@National Basketball Association

[Wojnarowski] Free agent center James Wiseman has agreed on a two-year contract with the Indiana Pacers, sources tell ESPN. Wiseman was the No. 2 overall pick in the 2020 NBA Draft.

[Wojnarowski] Free agent center James Wiseman has agreed on a two-year contract with the Indiana Pacers, sources tell ESPN. Wiseman was the No. 2 overall pick in the 2020 NBA Draft.

by dragon8811


  1. Honestly surprised he made it to a second contract.

    I hope he grows into an NBA rotation player

  2. TheBoilerCat


  3. TerminusFox

    Okay. I’ll admit, this is probably the most shocking WOJ tweet of the last couple weeks to me, lol.

    I ain’t even gonna try and front

  4. TallnFrosty

    Wiseman found one of the teams with really good bigman depth.

  5. LeFxckYouThree

    If he cant make something happen with Hali spoon feeding him dunks his career is over

  6. Brad-Stevens

    Honestly a pretty good bball fit

    This prolly his last chance so hope he can kill it with Hali and Nembhard

  7. Forgot about this dude. Is he entering one of the biggest busts of all time territory?

  8. paranoidmoonduck

    they have a very good crop of point guards there, so there’s gonna be a few games where he looks incredible making some ridiculous dunks.

    have fun with those picks and that defense, Indy fans.

  9. TacticalFox88

    Him being good (yes lol I know), eventually would by FAR be the funniest outcome of all time.

  10. PuffyVatty

    Wiseman been on Duolingo learning Mandarin for nothing

  11. Irving_for_three

    It’s ridiculous, being high lottery pick gives you basically free money at this point.

  12. Pacers are gonna rehabilitate the entire 2020 draft class at this rate

  13. BoogerSugarSovereign

    The Pacers are dominating the fuck out of the 2020 draft lottery

  14. Ub3rpwnag3

    I like it as a low-risk 3rd string C option. If he figures it out, awesome, if not, no big deal.

  15. JayRod24_

    Good landing spot for Wiseman. Good coach, players, and environment. Hopefully he can go there and build his value up. I still for whatever reason think he can be good lol.

  16. Username--Password

    This is a MASSIVE development for the The Indiana Pacers School for 2020 Lottery Picks Who Want to Learn to Play Good and Do Other Things Good

  17. AwareCelebration7477

    Picking him at second overall and Klay getting back to back career altering injuries ended our dynasty. Thankful that we were able to get one more championship before the window shut

  18. Pacers love that 2020 draft class:

    No. 2 James Wiseman

    No. 8 Obi Toppin

    No. 12 Tyrese Haliburton

    No. 14 Aaron Nesmith

    Had to top up our 2020 quota after letting No. 10 Jalen Smith walk in FA, I guess

  19. thisisdumb567

    If he sucks he just rides the bench behind Turner and IJax, if he’s good we get a steal. I like the move.

  20. SaltyPickle1495

    Pacers fans, prepare yourself to see the worst screen setter you’ve ever seen.

    It’s honestly a miracle he’s as athletic as he is because he’s got the worst basketball iq I’ve ever seen. And even for how athletic he is, he’s a dog shit defensive rebounder

  21. ASpartanLeopard

    I know a lot of Pistons fans will disagree with me but I thought Wiseman had shown some growth toward the end of the season and looked like he could grow into being a solid backup center. His defensive awareness is starting to get there, maybe Myles Turner can help him with that. Hoping for the best for Wise

  22. NBAgospel

    The Pacers are a smart team and they were lacking size beyond Turner. He’ll play spot minutes and they won’t ask him to do much. Good deal for both sides.

  23. StanimalHouse

    Never made it as a wise man
    But clearly cutting it as a poor man stealing

  24. Indiana is where 2020 lottery picks go to revive.

  25. HennyASAP

    Pistons fan here. One thing Pacer fans will love about Wiseman is that he actually tries. He hustles, he’s always engaged whether getting playing time or not. He runs the floor hard and is athletic so he’ll pop up on a highlight here and there. The problem with Wiseman is that he has absolutely no feel for the game of basketball. He’s always rummaging the court, out of position, looking lost. If he does happen to get in a good spot, his stone hands let him down. The man cannot under any circumstance catch a pass in traffic or a secure a rebound. I’d like to say good luck hope it works out, but the things he struggles with don’t seem fixable. He’s an athlete, not a basketball player.

  26. St11cks11

    He has negative dawg inside of him. Goodluck, maybe someone can get him to give a damn

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