@Sacramento Kings

Kings still searching for right trade, quiet in free agency

Kings still searching for right trade, quiet in free agency

welcome into the Kings beat podcast I’m James ham Kings inside of for ESPN 1320 and the Kings beat we are of course of bluewire podcast and today joining me Mr Sean Cunningham from box 40 Sean what’s going on hi James I I feel like I miss you man it’s been a while um yeah it’s get this nice vacation you leave the country and go to uh can we say where you went yeah I went to Cabo okay went to Cabo um I was very jealous i’ I’ve been to Cabo twice I’ve never been there at night oh really yeah was a cruise you come in you know you leave before the sun goes down it is someplace that I want to go back to in the worst way but just I’ve had some good times down there well I I actually and this is weird but I actually have two trips Cabo planned so I here I know must be nice those and all you set sail get down to it’s not that I’m not I’m not Clay on a boat um but uh yeah we have a we had the trip with the boys that we had planned with another couple that brought their kids as well not really kids anymore I mean like my youngest is 16 going on 17 um and and so we had that trip planned and then after we had that trip planned we had some friends of some friends say hey uh taking like an adult trip down to like their ‘s a house that somebody has access to um that’s supposed to be like amazing with his own pool and everything else in Cabo uh but it’s just couples and so uh the wife and I are going to go down it’s uh it’s right on our anniversary so we’re going to go down and that trip ended up going from it was just going to be like four days to all of a sudden it’s going to be a week um but we’ll do a pod from I can do a pod from there and I I actually I think I’m going to do the Insiders from there for a couple of days um I didn’t know that the Wi-Fi in uh Cabo is better than my Wi-Fi at home um just saying I know I think I was on uh your show with Kyle and I it might have been the next segment or two segments later I ended up um I ended up getting I was stopped it off at the gas station and come back in and I’m like wait there’s James are they running something old nope nope you were joining him from Cabo so he can pod from down there okay I like going on but like potting when it’s an hour plus and I got you know people coming in room service coming in people coming in and out of the place so it was a little sketch but first world problems buddy first yeah exactly exactly so uh the good thing is I I did not get sunburn um I’m still past you um I I got a little on the neck you can see like a little color difference but that’s about it need to see it but we see it there it is there it is um but we’ve got a lot to talk about first of all uh Brendan had uh he had duties today at his at his other job uh so he could not come on with Sean and I um we’re going to try to squeeze in another podcast later in the week um because this is a crazy week where things may or may not happen um and and I think that that’s where we’ll we’ll kind of jump off uh so first of all let’s take care of the business stuff if you’re watching here on YouTube and you don’t mind give us a thumbs up uh subscribe to the channel uh Sean and I have been doing this forever uh we’ve had this podcast for a long time at this point and we appreciate all the feedback uh wherever you get your podcast give us ratings and reviews and all that stuff that would be greatly appreciated um but uh the Sacramento Kings this has been a whirlwind like two weeks um and we did like right before I left for Cabo we did have off the record with the kingsby virtual happy hour uh which we plan on doing another one uh now in the month of July um but uh later in the month um we’ve got a lot to talk about Sean I think the first thing that we can kind of bring up is um you know since we first since we last talked the Malik monk situation was like settled and I’m not sure that we talked about that or not but on top of that the NBA draft happened um and all that stuff is super important but we actually between the two of us um we should probably get into the now the now is free agency started at 3:00 on Sunday Sacramento Kings have not done anything in free agency as of yet outside of retaining Alex Len on a one-year deal and even that that can’t be consummated until um you know until the sixth and even then um I think the kings are going to make sure that they’ve done everything else and before they sign Al Alex Len to uh his league minimum deal um but uh you know again the kings are it appears that they’re not so much on the free agency market as they are uh like chasing a big trade and and it’s something that you reported over the weekend which I think sent shock waves we had more reporting uh yesterday morning but where are we at right now with the Brandon Ingram situation because I think that to me is the guy that makes the most sense and the most can be the potentially the most game-changing player that the Kings could add at this point but where are we at where are we at uh it’s a little little quiet at the moment from at least my standpoint um I feel like both teams know what they’re capable and willing to part with and have show interest in and kind of you know get a framework of of things that can be done um I I would say if you’re looking at it from a pelican standpoint clearly you are much like the Kings you’re in a win Now situation I would argue that you might be in a more win Now situation than even Sacramento is um because you finished higher in the standings you just went out and traded for dejonte Murray um you parted ways with the likes of Jonas valent chunis Naji Marshall um Larry Nance was in that trade um for for for Murray and you’ve positioned yourself to you know you’re you’re gonna have big contract go to Trey Murphy and and um um help me out who’s the other shooter that I just blinked on who else do they have um the long yeah the long the long shooter they also have on the team defensive player Oh herb herb Jones yes thank you herb Jones is under contract but yeah they got him under a good contract but go ahead and now and now you’re in a situation where you know Ingram who you know I think they would still like to to keep on their team but the reality is he’s big money and uh he’s entering the final year of his deal and he’s attractive to other teams as well and from a Sacramento standpoint that’s the typee of move that I feel they have to make um it’s the type of addition that you know helps him in in a as a as a as a two-way player but clearly a prolific scorer a guy who’s out there always seemingly in the top 10 of NBA scoring um giving Sacramento an ultimate punch and um from Sacramento standpoint to make a deal like that happen um they’re going to ultimately require a third team and that could be really tricky and the Pelicans might get in a spot where ultimately you don’t see any movement you know um I wouldn’t be surprised if this goes deeper into the into the off season and maybe they get to a point where they just feel the plan for now is to hold on to Ingram and uh you know get maybe closer to the trade deadline so it doesn’t you know any can happen certainly but let’s be honest I mean of the two teams the Pelicans are the one with the player and that makes things difficult it’s really are they are they willing to play ball are they willing to accept what Sacramento can offer and is there a third team that can get involved the other question is I think a lot of it there’s a lot of question marks surrounding Keegan Murray um I don’t really have total Clarity in in a sense of his availability but I wouldn’t expect him to be maybe made available in in this in this circumstance and that’s one of the reasons why I think a third team is um might be necessary because of the draft Capital that Sacramento has and when you’re New Orleans and you’re in this like win now position you know draft picks are nice but you’re looking at cap room and um being able to position yourself to compete in the now and that’s what the kings are looking like as well yeah I I think from everything I hear the biggest situation that that’s kind of holding up well it’s that the Pelicans really want to center right so they need to find a third team to like work into this deal to get a center and I don’t know like when you’re these it becomes more complex when the third team’s involved um but I also think that like look the Kings have some assets here um I I do know that from what I I’ve heard the Pelicans do really like the idea of Harrison Barnes um like just having another veteran like C.J McCollum um having another guy who doesn’t miss games which would be a really really big thing for them because uh historically they’ve had a lot of players who miss a ton of games and Harrison Barnes on like what a three or four year streak here in Sacramento without missing a single game uh so that’s one thing but that the third team that needs to be brought in I don’t think it’s because um they don’t believe in the assets or or whatever it’s just that they don’t have a starting center at this point and so again the Pelicans need to find someone else and and I think it’s a little weird because like what are the Kings supposed to do like the the Pelicans need to tell them who they would like as a center and and then they need to get a third team involved if that’s the way it goes and I’m not sure who that is and then like a