@Brooklyn Nets

(Ep 5) Should the Heat trade for Ben Simmons and Dennis Schroeder? @MiamiHeatZone

(Ep 5) Should the Heat trade for Ben Simmons and Dennis Schroeder? @MiamiHeatZone

[Music] one [Applause] shot welcome back to another episode of the Miami Heat Chronicles my name is Amir we got Martell joining us from the Miami Heat Zone podcast how are you doing today Martell I’m doing well man make sure you guys go to amir’s channel my channel hit that subscribe button and thank you for all the support so yeah for today’s episode guys uh I wanted to bring Martell on and talk about the Brooklyn Nets so we all know that they recently traded Mel Bridges to the Knicks one day after saying Mel Bridges is not available other teams were trying to pursue him this off season they made it clear they’re not going to trade him and one day later literally they sent them across town over the bridge to the New York Knicks for five first round picks right I know one of them I believe is a swap but insane amount of assets that they had to send out um and the New York Knicks got their man they have basically the whole Villanova uh crew and Squad there so I think that was a really good move especially now that we know they’re going to be extending um and offering free agent OG and anobi a four-year contract so I don’t think they have enough star Talent I’m not too worried about them like they have a lot of good players but I don’t think they have enough stars to get them over the hump and beat a Boston if you will or someone from the west but anyway there are now rumors that the Nets are not done making moves AKA preparing to tank their ass off um so they could have a huge fire cell so Michael stto from um Hoops hype um said League sources have mentioned that Ben Simmons uh cam Johnson Dorian finny Smith um both bonovich who they just acquired from the Knicks uh Dennis schroer and Dron sharp could all be available Martell what are your thoughts on those pieces of those five names that I mentioned who how many of them would you want on this Miami team which of those guys you think would be the best fit and at what cost are you willing to pay to receive those assets so that’s the thing about the Brooklyn Nets so remember they just got five first round picks so that tells me that they’re trying to collect as many picks as possible because remember they’re still trying to recoup from you know guys like Kevin Durant and James Harden and Kyrie leaving they’re trying to get some of their compensation back they know they’re really not going to win anything and I think they realized that and that’s why they traded Mel Bridges that’s why they were able to get those five picks so when you look at the Brooklyn Nets they’re going to want picks however there’s always been an interest in Tyler herro from the Brooklyn Nets so that’s something that we can definitely look at I think that a guy in Dennis Smith Jr maybe we can get him on a um maybe like an mle or a veterans minimum because we were supposed to sign him last year so maybe we can get him for like a veteran’s minimum we don’t have to necessarily trade for him but a guy like cam Johnson a guy like Dorian FY Smith those two guys definitely solve some of the Miami Heat issues on the wings because remember even though like it was reported that Haywood heis smouth is working on a contract with the Miami Heat that’s not guaranteed we already lost Caleb you know Haywood heis smouth could leave you know so we really only have haime hakz Jr and Jimmy Butler on the wings so a guy like Dorian fin Smith who he could still play next to Bam out of Bio you know great three-point shooter I think cam Johnson I think he’s 28 29 years old he’s still young you know he brings that athleticism that’s shooting that’s scoring so I really think that we could maybe make a deal to get one guy over there maybe if Tyler hero is involved but I also think that ship has sailed because like I said I think that the Brooklyn Nets they’re really more focused on picks and I don’t see the Miami Heat giving up all their picks or most of their picks for any of those guys over there I mean who do we have to give pick four essentially because right now I mean Dorian finy Smith I think he um has like one year 14 million left so like I love that that contract value like he’s one of those kcp type of Daniel Gafford kind of guys that you can add to your team that could make an impact um three and D guy but he is 30 years old um only 8.5 points per game five rebounds um 34% from three like for a guy like that like I’m not say that because they wanted two first round picks for him last year crazy they wanted crazy numbers so that’s why I’m kind of I don’t know like if we’ll be able to get the deal but but like I said maybe if because they’re rebuilding and we offer them a young Tyler hero maybe we can make a deal that way who would you rather have though like because like okay fny Smith two picks that’s that’s wild I mean there’s always going to be a team that’s willing to pay a ton and there’s also a few teams that had a ton of picks like the Nets because they traded all the superstars like you mentioned OKC pry has a treasure Trove still he had like 15 picks he probably has nine left still right like there are a few teams that can make outlandish trades just like uh in Utah you know what I mean for for or the t-wolves in the past excuse me for goar there’s always going to be some anomaly where it’s like four or five picks but he’s not really worth two but anyway out of the two players cam Johnson finny Smith who would you rather have and I could see and I’ll say for this for cam because he’s 27 um he only played 58 games he has an injury history himself he’s never played more than 66 games but he averaged 13 points a game uh four rebounds two assists you know 17 points per game the season before so I mean of the two I’d rather have him of of those two and maybe even bojan we’ve been linked to you know possibly wanting a bojan bogdanovic on this team he is older but he is a bucket getter so like of those three ideally like who would you rather have well like I said I think that if we can get Dennis Smith Jr on the vet I think that’s one right there and then I would have to go cam Johnson only because he’s younger and I think like I said that Tyler hero swap I think that would work I think that they would be okay with getting a younger guy in return but like I said that comes down to what are the Brooklyn Nets prioritizing is it picks do they really like Tyler hero that much they would have to make that ultimate decision what’s cam Johnson salary looking like I don’t have that pulled up do you remember was like 20 something something like that hey but if