@Sacramento Kings

All Misses, No Hits: A Colossal Sacramento Kings Front Office Failure ft DeMarcus Cousins

All Misses, No Hits: A Colossal Sacramento Kings Front Office Failure ft DeMarcus Cousins

going into Sacramento I want to show you something oh [ __ ] we talk about we talk about situation a lot so do do you understand what what what this what I’m trying to cryptically say yeah yeah so for those who can’t put the pieces together the top top pictures who was drafted would been a hell of a star in five would have been decent right just decent decent I’m I’m playing that will be crazy that would have been hell of a starting five so right after you go uh number five in 2010 next year they pick Jimmer number 10 one pick ahead of clay three picks ahead of Kawhi Leonard Shumpert Tobias in that draft 2012 they go Thomas Robinson next pick Damen Lillard would have been a would have been an high point guard for you I would say uh 2013 McLemore then kyp and McCollum go right after that staskus number 8 and 14 stus stus you ready okay one 2 3 nck rocks uh right before that was uh smart and Randall and then 2015 they pick a dude that plays the same position as you Willie Colin something comes to mind when I think about this I think a boogie re revolutionizing a position sometimes at a necessity then the other part I’d like to talk about about which we talked about a little bit off camera is not only does it have to happen in the front office but it got to Hope and happen with the coach I mean we listen the Boogie talking about his coaches with reverence coaches that opened up opportunities for him who were open thinkers free thinkers it didn’t limit his potential but you run into Westfall and I had an opportunity of playing for Paul Westfall my Rick a year and I know that was not the welcome to the NBA I was expecting right from whether it be from a schematic standpoint or from just what what what I thought of a relationship with a player as for a NBA coach was supposed to go like so um and and saying all that you know we know with the history of Sacramento how important was that hit or miss Year from westf fall for you your first year man that [ __ ] was um it was tough bro it it was tough and obviously it’s tough you know just figuring out the business in general like that first year in the NBA is like a whirlwind you know what I mean and uh obviously I’m I’m basically at this point I’m a year removed from like the hood like Liv waking up into every sing I’m a year removed I did the year of college and then I was in NBA so um I had a lot of like I had bad habits to me like I had some growing up to do like typical [ __ ] like I had to sh sh that know what I was to do or handle or car I had to you know shake that [ __ ] eventually but um regardless of that um me going to sack man I don’t even know where to start um well one me and Paul Westfall wasn’t even on the same page from John and I ended up in life and like we should never day one we weren’t on the same page and I was so confused cuz I’m like I’m so excited to be you know in the NBA this is the start of like I’m dreaming big and I’m just like man I’m about to meet my coach this is about to be dope like M and we just weren’t on the same page he hated the way I carried myself he hated the way I walked he hated like he he hated the way I [ __ ] looked and and that moment it’s just like I couldn’t get past that part it’s just like dude like I remember I remember one day I was in the wave room this is and I I probably went to the wave room maybe three hours before practice like was trying to go in get a good workout in whatever um before practice and you know I had the music playing I put my music on Paul Westfall walks through in the middle of my LIF I’m the only one in there and obviously the trainer Paul Westfall walks through like unplugs the music and it’s just like um we don’t allow that type of music here and I’m like like what yeah and I’m looking like what the [ __ ] are you talking about like and he was like um my teams don’t play that type of music and I would prefer you play some classical music or it was something else he named I’m just like yo what the [ __ ] and then he kind of said something to the trainer at the time and was like uh you know anybody play rap music is fine so I’m just like talk [ __ ] [ __ ] is this like I’m like this the NBA and I’m coming from Kentucky we got booming like like with Drake now we ain’t listening Drake you feel we OJ juice man on the like we doing our thing like so I’m just like damn like so it was that and it was a lot I mean I can go on and on with different stories that kind of rub me the wrong way with just dealing with him but it helped me realize like how the system was kind of outdated if if that makes sense and I’ve heard stories like that I’ve seen like coming up cuz I’m a 90s baby coming up like even when it came to like High School Middle School you would have these certain cultures and they just be like no rap music or you know but at the time you’re there were grumblings there was grumblings that these old dudes still exist in music but you still respect it because you’re a kid like so now I’m in this position and like I’m getting paid to play basketball I’m this dude this man is just like man no rap music it’s just like Y what the [ __ ] are you on like how you going to tell me what I can listen like maybe this is comfortable for me when I’m lifting like maybe so it was just weird but um even with that it would what really put the nail in the coffin for me with with dealing with West Fall was uh a holid reporter and I ain’t going to say his name but he was a beat writer for many years in sack and um he actually put me on game cuz he was like you know draft night like it was a kind of a a huge back and forth about who they wanted to draft and um Westfall Greg Morro who I think ended up going seven maybe I went five I think Greg Morro went seven yeah cuz G state had the six pick they took epe Udo yeah but um so he was like yeah Westfall wanted Greg Maro the Kings wanted you so I’m like damn you would think that coach would want the same as the rest of the organization like that only makes sense mhm so I was like nah he wanted Monroe and and when West Fall Would Coast me you know I play the way I play I’ve always played that way I’m I’m a playmaking I’m a playmaking big I can score the ball like all of these