@Cleveland Cavaliers

Donovan Mitchell signs his extension & big takeaways from Kenny Atkinson’s intro w/ the Cavaliers

Donovan Mitchell signs his extension & big takeaways from Kenny Atkinson’s intro w/ the Cavaliers

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the softball shirt we had for last year which by the way Stephanie sent out the email yesterday where so what’s going on I was told we’re not going to be able to play ucss ver WKYC I just told her that you have to talk to Bull he has an idea he wants to pitch you that’s literally what I said to her and and she told Anthony no what did he just say he said she he said that Stephanie who’s organizing this is Mike’s P Mike P’s girlfriend I know that I know she is you do but these people out here yeah yeah I know uh no not you the great people watching ucss who are here I there’s other people discuss the Donovan extension yes but uh Anthony talked to Stephanie Haney who’s a reporter at kyc who’s also Mike PK’s girlfriend at the emys and apparently she said it cannot be ucss vers WKYC but I will make sure you guys are in email contact yeah we should I guess I could have ask Mike bulk for that as well but anyway a lot to get to today later we grade the Guardians at the halfway point of the season and were the Cavs disrespected a g Bush headline special were the Browns what did I say the Cavs oh I got C I’m in Cavs mode with the Browns disrespected by Pete prisco’s article everybody hates Pete prisco but he writes good article sometimes so we’ll get into all that how you guys doing I got to tell you uh Jason and Earl are a a lack of energy before this so I expect the two of you both to pick it up I’m allowed to be Earl has ear has I don’t know what’s going on with Earl I don’t know what’s going on with you you’re you’re yawning before the show Earl hasn’t said a word to half an hour I don’t know what’s happening so you two better pick it up let’s see some freaking energy here at 10:59 I’m allowed to yawn no no yawning no yawning it’s it’s been a busy morning it’s been a lot going on this morning well you’ve actually had to move your kids around yes I mean you’re a dad that’s your job playing Uber driver I was taking him I was taking her came back for him had to come here by the way Donovan signed I have a story done I know Zach and I are about to do the guardian show at 9:30 and Zach’s like we got breaking Cavs news I’m like oh really I didn’t see it yet yeah Donovan Mitchell Earl what’s up man are you excited I am I’m very excited I never thought he was leaving I’m on record I never thought he was leaving why record by the way I don’t want to all the people that knew he was never going to leave you you know you you’re full of it you knew nothing and and good it’s good that he’s not leaving take the take the winner okay take the winner oh no I amct am I’m bashing every National media punding today I I’m I’m taking that Victory lap today because not often in the city of Cleveland do we get an opportunity to do this but I knew nothing I just in my mind and I remember sitting here telling Jason I said like I get it Jason talks to a lot of people never trying to discredit my boy but internally I never thought he was leaving and and Mike made a point off the air that the biggest thing that may have played a role was that Jaylen Brunson became a superstar yeah and that he wasn’t and and because the team that Donovan wanted to go to was the Knicks and the Knicks are not a fit for him anymore so there there wasn’t another team that made sense the Knicks chose not the Knicks didn’t choose him yes he may have chose they didn’t choose him and they made they’re all in move for ogn and Obi and they didn’t have any trade pieces and you’re right the emergence of Brunson and whatever else and there was nowhere else in the landscape there was nowhere else for him to go that was going to give him a chance to win like he can here and you know then Brooklyn came up I heard Brooklyn throughout the year and then I talked to other people he ain’t going to Brooklyn like they and now you see what happened to Brooklyn they’re completely imploded and they’re starting to a total rebuild but and we can get into the reasons and and they but like let’s take one second like this is really significant for the and we’re going to talk about how historic it is for the Cavs but first Mike tell us this yeah I wonder what the odds would have been on FanDuel to begin last season like one year ago today that Donovan Mitchell would sign an extension I bet you you could have found it on FanDuel because you could find everything on FanDuel America’s number one sports book you guys know I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer and fewer games and the sports aren’t sportsing like I want them to but FanDuel lets me keep the sports going whenever I want all I have to do is open the app dream up bets anytime I’m in the mood and this summer FanDuel is hooking up all customers with a boost or a bonus daily that’s right there’s something for everyone every day all summer long so head over to youss and start making the most out of your summer FanDuel the official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball and the ultimate Cleveland sports show and if you’ve been living under a rock yeah if you missed us start the show at the news Donovan Mitchell did sign a three-year extension worth up to 50.3 million the last year of that is a player option so essentially he’s locked in for sure for this season for next season and then 2026 2027 he is the player option in 2027 2028 but as Jason was saying before we did a read this is a Monumental moment in Cleveland sports history and by the way we should really just look at it as a two-year contract because the only way Donovan Mitchell pick up picks up that option is if he had if some if it’s it’s a bad thing for the Cavs if he picks up that option cuz that means he had a devastating injury or some reason that he wouldn’t want to sign a new you know couldn’t a new contract but it’s two on top of the one he already had right so it’s three it’s three guaranteed years of Team control and oh yeah that’s right he still got next year next year still on his old deal and then the two new years and then so it is three years so they really have a three real years going forward which is huge massive and it’s a win for and and I’ll even dial this back and this this is going to sound silly but I’ll even dial it back to Max stru because when they signed streu I thought that was significant this is an organization that has struggled to attract free agents forever yeah so and streu is not a headlining name of course by any means but he was a big name in that free agent class he was one of the biggest names in that class and they got him to come here and then on top of that I’ve said it before with Donovan like he didn’t choose to come here he was sent here but you convinced him over two years that this is his best chance to win and this is his place to be like he’s got his money and now he’s got more money Donovan needs to win and that’s what’s important to him right now and when you look across the landscape when you take the Knicks out of the equation you take home out of the equation you see what a tire fire of the Nets are right now where else was he going to go that was going to afford him a chance to win like this it was Cleveland and when you put on top of that the amount of money that he like how many times do we say it he’s got $200 million a team knocking on the door here’s $200 million open the door and take the money well that’s what he did so it’s sort it’s felt to turn at least for from our Vantage Point around the Boston series Once they won that first round series Once they showed growth all the momentum seemed to swing toward Don was gonna stay here no Superstar outside of LeBron who’s from here has ever really chosen the Cavs right Kyrie wanted to leave the first chance he got I mean the rumors about Kyrie leaving were way earlier than people realize and so yeah he left I mean LeBron left twice yeah um especially with that organization it’s been and and the others as well I mean the Indians had a run in the 90s where they were able to land some talent but by and large Cleveland yeah and all three teams know it Cleveland has struggled to attract free agents and basketball is the hardest because basketball is the winner more than any other sport the players care about where what town they’re playing in and you’re here in December January and February which is the worst time to be in Cleveland I can remember and correct me if I’m wrong but back in the day he was like a b-level superstar but the only guy that I remember actually signing here as a agent back then was Larry Hughes and we seen how that worked out right yeah back to the Donovan thing and Jason I need your help let me know I think there’s a couple different layers to this first is the financial side of things he lost money once he was traded from Utah he lost more money when he wasn’t named to the all NBA first team so financially I think it made sense for him to stay in Cleveland it’s still about getting a bag at the end of the day and then I also think that there’s in my opinion I think the city grows on people hence this man sitting right here Native New Yorker now he’s in Clevelander he loves theeland he loves the city of Cleveland he he’s decided to like put down some Roots here grow his and grow his family and when you hear Donovan Mitchell talk he says it all the time I love the city of Cleveland I enjoy being here you know Jason asked him in the his first press conference about the weather and things like this he says I’m a man that likes to dress so the fall is right up my alley to me the few times I was able to be around him I think energy says a lot and how he just interacted with people interacted with the fans how he took care of his of his business as a professional I think it went a long way internally knew nothing I just had a good feeling he was going to stay here and I think that’s big for the city of Cleveland is big for the Cavaliers organization because not many people chooses us right he had the opportunity to go anywhere he wanted once he became a free agent no he didn’t choose to get traded here but once he got here it grew on him I’m happy that he’s here he seems to be a guy that wants to you know grow his career win a championship possibly finish his career here like this is a dub in every sense of the word for the city of Cleveland andic Cavaliers I mean the Cavs even when LeBron was here Jason always had trouble attracting guys yeah with the best player in the league there was still guys who were like nah I’m good and so yeah this is this is a this is awesome it’s great for the organization and as critical as I’ve been of Kobe Alman I got to give him some level of credit the the organization for all its flaws at times and I’m you know again Kobe’s a a middle- of the road GM probably I feel the same way about NBA GMS as I do about NFL GMS and coaches whatever you got a couple who are great a couple who suck and everybody else is kind of somewhere in the middle and Kobe’s somewhere in the middle in my opinion which is fine still don’t have a guy who sucks but I give him credit like he is he has been a big part of making this this organization not look like a joke yeah and he’s he’s one that like I I Kobe’s one of the ones that’s pushed back on like trying to get people to stay here and being more positive and building something here and here’s I will give him a ton of credit because this trade was a massive gamble a massive gamble they traded five years of control of their own draft for a guy that they weren’t sure they were going to have Beyond two years and they had two years to sell Donovan on it and if they had Donovan told him I’m not staying they had to turn around and trade him now they would have recouped you could get you could get you could get a return for him but you just lost 5 years of control of your draft for a guy who’s not even on the roster right right right so the the gamble that they took when they made this trade was massive and it’s a home run like him signing today means the Cavs won the trade they won the trade now you talk and win it as well it can be a win-win sure yeah but from the Cavs vantage point they needed a star they got a star he fit perfectly age-wise with their timeline he fit with what they needed and now you’re going to get you got two years out of him already he signed for three more we can get in we don’t have to today’s a day to celebrate him signing it we don’t have to get in the logistics of what the three years actually means we can do that another time but you’ve got him now locked up longterm you don’t have to trade him this Summer it is a home run for the Cavs it’s a massive win for this organization go ahead on a deal that at at times looked like it could sink them and it turned out to be a grand this is absolutely a day of Celebration because to get Donovan to put pen to paper on an extension like this and I tweeted this out yesterday Jason when you mentioned uh when you and I were talking and you said it might be a two in one however it panned out it’s a win-win for everybody in this situation I just want to lay this out and I mean this in the most sincere uh genuine way that it’s a win-win for both the Cavs and Donovan from Donovan standpoint he does the uh the two plus one so he could enter 2027 2028 as a free agent by declining the team option because that’ll be his 10th year in the league and he can end up getting a giant 35% of the max instead of just 30% which you can’t sign till you get your 10th service year we got to have that extra 5% it’s a lot of money a it’s 50 million now even more as a salary cap I can’t survive on 300 million I must have 350 hey I want all these guys to get as much money as they can from Don from Donovan’s standpoint either way it’s the bag but go Ahad and also from the Cav standpoint there is now a concrete timeline line for when you know we have Donovan for at least and I say at least because he could certainly resign and that max deal he gets to in 2027 20128 could certainly be with Cleveland we have three years now to put a championship team together there’s no more time to play this slowly or to not be aggressive or to not make sure we are maximizing the talent on this roster however they feel the best way to do that is so now there’s a defined timeline with a defined star and not an end go because it’s not 2027 28 Donovan’s gone that’s not what I’m saying we got it but you know exactly when you have to push your chips into the table and figure out how can we get the most out of this roster this coach this organization I don’t know and it’s no longer up in the air of well can we go all in because we don’t know if he’s going to be here you know he’s going to be here for the next two three years yeah now I don’t know what kind of chips they have to push into the table uh to get better that’s discussion I’m just saying you now have a defined timeline of when you have to and now they got to find a way to get better and whether that’s by trading Jared Allen or or not or just improving the roster uh beyond that the next thing is what’s happening with Evan mble Jason why why are we not hearing about an Evan M extension because that still factors into their ability to spend on the midle level exception right he sign he evans’s going to sign a Max a max deal but he’s under contract for next year so this is again this is on the Donovan timeline okay this is two years out so are we do we know how much they have to spend on the mid-level exemption after Donovan signed or is it still up in the air because of the mo situation or no I’d have to crunch the numbers but it’s more of the uh it’s more of what happens with a cororo if there there’s a difference in a tax paying and a non-t tax paying in terms of what your ride level is to spend um why are we assuming that that he won’t be I mean Dan Gilbert has more has billions in billions of dollars why would a few million dollars stop him from spending what are you asking about okoro no I don’t I mean I don’t care I don’t care abouto here’s the thing yeah it it Dan will spin yeah but it’s it’s about when you start the clock on the repeat offender because that is valid like even the Warriors are now flinching and the way why it’s stupid they all have the money the Warriors two years ago yeah and I don’t remember the exact this is this may be off but the warriors were over the tax two years in a row and they put this in here to stop teams from doing that and maybe more than two yeah for every $1 you spend over whatever the threshold is Jason it’s either seven or nine that you sp yeah I don’t care they’re all multi-billionaires who cares but but you’re not teams are nobody’s going to do it like even Joe lobs said I know enough is enough I get what you’re saying I’m saying they should because they have the money whatever if I was the NBA players I would strike and get rid of the salary cap they could do it if they had that’s the one Union that could do it uh uh but they’re they won’t do it they won’t but they could no they couldn’t you don’t think they could no no they they would run out of money the owners always have more money the owners the NBA gu it’s not like the NFL where there’s a lot of guys who don’t make any money it doesn’t matter the owners always have more money like we’ve seen it time and we’ve seen players win hold outs in baseball but not anyway for another time for another day I don’t want take us down that road but go ahead so a lot of national guys basically all wrote Donovan Mitchell tickets out of C I mean listen back up I was the first one to write it like I’m not going to run for I was the first one to write New York is he said I’m going to keep it 100 with you he played his last game I seen Donovan Mitchell’s Instagram story before I came down here and he was just like you know I said it over and over again I like it here people