@Chicago Bulls

Lakers, Bulls & Nets Closing In On 3 Team Trade

Lakers, Bulls & Nets Closing In On 3 Team Trade

what’s going on everyone so the Los Angeles Lakers are trying to acquire Demar D rozan and it looks like they are trying to acquire him via a trade uh and more likely than not it’s going to be a three team deal now the best course of action of course would be to just sign him with the midlevel exception right that way you kind of clear that get that out the way and then you can use your assets to go and make a trade for various pieces to upgrade right the Lakers I don’t believe are far from from being in contention with these other teams but I do think that even like just dear Rosen won’t be enough I think that they need at least you know two to maybe three really quality core pieces to really Elevate this team and take them to the next step so I’m all for a trade even if it is for demard R Roan and they do work that trade out uh I’m okay with that depending on what the cost is in order to acquire him right if it’s something like clay where you know it’s just kind of you know one guy’s going to DLo right is going to one team and then you know you’re sending picks second round picks or something to uh a team like the Chicago pools and you’re Landing tomorrow fine so be it if you can make it work I’m with that uh and then you’d still have your mid-level exception maybe go get a miles Bridges um or you know maybe if you need a point guard tus Jones something like that and then go make a trade for a center and another piece but the Lakers currently as far as the trade part Partners go appear to be the Chicago Bulls the Los Angeles Lakers and the Brooklyn Nets uh the Brooklyn Nets still really want D um it’s been reported from Anthony Irwin as well as Jake fiser have both basically said that hey look they were linked to DLo at the trade deadline they are still linked to him now and they want to unload several pieces they kind of need that playmaker that point guard also DLo in his expiring contract I could go a long way for a team like the Brooklyn Nets they’re kind of hitting the reset button they want to move off of like cam Johnson Dorian finy Smith uh Ben Simmons right they want to start unloading and getting rid of guys to one kind of Hit the bottom but also you know kind of see okay what about this young guy what about that young guy and then can dowo kind of be the piece that if it works you can keep and kind of have him be your point guard going forward if it doesn’t then it’s no big deal you kind of just let him walk and you clear more money off of your books so this could be a good Advantage for the Lakers obviously you get demard R Roan but with the Brooklyn Nets and having several pieces that make a lot of sense for the Lakers you could kind of kill two birds with one stone obviously again it depends on what you’re giving up in the process to acquire these pieces but if you could get say demard Rosen and in a perfect world get a cam Johnson and you know you’re kind of working it out to maybe Ruiz going to Chicago and then you know DLo going over to the Brooklyn Nets and you know they’re they’re kind of configuring it to to make the the structure work so everything lines up perfectly Lakers are kind of upgrading yes you can argue ruy may be better than cam Johnson but cam Johnson is the better fit at the three spot right CU ruie is best at the four can’t really defend threes right he’s great offensively it’s not a coincidence that every time LeBron is out of a game and ruie gets to step up and play the four he ends up showing up and is great his rebounding is better everything but as long as LeBron’s on this team he’s never really going to naturally be able to play the four because that’s LeBron’s position at this point and where he’s best slotted with his age and kind of you know inabilities to to have that constant motor game in and game out right so more likely than not ruie is kind of almost having to be traded by default now that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to do it in this Brooklyn deal or you know the three-way between Chicago and Brooklyn but it is something if you can get a legitimate starting three somebody like a cam Johnson who makes sense and can knock down the three ball with efficiency you know 39 to 40% from three-point range uh also he can put the ball on the floor create uh make shots for himself make shots for others also slot in at demard toosan now all of a sudden you’re cooking there right now you got two of like the big pieces that you need at that that point now you’re just looking for probably a backup point guard and you’re looking for a backup center and let’s go compete right cuz that point you could probably go Austin Reeves Demar de R rozan although I’m not super confident in that back court right like defensively although dear he can be serviceable Reeves can be serviceable at times but I do have concerns with that I’d almost prefer the Lakers kind of go get a point of attack guy in a perfect world you go and trade for uh Demar D rozan you Al get Cam Johnson and then you go and sign with your mid-level exception go get a guy like a miles Bridges and then at that point kind of go position lless right where yes you have you could slot LeBron at the point but really he’s the four and you basically have like Bridges DLo and uh Johnson as your perimeter uh Defenders on the defensive side and then LeBron is kind of operating and demard rzan is a guy who has shown he can initiate an offense and the way that JJ reick wants to kind of structure his offense is this free flowing you know balls constantly moving you know it’s not this just ISO heavy point guard you know LeBron’s dominating the basketball and making plays but you’d always have LeBron that you could default to if you needed to do that right so you could have again Demar and have a you know a cam Johnson go get a miles brid or even Dorian finy Smith can you kind of work work it all out to where you get Doan fny Smith and you get um you know cam Johnson in a deal and now you just go with those two and then now you’re bringing Reeves Off the Bench I don’t hate that idea right and again I’d still kind of like a point guard because I just don’t think Reeves is ready to operate as the point guard but if you can get say a Dorian finy Smith and a cam Johnson well then maybe you’re using that mid-level exception to go get tus Jones and you’re bringing tus Jones Off the Bench or you could even stop start him as that like playmaker 3 andd style