different things so when it came to me when I got there for training camp summer league like everything was cool like you know they gave me the green light go do what you do then regular season rolled around which is understandable because you know things do switch but they’ve been trying to they’ve been giving me the game plan since I steep foot there and you know the the summer league comes there before the rest of the kind of Veteran guys but we didn’t necessarily have a veteran team we had one year two year maybe three year guys on the team this was a rebuilding team so since I step foot they giving me the game plan they telling me how they wanted me to play all these things regular season starts West Fall is like I don’t want you to shoot the ball I don’t want you to do anything but set screens and and roll and if you get rebounds kick it out I’m just like huh like like what do you mean like so we were never on the same page from day one and you know it was always these Rumblings of us not getting along and you know westf Fall Would you know say his things in the media whatever whatever so I ended up hollering at that that reporter and he’s the one that gave me the scoop I’m just like like what dude got against me like he was like yeah he never wanted you here in the first place he always wanted Greg morroe and when I thought about Greg Marro’s game and the system I’m like well damn he do kind of fit the system so it made sense why he wanted them but for me it was just like bro this don’t even make no sense how the organization want me but you got a coach that doesn’t want me and then you expected to work like how what are you supposed to do with that inform what are you even supposed to do with that information as a rookie it was more I was always trying to figure out I’m like what this dude got against me bro some contact I’ll take he had a lot more against you than than that you know he what you represented what I did for him in 1998 uh a lot of the same [ __ ] that I went through Bonker [ __ ] that he did to me in practice and that he would do or try to set me up in failure what you represented was a uh uh uh uh it was a it was a it was a it was a clash with the old regime Boogie and the way the old things were done old coaching ways of like I just need a screen and roller no [ __ ] we want the best player we have an opportunity to get a guy who’s a five tooler and you’re telling us just to go get the screen en roller we ain’t going for it we cut the checks and now you can start to see as those guys that’s slly either they transitioned to TV or they get him the [ __ ] out of the way bless their hearts the best ones who get who get the message whether late later they can go to the front office kind of be a hbd between the old and the new but there were some other things socially that I’ve come to learn about Paul Westfall that y’all wasn’t even supposed to be in the same room together you know what I mean like realiz yeah no other walk in life would you and Paul westall meet up for lunch or bump him and be like oh I like those shoes or you know whatever that that that [ __ ] was never supposed to happen so I’m going go out on on a limb because I’ve been in this situation and say like they never put you whether there was ignorance or you know what I mean just the the trying to build the team you weren’t put in a proper position bro and even trying to figure myself out as as a young man it’s just like yeah this coach can’t help me figure out my issues because he can’t even relate like not even a little bit like yeah he can teach me about basketball but as of right now in the stage I’m at in my life basketball is maybe 20% like I’m I’m figuring out how to detach myself from old ways all of these things and all you got is the the man from sunny California that’s life been pretty peachy super peachy like to tell me how to deal with my everyday struggles and it’s just it’s not it’s not the same and it never will be like well put to to both of you like the [ __ ] up situation is the [ __ ] up situation you I know galani I assume you’re the same way you don’t live in a life of regret but are there any like knowing what you both of you know now having all these years is there even anything you think you could have done at that time whether it be a direct conversation with him or is it just I I don’t um honestly and and and I and I’ve tried like for the most part I’m always I’ve always been the guy that that that wants everybody you know to know is like I ain’t on [ __ ] I try my best to be positive every day and that’s how I carry myself regardless of the narrative that’s surrounding my name that’s how I’ve always carry myself I’m laidback I’m chill but if you [ __ ] with me it’s up like simple as that like and that’s just with every aspect of life like I’m not a person you just going to poke with and you know what I mean so but outside of that I’m out the way like I’m I’m lowkey I’m completely out the way half the time you won’t even know I’m [ __ ] there seems like those are the people they like to [ __ ] with though the ones who on the court they they you know they they are who they on the court we ain’t talking no [ __ ] we talking talk a little [ __ ] when it’s brought to us but after the court it’s like no I ain’t no Beast off the court I’m about to go over here and chill you think I’m somewhere slobbering and hollering or arguing with people off the court you know what I mean maybe that Happ that ain’t even close to who I am no out out the way like you said out of the way so it was it was just with that I I just don’t I I’ve I’ve I’ve went out my way to to make him like kind of understand me and I’ve tried to understand him but like I said at that stage in my life I couldn’t relate to him and he couldn’t relate to me like and I can see why you know the way I may have spoke or my lingo at the time or whatever the case may be could probably rub a do the wrong way like once you grow up a little more and see how you know life lives and you see the different type things that go on every single day for the most part most of the and even when it comes to our racial issues in America like most of that [ __ ] the core of it is we can’t relate simple as that and us not being a able to relate when you speak to me and try to explain yourself brother I just don’t even know what the [ __ ] you talking about and vice versa mhm so until