@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Beat Writer Kory Woods on Free Agency Rumors!

Detroit Pistons Beat Writer Kory Woods on Free Agency Rumors!

M lives own the man the met the legend to break it down for us I know that man’s been busy too he’s been going on the radio doing podcast and today does it all we’re grateful enough to be joined by him so please welcome Detroit Lions and Detroit Pistons beat writer for M live Mr Corey Woods Corey welcome to the program my friend how you doing cut your hairy Cory I didn’t lose bet either I didn’t lose a bet this is this oh I’m like oh man look he is he auditioning for like a movie roll or something yeah well you know like where I woke up I said man there too much work you know it’s hot it’s like 90 degrees I’m like man that’s fair that’s fair you so I I’m uh it’s it’s weird like I kind of feel like my hair has been going back for so long it feels like I had like a receding hairline back there but hey it’s here nor the hero in there we got you yeah it it it it it definitely looks like you were about to enlist it you know what I’m saying so I mean I’m let you I’m I’m G leave you alone though yeah you know that’s fair I appreciate you Corey Cory I want your thoughts Pistons were busy over the weekend JB bicker staff we’ll get to that in a second but I want to ENT I just want to introduce everything by asking you about the Tobias Harris deal what you think of the signing I know we kind of expected it in a way but what do you think of the price point and who are the Pistons getting in Tobias Harris now returning to the Detroit Pistons well first off I thought the move was pretty smart I said that if the Pistons got him between 20 and 25 million per year it’s a good deal they got him at 26 I’m not about to go ahead and go crazy over an extra million dollars especially when they can have an extra $8 million you know exception they can kind of play around with so it’s a good deal here’s the thing people are like oh my God we brought Tobias they brought Tobias Harris back they brought Tobias Harris back okay let’s look at what Tobias Harris did during his time with the Philadelphia 76 this guy almost averaged 18 points per game um dra 48% shooting from the field 38 from Beyond The Arc uh let’s talk about the Detroit Pistons the Detroit Pistons were 14- 68 last again they were 14 and 68 last season the season before they were 17 and 65 That season I’m going to repeat they were 17- 65 That season you mean to tell me that a 18 point per game guy who shoots at that clip cannot help a 14 and 168 what are we talking about here it is a smart signing You’re not about to go get Paul George you’re not about to go get any of these top free free agents when you’re a 14 and 68 team no matter how much cap space you got this is not NBA 2K you cannot just overpay a person and they come there because it’s a simulated game is a smart move it’s been rumored since last December um you got a guy that’s one that wants to come back to Detroit and instantly he’s your second best three-point shooter he adds to the spacing that you desperately needed to put around cave Cunningham and then you know I know you probably going to ask him about thj later but you have two Savvy veterans that you can put around a young nucleus I instantly Tobias Harris and Tim Hardaway Jr is better than Bohan bogdanovich who was 35 years old coming off an a killes injury and Alec burs so I don’t understand what Pistons fans are being mad about it is when when you look at the NBA salary cap there are two things one the cap is always Rising second you have to spend 90% of the cap before the season starts either by free age Acquisitions or through trade so that means that you’re going to have to spend that money or cut the NBA check of the difference got a guy that could come in here and Aid along this process the 26 per million per year is not egregious I know people want to say the the 76 were trying to get rid of before yeah that’s because they were trying to they couldn’t get rid of them because his contract was too big it was 36 per year that’s that’s a hard contract 26 easy to move on two-year deal next year is basically kind of of a rebuild so boom year two it’s to buy a contract it’s an expiring deal you got money to play with either the trade deadline to go acquire a All-Star level Talent if you’re there or it’s an expiring deal get off from another two years I I just think that people are just looking at it and just want to make a quick hot take instead of just looking at the basketball value and the business value of the deal very very violence today I like this I think that was VE very very well well well said from Corey honestly that was this morning so Cory if you didn’t know last week I got an argument about the Tobias thing and my just my side of things was the the L getting locked down in contracts four years three years like yeah I was worried about that because that was it felt like in the past you know Pistons but Tre John langon seems like he he’s very dialed in with what he’s doing in building to where when I woke up this morning that deal came out okay two years I can deal with that I think like you said Tobias is an NBA player and he’s a high level one he he’s not GNA be a Paul George but he’s gonna go out there something for you and he’s gonna provide to this team um but the I just the both the extremes on both sides to it that was where I was at with Tobias like for you the people who are like this won’t work like Tobias is going to come in and help the team out at the same time for people thinking he’s going to be Paul George he’s not going to do that either so that was that was my kind of push back with the tobas stuff but I’m I’m happy they did it for two years 26 like that’s deal it’s it’s a it’s a good number it’s not it’s not egregious you have to use it on somebody and why not use it for forget the first thing you want to say that Tobias Harris is