I think that they have Avenues to get out of this but it’s complicated and they have their headphones are nodded right they they pull out their wired headphones and they’re all tangled and there’s a way out of it but it’s very difficult and I think part of this is because they built this team under a lot of exteme extreme circumstances not one of which being they did it without cap space trading for Jimmy Butler from the Sixers and they did it up against the hard cap and they had to do all sorts of funny deals including sending mooh harkas and a first round pick just to get him out of here uh when they split Hassan Whiteside into Myers Leonard and him they still haven’t paid that debt off because the one pick that’s the pick that was supposed to convey 2023 yes so that would have been basically okay Paul George that was the pick that that was the pick that the Clippers used to get Paul George Paul George has been a thunder Paul George has been a Clipper and Paul George has been a sixer in the amount of time and that pick still has not and it was traded for Paul George correct um and that pick right now actually um could have been haime hakz like he could have been a thunderbase I mean obviously they would have to select him but that basically is the pick that Miami was able to keep because they traded kakala to the Thunder to push back the um the conveyance of that pick from the year 2023 now all the way to the year 2025 which starts next season basically so if Miami ends up making the playoffs that pick finally gets conveyed to the Thunder Miami doesn’t have a first- round pick next season now if Miami ends up missing the Playoffs then they get to keep their pick one more year but then it means The Following Season 20126 whether they make the playoffs or not that’s unprotected that goes to OKC no matter what it has to convey and also pushes the GU the pick protection to um on their pick that they traded for Terry Rosier to Charlotte right now it’s pick protected 2027 but you obiously the steppan rule you can’t trade picks back-to-back Seasons so they purposely put a clause in that pick pick that they sent out to Charlotte where it has to go to the year 2028 and if it gets pushed back from 2027 2028 meaning if Miami basically misses the playoffs next season that pick protection that they gave to Charlotte is no longer a pick protection because now it’s unprotected in 2028 meaning if they miss the playoffs next season they basically have two unprotected picks in the year 2026 and 2028 that they can’t do nothing about like whether they make the playoffs or miss it like they can’t do anything about those two and Jimmy might not be here and Jimmy might not be here you have bam locked up but the rest of the team like you have to feel a competitive team then because you cannot rebuild during that three-year stretch essentially tip it Tiff it looks bleak yeah Tiff I want to talk all this let me just say all this [ __ ] sounds like the last season of Game of Thrones this it’s just like the best thing they could do right now is make the playoffs next season right I’ll give him that but Brian you understand the analogy this is the last season of Game of Thrones we’re just throwing stuff up there praying things happen yep and nothing happened I I want your thoughts on this because and I wish had more offseason stuff to talk about and we’re going to get through kind of a list and and by the way if you guys have cap questions for Brian um please just put him in the chat I’ve been bookk can’t see the chat right now so I’m bookmarking all the questions so that we can get to them at the end um and Brian can go rapid fire and uh and we’re gonna get through some of the names that they could potentially Target but Tiff yes I’ve been thinking and I I believe I texted you this also Miami me sometimes you do everything right and you don’t win they have had three shots to win a title in in 2020 when bam and and and drit got hurt in 22 when Lowry went hurt got hurt Jimmy Butler got hurt because pton Pritchard uh hurt him and PJ and everybody in Max they had a a whole a Tyler a whole litany and then last year not last year uh in 20 yeah last year not last seon last season full season ago when they lost in the finals to Denver and Jimmy was hurt against the Knicks let’s throw out that that that year because that was a bit of uh that was a bit of a miracle run but surely in 2020 and 2022 those were real chances to win the finals that they got really really really unlucky about and I think that you they built this team out of nothing through the ashes of previous mistakes and they had two real shots to win the title they were arguably the better team both those times I think they were better than the Celtics in 22 and I think they would have beaten the Warriors and I think they were better than the Lakers in 20 and you can argue that but at the very least it’s very close and they did everything right and they lost anyway and now they are paying for that because now they don’t have that good will Tiff and they don’t have that benefit of the doubt and now they just look like a bunch of buffoons that keep saying we were close we were close everyone’s like we don’t care right right nobody cares how close you got um I think for me because you had two instances where you saw everybody get hurt and then throughout throughout these what how many years have we had Jimmy is this five where are we I don’t even I’ve lost track on how long this this is year