@Denver Nuggets

The Denver Nuggets Got A STEAL In DaRon Holmes | Film Breakdown

The Denver Nuggets Got A STEAL In DaRon Holmes | Film Breakdown

when you’re looking for what a modern NBA big does look no further than Dayton’s Don Holmes at 610 Holmes does a little bit of everything offensively shot 38% from three could finish on the inside good L threat and provides a lot of defensive versatility and with a lot of mock drafts have him slated outside of the top 20 it would be a crime for a team like the Milwaukee Bucks the Boston Celtics or the Denver Nuggets to land homes in the NBA draft in this video we’re going to go through his film from his junior year at Dayton a lot of film to go through so be sure to leave a like subscribe if you do enjoy and let’s go ahead and dive into the film of Don Holmes first thing we’re going to focus on with donon Holmes is a three-point shooting he shot 38% from three I think he jumped up from 31 to 38 over the course of his sophomore to Junior seasons and 2.5 attempts too which is a pretty decent amount of volume for a center and a lot of his opportunities came from pick and pop so here we’re just going to see him set the screen and pop up to the top of the key nice patience from the guard here to find him he’s going to knock down the shot again same look going to set this screen right here and then he’s going to pop up to the top once again another clean look from three good mechanics knock down shot here he’s going to set the screen guard decides to reject the screen but still with the big be and drop good job by the guard here attacking that space and Holmes is just going to float right to the top of the key again that’s where a lot of his looks came from on these pops his top of the key 3s and he made a good percentage of them I know it seems repetitive but it’s good to see the consistency of where he’s getting these looks from um a lot of them are just high ball screens top of the key 3es and if your Center can really stretch the floor like that at the top of the key it’s key you think of Brook Lopez Miles Turner guys like that um I think that’s where you know Holmes will look to make his money man being a stretch five um very important for his offensive part of the game similar action here another top the key three and that’s a deep shot too that’s NBA range right there which I think is key you know you know he’s not shooting threes like right on the line you know he spaced back like that’s an NBA range three right there great shot knock down now we got some side ball screen action uh the big being in the drop right there good opportunity for the guard to eat up some space and then create the pop opportunity which is what they want to do get the ball back in homes’s hands and then he knocks down a wing shot d a handoff opportunity going to set the screen the guard is going to reject the screen which still kind of draws the big a little bit and it gives homes another opportunity for a wing three as we’ll see right here sets Lake contest knocks it down some more high ball screen action and even like Lake contest didn’t really do a lot to bother Theon holes G’s gonna come off of it we see the big in a drop right there kind of out of position because he wants to just stunt so he can get back to homes and he actually does a good job of stunting getting back good contest but a knock down three now we’re going to get some more side ball screen action set the screen right there slip right to the open spot in the wing spacing wasn’t even great but still found a lot of space to knock it down some more high ball screen work he going to set it right here guard is going to do good job job going off the screen going to pop right to the open spot another NBA range three coming tournament play action against Arizona s the high ball screen here just more the same just showing you guys the ability that he has to pick and pop which can definitely translate to the NBA at a good level side ball screen G going to do a good job trying to turn Baseline commits two Defenders Holmes wide open three knock down next up is attack and Closeouts when you shoot 30 % from three you’re going to have a lot of opportunities to take guys off the dribble off of these pick and pop opportunities when the defense kind of anxiously rotates so here we’re just going to see another side ball screen and this is kind of Next Level stuff you know just more than I think a pick and pot big has some decent guard skills going to see here catch it on you know short cornerish type Row the big kind of has to over rotate he’s out of position quick jab step get into the lane nice foot work nice spin move layup like this play here it looks like a simple pick pop which I mean that is basically what it starts out to be is a pick and pop but even with him shooting the ball the way that he did this past season he’s catching it with the intent of driving the basketball because he just knows there’s a huge Lane open to where I can get up at the rim and he’s a great athlete in my opinion so you know I really like that not even really attacking the clothes out but just being you know knowing that you can get to the rim I like that a lot once again high ball screen here we’re gonna set it and then the big just knows like you know he can shoot the ball so I have to get out here quick try and get a hand up and then we’re just attacking the clothes out big does a good job of recovering but the patience nice footwork nice spin move attacking another close out just displaying the guard skills here pump fake spin move step back man that’s nasty I I get Nas Reed Vibes I get Nas re Vibes watching the film like offensively speaking that’s the kind of Vibes I get not as Shifty as n re is for a big but kind of similar with the guard skills eyeball screen here they’re trying to get him on the roll in this situation but this Defender I think does a good job covering and covering the initial ball screen and then you know recovering in the drop good job there so we’re going to get it to him in the short Corner pump fake get by his Defender nice finish trying to set up the ball screen here and