coming off of a bad playoff stretch how about this the Pistons have not been in the playoffs in about five seasons so I mean hopefully you can get a guy that can produce at that clip to even get you to toward a play in so I just don’t again I don’t understand it um if you just look at his body of work last year he was the third leading scorer on the Philadelphia 706s behind embiid and Tyrese Maxi we put him on this pissing Squad and with the way that K Cunningham now has a guy that he knows he can dish the ball to and can actually go create his own Scot and short and go score you might see Tobias Harris this year go from that 17 points per game to maybe around 2021 just just playing with a facilitator like kave Cunningham again I just I just think that it’s a for for the for the number and for the and for the number of years it’s a it’s it’s a smart deal yeah and I do want to ask this to real quick uh Corey just the other side of things here with uh Tim Hardaway Jr that happened a couple days as well ago and um Tre John was able to kind of get assets for that what what do you think uh Tim will kind of bring to this this team you know for played at played at Michigan so he’s familiar with the state um but kind of the way that trejon brought him in too bringing assets is that like something you’re going to see from from him the next couple months as well with like the Tim Hardway style I mean absolutely Tim Hardaway off rip again another guy similar similar to Tobias Harris Tim Hardaway was the third leading scorer for the Maverick last season I was off the [ __ ] he didn’t have the greatest playoffs but again hey whatever you’re your bringing you’re now bringing a Savvy veteran who can who can add to this spacing who was a solid three-point shooter to your to your roster this guy can probably I’m not gonna sit up here and say start or anything like that but at bare minimum Tim Hardway Jr is your six man and probably one of the best six man you’ve had in in recent years guys averaging about 14 um points per game with the Mavericks I believe it’s fair to say that he’s going to get more shots playing with C Cunningham and Jay Ivy two guys that are willing passers as opposed to two ball dominant guys who kind of like really kind of work for themselves with Luca donic even though he does drop dims and Kyrie Irving so I mean and also too it’s another smart deal you got you got the three second round picks and and also Tim Hardway jun’s contract is expiring so next year we enter right back in the free agency with that off the books I mean like we got to surround this team with some solid Veterans for this for this rebuild to go and I mean the moves that they’re making are smart moves moves that you can arguably should say that the previous regime should have done you’re adding assets that make you financially flexible but solid veterans that could also help with this rebuild yeah and Corey obviously the Pistons uh got a new head coach JB Baker staff uh I just wanted to know your confidence level in him and how can this head coaching job relate to his past one in Cleveland well he went through a similar rebuild he’s kind of going through he went through a similar rebuilding with Cleveland I mean with the way they kind of started off things started off slow and in the first couple of years as they’re trying to get things together and now over the past two years they have been second in the NBA Central I mean JB Bickerstaff let’s [ __ ] about it over the past two seasons with the Cleveland Cavaliers JB Bickerstaff has won 99 games the Pistons have not won a collective of 99 games in five years so off rip have I mean it’s it’s it’s a solid hire just just off of that alone but no he’s a guy that’s a developer of talent work with some um solid guys such as Darius Garland Donovan Mitchell um young up young and up and coming big with um Jaylen Duren and um and Jared Allen so there’s some similarities there when you look at the Pistons when you look at the Pistons makeup and also too he’s still relatively young which is the crazy part when you think about JB brickera he’s 45 years old but he already has over 20 years of coaching experience I mean that that right there is um I believe it’s a solid move and um I mean what more do you want me to say yeah well real quick before Lucas goes I just want to ask you because I I did a video breaking down JB biger staff and the thing I’m I’m you know I didn’t want it to sound like the Pistons were settling because I think he’s a very good head coach and I think he was given a raw deal and every opportunity he’s ever he’s that man has taken the toughest jobs uh just got an opportunity with the Cavs and was a pretty good roster and they were pretty good defensively um but Corey do you think this is more of a higher and I I gotta Watch How I say this but in my mind to get the team back on the rails rather than thinking long term like I know when people hire a coach it’s like oh Champion you’re trying to hire a championship coach do you think he’s a guy like get your locker room straight get the culture set get these guys back to just trying to build a winning culture like what do you think that what what from Tran’s perspective what do you think hiring JB bicker staff was do you think he believes in him to that extent where he can be a head coach for a while I mean I’m not tring langon but I’m going to say this I don’t I and I understand what you’re trying to say don’t get it twisted because you trying to say could he be the guy that gets you to the guy similar to when the Pistons hired Rick Carlile and he brought them back to a respectable level but he couldn’t get them over the hump so boom you fire Rick Carlile bring in Larry Bown Championship so I understand what you’re saying but at the same time I don’t think you I don’t think you necessarily go into it looking like that I mean obviously they’re looking for a guy that is going to be able to develop this young