chose not to believe it yeah like how how did we get so far from everybody saying asally I’m out of here to you know I heard him today and he just sounds so sincere we often like don’t like to take what players say for face value they often don’t tell the truth but this dude never really he to me Jason tell me if I’m wrong he never really put much out there that that signals that he didn’t want to be here Donovan is a PR master master and he’s really really good at it so no there was nothing ever front-facing uh that made you say he wanted to leave and like he everyone who said he wanted to stay donov everybody can take their Victory lap today you were right run with it where it came from the I can only speak to me where it came from is when I start talking to other teams when he’s been here a couple months and they’re like it’s already starting that Donovan wants to go to New York and and teams and agents talk like agents represent 50 players across every team Rich Paul has 100 clients over all 30 NBA teams so when when agents and like the NBA and obviously I’ve been around the NBA in baseball and football but the NBA it feels to me now that I’ve had a little bit of time around baseball and football the NBA is the biggest gossip machine of all of them the NBA is Desperate Housewives of all the housewives sit at the end of the driveway and drink their T and they all just and and everybody talks more so than any other Sport and it happens in the other sports but not to the extent that it does in the NBA so when you start hearing this stuff you start checking around and everybody is saying this and I I went to the Cavs and talked to people in the Cavs and said this I’m not writing this right now but this is out there he wants to be in New York and the push back wasn’t that’s ridiculous the push back was we knew the risks when we made the trade M what does that tell you like yes it’s real but they said screw it we’ve got two years to convince them otherwise and they did that and and so it’s a win to them like it is a good team this does give him a chance to win and when New York sort of pulled itself off the table and you look around the league and you say where else is he going to go that’s going to give him a better opportunity to win right now that’s why it just once they won that playoff series Once they beat Orlando and I talked about it at the time and and you can poo poo it and say that they threw a game to now but this is this is this is why because you can show incremental growth year over year over-year first round team last year second round team this year momentum building in the right direction that’s why they did what they did and it all paid off they won a series Donovan resigns and we made very clear things he didn’t like with the organization and one of them being JB JB’s gone Donovan has Equity now in this in this franchise he has a seat at the table by signing this extension and even prior to that that’s okay he should have a seat at the table like he’s he’s which he wouldn’t have necessarily if he went somewhere else depends on the team depends on the team depends on where you went but and I’m sure that’s appealing to him you know when you when you have say in the matter and when absolutely and when you have the a type of juice now in this organization that he has that’s a selling point is he a top three to five player in the league no he’s not but he’s a really really good NBA player he can be a viable piece to winning the championship he can be an important piece to winning Mike well first off I was just texting Jason to say that was a great answer we’re gonna make it short out of that so Jason ignore the text that you’re about to get in one sec uh Jason now though when you talk to enough people and Jason’s way more connected than I am I’m not going to pretend I’m not that’s what you heard and it’s not us saying this is what’s going to happen it’s just hey this is we’re hearing and to Jason’s point and we once again you could laugh at the fact that it’s winning Orlando what does that really accomplish it shows tangible grabbable they’ve gotten better in front of your face that way have taken a step forward and is that enough to satisfy everybody no it’s not and at the end of the day the end goal should not be with donov Mitchell as your best player to make the second round of the playoffs but it is something you can legitimately grab on to and once again the reports of him and JB not getting along they made a change of Coach you can choose who you want to believe there we’ll see what they do with some of the roster moves to appease Donovan if he thinks they could upgrade in certain positions or whatnot but just like kawh Leonard when there was the material change when he was leaving Toronto how he ended up in in Los Angeles like these things change on a pretty regular basis and the Cavs over the course of the last two seasons proved to Donovan that this is a situation he can flourish not only as a basketball player but as a winner hopefully and he must believe in what Kobe and Kenny have in terms of planning for the future of the organization and W was on Sports Center this morning and I wanted to ask you guys about this I find W so annoying Jason doesn’t really uh Jason’s not the biggest fan either but even his tweets annoy me because he’s always got to mention the agency he’s always got to mention there’s a reason cares there’s a reason why but my point with I know but nobody cares and I’m very curious Earl Jason bull what you guys think of this he said that and this is wo John Sports Center this or get up this morning morning said this deal was agreed upon on Saturday and they announced it this morning and obviously that means they held off on it for at least half of Saturday Sunday and all of yesterday I’m assuming to give Kenny ainson uh a complete Runway essentially for his press conference yesterday does it make any sense to you guys why they’ hold it off that long I don’t know does it matter no I’m just asking it doesn’t matter I’m just asking no I I think you’re right I think they wanted to get Atkinson I they get they did a nice job keeping keeping I mean obviously I work with I work closely with Shams who’s one of the best news Breakers in the country and Shams was on it we knew it was close but for them to keep a LD on it for two days like that is is impressive um from their end but it did take longer the whole thing took longer than I thought it would and I think they just wanted to get the coach announcement out of the way from but I I I don’t know I I I don’t have a good answer for why it took so long to get the Donovan thing done because yeah uh I I think they can say they agreed to it on Saturday I don’t think it was much of a negotiation it was Donovan telling them yeah this is what I’m this is what I wanted do and them saying okay I don’t know if there’s really much negotiating going on but it I mean we wrote it after the Boston series and and again I felt it swing during that Boston series it now he may they may have known internally prior to that but it became apparent to me US reporters following this me Joe Shams at the athletic during the Boston series is when all all indications were really at that point he was coming back Mike I have one last thing on Mitchell then we’ll move over to some Atkinson stuff then we’ll get to Gars and Browns but in terms of the significance of Donovan putting ink to paper in this extension and really being the biggest Cavalier signing since LeBron came back and all that does this open the door for future players of Donovan’s caliber not not stru I know we talk talked about sh being a big time free agent acquisition last year but bigger bigger names and stars maybe not the super superst stars but Donovan level stars and above does this open the door for more opportunities you think for those players to look at Cleveland as a potential destination whether it’s free agency trade whatnot I I think in terms of Trades is the better way for the Cavs because then it gives a chance for the player to see the positives of Cleveland and the organization if it’s still in the good position that is in now because you know for whatever reason people that haven’t been in Cleveland have this this like oh Cleveland which is I don’t know why that started or where that started from but it still remains out there and so if you trade for a superstar he gets a chance to learn and not everybody’s going to take to the like one of the things to me that’s so great about Cleveland compared to most big cities in America is the ease of getting around yeah that is a major selling point for me and my family coming from the New York area where you it’s impossible to get around that is one of the things I love so much about living here but some people don’t care about that I don’t know you know so there’s things that different people care about but yeah I mean I think the fact that a player is good as Donovan Mitchell said yes I choose to stay in Cleveland even if you think there are other reasons why that have nothing to do with Cleveland I still think it’s a positive in the going forward potentially what do you guys think literally could do an hour on this yeah I I’m I’m serious because you threw out like three things that we could talk for about for an hour number one does this open door for other people to come to Cleveland well if you’re talking about like if you want to be like Technical and live in reality no because of where they’re at on the cap oh I but you didn’t mean like right now in in general just in general so let’s throw that part out right okay um in general it’s interesting because I’m a middle AED white dude right I’ve lived here I’ve lived here my whole life I am what I am I’m curious to hear from ear although Earl’s from here too but is is cuz we’re talking about two different things when you’re talking about young black men in their mid 20s yeah who are millionaires they’re looking for different things in life than I am as that’s right they don’t care about the traffic but I will say you know Dave MCM and a real good friend of mine came here from Los Angeles moved from LA to Cleveland and was like I don’t know if I’m like when LeBron came back I don’t know what I’m doing like I don’t Cleveland I’m not sure didn’t know his soul when he got here and Dave will tell you he absolutely loved his time here he like he has a soft spot for Cleveland now he loves coming back Mike’s the same way Mike was a guy at his young 20s young white guy in his mid-20s early in his career dropped into a city he knew no one and Mike loves it now but I wasn’t excited to move when I first moved here I was excited about Cleveland I mean I was when I moved but when I first learned about the job months earlier I wasn’t I’ve said that before because I didn’t know it you didn’t know and and there have been plenty of Executives and coaches who have come here who have been fired who stayed absolutely who their families are still here because they love the area the wives love it used to live here or he did for a while I think Ken dorsy he’s the OC not Ken dorsy John dorsy John I think he is I think he does I think Mike Patton’s back uh Mike long ard’s family is still here the old Cavs assistant Mike’s spended two or three different jobs and they but I wonder I’m speaking from a old white dude perspective as young black millionaires do they find the city appealing because that’s where I think that’s who when you’re when we’re having this conversation that’s who you’re trying to appeal to you’re appealing to guys who are the most gifted athletic people on the planet who can do things nobody else can do and Mone to burn and they have money to burn and they see Vegas New York La Miami Atlanta’s big and then they’re like Cleveland Cleveland yeah and that’s what I was about to say I think if you’re a person that’s really like Into the Night Life yeah then you look at Cleveland from afar and say hell no there’s absolutely nothing for me to do in Cleveland but if you’re a person that has a different personality if you enjoy art if you enjoy nature and things like that Cleveland got so many different museums that you can go visit for free more often than not if you want to I don’t know like if you’re a person that loves food you you know you won’t find another city that has like better selections of restaurants to go sit down and eat at and I think then I think when it food seems tremendous tell again Jason but then tremendous listen let let Earl finish his points I think another part of that is is just if you are an athlete and you know how like you got guys who this is a business and then you got other guys who really like are passionate about this you won’t find too many other cities better than the city of Cleveland to come play and I think when people get here and they get an opportunity to learn this city they fall in love with it now to Mike’s question it depends on that athlete in his personality Donovan Mitchell comes off as a real chill dude that he don’t need all the glitch the Glamour and he’s not really into all that so Cleveland might fit perfect for him but if you like a turnup monster and you want to be in a club every night and you trying to blow money on this that and the third then Cleveland might not be your city but to me our city is a city on the rise you got legalized marijuana you got legalized gambling every time you step downtown they’re doing something to improve the scenery of downtown you got the movie scene back Jumping here like we said the food is is great no matter what bull talking about it is so much going on in this city that you would want to be here there’s more food Than Just Pizza let me let me clarify New York Cleveland’s got a very good food seed I’m not saying it doesn’t it’s just it’s not better than I mean other cities necessarily but per for what Cleveland has to with I think the restaur here is depends on the type of food we have no there’s almost no good Asian food there’s there’s no good Asian food scene really there’s not if you think there is you don’t know uh there’s no good Latin food scene oh I disagree no you’re wrong unfortunately I wish there was uh American food steaks and burgers and stuff like that that beautiful food SE and overall Cleveland’s got a a good representative I’m not saying it’s bad don’t need to get carried away about it being better than some other cities but probably you’re probably right in terms of The Eclectic of it but what what is here is is fantastic there’s a lot of great restaurants it’s a great City I have nothing bad to say about Cleveland whatsoever I I grew up in the biggest city in the country I love New York I never imagined wanting to move out of New York as a kid if you would have told me I’d be you told me at 15 I’d be living in Cleveland Ohio I would have said you are out of your mind there was no chance on the face of the Earth I’m living in Cleveland Ohio and I would never move back to New York I don’t really miss much about it even though it’s great and I loved it and I still love it in certain ways but there’s very little if anything I miss about it and and and there are a lot of great things I think you’re right Earl if you’re a party animal guy yes there are other cities that offer you more options to party and you know we’re not going to compare with New York and Chicago and la and Miami in terms terms of the party scene but Donovan Mitchell does seem like we don’t know him personally he does seem like a more chill guy that’s probably not out partying every night and if you’re that type of person maybe he does care about the lack of traffic here and you don’t have to pay taxes like in New York now Florida’s got no taxes uh they got no school system also their school system is absolute trash our school system is decent and our taxes aren’t crazy and he also came from Utah so yeah right which like it’s not like went from New York and he played in Louisville play yeah exactly I can’t imagine being a black kid in in Utah spoken about it when first got to like what bu said I’m the total opposite I remember when I went to Ohio Media School to pursue all this and a lot of people there told me if you want to work mainstream media you would have to get started elsewhere and that working mainstream in Cleveland was like totally unlikely I’m not saying I’m trying to box my career in but man I’m from this city I’m from the Inner City to be like black from the inner city and say I talk mainstream Sports in my city like that’s dope cuz I love my city and right now is the best time to be a part of what’s going on the Guardians are good the Cavs are good the Browns are good and there’s so many other things that’s coming and going inside in and out of the city of Cleveland on a regular basis like I think we’re lucky and blessed to be doing what we doing right now in this city I just think like as you said this is a huge for the Cavaliers Organization for the city of Cleveland LeBron got Northeast Ohio ties right that’s that’s different this dude was traded here was a lot of going on saying like he don’t want to be here he’s up out of here and he could have actually let this thing play out or went to the ownership and said hey I’m not resigning anything so whether it be the organization the city itself or a combination of both I’m just glad it worked out for us absolutely go ahead Mike we’re going to talk a little Kenny ainson here and his plans for some future Cavs and we’ll get back to whether or not this opens the door for future players we’re going to have all Sumer to get into that and we’ll see what happens with some other signings but this next interview is brought To Us by better help sometimes we all need the opportunity to get something off our chest big or small certain things can really start to get to you and it’s important to let that out especially to someone who’s unbiased on your life after speaking to Kenny ainson yesterday I got thrilled for his future plans for the core 4 especially Evan Mobley and I needed