@Detroit Pistons



like the dollar she deserves right kg her damn thing you know what man shut you all chat family thank you guys for tapping in with the wake up with recruit go on ahead and satisfy that like button just go ahead and smash it treat it right treat it nice man y’all already know what it is hey for all my viewers in the chat right now go ahead and touch that like button we just getting started baby o I know you feel that I know you feel that like we got to get that R&B album going man D’Angelo you know man look we’ll get something going soon we definitely will but we got to talk about the Detroit Pistons yeah they have finally spent some cap space on players that we believe will play unlike in previous years Monte Morris didn’t play Boon bonovich was hobble we were waiting for a while for Ali barks and when they did play there was always some type of injury that they had they went and traded for galinari and muscala those guys W up getting injured as well after us seeing a good seven game stretch with them in the lineup and then they got injured again and it was just like what in the world what in the world so the Hope here is the Pistons signing Tobias Harris two years $52 million contract fully guaranteed this was first reported by Adrien wowski of ESPN the Detroit Pistons they make a move to bring in a stretch for that can shoot from behind the ark we continue to say you got a space to floor K Cunningham now you got Tim Hardway Jr you got Tobias Harris it’s not your A1 type free agents that you’re looking for but one of my takes with Tobias Harris is this and because there was a question I was going to ask you guys as well about Klay Thompson and the money that he got versus uh Tobias Harris cheaper deal for Klay Thompson I wonder if there’s a little bit of a discount for team that just got to the finals for the Mavs versus the Pistons sure um similar shooting numbers similar stats you know with the Pistons have been better off kind of pursuing a Klay Thompson over Tobias but I like what Tobias brings stat-wise I like what he could bring as relates to the mix uh with this young core but he wanted to be here this is this is not a secret for the better part of a year or a year and a half we have reported that Tobias Harris wants to be here his wife is from here they appreciated the not just kind of living here but how the fans have treated them not just while they were here but long after so definitely good on Detroit fans for being those types of people that you leave an impression on players that kind of were here left and decide you know what let me take another chance on Detroit again because of how these people treated me as well so that to me is really really reassuring I know Tobias Harris is not you guys know I’m looking for Zack LaVine Demar de rozan go out there and give me one of these top 25 top 20 top 30 players from last year but I am okay with the Tobias here Sig signing in flanel I actually a little bit yesterday you gave me your quick reaction I know you talked about on big the energy but before I wake up what we’re family brother yes I am happier with the Tobias signing than most personally one because you mentioned it before about players who signed free agency deals last year and the year before but got hurt Tobias Harris over his career has been a very durable player historically and I know he’s getting up there in age and as you get older you’re more susceptible to injury but he hasn’t shown a history of being hurt off I’m not saying he’s never been hurt I’m just saying he’s a very durable player historically and you just look at his career numbers I mean 16.6 rebounds for his whole career on 48 37 84 shooting splits that’s pretty good I mean that’s a that’s a very good NBA career and those are very good those are better A lot better splits than a lot of Pistons players had last season he’s a vet he’s a 68 kind of like you know three four who’s I would say an upgrade defensively over what Buon was he can shoot the three he can space the floor ver his career 37% from three on four attempts per game and he wasn’t necessarily my first choice for free agency but you mentioned it he wanted to be there and when you think of guys like say Gary Trent or buddy heeld they’re better three-point Shooters than Tobias Harris but Tobias Harris for a couple of years of his career has been a borderline Allstar I mean last season he averaged 17 a game he’s the type of guy that I think on a perfectly constructed roster could be a third best on a championship team I’m not saying he’s going to be that on this team but you add Tobias Harris to this roster you already added Tim Hardaway Jr I hope to God that they get something worked out with fono you’ve got Marcus Sasser and for now you’ve got Isaiah Stewart yeah that’s Cade surrounded by five Shooters that’s Cade surrounded by five Shooters and some of them have shown a propensity to play well defensively including Isaiah Stewart including even Simone fonio I think he can guard fours Tobias not the best defender but he’s fine enough same with Tim Hardaway Jr I just when you get a guy like Tobias Harris and I’m G to kind of you know pair it with Tim Hardaway Jr I think a guy like Kade Cunningham because I am I am a Stan I’ll admit it I’m a stand when it comes to Kade Cunningham I believe a guy like that a guy who put up Allstar numbers last