Talent be a leader unify that locker room I mean just look at the it it’s been such a turnover over the past couple years I mean the trio should they stay together in regards whether they stay together or not this will still be a fact Kate Cunningham Jaylen Duren and jayen Ivy are going to be on their third head coach in three consecutive Seasons so that is it it’s I I I will say this about the hire I’m not going to sit up here and say they it’s like a bridge higher but I do think that you have to have brought I think they I think they thought they brought in a coach that could develop this group right if he’s able to get the most out of them and then take them to that level I mean who who knows how it turns out but I I just kind of like I get what I just want to say I get what you’re saying but I believe they just looked at this like okay we’ve seen what JB brickera did with the Cavaliers he You could argue that he should have kept his job I mean y they lost to the eventual NBA champions and you were down two of your best players to injury so I I see what they’re doing here I think is a solid hire and then to file that up do you think with his experience with darrus Garland Donovan Mitchell what do you think at least in your opinion that means for maybe a Kade and Jaden Ivy because I feel like the last couple of months it’s been trade Ivy trade ivy tra Ivy do you think uh there there could be a chance that they kind of let this thing Rock and see how Ivy and Kade play together before making any decisions like that because it seems like every time Pistons fans want to AC go acquire a big-time player it always starts with Jaden Ivy what are your thoughts on on those two in the back court this year well just off of what I’m talking to from um from from trer Landon when he talked to us it seemed like he at least wants to keep aspects of that young core together he didn’t really get into get into names I mean I think we can pretty much sa to surmise that k cut am is the first the one player that they don’t want go to go anywhere H them ready to sign him to an extension um I don’t think he’s really trying to break up that young group just yet but also at the same time I just went and kind of repeated it they are a team that went 14 and 68 this fast season and then 17 to 65 the season before I think outside of K Cunningham anybody could probably be on the trade table on on the trade market for the right deal I don’t think you just I don’t think it’s gotten to a point where you just get rid of J and Ivy just to get rid of him you brought in a shooting specialist such as Fred Vincent and you’ve heard of the work that he’s done with Brandon Ingram Herbert Jones uh the pists were 24th and 26 respectively and shooting from um the field goal range and 3point range last season so I I think that you might see them try to run this group back at least one more time unless they just get a deal that blows their socks off yeah he didn’t draft him all these players anyway so that’s fair yeah yeah does feel attached to him and Cory I guess to uh gentries and Jeff like their their question combined then um and you might have already answered this and I want to just make sure like um I’m kind of when I’m looking at this because one of the biggest things for me was like when I look at uh at Baker staff’s time in Cleveland he started off I think it was a 20- win season 21 win season and then all of a sudden it’s a 40- win jump and that at least to me feels like it was because he was able to get everything out of the young core but on top of that they went from 40 to 50 they went and got Donovan MIT so like do you see and outside of because this is kind of where I Jeff kind of asked the same question outside of Jaye iy and Kate Cunningham more so for me at least like beef stew like Isaiah Stewart uh Jaylen durren or even some of these other pieces at the like Marcus Sasser do you think at all like there is any chance where Tron does get an offer whether it’s like say um going into this year we were talking about earlier Julius Randall or the Brandon Ingram thing to where they’re like hey we know what bicker staff can do we know we have a couple guys like Kaden Jaden um that can make these and that can that can play in Tobias do you see Trey johon just being like let’s do it and if so like are there any players that you’ve heard or on your radar where you’re like yep that’s an actual possibility for this Pistons team this season to take that jump from 14 wins well I do believe that they were’re going to go out there and look for another rim protector I mean it’s no secret if you watch the team last season Jaylen durit as athletic as he is and as many nights we’ seen flashes of his great is he took a slip defensively in the low post so I do believe that there was an area that they’re going to go out there and look to address and again they still need to go out there address their shooting so um a couple of guys that I thought they would Target or try to Target when free agency starts they just went ahead and went back to their respective teams one of those guys was um Malik Monk and then when you want to go into like the the whole Center talk um Nick Clon he went ahead and returned back there so I think that was I think if Nick Claxton was out there they might have been able to go make a run I will say that I am shocked that they let Andre Drummond go back to the Philadelphia 76ers here’s why I think that his past two years with the uh Chicago Bulls he really you know reinvented himself made a name for himself as at least a quality backup I thought that would have been a solid move to bring him back to back up Jaylen Durant or if you want to kind of stagger their minutes a little bit because he he he he had some solid ball last year I think he was 17th in rebounding that’s in the in the league and that was coming off the [ __ ] and I mean you know I’m kind of and then you saw the the hardstein move so I’m I don’t