distribution of of assets I think the one hold up to for me I love Brandon Ingram as a player I think Brandon Ingram would fit this this roster perfectly uh you know 6’9 7 foot3 wingspan he does play defense um three level scorer a guy who averages 5.9 assists per game and I think that’s something that Sean you and I have talked about how how the Kings really do need a another playmaker and this is a playmaker he he’s not only a scorer but he’s a guy who can create for others and I think that that puts him in in my mind in a different realm I also think it’s a it’s a little crazy because Brandon Ingram’s been in the NBA for for eight years this will be his ninth season and he hasn’t turned 27 yet and it feels like he’s been around forever he’s actually he’s two years younger than Kyle kusma and has been in the league a year longer than Kyle kusma so if if that’s that’s to me it’s crazy the other thing right he’s he’s 26 right he’s 26 he he hasn’t turned 27 yeah he’s like two years younger than kma the other problem is that Brandon Ingram is on a one-year $34 million $36 million deal and that that limits his value it just does like there so for people who don’t know I’ll go through the salary cap situation really quickly um when you trade for a player you cannot you can sign him to an extension when he’s traded for but the extension is very limited and it’s a maximum of two years and 5% raises and so you can give him a little bit of a bump on what he’s already making the 34 million uh so would proba I mean 36 million probably be closer to 38 uh but it would be like a two-year deal he’s not going to sign that deal at all so like you’ve gota wait and you have to wait an entire six months and so you wouldn’t know if you’re going to be able to you might know but you don’t know no until six months later so in January the Kings could start negotiating a long-term deal and sign them to a like a full-fledged four-year extension or they could wait till the end of the year and sign them to a 5e extension like those are things that could happen but as of right now they’re not guaranteed and so uh like while Brandon Ingram is a tremendous player and he’s young and he fits your your age Arc and would slide in and be your third best player like day one and all of a sudden that means that Malik Monk and and Keegan Murray are like in some order your fourth and fifth best players that would mean the Kings would be pretty good um it’s just whether or not you can pull it off so you got to pull it off in order to pull it off I believe you got to find somebody who has a center that makes sense for them and then work with that does that make sense Sean for sure but I also think you know I think um while the center’s nice I mean there’s still plenty of time for them to go get it and certainly the likes of you know you start looking around the league it’s can you can is Mitchell Robinson an idea is you know Clint capella DeAndre Aton in Portland you know a lot of The Usual Suspects that kind of come up so I think Portland’s an interesting to kind of I think Atlanta and Portland are two interesting ones to kind of keep an eye on because both of those teams would be certainly interested in draft Capital which the Kings have a lot of yeah I definitely and that’s something that I could see happening too I could see something um just like to this isn’t reporting this is just like giving a framework of something but where um you see something like Harrison Barnes goes to uh the Pelicans um Kevin herder goes back to Atlanta with Chris dwarte and uh Clint capella goes to the Pelicans um and and the Kings would get Brandon Ingram in that deal and like fundamentally that works and then a team like Atlanta and that would probably get a first- round pick from the Kings I’m not sure that that you would have any draft Capital outside of maybe some seconds going to going to the Pelicans um just in my opinion like if I’m structuring a deal if you’re getting two players um and one of those is the starting center that you’ve been looking for even if he’s on a one-year deal um then it would that would kind of make sense to me um but who knows like I have no idea if Atlanta and is interested on a deal like that I don’t know if they’d be interested in bringing back Kevin herder although uh they did trade de jonte Murray so maybe they do have a little bit of a space and they they gave away AJ Griffin that was weird um especially with the Murray trade uh so just some food for thought to like kind of put out there in your mind of of how a deal like that might work um and then on top of that uh we have the other the other conversation uh and that is um I Heard on was see yesterday morning so what is today Monday morning uh that the Kings had had got into the conversations with the Utah Jazz about um about uh Lori Markin um and for me like Sean I’ll just be honest I I don’t think that that’s going to go anywhere I would be surprised if it does um but uh Mark and you know Danny a likes to ask for the moon and I don’t think the kings are willing to give up the moon for marinin well yeah I mean I think the reality is there’s two things and and yeah I I heard a lot about Markin in yesterday and um with some folks that I’ve talked to specifically when it came to him I get the impression that him and his people uh Lori Markin and his people are very intrigued by the possibility of entering a free agent Market um where you can essentially be the big fish and kind of control your own destiny in terms of a trade I think it he has a contract that and a and a talent level that everyone in the league is going to be salivating for the trouble is if he’s not willing to commit to an extension um then it’s a one-year rental and good luck in trying to get that asking price that Danny a I mean a one like a one-year rental is very difficult to go out and get for someone like him um especially if you’re a team like Sacramento who let’s face it marking would be nice but he doesn’t put you over the top as a as a championship Contender right away so um you you would need still other pieces around him you certainly get in the conversation of being a relevant team again but um and the way it’s been told to me is that I you know I I I lean more towards what you’re saying especially people I’ve talked about talked to recently because this looks like yes there’s interest in Sacramento clearly just like any other team and and they’ve you know gone down the rabbit hole a little bit but um as it’s been put to me I don’t think it’s likely that anything happens with Sacramento yeah and the problem is that Danny anges is likely gonna ask for Keegan Murray in that trade and having Lori Markin added to the the fourman core of fox uh Malik monk Keegan Murray and and sabonis I think it would put you into like a cont a contender in the Western Conference um but I don’t know that it I mean the Boston Celtics are way up here and everyone else is trying to catch the Boston Celtics um I definitely think that it it puts you in a much higher tier in the west but when you swap out marketing for Keegan Murray like yeah it’s it’s an upgrade to today but what does it look like two years from now and can you keep them and the fact is like look I I I keep breaking this down for people but Keegan Murray is under contract with the Kings for another two years and next summer they have the option of of giving him a rookie scale extension and that extension will be for like another four seasons like there’s a really really good chance that Keegan Murray is going to be a Sacramento King for like eight years and at a much lower rate than than anything that Marken or that uh that Ingram will be at right so you can look at what Ingram is making right now 36 million bucks that is the final year of Ingram’s rookie scale extension and that’s kind of where you know Keegan Murray will be seven or eight years from now he’ll be maybe a little bit higher than that because you know we’re we’re more years into the salary cap and the salary cap is increased but if if Keegan Murray reaches the point where he’s a Max extension rookie scale guy he still would just be getting to this contract figure that that Ingram is right now and Ingram’s gonna want you know a fiveyear 40 million a year deal or something or he’s making 200 million and so if you’re trading for Ingram it’s with the understanding that that’s what you’re gonna have to you’re gonna have to pay out uh if you’re trading for markeet and it’s the same thing you’re going to have to pay out 40 plus between 40 and 50 million a year for marketing just because it’s years of service where you already have Keegan Murray locked up under contract for another two years but realistically another like six so it just makes it more difficult for a team to to really come to the conclusion that trading a player like Keegan is a smart idea at this point um where would you land on that um I’m I’m not giving up Kegan Murray like I I’m I’m of the opinion that that Markin doesn’t make you a contender without Keegan and I I think if You Were Somehow able to get marke in that could make you a contender um hey look at that as we’re talking Orlando Magic Jonathan Isaac has agreed to a five-year 84 million contract extension that’s that’s some crazy money for a guy who can’t stay healthy at all um yeah yeah at all that’s that’s per W uh but yeah Sean it’s a good question like look I think that like just like laying out all the cards like on the table and saying okay what