then just attacking the close out I mean I’m sure this big for Northwestern is not used to being on the perimeter as much holes having the guard skills that he is just being patient quick Jabs that blow by left and good finish with the right the big does a pretty good job recovering but still a little bit off balance kind of trying to get ready for the pump fake ready for the shot and then Holmes spin move Lefty finish he’s crafty really crafty then another chance to pick and pop potentially attack a close out good recovery there by the big but then we’re just going to see him another spin move go to work really nice with that spin move too attacking close outs we’re going to see pump fake another pump fake go and then just using his strength nice step through nice dunk love this one s in the screen in the slot right here he’s going to pop to the corner and the big just has to kind of overreact to try and get back from where he was up here to run into the corner and then here almost looks like he’s going to shoot a side set three but then he says no I put my head down get to the rim get a dunk in now we’re switching up to pick and roll plays was pretty impressed with him as a roller I’m think he could be a pretty good lober in the league too with his athleticism would like to see you know him on the court with NBA level guards for sure but here just simple pick and roll play G going to use a screen pocket pass inside let the clip roll then patience another spin move lety finish like this play a lot man we see Holmes on the post trying to go to work Defender kind of stunting at him a little bit so instead of trying to force it you know maybe go through the double or whatever going to kick it back out to his guard up top then you know what let’s go ahead reset side ball screen action right here guard rolls left or goes left and then pocket pass inside great pass great catch great finish hot ball screen here gar going to go off of it and then just throw a lot pass inside but honestly on the NBA level man this could easily be a lob dunk just because like nobody really commits his athleticism I think easily could be a good lob during the league instead just lob over the top for the n one finish another example of potentially being a lob threat sets the screen here then a really great role where he gets behind the defense but you just look at the space like that’s a lob in the league instead it’s just a dunk but at the NBA level that’s a lob but we’ll take the dunk too we’re going to see like just his pure athleticism here going to set the screen not even really set it fully kind of more of like a slip into the you know short roll area it’s going to catch it at the elbow then patience Blows By The Defender and puts him in the rim big playing a close game here we got Homes at Big play in the close game here two minutes left they’re down by two they’re on a big run in this game I’m pretty sure and we’re going to see Holmes going to dribble hand off action ball Hunter up top going to hand it off set the screen right here he’s going to slip and then meet somebody at The Rim good pass and then Strong finish inside this is one of the few half court lobs that I did see but it’s just good to know like you know he can definitely beat this in the league with NBA level guards you know all the time playing with him could easily see him being that type of lob there cuz he’s a great athlete and I’m not dissing to D guards because I think they actually did a really good job of feeding him on these roll opportunities and these pop opportunities as we’re going to see here patient nice pass there and then that’s a nice Nan the next part of his offensive game we’re going to talk about is him attacking in space and I said Nas really was kind of my initial comparison for him earlier and this is really why because I feel like he has pretty good guard skills for somebody playing a 610 Center in college that’s what he was and I was really impressed with just his ability to you know attack not only like we showed attack and close outs earlier but bringing the ball up the court um you know attacking in dribble handoff situations like I was really really impressed with his craftiness and him being able to take advantage of you know guys defending him that were not nearly as athletic and could move on the perimeter like he can so we going to see here he’s going to go into a dribble handoff action and just kind of blow blow through the dribble handoff and get to the rim and a nice finish I mean not you don’t see this often like a 10 forward SL Center whatever they want to classify him as I’m calling him a big but he’s got guard skills just reminds me a lot of Nas Reed in a way I’m example I mean this guy has you know his guard skills has guys having to guard him at the logo pretty much half court we’re picking him up we’re trying to pressure him he’s just going to jab left go right get around his Defender and finish with the right hand now we’re going to see some open court work like I said this is your 610 Center stepping through on people like this is what dwade used to do like that step through move stepping through on people and pretty much a oneman fast break like you just don’t see this mold a player often man like the shooting the pick and roll ability the pick and pop the playmaking which we’ll get to like really a jack of all trades offensively in my opinion going to go into the dho here and then just turn the corner I mean pretty similar to the first play that we saw turn the corner get to the rim nice finish with the right D would even try and like set ball screens for him often when he does have the ball up top and he just rejects a screen here with the left to right cross and he’s going to get to the rim again attacking in space man you don’t see that often from 610 bigs how often will he be like handling the ball like this in the league that’s definitely a question mark I mean who knows but still the dribble handoff stuff is something that definitely can translate um because teams will likely have to respect him as a shooter so they have to play up on him a little more and you