@Sacramento Kings

One-On-One with Sacramento Kings Rookie Devin Carter | Locked On Kings

One-On-One with Sacramento Kings Rookie Devin Carter | Locked On Kings

the 13th overall pick in the NBA draft Devin Carter was introduced to the Sacramento media today in a press conference and afterwards I got to spend a few minutes talking to the Kings rookie and his father former Kings assistant coach Anthony Carter you’ll hear from both of them plus the Sacramento Kings our Dark Horse to land Demar D rozan this offseason continues right here on locked on Kings you are locked on Kings your daily Sacramento Kings podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day and now ladies and gentlemen it is that time time for another episode of lock on [Applause] Kings hello and welcome into lockon Kings your podcast hub for Sacramento Kings coverage all offseason long today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel will make every moment more as the playoffs have now winded down the NBA season is over Sports just aren’t sporting the way that we want them to right now but that’s okay because all summer long FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long visit locked on to get started my name is Matt George I have the privilege of being your host here I’m a Sacramento Sports Anchor and reporter for abc1 news this podcast going to be a bit shorter and and a bit different to the normal podcast why I’m still standing by for some kind of Sacramento Kings move to be made whether it’s for low marinin or Brandon Ingram or Kyle kosma or Cam Johnson or Dorian finny Smith or Zack LaVine or maybe now Demar D rozan who’s worked himself into the fold as of late that is the newest development today in King’s offseason news and rumors we’ll discuss that towards the end of the podcast but before that I wanted to play for you the interviews that I did one with new Kings rookie Devin Carter and then his father and Anthony Carter who used to be an assistant coach here in Sacramento we’re going to start with Devin now I’m not playing for you his actual press conference where he and Monty McNair spoke to the media to to summarize um Monty didn’t really say anything significant he briefly mentioned and talked about the the trade um that sent Davon Mitchell and Sasha fenov uh to Toronto but didn’t really say anything significant about that um Devin Carter’s injured shoulder was brought up and he was asked whether or not he was going to be participating in the California Classic this upcoming weekend and they didn’t give us an exact answer apparently team doctors are going to take a look at his shoulder and make sure everything’s okay nobody seemed too concerned about it but they didn’t commit to any kind of answer those were really the main takeaways from the press conference and then I got the opportunity to to sit down for uh about four minutes with Devon and get to know him a little bit ask him some questions I’m going to play that uh for you right now and then on the other side I’ll share with you just my impressions of Devin getting to know him and chat with him today and just My overall takeaways uh from his press conference but here’s my conversation with Kings rookie Devin Carter so Devin Carter you’re here you arrived in Sacramento not your first time here obviously you grew up here a little bit but you were here not too long ago before getting drafted for a workout now you’re here as a member of the Sacramento Kings has it sunk in yet um yeah I mean I think that uh just seeing everybody here today definitely made it a little bit better you know just seeing everybody coming out asking questions and stuff you know makes me excited um just ready to work ready to win some games ready to get back in the playoffs um you know and hopefully bring a title uh to Sacramento a lot of lottery picks join teams that are trying to figure things out or get going the Sacramento Kings have high expectations you’re joining a team that was just on the cusp with the playoffs you talked a little bit in your uh press conference about wanting to make an immediate impact in your mind what does that look like for this team that’s so close um I think just being being the two-way player that I am uh you know I bring a lot to the offensive end and I bring a lot to the defensive end so uh just doing that both ways um I think that you know my toughness my gness my willingness to not to lose it’s I don’t want to win I play not to lose so it’s a big difference in my head you know you’re going to do everything you can not to lose so um I just think that me bringing that to the table um and then obviously I think I could rub off on my teammates a little bit as well with that uh just my competitive this as well uh challenging them and stuff uh I think it a great fit matching Heaven honestly so uh just looking forward to first practice and you know summer uh uh summer workouts and stuff and just get ready to win being in the NBA you’re joining an elite company of players I don’t know need to go through the names but some of those names are your teammates and dearon fox and Damonte sabonis just knowing what you know about those games I don’t know how closely you followed their careers but being able to work with them every single day what is how how excited are you for that opportunity um I’m super excited uh obviously um they’re both Big Time Players uh Daren Fox uh great point guard honestly um you know he gets the team in offense he can create his own sabon is probably best passer in the league you know as a big in my opinion um high IQ um it just I’m ready to play with them I mean play alongside them uh it’ll just be great so sabonis is also the uh the back-to-back rebounding Champ here in the NBA and rebounding is one of the big skill sets that you bring to the table even as a a a 6-2 guard I asked you a little bit about the rebounding aspect and why you enjoyed that part so much on on draft night itself but can you go into a little more detail about why you enjoy that part of the game and how you can help bring some of the that responsibility off the shoulders of even your big man yeah um for the most part like when my uh when my players uh like