deals would make sense if you can get Brandon Ingram without giving up Keegan Murray I think that Brandon Ingram and Keegan Murray side by side instead of Lorie Marken is a better front Court I I’d even say the same thing I think that if you were to trade for Kyle kosma Kyle kosma and Keegan Murray are better front Court than if you just have marketing and trying to back fill that’s just my opinion and and so I have a a tough time especially with a guy who’s entering the final year of his deal um giving up all kinds of draft capital and everything else if if he can walk and if you can’t guarantee anything and that’s that’s kind of the problem that you have with both of these players with whether it’s Ingram or it’s marketing yeah it’s it’s certainly like I try to put my myself in the shoes of a of a front office like the Kings Monty McNair Wes Willcox and those folks because um they clearly have a spotlight on them but I don’t think they’re going to operate in terms of out of desperation or their back against the wall um but clearly they’re you know there’s there’s an expectation that they go out there and they dramatically change this this team um but I think dramatically is defined different to many different people and ultimately you still know that this team wants to build around what they Define as their core now whether that includes a core four core three whatever um we always joke about it no one’s Untouchable you know um and and they’ve proved that they’ve proved that before you’re only Untouchable until you’re not and I think I think if I put myself in their shoes certainly if I think the world of Keegan Murray which I do I I I you know personally I think I can see it I can see him being that type of player that caliber um I don’t know if I don’t think he’s a superstar but I think he could be an All-Star worthy type player one day I could buy that but the trouble is you’re dealing with the now and you have a fox and sabonis that have a finite amount of time and you want to capitalize on that very very quickly is Ingram the type of player that if he verbally gives you a commitment to an extension that you could move off of Keegan Murray for I I I don’t know that could be a bridge too far but certainly like Lori Markin and if he was to do that same thing and and you know verbally agree to an extension do any of these do any of these pieces make me willing to part with Keegan Murray depending upon what the rest of the package looks like I also think when I look at where Sacramento’s at I think it’s you know you can clearly look at their team and you can see their pieces and yeah Kevin herder and Harrison Barnes get get singled out quite a bit but I also feel like the two of them might have more value for other teams independently than they do than they would together if that makes sense and this is also as you’ve noted in past podcast this the first year where you can actually trade money you can trade your midlevel except exception yeah and I think that is a huge huge feather in the cap for Mar for or I shouldn’t say feather in the cap I should say an a tool and toolbox for this front office so um I’m I’m really willing I’m really curious to see how this all plays out because um I haven’t I haven’t I haven’t gone to a conclusion and trust me I’ve tried to crowdsource a lot of people that I talked to um both throughout the league front office ex front office um players all these things and there’s a very high opinion on a lot of these people when it comes to Keegan Murray but if if you have the heat so to speak and how how to what Notch to what degree is that heat you know simmering boiling nuclear whatever it is do you feel the the pressure to do something right away and from what I’ve been able to at least figure out is I don’t feel like this team I don’t feel like this front office is necessarily feeling like their back is against the wall to have to do something but if Keegan Murray is be is is moved and you’re Landing the likes of uh Brandon Ingram a um Lori marinan that is extending with Sacramento maybe not right away but clearly six months from now as you pointed out to where they can make that money uh more beneficial for the player is it worth it depending upon what that package looks like and if not what would that player look like that you would be willing to part with Keegan Murray on because in my mind yes if marinan is on this team if Kyle kosma is on this team if Brandon Ingram is on this team they are ultimately in that top three of players on the on on the Kings roster and that’s what we’ve talked about at least from my standpoint where they need to add a three-headed monster they need to add to Fox and sabonis they need help there so you’d be checking that box and yeah in this fantasy world that I’m kind of laying out if it comes at the expense of Keegan Murray what is the player that you need to ultimately get in efforts to part ways with him yeah it’s it’s complicated man I I I gotta be honest um like while I like Brandon Ingram and I like Lori Markin in and I really really really like kyak kma’s contract um I don’t think any of those three are good enough to trade Keegan Murray four like especially if you’re gonna have to give up picks and I I think that that’s where um like again like to revisit like I forgot there when I had walked through this trade before with Atlanta this is I walk through the trade if you could go and make this and at Atlanta with Clint capella going uh so dwarte and and Kevin herder you could give the Pelicans a first round pick in that deal where Harrison Barnes is going there and so is clink capella you can give them a first round pick and to compensate Atlanta you can make the 2025 a unprotected pick that they already owe Atlanta and just pull the pick protections and and maybe give them a second round pick maybe that’s enough for them to to give up Clint capella for for herder and dwarte to match salary and you move forward so like look I think there are a lot of ways that the Kings can improve and you brought up the mle the mid-level exception um there’s going to be a lot of things out there about the mid-level exception and whether you can trade it and how you can trade it and all that stuff um I did see something from Keith Smith where he’s trying to decide uh Keith Smith is from what uh spot track spot track yeah yeah and and of course he he put out there that the Kings he thought they had about 9.5 million of their uh of their mid-level uh to to use that’s not the case at least not from the way I look at the the salary cap um he’s taking Alex ly’s contract and adding it and taking it off the top and so that’s not how I would look at that Alex Lynn is a is a is a veteran minimum scale contract that the Kings would not sign until they actually made a trade so they’ll have the their full mid-level exception to go out and make a trade and then they’ll sign Alex Lynn after the fact so just to clarify that that could push them over the first apron uh but again the Kings have other ways to get below the apron and to even get below the tax we already saw that um we saw it with the trade that sent Davon Mitchel and and Sasha venkov to to the Raptors for uh Jayla McDaniels Jay J McDaniels is another situation the Kings can trade Jaylen McDaniels right now but they can’t trade him in aggregate they can’t trade him along with another player so they have to wait two months before they can do that but just keep that in mind too that um they’ll they should have a trade ship down the road and I I also believe I’m not mistaken the Kings actually got trade exceptions in in the Sasha asenov and Davon Mitchell trade um but that’s a whole another story I I think that they have like a full like six point something million dollar uh trade exception um so the the fact that you you brought up the mle and what I my point being number one I think they have a full mle number two that’s also why I don’t think Monty McNair has been in a huge rush to go jump into the free agent market for guys like drik Jones Jr or n Marshall which I know a lot of Kings fans like um the fact is that you can still go and get these types of players with your mid-level exception especially when it all shakes out and all the free agents go where they’re going to go and a bunch of teams have like offset they have weird wonky rosters and they may be over a first apron they may be over a second apron um it you know players like Jared Cunningham could be available players like uh Robert Williams a Time Lord uh could be available in Portland who makes less than the the mid-level exception and so those are players that you might be able to trade for for like second round picks and cap relief from those teams so just keep that in mind and that’s why I think Monty isn’t all that concerned about what’s happening at free agency right now because he he either had to dive in one pool or dive in the other and he’s chosen to go the trade route initially does that makes sense Sean for sure yeah definitely does um yeah there’s there’s a lot of offseason left there’s a lot of options and you’re they’re going to try to swing for the fences and you know they it’s uh it’s tough though because you’re ultimately you’re you’re you’re doing the hunting right you’re trying to land the big fish and um when you’re seeking out a player to add to your team and the biggest thing you can part with is basically draft Capital that makes that makes it tough we just saw Mel Bridges and how much you know four