five you’ve seen multiple people with M multiple injuries over and over so I think where for me where I feel like they could have stepped up and I mean ownership management um after they lost to the Celtics after they lost to the Celtics and you saw everyone hurt you saw Tyler hurt you saw all these things where you were desperately in need of another guy and I felt like that was the moment where you put it all together and you go try and grab that other guy um and then you saw it again uh versus uh Denver Des needed another guy so it’s it’s kind of like you have all these players that you hope would turn into something but each season you saw the leaps weren’t what you thought they were um except one guy who’s it bam Nico Nico well only dude I think that exceeded expectation but that but what I’m saying is that the the the point of him exceeding it didn’t lead to a championship so what I’m saying is you needed a Bonafide guy yes to go with the other Bonafide guys you already had and the Bight guys they had weren’t available right so you needed you needed someone else had they had some like you you know 2020 oh we have breaking news the Heat just signed a guy no really don’t tell me don’t don’t wait wait wait let me can I guess who it is is it is it is it an incumbent free agent that was on the team last season yes or no technically he was on the team last season yes oh it better not be Drew Smith it’s Drew Smith baby we’re running it back you’re [ __ ] [Laughter] joking cont is awake he is allw on a two-way contract Pat Patrick what happened is wide awake [Laughter] baby we won the off season we’re so back babe look at chat chat’s like we’re back Drew Smith Barry Jackson tweeted he brings back Drew Smith on a two-way contract after cutting him five previous times the last most recent because he had that knee injury they needed to wave him so they can uh they could end up freeing up the roster spot that they end up signing um donon Wright actually talked about him he with Milwaukee right now Iris tweets funny Ira goes in somewhat of an unexpected twist that he’ announced that guard Drew Smith is being brought back on a two-way contract Alf then quote tweets it saying they [ __ ] hate [Laughter] me Tiff that’s something you don’t announce till like later you that’s not something you announce the second day of free agency oh my God no way you even if you get the deal done early you tell Drew and his agent hey Drew listen the Block’s a little hot we’re gonna need to announce you at the end maybe even a little bit before Camp maybe I know like they want well I guess the reason why it’s because they probably W him to play in summer league and they need him in the summer the summer league like training camp I’m assuming that’s probably why they signed him though that’s the only reason I can think also punctuates his tweets by saying I’m not kidding funny this man is so tired Tiff we said they needed a point guard we literally said they don’t have a they’re addressing needs that’s they still don’t have a point guard what are you talking about Drew Smith don’t have a point guard Drew Smith he’s not a point guard he’s a point he’s he’s barely a guard Frankie Goes this is my fifth reason is he our new uh perimeter point of attack Defender if we lose Caleb and Haywood and D now I’m sorry chat I’m sorry I tricked you uh but listen Drew Smith is Drew Smith is back he’s in a heat he’s in a heat uniform all right so hilarious also he’s he he can’t have his number nine back is that what his number was I honestly don’t remember he’s so forgettable yeah so Drew Smith comes back and lost his number probably lost his number probably lost his locker that man’s probably that man might have had every Locker his uh his three-year non-g guaranteed contract too because he got hurt because of [ __ ] Cleveland Tiff what you got did they ever fix that Court struck out on the lawn struck on Delon Wright they they rehabilitated Delon Wright Delan Wright Tiff I I don’t know about you I thought Delon Wright was a very productive player on a playoff rotation played very hard helped them win a game that game that they won he played great why is he a buck LED them to two almost 20 points comebacks against the Celtics TI I had him listen because I know we broke boys I had him as the starting point guard because because we broke boys I knew we could at least get him damn and we were G to ship out either Tyler or Terry and at least you had a defensive guard in the back court the heat went back to their stalker doing it’s like they doing that old thing where it’s 3 AM they drunk and they doing that text you up undrafted this is terrible I don’t know that’s a good question and and offw Smith no off to Drew Smith not even the Family Ties keep you together man yeah I mean derell Wright was barely with the heat to be honest like how was that family derell wght was here for like five years bro that’s like something yeah and then he left to go golden state and I think he he was really good there he came back that one remember he came back that one season we had Joe Johnson and he didn’t play just like Mario chers uh cardana asked are they selling the team uh no because if they were selling the team what they would do is like Boston which would be create a payroll that they don’t have to deal with later and that’s not so actually these are signs that they’re not selling the team this is actually the opposite of what teams do yeah yeah that’s that’s that’s the opposite