@New York Knicks

Knicks NEW Center Free Agent Targets REVEALED…

Knicks NEW Center Free Agent Targets REVEALED…

new options for the New York Knicks backup center position has been revealed by Fred Katz and we have to break it down so what’s up guys welcome back to Nick digest it’s Chris here and we’re going to jump right into the video as we always do because recent reports by Fred cats have indicated some guys who the New York Knicks will look at to replace Isaiah hartenstein on the bench as hartenstein as we all know signed with the Oklahoma City Thunder early on July 1st and now let’s jump right into it guys and talk about it because Fred Kats made an article right after just breaking some of it down cats mentioned that there was no free agent that approached Haren Stein’s ability but there was a list of other free agents such as goo batad Mo Vagner Daniel Ty Thomas Bryant and mo bombo while other free agents such as Nick Claxton who went back to the Nets on a massive deal Jonas Valen junis who went to the Wizards on a three-year $30 million deal Andre Drummond who went to Philadelphia Drew Eubanks who went to the Jazz Kevin Love who resigned in Miami Mason plumbley who went to the Suns and Luke cornet who signed in Boston are now all off the market however I made this video I was about to post it it was mainly about how I wanted them to go after goab bad but goab bad just resigned with the Orlando Magic meaning I have to remake this entire video which I don’t really mind doing except for the fact that I’m losing my voice so I’m not going to be able to talk for a little bit after this but that’s okay we’re going to power through let’s break down some other options Fred cats mentioned someone in name who you did not see on that list who is an unrestricted free agent but we all know him very well and let’s just take a look right now none other than who Fred cats mentioned precious auua is a name to watch he’s an unrestricted free agent the Knicks did not pick up his qualifying offer at 6.5 million 6.3 million and he filled in admirably as a backup center and as a starting power vo for the Knicks this past season now precious did his thing he’s a solid player I wouldn’t hate bringing precious atua in to be the full-time backup center it kind of felt like there was a chance he would end up taking that replacement role if the Knicks could not bring back Isaiah hartenstein and the Knicks did not bring back josea hartstein who’s now getting paid $29 million per year they could still bring back precious he is an option is he my first pick no I want you guys to take a look at my first pick and then comment along with me while we’re going on this little journey of different NBA Center options let’s do it first things first have my favorite option at this point which is trading for Nick Richards he put up 10 points per game with eight rebounds started 51 of the 67 games that he played last season blocked one shot per game he did run into a bit of foul trouble but nothing too seriously loves to work in the pick and roll his his Advanced numbers are not great they’re actually not that good at all but he played for the Hornets who were terrible it’s hard to have good Advanced numbers like defensive box plus minus on a bad team but he still did hit 69% of his shots so nice first of all but also that is a good sign it’s someone who I think could really explode under Tom Tibido and a and aella Harrington’s just development and watch and I think that he is a good light version of Mitch if the Knicks want to just say all right well we have Mitch and we have Mitch Jr that is who you go after you go for Nick Richards you take him and you be happy with it because Nick Richards is a solid Center I have loved him since he came out of the NBA draft he didn’t really get playing time his first two years but the last two seasons he’s picked it up he’s gotten a lot of playing time with the Hornets and I think him on a winning team in New York could work wonders he’s been training under Chris Brickley for years he’s familiar with the New York area he is a guy who I would love to see the New York Knicks go after now do I think they’re going to probably I honestly do think the Knicks are going to explore it they acquired five second round picks from the Thunder when they traded the 26th pick if you trade three of those and a trade exception and you get Nick Richards that means you traded the 26th pick for Nick Richards and two second rounders even if you add four do four seconds for Nick Richards you got a second rounder and Nick Richards for the 26th overall pick that’s a massive win you’re essentially just drafting Nick Richards 26th overall in the NBA draft and you’re getting a center who can instantly be a backup center on a championship team who could fill in nice for Mitchell Robinson if Mitch gets hurt which I mean at some point he’s probably not going to play all 82 games hardly anyone does and Mitch especially probably won’t so I think Richards is someone who could take over nicely and develop well and just continually get better and better he’s a cheap option so the Knicks don’t really have to Shell out a lot of money at all I would love this move I think he is the guy who the Nicks should go for the most now also and we’re just going to talk about him for one quick second Dwight Howard’s an option I don’t want him I doubt anyone here really wants them mainly because he’s 38 years old so I just I don’t know if that’s the move at this point of his career I don’t know if he could play enough I don’t trust that he’ll be healthy just had a year off I don’t really love that idea but I know people have floated it around just a little bit and so we’re just going to move past that one however there’s also Mo Vagner who Fred Katz mentioned this would not exactly be the prototypical center on a tibs team Vagner put up 11 points per game with four rebounds he’s not a strong rebounder he’s mainly there to hit some midies he could score down low a bit he’s a good shooter from three shot 33% from Deep while hitting 60% of his shots I mean good offensive Center not the greatest Defender his defense has gotten better he had a positive defensive box plus minus has a good value over replacement player he’s shown that he can be a legit NBA player and I wouldn’t hate this move because it gives you a much different option than Mitchell Robinson which I think could be good and I look ridiculous right now with the way my son is the way the Sun is going through my window right now um the sun’s not mine it’s all of ours but really with Mo Vagner I don’t see the Nicks going for a guy who is just so offensively based at the center position tibs builds his defenses around Rim protection so I don’t really know how likely it is that the Knicks are going to Target Mo Vagner now I’d like them to because I actually met Mo Vagner when I was a bartender back in the day and he seemed kind of chill he ordered a water so that kind of bummed me out I was hop and he’d get drunk but you know what are you going to do he’s an NBA player he seems pretty cool um but that’s just a little tidbit of my life but look here’s the deal Mo Vagner solid player I don’t hate the idea I just don’t see it being a real thing the Knicks would do it seems very anti-t Tibido so we will move on to our guy precious aoua New York Zone in two ways on the Knicks or well was on the Knicks before he hit free agency was in and out of the Knicks rotation but put up seven and a half points and six and a half rebounds when he started he put up 10 points and 11 rebounds as the Nick starting power forward once Julius went down shot over 50% from the fields can hit a spot up three if he needs to good blocks per game gets around one if he gets consistent minutes he will get over a block per game he steals the ball well he’s got a ton a ton of potential as a center the man still has a lot of room to grow we could see him break out it’s a risk because he’s a shorter guy but it could work out positively for the Knicks it’s definitely an option I think the Knicks will be very open to Bringing precious back probably more so than going for Mo Vagner and arguably more so than going for um going for Nick Richards if the Knicks really wanted Richards also you could do a sign and trade with um with precious and just do like Precious in a second and boom you got you get Richards so that’s also another way to get the guy to get Nick but definitely precious is someone to keep in mind because the Knicks do like their guys who know the home cooking who understand and what’s going on what the team’s Vibe is what the energy is and precious brought the energy was phenomenal against Joel embiid had the most blocked jump shots in the NBA last year I would be fine with this move is it the best move that Knicks can make no but it’s also not a bad one at all and then there also is one final move that the team could make if they felt like it and that is Mo bomba Mo Boma puts up four and a half points four rebounds zero assists hits 39% of his threes doesn’t shoot him that often there’s no reason to why Mo Boma is not better than he is he blocks a shot per game he has no excuse to not be better he’s from New York he’d be under Tibido there’s a world where it works out there’s also a worlds where things go horribly you can’t play them and then Jericho Sims becomes our backup and he’s also the final option the New York Knicks could go for Jericho Sims and just decide hey let’s save some money have Jericho be the backup and then maybe run with Ariel hawpy as your third third man as your third Center I just can’t imagine the Knicks are not going to bring in another big though and I don’t know how likely it is that Jericho is going to win that battle for the backup center R I don’t think he would beat precious tibs clearly likes precious better so I think it’d be tough because at the end of the day I feel like if nothing else the knck will just bring auua back at this point as long as he doesn’t get a deal that just pays way more so we’re going to have to see I think the Knicks are going to be careful obviously Leon Rose has been prepared for Isaiah hard TR to leave so he’s definitely got a trick or two up his sleeve ready to go I’m excited to see what it is and we will report on it instantly so guys make sure you’re subscribe to Nick digest like this video leave a comment down below usually there’s not random flashes of light all over me but I forgot to shut my blinds before I did this video if I’m being completely honest so guys make sure you’re subscribed like this video have a great day and go next guys