first five first round picks four unprotected what that looks like um that’s obviously a guy who still has team control but um it it’s interesting year-to year what a value of a first- round pick is and you’re you’re a team like the Kings who just finished nth in the west you’re a lottery team two wins shy of what you did last year going from third to ninth and you become and you’re a lottery team so um it’s uh there’s also this thing I think about you know always putting in somebody how you know kind of looking at it from their standpoint if you’re the front office if you’re let’s say a vron at eay who obviously influences a lot of decisions within this organization as well and if you’re him do you allow your GM to have complete access to the to said draft Capital especially if you do have maybe a spotlight on him a little bit that that burns a little bright because you want to see what he can do um certainly this man is a a type of Personality who is an impossible to please kind of kind of uh you know gonna g to always hold your feet to the fire kind of uh influence over those positions so um yeah it’s tough I I I try to think about that as well and how that plays into effect and um I I’m just saying that from a speculative standpoint I don’t know that for anything I don’t know that you know for all I know the front office has you know full full Reign and um support from VC to be able to do whatever they can to make this thing work but it does creep into the mind when you try to think about how truly what truly a pathway for the Kings to ultimately become a championship contending team or ultimately get to where they want to be yeah I think like in my opinion like Monty has full run like if he needs to trade the 27 the 29 and the 31 uh draft first round picks and then throw in pick swaps in 28 and 30 I I definitely could see him like I think he has the leeway within the organization to do it it really does depend on who the player is and as of right now um like I think Brandon Ingram or or uh Lori marinin they’re the types of players that you could take that kind of swing with that you would have to give up three first round picks if they were under contract but the fact is they’re not right and so so their value is much lower and it doesn’t matter what like whether you think you can get a deal done with with one of them and not the other or not until you have a deal you can’t like go go forward with the assumption that you’re going to be able to retain somebody a lot can happen in six months and you know we’re talking about the first 30 games of the Season or something what if an injury happens what if if a player just realistically gets here and he’s homesick and he doesn’t feel like being here I mean I like Sean you and I are old enough to remember uh like George Hill walking in the door and like very quickly not wanting to be in Sacramento and the Kings having to figure out a way to get rid of a three-year 57 million contract um like okay like what are you going to do now and uh so so I don’t want to like just say that if you if you trade for a guy he’s automatically gonna sign um and I also you have to consider how much is Brandon Ingram going to cost that’s part of this equation is he gonna cost 40 million a year is he gonna cost more than that um I look at the the contract that ogn and Obi got with the Knicks and to me I I mean I love OG anobi as a player he’s a guy I brought up all the time is I think the perfect fit I’m not giving him 213 million bucks or whatever he got he can’t stay healthy and neither can Brandon Ingram and neither can Lori Markin in for that matter none of those guys have are guys who consistently play 70 plus games per season they’re in the 60s but you that that means that you’re talking 15 to 20 games a year you’re going to miss one of your Star level players and that’s a lot so a little bit of a risk well and yeah you look at the you look at the injury history as well you know you have to factor it in but again even with someone like Ingram being at 26 years old it’s it’s super enticing because I feel I mean this guy even after suffering an injury like that he is still a Top Flight scorer um and has that length and is able to rebound and obviously distribute and um I don’t know that’s that’s one of the reasons why I get into the conversation about Keegan muray because you know you can you can maybe not want to trade him and certainly want to build around him and totally understand but to get where they’re willing to go you just you just talked about it like Brandon Ingram I mean yes he’s a $40 million a year player of course he is yeah what we what are we talking about right um so I don’t know it’s going to be interesting to see how this all plays out um I think you can make an argument of that’s the interesting thing about the system that Mike Brown runs having us players like d Manis sabonis literally anybody can fit into this equation um there’s not a lot of players like if you if you can’t fit into this type of system then you’re probably not that good of a basketball player when all said and done uh it is it’s it’s a system that requires a level of IQ for sure but if you move the ball and you can shoot the ball you’re you will flourish in the system yeah and and I’m going to make like one cavey out there like people always think that I hate Davon Mitchell as a player um first of all I think Davon Mitchell is is a very good dude and a really really hard worker one of the hardest workers I’ve ever seen in Sacramento I put him up there with like buddy hee and I know it sounds crazy because people think I don’t like buddy heeld as well but I like buddy uh buddy you know it’s fun it’s fun to talk about Buddy and to to cover buddy um but buddy like you could never ever question buddy heal’s work ethic buddy buddy worked his ass off all the time um I mean I think that guy could run marathons like he’s in such incredible shape he’s he’s I put Mitchell in the same exact category the problem I have with Mitchell is that he is straight up a an ISO type system player a halfcourt ISO player and the Kings don’t play that system and so he doesn’t fit and I felt like he didn’t fit at all the whole time he was here and I actually think he went to the ab absolute perfect place for him uh in Toronto where they seem to take guys like him uh like Kyle Lowry and like Fred Van vet that are underappreciated and help them become what they should have become in the league and so I’m hoping that happens for Davon because he’s a good dude and I know he works hard and I know his intentions are well and he plays defense like he’s a hell of a Defender still I mean yeah he’s in a weird situation I mean obviously you’re not the biggest guy in the world and they’re for a team that lacks size didn’t they they were they were trying to they were searching for answers and it’s not like he’s a knockdown shooter either so um it’s it’s trust me Davon Mitchell is not um feeling sorry for himself he never did at any point last year accepted the the the the adversity he faced and the challenges that are ahead of him he knows what his limitations are and his bread is buttered where on the defensive end and he tried to make great strides with his shot I think he did and now he gets to go show it with bulk minutes hopefully uh in in a Toronto Toronto system where he can hopefully get upwards of 20 minutes a game yeah I I hope so um we’ll have to see it all how it all works out for Davon up uh what is it we the north right um it should be interesting yeah it should be interesting so um the other thing I want to bring up about that before we dive into the why Davon Mitchell uh and even Sasha venkov are no longer on the roster but the um for for me uh where was I going to go with this the um oh the Sasha fenov and Davon Mitchell thing I want to kind of bring this up like I I think that like good organizations every organization makes mistakes especially in the draft um they make mistakes with free agent signings they make mistakes in the draft whatever um I think the good organizations in the NBA they realize their mistakes quickly and they try to move off of them as fast as they can and I think that the trade that happened here Sasha fenov was a redundant piece next to Trey lyes and uh when you got to the number 13 pick and and you know Devin Carter is there um all of a sudden Davon Mitchell became a redundant piece and the fact that Monty and Wes were able to quickly shop them and get rid of them and the cost was only two second round picks and and Jaylen uh McDaniels coming back to me was a stroke of Genius and now frees them up with like 8.7 million more than they had the the day before and they also moved two pieces that just weren’t G to play they in my opinion they weren’t part of what the future was and I think it was a very strong move to not only do that move and admit that that those weren’t the right pieces but also to do it very quickly while a team like Toronto still had money from the previous season like those are that deal was consummated before the start of the 20242 NBA season which is July 1 so that deal is all behind you it’s all last year’s deal and that’s a good thing for me I think it it showed me that like they did this with ran Holmes last year and it cost him a first round pick this move was way more cost efficient and it was also like an admission that okay we can’t keep going down this path we see where we need to go and let’s take care of it now um I can see