I if they did sell a team they’re not escaping the second apron even if they they did sell the team like hey by the way shout out to Siobhan shout out to sioban besto tweeting out the gospel right now said Kyle was old his contract might have been a lot to stomach he was slow but Kyle along with Gabe and Max kept the entirety of the team afloat through various bouts of injury yep now look at us technically a free agent we could bring him back on a minimum now look at us I would kill for any of those three guys right if any of those three guys if the notification hit that any of maybe not Kyle because people still hate him but Max and Gabe if there was people would not hate Kyle coming back on a vet minimum if any of those three guys were to come back I think everyone would be thrill if Gaber Max came back party party time but here’s the thing you shouldn’t need them to to come back that’s the biggest problem you people who work their asses off yeah they may not have been as talented as some of the ones you have now but they prove to you they were harder workers than most of the people you have right now so now you you got who I don’t how many Roost spots we got open like I don’t even understand what’s happening this whole Drew Smith thing has has just knocked me out no that’s a good question Tiff I think we should have let off with that um they have technically roster spots sign one of them is being taken up by LEL Robinson he has a $2.1 million salary for next season that gets guaranteed on July 15th so technically Miami could wave him right now there’d be no penalty No Cap hit charge or dead cap hit charge his basically his contract would be just off the books and that would bring them down to 10 um they have to get to 14 um they haven’t actually signed pel Larson that would actually bring them back up to 11 so in a they have almost 12 right now but it could be down to 11 that’s assuming that they would sign P lson to the main roster they could potentially have him as a two-way right now but technically they’ve already used up all three two-way spots because they have kha Johnson Zion pin and now Drew Smith so in my opinion I think you can put a pencil in that pel larsson’s going to be on that 15 man roster I can’t even pronounce his name and he’s on get ready Tiff get ready for 40 minutes minut of whoever that is and he’s going to be cheap like if they sign him his his his contract would start at the lowest at $1.1 million which is cheaper than the the vet minimum which is two two just over two million we have Alex and Chad wanting folz and sadique bayel fluts we have somebody else asking for Bonte Weber still overseas oh tff I’ll take baay in an in you think s b is going to sign for a minimum I think what could happen with with Sadi Bay is if we somehow strike out on high Smith and we strike out on CL Caleb which I think it’s a given on Caleb but if we also strike out on heith I think Miami could maybe Circle back and what they could use because I remember I was telling you guys earlier in the show that they’re still like right around 6.8 million under the second apron if they try to get to a 14-man roster on just signing minimums what they could potentially do is maybe they could use their one mid-level exception that they actually can use but it’s only worth $5.3 million right now it’s the tax pyramid level it hard caps them at the second apron I might have to bring out the second apron but it would hard cap them at the second apron and they could potentially offer him a deal that starts at 5.3 million that’s more than the veteran minimum which is three million not even three million for him it should be like two I need you to explain something to me cuz now I’m just kind of like I how are we this close to you putting on a third apron and this is the roster how I’m sorry G I have a thing you can share your screen you want to do that but I’m saying the players that we have how are we this close to the third apron which probably don’t exist but how we’ll see next the heat are going to be in such a cat mess that they’re going to make a new apron there going be they’re going to have to make a third apron for uh for the Boston Celtics I don’t that’s a new owner problem do do do you do either one of you guys think we’re gonna make at this point maybe even just make moves to kind of get off of some of this money Brian is that true so using the taxpayer automatically gets to the second it doesn’t automatically get into the second a but it basically you it prevents Miami from even crossing the second apron basically so it makes the second apron a hard cap yes exactly that essentially what I’m doing right now hard he’s capped yeah we need cross they cannot cross the second apron oh Tiff you ready for Patty Mills chat’s right oh God I gotta be honest with you Patty Mills looks like an outstanding man looks like a very nice person he looks very nice don’t never want to watch to play basketball for my team I I’d love to get B me with him sit and talk but like I don’t I don’t know what’s happening no I I just don’t I I seems like a very nice professional man you know but I don’t want him ever to play basketball for my team again so this is what I just don’t I miss all that what did you guys say oh we’re talking about Patty Mills Pat why we talking about Patty Mills we we shouldn’t be let’s don’t what what else what else is there guys but here’s the thing what’s the chances of them just looking at what they have now and saying