someone to talk to about it so I was like it can’t be my mom it can’t be my dad it can’t be Earl or Aunt cuz they’re going to see it on the show I’m going to talk to my therapist and see if I’m maybe over exaggerating how excited I am to see what he can do with these Cleveland Cavaliers players as they move forward therapy can’t be different for everyone it does not just have a negative connotation and most of us have bigger problems than our favorite sports teams and it’s important to get these things off our chest every once in a while so if you’ve been thinking about starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be flexible and suited to your schedule visit lockon to get 10% off your first month that is betterhelp lockon so Kenny ainson was officially introduced as the Cavaliers head coach yesterday he held a traditional press conference where members of the written media Jason Chris Fedor all the the written Outlets had a chance to ask questions and then afterwards he sat down with a couple of the uh local TV outlets and the ultimate Cleveland sports show for an exclusive one-on-one interview we’re going to play that in one second and talk about some big picture takeaways from Kenny Atkinson’s opening presser but with our one-on-one with Kenny and we’re on we’re on first name basis now by the way me and Kenny uh I wanted to ask questions that he wasn’t already asked in the presser so the obvious what’s going to happen with Donovan and can he play with he answered that in his regular press so these were questions he hadn’t been addressed uh and I got some good stuff so let’s take a listen to my one-on-one with Kenny ainson then we’ll talk about what he said to me and to everybody with our big takeaways from yesterday and play it with thr to be joined now by the Cavs new head coach Kenny ainson Kenny thank you for taking some time to join the ultimate Cleveland sports show you mentioned earlier during your intro press conference the different ways you hope to utilize Evan moley and his development as an offensive player and I couldn’t help put two and two together listening to you that you may be wanted utilizing him like the Warriors utilize Draymond greed I’m not looking too much into that how you want to use him offensively or you’re not too far off I I think that’s very fair I think you make that comparison you’re never going to it’s not going to be one for one we’re not going to copy you know kind of kind of what D Draymond is own unique but I actually talked to Draymond after I got the job and the first thing he talked about was Evan and how much he liked him and thought he could be really and when Draymond talks you listen you know as a coach and and uh that guy’s got the best IQ I’ve ever seen so yeah I definitely definitely want to incorporate um some of the Draymond stuff with Evan but you know that that also goes with ja too right cuz we I do have experience you know with with Steve and and the Warriors were’re playing two bigs together so uh that was definitely part of my Spiel right like when when when I came for the job I I feel I feel comfortable in that environment I didn’t used to be that way Brooklyn it was Mike Danton spread pick and roll ja rolling d’el handling Caris handling and you know just complete spread out you know shoot a ton of three this this is different and so I don’t think if I had that um if I didn’t have that wor experience I’m not sure I’m not sure like like how how ready I’d be to to attack that the evolution of a coach Mir is the evolution of a game and I know when you were with Brooklyn you turned Brook Lopez into a three-point shooter at least started that trajectory Quincy AC doesn’t get mentioned in the same round as Al Horford and Brook Lopez do when you when you looked at those big guys when you first got around them what attributes did you see in their games that made you think hey maybe these guys can shoot more threes and I know you just got here but do you see some of those attributes in Jared and Evan yes and I I I think um when it comes to the shooting piece you have to there’s analytics right like you got to is are is there evidence that this guy can be be a three-point shooter I know with Al horf I did a deep dive into his mid-range shooting freeto shooting is actually connected to three-point shooting uh there’s a there’s a correlation between the two um so Evan definitely there there’s there’s good is trending definitely trying in the right um um Right Way ja we’re going to have to deep Keep Deep diving on that you know am I close to that idea no am I open to it yeah cuz that’s you know that’s how you can make the next jump but I I I definitely think uh that’s going to be part of the growth and and am I going to say Evan’s going to shoot nine threes like Brooke did you know I told Brooke hey I’d love you to shoot more threes and all of a sudden he goes from zero to nine a game or whatever I you ever going saw that coming right yeah but embraced it so but I you know Evans got so many other you know he’s great driver he can post up and you know’s he’s got a lot of things so but we’re going to take some R I think development you have to take risks to get guys to the next level you got to take some risks and and I’m I’m willing to do that even if the short term doesn’t doesn’t doesn’t look great without getting too specific I know you’re coaching the French national team in the upcoming Olympics yeah how much from that International experience in international offensive basketball do you think will end up translating into what you eventually make the Cavs Playbook I don’t think people realize the influence the international game has on the NBA right now and and the explosion of of offensive efficiency it to me it’s correlated because there’s a new wave of coaches coming in it’s a much more um we keep an eye on on on on the international game and there’s a lot of Concepts a lot of ideas and they’re evolving I I I I just we run a a set in France that I’m like with Team France I’m like I’m taking this like i’ never seen a before and you think you seen everything but you know it it’s just a it’s a different game they know how to manipulate space probably better than us because there’s no defensive three set so they have to be so precise with their spacing and and uh so I’m going to come back from this experience as Olympic experience with Team France as as a better Coach and that that’s why I’m doing it for really I mean obviously first I helped Team France and win a gold medal and all that but the second part of it is I know it’s going to make I’m going to come back a better Coach we got two more for you coach when you talked to players I know it’s just introductory conversations not too much of deep Dives but how excited are they to get incorporated into what a Kenny ainson offense is going to look yeah I think yeah that’s the first Fe you know the feedback I get like let’s go you know maybe some expletives in there you know like I hope they’re excited yeah yeah like these guys you know they and listen I I do I pretty sure my my uh reputation as a collaborator with players right like I will you know Max stru is going to have some you know the back screen slip outs that that SPO did and and Donovan’s got the you know the great stuff from Utah and Quinn you know can we do all of it no but there’s going to be elements that that that that they bring to the table their experiences and I’m I’m I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to lean on them I’m going to collaborate with them so um and hopefully in the in the end it comes out man we’re we’re we’re we’re knocking in the at the door you know getting into the top 10 and offensive efficiency and last but not least when you were in Brooklyn the Cavs made a trade for Kyrie Irving and they acquired a Brooklyn pick from Boston that was directly tied to hoping Brooklyn would tank yeah and that didn’t necessarily pan out you Kobe ever talk about that during the interview process that you guys screw up some of their plans we did not but I’m going to talk to him after I’m going to remind him you know and and that was great and you know what was great about the directive was never because of our because we didn’t have any picks the directive was like like as well compete compete I I’ve always the proudest kind of part about the Brooklyn experience was just getting feedback from media and and coaches like man you guys compete like you compete hard and and and and uh and take that part too to Cle right like this is a competitive team but can we can we compete even harder can we compete more consistently and and then for longer periods than they’ve done in the past that that’s that’s kind of the challenge awesome that’s Kenny ainson the new head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers K appreciate it best of Lu see appreciate you awesome there you go that’s that’s Kenny with Mike good job Mike he seemed oh forgot to turn told you warned me did you turn it up turn it up I can barely hear I said this to him upstairs not to cut you off but I said this to him upstairs and I’m saying it publicly now and the see this dude grow to what he has grown to see his career Blossom right here in the city of Cleveland to see Mike like gson and like just to make himself a staple in this city as somebody that’s knowledgeable about the game of basketball a go-to guy a name that’s every in everybody’s household like shout out to you brother you you’ve earned everything that you’ve gotten so far let me tell you something I’ve done this for 25 years Mike could be a national NBA reporter he really can at the athletic or ESPN or place like that he ask a lot better questions than all sideline reporters ask this about Kenny I appreciate that it’s about Kenny ainson we showed enough love to Mike it’s enough I appreciate it I really do but uh knows we love him and he knows we respect him and everybody that’s why I want yesterday when he was going to uh not be here for the show I was like you got to be here because we need to pick your brain about the first 45 minutes I just think it’s important Mike that people understand man how hard you work and like this stuff just don’t happen overnight yeah know no and it was good that Mike was able to go there and get this interview and he did a good job and he was very comfortable with you which is a key to an interview in that situation especially when you don’t have a long time you only have a couple of minutes to get the guy comfortable with you right away and clearly he was uh so that was great in terms of what he said I mean I like his openness he he was very forthcoming with the information not that he’s giving you trade secrets here but he was like he seemed to really enjoy talking ball with with Mike you know what I mean like he seems like a guy that loves talking ball well which is good I like that kind of code but that’s going to come across because I mean it’s going to upset some people no there’s a lot of people in the media that can’t talk like X’s and O’s at basketball so when you get to somebody when when Mike’s first question is it sounds like you’re describing Draymond I’m sure and Kenny’s mind he’s like oh my like wasn’t expecting that like yeah right right right but again good point that’s to so when you hit him right away with something that shows them I know what I’m talking about you’re G to get a different response out of it o I just got a text from Jeff Shadel saying he’s a little pissed at what you just said sorry Jeff uh it wasn’t just the interview with me like you said he answered 40 minutes of questions from Jason asked two questions yeah Jason you were there and then Earl I’m curious what you think in terms of how he wants to use Mo though CU he that was the biggest thing he brought up he was here to help unlock the development I loved when he said when I asked him the question uh developing guys take risk like you may sacrifice a little bit of short-term success for long-term gains are you excited and as excited as I was listening to Kenny talk about his vision and the way he hopes to unlock Evan Mobley’s offensive game next year I mean for me it seemed like just hearing in his interview with you I know I heard his interview on 92 through the fan as well heard the overall press conference for me it seems like Evan Moy is the biggest focal point for him and unlocking Evan Moy to get him to that next level when you heard him speak about Evan Moy Jason it came off as if he didn’t feel like he was really utilized properly last year on either end of the floor this is a dude that has under what’s the word I’m looking underrated playmaking ability right it doesn’t that’s not something that people talk about often how good of a playmaker and ball handler Evan Moy is but he used the word quarterback of the defense uh yesterday when he describ how he wants to use him on on the defensive side of the ball kind of like Draymond but not in the same light and this is a guy who wants to get Evan to be more vocal you know to talk more and so he’s really seems like he’s focused on developing him into that you know perennial Allstar that everybody believes he can be so I’m excited about that he talked about learning how to deal with Superstar players and how that wasn’t something that he was familiar with until he spent time with tou and with Steve CT and he understood that these Superstars are a part of the process that you might have a plan of your own but it’s always good to bring that to the table and see what their suggestions are so you all can collab and come out with the best solution that helps the overall team I think that even though he wasn’t like my first choice for the coach the fact that he spent that time with tloo and Steve Kerr it it seems that he matured and he learned a lot about things that has nothing to do with x’s and o’s the things that have everything to do with chemistry camaraderie and just building relationships with other people so I’m not going to lie dude got me really excited to see what he can bring to the table he won the press conference he won it yeah I I think it’s clear from his comments with Mike there that in terms of create having at least one of your bigs that can shoot from the outside it’s it’s Mobly not Allen cuz he he he said yeah it’s possible with Allan but he was really with Moy he talked about it as if that’s the plan yeah it’s been the plan for years right but and and part of this also guys is on like evans’s got to take accountability for absolutely this is on Evan and you can change the coaches and you can change a scheme and K and and like it felt like this was the Cavs message throughout this process of we’ve heard it for years we agree with you Evan has to be more involved and now we’re going to do something about it that was going to be one of their talking points throughout the day but this also falls on like he has to be more aggressive and not necessarily in a vocal boisterous Tim Duncan was very quiet but Tim Duncan was an assassin on the court Evan has to get to that point where he’s not just it just seems at times that he’s just lethargic on the court he he’s Happ to be just part of the the background he has to be demonstrative and and even if it’s not in a vocal way you want to go the Tim Duncan route fine he’s one of the best ever play of the game but he was more aggressive on the floor than what Evan is and Evan just has to F and I talked to Cavs coaches last year who felt like they hoped Tristan his his vocalness and his aggressiveness and his ability to pound guys would maybe wear off a little bit on Evan and I don’t know if it really did or not but like and and I just want to I want to make like this is on Evan this is Evan’s career yeah it’s his game and Kenny can they can change his schemes and they should yeah and we’ve talked about 100 times of making him more of a focal point and getting him comfortable on the offensive end but it also falls on Evan to be accountable and to be aggressive and to open to this and to learning how to grow and flourish his a player he’s got to want to be a superstar and I think he does yeah but I mean he’s about to get a lot of money oh yeah a lot of money you got a real life example of what you’re talking about sitting right here look at your son right you talk all the time about all the resources that you invest all the time that you invest you give him every tool that he needs to go out there and be great but in order for him to go out there and accomplish greatness he still got to go out there and swing that back do what he has to do so I think you’re absolutely right when it comes to that I think everybody wants to see Evan half success and everybody seems like they want to be able to put him in a position to win but Evan got Evan has to put in the work and if you want to be great being great come with certain sacrifices that you got to be willing to make and I think he is I don’t want to make it sound like he’s not put in the work I think he does put in the work yeah but it just he just he has to grow that tough he’s got to be tougher it’s on and that that part is on him yeah and we saw so much a coach can do I felt like in that Boston series when he was kind of alone out there we we saw the first signs of it and and I and for the first time I felt like oh I see what everybody’s talking about here right and and you’re you’re a th% right but I I just crack up every time we talk about the Boston series because it is Deshawn second half Baltimore EV against Boston is Deshawn second half against your hand that’s me the same Jason I’m telling you you’re clinging to that I’m clinging to the second half into that last game I seen last time I seen that me at 33 points that’s what I’m rolling into the so but let’s face it uh when in we when we live in reality not La La Land Deshawn Watson second half against Baltimore is the most overrated half of football in the history of the sport and and to that I would say he what did he throw Mike 90 yards uh I’ll give give me one sec it doesn’t