@New York Knicks

The SHOCKING TRUTH Behind Isaiah Harternstein Leaving the Knicks…

The SHOCKING TRUTH Behind Isaiah Harternstein Leaving the Knicks…

Ian Begley has revealed the shocking truth onto why Isaiah hartstein signed to the Oklahoma City Thunder Over the New York Knicks and Stephan Bondi also commented on it and we have to talk about this so what’s up guys welcome back to Nick digest it’s Chris here and we’re going to jump right into the video as we always do because in case you missed it not a great day to be a Knicks fan Isaiah hartenstein signed with the Oklahoma City Thunder on a three-year $87 million deal effectively ending his New York Knicks career obviously and in the process leaving the Knicks with an Isaiah hartstein shaped hole in their door and so obviously on top of that and with the 76ers getting Paul George it’s not the greatest say to be a Knicks fan I think the Knicks are fine I’m not that concerned because obviously hartstein was going to leave if you thought hartstein was going to say you were really really wishfully thinking however I was convinced he was gone and maybe a little more so than most people now Ian Begley had been saying for months now that Harton Shin was going to leave and let’s be honest he was right but he did break this down a little bit for us he mentioned that as you’d imagine it was a tough call for hartenstein because he loved his teammates the energy of the fan base and New York City but the opportunity for a big rise while maintaining a chance to compete for a title was massive and apparently if the cap space if it was a cap space team like the Pistons who was rebuilding and they made that offer to hartenstein it might have been a different outcome and this kind of quote continues because Begley does mention that Knicks did everything to keep him and they made made the decision so hard for him it was not an obvious decision and even at the salary OKC was offering Begley highlights the fact that hartenstein not too long ago was getting paid 1.7 million now the Knicks if they weren’t limited by the early bird right rule in the CBA they would have kept him in a Knicks jersey in New York but unfortunately that’s the way the CBA goes we should have been ready for this as a fan base I’m pretty sure that Leon Rose and William Wesley have been very prepared for the fact that harste was going to leave they knew he was going to leave they knew they were fighting an uphill battle it is what it is there’s not much you can do about it oh well honestly I knew this was coming so I I just I don’t know how anyone could have thought he was going to stay OKC was just going to offer massive money which they did and he took it as he should have and I don’t see why people are shocked or like what are we gon to do now it’s not like the Knicks went into free agency like oh yeah if we don’t bring back hartenstein we’re done for we’ll just reverse the male trade we’ll say no we’ll rebuild will trade Bronson or something obviously I’m exaggerating but I know people are going to be like trade Bronson and then in the comments have like a spaz attack I’m messing around the real deal is here the Knicks need to find a new backup center here’s the thing Stephan Bondi also talked about this which made it very clear on one thing the Knicks have pole they have a lot going for them they are a contender they’re in New York City they have the best fan base in the world you get to play in the best city on the planet it is such a blessing to play for this era of the New York Knicks teams look at all the players who have left they’re all getting paid RJ got paid well he got paid by the Knicks but then left I just got paid just got paid a few days ago Obi toppen got paid four years 60 million Isaiah hartstein he got paid all these guys who came to the Knicks got paid they’re going to talk good things about the Knicks to their friends who are free agents they’re going to be like you have a chance to Blossom here and get a big contract like the rest of us did and that’s something thaten has to be kept in mind now as I mentioned Bondi kind of broke this down and it’s not there there we go nope there we go little technical difficulty right there Bondi mentioned that he heard from multiple people how tough of of of a decision it was for hartenstein to leave the Knicks because he loved his time here but the difference in the average salary almost being a double plus the cost of living is cheaper in OKC meaning he was keeping so much more money hartenstein is following the money and you know what you can’t hate a guy for doing that I don’t know how anyone could blame the guy it’s not like he he was going to a bad team also and like Begley mentioned if it was a bad team offering that money hartenstein would have stayed in New York he gave the Knicks some leeway but at the end of the day OKC went in there and was like what’s your price and they got him now the Knicks need to find a new backup center because hardstein started for a while but he replaced an injured Mitchell Robinson and I feel like people have forgotten about the fact that when healthy Mitchell Robinson is one of the best defenders in the NBA and better than Isaiah hartenstein not by much but he is he’s one of the best defenders in the league he is the best offensive rebounder in the NBA the Knicks have options on what to do for their backup center but also they still have an absolute beast in Mitch the stats don’t jump out at you because he spent most of the Season injured but he put up eight and a half rebounds in limited minutes he put up five points most of the those off second chancers when Mitch was starting on the Knicks because they were you know winning and he was healthy he put up 10 rebounds per game and more of those were offensive his field goal percentage has gone down him and Brunson need to get more of a rapport together but he still averages one block and one steal per game the reason he doesn’t average like two and a half blocks because people just don’t challenge him at The Rim they know Mitch is gonna get him look Mitch is still a monster I don’t see why people are acting like Mitchell Robinson is gonna not be able to hold it down as a starter he would that embiid played hartenstein off the court Mitch came in and was like yeah I’m having none of that because you’re not running through me I’m not trying to bash on hartenstein in like some culing mechanism of oh the Nicks lost them no I really wish hartenstein stayed with the Knicks I think they probably would have won the finals because then they’d have two High Caliber centers they still have won they have options with what they could do I really want them to trade some second round picks and and the OB trade exception for Nick Richards I think that would be a phenomenal move by the team it gets you another ver very I ation of Mitchell Robinson he’s good enough to be a backup center on a contending team sorry if my voice is going in now guys I don’t know what is going on right now but um look really the Knicks are going to be okay the problem is it’s not easy to replace Isaiah hartenstein he did a lot for the team and there’s going to be a full video on this that I’m going to do later today and I’m going to break down some options but we’re also going to do it a bit right now because honestly it’s just fun look Fred CS mentioned it he said no remaining free Asian approaches Haren Stein’s ability the list includes in no particular order gogu baz who the magic is have made a better offer than the Knicks have Mo Vagner Daniel Ty Thomas Bryan and mo bomba one name to watch is precious auua as the unrestricted free agent who the Knicks you know had last year and he filled in admirably as a backup center and a starting power forward for the team this season he was very good with doing that they have some options now right now I could see it being precious it’s not going to be Daniel Ty it is certainly not going to be mo Vagner neither of them are good enough Defenders to be a rim protector for Tom Tibido that is just not going to happen the problem with Mo bomba is for no reason at all the man has just never been able to tap into that potential maybe Tom Tibido and big man coach aella Harington can see something in MO that no one else has or they see a way to make Mo into a great player but do you really want to take that much of a risk when you’re a contender I say go get Nick Richards he’s he’s been good as a young player he’ll improve under tibs and Harrington that is the guy in my opinion who you go after I’ve seen some people mention Robert Williams but he’s very injury-prone and also there’s no matching salary to do that as far as I know so I think you really look for Nick Richards here and I’m going to do a whole video breaking the whole thing down on that so make sure you stay tuned for that subscribe to Nick Z just like this video turn on post notifications because we are going to break down the whole thing later with all the other options at backup center because so many centers signed contracts instantly not cool guys what the hell didn’t you want to consider playing for the Knicks I guess not but look I honestly think my least favorite part about hartenstein leaving because I knew this was going to happen is just the fact that like 76ers fans exist are like you lost you lost your Center that that couldn’t guard and beat unlike the other one who you still have well when Paul George gets injured or just plays horribly like he does Sixers fans it’s going to be really really funny so Aiden lepto or whatever his name shut his mouth and watch his team underperform again and Shawn Bernard can keep doing his thing because he’s the man guys have a great day go Nicks

