@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Reporter James Edwards III Opinion On The Tim Hardaway Jr Trade With The Mavs

Detroit Pistons Reporter James Edwards III Opinion On The Tim Hardaway Jr Trade With The Mavs

again if people subscribed to your podcast they probably would have known that this was a possibility because I remember listening to your podcast they don’t be surprised if this happens so I wanted to kind of get your uh initial reaction to this trade do you think it was a good trade for the Detroit Pistons I don’t think it was a bad one do I think it was a good one that that will determine what Quinton grimes’s nie situation is like how Quinton Grim impacts um winning in Dallas I like Quinton Grimes I like the idea of Quint Grimes I like what Quinton Grimes did his second season in New York uh but he struggled to play his last year in New York he obviously came to Detroit injured and only played in six games and really only had one good offensive game in those six games uh I think it’s easy to people to forget like most people most front office guys who come in don’t value players the same way that the previous guy did um and I think that’s probably a sign of that but listen Tim Hardaway is a guy who um first of all they did the the trade for the picks more um they’re getting three seconds one of which could be literally the first pick or the in day two or the fifth pick in day two like it’s going to be a top seven day two pick in my opinion because I don’t think the Raptors are going to be very good um so so that’s not a bad pick and you see how the CBA has affected teams I mean listen AJ Griffin was had for the 44th pick so you could easily package two of those and move into the first round and I think fans would it it looks a lot better if it’s like the Pistons traded Quinton Grimes for Tim Hardway Jr and the 24th pick in the 2026 NBA draft right but it it’s basically the equivalent to that um but I I also understand the group who’s like I’d rather see what gmes provides and he’s younger has more upside uh better Defender than Hardaway uh has had good shooting Seasons I I’m not going to discredit hardaway’s consistency for 10 years or whatever it’s been now um but I think it was important for Detroit one to get somebody who’s a consistent shooter uh to get an expiring contract to go with the picks but also Tim Hardway Jr plays not to say and this isn’t a knock at Quinton Grimes this is a knock at a lot of the players the Pistons have acquired in many years like that’s aside from lack of Star level uh Power lack of three-point shooting right up there is the lack of availability guys are always hurt on this team since I’ve been covering them in seven years and Tim Hardway Jr has played in 70 plus games and four the last five years so you’re getting a high volume League average three-point shooter who’s always available to play he was terrible in the playoffs uh was a no- show in the finals but he also averaged 14 on on good three-point shooting in the regular season so uh I like the trade I think it puts a complimentary piece around Cade um but it also helps re re uh plenish the cupboard and I think people should remember they’re like they hear seconds and there’s no value in seconds well I would argue one like I said the new CBA teams are going to move into the second round as opposed to the late first um two when you make a trade you have to trade something back so that’s why seconds are valuable like if a team wants to salary dump uh a first and a player to the Pistons the Pistons do have to trade something back so they if you have extra seconds that’s something you can just throw in there so there is value there yeah I mean I when I think of seconds and and this is probably like a really bad example but uh Jake Crowder was traded for 5 second round picks from Milwaukee Bucks and for whatever reason Mike bud and Hower never played him which is actually kind of hilarious but you can get a pretty good player I mean wasn’t sadique traded for 5 second round picks he was traded for five second round picks I mean listen we even said AJ Griffin was traded for the 44th pick I know he had a bad year last year but it’s a guy who shot 40% from three as a rookie and is only 20 years old like that’s that’s just where we are in the league with the Financial constraints teams are going to have to make decisions like that yeah I I honestly wasn’t too upset with this this uh trade some Pistons fans which I like Quinton Grimes as a player like them coming out of college um but you would think they we just traded a like a three-time Allstar like they were really upset with this trade I’m like you guys like he’s had injury histories you know just you know he’s the the part that got me because he only played six games here and the attachment I saw was a little nuts but I also understand that the Pistons for all they haven’t done what they have done is done a good job of attracting a younger fan base um through drafting like Kade through rebuilding guys like jadeen Ivy Jaylen dur Isaiah Stewart like they brought in more young fans bringing back the teal Jersey so a lot of young fans see this young player and they get attached I understand that but like I said I’m a fan of Grimes uh I think there’s a good player there but I also don’t think like I don’t think this wasn’t like fair value for Quinton Grimes yeah I think was pretty fair value I like it for Dallas like I think it makes sense for Dallas I mean you get to play in a kind of maybe a lesson lesson rolled than you would in Detroit and you get to play with Luca and Kyrie um I think that makes sense for them and I think for Detroit to your point they addressed something that they didn’t do last year and that was three-point shooting they just they did not make a lot of thre and Tim Hardway Jr to your point has been very very consistent yeah and availability Joe Harris and Monte Morris didn’t play because of injuries yeah I mean I saw some Pistons fans compar this to with Joe Harris straight too I was just that’s that’s no like that’s why that’s different he’s not coming off he’s not coming off a major what did Joe Harris have didn’t Joe Harris yeah like a major calf injury like missed a whole season or something like that Tim doesn’t miss games yeah I I like the trade and I mean I I had heard I don’t I don’t know if it’s true that you know Kate’s Camp really liked Tim Hardway Jr that was a player that Kate wanted to play with which I mean I don’t know if for that to be true but I mean I know Kate did talk to him uh about his surgery like prior to having the surgery of like kind of like guidance to that so there is something there yeah I don’t know if that was like a player that like Cade went and pounded the table we have to have this guy but yeah I wrote the story talking to Kade where he told me that Tim hard was the last per once Tim Hardway told him about the shin surgery he had the same one he’s like once he told me that and what we talked about like that made me feel good about it so there is a relationship there for sure yeah I mean like I said I I thought it was a pretty good trade uh Tran did exactly what he said he was gonna do yep and he he took on a contract uh a one-year rental if you will to get a guy that can be an immediate impact so I honestly like the the uh trade yeah you could make the case that I mean you honestly could make the case that they upgraded the player um for the short term and still kept Financial flexibility for next year too so uh you potentially improved the team next year while um giving yourself an opportunity to rebol the roster a year from now [Music] oh [Music]

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  1. We have enough projects. Our top 4 players are all developmental players that can't shoot. Barring an allstar talent, they need to be surrounded by consistent veteran role players and shooters that can allow CC, JD, AT, and JI to play their style and develop. Asking Cade to take 7-10 threes a game is antithetical to what he is as a player (the next joe Johnson, imo)

  2. im glad weaver is gone!! but imo fred vinson is best pick up!! looks l7ke a continuation of weaver …weaver never wanted monty, Harris been in talks for 6,7 months.. THJ IS CADES Friend n liked to us for over a year now…even Holland weaver would of took n Arn takes bobi kintman..i thought we had a great chance at naji Marshall but that didn't happen…so Levine is the only other player we talked about for pass year…let see what happens w that lol

  3. Our line up was supposed to be

    Donavon Clingan

    Ron Holland is a trash pick šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢

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