year a GU a guy whose numbers across the board compared favorably to even guys like PA Paulo banero and Mike Bridges guys like that he’s a guy that you can expedite things with if you get guys around him who fit like a Tobias Harris who I think fits like a Tim Hardaway Jr who I think fits and with Tim Hardaway Jr you also got the added bonus of the assets I just I like the move and I think the Pistons and maybe I sound like a Slappy maybe I sound a little bit too cuz I’ve been hurt before but I think this is instant at minimum 25 wins maybe 30 and there’s still more that they can do I really believe that when you when you talk about last year’s over under set by Vegas being 28 and a half it’s like yeah I don’t want the expectation to be be slightly better than last year yeah when you’re spending this amount of money the CBA already said that the Pistons have to spend up to a certain uh salary floor so there’s more money to be spent and you said a name there Gary Trent who a lot of of um kind of Talking Heads media people and such are stating he might be able to be had for one of the exceptions and the Pistons have both of their exceptions it’d be interesting to see if they uh make a call on a player like that to continue to bolster things but and because the exception doesn’t take from the cap space which they’re trying to utilize to be able to bring in more draft and future Capital assets so so that’ be interesting not to interrupt but so are you saying you could bring in a Gary Trent and also maybe make one of those trades for an expiring contract to get an asset or two you still got 24 million c space in the mid-level exception and the veterans exception and uh and vets minimum those don’t count uh as a part of that 24 million depending on who you depending on whose’s contract you might have to absorb along with Gary Trent I’m not going to say it but I’d be getting pretty excited as long as of course Kade stays healthy and and all and people stay healthy but as far as construction goes don’t hate it at all yeah yeah so I I’m neutral on the Tobias Harris move he wasn’t my first choice I don’t necessarily think he’s the the greatest fit of all time but I understand why he’s here I like the veteran presence he brings and he can shoot the ball um he is 37% from three-point line but what what I struggle with is the timing of it all it happens so fast like I wanted I wanted the Pistons to be like the town bike and let every team in town have a ride like I wanted just I want I want Tran langan’s phone being off the hook like I want I wanted the Pistons to be the dumpster fire for all these contracts and 26 mil a year 52 over2 that takes a big chunk out of that what they have 55 65 to begin with um so there’s still stuff you can do with the 24 mil they have available but I don’t know I just thought they’re for for how Tran Lan sort of hinted at how he was going to approach this I thought they could have been a better uh uh uh a better escrow account for some of these contracts gather some picks um I think they’re probably out of the LaVine you know sweep Stakes if we want to call it that maybe not explain to me if they like 43 mil a year I think he makes how they make this all work uh obviously you’re gonna have to have some outgoing contracts but if they haven’t rubber stamped everything yet the the is K Cunningham’s contract also doesn’t start until next season season after I think it’s the season after because next year is the last year of his rookie deal but they just they just signed Patrick Williams a $90 million they signed Jaylen M uh uh jayen McDaniel to a contract also so like would it beefs do be your only outgoing contract that has any dollar value and they don’t need him no he wouldn’t be the only one of dollar value your young players it would probably take Stu and another young player but there are ways to kind of finagle trades and things like when we saw them bring in Jeremy Grant um they were able to free up some Capital make the sign in trade deal with the Dallas uh with the Denver Nuggets and make some happen I don’t believe they’re out of the Zack LaVine them because it’s continuously being reported that despite the moves the Bulls are making they’re still looking to get rid of Zack LaVine and they’re even trying to attach a first round pick to it uh if there’s a way to yeah if there’s a way to make something like that happen I I honestly I’m doing that deal I’m doing it instantly um with the Tobias haris stuff I understand if some people find it a little underwhelming because it’s not our first choice we’ve been in the trenches for 10 15 years waiting for this team to kind of turn things over and when you go through what we just went through with the rest you we’re we’re sitting around right now waiting for what should be our reward which is a team that’s ready to make the playoffs and instead we’re kind of starting things over so I get it with like Tobias Harrison tamari Jr that some people are like you know what I don’t know what this is going to do for our team right now and making sure we punch our ticket to the playoffs but in terms of making sure you strike this balance because it was something you stated that I agree with but you have to find the balance it’s not just the draft Capital you bring in but how you also support the players you’ve already drafted and I do believe that you