Ian Begley has REVEALED the shocking truth on Isaiah Hartenstein’s reason for leaving the New York Knicks for the Oklahoma City Thunder and Chris Gallagher breaks it all down before going into different options that the Knicks could replace him with, while also reminding people that Mitchell Robinson is still that guy.

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  1. We need to keep Precious. He was solid. Most centers are on the perimeter so we need someone that can move his feet. Mitchell has 2 left feet. Lol he rebounds well and a big body but his offensive game is suspect. As big as he is he needs at least a jump hook and be able to put the ball back in the hoop cuz his FT shooting is bad too.

  2. I laugh at the hypocrisy of the media and league haters if the Knicks would have gave Hartenstein the same contract or near they would have been trashing the knicks and saying they overpaid but when OKC does it it is great move LMAO, every move another team makes is great but the Knicks moves are always questioned and shitted on, the media and many around the league hate the Knicks and wont let go of the past.

  3. How bout the Knicks see if CLINT CAPELLA is available? The Hawks aren't going to do nothing next season and could be on the rebuild.

  4. All of u are tripping this is a wonderful day for our Knicks. I heart didn’t want to be here so good riddance. He looks good in tibbs system before that he was rated pg pure garbage so miss me with the pitty party!!!!

  5. Ur not bashing I heart Mitch is the block nest monster he’s a starter. We have to let him play 5 mins a quarter 20 mins a game so he will last the regular season and the playoffs ✌🏿

  6. The fact that its so expensive to live in ny. Should the knicks be able to pay players more just off of that fact alone. ? Increase our debt ceiling.Thats enough expense for me to avoid ny . A million dollar house in ny compared. The one in OKC will be significantly more luxurious. Its a easy pick. He can save 50% more money and get more money.

  7. Mitchell Robinson is trash for this reason, all he can do is dunk. He can’t shoot, he can’t distribute the ball, he just a body for casualty. We need a center that can score. Idk what Leon Rose going to do but he needs to do something if we are going to compete for a championship smh

  8. All these idiots talking about “loyalty” like they wouldn’t take 87 million if they were offered, yall can’t be serious. Everyone has a price and most people got a family to feed so screw you lady😆

  9. Gotta go after that bag. Don't hate the player, hate the game! Lol.. Good for Stein. He earned it. The Thibs effect!

  10. I'm sorry we can find someone else to average 8 points and 8 rebounds a game who is so much cheaper

  11. Mitch needs to work more on his offensive game. He's gotta be more confident and put those rebounds in the basket. I've seen too many situations where he'd get the rebound while under the hoop and not put it back up. He needs to own the entire paint

  12. But I loved how hartenstein played for us but he's not worth 30 mil a year for only averaging 8 points and 7.9 rebounds a game

  13. Please tell me a few guards that can stop Embid. I’ll wait. Another digest hack fanboy

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