@Chicago Bulls



hey guys what is up it is the fast break report here bringing you guys another Vlog NBA free agency is officially underway uh cavius called well Pope is already off the board and stuff like that I I’ll talk about that tomorrow like I I don’t like really making videos anymore on the day of free agency because um I just feel like so much [ __ ] happens that it’s just easier for me to make a video the next day talking about all the moves rather than just like a move here and a move there and const L uploading um I’ll do something like you know NBA free agency opening day uh summary or something like that uh Kade Cunningham got a bag Tyrese Maxi is most likely going to get one uh but I want to talk about the Chicago Bulls because this team has royally [ __ ] themselves I mean this is like I’m not going to lie I I understand why the Bulls did what they did in this situation but at the same time I just think to myself Zack lavine’s agent is a [ __ ] Legend whoever his agent is man he he he deserves I I he he needs to be doing he needs to be running the country okay so in 2022 2023 uh Zack LaVine signed a 5year $215 million extension with the Chicago Bulls and obviously we’re at a point now where the Chicago Bulls are not even like they’re a competitive team but they’re not going anywhere you know what I’m saying like they’re a team that’s like they’re a long ways away from contending for an NBA championship and so this past season they decided they were going to blow it up and the the sheer incompetence out of the Chicago Bulls is astounding you know what I’m saying like I I remember I made a video saying that the the Chicago Bulls uh GM is a [ __ ] idiot and everybody can I guess like this is the guy that drafted joic or some [ __ ] like that I don’t know he was he was the GM I think for the Denver Nuggets previously at some point in time I I don’t know why don’t quote me on it but that I I just remember comments like that uh on the video but it’s just the idea this front office is a [ __ ] mess like i’ I just I’ve seen so much AG greed you [ __ ] today that I’m just like bro like the Chicago Bulls [ __ ] up in a major way and the reason I say this is because I watched a video by Bobby Mars today talking about like just a like a free agency recap he talked about the dejonay Murray trade and stuff like that and then he said something that was absolutely like just floored me okay and it was the idea that the Chicago Bulls literally cannot give Zack LaVine away like the the market for Zack LaVine is zero it is [ __ ] absolute positive negative zero okay like he went as far to say that the Zach like to in order to get rid of Zack LaVine they’re literally offering up a first round pick with him they they they have 15 trades out for this guy nobody wants him the [ __ ] Golden State Warriors who are losing Klay Thompson okay declined a trade offer from the Bulls for Andrew Wiggins and Chris Paul they were going to send them Zack LaVine and a first round pick and the warriors were like we good dog like you can keep them you know what I’m saying like they literally just waved Chris Paul the the the Golden State Warriors waved Chris Paul today to like you know cuz he had a 30 million guarantee that would have kicked in today I think instead of 30 they only got to pay him 15 uh cuz I think he had only partially guaranteed contracts if I’m correct they only got to pay him 15 instead of 30 but the thing is like even the [ __ ] Warriors who are losing their arguably like the second best shooter of all time and Chris Paul they let him walk for nothing they would let they would rather let Chris Paul Walk For Nothing than than trade for Zack LaVine like and don’t get me wrong like Andrew Wiggins has like Andrew Wiggins isn’t even better than [ __ ] Zack LaVine right as far as like an isolation score and they were like nah man like we we’ll just you know like we we don’t want Andrew Wiggins but like we don’t want Zack LaVine even more that is [ __ ] wild to me then when you consider back in the middle of this this past season right the Bulls understood that they were not going to be like a perennial playoff team but for whatever reason they decided we’re not going to trade demard de rozan even though he’s on an expiring deal um they did trade Alex Caruso eventually for Josh giddy but understand like this is a team who did a straightup trade for Josh Josh Giddy and there were teams offering them multiple first round picks for Alex Caruso from from the reports that I read the trade packages were a lot better than Josh Giddy and now I look at this team I think to myself bro what the [ __ ] are they doing they just signed Patrick Williams to a 5-year 90 million contract and like I get it you don’t want to give up on him but I don’t know I I don’t I don’t see where everybody’s getting the hype about Patrick Williams you know what I’m saying like Kobe white don’t get me wrong Kobe white was Kobe white was [ __ ] great this year Kobe white was a guy that I’m like I looked at I’m like yeah he’s most improve he’s in the most improved player of the year conversation this year he’s a guy that I looked at and I was like I I wrote him off like I I I’ll admit that I was wrong about Kobe I wrote his ass off I was like why the [ __ ] would the Bulls bring