they take Tyler hero and they’re looking to tank because is there a good draft prospect I don’t know I don’t know anything about college and I know this this year’s draft wasn’t great but maybe there is a good draft prospect coming up so that’s probably why they wanted to you know tank and trade all these players so they can guarantee that they’d be a bottom three team um but hey guess what if they do take Tyler hero let’s say for cam Johnson uh Tyler’s still making 30 so if they want to match the salaries maybe they can give us like a bogdon or I don’t know what he’s gonna be making he might probably making more than that but if you want to throw in Don sharp who I don’t even know who that is I’m assuming he probably is making below 10 million you can get Tyler hero but also I was gonna say if they’re willing to tank Tyler’s Gonna Miss 30 to 40 games guaranteed so that’s good right they’ll have a young star but he’s also Gonna Miss games so they’ll lose so that’s that’s a win-win right possibly what do you think about Ben Simmons I was gonna ask you that too so H how the mighty have freaking Fallen dude like what happened to that guy so rookie of the he’s only 27 which is crazy still young Rookie of the Year three-time Allstar um Defensive Player of the Year almost right like literally was Deo uh Second Place defensive all NBA team twice like almost triple double machine like what happened dude the last three years age 25 didn’t play because of his back and then his two seasons with Brooklyn 26 games and then 27 games averaging he’s still averaging six and eight rebounds six assists and six assists but his points are significantly down that’s the thing I worry about is not his defense he’s a great defender possibly if he’s healthy great rebounder great playmaker but can’t score for and even before though he was getting to the line getting downhill and still at least he was giving you 17 points the hard way now if he’s giving you seven points per game can’t shoot for can’t get to the free throw line we can’t have him on this Miami Heat team unless we get a third star let’s say we trade Terry roier and or a Tyler hero plus whoever the kids kle we whatever we need to do for a Donovan Mitchell then yeah bring in bring in Simmons because Mitchell’s going to come in score 25 points per game at that position then we’ll have him as our like point forward right as our Defender our rebounder and playmaker and then he could play off ball too doesn’t need to do anything I mean he could be a decoy but I don’t know what are your thoughts on him like how is he Fallen this far like what is it like is it just the back injury or is it like mainly psychological do you think I think it was all psychological I think when the media and everyone else was telling him to shoot because you saw it you know he was never a great shooter or anything like that but you saw that he was still hooping still getting to the line like how you said he was still in transition still rebounding he was doing everything but once he started to really let the noise get into his head that he couldn’t shoot and he almost like was afraid to score and like you can tell that he’s overthinking the game of basketball so what I mean by that is even if it’s a layup he’s thinking about it more than he really should bro just lay the ball up that’s insane he’s tall as hell too that’s insane yes but if you remember when he was in Philly and I think it was when he he was wide open and he could have taking it to the Lane and Trey that means that guess what it’s up here because the year prior he would have dunked it so he let the outside noise to me just affect him and then now these injuries now are starting to pile up on him but it’s unfortunate but I mean if they buy him out or something like that I would definitely maybe take a look at him but other than that I don’t really think he would fit on this Miami Heat roster because he doesn’t fit he culture what’s his contract I’m curious because yeah it’s like what’s if you can get him for like the veteran minimum uh it would probably be like $2 million because remember when it comes to the vets minimum salary it it’s their threshold of seven years and above if once you hit 10 years and above you get the max which is like 3.2 million but if you’re younger you can get him for like 2.2 or 2.5 or something like imagine having him as our backup point guard Off the Bench instead of dlon wri but that psychological Stu dude is insane we’ve all been there I hoop there’s been times where people won’t pass you the ball and like you’re just not involved and you kind of stand in the corner and then like you kind of think like hey I better not mess up because they’re not going to give me the ball back that’s a different one there’s also ones where like bam at a bio at times will be so passive and even had moments like that where he like got the Brook Lopez treatment years ago in 20122 and they dared him to shoot and he didn’t there’s times where like he’s that open and he still doesn’t shoot and then like it’s very rare now but you’ll see games where bam shoots 18 20 shots very rare but then he’ll go back to games where he shoots like 11 and 12 and he gets kind of passive and not like fully fully confident like a guy that is a microwave score that will shoot like a Tyler hero like someone who like will unconsciously shoot anything and everything so it that there’s elements of that but his is times a million to your point where he won’t even take a layup or like even attack the rim like trying to like back people down and he had a little postup game obviously you could drive score with both hands like he’s so mentally out of it and it could be obviously the injury too like that that probably plays a part in it of why he’s mentally not there because like who knows but if we can get him for the like the Vets minimum for like two million maybe I will talk if it’s a real contract for 10 15 20 million zero chance so we’ll see anyway thanks for hoing all Martell really appreciate it let us know in the comments of the five players I mentioned that the Nets are most likely going to give up bonovich um cam Johnson Dory FY Dorian finy Smith Schroeder I mean Schroeder could be a good piece too’s a solid backup point guard as well that’s a good guy who can get a bucket right someone who could score like that Reggie Jackson type of point guard you know so let us know in the comment section what you think again don’t forget to subscribe to my channel team to beat Miami heat don’t forget to subscribe to Martell’s channel Miami Heat Zone podcast if you guys continue to like these types of episodes we’ll continue to make Miami Heat Chronicle episode so thanks for watching guys