have to find that balance in between what draft Capital you bring in and the types of vets like a Tobias Harris that can actually help this young Squad take the necessary step forward whereas Aban bonovich he wasn’t necessarily that player um the thing that I like about Tim hard away and and Tobias Harris is not all three-point percentages are the same and Simone fek you can thow in her too these guys can take a high volume of threo shots and their percentages are the 37s and the 36% and the 35 and the 38 whereas other players like an ivy and some other players in our Squad they take 3 four threes and they’re at 34% as that volume goes up that percentage continues to go down and so you got some guys that you know Kade Cunningham can absolutely depend on when you’re talking about getting down Court getting in the half court absorbing that gravity and kicking it out to a three-point shooter who you know out of seven or eight threes that they take a game they’re going to hit at least three or four of these things that’s so much more different than what they had had to rely on last year and I’m uh I’m excited for what this can do for the offense but they do need more of course they need more but I think they’ve I think they’ve done enough for this to at least look like a somewhat real basketball team next year I mean you’ve got some you got some veteran Shooters you’re not going to be starting the year off with uh Killian Hayes and assar Thompson in your starting lineup which was just a Malin in the worst play but hey the man who was responsible for that Malin is now gone so and so that that that’s that’s that doesn’t mean anything for right now but you were right you need with how bad it’s been to you need some veterans you need someone to just uh make it look like a real basketball team that is somewhat watchable you can’t have what was last year and as you as you said before a guy like Tim Hardaway Jr who not not only for the assets but for the 36% career three-point percentage on six attempts per game a high volume shooter who still shoots it efficiently a guy like Simone fono who was over who is a restricted free agent and we’re going to and we want to bring back but was over 40% on high volume in his time with a Pistons a guy like Tobias Harris who isn’t as high of volume only four attempts per game in his career but about 37% that to me tells you that he’s got good shot selection and he’s smart with when he takes them and that’s another type of player that I think Kate will benefit from so I’m happy as of now but as you said before I want more if you can get Zack LaVine and and take on a first round pick or two gosh some of the things I’m thinking might be a little reckless I’ll just say that so I’m not going to put that out in the air now but I think if you get Zack LaVine plus assets Tim Hardaway Jr plus assets and T and Tobias Harrison free agency that’s a winning off season for me there are 14 win team last year I you can be as Reckless as you want I support you for real you got to be as Reckless as you can be man and K want to get your thoughts when we uh get back we’re going to talk a little bit more about this this and uh what we think the Detroit Pistons um I I want to get uh also the fill on just NBA free agency in general too but let me tell you about Premiere P Supply welcome back people it is wake up wood we appreciate you guys for choosing to kick off your day with the woo crew we got the five the starting five in the building and shout out to six-man that dude Justin and we are talking about the Detroit Pistons their free agency so far it’s been a busy off season for them from the front office uh to the coaching they finally got their coach and JB bicker staff uh to what they’re doing now on free agency not just um you know signing players and trading for players but also they uh the rumor the report K Cunningham will get the max extension and simoney fanto was offered a qualifying offer so the Detroit Pistons have the right to match any offer or engage in a sign and trade so it would be in interesting to see how they handle that Sone fento in my opinion needs to be a Detroit Piston next year oh I I am I am leading that charge if if Simone F if Simone fonio if if they let if they let him walk that will be very very disappointing to me I mean he was like when he played last year he was basically like boyon level shooting but even a little bit better even a little better than Buon but better defense yeah definitely and with Tobias Harris there’s a few points here you know um with his usage right we kind of talked about this in the break his highest usage rate in the last three years was this past season and also correlated with his lowest three-point percentage as well um the lower his usage rate is it always correlates with a higher three-point percentage and in Philly’s offense he was asked to do a little bit more ISO and a little bit more creation for his own shot than he would be asked to be to do here I’m hoping I’m hoping I’m hoping that with guys like K Cunningham and another guy in Jade Ivy if Kade is going to be one that I think is going to benefit the most from having spacing if Jay Ivy is on this roster and you got a coach in JB bicker staff who will understand how to stagger these players I think that Jay Ivy is a second player who’s going to benefit the most from this type of