The New York Knicks will have to replace Isaiah Hartenstein with someone, and Fred Katz has REVEALED some targets who they could go after. Chris Gallagher breaks own a few different options and talks about which ones he likes, and the likelihood of of all these moves

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  1. If they picked up Dwight Howard, he would sexually bully the Nova boys and OG….
    Hes a no -go……..The Knicks would need rape whistles in the shower.

  2. I think you are underselling a guy like Wagner. In Hartenstein we took an under utilized player from another team and built him into what he is now. Wagner has shown when give the minutes that he can ball. I think he would be an interesting project to replace the successful Hartenstein project. I think that given consistence minutes he would surprise allot of people.

  3. I like Precious for the team because he can sub in for OG, Randle and even Mitch. He brings good hustle, D, can hold it down off the bench. He's just not a true center

  4. To anyone asking, I know Mo Bamba signed with the Clippers prior to the drop of this video, but I did hardly mention him so I decided to still post

  5. What about Ömer Yurtseven? No one’s talking about him. Is he not still available? Cost too much? Does he suck? 🤷🏾‍♂️ Not fit the system? What’s up with him? I saw highlights videos where he looked pretty good, so it seems reasonable to me to explore bringing him in. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  6. Either Precious an Richards or Precious and Ömer Yurtseven. Maybe he could become our Hartenstein or better? 🤷🏾‍♂️🤞🏾

  7. Nick Richards works for me.

    Mo Wagner also works as he would spread the floor with the 2nd unit.

    My only problem with Precious is that he really can’t guard a big 5. He does put out great effort and hustle. He’s a known quantity.

    Mo Bamba deserves some thought but I need to see him more.

    Jericho Sims needs to show me some significant growth. He’s been with the team long enough. This is a do or die year for him as far as I’m concerned.

    I’d add James Wiseman to the mix as well. He’s a bit of an enigma as he should be far better than he’s currently shown. If the Knicks staff think that they can bring the best out of him, he could be a steal.

  8. I personally like Mo Wagner. Hes a little undersized but he can score has fast feet and can run the floor a bit. Plus under Thibs he will become a nightmare

  9. There’s this kid Trendon Watford no one seems to be talking about whose a free agent in BK. 24, 6’8, 240lbs, 13.9 mins per game, 6.9ppg, 3.1rpg, 1.5apg shooting at 55 field goal who could handle the rock. Great back up for a 6’8 randle

  10. I don’t want to hear about iHart… the MF’er gave up on my team. We were are in view of the eastern finals.. now we’re AGAIN missing out because our roster has been weakened! Mitchell just better not even get a FN hangnail!! Another summer with the Knicks looking for roster help!!!

  11. I want Nick Richards. Question is are the Hornets shopping him and would they accept that offer? Resigning Precious and Burks makes tons of sense.

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