how you arrived at that point I don’t know that I’d call either one a mistake though I I think it’s um a lot changes in the NBA very very quickly I I don’t look at either one of those players as a mistake um clearly for what they built it’s not like either one was a starter or a um even a solid rotational piece I think you know Davon Mitchell clearly played very very well down the end of the stretch of the season um to where you could rely on it much more um but their back end of the rotation or unplayable players I mean Sasha’s biggest problem was just lack of playing time and mainly due to his health and I think that is what ultimately hurt them um I don’t think it was a mistake to go after Sasha venkov I don’t think it was a mistake to draft uh Davon Mitchell necessarily it’s but when but to your point though whether you whether you define it as as a mistake or you define it as a it’s just not in the right fit for now um and and you’re going to utilize that to make yourself better in another area it depends on what you’re getting make sense like and at least I I think yeah it depends on like you know if Sasha goes out there and you know lights the lights Toronto on fire uh and stays within the NBA as you know his people want him to do um then you’re not looking at that as the mistake would be how did you let that leave Sacramento I don’t think that Davon Mitchell is going to go out and be a All-Star level point guard but clearly could be a um has a talent to go out there and and with the right circumstance uh be a high contributing player to a team and and I hope I wish him well in Toronto but that just wasn’t going to be the case in Sacramento so to your point you have to you know usually spend money to make money and I think depending upon what Sacramento lands clearly Jaylen McDaniels ain’t it but what do they do with this money what do they do with this pick and if this leads to a Brandon Ingram if this leads to a Kyle kosma pick your poison then we’ll have something to uh truly evaluate but until then I don’t I don’t I just don’t want to label them as mistakes I just feels makes me feel uncomfortable yeah like I don’t mean that they are mistakes as in they aren’t good players mistes for this roster and for this team like they’re not going to fit they don’t fit and you need to move well well I mean but but we I still think that’s an unanswered question with Sasha you know especially with his with the with the many games that he missed um and and that’s why you know because like if it’s a mistake then who’s the mistake on front office Mike well I mean I I have to be honest like if if you I think you walked in the last off SE yeah I I think we are too but you walked in the last offseason and you should have been able to see that the Trey ly Sasha venkov thing at least had potential to be a major problem where you couldn’t play both of them and you spent eight million on one of them and and six plus million on the other that and I and again I don’t think it’s like I’m not just saying hey you guys are horrible and you made tremendous errors but the success rate of like just say the top 10 of the NBA draft I well I would say the failure rate is 40% probably like for every uh every draft we could go through let’s just like right off the top of my head let’s just go to the 2017 top 10 right so the first pick Marquel folz complete bust uh second pick Lonzo ball um he had talent but he’s not worked out to be the NBA player you thought he’s a total bus number three Jason Tatum number four not a bu is Josh Jackson Josh Jackson is number four total bust yeah total bust number five dearen Fox number six is Jonathan Isaac number seven is Lori markton number eight is Franken telina total bust number nine is Dennis Smith total bust I don’t even know who the top 10 who who number 10 was oh number 10 uh the Kings had that pick they they didn’t Draft Zack Collins but you could even say for a top can pick like pretty much a bust like so what is that six players right um I hear you I think again I just it’s semantics but I think words matter when when you know fans listen to this podcast and I I I would just not I just wouldn’t label them that I think they’re like if you’re grading them for example like they’re incompletes um they’re incompletes because you don’t know truly what you’re getting with that money in that cap space yet and you may have sent a pretty talented player that could fit in your system that just hadn’t yet um mainly due to injury and mainly due to culture shock and what would another year of that look like and oh I don’t I don’t disagree with Sasha I I think Sasha another year of Sasha maybe but but again in order to keep Sasha you need to make three other moves and go get like three other long athletic people to play the three the four and the five which you have to do anyway I mean let’s be honest you have to do that anyway you do but you also like it’s the question that I always asked when they were chasing Sasha is he better than Trey lyes and that was like a question that I asked is he better than Trey and they thought he was and it’s like okay I like after watching him in a season yeah culture shock was a huge thing for him uh adjusting to the speed and quickness of the NBA all that stuff I actually like him as a player I didn’t hate that at all I just understand that there’s going to come a point where you have to have the other pieces in order to not expose him like he’s totally exposed and we’re kind of go round and round but I just I just again one year does not make a player you know and it’s uh it’s the same thing you heard from Mike Brown over and over again you know in comparison to Manu jobi it’s like there’s something there it’s learning the game and then when you get bit twice by injury for extended periods like it just puts you behind the eightball and in davon’s case you have limitations there clearly with your size you can’t control that and you know when you’re on a team that like if he was on let’s say the put him on the Celtics right he’d probably flourish because he has so much help around him in terms of length and two-way players that even somebody with him who has a decent offensive game that we could all agree as maybe improving but it still isn’t at the at what people would like on the offensive end but he’s an elite Defender and if you put him on a winning situation like a Boston Maybe Milwaukee maybe Miami you’re looking at a much different player than you are in Sacramento yeah and I think I think I’ll try to I I think what you’re talking about I’m not calling the players mistakes as much as I am the moves to acquire those players mistakes and that no I understand that and see that’s what I push back on too because I don’t fault the front office for that I don’t you have to try it no I I I agree with that too you have to try it but once you get into it and you realize that it’s not going to work I think it was it was brilliant for them to real okay this is not going to work like this we can’t do this again next season but you don’t know what you have yet you know what I mean maybe maybe maybe with Sasha but he’s almost 29 Jam I’m saying what did you get the money that you have how did you spent it how have you what have you used it we don’t know that yet that’s an unknown so you position yourself and I get you but if you go out and waste that I don’t want to say waste but if you go out there and let’s say your move is now I’m just trying to think of one off top of my head Demar D rozan whose name is circled around a little bit or Mark Mark Spears our friend Mark Spears decided to throw that in that the kings are dark horses for deard de Rosen or or like Caleb Martin you know yeah one of these pieces that I think we would agree might make you somewhat better but it’s it’s not putting you in that tier that you want to be in right no but they’re different and I think in this case the Kings needed different you know as much as they need better they needed different and I still think they need better no no they need better for sure no no they need better for sure at at the number three spot or four spot in their rotation but they need different overall they need long athletic Defenders that can like right like you’re watching Boston win a championship with like eight of the long athletic Defenders that you need and you’re watching the Timberwolves and you’re watching even uh you know what Dallas was able to do with Derrick Jones Jr and like they just kept adding these long athletic the Kings they don’t necessarily you don’t necessarily need I think the Kings need a number three right or a number four but I also don’t think like in the grand scheme of things if you were to bring this back as like basically the same Talent level I think getting a different player than Kevin herder would be more advantageous in bringing Kevin herder back as as just the same because you need the long athletic guy and while that player may not be better than Kevin herder as a player you still need one of those right like even like Derrick Jones Jr and and Kevin hurder like they you could easily make the argument that that Kevin hder is a better functional NBA player than than uh Derrik Jones and but but I think the Kings could use Derrick Jones more than they could use Kevin herder this next season that’s what my point would be right yeah so no I’m with you Sean they have to improve they have to they have to improve the roster and then and it they don’t need to make a