we can get to that part of just understanding each other’s Foundation like we fast forward to another scenario as in me and this cult trying to coexist it’s just like bro I don’t get it like I don’t get you brother like and and that’s okay it is that’s not my fault that’s not the culture’s job or his fault that was on the organization to make sure you’re putting the pieces in place to make this young investment work and that’s just kind of how I look at it so do do I have regret as far as our relationship know I mean I obviously I wish it would have worked like you know what I’m saying I wished every coaching situation would have worked but that’s just how Sports Go they don’t always work but um for me for me it was more so like me being the scapegoat yeah as far as it not working like and then that also rub it’s just like dude you throwing my name through the mud like just because you can’t coach this team or the co the team doesn’t fit that’s not my fault brother and it’s not and maybe I do play a part in that but so do you as the coach like you know what I mean so that that’s just more so how I felt about it yeah man from from my experience with this dude in particular there was no way he drew a line in the saying and there was no form of communication you know uh could I have said some things differently maybe that I said to him in front of some front office people or around some people that shouldn’t have heard it but he drew a line in the sand where you had to stick for yourself your name he he was [ __ ] with you you know this is for it would be detrimental if you sat by quietly and let this man do some of the [ __ ] that he would try to do so I’ll put a I’ll put a bow on it with that so you to speak on I want to say one to to even speak on that when I really think about it it like I said I kind of I spoke on us not just being able to relate or even be familiar with each other’s sides M but I it was this time where um you know I was coming into practice he was we was kind of in it for whatever reason just back and forth whatever and I told you I car myself Jalan you see me to this day I’m low key like regardless of how big my name is or was at the time I’ve always kind of carried myself the same like I’m lowkey I’m out the way if I if I was a guy that went out I’m not the guy standing on the table with a bottle I’m the guy sitting down in the cut you don’t even know he there like that’s just how I carry myself I I don’t crave attention I actually don’t like attention like the same so when I got drafted to the team they put they put this big ass poster of me on the side of the Arena I had a big ass picture of me downtown on one of the building like crazy like and you know I’m coming there and I’m seeing this [ __ ] as a young boy and I’m just like damn this a lot like like that’s my whole face up there bro that [ __ ] crazy so it was one day um coach was pissed at Westfall was pissed that mean he was he was talking this [ __ ] to me he said something like you you think you all that cuz you got a a picture on the side of the building and I’m like bro I don’t give a [ __ ] about that picture I’m like make sure they take it down I’m like take it down like I don’t give a [ __ ] like and I’m pulling in the practice the next day and I kid you not it is six men at the top of the [ __ ] Arena pulling the poster down I’m just like damn this dude really like got it out for me like so and like I said speaking on us not being familiar with one another he probably really felt like of his standard of what how he you know does things I wasn’t deserving of it and he definitely did you know what I’m saying so I can see where like the animosity or how he felt about me I can see where it came from like he was helping you and to me in his mind I just wasn’t deserving of it like yeah and he was like I’mma knock you down so you can build yourself back up that’s how the [ __ ] think you’re not deserving of it so I’mma knock you down and I’m teaching you a lesson because you know this is how I do it and then you can build yourself back well you tried to that you know that’s another way of breaking somebody right and then letting them build you back up now you boom right if you don’t pick and roll if you if you if you pick and roll and just you know then you break now he got you if you still exploring and being the Boogie and and doing the Boogie [ __ ] now you’re a problem so that that’s how they get you and I think in that moment I like I thought I’ve thought back on it and it just come to realize like dude just I wasn’t his player I wasn’t his type of player for his standard for what he was looking for and maybe so when it came to his system I just wasn’t his player and I can understand now why it was so much like animosity like right and in my head I’m just like damn why the [ __ ] this dude on my back so crazy like and it was always like negativity it was never anything like positive like but he would come with the negativity and then at the end of it be like man I’m just trying to help you become a man like like n nobody need all that brother this ain’t it like no well I say from a from a fan perspective me and all my boys love watching you play I think the the the definition of a dude like get him to a better situation like please I mean we we listed off all the draf things uh even later after you gone that front office made some of the worst decisions ever they could have Luca but they chose Marvin Bagley over him so I mean hindsight’s 2020 but um I I wasn’t asking in terms of anything like do you regret anything I just sometimes it’s it’s cool to know like if you even have perspective but some situations are just so broken that there’s no perspective really to have other than that it was just all [ __ ] up only thing I really wished for in my time was like my playing style and the way the the game the way I played the the game was embraced more at that time cuzz now you know that’s what they’re looking for like they fell in love you know with the playmaking big um so I mean you got to kind of also blame it just on the timing of it like where the game was with two bigs um in two bigs in the post one shooter a Defender and a point guard like that’s the era that I came I entered the NBA in I became a professional in so the way I played wasn’t necessarily embra you know what I mean it worked it was effective but it wasn’t embraced

