@Golden State Warriors

Klay Thompson’s antics behind the scenes have been ‘equally exhausting’ as Draymond Green’s, per @JDumasReports

"Klay has been equally as exhausting behind the scenes. It's not as loud. It's not as loud because it's not you stomping on someone’s chest. If he's slamming stuff on the bench and sulking, and doing that on the court, how do you think it is in practice? How do you think it is in the locker room? It has been uncomfortable. It has. It just doesn't come out as loudly as Draymond Green." per @JDumasReports

by roscochicken90


  1. feelnoways2020

    Let him leave in peace.

    Stop the propaganda. The man is on another team now. No hit pieces

  2. BobRoss4Life

    Pretty wild to say when you got Dray sucker punching a teammate at practice and catching a 20 game suspension for choking out a goofy ass french giant.

    Klay’s body language was pretty atrocious last year, but it always seemed like it was directed at his own poor play. I’m sure there was more to it, and that there were plenty of eggshells to walk on, but this report coming out hours after he signs elsewhere is a little whack

  3. law_dogg

    Dude’s fragile. Plus it’s a delicate situation.

  4. sriracha82

    Here come the hit pieces

    Idgaf I will love Klay forever. Childish to slander a legend on his way out.

  5. tonythejedi

    As if this needed to be reported… we saw it like every game. Steph was having the same reactions to Klay’s shot selection as he was to Poole’s the year before. Everyone who watched the games knows Klay wasn’t happy, and the team wasn’t happy about Klay not being happy…. Come on, your better than this Dumas

  6. I don’t want slander articles on Klay now that he is leaving. It might not be the most amicable split but he is a warriors legend and a big one at that. In my opinion definitely should get his jersey retired. It’s fine he wants to leave for more money and a better chance to contend. He gave the franchise his best years and the franchise paid him respectfully for that. No one got slighted. It is just an unfortunate parting of ways

  7. cali4481

    curry should be anointed a saint for having to deal with all the bulls*** both on & off the court over the years especially these last couple of seasons

  8. comalicious

    To be fair to Klay, he probably lost a lot more of a step than he thought he would post injury, and I can imagine that must have been depressing as fuck. That being said, as much as I love and appreciate him, i’m also stoked to see other players get those minutes. It’s not personal, and I don’t feel like we gotta do all this, but it is indeed the end of an era.

  9. Accomplished_Iron805

    Here come the hit pieces. Let us celebrate what was and be grateful that it happened.

  10. rarestakesando

    They literally had a a meeting with him about body language and shit selection mid season. This comes as no surprise but the hope was he would evolve mentally.

  11. Aintnostoppingusnow

    These two were lucky enough to play with probably THE most humble talented nba star in history. Shame it didn’t rub off on them at all 

  12. dearzackster69

    Sad to see Draymond has become a measure of how exhausting you are to have on the team. Man. Dude needs to reset and try to have a graceful end to his career.

  13. LooneyTunes-

    No way people are calling this a smear campaign. He was obviously being a drama queen all year right in front of us.

  14. wwaffles

    the writing was on the wall – there was bad body language last season, we know Steve had to talk to him/have meetings with him multiple times to get him to be even somewhat ok with coming off the bench etc.

    No need to drag this out and make it worse. Low hanging fruit. Just let it be.

  15. Zealousideal_Net_752

    Fans who thought Klay was just some quiet spacey stoner were delusional about his fragile ego and lack of maturity. It was on full display the last 2 seasons just how much of a mental midget he is. Always will love the memories he gave us but it’s huge relief to get his negativity off this team.

  16. Carnivore_92

    Imagine what steph has been dealing with throughout those years with klay and dray.

  17. IsThisMe8

    There’s been bits and pieces that I would hear about in podcasts because the media tries to not make a big story of it when they’re still on the team, but we’re definitely going to hear about it a lot more when it’s official that Klay is gone. This happens with every team because they want to maintain a good relationship with the players while they’re there. In this case, I don’t think it’s anyone on the team that’s willing to say all these stories now; it’s more that the media feels “free” to give all the dirty details now.

  18. Amazoi2

    You can equally thankful for his past service and recognize both parties needed to move on. He became a negative influence in the clubhouse. For his own sake, he needed a change of scenery. 

  19. Gamerxx13

    Ya the klay I saw last year was not the one from 18 or 19. He’s not the same. We are better off honestly and it hurts to hear that but we are. Also 3 year deal is gonna have some dead money at the end of that deal

  20. _carzard_

    I think Steph was rubbed a bit the wrong way by how he himself was willing to come off the bench but Klay wasn’t. Either way, thank you for the 4 championships!!! And the most exciting basketball I have ever watched!

  21. neo9027581673


    You can’t let Kleezy get away with it!


  22. Mattie_Doo

    No shit. For the last couple of years he’s been sulking on the court and passive aggressively whining in his press conferences. It’s not a mystery that the average fan couldn’t sympathize with him. He has the attitude of a spoiled fifteen year old.

  23. Remarkable-Cup-6029

    I mean we saw it playing out for the last two years. I remember JMG talking about player meetings in the press alluding to dealing with Klay and the favoritism for his treatment and attitude. I remember David West saying similar things. For the most part though like Rodman for MJ the juice was worth the squeeze until the last two years.

    Will always love Klay. He has always been a diva. That killer psycho mentality was part of what made him great. We all knew Steph was the only adult in the room so this isn’t exactly new. It’s been fantastic but most of us knew why it was time as well.

  24. flyingpurplefroggy

    Let’s just be honest. If Steph pushed FO to pay Klay $20-24m/yr for 3 years or else he would demand a trade, they would have done it. Steph had the power but didn’t do it. He was over it.

    Let’s move on.

  25. jonnyeatic

    Klay is mad at everyone but himself. He bet on himself when he didn’t take the warriors offer, but because he sucked and then got benched it spiraled into “me against everyone.” He is generally a very selfish player but I think that’s necessary as a great off the ball shooter that’s a second option. Klay will always be a warriors legend. He’s just going to be Tony Parker in Charlotte and not Manu or Timmy.

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