know with these guards coming up in dribble handoff actions depending on who you’re playing with it can open up a lot of opportunities like this is what Draymond Green does you know attacking those dribble handoffs nice finish this could have been in the attack and Closeouts Clips but the footwork was just too nasty the jab let’s get back to the spin and then let’s get to the tough left delay here he’s posting up we got the switch so immediately I think this is 32 that’s what the number looks like he coming down to double and then Holmes instead of just maybe trying to spin Baseline maybe throw something up get into crowd he’s like okay we’re going to reset and you know what I don’t care if you switch back because you cannot guard me I’m about to Mi you up spin move and then another dunk here we’re going to see get back to that left or right cross get the defender off balance and then even he was off balance a little bit but still got the Finish they’re looking to get this defender in the action so 24 is going to come up set a screen but he’s kind of just going to screen his own man since he’s getting face guarded and to screen his own man there a little bit and then Holmes is going to drive we’re going to see this Defender go for the steal nice spin move and then a crafty layup this is almost like the same exact look from a different game um a guard setting in the screen to try and get this Defender into the action and that Defender is going to try and reach try and get the steal another spin move that spin move we might as well patent him with that man because we’ve seen a lot in this video him using that spin move to get to the rim the last thing offensively I want to talk about is his playmaking um especially if he’s going to be used a lot in like pick and pop pick and roll opportunity the major thing in today’s league as a big that you have to be at least adaptable at is the short role we saw Derrick Lively make a big impact this past season with his playmaking in the short role and his decision making in the short role some guys got it some guys don’t I think a lot of it is just instincts and I think donon Holmes has that he’s a really good passer um for for 610 Center like I was really impressed with him being able to handle double teams not a lot of short roll Clips but we see him a lot in the open court making plays um here they’re going to set the screen guard’s going to come off of it homes is going to roll to the about free throw line area this um dting player in the corn kind of in a dunker spot reading and waiting to see what his man does and he’s going to pop back out to the corner you see here short row opportunity guard’s already kind of out of position two feet in the lane and that pass is already on the way to the corner and the shooter is ready and he knocks it down we’ll call a short roll right here even though he pops out to the corner um could also be including included in that attack and close out spited the video because does attack at the close out but just reading the floor like you know just spatial awareness knowing where you guys are really good floor mapping and knowing that look there’s three defenders in the lane right here you got somebody up top that could be open but let’s drive Baseline and have our guy drift a little bit to the corner and he’s ready knocks it down really good eyes here this big is in the lane the kick out’s on its way to Holmes up top so he’s running out he’s going to attack the close out and then just reading the floor knowing that you got somebody in the dunker spot this Defender commits right here this Defender is a little late on the rotation so then the defender I mean the offensive player below the rim nice catch good finish but a good pass too this simulates the kind of short row opportunities running the forward but being able to make plays like I mentioned Derrick Lively as a rookie was really good at this catch it up about the free throw line area one dribble knows that you got somebody in the corner somebody’s committed with a foot in the lane right there then two feet shter just going to be wide open and he knocks it down was really impressed with his like process and speed too recognizing where the Double’s coming from and where his guys are on the floor like I said earlier really good floor mapping for a big he’s going to catch in the post and then instantly he sees the doubles coming um they’re definitely in like a Zone look right here like a one a 131 almost like one 122 Zone um but recognizes where the dou was coming from three eyes three sets of eyes are on him right there and he knows that his shooter is going to be open at the the top of the key that pass was Snappy it was quick really quick decision making which is very very impressive from a college big like this play here is going to catch it on the wing and we saw they’re looking to go into that dribble handoff action gotten some really good looks off of it that we seen in this video um but the defender’s top blocking so just really good recognition but this bounce pass has to be perfect because offensive player is going to fake like he’s going for the hand off then cut back door but his bounce pass has to be on time and it was and a really good finish and this play comes back to just him being able to attack closed outs attack in space um he’s goingon to drive Baseline and his teammates just going to uh drift you know to the corner based on Drive based on drift old school concept and it works to Perfection quick process and speed again we’re going to see Dayton players kind of gets caught Baseline a lot of bodies in the lane homes right here at the free throw line and he catches this ball and he’s already looking for his teammate who’s flowing back back out to the corner and he’s wide open for three really good pass there and this is your big getting the rebound and pushing the basketball guard skills guard skills really good bounce pass that’s nice this pass wasn’t perfect but it’s just processing speed like catches the ball recognizes where the double team is coming from where everybody shifting from and even though the pass wasn’t