It’s hard to find a worse draft stretch than the Sacramento Kings from 2011 to 2016. After selecting Demarcus Cousins 5th overall in the 2010 draft, the Kings took Jimmer Fredette, Thomas Robinson, Ben McLemore, Nik Stauskas, Willie Cauley-Stein and Marquise Chriss. In an alternative universe, the Kings could’ve walked away with Kawhi Leonard, Damian Lillard, CJ McCollum, Klay Thompson and other star players.

Full episode with Boogie drops tomorrow 7/3.

00:00 Beginning
01:30 Paul Westphal
04:00 Ridiculous Training Room Story
06:40 Greg Monroe vs Boogie
11:52 Could Boogie have done anything differently?
21:33 End

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  1. The problem with this is if one of those picks hit, the next year they're not in the same draft position. They wouldn't be in the soot to take dame. You can't change one thing in history and everything remains the same.

  2. Imagine going into every professional boggie basketball game in the nba and its always 5 vs 8. Because the refs hated cousins. Kings team were dead on arrival to every game because the refs weren't going to give the kings any "favoritism" treatment. Thanks to boggie.

    That wasn't boggie's fault, that was the kings organization ๐Ÿ˜‚

    And when boogie went to the warriors and lakers, he barely played and the refs already loves steph and lebron ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Hated his unprofessional baby crying mentality. Call it "wanting to win attitude." To the refs, its 5 vs 8 and who gives a eff about boggie's feelings๐Ÿ˜‚

    And i remembered boogie trying to use his "wanting to win attitude" (throwing profanity) at Tim Duncan.
    Coach Popovich got so pissed off๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ and told Duncan to DESTROY boggie. And Duncan did๐Ÿ˜‚ cried like a baby back to the kings locker room.

    Its on youtube, look it up.

  3. WTH WAS SAC TOWN DOING when they picked willie i was so confused at that pick i understand jimmer and ben they had hype atleast so i know ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ but idk about thomas robinson they just wasted that pick ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜• tf was they doing and they pick nik another wasted pick mans had not a lick of help ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. The Kings were a disaster for a number of years but let's not pretend that Demarcus was a great teammate with a great attitude, he was not a winner and he wasted all that talent, notice how no team retained him after a year of service after he left Sacramento. I still remember the video of him threatening an elderly journalist less than half his size because he didn't like a story he wrote. Demarcus had ZERO class and professionalism

  5. Man kawhi went 14 or something, klay went 8th or 11 and Dame was surprise pick. If everyone knew they were stars they would of been Number 1 picks. I hate this hindsight conversations.

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