change to make a change they need to make a change because they need they need more talent because they’re not good enough they weren’t good enough last season and that’s you know again that’s not a failure on everybody it’s just a reality you won 46 games and you needed to win 48 to get into the playoffs and even then we’re talking about an eight seed um like to me the the West is C to wide open and there are plenty of teams that could take a major step back whether it’s the Clippers or it’s uh the Suns or it’s Golden State like there are a bunch of teams that could take a step back the Kings should be in that that tier of teams that are looking to take the jump up into that top three or four with with the OKC’s the um you know Minnesota Dallas Denver of the world and even Denver took a major step back when they lost kcp uh in my opinion so um let’s get to uh let’s get to the draft pick um I didn’t think Devin Carter was going to be be available at number 13 um I I I understand the Kings um choosing him at number 13 I also think that they probably had a deal or two uh that they could have made or maybe they couldn’t at that moment um and so they they did what was best for them in that moment and I think what’s best for him like I know a lot of people like doton connect and were verys said that that wasn’t the pick um but Devin Carter C check checked so many boxes for me it’s crazy and I I I think you probably feel a little bit similar in that way yeah absolutely I’m also stunned that connect felt as far as he did to the Lakers was that 17 yeah I I don’t know what’s going on he’s fun lot of fun yeah but but I’m with you I I mean if I had a draft board myself Devin Carter I mean regardless of fit regardless of um what regardless of what a team needed Devin Carter would have been would have been higher on my draft board and clearly I think the Kings went with the best player available um I love the fact that in talking to him you know felt that Sacramento was his best workout um you know we just had the I just wrapped up the press conference this morning and you know from draft day to speaking to him at the press conference to speaking to him in a smaller one-on-one situation you hear him say you hear him describe himself as a dirty player a guy who’s I shouldn’t say dirty player a guy who’s not afraid to do the dirty work um you one could call him a dirty player I mean he gets he’s Scrappy man he calls himself at every turn he’ll call himself a dog and I said what do you want kings fans to know you know who you are and he’s like I’m a dog and that competitive nature is like sorely needed on this king’s team which is great so I would argue that while it is another guard uh he’s a very unique guard but um obviously they make the trade with you know to move Davon the the next day it’s the one thing you have to remember is I think Monty McNair said this best on draft day when when it comes to the draft you’re not you’re not drafting for today you’re drafting for down the road and it’s it’s it’s fun if you can draft for somebody that checks a box for the here and now um but the reality is that doesn’t happen very often and you you oftentimes need to draft best player available especially when you’re a team that finishes ninth um and what he brings he’s he’s unique man that that’s like a seven foot wingspan uh you can just see it he’s yeah he’s uh 6’2 and a quarter without shoes with a seven n and three4 wingspan he’s a plus seven and a half wingspan to height it’s crazy yeah I like him too like look watching him play um he is he’s the modern NBA he is what like the soup dour of the NBA like right the the Bruce Browns the the kcps the you know like all of these extremely valuable players even like Josh Hart like there are so many of these guys that you can kind of point to and say oh he looks like that guy and to me it’s a white dere Derek white yes I mean I had I had two guys it was funny I I sent out a bunch of texts after um realizing myself like you know I don’t know that I would go this far but I got two people within within a hour completely separately both say drew holiday and even I thought that was High Praise but I think if you rewind to where Drew holiday was you know at the time he came into the draft to compared to where he is now you know to me see the Josh Hart the Derek white a little bit more um I but I can see what they’re talking about in terms of the competitive fire the way he uses his body the way he moves his shot like one of the things that I like I mean he he had the whole I know it’s a little bit cliche but he gets his he gets his shot off very quick um at least in college he shot further behind the three-point line than a typical College player would so he’s already basically shooting at NBA range he wouldn’t get to the to the line to shoot he would he’d be a foot or two behind it uh in a lot of his threes during the season he he considers him a shot maker and not a not he he he doesn’t take he talks about the efficiency a lot within his offensive game and I think that’s just brilliant because so many times you’ll hear shooter em many’s buddy hee here as a reference I mean how many times you see buddy hee be like I just got to keep shooting I just got to keep shoot that’s how Shooters think I just have to keep shooting I have to keep shooting you and you in doing so it’s like yeah it’s going to come around it’ll it’ll probably work for you get back to where you’re you’re getting that streak but Devin Carter doesn’t look at himself that way he looks at I need to be efficient I need to be efficient with my shooting with my scoring and what I bring to the team offensively and then defensively I’m gonna be up your ass and that’s that’s something that’s going to be sorely needed for this team yeah for me he’s a he’s a scorer he’s not a pure shooter and that’s fine like he I also think he’s a three LEL scorer um I think he work yeah he’ll work on his mid-range game uh defense is where he’s going to hang his hat and you know I know people are like well he’s another small guard like this is not Davon Mitchell just so people like Davon Mitchell’s uh like I don’t think he’s six foot tall but if he is six foot tall his wings ban is like 61 62 this is a dude that can hang with players much bigger than him 42 inch vert he can play Above the Rim uh he also like he’s crafty and he has it’s the intensity that he attacks with that I think separates him from a guy like Davon like Davon when he’s going to the rim like okay like there are moments where it’s it’s fine but that’s also where you see that he’s undersized like that’s not the way that Devon Carter attacks the rim like he attacks you a rim the rim with force and like look I I really really like the pick I don’t care like all these people are like oh my gosh now they have seven guards like okay one of them is already gone and Davon Mitchell we already know that they’re shopping Kevin herter I don’t think that’s any secret he’s in every trade package that anyone is bringing up uh it’s very clear that they shopped him at the deadline and they shop they’re shopping him again right now uh Chris DTE whether he’s part of the plan or not he’s on a one-year deal and I would say he’s more likely to not be part of any plan moving forward and then one of your other guards is a is a guy you converted from a two-way contract and we can all love Keon Ellis but he’s on a league minimum deal for the next two years and I think that’s spectacular and I think he’s earned his spot in the league but again he’s not a sure bet yet he’s a a player who’s really played about 60% of one season and shown some flashes and you think he can be a player you add that to Monk and you add that to to dearen Fox you really don’t have a lot of guards there could even come a point and this particular offseason or they have to go get another guard like if you end up trading a couple of guards you might have to go get another one unless you think that the combination of Colby Jones and and uh Keon Ellis and uh and Devin Carter can hold down like a good 40 minutes a night plus so I think it’s interesting I was totally I was surprised he he fell to 13 I was surprised the Kings didn’t trade the pick but when they didn’t trade the pick I was like oh okay this one makes sense what did you um what was your biggest surprise for the draft um Ron Holland going number five I thought that that was a surprise although I really like Ron Holland I would have been fine with him Sacramento um I’ll just say like when when I did draft prep for this year’s draft like because we’ve been around Monty and West for a number of years now like the first thing I do is like cross out every 18 19 year old player off the draft board and so I did focus on a guy like doton connect I did focus on a guy like Devin Carter uh you know Tristan dilva like all of these guys that that are seasoned veteran college players because if the kings were GNA draft that’s who they were going to draft they were going to draft one of these guys that are you know old sophomores or or Juniors or seniors and uh so I don’t know I don’t know that there was a lot of other surprise oh no Zach Ed at number nine which is stunning um I watch a national championship game like everyone else did and just watch that dude get torched in defensive sets and switches and I don’t know how that’s going to work at the NBA level but good for Memphis like if you think he’s going to work out maybe you can cover him with uh with jiren