him back Lonzo ball has a player option that he’d be stupid not to pick up for 21 million dollar I mean this is a team that has royally [ __ ] themselves in almost every aspect you know they I mean the best part of their team is the guard position I they they got okay yeah they got Patrick Williams okay you just traded for Josh giddy who appears to be an insurance policy for Lonzo ball and I I just I I look at this this team and I’m like what the [ __ ] like they don’t even draft well and then the guys they do draft that end up becoming good players seem like they all become good players once they leave the Chicago Bulls so I don’t know man I I I don’t know what the [ __ ] the the Chicago Bulls are doing but the idea that the trade market for Zack LaVine is literally [ __ ] zero has a lot to do with that 5year $215 million extension okay like had they paid this dude $8 million more okay year overy year he’d be making as he would have been making as much as Kevin Durant this year you know like I’m thinking like guys off the top of my head you know like I haven’t looked at it yet but I’m sure Zack lavine’s making a whole hell of a lot more money than some like like Demar D rozan was a better player for the Chicago Bulls this year and he makes a hell of a lot he makes almost double what demard de rozan was making so I don’t know man I don’t really know what the deal is going to be with the Chicago Bulls but I just know that they have put themselves in salary cap space hell and I know for a fact that it’s like yeah I understand Lonzo ball injury is not something you can really control you know I understand that you got to keep the guys you got you know Zack LaVine was a guy that they they Acquired and were like yeah this is going to be the future of our franchise but like Zack like honestly if I’m Zack LaVine this upcoming year and like I understand you’re getting paid a whole a lot of money but if you want to get out of Chicago bro you got to do a lot of work this offseason you got to become a better passer right your even your shot selection has to become a little bit better I mean I’m not quite sure what Zack lavine’s stats are off rip I haven’t looked at him like all year but I mean 45% from the field 34% from three is not anything really to call home home about I mean they’re paying $43 million a year plus for a guy who doesn’t even average 20 points a game it’s 19 and a half this past season he shot 45% from the field 34% 34% from three it might as well be 35% it’s 34.9 but he only played 25 games for them this past year he’s a two-time All-Star I mean this is a lot of bread to Shell out for a dude who’s 29 years old and career-wise is only a 20 point per game score so if you’re wondering why they can’t move Zack LaVine it’s because well his production doesn’t match the just ass load of money that he’s getting paid now I understand you know prior to this in 2022 2023 when Zack LaVine was given that crazy ass extension he played 77 games he started for 77 games he was shooting 48% from the field 37% from three 85% from the free throw line averaging four assists a game 4 and a half rebounds on 25 points per game the turnovers were about 2 and a half a game so it wasn’t really the end of of the world um it’s just the idea like for whatever reason this past year I and and like I don’t really know what it is exactly um he’s a career 46% from the field guy 38% from three guy uh about 20 points per game uh but it’s just the idea ever since he’s been in Chicago uh since he was 23 to like 27 he had a good I mean Zack LaVine Zack LaVine had a down year and he was injured and I I kind of think there’s something else going on there is why why teams don’t want him I mean if you’re a team you could take a swing on them uh it looks like I mean like I understand why teams are not taking a swing on him because in the 25 games he played the sample size really wasn’t that great and then the Chicago Bulls just flat out shut him down uh I understand he was injured um he uh he had surgery on his right foot and he’s out for the rest of the which that could also be a reason uh why teams don’t want to trade for him is because foot injuries in the NBA can be really really devastating to players um especially big man granted Zack Line’s not a big man uh but it’s just the idea of foot injuries can mean like he just doesn’t have the same elevation on his jump shot anymore or maybe he’s not you know as athletic as he used to be so that’s a concern as well I don’t think the Chicago Bulls are going to end up trading Zack LaVine this offseason I have a feeling if they do trade him it’ll be at the trade deadline this upcoming year or next offseason uh and the idea that they’re more than likely going to lose lose demard de rozan 2o cuz I just think somebody’s going to pay him more money than Chicago is just means that the Chicago Bulls [ __ ] up they they [ __ ] up I’m just going to call it what it is you know they waited too long to trade Alex Caruso uh they they’re at a point now where they’re going to probably lose DeMar rosen for nothing if I’m the Bulls owner I I’m just going to keep it a buck I think this is justifiable for you to fire the GM I I don’t know who’s the Bulls GM uh CH hii G Chicago Bulls General man I know his name too Mark everley okay um yeah