@Dallas Mavericks

Sixers sign Paul George, Mavs acquire Klay, CP3 joins Spurs: More sizzle or substance? | NBA | SPEAK

Sixers sign Paul George, Mavs acquire Klay, CP3 joins Spurs: More sizzle or substance? | NBA | SPEAK

being an all 75 player caliber himself this is speak it’s good to be here it’s good to be here we’re good to have you we’ve been working we’ve been working don’t get comfortable Shady champ lean Shady McCoy James Jones Super Bowl champ and to his right the brilliant Joy Taylor family we are going to have a blast let’s start with the big name Moves In free agency there’s been a lot of Sizzle but my question for y’all at home is is there as much substance as there is with the sizzle we know when they bringing out the fajitas and you hear the noise but then they open it up and you see two shrimp and one piece of chicken the substance don’t always match so 2 five let’s start with Klay Thompson Sizzle or substance what do you think that move means for Dallas more Sizzle or subance substance substance listen when I thought about this whole move they made from Klay Thompson going to leaving the Warriors and going to the mass right going to Dallas I was like okay let me think about this for a second first of all the money matters they keep saying why he leave uh all that money La well la a lot of taxes you going to Dallas Texas you know what that is that’s one to check number two is I’m thinking about the team when you playing with a guy like Luca ball dominant player could create sees everything right score at a high level a lot of teams game plan for him and then you look at Kyrie Irving same thing so he’s gonna get so many wideopen shots I just start thinking about like can I relate this to anything else and I thought about it yes when he played with Kevin Durant and Steph Curry do you know how many open shots he got do you know how many times oh the third fourth guy guarding me now whoa the game plan for them too not for me so he can easily get these buckets I think the Mavericks needed a guy that’s going to average about 15 to 17 points a game he’s that guy he’s an efficient shooter I think now all the pressures away from all the injuries all the talk with the Warriors being so good for so long right and then having a point where they’re not as good well now with the MAV hey man in my opinion they had TP team in the I think they got the guy they needed so I love the move substance substance substance Joy Taylor Sizzle or substance with the Klay Thompson move I think it’s substance I think it’s a good move for the MS I agree with everything Shady just said he’s not going to have to be the number one guy he’s not gonna have to be the number two guy some nights he might not even have to be the number three guy he’s providing shooting which is what they needed right he’s a veteran he knows how to win he’s been a part of a dynasty no he’s not the same player that he was years ago no he’s not going to provide the same thing defensively that he did years ago but he’s a catch and shoot knock down shooter that he still is so if you have this option you’re not getting your best the best defender he’s a very intelligent player they were just in the finals now look it was wildly disappointing but they were just in the finals this is a contender that he is going to a team that now knows how to get to the finals and he certainly knows how to get to the finals I think this is an incredibly substantive move I really like it for them and I and I love the position that he’s going to be in and he’s going to have a bit of a chip on his shoulder yeah now look does a chip make up for for years in the NBA no it doesn’t but it is something so I love this move and I think it is substance you on subance N it ain’t no Sizzle it’s substance and when you watch the finals them dudes was missing wide open shot it wasn’t like contested shots or they trying to fade away three-pointers like I just want y’all to watch this they were missing wide open shots so you can double team Luca and Kyrie Irving and fourth look at this Klay Thompson is going to make these shots and it is going to be hard for teams to say okay when Kyrie irin has the ball we’re g to send help when Luca has the ball we’re going to send help you cannot do that no more especially on the offensive side of the ball because Klay Thompson can shoot the ball so well Klay Thompson is GNA be able to shoot the ball at 50 he might not be able to play no defense but if he wide open he gonna be able to shoot the basketball that’s what he does so when you talk about just the perfect fit for the Dallas Mavericks of what they needed to make their team better on the offens side of the ball to help Luca out to help Kyrie Irving out Klay Thompson was the answer and klay’s bank account is already fat with a lot of money in it so when I’m talking about what situation do I want to go to do I want to go to a Lakers to I don’t know how it’s going to look with this new coach with bronny with LeBron I don’t know what’s going on to a team that just came off the finals and I’m looking at it if they had me to make some of them wide open shots we possibly make this thing a series if not win it I love this move this is a big time move for the Dallas Mavericks and Luca and Kyrie said I agree with all yall I think this one substance Klay Thompson for what he does the Mavericks needed a Tim Hardway that they believe in like Tim Hardway Jor was supposed to be to the younger version of Klay Thompson but the MAV didn’t believe in Hardway Jr and Hardway Jr didn’t believe in himself but Klay Thompson’s a guy who you know 41% from the three-point line I think it’s a substantive move let’s go with the player that has had the most individually dominant career Chris Paul goes to San Antonio not not CH Shady goes