@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs ‘INTERESTED’ In Lauri Markannen!

Spurs ‘INTERESTED’ In Lauri Markannen!

all right so last time I responded in the middle of the night uh the San Antonio Spurs literally grabbed Chris Paul 20 minutes after I upload a video that we were interested so I tried to wait it out and see if anything would happen as it stands right now nothing happened keep it that way for a little while I want some n are we having fun yet all right guys so as you know I was very ecstatic when it came to getting Chris Paul but when it comes to Lori marketing I’m kind of on the fence sorry I’m I’m a little on the fence it depends it depends all right so before we talk about this really quick guys please please please head on over to Spurs Invasion um And subscribe to the channel it is a brand new Channel that I created in which I’m going to be doing nothing but scripted edited content I’m working on one as we speak about Chris Paul I’m going to be leaving uh for this weekend or whatnot so I definitely want to get it out uh sometime this week so go go subscribe to it man go subscribe to it and and leave any constructive criticism if there’s anything you think could do like I could do that’s better or you liked or didn’t like or whatever just just leave it in the comments I it mean the world to me I want to improve and I’m still trying to find my style I even changed up some things that I haven’t uploaded yet but I changed up uh the profile picture I got a new you know logo created and everything I’m keeping the Spurs Invasion but I’m I’m adding on to it all right just to keep with our theme right here there’s our clan the Spurs fan theme but yeah go follow link below under this uh video all right let’s go ahead and take a look let’s take a look let’s take a look let’s take a look all right Rumor Has It San Antonio Spurs interested in Lori marketing so it says right here San Antonio is reportedly showing interest in the star forward and the two teams that actually um are hitting up the Jazz as we speak are the the San Antonio Spurs and the Golden State Warriors so here’s the thing okay okay here’s the thing last time we talked about Lori marinan I from what I remember the Jazz wanteded a lot I mean a a lot and I am not willing to give them and and maybe this is just me being being a jerk right I am not willing to give them almost any of the 202s maybe the Charlotte Hornets which won’t convey and maybe the Chicago Bulls which probably won’t convey now that the the the demard de rosan isn’t coming back uh so that that’s kind of how where I’m sitting right now I wouldn’t give them the the Hawks pick I wouldn’t give them our pick for 2025 um but last time we checked they wanted a ton of picks and I don’t know if the Spurs are willing to do that on top of it as well I don’t really the Lorry marketing trade that the Spurs don’t want to have players on the books for long periods of time um we already know that they signed Chris Paul for a one-year deal and if we we go here and we look at the Spurs contracts uh a lot of guys contracts end in the next couple of years and they want to make sure they have um enough room to to do the contracts that they need like Deon fael we’re pretty good right we’re decent there that’s a phenomenal contract by the way um for the future but you look at Jeremy Sohan they’re going to want to resign him um Victor wanyama is going to need an extension uh pretty pretty soon or not pretty soon a little while but um but they they definitely want to sit back and evaluate so this next season it actually is another evaluation season right we’re still trying to figure out do guys fit do they not I I am a firm believer that Blake Wesley does fit with with the team right but I don’t know if he’s like a starting point guard he more than likely won’t be that he’ll have to go to his um position his shooting guard but all I’m saying is I think right now the Spurs want to get guys on a shorter uh leash where they’re not worried about it in the future tents especially since 2025 is going to be a crazy draft and they’re going to want um some room there to see what they want to do and who stays who goes stuff like that so right now it seems like that’s what the Spurs are aiming towards and the only way I would go after Lori marinin and I would make it happen is if they go down on the price because Utah Jazz have been pretty they’ve been pretty crazy and delusional as far as how much uh they want for him so I I wouldn’t give them like several several first round picks maybe like maybe a couple um if it’s a 2025 maybe the Bulls one uh but I I’m just I’m just not sold on going all out now does he fit yeah sure he fits with the Spurs but let me tell you guys this right now and this might not be like fun thing to talk about or fun thing to say but I don’t think that the Spurs are playoff contenders even if they get Lori Markin well well I won’t go that far I won’t go that far I think that they will be playoff contenders but as far as serious contenders for a championship no I I would still see the Spurs getting kicked out of the first round um if you were to grab him um not to saying that that’s not you know important to be able to go to the first round and and develop and um um get that experience but I just don’t know if we’re there yet right and and you can’t you can’t speed up can’t speed up the process so Lori Markin is one where I I would love to bring him on the team he does fit uh but he is a little bit older I think Lori Mark hold on let me make sure pretty sure Lori marketing is 29 I don’t want to say it 27 why’ I say 29 yeah 27 so he’s 27 years old um so I I’m I’m I’m hesitant but let’s take a look at what Zack low here has to say so Spurs report sports reporter uh posted this on the latest edition of low post podcast uh Bobby Marx and Zack low has some stuff to say all right let let’s just listen in in and see what we got here H wait a minute that’s not on my my headphones yo Dre there’s no snare in my headphones where you say it lifts our ceiling with oneyama now and