matter but to that point you brought it up but I know but but my point is there is some similarity but my point to that and I also I was right there with and I am right there with you Boston showed what Evan can do but it’s also worth pointing out porzingis was out and Boston was not anything in the middle compared to what he will see in that role it didn’t convince me that he’s going to take this game to another level I and I agree like Evan against Boston showed you what can be it’s just funny how to me it has become Deshawn against the second half I know where I was a little kind of like wrong at or I was saying things kind of like too early you know you just talked about Evan becoming more aggressive and a certain of and you know I remember saying on the panel one time you either got it or you don’t it’s either in you or it’s not but then I see his brother and his brother asserts himself his brother is a little bit more aggressive so I said okay they got the same DNA it’s got to be in there somewhere right they probably don’t have the talent though they going have the talent but it’s like like give me give me Isaiah’s attitude and put it where skill set and mean you got you a dominant basketball player right there yeah yeah Mike uh he threw for 134 yards in the second half but I just texted you uh last thing on ainson real quick and I I agree Moy listen you can lead a horse to water you can’t make it drink yeah you can Moy knows he needs to shoot he knows he knows he needs to be more aggressive some guys have that uh intuitive mindset to go out and do it other guys never fully left to their potential it happens all the time uh Jason you were there yesterday there was a lot of questions asked about his time spent with tyou in Los Angeles and with Steve Curt in Golden State and he talked about why this was the right opportunity to get back into a coaching position knowing how much it’s changed since he was in Brooklyn did did you buy his answers that he’s ready and has learned some things from those guys to now incorporate into his head coaching Style with the Cavaliers yeah because his relationship with stars is what got him tossed out of Brooklyn the Stars said nope he out so you better learn from that and and those guys were are bad guys well H we don’t know it’s the way of the NBA it’s it’s I mean we Durant Kyrie are I wouldn’t want to coach him but a pain in the ass I wouldn’t want to coach him but it like you have Tai had Kai had Tai had Kyrie right so and and and Tai is phenomenal at managing relationships with players and Steve K is the same way those are two of the best I’m on record I’ve said on the show before I thought one of the biggest mistakes they made was firing Ty Lou to this day I think it was a massive mistake firing Tha uh but you there is a lot to learn from that and and now the one thing that Ty and Steve both have yeah that Kenny doesn’t is there were both former players and Kenny’s not that’s true and that’s a difference big difference and players look at that is it there’s a there is a line between guys who played in the league and guys who haven’t but you can still learn how to manage those relationships from guys who are really good at it and Ty and Steve are both really good at it and I am curious to see and he and he mentioned it to Mike about how Golden State changed him a little bit Golden State changed Mike Brown massively but it was more on the personality side mike always had the X’s and O’s Mike it was more of a is so laidback at Golden State and we don’t have to have three-hour practices and two and a half hour shoots and that’s more for me than it was for them so Mike really mellowed personally on the out once he went through the Golden State Car Wash when he came out the other side I’ll be curious to know and I don’t know Kenny well at all so I’ll be curious to talk to people around him and see as you get to know him how did Golden State change him as a coach and as a person uh going in and coming out but I mean Ty and Steve are two the best to learn from you know he he said another thing that I thought you know was I appreciated because I’m trying to find that balance you all seem to have more of it than I do but you know when they talked to him about uh not taking the Hornets job yeah this is what I heard on the radio and he said you know family play a lot had a lot to do with why he didn’t and at the said time I think he had moved his family three out of the last four years and his family was just exhausted they didn’t want to continue this cycle and when they looked at the Charlotte Hornets and he went to his wife and his kids and talked about it he said hell no we’re not going to move for that and he said like to see his family be supportive and behind him when it cames to this particular decision you know he said you know I got high schoolers so it let him know that one they had his support and two they felt like this was a pretty good gig for hit him get I think another part of this as well he might not be a former player but he did win a championship with golden state as an assistant and I think that goes a long way Charlotte’s a disaster yeah it’s a disaster of a franchise all right and unlike the radio station where they waste half their hour on commercials and meaningless updates we keep it moving and also unlike the radio where they don’t know how to talk about baseball we’re talking baseball Mike get us to it well we’re going to talk a little more Cavs at the end of the show so we’ll come back to it if you ever want even more Cavs than you get on ucss you can follow us on our YouTube page we have an ultimate C show we’re going to try getting something up this week here uh sometimes it’s just me sometimes it’s me and Jason sometimes it’s random people it’s always fun though so make sure you guys are subscribed to the ultimate Cleveland sports show channel to check that out also become a newsletter member if you want by texting the number you see at the bottom of your screen mhm B we are officially halfway through the season for the Cleveland Guardians and they didn’t play last night so I figure what better day than to grade Guardians players through the first half of the Season we’re going to use whiteboards but we’re going to say screw the white board the white we’re just going to yell the grades out we’ll run through some players you tell me how you would grade them through the first 81 games of the year I’m curious who pass and who have not yet lived up to your expectations but we’ll start with the guy I hope we’re all in unison with and that is Jose Ramirez what grade does Jose get for his first half of the Season performance A+ he is is having a fantastic season I’m not going to say MVP because he wouldn’t be he’s not there’s I don’t know if there’s any competition right now with Aaron judge for the MVP is there anybody competition there Jason for Darren judge probably not I I unless he gets hurt right now he’s a runaway winner I was letting my bias kick in then I started watching more Yankee G I was like man ain’t nobody ain’t nobody about to beat he’s got over 30 home runs he have 100 RBI by the break well maybe not 100 but Jose is having as good a season as anybody besides him and maybe Otani but that’s about it yeah so yeah Jose gets an A+ I give him an a A+ he’d have to win the MVP you gota be perfect all right fair enough 100% that’s fair he’s an a he’s he’s an a all right A’s gross board go ahead all right next up Steven Quan he missed the month he’s been slumping over the last weekend but he’s still hitting damn near 370 on the season what grade did stepen Quan get it’s an a a a I mean the guy uh went backwards a little bit last year and he’s an All-Star or he’s going to be an All-Star this year most likely better I can’t say how he’s not uh he’s his averages dropped to 368 you knew he wasn’t going to hit 400 anybody thought that was not living in reality uh I still think he could bat 375 which would be a massive accomplishment we’ll see where he ends up he’s in a little bit of a slump at least for him right now but I mean he does everything well so how could I not give an a when he’s had a great season back-to-back Gold Glove winner yeah uh what even if he hits 350 he gets an a he’s added power to his game now he’s trying to unlock a little bit of power I don’t know how he’s doing it like his swing so now baseball you can measure swing speed he’s got one of the slowest swings in baseball in terms of are you serious yeah like G like Stanton is the highest Stanton has the highest swing speed MH and Quan is a like Quan and Luis arai another contact guy kind of in the Quan mold are among the lowest yeah and and like I started to dig into this and I need to do more but like the Guardians exit velocity isn’t much like it’s it’s it’s Mass what’s his Barrel rate though is his Barrel rate high I have to look at that I don’t know because I would bet he barrels the ball quite fre you might be right um but like you can take Exit velocity and launch angle and figure out how far the ball’s going to go right and the the the guardian exit velocity isn’t really really much different than last year as a team that’s why I look at this I’m like how are they doing this because it doesn’t make the math some of it’s got to be the math isn’t math yeah the math ain’t some it’s got to be the stadium there’s got to be something to it maybe and I and I do and before I talk anymore I do want to dig a little bit deeper into it yeah but like I’m looking at I looked at Kanan the other day and he’s like he’s got one of the lowest slowest swings in baseball and the exit velocity hasn’t really changed yet he’s hitting 370 and he’s hitting home run like it just it do make sense but he gets an a he get a a for me as well I mean we all know the type of Terr he’s on he get hurt he comes back in his numbers for the first couple weeks after he was back was better than the numbers that they look like before he got hurt so yeah kuang get a a all right Mike we’re GNA start with Josh Naylor with Earl so Earl what grade does Josh Naylor get 20 homers 61 rues so far what grade you given Josh I got to give him a B I think that uh I really like Josh Naylor I’ve watched more than I’ve watched in the past my only issue with Josh nayor Naylor is he seems to like lack plate discipline he seems to chase a lot of pitches but outside of that that’s a dude that you can count on and get you some rbi’s I think that um he’s learned uh I think it’s Jose who bats in front of him more often than not correct yeah like he’s learned to take pitches to let allow um Jose to get in scoring position before he goes out there and hacks so you can see that that comradity building between the two but yeah you get a be for me a minus B+ for Naylor for me he he’s not as good defensive ly as Jose andan are although he’s gotten better I think he’s gotten much better with his glove at first base he was a liability there early in his career I don’t think he’s a liability now but I don’t think he’s a gold Glover either so you deduct a point or two for that but we talked about before even when he was slumping slumping he was still driving in runs he’s really done a nice job against lefties again he’s an everyday player um his RBI are among the league leaders for first baseman I think last I checked he was right up there you probably I think you follow that stuff closer than I do I think he’s still right up there a minus B+ range for me yeah I mean he’s an A minus he’s had a magnificent season um I don’t care about his batting average the Ops is actually a little lower than I I was double-checking it I was like is it really 819 819 is a good Ops but it’s not special no but he’s been clutch and there’s something to be said for that Absolut he has been insanely clutch for the Guardians this year now that’s something that could go away but it hasn’t the entire even as you said even when he was slumping he was still coming up with some big clutch hits and that accounts for wide rais him yes he’s he’s a a borderline liability defensively he’s got but he’s gotten better he’s not much of a base runner but right there’s some intangibles about him in terms of leadership that are huge he’s the third most important player in their lineup by the way uh we have to comment for a second that Jay Crawford apparently on a day I don’t know if was Jason here that day Jason was not here Friday Jay said on Friday that Austin Hedges is the most important player on the Guardians I I do think he’s important he’s not not the most important player that’s that is certifiably insane I love you Jay that is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard in my life I think Jose and Naylor and Tanner why he said it though no no I got why he said it cuz I sat right here and backed him up I’m not going to sit up here and act like I didn’t back him up all right why he’s the most important player on the Guardians and he he said I’m he never said that he’s the best player or anything like that but of course he’s not the best player the most important player either he feels like that basically he’s the glue guy he’s the energy guy he’s the guy that’s in the clubhouse every team has that one guy that might not be the best statistically but he’s the guy that everybody else fees off of and he just believe what Austin head just brings to the organization and BR and brings to that Clubhouse is way more important or as is important to what he to what he brings on a uh baseball diamond way more important because he brings nothing to the baseball I can get behind that though way he brings zero to the baseball diamond uh but he is not it’s insane to say he’s the most clear he feels a vital role because they identified something was missing and he was one of the first pieces they brought back and they paid him like $4 million like it’s crazy how much he makes and they clearly know he’s not a guy that’s going to hit for power he’s not a guy that’s going to have a high average exactly so for them to spend that money to bring him back it says that he does add some value somewhere well there’s a big difference between adds value which he does as a bench guy and is the most important player that’s insane you want say he adds value fine I’m with you I to get back to Naylor though you mentioned his base running he is sneaky fast for a big guy he’s a Lot F like right he’s not as plotting as you would think he he has beaten out double play balls that should be double play balls and he’s busted down the line there was a four remember that play at second like I can’t remember now he got Bobby Whit it was against the Royals Bobby witch Bobby witch thought he’d just step on second base get a d you know he beat it like Naylor is he runs like his his ass is on fire he is for as big as he is he is sneaky fast man he uh and he play and he plays hard all the time all the all the time to his detriment at times but he plays hard all the time and to your point about Ops and you’re right but to me when I’m when you’re looking at a middle of the order bat the only thing that matters to me is RBI are you driving guys in yes and if you are driving guys in I don’t care about any I don’t care about home runs batting average Ops RBI when you are the number four hitter number five hitter are you bringing guys home and he is when guys are on base when guys are in scoring position yeah he’s productive yeah next uh Jason asked where Josh nayler ranks in the RBI race tied for sixth right now with Juan SoDo trailing only judge Ramirez Alec bomb of Philadelphia Marcel Ozuna and Sho Otani only five players none of those other guys play first base yeah so he leads all first baseman then with RBI correct okay uh Jason you’ll start us off on our next player Andre Jimenez who’s hitting 246 with five homers and 38 ribbies this year this one’s a little bit harder he has not blossomed offens defensively like we thought he would when he signed that deal but he is so good defensively I think he’s a B minus I give him a c i let’s I I’m starting to worry that 2022 was an anomaly it it’s looking that I mean 644 Ops is terrible terrible yeah and but he is his Ops as a guardian outside of 2022 is very poor I actually think like I think those numbers Merit moving him to short and finding another second baseman but and I were talking about the last three years of his contract if he doesn’t get the offense going again or a disaster those in 25 26 and 27 he’s making 25 million a year wow yeah I’m I do like him as a player but yeah go ahead but yeah I it is a concern that he has not I mean two years ago I was all in on him and thought this is you know this is great they traded Lindor they got someone equal of his in a replacement and he signed the contract that Lindor wouldn’t sign two years later it’s hard to say that and now he’s still young and he could get the bat back on track but the reality is if the Guardians could do over that contract they would do it over oh Pro yeah I mean offensively he’s probably a c minus D+ yeah but defensively he’s is a worth letter grade to me that’s why I give a B minus I give him a c uh because I we already talked about it I’m giving him a B I think defensively he’s like a A+ plus and I do know the first couple months of the Season offensively he was very productive he hasn’t been as productive lately I think he talked about during the Royal series how he felt like he was swinging a bat as good as he was in April and it had been a while since he had felt that way I I have confidence that he he can turn it around offensively I’m going to give him a B I do think he’s a guy that sometimes gets lost in his own head and for like and I was part of that too like why isn’t Tito batting him higher in the order yeah I think there’s a reason why they bat him lower in the order and I think I think a lot of times they need a two- hitter on this team yeah and I I thought it would be Freeman I still think it can be Freeman but yeah they could use an upgrade I don’t think anybody I don’t like anybody in this lineup