@Brooklyn Nets

How the Nets SAVED Their Future in 20 Minutes

How the Nets SAVED Their Future in 20 Minutes

I do want to hear what you think about the Net’s future right what do you think first and foremost I’m just really happy they picked a direction because this team’s been in limbo for the past two years now and it’s been giving me a [ __ ] headache and look I think I said this in net spaces last night before actually before I get into that obviously he broke down now he found out I was at I was at work I was at a baseball game I was scorekeeping and um shout out my guy Matt Sherwin he found out the trade because I had saw the the group chat messages but I just was I was so tired yesterday I was like I was sick so I saw the mess and in between frames he was like Mel Bridges got traded and I was just like no [ __ ] way and wound up going to the Knicks and I was like we didn’t get our picks back and then 10 minutes later we found that out and you know we were just we were just jumping for joy we were all high-fiving and hugging and all that stuff it was great um and yeah it was just I was I was elated the entire night because the fact that we got four unprotected picks with the protection from Milwaukee with the swap in 2028 six first round picks for mcon Mid kale bridges last season after the SE how like how does his value go up yeah after being traded for Kevin Durant having the worst season of your life your value goes up and you bring back the biggest draft Hall in NBA history we got nine first round picks back from Kevin Durant and it’s going to be more because we’re probably going to get back at least the first for cam Johnson like that’s insane it’s ridiculous what are you guys going to do with the picks we are tanking for Cooper flag coer flag that’s why got that PI swap think about it this way right we saw in 2023 the NBA decided to give the Spurs the lottery to get Victor wanyama right because we saw them draft first overall with Duncan and David Robinson think about this picture this 2025 a team from New York wins the lottery drafts Cooper flag first overall the best American draft prospect since Zion Williamson drafted in his home arena cu the drafts in Brooklyn every year and he’s from New York is he I don’t know I don’t so the home he’s drafted in his home arena in Brooklyn yeahall yeah but what I particularly love about this deal right this gives us ample opportunity to flip for even more picks because obviously we have we can trade cam Johnson we can trade Dorian Finn Smith who should be gone within the next few hours I hope um Dennis schruder we can sign and trade Nick Claxton still um we can trade Ben Simmons although that’s very unlikely um there’s a lot of tradable contracts we have K debates the op we can flip for a couple seconds if we want to but I have a bookmark tweet from Billy Reinhardt um this is the full summary of the Nets draft picks in the future so obviously we don’t have a pick right now for this year for tonight we could trade in and we’re rumored to trade up to either 9 or 13 from Memphis or Sacramento and draft maybe Ron Holland would be a good option don’t know if isaah or Falls that could be a plan 2025 we have four first round picks alone we have our own that we got back from Houston we have the Knicks first round pick we have the Milwaukee pick that’s top four protected and we all know they’re not they’re they’re going to make the playoffs so we’ll get that pick um we have the least favorable first from Phoenix Houston and OKC CU Houston got the the more favorable one and then we have two second round picks 2026 we have our own first back 2027 we have three first round picks our own the Knicks and the from the Harden trade back in 2022 in 2028 we have one first again which is our own um in 2029 well 2028 is a swap so whatever more whatever’s more favorable 2029 another three firsts us the Knicks and whatever’s the least favorable of Dallas Phoenix Houston whichever one we decide to give them 2030 we have our own 2031 we have two firsts again from us and the Knicks so 15 first round picks 10 second round picks through 23 1 and we still haven’t even traded the bulk of our vets yet all we’ve traded so far is Mel Bridges Shawn marks has completely canceled out anything bad he’s done over the past few years and to be honest I don’t even know if he was the one that really had a say in those traits I think josi was down his neck about everything and I think this this kind of move is what we all knew Shawn Marx was capable of he just hadn’t showed it and I think now he gets to live out that Vision that he didn’t get to before because it’s a miracle in itself that he still has a job to be with so look I think josi finally decided to admit defeat took a step back let the people he hired do their job properly and look at the end of the day I think what this has been this is the biggest draft Hall in NBA history we’ll look back on this in a decade at what we got back for Kevin Durant which will probably be an excess of maybe 10 to 12 first round picks and who knows what those first round picks can turn into wow because we don’t know how the Knick situation will end M whether or not they win a championship that team could blow up in flames whether they do or not and we could be and no chance we give them their picks back we won’t be nice the next the next Dynasty bro imagine imagine 2030 imagine we don’t know what the NBA is going to look like 7 years from now1 panicking over there he is panicking I’m going I’m going from the now I’m excited for the now I’m I’m the picks in seven years from now the only way we’re going to know who won this trade is when that last pick they made from our trade is done yeah and what we see from well even before and then up for now if they get Cooper flag that’s that’s set in stone that’s fine they might even draft my son yeah that’s how many pick the Nicks if the Knicks are significantly getting worse after 2027 2028 and they have our two picks in 29 2031 that’s when I start to worry um but right now the picks that they have next year and 2027 I’m not worrying about I mean all I’m saying fine the the two most the two most recent picks that were Nick owned that were not picked by the Knicks were Derek Lively and Jamal Murray so yeah and then also the the Nets the Nets also just finished off that trade from the kg days where they gave Boston us picks that turned to Jaylen Brown and Jason finished years ago that finished in like no but but they were looking back on it now those picks were Brown and Tatum that they would have had on their own but look even even if we don’t wind up using those picks we can flip them to get stars because if you have a young core let’s say the Nets D draft Ron Holland tonight and we have Cooper flag next year with Cam Thomas and Noah Clowney brother that’s that’s barring you win a lottery next year right but remember the NBA likes to do things with the lottery and would you rather give Cooper flag to us or or the Pistons or the Bulls no we’re hoping pistons and are better Chicago yeah they’re all good basketball town right but I think Cooper flag Brooklyn would be the most favorable destination for Adam Silver and I think and for you and for me yeah the Nets have I don’t think the Nets have picked number one either ever or for a very long time oh they got to give it to us the last time we picked in the lottery was when we chose Derek favers yeah they they got to give it to us and the one thing that the one thing that Shawn marks has always done well is drafting so very confident in the future now that we have made the decision we’ve traded away M Bridges because it was just a lost cause and look I think we’re in tremendous shape I am so excited to win 10 games of basketball this season like rooting for them to lose cam Thomas May average 45 this season but it’ll all be worth it

The first mega blockbuster trade of the 2024 NBA offseason went down a few days ago and it was an entirely New York based trade, as the Brooklyn Nets and New York Knicks made their first trade with each other since 1983. The Knicks acquire Mikal Bridges in exchange for Bojan Bogdanovic and a plethora of 1st round picks, the most we’ve ever seen in any superstar trade to date. The Nets would later on get their own picks back as well from the Houston Rockets giving them full control of their future and today, Tyler will give his thoughts on his Nets and their future! Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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