like this is a guy who for whatever reason seems like he’s just [ __ ] everything up I I I get that I get that the Bulls wanted to be competitive and they’re one of those franchise they’re like they’re a never tank franchise um but sometimes you got to tank sometimes you got to mail it in and unfortunately it it kills me that it seems like they realized their reality at the trade deadline this past year and still did nothing then like at the end of the trade de like they’re like we’re happy with what we got you’re happy with what you got but you you you’re struggling to make the [ __ ] playoffs you know what I’m saying like I I just I understand it to an extent you know I understand that they can’t move off Zack LaVine it seems like they’re going to they’re going to have to keep them um I understand the Josh giddy trade even even though I think they got fleeced out of that I I I think they could have gotten like Josh giddy’s okay return but I think they could have gotten at least a first round pick with I mean you traded them to [ __ ] OKC right OKC has more draft picks than they even need you mean to tell me you couldn’t get Josh giddy plus two you know what I’m saying Josh giddy plus two two first round picks you know they’re they’re set they they’re like one piece away from being a championship team um it just it it amazes me that the just the sheer incompetence of the Chicago Bulls uh because like I look at this [ __ ] and I just think to myself bro like you had a chance you had a chance at the deadline to get some to you know you could have gotten two first round picks for Alex Caruso maybe plus something instead you only get you you only Come Away with Josh giddy when Alex Caruso was a guy that there was teams that would maybe would have even given you three first round picks for Alex Caruso because of how good of a vet he is and the shooting has gotten a lot better and stuff like that then we get to Demar D rozan and instead of trading him you you know okay yeah there’s the [ __ ] that he may be wanted to come back to Chicago but still it’s like you know that teams are going to have more cap space than you in free agency and your team is not in any [ __ ] you know uh condition to be trying to even go for a championship right now or even trying to be competitive you should try be being you should be trying to rebuild via the draft and find yourself like get younger and that’s the one thing I do like about the Josh giddy move is like yeah they’re getting younger they got rid of Caruso for a a kid who’s 21 years old uh but it’s just the idea that this team is just It suffers from incompetence I and it it’s got to be from the top down at this point it’s got to be from ownership it’s got to be from the GM like I just don’t know what the [ __ ] this team is doing and you know what we we will have to wait and see but if they lose D rozan for nothing like if they could do a sign and trade with the rozan that would be even better for them but I don’t think that’s going to happen um this is a team that I think they’re just going to lose the Rosen outright and if that happens right if that happens I I think Mark eversley deserves to lose his job I I’m just going to call and that’s most likely what’s going to happen because as a GM even though D rozan doesn’t fit on a whole bunch of teams he’s still a good enough player what I mean he finished in second in in clutch Player of the Year voting like if you’re Mark everley you have to be the GM of your team and and do what’s best for your team if you if you just have any inkling that you think you’re going to lose Demar D rozan like you know how they say usually like your your initial thought is usually the right one if you thought that if your initial thought was we’re going to lose the Rosen then you should have [ __ ] traded him you know what I’m saying cuz usually okay usually your first impression is the right one and I just think to myself man like or your first assumption or assertation whatever it what have you usually that’s whatever whatever your gut tells you that’s that’s usually the right [ __ ] but I don’t know man I just I can’t believe like the Hawks and the Bulls are having a rough [ __ ] time about it man like these are two franchises that just can’t do a [ __ ] thing right so I I don’t know man I don’t know what the rest of free agency is going to bring but tomorrow I’ll I’ll hopefully you know all the moves will come out I’ll get to do a recap and stuff like that and uh we’ll see we’ll see what tomorrow brings but tell me what you guys think about this down below in the comment section below like helps me out subscribe if you guys want to see more on The Fast Break report and um out of this [ __ ] peace guys

So after 15 trade proposals, it would appear that the Chicago Bulls are stuck with Zach LaVine. They’re so stuck with him that they’re even packaging 1st round picks with him and still nobody wants to trade for him after signing a 5 year $215M extension last year.

#bulls #chicagobulls #zachlavine

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  1. Dude I just recently found your channel and it is fucking amazing. Even better that you're a cers fan. Keep uploading bro you're making incredibly good videos

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