as a two- hitter they need a real Sunday in a two spot I think they’ve been bouncing guys around I don’t remember if he was hitting two you guys just mentioned Freeman who’s our next player so let’s let’s get to Freeman he was hot for a while over the last 30 Games he’s really struggled yeah he’s hitting just 167 over in June my expectations from coming into the season weren’t that high that factors what your so what’s your grade for Tyler start with you I give him a c I mean he you know he he he’s been an okay hitter uh overall what’s his overall numbers defense has been solid yeah it’s it’s pretty bad I still like him like this is his first chance to play every day right so a see and that’s being maybe a little generous yeah I’m not I’m not ready to give up on him no I’m not giving up on him I think he could be a guy in this lineup for the next five six years still his first full year so I’m fine he’s he’s not okay but you know it’s he’s filled it is he a perfect center fielder no no has he filled a need for them yeah yeah he’s done a solid job out there yeah I still I think I would still like to see Quan in center and a better B Hees want to be in Center I don’t think you might be right yeah that might be why he’s still in left because otherwise it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me why he wouldn’t Al let’s go get let’s go get another hitter they’re not ex they’re not exactly overflowing with yeah with power hitting outfielders it’s been a problem since the ’90s since Manny uh but so you got a C for him i’ give him a cc minus probably C minus you know I to play C field with my creator player on ML be the show and that did not go well so I can understand why might want to stay in left field but I’ll give him a c as well this is first FL uh opportunity to be a everyday player and this is his first time playing center field and I think that when you put him out there and you see how well he’s done considering he’s never done it before of course there’s room for improvement I can rock with that I think step vote is getting the most out of this dude and I think it’s more to be desired so all right next this what I’m hoping across the board is unanimous as well but David fry what grade is David fry Earl David fry get a a because he exceeded every expectation for the first three months of the Season that anybody had set for him this is a dude who we didn’t know was going to make the final 40 man roster this is a dude that if you look at his numbers this year like nobody could have ever projected that for him if the season ended for him and those his numbers people would be like damn you know you would have won all kind of money on FanDuel if you would have had that if you told me going to end the year with eight homers and 32 ribes and those those the fact that we sit here July 2nd and those is his numbers despite the slump he’s had recently I got to give him a a yeah I agree when I was in school I don’t know if they still do this when I I I never got one of these when I was in school you got an H you remember that anyone else remember that an H that honors yes was like better than an A+ if you got higher than an A+ like ex supposed to been a special Avon thing you got Avon Lake don’t know we are north of the tracks we are not South he a fool but there was such a thing for the smart kids again I’ve never seen this on my report card was an H I give David fry an H this dude I remember when he was batting in the opening dayline of I’m like what is d Friday lineup to what is going on oh man he has exceeded every expectation times 10 he’s kept it going all year long you thought it was just a hot start maybe a hot month maybe hot two months guys it’s July and he’s still producing it’s so he’s like when my friends would ask me stuff about baseball I said well bull said and Jason said they asked me about him before the season I said well bull said he sucks so I don’t know that I said he sucks but I exact quote Earl his exact quot quot was he really really really sucks he’s the worst he’s Austin HED no he didn’t say that no but it’s so funny anything of him I thought he was just a bench guy so people come to me months later I said I thought you said bull said he suck I said listen we all had this wrong he he was utility guy yeah I thought he was going to be utility guy I was fine with him on the team but like I didn’t expect anything like this of course he gets an H or an A or so fry obviously exceeded expectations his next player got called up been about month in the majors we saw a month of Kyle manzardo how would you grade it’s obviously incomplete but for the month we saw how would you grade Kyle manzardo it’s unfair because they didn’t even let him play first base so I can’t even grade his defense right you can give me an incomplete if you want to just leave it I give it a d i mean he didn’t really show you much I know he had some doubles but they always seem to be bloopers that just happen to fall in the right spot he didn’t really do much I I’ll go D I mean I I don’t know I don’t know how to grade him right now he’s barely played D Plus incomplete any of those we’ll get another look at him here at some point Earl do you feel like he’s got to shave the mustache do we have to do that is he is it hold I mean he looks really trashy so let me ask you a let me ask somebody a question here is this like like this is like a 25 and younger white boy phenomenon mustache I don’t get it my son has come home with it a couple times and I’m like bro like I keep saying everywhere just like man where are he getting these mustaches from it blame that stupid Top Gun movie is that where yes that Maverick movie I think is where all this crap restarted again because my oldest Alex will have like a full beard and then one day he comes down with like the the pedophile stash I’m like dude does he have the all the kids look like all the llamas too you know Dustin was rocking the same must minutes not llamas uh what’s the animal with the alpacas all these kids today look like alpacas with their hair with the Mohawk oh no no just like so like so much hair in the front I don’t know what the hell’s going on yeah kind of AJ’s got like a got the he got a mullet he’s got the oh he that’s what the power hit his rock man yeah that’s what the look at you should see him with the hat on when he’s running full speed with the flow going yeah a lot of flow but I’ll give him a incomplete I guess like I bought the hype right the cman zardo hype was real I heard about him all through the season how he needed to be here how the Guardians it was mandatory to put that bat in the lineup and how he was going to produce right away the very first time I seen this first at bat he took a fast ball right down the middle and my man ain’t been the same yet like if you would have told me that Kyle manzardo of all the young prospects we’ve seen kind of like would be in the I haven’t hit a home run yet Camp I wouldn’t have believed it when he was called up he’s hit four home runs in his last five games in SC I don’t like how they used him when he was here they played him inconsistently they didn’t let him play like he’s a young kid you have him dhing every game I just didn’t like that yeah no I I agree and I do think he’s going to be fine long term I’m not worried about him at all yet at that about that um and the reason I think there was a need to bring him up is because there’s holes in the offense so bring this guy up and see what he can do but I would like to see him get more opportunities at First just for him we talk about Evan Moy how do you make Evan Mobley more comfortable how do you make Callan zaro more comfortable put give him put him in positions that he’s used to but he’s behind a veteran who’s an Allstar so you’re going to defer to the veteran Allstar right now in Josh Naylor should we do rapid fire the rest of the hitters like rapid fire grades any hitter you want to mention we didn’t we missed Brian rokio f g g f uh actually I give him a D minus bayor Baylor D minus D because he’s he’s coming around you’re right I’m going I’m going to D defensively he’s very good well he’s good at framing pitches okay he you can’t throw anybody out okay he’s not great at blocking the ball I’ll take a framer over a throw I go C minus though his Bat I thought would start to get hot it has so I’m actually going to grade the C minus cuz he has yeah my man’s a framer I’m like you he a framer I got I got to get with that framework but I’m going give him a I’m going to give him a d I had higher expectations I told you I thought he was going to hit 20 home R this year I I never had high expectations John Kenzie go A+ A+ only for the nickname j HK a plus for the nickname we’re we’re GNA the Bull Pen the bull Pen’s been so good hey everybody a plus A+ whoever who doesn’t get an A the guy just DFA yesterday awful who was that guy Darren mcog oh God he they got him from Seattle he’ been a starting pitcher in Seattle he was just there to eat Innings and get C yeah he like that wasn’t even real everybody everyone gets an A and the pretty much not I’m not giving Eli Morgan an A or Pedro as a collection we give the yeah Emanuel CL deserves some love though he’s been absolutely fantastic a plus plus plus and so most of the setup guys go ahead tan or BBY a minus B+ B B+ he got rocked in that last game versus Kansas City I got I got Stu no he didn’t get rocked I mean he was giving up home runs man how many but he only gave up like two runs right two home runs but two earn yeah he didn’t have his best stuff that day basically what that showed me like he still got through six yeah he only gave two runs in the end even though he got rocked for two homers you’re right but uh when you can like those are the when you don’t have your best stuff and you could still fight through I mean the Royals aren’t the Yankees but still overall he’s pitched very well he’s had some shaky start especially early in the season he needs to go deeper into games he’s averaging about 5 and a half Innings per start from miday on I think he been everything you want for absolutely so you was right though I was watching that show when I was at home a couple weeks ago and I was off this dude does has Ace potential yeah and it’s like if he can learn to go deeper into Innings Guardians got a good problem on I mean the way baseball is and the way batters now fight through and foul off pitches and compete I if if if you can give me six I’ll take it six is a starter anything more than that is gravy was asking me yesterday how many innings do you want to see a guy pitch I said well 50 years ago it was nine 30 years ago it was eight 10 years ago it was still seven now you just want them to go six six if you can get six out of your Ace three and four starters really into the fifth I mean how many times have we’ seen guys pulled now in the fifth not even qualify for B is averaging five and a half byby and Lively are averaging five and a half Innings is that all year I wonder I wonder if miday I bet you it’s higher yeah but maybe not he got off to T yeah he had some bad starts he had some bad starts mid on he’s been he’s been great go ahead one one word answer a for lively a plus a plus he’s in the he’s the guy’s been one of the probably the 30 best pitchers and starters in baseball and he’s a journeyman and we’ve seen that this year like that’s actually just sort of struck a story idea like Lugo flarity Lively these guys I Lively’s not even in the same class as those guys but these guys are having career years that fl’s had good years before not like this not like this Ben Lively had barely been a major league pitcher but he was a top prospect at one time top 100 awful whenever he’ been in the major but at one but somebody saw enough in him at one time that he was a top 100 Prospect and now he never did anything with it right but before the season you could have gotten some people to say Seth Lugo was going to pitch well or flarity was going to pitch well you got couldn’t have got a single person on Earth that would said V live probably true but not to the extent that flarity and and Lugo the numbers that they’ve put up sure but those guys have been even better than Lively signicantly better than I’m just saying this is the year of the unknown pict but he you’re in the end you’re right they’ve both been way better than all three have been way better than you thought but to me Lively’s the most shocking of anybody B AG with that and the fact that like they’ve needed him because everybody else besides B’s been terrible yeah yeah and hopefully Gavin Williams now I’m really interested to see listen it’s July if you’ve got three months to get him ramped up cuz again right baring a complete collapse which with this rotation I guess is possible with the state that it’s in this team’s going to the playoffs I’m worried about worried about the bullpen getting burned out I know I know and I mean Logan Allen I don’t trust him at all Logan Allen and McKenzie were the next two I lumped them together both FS that’s FS yeah Jason it hurts my heart to give Tristan enough because of everything he’s trying to pitch through I love him but he’s he’s been terrible I mean he’s in Triple A yeah who would ever thought last year two years ago Tristan McKenzie would be back in Columbus at any point hard to believe so yeah I mean I I mean Logan I’d give them both D minus I’m not going to flunk them ear D minus and F what do you give these two uh I’m going with a D minus way too nice and we end our grading segment with cookie Carrasco uh real quick on cookie I give him a c minus I’ll give him a d I’m going give him a d he’s been he’s been better than I thought he would yeah I mean he’s been serviceable what’s his ER by the way way who Carrasco yeah Carrasco on the season his erra is cookie cookie cookie cookie cookie 5.27 he’s Harris from Major League he’s Harris now he’s got Vaseline he’s got snot he’s got he’s been able to keep them in he has kept them in enough games and given them a chance he aan that’s all you want from him at this point yes now I don’t trust him in a playoff game no zero chance but he shouldn’t even be on the roster like Tristan I can get behind Tristan as a reliever on the playoff roster I can’t get behind cookie making the no but that’s why they need to put Tristan in the bullpen now I think in the minor all right Mike let’s talk a little Browns after a word from FanDuel you guys know I love sports I love them so much I never want them to stop but as the playoffs wind down we get fewer and fewer games and the sports just aren’t sportsing like I want them to but thanks to FanDuel I can keep the sports going whenever I want just by opening the app and dreaming up bets anytime I’m in the mood all this summer FanDuel is cooking up custom with a bonus or a boost daily that’s right there’s something new for everyone every day all summer long so head over to ucss and start making the most out of your summer FanDuel the official sports betting partner of Major League Baseball and the official sports book of the ultimate Cleveland sports show and today’s winning ticket comes from our guy Dogecoin MC gribetz who hit a four-part actually turned into a three-part because one of the legs was voided UFC parlay over the weekend he won $532 uh five times the amount of money he bet $10 wager W him 53 so shout out to Dogecoin MCG gribetz for sending the ticket if you have a winning ticket make sure you guys send it into to us as well we love offseason list bowl and Pete prisco who’s been on the show before released his top 100 players for the upcoming NFL season and and if you want to take the graphic it starts at 2:11 Pete brisco’s top five players for 2024 include Patrick Mahomes miles Garrett at two Williams at three Tyreek Hill at four TJ watt at five 6 through 10 looks like you read the whole 100 Justin Jefferson Christian mcaffrey Micah Parsons and Nick Bosa we don’t have time to read all 100 so I’ll tell you where all the Browns on this list landed miles Garrett at two and that’s it yeah not a single other member of the Cleveland Browns well let me read you on the list let me read your 91 to 100 and then we can have a convers because just saying should a brown be in the top 100 number one it’s a silly argument because first of all there’s a lot of bias for the Browns it’s hard to compare you don’t know who you’re comparing to keep in mind you know how many starters there are in the NFL and that’s just saying 22 per team there’s really more than that because there’s some guys that like you know the nickel corner or whatever that’s over 700 starters in the NFL there are over 1,700 players in the NFL so to be a top 100 player is the best of the best you’re essentially a a a a legit pro bowler not cuz seven guys canceled on the Pro Bowl you’re a legit pro bowler here’s 91 to 100 ready 91 Derek Henry 92 Tyron Matthew 93 Jaylen Carter 94 Zack Martin 95 Jeffrey Simmons the defensive tackle for the Titans 96 Brian Burns defensive lineman from the Giants now 997 Levante David 98 Kirk Cousins 99 Texans defensive end Will Anderson and number 100 Tyler Linder bomb the center from the Ravens now wait B I’m jumping in real quick because I didn’t even look at that and when we were going back and forth you and I before the show on J in particular you said we have to do it more than one year he had two rookies in 91 to 100 I was just saying for me this is his list he can do however he want you were saying you if you were making it okay yes yeah yeah okay by the way I don’t know if you saw there was an honorable mention he has about probably 50 to 70 guys on honorable mention so according here’s who he has for the Browns on honorable mention so these are the guys based on his list you could maybe argue should have been on here’s Browns on the honorable mention list David nooku who like J has only done it for one year at least at that higher level uh okay wait a second David njoku there’s got to be more than one Browns player on the uh let’s see Colts 49ers Jaguars