perfect it got out there in time for the shooter to make the adjustment and knock down the shot similar play recognize where the double team’s coming from not even really sure if he fully sees his teammate in the corner um because he never really like glanced over there he didn’t face up he just made the crosscourt pass on the money and he knocks down the shot floor mapping here is elite elite cut here from his guy in the corner but him driving to the middle and forcing this Defender to commit is really what created this opportunity and nobody is there to rotate down it’s a easy layup you don’t see patience like this from somebody that’s 21 years old like recognize a double team’s on the way but it might not be like this pass might not be open right away so I don’t have to force it as soon as the guy comes a double because look you kind of got to hold it for a second as a game account Mouse now between this Defender right here so you’re kind of holding him with your eyes on number six on the wing and it works just enough to get that pass to fired inside there’s a badge for crosscourt passing like he definitely has it just recognizing the floor spacing we’re going to see here guys cutting through the lane a guy holding up the I guess dunker spot right here and just understand oh nobody’s picking up my shooter on the other side and he’s going to be wide open but these passes are just on time on Target on the money which I think is more impressive than get than getting the assists I think that’s way more impressive than getting the assists recognizing where the double team’s coming from and knowing the floor balance knowing the spacing like who’s open and that pass is being on time now we’re going to to the defensive side of the floor and his ability to switch and stick with guards I think was pretty impressive definitely a skill that bigs need in today’s League because you’re going to get matched up with guards pretty often you got to have the ability to try and stay in front as best as you can um this is All-American guard Caleb love Caleb love know one of the best SCS in the country last year Holmes does a good job following L Baseline and then getting a block shot right there we got Holmes up top right here and he’s going to get into Gordon some dribble handoff action he’s going to switch off and then Force the offensive player into a tough contested three and he gets a block shot we got Holmes here guarding in the drop initially drop coverage look turns into a switch and then there’s great anticipation here getting the block shot on the three we got homes here we’re going to get a little down screen action in the middle of the lane this guard is going to pop up and good instincts from homes just pointing out like oh I see the guard coming nobody’s really in the vicinity I’ll just switch out let me switch out and then I’m going to be able to stay in in front and get the block shot we got another switch onto a guard a lot of block shots from the three-point line for Holmes did bite on on the initial pun fake but still having the athleticism to get back up and block the shot they got holes switched onto a perimeter player again and then these twen twns not really doing too much moving his feet staying in front then forces the offensive player to dribble out of bounds Holmes is in Hill position down low and the ball’s end up going to get rotated to this guy in the corner right here really good close out to run him off the line recovery speed and gets the block shot even though he showed pretty good ability switching on the guards he was in drop coverage a lot last year too we see him back here guarding in the pick and roll opportunity going to get the screen guard is going to come around the screen and then Holmes is going to kind of eat up that space and get another block shot on on a jumper really high ball screen going to get set here and Holmes being in the drop again they ice the screen force him to the left and even though a nice move by the guard home staying the front move in his feet and he gets the block shot I’ll let you guys see that in full speed because very impressive pick and roll coverage right there and then getting the block at the end running drop coverage again it’s going to end up being a switch onto the guard and he gets another block on the jumper and then gets a run out at the end of the game let this play and the drop coverage again very similar to that play against St Louis earlier in the drop guard e up that space But great anticipation great recovery and he gets a block shot nice play then there were a few times where they just St Blitz the ball handler and holes showed really good instincts just kind of blowing up screens getting a couple steals there’s one of them really nice play and then does again here just straight up blitzing the ball handler creating the steal then the shot blocking him being a helps side Defender he averaged 2.1 blocks per game over the course of the regular season we’ll see here he’s in the lane right there kind of in the hill position you know H position right there tough pass to make to to the corner anyways and then he gets a block shot really like this play here he’s initially switched we got them trying to get the entry pass into the post but he switched onto a guard does a good job sling his feet then they’re going to pass off the help then he gets back into you know being a helps side Defender at The Rim they’re going to f on the inside and then he’s going to get the block shot there a little bit of everything on that possession here we’re going to get a late ball screen Holmes is in the drop coverage right here and then he’s just going to switch onto this Defender but watch him recover get back to the rim and block that shot like that’s very impressive really good instincts on this play right here really impressive I don’t know why there’s just a lot of discourse about this guy not being a lot a certified lottery pick I mean he really displays everything that you look for when it comes to an NBA big the shooting the shot blocking his ability to switch on the guards like he displays everything