the person I’m guarding they’re getting back they’re not usually crashing so I’ll check to see if they’re crashing if they’re not crashing I’ll grab the ball I mean I’ll go in to try to grab the ball but I watch the Flight of the ball so I kind of know where it’s going before it hits the rim and then um yeah if I grab the rebound I could kick it to the first person head or if I don’t like what I see I uh push it up you know try to catch the defense slacking and uh just try to make a play as quick as possible before the defense gets set so finally I I don’t remember who said it so apologies to the the analyst don’t remember who said it but someone said it’s not 5050 balls it’s it’s 9010 balls with de Devin Carter he gets to him 90% of the time where does that come from kind of a h hunger and tenacity for the loose ball what do you enjoy so much about going for loose balls um well I consider myself to be pretty fast so uh you know I I just don’t like to lose man I think that’s the biggest part you know if that one possession wins us the game then I’m going do it you know you never know if that is going to happen but I try to think that if this is the possession that we need to win the game so I think that about every possession so welcome to Sacramento Deon getting to know Deon and getting to talk to him there a little bit was was a real treat I appreciate him and the Sacramento Kings for allowing us to do that my main takeaway from the press conference in addition to Devin seeming like a a fantastic young man I mean seems had all the right answers very well put together very polished I mean he’s 22 years old right he does not sound like a rookie he does not look like a rookie which is probably one of the reasons why the Sacramento Kings are so excited to add him to this team and hopefully he can make an immediate impact with this team but my biggest takeaway from his press conference today was simple and he said it a couple of times there in just our interview together the dude hates to lose right he he doesn’t play to win he plays not to lose now when he said that initially in my brain I was thinking is that the right approach to have right don’t you wanna don’t you want to go for the victory but I understand what he’s saying right he will do everything in his power to make sure he and his team do not lose right and it’s not just the broad scheme of the game right think about that on a defensive possession he will do everything in his power so he does not lose a defensive possession he does not get scored on he does not get blown by he does not get crossed up he does not fail he will fight and do whatever needs to be done in order to not lose every opportunity that he gets he takes that personally he takes that seriously and in the NBA when you play 82 times a year and offense typically gets more attention and you’re paid more for the offensive end than you are on the defensive end and defense is kind of overlooked and defense is where the work comes in and offense is kind of the the skill like that’s a great mindset to have and that’s something valuable for the Sacramento Kings right if the Kings could have a roster full of guys like Devin Carter who do not who refuse to lose and take it personally if they lose even a defensive possession Sacramento’s a better basketball team so that was my major takeaway is just how much and he kept talking about man I hate losing I hate losing I’m not trying to lose I’m a winner I’m G come in make winning impact plays I’m a two-way player I can make an impact right away it it just it was exciting and encouraging to hear from the Sacramento Kings rookie now we’re also in just a second gonna hear from Anthony Carter uh who is is is the father of Devin Carter and I’m excited uh for you to hear some of the things that that Anthony had to say before we get to that though want to let you know that today episode of the lock on Kings podcast is brought to you by FanDuel I love sports so much but this is the time of the year right that there’s not a lot going on no disrespect to baseball right baseball’s still going I’m an Oakland A’s fan so watching the A’s every day is a a bit of a painful experience right now and it has been a painful experience for a little while but I still love sports I don’t want them to stop and right now the sports just aren’t sporting the way that I want them to right and I know I’m not alone in that well the good news is f lets me keep that sporting fix going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app and dream up any bet I want any time I am in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily right every single day there’s something for everyone all summer long it could be different could be unique to your style could be more broad could be based around a game based around a player it could be open season right there’s so many different things that f fandu is adding every single day to keep you coming back and ultimately help you kill these days until we get through to the beginning of training camp and and and the start of the uh NBA season or even the start of football season before that head over to logdon and start making the most out of your summer fandel is an official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball as usual the family and parents of the the Kings draft selection were there to uh celebrate uh the their their son and their their their kid making his NBA Dream Come True and having his introductory press conference and Devin Carter’s dad is not a stranger to Sacramento Anthony Carter not only as a former NBA player he was an assistant coach with the Sacramento Kings in the 2015 2016 season he wasn’t here for very long during that time Devon was a young man playing they lived up in Roseville which is close to where I live and and he would play yba and and and Club ball over at Hardwood Palace which is the same place that dear Fox and Malik monk just held their basketball camps if you’re from Roseville you know what the Hardwood Palace is hell I I grew up playing games and going to camps myself at the Hardwood Palace so there’s some familiarity with Sacramento so I I I got the chance to steal a few minutes of Anthony