Jackson Jr but I I don’t know about that to me I like I like him with Memphis because of the I mean it’s kind of like Stephen Adams and and you know and and jiren Jackson again um you St Adams can really move his feet I told you I was I told you I said Zack Ed will be a lottery Pick and now did I think he’s gonna go nine no but I did think he’d go top 15 um my I think my biggest my biggest surprise still is Dalton connect falling the way he did um that I just did not see that happening um but i’ I’d honestly put number two Devin Carter going to the king because yeah of all the players that were going to fall out of the top 10 he was probably the least likely in my book and certainly with Zack EDI jumping into the top 10 someone had to come down and I didn’t think it would be I didn’t think it’d be him uh so yeah that was a uh that’s it’s a pleasant surprise I think you know Kings fans should be really really excited about what they have uh in him and you know I I also when you talk about Untouchables and no one’s Untouchable but that might be close because having him at Team control for as long as they do right now and certainly you know there was talks about trading the pick and they could still trade his draft rights and all that stuff but um boy I I think that would be a tough one to tough one to move right now yeah the the only thing that again like I’ve mentioned this on the air and and I’ll be honest with the only thing I’ve heard of why he may have fallen is there were concerns about a shoulder injury right and we’re still we’re still up in the air we don’t know if he’ll play at the California Classic this weekend uh due to the shoulder injury we don’t know when he will play We like and it’s possible he does play this weekend um we don’t know yet that the king said that they needed their medical team to look at him um I’d also like look if there is a point where you think you had a really really good workout and um like we’ve saw this a few years ago with with tyres halberton where like maybe the the shoulder injury is a little bit of smoke and mirrors to get him to better location I don’t know like you never know those things always those things can happen uh but I think we’re in a wait and see to just kind of we’ll know more I think we’ll know more by the end of the week about his injury and maybe we won’t because I don’t think we get a lot of clarity at all from from the Kings at this point when it comes to injuries but um I would like to at least know what what the the prognosis is and and see what kind of time frame if there is one there might not be um yeah and just to kind tie that up a bit you know today’s press conference it was asked Monty McNair said that they need to get him with his doctors I mean he he literally flew into town yesterday and part of the reason that the press conference was was so late you know not every team every team ends up doing summer league in Vegas right but not everybody does a second summer league like the Kings do with California classic certainly you have the Utah one uh you know Philly Oklahoma City Utah and I think it’s Memphis yeah actually it is Memphis because Devin Carter’s Father Anthony Carter who was an assistant coach on George Carl’s staff here in Sacramento y um is also an assistant coach with the Grizzlies now and he’s leaving from here to go to Utah so part of that was to allow you know these kid the draft Carter in this case to go home you know make arrangements because the next few weeks is summer league it’s basketball you you’re not see in the end of July so um gives them a chance to kind of get ready for what’s ahead and getting in here on on Monday or Sunday night I believe um was ultimately the best thing then Sunday they take you and you have your own little media day uh try on new uniform you’re G to get you know a whole bunch of photo shoots and then you go before the Wolves the media on on a day like today and yeah you’ve got Wednesday Thursday and Friday to basically get accustom to your new teammates and if you are going to play in the classic great um I can tell you manty McNair kind of seemed as if he wasn’t too concerned whether he plays or not or or if the injury was was going to bother him or not um but they got to get him with the doctors first and later this week we’ll probably know whether or not he’ll be playing because obviously the game is Saturday and um you know we’ll hopefully be able to talk to him before then yeah um let’s see the one other surprise on draft night was the filipowski thing and oh boy yeah that’s weird that is a a uh like a rabbit hole that I’m not sure anyone wants to jump down but there’s some crazy ass there are some crazy ass going on right there and I I think you might want to look at that if you’re out there um like that dude was taking a like a 26 year old to prom when he was 16 I don’t know bro the whole thing the whole thing is well maybe not Maybe not maybe 24 year old yeah the whole whole thing is very odd and very uncomfortable and um very uh made for not TV movie made for uh dat line yeah I I don’t even want to touch it it’s it’s just oh man it’s it’s a weird one it’s a jump in check it out it’s a little it’s a little crazy all right uh before makes anxious yeah it does make you anxious before we tie this uh we wrap this one up uh let’s get to the business of basketball Sean I’m going to do the thing I do every single time oh are they going to make a move you idiot um well I mean how do you define a move are you saying I mean a real move I mean they get they’re they’re they switch out a starter yeah yeah I think so yeah what do you think it is now now will it well see this is where you piss me off uh no I look I I think for sure I think honestly I think there’s going to be a change in the starter even if they run it back oh uh I think you have enough um you’re GNA have enough changes on this roster even without making maybe the headlin you know blockbuster trade and uh even if you make a smaller trade um I think you have enough to where things are going to get shaken up a bit so yes I think change for sure is coming um is it today this week two weeks from now I I I could see this thing going into Vegas and a lot you know changes because Vegas becomes the Hub of all things basketball not even just the NBA I mean you got all these a teams that end up going down there it’s it’s crazy so um it will become the Hub of all things basketball and uh a lot of meetings will take place and a lot of you know whining and dining take place and uh big- time decisions end up coming out of it Vegas as well so uh you’ll enjoy with the basketball that you have you’ll enjoy some looking at the likes of hopefully Devin Carter and you know Kobe Jones and and we’ll see what that looks like but um you know the two the new two-way players that they’ll that they’ll have under their belt which is you know Isaac Jones and Isaiah Crawford I think there’s will be an interest there um and even though you know you didn’t you won’t see you didn’t see the Kings pick up the qualifying offer for Jaylen Slawson and um Jordan Ford I think B both of those will still be on the summer league team so that that roster will be announced probably within the next day uh they should have done it already to be honest but yeah um they might be waiting for Medicals yeah well and you know a lot of that has to do with M Mr Mr first round pick there Mr Number 13 so no that’s what I mean yeah yeah I think I think that that might be what okay so I ask the question I also believe they will make a major change and like I if not like if they run it back I would be slightly surprised um but I should never say that I would say though if you come out of like if if you miss out on free agency and you miss out on the trades and you walk into the the deep dark you know Venture of the offseason without anything done and this is your Club I I think that there’s going to be it’s going to be a really really interesting awkward you know couple months because I I I don’t know I I think this team does need to make a move so I’m getting here real quick because I think if you do it in this way and and this might be fun but a lot of these names that we’ve heard you know throwing around um Kings don’t really control their Destiny with them you know they’re they’re go they’re trying to be the hunted and the decision isn’t really on them as to whether or not they can pull this pull something like that off I mean it takes two to T go as we say but in terms of likely versus unlikely or how you would grade it maybe a 10 meaning it’s going to happen in a one meaning it’s not gonna happen I I’d put it like this like the only thing I’m pretty con uh let’s see I’ll put kozma here got Markin I got Ingram anyone else you want to throw on on this list probably oh we could do cam Johnson I guess which I’m not a huge fan of but that’s okay okay not not that I dislike cam Johnson I just like again he’s just a jump shooter and then what about like a d rozan oh he’s well D rozan if you do get D rozan you’re getting D rozan on like a mid level I don’t think you’re doing a sign and trade for D rozan yeah I think the Lakers because I know that was kind of it’s he’s always linked to them but just being an LA guy that would probably have to work there more so than Sacramento but I’ll just all right that’s fine these four I would say the least likely of those three in my opinion is marinin I agree I would put I would put that at like a two um I think the second least