I cannot believe that there are multiple mock drafts that have DaRon Holmes II getting selected outside of the top 20. After going through his film from his previous season at Dayton, I was impressed with the variety of ways he impacted the game offensively, and think he has immense potential defensively on the NBA level. Teams like the Denver Nuggets, Milwaukee Bucks, and Boston Celtics will benefit greatly if he falls to them in the 2024 NBA Draft…

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0:00-0:35 – Intro
0:36-3:28 – 3-Point Shooting
3:29-6:18 – Attacking Closeouts
6:19-8:42 – Pick & Roll (Roller)
8:43-12:23 – Attacking Space
12:24-18:02 – Playmaking
18:03-19:34 – Defensive Switching
19:35-20:45 – Pick & Roll Coverage
20:46-21:53 – Helpside Defense


  1. Such an interesting prospect, really canā€™t see him falling out of the 1st round. Great video my guy!

  2. This may have been an extremely smart move by Denver, although only time will tell. He could be one of the few rookies who developes quickly and becomes the bench player that they need to get back to the finals. They're hoping Daron Holmes is gonna be like Herb Jones.

  3. Holmes weighed 205 when he came to Dayton. He added 30 pounds in the weight room, so if he just does that, he'll probably play at 245 lbs in the NBA. That's right between Al Horford & Bam Adebayo. He's going to wind up backing up both Jokic & AG, which would net him about 30 min a night once he gets into the rotation. Backing those two up was the Nuggets primary weakness on the bench last year.

  4. Whats the big concern about him, just the level of competition because he looks like a well rounded player who could be an All Star if the Nuggets develop him to take Gordons spot in a couple years.

  5. You put joc on a mountain but kind of funny they never would have seen a šŸ† ring if it wasn't for Gordon and that's a fact you people never seem to admit when joc is out who makes up for him surely hasn't been Murray better hope this new guy makes a difference you need to give Gordon a pay raise I hope Gordon let these big money makers play there on defense maybe he want have to play so much defense for joc

  6. One of the consistent comments I see from NBA analysts & the group of quasi-scouts who opine on this stuff has to do with Holmes needing to add weight. I reviewed every one of the first 21 draft picks & examined their height & weight, took a look at them in recent photos & looked at video footage of them. IN EVERY CASE except for one or two other big men, I found the player was either significantly under developed for the NBA or at best had an average NBA body…except for of course…the big 300 pounder at Purdue.

    To be clear, DaRon Holmes look to me to have THE BEST build I saw for any 4 or 5 position player drafted in the top 22 picks of this draft. Several of the players taken in the high lottery were skinny as hell & look like they are a couple years away at best from having the physicality to start in the NBA. Some of these them look like they are 30 pounds below where they need to be in the NBA. I think this is one reason this draft was not viewed very favorably. Almost all of the top picks are essentially projects drafted on potential as opposed to what they have already done.

    This guy has already proven he can put on weight & muscle,which he did to the tune of 30 pounds in 3 years, 20 of it just last season. He is also extremely dedicated in the weight room, as multiple reports indicate & he himself talks about. We will probably see him round off at about 250 pounds by year 2 in the league.

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