oh maybe we don’t need Tyler and Terry maybe we need to move one of these guys and bring in I don’t know a forward or anything I don’t know bring in lunch like I don’t understand what’s happening yes sir like I do you guys think like they’ll I don’t know I mean what’s going to happen is there’s eventually going to be no cat space and barely any free uh mid-level exception money out there on the market these there’s going to be Talent still out there that they can get at The Bargain Bin convince that they can convince to get them on a one-year minimum contract and try to rebuild their Valley because they will be there will be playing time in Miami especially if they miss out on both Caleb Martin and heith they end up going somewhere else if they lose not to cut you off Brian I think the one thing I will be really mad at if they lose Haywood Smith because Caleb I think with the Conference Finals performance I think that even if he wasn’t that great last season I think that a lot of teams were going to look at that and say you know what [ __ ] it I’ll throw money at that guy if we feel like we’re close Haywood that’s a guy that you had in your system for a long time and the fact that they didn’t lock him up on a good deal before I think and Nas even tweeted it during the playoffs uh when they made the finals he’s like hey he’s not playing a lot every time that guy touches the floor some good stuff happens they need to lock him up pun intended they never did and if they the one guy that I’ll be like you [ __ ] that up is him because again Caleb they got Caleb on a great deal right and that was always everybody knew the second he looked that good he would be an idiot for opting in the fact that they got him on that deal for as long as they did was exceptional work by the front office and you could say they should have traded him what I don’t give a [ __ ] about that they lose Haywood for Haywood was never going to get to a lot in a trade the fact that they didn’t lock that contract up Tiff I know you probably agree with me is absolutely indefensible they technically did um I’m looking back at his SPO track contract so they had him on a three-year contract that I remember them being like all non-guaranteed at one point um they eventually guarantee each of them but he had a three-year contract signed for $4 million so he was on the like the very cheat minimum because he was basically he had no really NBA experience aside that one year he was in Philly um but he broke into the NBA in 2018 on a one-year contract with Philly and yeah then he ended up signing some two-ways basically between um Miami he actually had a couple 10 days and I remember that actually happened because that was that year where there was um a lot of players out with coin they end up um allowing like a hardship exception so Miami was able to bring back hawood on those 10-day contracts a couple times before they actually gave him a three-year contract um but yeah then in the three-year contract they were able to get his um bird rights so Miami could sign him to whatever contract they want it’s not like there’s they’re limited to the $5 million exception like they could sign him literally to whatever contract they could offer him a max if they want problem is that they don’t want to cross that second apron and that second apron right now they’re teetering right now of $6.8 million if they sign basically a interm million player they keep Orlando Robinson they sign P Larson to the smallest contract that they can why do they need to keep Orlando Robins I mean Orlando Robinson’s making 2.1 the vet minimum is 2.08 so even if they let him go and sign another minimum player I’d rather do that the difference is is negligible if you’re Orlando I’m done Orlando I’m done I’ve seen enough I’m done I’m tired and then yeah they they they’ be that much difference between that and and and what they could offer Haywood as a starting salary love that’s what f a trade like they if they trade any these guys that making a lot of money like Tyler Rosier Robinson whole different ball game see and this is what I was getting at like do you guys think that they will try to move at least someone to try to like uh I think I think if their intention was to bring back kwood and bring back Caleb I think that that deal would have already been done okay I don’t like the sound of that I don’t either but I do understand where you’re coming from I actually do as well um that would been done before like before free agency kicked off they there was a period right before the draft basically right after they were eliminated they could have done this trade Al Alex also thinks that they’re gone troppy baby and chat so one thing I will say is that I actually I actually don’t blame them for overpaying Caleb and I think that way they have learned their lesson about overpaying guys I love Max strw I think that that it’s a totable understandable position to not want to pay Max dreu with the Cavs paum because the heat have been burned by overpaying guys who are like fourth fifth sixth guys on a team and whether so you need a lot of those guys and I think that when the time comes they will pay I think Cleveland was in a unique position that they really needed to kind of boost them and win a playoff series and Max dreu absolutely was a huge difference maker in Cleveland making it out of round one and not making it out they had a really but like I don’t blame Miami for being like I’m not gonna pay Caleb Martin $12 million a year that’s just not what I’m gonna do they got him on a bargain and right after his tway deal was up they were able to confirm to to it’s also smart with his injury history like let’s not keep compounding things where they are like he has an injury history we watched him have no explosiveness over half of the Season like we all watched it yeah so it’s kind of like while we all love him and you we love watching him play and like how he like he boosted us on certain nights I think you have to start if you’re acquiring players you need to start getting guys who are relatively healthy who have been healthy over a period of time not guys who you know have bad knees bad ankles like at some point you just got to start saying no you can’t keep doing it you have a team full of bad knees bad backs bad necks like you you have all of that right now you didn’t need to add that add one more person to it which is also why I don’t want Zack LaVine right now I by the way Leif Greg sander of five reasons I hate calling him Greg Leif tweets out Leif of all people saying this the srew Smith right now appears largely toned death to the fans who follow every move even if it’s really not a big deal and that my friend when even Leif is saying that you know you know that you know it’s like Joe you announced that later Tiff to to the kind of the point we’re just saying like you for bar for bar they have shown that you can that they can find guys you know what I mean that you don’t have to overpay Caleb because you’ll find another Caleb what bothers us be about heith is like I don’t know you could have kept him for cheap I feel again I’m not I’m not negotiation maybe Heywood he’s gonna go for a full mid-level exception and at that point you know it’d be a malpractice for for Haywood to to not take that money to take you know no he has to he has to if that’s what he’s gonna get I don’t think he’s gonna get that I think it’ll be around $5 million personally annually something like that I could see Heywood wait wait whoa whoa whoa you think Haywood’s gonna get $5 million a year something five to seven I I got him him I got him at 10 I that I think that’s a lot I I I think it’s a lot too but if that’s the number if you’re the heat you’re just like I can’t we can’t do that and I to be honest with you I don’t think they should do that either because I think Haywood has his issues kind of staying on the court offensively so you know he’s a guy that I think will eat innings for you and maybe he’ll get there and listen they’re good at drafting they’ll find other guys but it’s just frustrating and I think that they need to like pick a struggle they have to either really lean into like the finding of guys getting guys in the system like it can’t be like a parade of Drew Smith again you know what I mean like we knew that Max I use the example all the time of Max cuz even when Max wasn’t ready you knew that he was going to be ready like one day because you saw the talent you saw like oh I see what they see with Duncan you know what I mean like you kind of saw like that guy can shoot the [ __ ] out of the ball I think he exceeded blew every expectation just like Max did but like Gabe as well like those guys that don’t get cut five times in a row right there’s something to be said if we keep asking you to leave and it’s like they just keep recycling that there Drew Smith Brian who’s the other guy that they always sign over and over again it used to be bonay Weber it’s Drew Smith and there’s another guard I don’t remember I’m putting it on the spot but regardless it’s just kind of frustrating so um I I like that other list that Alex sent I put it on the screen earlier trying to get out of here um fultz Trent Chris Dunn Gary Harris Dennis Smith Jr I kind of like Dennis Smith Pat Beverly Monte Morris like those are your guards e Wings Joshua kogi Kyle Anderson sadique Bay Covington Bullock Marcus Morris BH KJ Martin blahh tan Prince Burks Crowder again BH tht BH Lonnie Walker Gordon Hayward javante green I’ll say something I think I think there’s something there with Lonnie Walker like as for bench guy but I’m just saying like didn’t he go to Miami he wants University of Miami yeah yeah [ __ ] it bring him bring him and bring Dennis Smith let’s do it but but those are you know I think we are where we are and this I think this is this is where we’re going to be yeah I mean they were minimum players last year so it’s definitely real possibility for both of them I just think I’m not concerned about the minimum guys I’m concerned about the guys that are supposed to get you wins all we can do is talk about the minimum guys CU these dudes broke that’s all we can get right now we got we got fun coupons right now that we could oh no I’m I’m concerned about our guys that are supposed to get us those guys need to stay healthy and prod and somehow fit and and be be actually like a good offense and somehow survive defensively without two of your best Wing Defenders that probably aren’t gonna be here next season so Tiff a lot to ask on the guys making $25 million and up Tiffany Meeks and Brian gos would like you to close your eyes I want you to picture close your eyes Brian I want you to picture a January night in the NBA Heat Nicks Miami throws a bench line up of Kevin Love of Drew Smith of Drew Smith of Josh Richardson and they have to defend Mel Bridges and Jaylen Brunson yep look at that look at that Josh Rich Josh Richardson is gonna have three turnovers