know where they’re going to go next if I were if I if there’s somebody that I think that they should go after I think you got to look at a Xavier Tillman a Daniel dice when you trying to go for that Center position and then if you wanted to go like you know for your shooting buddy heeled is still out there and I think they could probably get Gary Trent Jr on the shoot because there’s wor that his value has diminished a little bit he lost a little bit of his role last season with t so I think if you go ahead and bring him here to Detroit and get him on a nice deal he may be able to revent himself here and you know get him on a nice sheet deal yeah Cory I just want to ask you about Ron Holland and also I appreciate you taking the time out of your your vacation it just started today so I appreciate you taking the time for us uh Ron Holland what are your expectations and how does he fit into this lineup moving forward I mean they got another athletic um Wing another athletic forward I don’t think I would expect anything out of Ron hland in year one I honestly would say that this is this guy is a project you probably want to see him do some work with Fred Vincent again the guy that they’ve brought over to create you know to fix some of this shooting and he didn’t shoot practicly well last year but it was like like 24% from three-point range and then with with the ignite but the thing is the guy is super athletic um he’s he’s he’s nasty attacking the rim I would just say for next season just hope to see flashes of the player that he could become something like we saw with assar Thompson but I don’t I wouldn’t expect him to be a significant tributor out the get I think this is a this is a guy that they’re going to take their time with the project and he has a tremendous upside he has high confidence in himself he believes that you know when he gets to the league that the the shot that you seen in the in in the g- league is going to be a lot better and he’s going to put in the work ethic for it so it’s a solid thing um last thing I have here Corey real quick um I I just want to and I think I asked you this last week Corey and and you answered it well but or last time you were on but now that like all these moves have happened we have a coach now the player you know you have Tobias Tim Hardaway you know the draft is gone through what is your kind of because this morning when the Tobias stuff hit you you know like I said there’s the two sides piss fans one very very high and very very low it’s not really in the middle can you just give to the fans like hey these are the expectations for next year you want to see them get to 20 something wins now we know essentially hey this is going to be the team obviously they could still make more moves but now we know you know the the leadership at hand in in the Vets at hand what do it has your expectations now changed a little bit saying hey let’s get to 25 now just see some improvement where you at with that I’m glad you said that number because that is the number that they need to shoot for 25 wins they have not won 25 games in the season and over five years yep that that that should be the number I mean yeah they have not won 25 games since since they went 41 and 41 in Dwayne Casey’s first year so that that needs to be the Benchmark anything below that yes that is a failure anything above that that is plus uh this is going to be this is still going to be a learning curve you hope I’m not sitting me up here saying that like some people were trying to say like why would you add Tobias Harris if he doesn’t instantly make you 10 games better I don’t think there was a player out there that made the Pistons 10 games better that they could have that was available to them to sign but you can make a collection of moves in the in the hiring of a smart coach like JB Bickerstaff that brings that 10 games but yeah um I think 25 wins I would say if you want to just go a tick above that 28 is if you if you if between 25 and 28 wins next year you’re seeing Improvement um anything north of that it’s just like then you you start to question what was happening the past couple of years well we appreciate you Corey taking time I didn’t even know it was your vacation this guy’s a grinder man I I mean what are you up to you said what for vacation you got planned for your vacation yeah what do you got planned well I got I got class tomorrow because I’m in grad school but um and then I’m gonna go to then I’m gonna go to a party here that’s Friday I’ll tell you about it Jeff I might have to might have to come with me and then um okay on on and on Sunday on Saturday I’m going to Cancun he’s got the clutch Sports man appreciate you Cory keep up the great work you can check out Cory St and follow him on all social media platforms link will be in the description Cory we appreciate you brother we’ll catch you soon thanks a lot man appreciate you Cory thanks a lot have a good one yes sir Corey Woods man the voice of reason

Jeff Iafrate, Booner, Lukas Klotz, and Michael Gentry are joined by Detroit Pistons and Detroit Lions Beat Writer Kory Woods to breakdown the Tobias Harris signing and what’s to come in the future in NBA Free Agency.

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The official page of the “Crunch Time” sports show features Jeff Iafrate, Booner, Lukas Klotz, and Michael Gentry discussing all things Detroit Sports. Available on YouTube LIVE 8-10PM Weekdays on YouTube and all podcast platforms! (except Apple)

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  1. Tobias was a upgrade for reasonable money on reasonable time he only help should try to bring back Reggie Jackson too

  2. Kory nailed this analysis.
    I'd like to use the remaining $$$ to get a player (or 2) with a championship ring. Maybe a JaVale McGee type. ? Wave that ring around and tell war stories about how hard you have to work.

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