to San Antonio he joins Wy he joins papic one of the greatest if not the Great coach of the generation currently actively coaching more Sizzle or substance bring it out look I love Chris Paul I’ve been a fan of Chris Paul for years that’s what it is though for years I think right now just watching with my Warriors it just didn’t fit right he’s still uh a good General still got that floor General you need on every team that point guard but super IQ but I mean right he doesn’t have it doesn’t play the same defense not as quick not as explosive doesn’t get to r as easy as he used to his can’t create his own shot like he used to um I do think that him and uh wimy would be a great matchup but I also don’t know how much he can give you at this point of his career am I crazy to say that it’s substance only because he can do more for Wy mindset wise than he can on the court I remember Shady my last well I only played in the league for four years but my last year was one of Deo Ryan’s last year Deo wasn’t the same 46 running linebacker that he was when he was drafted to the Houston Texans defensive rck at a year not at all but he was as a pertains to Acumen as it pertains to leadership he taught me more about the game of football than really any coach I probably had time spent with so what I’m thinking it’s substantive is if Chris Paul Joy can teach wemi about the game wemi Chris Paul played with SGA Chris Paul’s played with great after greats after greats as he’s been a great himself and helped other people Elevate their game I don’t know if this will be Sizzle on the court I don’t know if you’ll see a lot of flash a lot of Dash I don’t know if it’ll be substance on the court rather but I do think when you think about the long-term Legacy of W’s career I think what’s Chris Paul can do in the next 12 potentially 24 months that’s why I’m going with substance where you stand on yeah I think it’s substance not because it makes them contenders we know what Chris Paul is at this point in his career but I think pairing him with W Bama elevating him uh mentally teaching him the game helping him maneuver through the NBA yes he’s he’s been in the league now he’s he’s had a rookie season but he’s still a very very young player Chris Paul is not the same player that he was okay that’s just that’s we we know that he’s not he’s not the same player nor should he be like he’s he’s not a young player he’s been in the league for a very long time a great player like for him to be the same player that he was would be actually remarkable but he does bring a lot of experience and he is somebody that I think paired with a young player who is still developing will be very beneficial does it make them into contenders no not at all but I do think that this is a substance of move can I real quick was the substance for the Warriors this year with Chris Paul I’m just trying to figure this out no not at all but to me they didn’t need they didn’t need the leadership they need the mat the second group did right we got rid of we got rid of um P because the second team he just gets like and one mixtape gets wow with Chris Paul we think okay smart guy guy like kaminga he’s gonna get lock from him Looney all these guys because he’s so smart and so experienced like you guys are talking about did y’all see that cuz I’m just trying to I don’t think on the court I don’t think on the court game but but I’m saying I haven’t seen a lot of the younger players like develop because he was there so when you when you guys say that about teaching I think about like the Phoenix Suns the Phoenix Suns they had Booker the Phoenix Suns they had they had campaign they had J Crowder they had kind of years ago Chris PA show at that Chris Paul was was still kind of nice for real he was kind of nice when he got hurt things a little changed a little bit I’m saying right and I’m not saying you guys wrong I just want to learn because you guys are OG’s to me especially Jo and and you super experienc I just want to know right so I’m cool you know I write it down too yeah today right today when he St at San Antonio would it be a big change because with the we didn’t see I don’t think it’ll be a big change on the court on the court no I think the deposits that he W you know how um I talking to Fred Warner uh and Fred Warner said this publicly All Pro linebacker obviously we know Fred Warner was talking about the linebacker that the Texans just acquired coven help me with his name and he was saying that um the linebacker that the Texans just acquired that played with the 49ers that played with Fred he was like what he did oh it wasn’t a it was Quan Alexander remember Fred Warner before the Cowboys game was carrying the football with them all day and then when he played the Cowboys forced to Fumble got a pick did all these things I think we asked him on the show like yo why in the world did you have a football the whole time and he was like Quan Alexander my OG he said he showed me when he was in uh the Niners for like two years he did that one game and it worked what I’m thinking is the deposits that Chris Paul will make with W Bama you might not see them now but you’ll see them down the line and one day wanyama will be saying man that year that two that however long it spent with Chris Paul it paid and that substance to me as the substance Shady a fool it’s it’s sizzled to me and me too the Spurs the Spurs let us know that right Klay just signed a three-year deal PG signed a four-year deal this is a one-year deal right a little Sizzle to come in here to help our big teach our big how to run these pick and rolls the right way teach our big in between them ears how to play this basketball game at a high level we know he’s going to be a superstar now you bring in one of the greatest point guards