guard um defensively he’s not great or hasn’t been great but I I would prefer him more in that backup role and then now you have him Austin Reeves uh you know Max Christie if you can keep Jared vanderbelt Jared vanderbelt uh Christian Wood and then you got to just go get that backup center whoever that is right depending on what you have to give up in the cost of stuff right maybe you can you know i’ I’d like to keep jar vanderbelt personally but if you get Dorian finy Smith and like a cam Johnson or if you get a miles Bridges and and a cam Johnson then vanderbelt kind of becomes Expendable so I think you can kind of get away with trading Vander belt especially if you can go get a backup center right can you go get like a Nick Richards so I know it’s frustrating right now right I’m frustrated you’re frustrated everyone’s frustrated we’re kind of waiting for that first Domino to fall I would have loved clay right would clay have came in and just changed the landscape for the Lakers probably not right dear is the better player there are concerns about the fit I’m not so worried about the fit I’ve kind of touched on it and broke it down if we get deardo Rosen I’ll like really break it down uh and kind of go over all the ins and outs the good the bad the ugly but I I I’m not really so much concerned with dear CU I do think his skill set is very valuable I know people have the concerns he doesn’t shoot the three ball but there’s more to floor spacing than just shooting threes and he does take a lot of very deep twos that are essentially borderline threes to me it’s what else are you getting Beyond Demar d rozan right I want dear I’m all for dear dear is better at this stage than Klay Thompson right so if you can get dear that’s better than going and getting Klay Thompson especially if you can get dear for you know basically DLo salary like if you just swapping DLo salary with DeMar rosen that’s massive for the Lakers at that point because then you still have Gabe Vincent ruy hachimura Jared vanderbel you still have these guys that you can look to trade and unload to again go get a a cam Johnson or get a cam Johnson and a Dorian finny Smith right and on top of that you could go and maybe make a move to go get that backup center and now you really rounded out your roster now that point you know again if you have a roster of just say Dorian finy Smith cam Johnson demard Rosen LeBron James and Anthony Davis you got size you got versatil you got switch ability you can basically switch with all five guys if you need to yeah I mean your smallest guy on the court at that point would be what like Demar roen and he’s got good size so to me it’s like if you can put something like that together for this roster for this team I just think that that would be very valuable and it appears that a three team trade is the more likely route that we’re heading in they’re all kind of trying to work it out they’re all trying to figure it out and if they can get that done it is difficult right obviously I’m hoping while you’re watching this video we get the news and we get the announcement but realistically it’s probably going to take a little time because it’s hard enough to do one trade right one for one it’s another thing when you’re adding that third party in because they want things that are specific you know you want this and they want that and then okay all right fine all parties agree and then you’re getting ready to file the paperwork and then it’s like ah no you know what I feel like I’m you know I feel like I need a little more or whatever and it just all of a sudden you’re starting from scratch right so it may be a little bit of a process but I really do think Demar de R rozan is going to end up being a Laker I think one way or another I think push comes to shove worst case I do think dear will just sign for that mid-level exception um I don’t think he’ll sign longterm for that mid-level exception but I think and I could see him kind of just going all right I’ll take it for a year just so I can play with the Lakers you know see what we can do see what we can cook up Lakers go make trades for other things and then kind of run it and see what that turns out to be and and what you can create with that but I really I just again based on the information that we have all signs are pointing to Demar is going to be a Laker one way or another the market isn’t this vast market for him right there’s not a lot of teams that are lining up to go and pay him all this money and you know it’s like you know maybe a team like the Spurs maybe they’d give him 20 million or something but it’s like do I really want to do that when I can go to the Lakers and I can contend and compete and I can play you know is he going to go to Detroit for all that probably not right like it just to me it makes sense that know he would go and and be acquired for that mid-level exception at worst but ideally the Lakers are going to try to trade for him if you’re just essentially swapping DLo for him then to me that’s a home run but can you get other pieces along with it while you’re there right can you get a cam Johnson ideally I wouldn’t even hate can you get a you know Dron sharp can you get a cam Thomas right can you get some of these pieces from the Brooklyn Nets Beyond just you know cam Johnson right if you could basically flip and and swap three of your guys for three or four of theirs then now you’re in business right also if you can unload an extra guy another option for like point guard would be just to bring back Spencer dwy and actually allow him to play the point guard something that uh you saw Darin ham not allow him to do which was incredibly frustrating so I wouldn’t even hate kind of going with him and letting him kind of be the the main backup point guard and maybe slotting him with Reeves and chrisy and you know Christian Wood and then go get a center whoever that Center is um that would be ideal but anyway as always this is a discussion I pass a question on you let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think what are your thoughts are you excited that this potentially could end up happening what pieces do you want from the Brooklyn Nets is there any other pieces that you want from the Chicago Bulls um how you feel whatever your thoughts are I’d love to hear so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button how lot me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe to channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate y’all see you in the next one thank you