Bengals Jets Giants Lions Colts commanders Lions Ram he has en joku bonio Cooper and Ward on the honorable mention list inoko bonio Mari Cooper and Ward yes go ahead so would you have any of those guys you’re going to make me care about a stupid list that I don’t care oh we’re just having some fun come on it’s who cares what Pete prisco think I don’t care either there’s not much to talk about in football this time of the year all right would you have any those guys are the top so here’s how I it first of all how do you compare a quarterback to a defensive it’s impossible that’s what makes this so stupid yes so let’s try and add at least 1% of Sanity to it let’s do it I went back up and found because I think denzo Ward belongs on the list I agree who’s better here’s the lowest rated cornerback that he has on this list yeah is Derek Stingley Jr at 80th problem like I don’t know how good but do we know how good Derek Stingley Jr is we’re not watching him play no no yes we do yes yes we do boy cuz you say you make that statement all the time while we watching CU I keep it real everybody’s full no not everybody is full of I watch a lot of football a whole lot foot I watch more the football than anybody I don’t know how good Dereck sley Jr is d i watch a lot of college football as well I don’t watch this man not studying it like a scout like for nobody is he’s not even studying it like a scout ID to you don’t know either I’m not an idiot though I’m not saying he knows I’ll go one better he’s got Devin Weatherspoon at 74th who was a rookie last year played in the slot think Denzel Ward over Deon Withers SP I I’m just not going to definitively say that because I don’t know for sure but I think Denzel Ward you guys say whatever you want over a rookie I think Denzel Ward’s a top 100 player I think Amari Cooper is a top 100 player I think Joe bonio is a top 100 player I would have those three guys somewhere at least between 80 and 100 for me so I think he got it wrong I do think those those three guys belong I wouldn’t have David njoku in the top 100 I wouldn’t have J in the top top 100 for me uh and there’s nobody else I don’t Wyatt teller I guess maybe I wouldn’t have I don’t know got Mike Evans is his lowest rated receiver at 88th do you think Amari Cooper is better than Mike EV I do not but I probably have more wide receivers on the list okay have you ever heard of Al mcneel B no I don’t think so he’s the 89th overall player on this list a lions defensive tackle who I’m going to be honest I had never heard of before seeing his name right now have you guys ever heard of Al mcneel no no but I don’t care about this dumb list it’s dumb this is dumb we’re but we’re talking whatever I’m not I’m not disparaging Mike in the topic I just think all of these top 100 I know but listen just go with it here so who would you have in the top 100 all right so about the list is so I think the list is stupid I don’t agree with the list at all I think that when you look at the Cleveland Browns and I know I’m biased but if you look at it Denzel Ward is one of the top 10 Corners in the entire NFL when you look at it Joe bonio and Wyatt teller are two of the top 10 guards in the entire NFL jock is one of the best linebackers in his position at his position he’s only done it one year I understand that but he got I mean Jordan love is on this list and he only did it one year and you can people are going to put an Astros next to that because he’s a quarterback there’s a lot of guys on this list that that no one year or no years at all I just think when you look at the Browns roster you can point to four or five guys and say that’s a top 10 player at say a position I’m not sure David the jokes is definitely a top 10 player at tight end I’m not sure about that um top 10 he’s a top 10 he probably the back end of the top 10 but I don’t know is he definitely I mean if Joe Flaco throwing to him he’s in the top 10 he was phenomenal last year when and I didn’t even mention n joku but I would throw nku’s name in there n joku was in the top 10 in his position Ward is I think jock is I think being the top 10 doesn’t make you a top 100 player it don’t but if that’s the case then then you need to reassess this entire list for everybody on it you don’t he it’s his list he has the right to do it however the hell he wants just like if you’re making your list and the same thing with Amari Cooper like leaving Amari Cooper off any list is insane it’s absolutely but In fairness Jason brought the point now again I would have him on there Mike Evans is the last receiver Mark Cooper’s not better than Mike Evans I’m curious to know who he has I’m pretty sure a lot of the wide receivers on this list above Mike Evans ain’t better than Mike Evans well let’s let’s see who he has above Mike Evans wide receivers on DJ Mo ready both these I got the receivers this is in order of how he ranked receivers Tyreek Hill Justin Jefferson Jamar Chase uh cidd lamb Devonte Adams AJ Brown if you guys find someone who yeah go ahead that’s six uh Aman rosin Brown seven Jaylen Wadd eight Brandon auk nine Puka nakua Puka that’s only one year but that’s his list 10 George Pickins 11 wow wison really 12 n Collins 13 Debo 14 Devon Smith 15 DJ Moore 16 Mike Evans 17 is Amari Cooper better than any of those guys Mari is better than dvo Pickins uh he’s not better I think he’s better than Pi I don’t think he is I think he’s better than Pickins I think Pickins is that trash I was going to say you wouldn’t take him over Pickins but that’s cuz that’s age [Music] but uh I mean it’s hard to say who’s better than I think right now I mean there’s no way I’m taking Amari Cooper over pickings no I just but but that’s not fair because age is factoring into that thought I just I think Pickins is really good I think he but he hasn’t ter he hasn’t produced enough on the field to this point because he’s had trash throwing I hear you I I agree with you but but he hasn’t produced enough on the field so you can make that I don’t know how I don’t know how he’s headed Garrett Wilson Garrett Wilson’s been more productive on the field and Garrett Wilson also has played with crap Garrett Wilson’s not on that list no he is you just made a point about age and I think again I don’t know what went into him putting this list together but Trent Williams was in the top five and Trent Williams was one of the older players Inon Adams High everybody’s in I I don’t like on anybody’s list because everybody’s entitled to do the list you know what I get tired of boy I be feeling like a lot of times Nally people be on the Browns and that’s what I get tired of I feel like no I’m being I’m just giving you my opinion I feel like that when you got guys like the joku ward I’m going to throw MJ Emerson in there I’m going throw the guards in there when you got guys that’s if you look at PFF if you look at stats at the end of the season if you look at any other like publication and they break down all these guys you are you have players on this team that rank towards the very top of all those said list yet when all these offseason lists come out it just seemed like because of whatever minutia that’s involved with them being on the Cleveland Browns that they forever got to prove it more than other people so I’m just I’m just saying my opinion I think a lot of time they put these lists out and they be on players on the Cleveland Browns that’s just my opinion I don’t agree with that I think you’re biased and emotional about it and I get it but uh what other list has disrespected the Browns I can go back to the list that had Kevin stefansky ranked as one of the bottom coaches or the list that like named the corner Duos and didn’t every time the Browns are low on the list purp be disrespectful to the brown I’m just giving you my opinion yes think about that rationally I’m thinking about it very rationally I’m going use MJ Emerson for example he’s not a top one just let me finish what I’m saying boy MJ finished the season as top five in both man and Zone coverage MJ Bas on what just just list I got you I got to ask question based on what based on the film breakdown I forget the publication’s name I got to sa to my phone I’ll send it to you he finished top five in man and Zone coverage the man didn’t give up a touchdown he had four interceptions opposing qbr and passer and like completion percentage against him was low it’s the same thing a Denzel a ward I mean you could go to Amari Cooper he had games over two 200 yards like receiving there is data that supports that certain players on this team bought out and yet when they put these list together at the end of the year they don’t get no love because they played for the Browns I I just I just don’t believe that but all right whatever we’ll agree we’ll agree to disagree I think I think 15 years ago 10 years ago that was true I do think it’s changed now yeah I think it’s and and like when you’re when you’re a bad team no you don’t get calls you don’t get respect but I think the Browns I mean look how many times are on National Television this year I I think that that has I think that that has been cleansed or swung or whatever yeah and that happened because the Browns were so bad for so long you’re not going to give you didn’t deserve it I’m just saying I’ve been watching this team close since I was a little kid but you’re biased Earl you got to admit that but biased I am biased but every every team of any fan is biased but I’m not just sitting up here spewing just just be spewing it if you look at the data of some of these players Zach was the only linebacker in the n NFL last year that had over 10 tackles for loss had sack Sports turnovers he was phenomenal like phenomenal and he’s not on this list even when players on this team prove it based on what the publication is it’s felt like that they got to prove it more than the next-man and whatever whatever that’s associated behind that reasoning it just looks that way to me I think if you look at another list somebody else would have JK in their top 100 uh certainly Denzel ward has an argument nobody’s putting uh your boy on on a top 100 player list I mean come on now let’s be serious here um there’s some of the guys you can make an argument for I was really I’m surprised that Joel bonio is not on that list because I made all pro last year yeah I mean but whatever I’m not gonna I don’t get angry about list because it’s just one guy’s opinion yeah I don’t I don’t care it’s just like who cares how many players for the other teams in the division did they have uh let’s look it up we’ll do uh Ravens first I guess yeah Derrik Henry Mark Andrews matab B ran Kyle Hamilton Lamar and that’s it so what’s that that’s six six Ravens Bengals Chase burrow Higgins no Higgins didn’t make the list I don’t think Hendrickson Chase and burrow burrow and Chase that’s it three yeah and then Steelers try to type with one hand while my hand hands on the Mike Steelers uh Pickins and Watt two that’s it all right so the Ravens are the only team that got a lot from this division yep and they went to they went to farless last year yeah all right we’re going to take a break we’re going to move back to a little Cavs here quick reminder that if you’re not a newsletter subscriber you click the but text the number at the bottom of your screen you can’t click that but you can text the number to sign up we also have a partnership with Fanatics and you could buy your Browns gear your Guardians gear your Cavs gear at youss you can see that link at the bottom of your screen so make sure you guys check those out for your gear we started the show talking Cavs we got off Cavs we’re going to go back to Cavs and wrap it up with this Kobe almanis stayed steadfast and he mentioned it again yesterday in their intent to keep the core for together guys and we talked yesterday about their best path to improve it maybe internal growth Bowl Jason and Earl for the sake of this discussion let’s say Kenny ainson is able to unlock another level of Jared Allen and Evan Mobley and Donovan Mitchell and Darius Garland and get this core for to reach their utmost potential is that enough is that internal growth enough to keep up with some of the other Splash moves the fellow Eastern Conference contenders have made this summer uh by the way Jason this was a big topic point yesterday I uh G and I got into an argument about this because I and I I have been like G screaming for two years break it up break it up break it up break it up Kobe’s an idiot break it up break it up break it up break it up break it up and all of a sudden I had an epiphany or something in the last week and I was like the only way this team’s going to get better is internally I let me rephrase in terms of the top four players on the team they’re not going to get better trading Darius Garland because he’s worth nothing right now they’re not getting a better they’re not getting a wing player for Darius Garland and Jared Allen’s really good I don’t want to trade him I I just don’t think it makes sense to trade him I don’t think you’re going to get a better player now if you can fine but ultimately the the the Cav’s best best path in my mind to winning a championship is this coaching staff getting Darius Garland back to the player he was and turning Evan mbly into a superstar if that happens and they add the right pieces around them then I think they can be a championship Contender it’s not by just trading to for trade sake I just don’t know what Garrett or anyone else thinks you’re going to get who you who are you going to get there were no in the trade that’s going to make you significantly better I I I do think that there’s a path to get to to first of all I’m not totally convinced that these four are coming back of course not this is the today is the first actionable item Donovan signed the contract yeah okay so our report after the Boston series was if Donovan resigns they could look to get darus out well that hasn’t happened until 9:00 a.m. this I guess over the weekend but 9 A.M this morning it was announced contract is done okay now let’s wait and see what happens but I do think the the Cav’s best path to title contention is if Evan MO is their best player I’ve said that for years Evan has to be their number one Donovan has to be their number two if Donovan Mitchell is your best player on your team he’s now seven years in the league and he’s not made a pass the second round how much more evidence do you he’s a fantastic Talent I’m not trying to disparage him yeah but we have 50 years of history and two guys that I can think of that a small undersized guard LED them to a title Isaiah Thomas and Steph Curry and Thomas had a ton of talent every championship team has a ton of talent but Steph Curry had the most shooting in the history of the game around him and another transcendental player next to him in in KD for a lot of those years so it’s really hard when you’re an undersized guard and you’re the best player on the team to win a championship so if we’re having a championship level conversation how do the C in a contention of winning a championship I think it has to be with Evan as their best player unless you’re going to go find a magical player in the sky that doesn’t exist right now that fits onto this team that’s that’s the reality of it like that’s where they’re at and in terms of the Jared conversation it’s funny because a year ago at this time everybody wanted Jared out of town right get Jared out of here look he was terrible against the Knicks now it’s like oh Jared’s pretty good let’s go let’s keep Jared there’s two reasons why you would trade Jared number one is and again going back to our report after the Boston game if it’s untenable in the locker room if guys feel like he quit on them yeah sure and and you can’t bring him back it doesn’t sound as if that’s the case that’s right so if you clear that hurdle the only other reason to trade him is if you find I guess if you find a wing who can make you significantly better which that may or not may not exist um and if you feel like you can’t play play two non-shooting bigs together but they’ve come out and told you they feel like Kenny ainson could unlock Evan Moy so they’re they feel like Evan like Kenny is what will make Evan make this work so the best way to play non two two non- shooting bigs together is to make one of them a shooting big right so if Kenny can get that out of Evan then that also alleviates a reason to trade Jared the reason to trade him is because his trade value will never be higher he’s I mean look at the contract that hartenstein just signed Jared Allen’s a much better player than than not get paid much more and and haren’s making 9 million jar 29 I thought 29 oh so it’s way more than jar 29 million Allan’s eligible for the 30 million extension so it’s it’s pretty in line with what Allen but Allen’s defin Allan’s a better player than hartenstein it’s not it’s not frankly that much of a discussion he’s a better player and he’s on a better contract right now so if you feel like this is Peak value for Jarrett and like this is the most you’re going to get like you’ll never get more from him than you probably will right now as a non-shooting big on a good contract coming off a good year this is probably his Peak value so that would be a reason why you would be incentivized to trade him but if you think you can make Evan and and to me like it’s not Darius it’s not Jared if someone on this team is going to be better than Donovan it’s going to be Evan Mobley EDP I don’t think internal growth is enough I think like taking this cor 4 to a next another level I don’t think that’s enough to remain competitive in the Eastern Conference because even if you unlock the best version of every single player on this this team construction is still an issue and once you get to the playoffs I think bu matchups become a serious thing right this team this team still got two guards that’s between 61 and 62 you got a a shooting guard that’s 63 64 there’s not a l a lot of length out there on the