spacing especially given the fact that his speed his ability to get to the rim and get into the paint is going to attract Defenders if you know you got some some honest Shooters out there on the arc it’s going to get him some more looks at the rim and maybe he brings up that percentage in terms of finishing at The Rim so you know kg I know you had a few things uh as well yeah um just in terms of the Tobias Harris move and I do feel Brer sentiments a lot I can’t really speak to whether you know they maybe could have waited on a move like this and maybe tried to be more aggressive in the trade market I I do get that every I think everybody in this room said that he wasn’t their first choice you know and I I’m in that boat as well but he’s going to help this team the Pistons did get better with adding a Tobias Harris 16 to 18 a point game guy his three-point percentage is something that this team absolutely needs and while he’s not a great defender he will help on the defensive end but the more I study Tran and the more that I just look at this move I can’t help but think that maybe this is just a one-year stop gap for a forward and then maybe he tries to flip this contract for assets in the off season or maybe next year so we’ll we’ll see it’s only a two-year deal they didn’t pay him a a ton of money but I think this is a play by Tran to maybe get some future assets down the road I think everything is about keeping your options open at this point in time if you’re the Pistons yeah um it’s it’s something that rod and I for a couple years talked about as well with the Troy Weaver regime is that you want to keep yourself in a position to where your roster is as valuable as possible to you if you decide to keep these players or if you decide to engage in in the in the trade market as well that’s what every roster should be so you don’t have any dead weights and which we’ve seen a lot of in a lot of these Pistons teams a lot of dead weights that you realize we’re going to just have to pay guys to go away we can’t even trade these players they hold no discernable value no that you could say you know what this is above average well now we just added a couple players in Tim Hardaway and Tobias Harris who are above average at what they bring to the floor you got a Sone fanto who’s younger so you probably want to hold on to him a little bit longer uh for this roster and where you can go but um I I do I agree with a lot of the sentiments you guys we it’s no secret we all talked about for a couple months what strategy we desired for the Detroit Pistons on this show and then on our own before this show even started we were probably all saying well we would like to see them do they’re choosing the kind of more patient the more safe route too um one that I believe is like you know what okay if I’m at a thrift shop and I’m shopping say Okay I I trust this brand More Than This cheaper one over here so I’m going to go with this over here and I think that’s what Tobias and Tim Hardway represent uh kind of something that you’re comfortable with that you know is going to work you know what going to play you know what it’s going to give you it’s pretty consistent yeah so yeah it’s not what I it’s that like you said not my first choice but I’m okay with it well n kg you mentioned it if if Tobias Harris becomes somebody that the Pistons end up flipping after year one that’s not a bad thing not at all because Tobias Harris is a type of guy he’s not the perfect player but let me just ask you guys this could the Dallas Mavericks have used a Tobias Harris last year abut in the finals 100% absolutely I think that they far A little bit better against Boston if they had Tobias Harris I’m not saying they would have won but they would have fared better they would have had a third scorer who can shoot who can also create for himself if he has to so the point is is that there’s going to be a contending team that is going to be a player like Tobias Harris away and that’s where if that’s what trer Lon decides he wants to do that’s where he’s going to have to pounce yeah but there’s going to be opportunities it’s not a bad deal either 26 and that’s that’s part of it 26 million is not like a radioactive contract his previous one kind of was but with with new the new beginnings right New Beginnings you know when we all first when people started first thumbing their nose up at the idea of Tobias Harris being here I remember the numbers that people thought it would be tro going have to pay him like 35 40 million cuz his services are going to be desired by everybody they got him for $26 million yeah that does change things for me a lot as it relates to Tobias Harris being here and it still keeps him flexible in this free agency as well as in the future they’re telling you now one twoyear window they’re hoping for this team to to be um I think something we could be proud of in a couple years something that you will know discernably like Kate is that man whoever his running mates are we will know by that time for certain you think about we’ll know if Ron Holland’s that guy Ivy Duran assar and by that time you’re you’re even more comfortable resending that money that comes off the books when Tobias Harrison and Tim Hardway are no longer here yep and that’s the beauty of them being shortterm and expiring there’s all kinds of there’s all kind of kinds of