Carter’s time as well just to fired off three quick questions to kind of get his perspective on his son and and who Sacramento is getting in Devin Carter and who better to hear that question not just from a basketball mind like Anthony Carter who also by the way is an assistant coach with the Memphis Grizzlies but from someone who knows uh Devin better than any of us could possibly know him right here is Anthony Carter I’m sure you’ve been asked a million times already about being a proud father proud parent but from the coaching perspective watching Devon’s development to get to to this moment how satisfying is that from the with the coaching eye of his development uh it’s been very very uh very appreciative you know just knowing like what he’s done and how much hard work he put in and uh just the way he approaches everything you know on and off the court you know he’s been doing it for a while I guess watching me he approached every situation as a pro you know with the fans and media you know he’s not too too good for nobody and just watching it from a father’s standpoint you know is just a blessing to be able to raise a good kid like him that cares about other people and not just the basketball side he just credited you for for teaching him a lot on the defensive end but also I’m sure as a player to be this successful you have to have some of those things that that you can’t teach right what are some of those things that he has that he you can’t teach um the offensive stuff um he’s a better shooter than what I was and uh like I said like you can’t teach people how to treat people and uh you have to uh be willing to do that stuff you know I’ve had people come up to me telling me how he’ll take his shoes off his feet signing for a little kid stop and take pictures and things like that but uh you could you can’t teach when it plays you know Deon make winning plays like if it’s rebound you need rebounding he’s going to do that you need scoring he can do that you need him to guard the best player he’s not too shy or too have too much pride to go out and take that challenge on the best player you know so anything that you need out of him he’s willing to go do it Kings GM Monte McNair has told us a lot about who uh Devin is as a player and why they were so interested but you have a even more unique perspective in watching him grow what is Sacramento what are the Kings getting as a player they getting a winning player you know he he’s going to sacrifice his body he doesn’t care if he if it’s not broken torn he’s going to be out there you know he’s not one of them kids or one of them players that’s going to take nights off if he feel like he can go he’ll take a couple Advils or if he got to get a shot or whatever for him to go out there and play he’s going to go out there and do it and sacrifice you know his body and that’s where he been middle school high school college he never likes to set out of games and anything that’s hurting if like I said if it’s not broken or torn or whatever he’s going to be there he’s got his teammates back the organization the coaches he just want to win and and go out there and play basketball I appreciate Mr Carter for spending the time there to chat with me about about his boy his son it’s cool to to get the coaching perspective as well as the parent perspective right he knows uh obviously knows Devon intimately knows who Devon is all the way down to the core of of who he is as a person and to hear uh Anthony talk about how Devon is selfless right that he always makes time for everybody how great he is with the fans and Devon has has already talked about how much he appreciates the fan base and and many kings fans showing up to welcome him at him at the Sacramento International Airport uh either yesterday or over the weekend like just to hear the the Father Tell us who the the kings are getting as a human being as well as a player right he’s he’s not afraid to make sacrifices he’s gonna fight through pain he’s gonna fight through injuries although hopefully not to his own detriment right we want everybody to be safe but for him to to be able to put everything out there and put it all on the line to help his Sacramento team te Kings team win and represent this city and represent the team and and and give the Kings the best chance possible to win a basketball game I mean no wonder Monty McNair and the Kings front office think so highly of this young man so it was really really cool to hear that perspective uh from his father and I asked Devin during the the press conference again you can go and check that out on the full press conference is available there it’s up on YouTube as well I asked Devon what like where that offense of tenacity that he has comes from and and he said my dad like my dad is the one that that taught me all that and ingrained it into me to to give my all on the defensive end of the floor so uh congratulations to Anthony did a fantastic job obviously raising Devon and now Devon’s now both are in the NBA right Anthony is is coaching in Memphis Devon is is playing here in Sacramento uh so it was it was cool to spend that time still have to talk about demard de R rozan yes another name that the Kings have worked themselves into the frey with we’ll do that here in just a second apparently Mark Spears said today that the kings are a dark horse team to land Demar D roza now if you missed my podcast yesterday where I did my best to explain why the Sacramento Kings have not made a big move yet they’re involved in so many different rumors so many different trade conversations but they haven’t pulled the trigger yet I know that is scared many kings fans who have sat through back-to-back trade deadlines in last offseason where Monty hasn’t really done anything uh other than some minor moves like Sasha or Kesler Edwards or or Chris Duarte or whatever if you’re skeptical about whether or not Mon’s gonna be able to close any of these deals that we’ve heard discussed and and rumored I understand that completely during my explanation on that podcast uh I mentioned that that patience is the name of the game for mon right and that he doesn’t want to jump the gun on something too quickly