Lakers, along with the Chicago Bulls and Brooklyn Nets, are working out and closing in on a potential 3 team trade. Lakers News of landing Demar Derozan and saying a Cam Johnson would be massive for the Lakers and really put them back in contention. Lakers Nation doesn’t seem far but needs at least 2-3 high-end pieces to round out the roster.

#Lakers #Bulls #Nets


  1. Ughh man demar is good but he rewlly doesn't fit at all man how tf are we playing Bron ad and demar at the 3 against Denver we will get destroyed lmao

  2. Iā€™m sooo sick of this save Reeves shhiiit! Why do we need 3 other guards. Defense/ shooting/point guard! If you just paid this bum, donā€™t want to trade him. But we need all these other players around him because heā€™s weak. Now trade vando? This is the mentality of a dumb franchise. Killing off a championship for this bum!

  3. When is the rumor become reality im just tired of robs tactics. If nothing happens we need to protest rob to step down. He seems incapable for the job

  4. Lakers need to trade D-Lo, JHS, and Hayes for Cam Johnson.

    trade the MLE, Vincent, Reddish, Max Lewis and 2 1sts for Jerami Grant. They refuse to include Reaves in a dealšŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø

    LBJ, Grant, Rui, Cam, AD as your starting 5 will win you a championship.

  5. During the season I mentioned de'rozen and tyus Jones you didn't care for them now you all for it LOL are we getting desperate just kidding but keep up the good work

  6. Are they really closing in on a three team trade? I think a slam run trade would be demar and a cam Johnson doesnā€™t make us title favorites but still it makes us much better

  7. You are wrong about trading Ruiā€¦ Bron is turning 40, Rui should be playing the 4 a lot more

  8. One, we don't need Derozan. Two, we need a BIG man. And lastly, DLO needs to go, like, now.

  9. Sounds like the Lakers once again are going to give away their future. LeBron has destroyed this team for now and the future. Remember Father Time is undefeated and this could be the year LeBrons wheels fall off. AD is already there. Great video!

  10. Reaves will play plenty of PG. that is what the comment about JJ opening a hidden part of ARā€™S game is about

  11. LAL should be good as is. Last season was littered with injuries. No time for team concept and maturation. Team maturation is the key for LAL. They have the goods to win this year barring any injuries to the super stars and role players.

  12. The only thing Lakers need now is a bigger 5ā€¦. James wiseman on a smaller contract, and current team is best

  13. I like miles bridges
    Who going to be the point guard and we neef to address the center spot of we get a decent center AD can be unstoppable

  14. No s m small ball lineup PLEASE the big man is back we will not be able to matchup with the other reams with small ball
    Hiw come rob p can't see that, he keeps going after guards we need big men rob !

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