flexibility R you got something yeah do you think Tim Hardway is going to remind Tobias Harris about that 2011 March Madness game Tennessee come I believe Michigan won 75 to 45 talk talk about it those are the days those those are the days with hard way but no with this 24 mil they have left what do you think the Pistons need to do with this with the remaining fre agency like I’m kind of thinking they need another Center don’t they right now it’s Duren and beef stew yeah they need another point guard I would I would love a back point guard I would love a center but if you can get someone like a Gary Trent I’m not mad at that either um I don’t know exactly who they should be going after right now because that market it just dried up something weird a lot of the players that we heard that the Pistons were going to be targeting those teams that those players were with they were like y’all we’re not even getting to the free agency period all of that news broke before free agency that OG and some of these other players are going back to their teams so uh it was interesting um I I’ve heard you know uh little rumors and things of that nature that I’ll kind of uh dig into a little bit more and be able to have some more concrete um kind of a plan for the Pistons uh maybe tomorrow but um yeah I don’t know do you have is there anybody still out there for you that you’re like you know what that’s the guy that you got to bring in because I I just don’t see that in the free agency market anym well it it depends on what Tran wants to do because I think it would behoove the Detroit Pistons to maybe take on a bad contract to get an asset to a couple examples that I that I came up with guys who are expiring after this year if they want to maybe uh take on Lonzo Ball’s contract I’m in I’m in for that too and and and and and JB it’s not about whether or not he plays or not because he may never play again and that’s and that’s a that’s very sad and that’s very tragic but it’s about what the Bulls might be willing to attach to Lonzo ball for us to take on his $21 million salary and even another one I’ll get to you kg in a second another one going into free agency who’s an expiring contract do you think the Orlando Magic want to dump Jonathan Isaac’s salary someone like that another guy 17 mil yeah yeah 17 mil a guy who has been riddle like he had a he had an ACL injury and it took him a really long time to recover he played a bit last year I mean he played 58 games he was somewhat effective he solid yeah he’s solid but the Orlando Magic they’re going to give the bag to poo Bano as they should they’re going to give a big bag to fron Vagner as they should they might even give one to Jaylen Suggs they just gave one to kcp those are a couple contracts that if I’m Trent Lon I’m like oh yeah I’ll take that on give us a pick give us aou about resigning um Mo Vagner yeah Mo Vagner he’s he’s a free agent that I think Mo Vagner is a lot more valuable to them moving forward than Jonathan Isaac yeah absolutely kg yeah and uh shout out to DNC ENT in the chat uh he always love I’m not going to lie if we don’t acquire a first round pick this summer I will be a little disappointed and I think that is the goal at this point if that’s going to be your strategy going forward then you need to acquire as many assets as possible I don’t know how exactly they’ll get that done cuz maybe the zline deal is something they can look into or maybe you know like you mentioned the Jonathan Isaac deal that would be a good deal as well but they have to get a first I think it’s imperative that this summer They Come Away with at least one or two first round picks is that crazy to I think is a little bit crazy just because I think Zack LaVine is probably the only contract in the NBA when I’m I’m just thinking quickly I might miss one his might be the only contract in NBA and maybe lonzo’s right now at this juncture that would require yo I got to attach a first round pick to be able to move this player yeah uh the other way around I the Pistons if they were to have the assets that would require a first- round pick and return you’re talking about giving up at least two of your young players and so it’s like if they walk away with a bunch of second round picks if they can flip into some first rounders if they can package with the young player I’m fine with that I won’t be as disappointed would it be nice yeah I’m not going to scoff at that but I’m I’m trying to find a path to them being able to get that first-rounder outside of dealing with the Chicago Bulls and I just I don’t I don’t see um how easy that path is well Trent langon then go deal with the Chicago Bulls yeah because I’m good with Zack LaVine I’m good with taking on Zack LaVine I’m good with taking on Lonzo ball either one to build the to help build this team in the right way with more assets and in the case of Zack LaVine he would massively help this team I think he would help Kade and I think he would benefit and Lonzo ball it’s a free role yeah if he ever point guard and and the thing about Lonzo ball is and and people kind of forget about this is that Lonzo ball when he last played for the Chicago Bulls and I’m not saying he’s going to play again I’m and his in the assets he could bring would be his most valuable asset um no pun intended but when he was with the Chicago Bulls when we last saw him he was