unless it’s it it requires quick movement because you never know what’s going to become available in the future right over the weekend it was hey Brandon Ingram right the kings are interested in Brandon Ingram then yesterday oh my gosh low marinin is potentially available the kings are getting involved in Lowry marinin conversation now today it’s demard Rosen is a free agent so it’s different than the normal trade talks but the Sacramento Kings are a Darkhorse team to make a move to try and go out and get dear D rozan the situation is fluid right things are always changing and Monty McNair wants to put himself in the best position possible to strike and and make whatever moves necessary to to put this team in the best position now it’s one thing to say that it’s another thing completely to do it of course but now you have this situation where maybe just maybe the route for Sacramento might be going with dear Rosen and I love this option in a lot of ways for Sacramento now I have no idea what kind of money he’s going to command on the open market but Demar rozan is a very smart Savvy go-to scoring veteran right’s he’s gonna hold down that small fourward position so you can play Keegan Murray uh at the four averag 24 points for the Chicago Bulls last season four rebounds five assists a super efficient 48% uh free throw shooter excuse me field goal shooter he is a mid-range Merchant right he gets to that mid-range jumper he knocks them down the only concern I guess on the offensive end is that he’s not the best of three-point Shooters he shot 33% last season but he’s a career 29% three-point shooter the volume is okay he averaged 2.8 three-pointers a game last season which is his second highest uh in his career so he was shooting a little bit more on the perimeter for the Chicago Bulls but he’s not necessarily known for his floor spacing in his three-point shot that that could be concerning but what he gives you is he gives you an option another go-to score somebody whether it’s in the in in crunch time or just through the flow of the game if dear doesn’t have it or if dear needs to take some plays off or whatever the case may be he’s another guy that can go out and get you a bucket again I don’t know how much he’s going to cost and again the Sacramento Kings only have so much wiggle room financially they are $7 million is under the salary uh sorry the um uh luxury tax and just shy of 15 million under the first apron I don’t know if deard de R rozan would go for less than $15 million a year maybe the Sacramento Kings look to do another salary dump move to open up a little more space to try and go get deard Rosen maybe they could try and Target him in a Chicago Bulls sign and trade if that’s an option uh although that probably is a bit unlikely Demar R Roa makes sense as a target for the Sacramento Kings I don’t know if he’s at the top of the list I just once again this is an example of hey the kings are putting themselves in a position to have conversations with multiple guys and have multiple options and ultimately decide what’s the best one for them so now I ask you where does dear rozan fall on your list right I mean the names that we’ve got we’ve got d rozan marinin uh kosma we have Brandon Ingram we have Cam Johnson and Dorian finny Smith we’ve got Zack LaVine like there are so many names that the Sacramento Kings have been connected to or have expressed interest in over the course of this off seon so far a move doesn’t necessarily have to be made today but it can happen at any time and of course if those moves happen even even if it’s later today I will record Another podcast and and and throw this one to the Wayside a little bit um but anything could happen at any given time and the kings are putting themselves in different situations and giving themselves options so what is your power rankings of potential Acquisitions doesn’t I mean of course it matters what the Kings give up in these conversations but if ideally you could rank these guys in order of I would I want the Kings to go and get that guy to the guy that you want the Kings to go out and get the least let me know what that is can hit me up on Twitter atmt George sack email me Matt Georg Sports atgmailcom and of course leave your thoughts in the YouTube comment section down below again a bit of a shorter podcast than normal today I’m preparing myself for an emergency episode that is coming um very very soon we’ll see if anything happens we’re getting ready for the California Classic this weekend so no matter what happens we’ll have some Kings freaking basketball coming this weekend in Sacramento inside the golden one Center so excited about that also have uh more guests coming trying to get a coach probably an assistant coach from Providence to talk a little bit more about Devin Carter and his time as the as a frier before he got drafted got a lot of great stuff coming uh including of course more coverage on the Kings free agency trade hunts and a deal is gonna go get done like I I feel so confident in telling you a deal is going to get done you can be skeptical you don’t have to necessarily believe me but the kings are just putting themselves in so many positions to where they’re finding the right deal but a deal will get done I’m very confident in that and when it happens we’ll cover it and got it all for you right here on the lockon Kings podcast appreciate your support can’t wait to have you join me on the next episode until then my name is Matt George you’ve been listening to lockon Kings part of the lockon podcast Network [Music]

Matt George shares his interview with Devin Carter after his introductory press conference in Sacramento on Tuesday morning. Plus, the Kings now in the mix for DeMar DeRozan.

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One-On-One with Sacramento Kings Rookie Devin Carter


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  1. I might be in the minority, but I want miles bridges on this team. With a career earning around 17M I think if we can acquire him in a sign and trade on a deal similar to Harrison Barnes it would be a win for both the Kings and Bridges.

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