court for the Cavaliers that’s currently constructed and I just think that when you lack length and athleticism no matter how much you can unlock the potential of certain guys you’re going to run into matchup problems when it really matters the most and though your best just not going to be good enough so I still think that moves need to be made to Jason’s point about Evan Moy because to me it seems like everything I heard from Kenny ainson was geared towards I need to unlock Evan I think we all believe that Evan has Superstar potential will he reach it or not we don’t know but I think if he does that can go a long way in changing the opinion of how people view the Cavaliers uh externally and I think internally once they see him become come that star they might look at their situation a little different as well so I mean he’s the the The X Factor in all this but even with the core four staying together and developing you still got to do something with the rest of this roster to improve things sure no I think everybody agrees on that but uh by the way Giannis didn’t become a superstar till year four he was 19 I mean I was 19 the same age right yeah I mean development takes time yeah doesn’t happen overnight it was year four year three wasn’t an All-Star year three giannis’s numbers were similar to what uh Mo’s were last year now Moy it’s been a little steadier as opposed to Giannis who went up up up and then up Giannis was incredibly raw when he came in right Evan was I mean 19 you’re always raw yeah but he was a little bit more polished and uh but but it’s I watched his documentary and it just made me kind of respect Giannis more as a player don’t tell tius that like just how like how hard he worked at at his craft and wanting to develop as a player and being great then they talked about when his family finally came to America and he was able to just lock all the way in on basketball he became one of the scariest players in this league so so yes or no real quick before I throw out a trade idea for you guys um is eternal growth if these guys all reach their full potential is that enough to keep up in the arms race in the East with the Knicks who have now anobi and Bridges the Celtics who just won the championship the Sixers who just sign Paul George with the right pieces around that four I think it is yes I think so Jason I thought I’d talk long enough to get out of actually having to answer it um he went around 90 came yeah uh I I I don’t I you don’t think if Moy became a superstar you m becomes a super I’m saying if he if he reaches Superstar then yes yeah it’s it’s hard to imagine it right now that’s a big that’s a big it’s a huge if yes it’s a big if the only way is if Moy becomes a superstar that’s it yeah for me right now it’s a like even if all four of them develop and grow as currently constructed overall I still say no it’s not enough if if Moy becomes Giannis I mean why couldn’t that be possible I mean ad if if if Moy becomes Anthony Davis okay Yannis is in a good comp form ad is a better comp why explain it to me they just play very differently they they play now if ainson can develop him into more of a Giannis who’s a downhill driver like that we just haven’t seen that a lot from Moy maybe but I think what we’ve seen so far from Mo resembles a lot more of Anthony Davis than it does Yiannis I thought okay fine so if he becomes Anthony Davis yes they couldn’t win a title they’re a title Contender with with Anthony Davis and Prime Donovan they are a title Contender well there you go now the percentage chance that that happens is probably low but I don’t know I don’t it’s not impossible it’s not impossible I don’t even know that it’s low I don’t know that I would say I don’t know if it’s likely 30% give me 30% 3 33 let me ask you this when Anthony Davis was coming out of Kentucky and you know you know they always do player comps or you know what’s a ceiling can you compare that to when Evan Moy came out of USC to you who you think has the the biggest ceiling at at the time that they were drafted him or ad D Davis is not close I mean he was a much bigger Prospect right ad was a guard he was going to Cleveland State he was committed to Cleveland State he was like a 62 guard and then he grew like 6 Ines 8 Ines so he had all these ball handling skills of a guard and suddenly had the heights of a forward Anthony Davis was in that Trevor Lawrence Andrew Lu type Prospect coming out he wasn’t wemi which is the highest of high tiers right but but he was in that next tier of absolute can’t miss there’s no question no debate Mooby was a third pick yeah in a draft that wasn’t even regarded like this a superstar Laden draft good dra but there wasn’t the Bonafide Number One D was oh your trade I got a random basketball no no we got we got a trade idea but I got to remind everybody that if you need therapy I finish both my this segment that we’re about to talk about is brought To Us by better help sometimes we all need the opportunity to get something off our chest big or small certain things can really start to get to you and it’s important to let that out especially someone who’s unbiased on your life so today I want to say how I really feel and it’s something you might even be thinking of about as well I am uh a little bummed that summer is being flown by so fast and we’re already into the month of July and it just doesn’t feel like I’ve taken enough advantage of the warm weather and the great times yet so I’ve had to talk to my therapist to get advice and learn a little bit on how to appreciate living in the moment and taking advantage of this and if I can get therapy and have it help me I’m sure it’ll work for you as well therapy can be different for everyone and most of us has bigger problems in our lives than our favorite sports teams it’s important to get some of those things off your chest every once in a while so if you’re thinking about starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be flexible and suited to your schedule visit lockon to get 10% off your first month that is betterhelp lockon the Cs have been linked to Brandon Ingram for a while now MH it has been reported over the last few days that the kings are also interested in Brandon Ingram and there’s been a couple people who texted me and asked or really tweeted at me and said what is there a three- team trade possibility here so I said all right let let me go in the trade machine Let’s see if I can whip up something at least makes sense on paper I’m not saying I would do this I just think this is what the framework of a trade would probably look like if the Cavs the Kings and the Pelicans all came together and try to work something out here the Pelicans want Jared Allen the Cavs are looking for wings and the Kings would would get Brandon Ingram in this deal so if somebody called Kobe Alman and Mike ganby ganzy and offered this deal where the Cavs would get Keegan Murray fourth overall pick a couple years ago a 68 Wing who scored 16 points a game last year a very efficient three-point shooter Kevin hder a 67 wing with a high three-point clip was in a Three-Point Contest and a first round pick is that enough to part ways with Jared Allen and George ni knowing Brandon Ingram would also be head to SAC I don’t know enough about those guys so I’ll let you guys you know I I don’t I mean I didn’t know anything about him until Mike mentioned him I mean I seen the the Kings One play on the west coast so it’s hard to Really Care Sacramento basketball uh I know they put up a lot of points they’re an exciting team to watch doe to sports gambling I know a little bit about Murr out and put a couple dollars his way uh the guy Kevin I did see him in the Three-Point Shootout I mean you get another first round pick that’s not your own so I assume Jason that you could put that in the deal next year if you needed to because it’s not a pick that belongs to you okay so then that gives you another uh trade asset that you currently don’t have I think that when I can when I say all of that and then I remember Mike saying last week that wge identified Evan Mobley as the long-term center for the Cleveland Cavaliers then yeah I would make that deal I think moving George Nang money is uh is can be huge and helping us get Talent down down the road but I would make that deal Jason you’d have my attention with that I’d have to dive deeper it’s not an immediate no for me I don’t know about you Mike it’s not an immediate no for me I think they hang up with Ingram obviously is what you have to pay him going forward and I think the concern like I mentioned before is with the aprons the first apron the second apron if you’re paying Donovan a max if you’re paying Evan a Max Garland yeah Garland’s on already on a Max can so it’s not even so much the risk of would Brandon Ingram not live up to the contract it’s what lever but Ingram’s not on the Cavs in this trade no I know but I’m I’m going back to just straight up for Ingam straight up for Ingram the concern is what levers are taking away from you because you’ve got all these guys on Max so I think and Ingram’s injury prone he is injury prone Mike would you make you my attention with that I’d have to look at it more I have been a massive Keegan Murray fan since his days at Iowa yeah like he had he’s 68 he’s a dead eye three-point shooter he just finished his second year in the league through two years for his career you see his stats on the board as a 14 point per game scorer as a secondary option he’s a uh you know they run their offense through sabonis and dearon fox and Malik monk he’s a guy who fits in I think he’s a really really talented player entering his third year it buys you some more financial flexibility I am very high on Keegan Murray so I would have a a long discussion with everyone in the front office because I I’m not trading Jared Allen just to trade Jared Allen correct but you are getting a super talented young Wing in Keegan Murray a three-point Marksman in Kevin herder who couldn’t really play in the playoffs last year but at least he’s six7 and why couldn’t he play in the playoffs he started missing shots and if he’s not making shots he uh he’s useless yeah but he’s he’s bigger than most I don’t call usess he’s 67 200 lounds like he’s he’s not a tiny guy who’s a giant defensive liability for his career he’s a 38 and a half% three-point shooter can we see the can I see that again can I see the trade again yeah so I would think long and hard about this one I’ll be honest I really like Keegan Murray though I actually think Sacramento says no to that yeah why would Sacramento do it uh because they’re going all in right now I don’t know why else I mean and once again I only put this together because there reports that Sacramento is interested and Brandon Ingram they already have dearen Fox on a huge deal and sabonis on a huge deal yeah and that’s the thing is I just think and again this is like we’re we’re entering a new era of the NBA that even the teams don’t even fully understand like they’re scared of it yes and I’ve talked to teams who feel like we’re just we’re still trying to get our bearings around some of this stuff but NE rookie contracts have always been very valuable in the NBA it’s more so than ever like guys on rookie deals productive players on on smaller contracts are now more valuable than ever before so I actually look at that and say I don’t think Sacramento would do that of all three I think think I’m agree with Jason they’re probably the least likely but if I’m Sacramento and you’ve been kind of in limbo the last couple years you have Daren Fox you have sabonis you can’t make it past the 60 they haven’t made it out of the first round of the playoffs unless I’m forgetting but I don’t think they made it out the first round that would make you a better team immediately and maybe push you up and just like the Cav made that tangible progress beating Orlando maybe the king’s ownership says we need tangible progress we need to win a playoff series Ingram gets you closer but I don’t see Sacramento’s owner paying that salary to Ingram like I’d be shocked he’s he he’s he’s they’re cheap the is not a big spender I’m just I’m just they were linked to it I was asked to put something together so I put something together um but if it was offer to the caps at least from the Cleveland standpoint yeah yeah Murray herder in the first is a if you could turn Jared Allen and the Yang Jared Allen and the Yang into that that’s pretty good that’s that’s a pretty D return then you cooking you got super chats well Fish Grease We have one super want to ask one super chat then you could ask your question yeah Monty Barry said Monty uh he said he I think he’s referring to Donovan Mitchell he said on the Paul George podcast he loves Cleveland I think he means Donovan Mitchell so what does that mean I don’t know that’s the Super Chat that’s a Super Chat Oh I thought you was trying to make a point or something no his Super Chat just said quote he said on the Paul George podcast he loved Cleveland end quote okay great let me ask you this question cuz got brought up the other day and I I think the answer to this question like many of this type are generational and I’m just curious what you know what your answers are is I have a guess as to what everybody on this panel’s answer will be and I’m I’m just curious who is the better alltime player in the NBA Steph Curry or Larry Bird Larry Bird Larry Bird I thought that went without saying okay Larry Legend I’m surprised I thought the younger guys would say Steph Curry St better debate if you want to really the only reason I brought that up is because I I saw a video of somebody talking about it that that’s why I brought the you know they’re different players obviously but I have to updated I did I would say three or four years ago like my top 10 players ever yeah or my top 20 players ever and the one that I had the most difficult placing was Stephen Kobe a Kobe huh to Steph I have Steph ahead of Kobe by one spot really yeah I would not have Steph ahead of Kobe would you guys no I think i’ have Kobe I’d have Kobe lit literally like this it’s one and then Kobe I had one behind step I was looking at the was it was it didn’t the NBA do the top I don’t know who did this was it ESP NBA did the top 75 75 of all time I think it was two years ago it was here in Cleveland right when they did it was yeah it was here in Cleveland I think you’re right 2021 and it was MJ was one LeBron was two Kareem three magic four Wilt five Bill Russell 6 bird seven Tim duncan8 Oscar Robertson nine Kobe 10 sha 11 Kevin Durant 12 Hakim elijuan 13 Julius Irving 14 Moses Malone 15 Steph Curry 16 but Steph won a title since then okay let me just do the rest of the top 20 Dirk 17 Giannis 18 Jerry West 19 and Elgen Bor 20 somebody tried to tell me Luca was better than Dirk no not yet I mean he hasn’t played long enough no but that’s what I was saying like he might be he even won a championship yet he so he even got to a champion right like Dirk was that dude mank was he got to a championship this year oh yeah what I forgot that’s how close I was paying attention Derk was special yeah Dirk was special uh so you have Steph Curry ahead of Kobe I do not but literally one spot okay I mean I do think there’s something it was only because can I just tell you why go ahead and it’s when Kobe had the run early yeah incredible and then there was a stretch for a while where they weren’t good like they had back to back to back number two overall picks and I just thought when you look at the overall career yeah there was never that L now granted it took a little longer for Steph to reach the Ascension but once he was there and I know he had clay and Draymond and Kevin Durant came in and it was all iterations the only year they ever sucked was the year he got hurt there was a couple years yeah but they sucked early in his career I mean they they sucked in early in Kobe’s career I can’t remember was Shaq and they won that’s team stuff too Mike I I don’t know saying when he was the only guy on his team they were they they weren’t good they weren’t that great as good as Kobe was he wasn’t able to elevate guys in a certain way that I thought Steph yeah was able to when he was the only guy I do think that there’s some Steph gets a little underrated because of his size and a lot of people don’t want to give him credit but I don’t think there’s anybody that in their Prime would take Steph over Kobe I I just can’t see that I think because Steph is such a great shooter yeah that for whatever reason that in itself catapults him a bunch uh ahead of a bunch of other players but like Kobe was a 66 assassin that was a three LEL score and that can defend and he had that clutch jeans so whether you like it or not though step compared to most of these guys Steph was a way Steph’s a way better teammate a lot of these guys were shitty to their teammates Steph is a great teammate right Jason I mean you know that better than me yeah yeah I mean St Steph’s the greatest shooter in the history of the game but I can’t put him it took me a long time to convince myself CU I was a kid that grew up watching Ray Island and Reggie Miller Steph Steph is the best close and and but I do think like Larry Bird Kobe could play in any era any generation they would dominate Steph in the80s no when three-point shooting wasn’t what it is today he couldn’t have played then no way you guys are tripping I’m no I’m serious he could shoot then but the three-point shot was not emphasized they would beat the out of him the best players would thrive in any era he he would have had have been the one that brought on the three-point Revolution because they didn’t like that shot in the 80s they thought it was a bad shot I mean I know bird was a great three-point shooter and maybe St the ball and maybe Steph was the one that would have brought that era of basketball in yeah who knows but all right we’ll see we’ll see you on overtime we got to get to overtime quick cuz I got to pee man go pee [Music]