putting up Klay Thompson like efficiency from three over 42% on seven attempts per game Vin Vincent Fred Vincent yep hey hey Lonzo ball is one of the guys who Fred Vincent famously fixed along with Brandon Ingram for the record yes yeah yeah one last name before we get to jues uh a name that eight nine years ago would have been the worst fit of all time but what do you think about javil McGee you bring him on a cheap deal you need a rim protection big whether ing some games are coming off the bench uh he’s mature now and he I think he could help Jaylen Duran a lot I’ve always liked javel McGee yeah just as if it’s a player you’re talking about coming off the bench you can manage his minutes and and and really force him into those kind of high energy that high energy role that’s what I think he is best I I’ve always liked him I’ve never been one of those guys who got caught up in the whole kind of acting a fool or shocked in a fool thing I get it as funny when you want to zero in on somebody’s mistakes only but always like what javel McGee has brought to the table he was sh a fullback but he was still out there and doing some really good things defens and when you look at javil McGee’s history and I’m not saying that that that that he’s my first choice or anything like that yes he had the shacked in the fool stuff but I see I’m looking at the 2017 2018 Warriors roster Javale McGee was on it I’m looking at the 2019 2020 Lakers roster javil McGee was on it and he was he was putting up okay numbers like he was he was a rim protector he gave them some interior defense and I mean he’s just a presence in the middle yeah I’m not saying he was the reason I’m just saying that a guy who was thought of as so radioactive and such a bad basketball IQ he’s never going to win anything was able to he was able to play a role he was able to mature do what he had to do I like it I I I like it that’s a good suggestion uh brother definitely a cheap contract as well too I mean you can probably get them around what two three years for what 12 8 to 12 mil I don’t know if you want to sign up for that long with a team option that is a one and done yeah that’s all you need yeah twoyear player option bring him home you know what I’m saying this is this is his home state yeah uh I I would like it I H see what because the the Detroit Pistons they have to get you know somebody in there that has kind of this defensive in something that can contrast with jayen dur and practices in Training Camps during the games somebody who can be on the court I like Taj Gibson but I think J javel McGee can give us a little bit more on the actual floor so we need a backup center we need somebody with that mindset that’s going to you know what I want to be able to erase everything at the RM whether they can actually do that or not at least you know that D McGee has that mindset he will follow you you talk about a guy CU I I really just like this the Detroit Pistons and the an ones they give up like I’m just tired of it JV is one of those guys that’s like he’s clubbing you like Elden Campbell used to and I just I don’t know man I like that I like that for our backup center somebody who you can like I said earlier manage the minutes it’s a good suggestion brother I like it brother man where do we got to go we got some bills to pay y Lady James lady James hey let me tell you guys about something awesome if you didn’t think the pist free agency was awesome I can tell you that

Via Wake Up Woodward featuring Matt Broder (credentialed WSN Lions+Tigers Reporter), Brandon @DetroitKoolAid Dent (credentialed WSN Pistons reporter), KG on sounds, JB in the TD booth and Flannel Sam

Rod Beard (Detroit News) and Brandon @DetroitKoolAid Dent (Woodward Sports Network) join WAKE UP WOODWARD to discuss the Detroit Pistons at the NBA Trade Deadline. Like , Subscribe and leave your comment below!

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Woodward Sports Pistons beat reporter Brandon @detroitkoolaid1585 Dent and Detroit News assistant sports editor Rod Beard.

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  1. Ok Tobias is a vet, wants to be in Detroit and put up good numbers in Philly. Can he put up similar numbers & help improve this team on the court? We don’t have a Embiid and Maxey 🤷🏾‍♂️

  2. besides my favorite pick up of fred Vinson..what did Langdon do thats not a continuation of weaver!! ..Harris n THJ been linked to us for 7 months now..weaver never liked monty…Holland would of been our pk no matter what(wernt taking clingan, french guy salun,or dillingham) and 100 percent ARN was taking Bobi klintman lol…even Blackstone, Lindsey names were mentioned 4,5 months ago ….so levine is the only player linked to us for months lets see what happens lol…i truly thought we hade great chance at naji Marshall pels connection but that got shot down real quick lol

  3. I don't think the Pistons were on Klay's radar, so it really doesn't matter what his deal was vs. Tobias'.

  4. Man as a Thunder fan Thunder fans just don't understand how lucky we've been or rebuild took 2 to 3 yrs and others have been rebuilding for close to a decade 😳 and still cant build a winning culture and team patentice and hitting on your picks Piston fans is the key i grew up a Pistons fan of the IT and microwave Johnson days lol

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