of all time right we seen him with DeAndre Jordan we seen him with a bunch of bigs that don’t have the skill of wimy that turned into almost All-Star players when you talk about Blake Griffin DeAndre Jordan all that was live city so yes Chris Paul is older but when you talk about the IQ of the basketball game with Chris Paul the IQ of the basketball game with Coach Pop I think this was a move not for you Chris not for me but for wimy and that’s why I think it’s Sizzle because it’s only for one year now if this was a three-year deal we might be talking something different this is a one-year deal for Chris Paul to come in here and help this young player develop and get him to me I think that’s that’s what me and saying it’s the same thing no because uh we don’t eat at five star restaurants every day we only hear that Sizzle you know some people some people might might do that but you know I mean I’m not trying to hear that Sizzle every day I only want to hear that Sizzle one time and that’s what pop is saying you got one let’s move to the player who’s supposed to make the biggest impact and is actually going to the team which is supposed to have the most promise that’s Paul George the 76 or Shady it’s clearest it’s nearest to your heart you’re the Eagles alltime rushing leader sharing a city with the six Chris Paul more Paul George more Sizzle more substance substance right I love it for the city baby cuz we going to be there suppor name I think for for uh Paul George it’s a great matchup for the philia Philadelphia Sixers just because of like you’re playing with the MVP right I think if you look at his career he’s always at some point had to be the guy or had to be next to the guy well now I would put him as the third the third whe right I don’t let the money change me I think that from the the way he plays he could jail with any system could be a jump shooter if you want him to be he can be a ball dominant player if you need him to be right he can create and score whenever he needs to I think we need that where you let Maxi and and be run the show right have PG doing a lot more with the second team getting more minutes more shots up and then when we close the game out we have all three of them and whoever’s hot you go with him so I love this move I think for Paul George like it’s been a lot of pressure on him his whole career right where you come to Philadelphia it’s not as much pressure you got two dogs out there already doing it now you come in there and just under the radar and do your thing so I think it’s substance we we have to wait like a whole buch of years to find out how good it worked it’s going to work this year and we going to take down B better I’m saying it right now and this why this one’s all Sizzle there’s no more Sizzle than this one because let me just tell you some of shady these quotes this why it’s going to work we G to take down Boston we going to be there supporting that’s Sizzle that’s there’s so much hype around Paul George so much hype and it’s all hype and no Hardware that’s my problem with it it’s it’s a bunch of a bunch of Hope like we’re still living off of Paul George’s accomplishments in 20134 when he took the heat to game seven in the Eastern Conference Finals family that was a long time ago when you think about Paul George and this next Generation both Brandon Miller and cayenne Anthony Carmelo Anthony’s son have said Paul George is my goat that’s the sizzle that comes with Paul George he’s my goat Paul George is the best player ever Kobe Bryant Paul George then Carmelo Anthony and that’s Carmelo Anthony’s Kim F that’s the sizzle that comes with p G family so for me I do not see Paul George getting the Sixers over to hump but when you hear Sixers fans like the man to my right they think this is it I also think the Sixers are the first team in NBA history with three players on $200 million deals that’s a whole bunch of Sizzle there they have to go further than they’ve ever gone I don’t see them going further than they’ve ever gone that’s why I think it’s Sizzle clearly Paul George is a good player Joy I think it’s more Sizzle than substance that’s what he said no he said man his own son that should be punishment lot of young players that should be punishment then he had a n to put Kobe in there like huh forget Kobe what about your dad your dad was like that um I think it’s substance I I do think there’s there is still some pressure if anything there there’s more pressure considering that he’s playing alongside Tyrese Maxi and Joel embiid now but I I do think this is substance I mean the Sixers the only team with three players who made last year’s All-Star game on their current roster there’s a lot of talent here we know that Joel embiid has had a lot of injury issues I think Paul George allows a little bit of built-in rest with with Joel MB because of the scoring that he provides Paul George is still a really really great player yes has he you know disappointed based off of the some of the uh the the praise that he gets you know the the the names that he’s mentioned above or around and the accomplishments that he’s had in the league maybe but he is a great player and I do think that this is a substantive move now again the Sixers have been processing for a very long time like the process has processed and we’ll get into this a little bit later in the show but I think on paper this looks really good if they can actually put together what Paul George can provide to this roster they will actually have a chance to compete this year at a very very high level and be in contention to go to the finals he was one of five players to average 22 points per game five rebounds per game and shooting over 40% from three this year LeBron Kevin Durant Kawhi Leonard Kyrie Irving he’s still one of the