by the way this dude is ready to make an all NBA team immediately and he’s young enough where we’re not going all in on a player that’s too far out of wanyama timeline I could see the rubber meeting the road at Deon okay hold on let me keep listening and that’s the most interesting piece to me for the Spurs because they rightfully believe he is an absolute A+ fit as a three-point shooter he’s not a three and D guy yet but he’s got some tools defensively that he needs to lock into next to wemy that’s another thing too if if they’re asking for Devon fael that’s a no for me I I can’t do it I can’t do it I I know some people might take it I I can’t do that he’s the best fit next to Wy that they have on the team long term we’ll see how this Castle kid pans out and I could see the Jazz being like well why would we do this without him in it and so that’s interesting but they’re the team I would pay attention what what else did you want to say about the Spurs no that was that was to um just the people you you kind of just poke around the league that’s the team that’s kind of come up a lot you know them you know certainly as I mentioned Golden State I just don’t know do they have enough that’s the thing right like what do you got what do you that was always the thing with the Sixers like Sixers there was all the dreams of Mark and going there I’m like and they do have they could trade up to four first round picks there’s some Shenanigans but like who’s the player like like someone someone can beat someone can beat that yeah and I think that’s what I think that’s what you Tod like listen they they’ve got 15 or 16 I think future ones um they got all the Cleveland and Minnesota got a leaker first in 27 I think yeah 20 27 um and but eventually you got to get you got to get better like you know like you got to have like a found like there there’s got to be like a a guy involved if you’re going to trade him that comes back not just you know draft picks and expiring contracts I thought about um Sacramento I’ve mentioned them from Arin in before sa uh Sacramento I would think you know certainly um if Ingram you know with depending on what happens with him and Orleans you’ve got uh Barnes you’ve got herder you’ve got uh you’ve got most of your draft picks you still Atlanta um a protected one in 25 um it’s a matter of like you know it comes back to like what are you comfortable paying Ingram you want to Max him out you got Fox and sabonis also um that that but yeah so I guess we can just leave it there so yeah that that’s kind of how I feel right it it really depends on what what it looks like but if they’re asking for Devon fael which from that clip it seems like that might be the case I’m not doing that at all I mean he he’s uh much younger uh a lot of Promise good contract really good contract especially that first year um where we’re going to be you know really dishing out um some some players I I I just don’t think it’s worth it right now uh hopefully the Spurs and this isn’t a super strong uh free agency but hopefully the Spurs can grab a few more players and maybe some veterans if if some are available just for a year or two and that’s what they’re doing with Chris Paul right more than likely Chris Chris Paul will be here for a year and then when it’s uh trading time up around uh February trade deadline we will go ahead and move them so he can go to a contender but those months are going to be very crucial in the development of our players so I know that we’re all excited and I hope that I didn’t come across as saying like oh my God we’re Champions now I I don’t feel that way at all okay I think we’re far from that um but I do love the Chris Paul pickup but if that’s the direction Spurs are going where they just want some short-term contracts Lori marinin might be a tough one man that that might be a tough one to make that work and if the Jazz are saying well we want Devon fael that that’s that’s a WP that that is an absolute rap um you know I I’m pretty sure they’re smart enough not to just take you know Kellan and I don’t know Zach and a couple picks or something I’m sure I’m sure they’re smart enough not to do that so uh we we’ll see we’ll see what happens but it is nice to hear that the Spurs are in the conversation and they’re going to continuously be in the conversation now if they don’t make this happen or they don’t make something happen obviously you know don’t don’t go crazy okay there’s going to be Spurs fans especially on Twitter talking about oh my God Brian Wright didn’t do this oh my God the Spurs front office never do anything oh my God but they don’t know what the deals actually ensue and and you know if something did if it didn’t go down I’m going to make the assumption that we have good reason to not do it right U we’re still in rebuild mode and I don’t think Lori marketing going to this team AB like makes us Championship contenders and with all the you know contracts uh expiring pretty soon Spurs got a lot of evaluating to do and you don’t want that you know hanging over your your franchise if if you don’t have to so let just wait and see wait and see but that those are my that’s my take on it and I I want to hear what you guys have to say so like I said um Spurs Invasion please go subscribe to that channel um I am working on another video as we speak and I’ll have that up either the 2nd of July 3D of July maybe the third of July maybe we can do it right before fourth July now do not do not expect me to do this all the time okay it’s really difficult at least for me I’m I’m still getting used to it it’s very difficult to make these videos um so please please please uh you know bear with me all right I won’t be able to do like weekly uploads not right now not right now until I get you know much better at it I have a full-time job obviously running this YouTube channel and then this one you know we’re we’re we’re getting this one popping so please please please bear with me um but I appreciate appreciate all the love nonetheless I give it you guys later man until next time bye byebye [Music] [Music]