in a row alfha is gonna throw his phone at a television chat’s like gstop up on the ledge I by the way I texted Alf I just sent Alf the link to this call and I said if you want to [ __ ] chalk Drew he has not answered we would have had some Primo grade A content if he had joined but guys how do we how did we get a signing while we were live and it was Drew I honestly beautiful perfect I wouldn’t have had it any other way oh I was gonna ask was there any other questions we want to answer right before we close yeah anybody have one person asked can we do a sign and Trader with Caleb you already answered that uh I I think you did a really um chat say peace out after that visualization um brass would have killed me for that brass might have actually yeah brass might have actually quit lost it if brass still worked here he would have quit brass might rest start working here again just too quit after that um oh god listen oh by the way Alex I noticed that your uh your list of players did not include Justice Winslow at Wing Justus is better Tiff I got to be honest with you if they want to make me happy this off season they just bring Justice I I take it Troy’s in Alex is in Chad says no I think I’m in tiffa you in Justice kick the cans one more time I mean it can’t be any worse chat’s right they said Justice hates us he does he do although Justice honestly probably would last like two days before he was on injury report too oh no 100% no you know what would happened he he he’ his first game it’ be he’d be like one for seven right and the one is like a turnaround jump shot at the end of the shot clock that he had no business taking he he smokes four layups and misses three threes or some [ __ ] then second got guys that can’t make layups second game he looks good he’s handling the ball he’s defending he’s four for eight and you’re like with a three and you’re like wait a second and are we back next game back injury on the injury report don’t see him for another two months frankly that might be that might be Jimmy Butler’s start to the season a lot of this can be a liix if Jimmy Butler decides to play 70 games and he’s all NBA and uh you’ll see that the team looks a lot better because Jimmy Butler is one of the best players in the NBA um whether that’s going to happen he’s on a contract year we’ll see we’re going to bring you offseason coverage as it comes um and I know that we’re not all very happy right now but at least we can be unhappy together so we got you guys down we’ll bring you every news update that we can we’ll go live for an emergency if there is a big signing uh I think next week we’re going to T of talk more about what they’ve done maybe we’ll go live later this week we’ll see if and um kind of talk about what’s there to be done and what um what other teams have done because we didn’t really get into Paul George to the Sixers Klay Thompson to the Mavs plenty of theas we talk about the other plenty of off season um please remember Mii Falls and Easter Conference and stuff like that yeah our pride link is in chat uh exclamation point Pride if you can donate to trans social if you can find it in your heart even if you have every dollar counts um you know Miami Heap has already committed $600 and and we were we want to increase that we’ll try to match as much as you guys put uh so we can do a good thing for the trans Community especially during a really difficult time and close out pride month also our t-shirts at all the proceeds go to trans social and you get a cool shirt and a really cool piece of Miami Heat memorabilia and history so shout out to you guys for always showing up you’ve always done a great job with these donation drives and we love you guys and we love our community so shout out to you shout out to Drew Smith shout out to Pat Riley who’s apparently awake right now and uh hopefully he’s uh now awake and make some calls so appreciate you guys and we will talk to you either this week or early next week as we continue our offseason coverage peace

Giancarlo Navas is joined by Brian Goins and Tiffany Meeks as they

– Breakdown of Heat’s Cap Reality
– Rozier implications
– potential cheap targets

and more!


  1. Getting a looter in a riot that never played great on a good team & cost a first round pick was such a horrendous trade. Oladipo 2.0… stop chasing small guards (Oladipo, Lowry, JRich, Rozier, Mills) and get legit wings and centers

  2. For the Heat fans bitchin’ what part of your constant frustration that the team is “running it back” makes you think Heat have money or assets to use to get markedly better?
    Heat’s “trade assets” that are not Bam or Jimmy would be pennies on the dollar in a basketball free agency where you have to overpay for mid let alone stars. What makes you think Heat have enough to deal without destroying the roster and making them less competitive regardless of who they bring.

  3. Beggars can’t be choosers… they should have converted Jamal Cain to the cheapest contract possible.. he has size and can eat up 5 minutes. Spo thinks he’s low IQ, but not everyone can be DWade & LeBron… I’m so sick of tiny injured guards.

  4. I am sorry. I don’t think we can put all the blames on terry Rozier. Tyler Herro, Jimmy Buttler, coach Spo, Duncan, were all terrible last year.

  5. Panthers win the hardest trophy to win in sports and the Heat run it back harder LFG 😤😤😤😕😕😕😔😔😔😪😪😪😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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