best players in the league so I think it’s a great addition yeah this is substance this move was made to win a championship right the process over this is the process right here the process is process process not over no the process is over this is the final piece like the process like we did the work like like we did all this is the final piece to the process don’t be saying the process is over after you done have I mean the process still going on after you done had three all star and you trying to still build around and Beast Works yo look something there everything like this we up here right now Shady if you a part of a process like that the team is going to be totally different it’s going to be players everywhere everybody is traded owners coaches all that is fire listen this is the process they got PG in there to compete with the Boston Celtics to compete with the New York Knicks you have three allar three really good players with the ball in their hands with the ball not in their hands there’s nothing that these three cannot do they could take you off the dribble they can shoot post you up what they can do any of that all three of them including the big and embiid all of them can shoot the three this is the last piece of the pro they have to get this thing done I’m not saying this year I’m not saying they got to go I’m just saying it’s going to be tough it’s going be he he there for four years all of them got 200 M they under contract years old he a listen he ain’t never play I understand that so are we going to say if they don’t win it this year we ain’t goingon to give them a chance to win it next year you just said that this is the end of the process yes like PG can’t walk out of their contract over and B can’t leave like this is it say it’s hard every year like why do we say that cuz it is hard to win okay it’s hard every year though like it’s hard to win a championship like okay it’s going to be hard yeah it’s I’m just saying if you have the it’s like it’s like an excuse like oh like it was hard but if you have the players there to get it done but they’ve had the players no though that’s what I’m saying whoaa when we had a player don’t look tell me when you had embiid when you had Maxi when you had Harden James Harden hard an NBA MVP James Harden was he playing like that all the time he wasn’t but he had the players play like it but you have the players but you but players like like like who so when you cuz you tell me Haren is like which Haren cuz hard we Philly was it was cool you have an MVP on a roster in mb you had an MVP on a roster in Harden you stop stop he was not an MVP there he was play like it no how process is Paul George is 34 years old we don’t know what Paul George is gonna play like but you telling me that Paul George can go he can play Paul George play Paul George ain’t just going to fall off now I I don’t think that Paul George can’t play but what I’m saying is the Sixers have had Talent before and played with I agree I agree with that but they had Talent it’s not like they team was good had that’s when Ben Simmons want to playball Talent big like the Sixers haven’t been bad they just haven’t got no injured wasn’t this I watch bulli to Knicks on one leg and then he had that that uh that uh not what’s that disease it’s like my boy had it and look it was so crazy because he could eat on half his side of his face so when he had it I’m oh he got that that’s hard to deal with so you eyes going this way and you still giving workout bro and a different level and right now I was like right now for embi he’s that good right now it’s scary it’s scary bro it is this is a this is a different Sixers basketball team even the James Harden basketball team or or the Jimmy Butler this is a different basketball team if this team stays healthy last he is a big part of it the whole team been hurt that’s every team but look who was the third whe though right because other than Jimmy Butler and uh Ben Simmons and that was a while ago because because Maxi he’s a ride here my thing though we cannot talk about James Harden though he did not play well though even though he did drop a 40-point game in two different and he he got missed in the next game did he got missed in the last two game but what I’m saying is like we’re talking about James Harden as though James Harden isn’t James Harden what are you talking what are are you talking about’s talking about James Harden is one of those on wi James Harden is is a great alltime player great all player yes he is you think he he like performed like that like we have we have the information no we like we don’t have to wonder how it was going to go like we watched it I don’t think he performed as he needed to perform in Philly I’m not saying that but what I’m saying is he wasn’t that same guy but we don’t know who Paul George is going to be in Philly know who he’s going to be do you agree this is the best Philadelphia Sixers team yes okay yes they got to win the th% the guy to win this year okay so if you saying they the best forget Harden forget Jimmy Butler this is the best team so can’t be talking about the process your team ain’t gonna get better than this than what you have right now every everybody want to give him a deal a Max contract everybody not trying to get on James hard no max deal you’re not wrong I know I know it’s my team I watching like I have lost so much money but well who is wrong between Michael Parsons and his teammate Malik cooker Malik cooker called out Michael Parsons for doing his podcast Parson he responded heyy say this to me instead of saying it on a podcast whose side are we on does Malik have a point that’s next don’t forget check us out everyday Fox Sports channel on serus accent subsscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1

Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, LeSean McCoy and James Jones discuss the latest news in the NBA including Paul George’s move to the Philadelphia 76ers, Chris Paul’s move to the San Antonio Spurs, and Klay Thompson’s move to the Dallas Mavericks.

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Sixers sign Paul George, Mavs acquire Klay, CP3 joins Spurs: More sizzle or substance? | NBA | SPEAK



  1. Luka, Kyrie, Klay, PJ, and Derreck starting lineup with Daniel, Naji, for the 6th man. Jaden, Quentin, & Dante young hungry guards. Letss go! 🍿

  2. Are I sure klay just opened up kuminga for an allstar running n warriors defense could be a top 5 defense davis at center kuminga at one forward dray at another moody at shooting guard n steph at other n they drafted a 7 footer n is soto ready to join team n rebound looney still there ski is there another shooting guard n another length forward can u see in last second shot for game winner Davis post soto dray n moody defense good luck cracking that key namaste

  3. The difference now is that they are no relying on Tobias Harris to be the 3rd scorer. Great regular season but disappeared every playoffs. PG13 would be the 3rd scorer on this team.

  4. Everytime I hear Acho speaking Basketball or James Jones the Worse… Shady is tied for 3rd with speaking NBA nonsense

  5. Acho hates Philly.

    The only time Embiid had a good roster was 2019, when they went to OT in Game 7 vs the eventual NBA champs. But they only had Butler for 5 months that year and Tobias Harris for 2-3, the team seriously lacked chemistry.

  6. What is Shady Talking about ??? wow.. this team needs a NBA guy atleast once a week for B-ball talk.

  7. Think Shady drinks to much during the shows. All he kept saying is that Boston keeps losing in the ECF or the Finals and we know what they are, we’ve this before, until they won a championship. Now he’s saying Philly is all that with PG now and yet, they can’t get past the 2nd round! Philly is what they are, and injured team who can’t win.

  8. If the Mavs had Klay this past NBA Finals, I think they would have still lost. I'm calling sizzle.

  9. I’m with Acho here tbh. I know Harden has a bad rep but Paul George playoff disappointments are comparable.

  10. Barkley calls A.D. street clothes,well what would you call Chris Paul. Every time you turn around he's injured,especially when you really need him. Smh

  11. Klay will provide another 3 point shooter..but both he and Kyrie are not good on defense today. Will be hard to get back in the Finals

  12. Cp3 to the spurs isn’t to elevate Wemby it’s to school Castle their PG of the future

  13. I’ve seen jimmy butler take the less talented heat to two nba finals I have never seen Paul George with way better teams even sniff the conference finals. The 76ers had butler and could have got him again and failed . Smh 🤦🏿‍♂️

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