The Brooklyn Nets may be trading tons of players as they are in full rebuild mode. Should the Miami Heat try to trade for Cam Johnson or Ben Simmons or anyone else from the Nets?



  1. Absolutely not these are bum moves HEAT Fans are getting so desperate. Can't just make trades for the sake of making a trade. As far as Schroeder Tyler and Terry are better than he is so that's a no. And Ben Simmons brings Absolutely nothing to this team just would be a bad move. There are reasons why teams are letting these guys walk there no good. We need to upgrade this roster with real upgrades. but running it back would be better than making bum moves

  2. If the Heat play all the young guys, let them get reps, and give them mins then it can prevent injuries. If they add a true center like Jonas, add size, have players take 3s, and Kel'el Ware plays mins at the 5 they can prevent injuries. I would try to trade herro for cam Thomas, try Lauri, and call for Fox. Sign John Wall or Russell Westbrock. If not then then next year if they don't sign their extension then you could sign Donovan Mitchell and/or De'Aaron Fox in free agency who is friend with Bam. They can easily create cap space with all the young talent they have now. That's probably their plan. Imagine Fox, Donovan, Jimmy, Bam, Ware next season Also, next year Duncan will be on expiring, Jimmy is a free agent, hopefully more cap space.

  3. I would trade Herro for Schroeder and DFS and then ship DFS and a FRP to Phoenix for Grayson Allen.

    Rozier, Allen, Butler, Jovic and Bam

    We need to surround Jimmy and Bam with shooters and we need a 3 & D shooting guard, Allen is perfect. And Schroeder is a pretty solid back up PG.

  4. Pay attention to what Riley and the heat are saying. People in the " media " are constantly chasing the " whale."

    Riley and the heat are trying to add depth to the organization. I'm not looking for them to add a " star" that's going to change the direction of the organization.

    The heat doesn't need that. Look at the roster . Look at Jalen Smith from Indiana. 24 year old free agent that hasn't found a home yet. Look at 22 year old guard from the clippers who just became a free agent.

    Look for players that have nba experience that can take the pressure off Jimmy and bam during the season.

    I don't see from listening to the heat organization that they're pursuing some " whale." I think they want to get some quality nba players while preserving the draft picks they have.

    If I'm wrong, I'll be happy to come back and say, "As a matter of fact, I was wrong."

  5. I would love to see what Miami could do with a motivated and healthy Ben Simmons. They’re going to hold him accountable and Miami from the trainers to the coaches to players don’t play that soft shit. No B.S. just get the job done. Miami will definitely get him out of his head, give him confidence, and encourage him how others couldn’t.

  6. -$64 mil in cap space. Minimal assets that make up a roster that is top heavy and Heat fans want to trade the cheap/depth they have for players that one can hardly think will make them more competitive let alone survive the regular season. The drop off from starters to bench would be severe.
    The relative success of the Heat has spoiled Heat fans. Gotta fix the books and reload assets.

  7. there is no way I’d trade for Ben Simmons in real life unless you are giving up salary you don’t want. He’s not an asset at this point. If you want to dump longer term deals like Duncan and Rozier then sure – Simmons is on an expiring and it opens up another roster spot.

  8. There is no one on the Nets that should make Tyler Herro’s name get brought up.

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