Donovan Mitchell is here to stay!

The Cleveland Cavaliers agreed to a 3-year extension with their star player worth up to $150.3M.

Kenny Atkinson was officially introduced as the next head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers on Monday.

At his intro presser, he touched on a number of different topics, including the development of Evan Mobley, maximizing the Core 4 & bringing a modern offense to Cleveland.

He also sat down for a quick 1-on-1 interview with McNuggets to get a little more in-depth on a few basketball topics.

What’s the holdup on Donovan Mitchell’s extension?

Does a 3-team trade with the Sacramento Kings, New Orleans Pelicans & Cavaliers involving Brandon Ingram & Jarrett Allen make sense? Would it be enough to keep the Cavs in the race with the Knicks, Celtics & 76ers of the East?

The Cleveland Guardians are at the halfway mark of their 2024 season. We’ll grade the team’s most important players on their performance so far this season.

Plus, Pete Prisco’s list of the 100 best players for the 2024 NFL season included Myles Garrett at #2 and NO OTHER players on the Cleveland Browns. C’mon now Pete…


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  1. @Bull, you're bugging my boy! I'm going to get some bomb arse chicharonnes from Caribea Bakery on Fulton. Rincon Criollo is better on Detroit. Then I'm going to go to Nate's Deli (Lebanese) for the best hummus east of the Mississippi. 👍🏽

  2. 10 minutes for a Ridiculous Countdown with awful music 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎

  3. Tired of Bull just disregarding the amount of money owners should spend. Why does he think they should just spend unlimited. It will just cause tickets and everything to cost more for the average person.

  4. Northeast ohio doesnt have good latin food??? Huh?? Its not as good as L.A. and NYC but come onnn 😂

  5. Naylor doesn't field 1st great in terms of groundballs, ect. But hes very good at picking errant throws

  6. Fry showed flashes last year but tito would not give him consistent playing time last year. So when he'd start to get on a streak he'd spend a series on the bench

  7. Idk if it me or not but BULL IS A HATER !!!!!!!! Idk why he even speak on Cleveland sports he from New York not even from Ohio gtfoh !!!!

  8. Bull watches more football than anybody makes sense doing one 30 minute podcast and 2-3 2 hour shows a week for a grand total of a 7 hour work week. I would hope you're watching more football with all that extra time

  9. Idk where bull got the idea that Florida has bad school systems but if you do some research you’ll see it’s actually ranked number 1 lol

  10. How does Cleveland have no pitching prospects worth bringing up? Now, we have tons of hitting prospects and no pitching prospects.

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