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  1. This does make me wonder if Utah is interested in having another Minnesota pick and that’s why the Spurs chose to trade Dillingham there specifically, to have an extra asset that Utah would value highly

  2. If this happens I would love it so much this fit would be crazy and if we could score him for a steal would be the cherry on the top and help victor and the spurs achieve greatness again

  3. big thing is if we trade for Markannen it'll be 6 months until we can sign him to an extension, HUGE risk to have to wait that long when you could just lose him at the end of the year especially with the price you know Danny Ainge will be asking for him despite him being an expiring deal.

    suuuper risky to give up a heap of draft assets to then potentially lose him a year later for nothing.

  4. It is very tempting to get Lauri but not at the expense of the 2025 draft. It is too star studded and deep and we could have a possible 4 picks in the 1st round.

  5. Well just last season Dallas wins game 4 of the playoffs bringing their total to 3-1 Boston leads and people were so quick to say that Dallas would win in 7. No.. game 5 was a blood bath and not in our favor. I can't say that the Spurs signing Chris Paul would be the tipping point either. 🤣

  6. Wemby and Lauri would be absolutely terrifying together. That being said as bad as I want Lauri I understand if we pass and take our time. Let’s not forget next years draft is gonna be crazy

  7. Danny Ainge is going to want a Mikal Bridges type deal. A reasonable type deal would be closer to DJ Murray's trade package. The Spurs should not be desperate to give the Jazz a big haul. The GSW probably need him more to try keep there championship window open a little longer.

  8. Y would Utah want a long term deal like Vassell anyway? If anything I thing they would want short term non guaranteed contracts.

    My offer is Graham, Collins, Wesley, Charlotte + Chicago picks, swaps in 26, 28 and 30, unprotected Spurs pick in 27 and 4 2nds for Lauri and Clarkson

  9. Dude is 27 and averaged ~25 on close to 50/40/90 shooting numbers in the past 2 years.

    The price will be obviously high. Devin, Jeremy, Castle and Wemby are untouchable. Anybody else + 2 future picks? Maybe

  10. I wouldn't do it if the asking price is as high as we think. He's an awesome player but its too rich for me.

  11. Worst case scenario the spurs end up with 2 top 10 picks again. So if they ask for anything more then 2nd rd pick. Bang on em ☎️

  12. give the jazz sochan please LOL….easy quick trade, i trade markkanen over sochan ANY DAY

  13. I said it as soon as I saw the dilly trade that those pick might end up in Utah. They are super interested in the picks since they have all the other wolves pick from the gobert trade.

  14. I don’t like it. If they’re waiting to use their assets for that “final piece” kind of player I would rather they play out this season and wait until next offseason to take a big swing.

  15. We have all the picks, in the next 2-3 years we'll be able to land someone as talented with a much smaller price tag

  16. Dude they ain't delusional. You are sir. Lauri will go for at least 4 firsts. That's how the nba works. 1st round picks are dart throws. It's not like the nfl. Even in a loaded class anything after the 8th-10th pick has very little chance of returning value.

  17. Respectfully, why would we try for someone who is 7 years older than our Centerpiece in Wembanyama so he doesn't even remotely fit our timeline? They are probably just saying they're interested to raise their asking price and hamstringing whatever team ends up trading for him. We own the hawks pick next year which 7:24 we will use to fill our PF position. Lauri has also never even had a season where he has shown up for 70 games, only 55 lastyear. Absolutely not. Yall are tripping if you want this

  18. This is a no brainer by the Spurs.
    We have the draft capital and the prospects to get it done. There’s no reason to be greedy or hoard your draft capital. What’s crazy is we can trade 4 1st round picks and still have 10 first round picks left until 2030. We’re basically given Utah a better chance at landing Cooper Flagg and sending them into a full rebuild. Don’t get me wrong I would love to get Flagg, but that’s not a guarantee. What would be a Guarantee is an established Star in the league that would excel in our System. I for one would love this pick up by the Spurs, but it might not be the popular choice because it seems as if there’s a good chunk of our fandom that wants to hold our draft picks to the chest and not make a trade. Making this trade will help the team get better.

    Keldon Johnson
    Zach Collins
    Devonte Graham

    1st 2025 (ATL)
    1st 2025 (Own)
    1st 2027 (Own)
    1st 2030 (MIN)

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