likely is Kyle kozma I’m gonna put that at a four okay who who are we dealing with Cam Johnson as well in this yeah I’ll put cam Johnson in there um at number two and then and then number one would be well no well I’m saying I’ll let you do your list 10 being the the highest likely that they could land okay one being the least likely that they’d land I put Markin in I give it a two kozma I give it a four cam Johnson I’ll give a six and Ingram I’ll give an eight okay I would do a very similar except for I would Swap kozma and cam Johnson I think kozma is more available and I don’t know although I I do think that Jordi Fernandez is like hey if you want to swap out cam Johnson for uh for Harrison Barnes and give me a a vet that I’m comfortable with that I can work with and I’d be okay with that I’m gonna change one oh I’m gonna give I’m gonna give Ingram a six and a half I’m gonna give him like a six and a half seven yeah eight seemed a little a little I was trying to yeah it’s too strong I just wanted to put it above cam but uh because I had cam six but realizing that 80% likelihood that he comes to the Kings I I’ve not put it that high so no 6.5 yeah no no and and like look there’s a possibility two of those guys like if if you’re looking at the two guys in the middle you never know do you you have the assets to go get both of those guys because they don’t make a lot of money yeah yeah so I mean like a herder and and dwarte for kozma in a first round well herder D first and kozma would work as much as kozma I think would be a nice fit with Sacramento um I’m getting I don’t know this to be true I just kind of feel like it’s a hunch I just get the I get a feeling that Washington doesn’t want to move off of him for for the way I mean his contract is so Team friendly I get the feeling that they they have no idea what they’re doing and no no like but literally like I they’re caught in the middle like why do you go out and draft Alex saw and then sign Valen chunis for a threeyear $30 million deal and that’s easy SARS right well I’m not done yet on top of that you went out and you re re-upped ran Holmes so yeah they were able to convert ran Holmes this year contract into like a slightly less contract put that money on next year as a non- garanteed like $13 million deal he probably won’t see that um but that’s still three dudes and then they go out and they trade Denny Aisha for Malcolm Brockton and I get it they got a great deal there because they got two first round picks for him which was stunning to me I don’t know how you got two first- round picks for Denny Aisha um but also I like Malcolm Brogden and I I think if you’re all of a sudden I this is what I mean I think that they possibly could convince themselves that a core of of p and Brogden and kosma and valent chunis with young players at the wing and what kabali and um and then you know again like alexar and like the Cory kiser’s still there s sar’s not going to be ready but kiser’s a player yeah but I’m thinking that it’s possible that they’ve convinced themselves that maybe they could compete for a playoff spot or a playin spot in the Eastern Conference and so maybe they don’t trade kusma that’s all I was getting to yeah I I just I yeah I I I get you I’m I’m a little bit in agreement there I I could see them not doing that and you know they’re going to give SAR all the time he needs so no I think means at the NBA level or elsewhere yeah I think that’s a good idea I think it’s a good idea um okay uh that’s gonna do it for this edition of the the Kings speed podcast we’ll be back on on we’re gonna try for something on Friday with Brendan here as well uh because that’ll be a buildup to the Cal classic and hopefully we will have had some sort of movement between now and then if we don’t have that much movement maybe we push it back a a little bit um but we’re going to try to fit another pot here in the next couple of days um Sean do you have any final thoughts yeah I was out at Malik Monk’s basketball camp that was a lot of fun I wasn’t able to talk to him on camera but spent a lot of time with him uh in between his duties with the with the with the camp and first of all um you know he’s like a fan favorite here and that’s should surprise nobody but that camp sold out so fast like I mean it was cool to see that it was cool to see you know 65 kids from from Del Paso Heights make their way to uh this Camp thanks to Golden one being able to sponsor that and um just really incredible and and having some conversations with him uh and spending some time with him a little bit was was fun he flipped me off like he always does and uh told you to f off you know yeah he uh he admired my sunglasses and uh but no I I was sitting there minutes before I was S I was with him and then then you know the contavious calwell pope deal to Orlando happened I just looked at him I said I think he probably should cut you a check yeah you know and he he laughed and and you know said nope I’ll get mine on the back end it’ll be fine so everyone’s on the same page no it’s good to see I’m glad he’s back I’m I’m glad he’s able to do a camp here um like talk about just like giving the Kings the biggest like green light to go have a better off seon um like him saying yes that early was spectacular yeah I think like that right there was about a big as big a team player move as I’ve ever seen because like the uncertainty that would be right now with the Kings and What Sunday would have looked like and felt like and what the you know the possible possibilities could have been that would be a little nerve-wracking for for fans who are already on edge who are already wondering if uh if Jaylen McDaniels and Alex Lenn are the new uh Glenn Robinson II and uh Hassam Whiteside moves from a couple years ago and that’s it uh no you got your uh you got your your I think that move right there the Kings already did not lose the offseason they didn’t win the offseason yet but they didn’t lose it because they could they would have lost it if they lost him and it would have been really plent time to l it though that’s a winning move for sure and Devin Carter is a winning move for sure but if if this this could all go it’s GNA all blow up in their face wow Sean said it uh all right that’s gonna do it for this edition of the king oh wait wait wait I my final thoughts uh just be super careful like the weather is wild and it’s going to be that way for like the next two weeks so I drink a lot of water this how Kyle uh ends every show uh drink water and be kind to uh be kind to each other um but uh I I definitely drink water and just be cautious like Fourth of July is fun and I’ll be on the water the whole day and hanging out but uh it’s a it’s a little bit uh crazy with the weather the weather is going to what’s it 114 tomorrow in Sacramento I don’t know it’s I Like It Hot I don’t like it that hot but it’s you know I can handle 100 degrees what I don’t like is if it’s going to go you know 12 straight days of 100 plus degreee temperatures that’s that’s rough that’s tough on everyone pets and you know just what I what I like Sean is that for a lot of people I can get into my phone and I can go press a button on an app and and set my car temperature to 72 when I get out to the car and it’s not like oh my gosh what is happening I can’t sit down in my own car yeah no it’s nice so anyway you’re you’re not helping your many your of boats that you have and the this house on the lake live different lives my guy Sean uh all right well that’s going to do it for this edition of the Kings beat podcast uh we will be back hopefully later this week with brandan Nunes into uh so for box 40 Sean Cunningham I am James hamy Kings Insider for ESPN 1320 the Kings beat see you soon

Fox 40’s Sean Cunningham and The Kings Beat’s James Ham join forces for coverage of the Sacramento Kings.

Topics include the churning rumor mill with the Kings linked to both Brandon Ingram and Lauri Markkanen, Kings first round pick Devin Carter lands in Sacramento, what to make of the Davion Mitchell/Sasha Vezenkov trade and another episode of The Business of Basketball centered around whether the Kings will make a big move or not.

Thanks for joining us on this adventure! Big shoutout to Paul Jinkerson (@paulitition) for creating a new intro and outro for the podcast and to Brenden for creating our new overlay for the podcast.

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  1. Kings are not making any move the needle type moves for this team. Monte and his staff have been linked to so many players over the years n its ended up being a big nothing burger. If you guys report it then its not going to happen. History tells us that. Their not going to do anything at the trade deadline either. You guys are here to throw the narrative off. Even a media guy said you guys get told the plans and told if you say anything you can loose you creds and be fired. So anything you media member’s say exactly is wrong. You guys knew ahead that the kings were picking bagley and pushed this luka narrative. Its been admitted and they were told they couldn’t say anything. So these shows are just for likes and nothing more. Hammy yk i got hella respect for you but as an insider you are handcuffed on the truth.

  2. James, it's rude and condescending the way you talk about players with an injury history. Jonathan Isaac actually played a respectable number games this year and his minutes increased as the year went along. Medical science and physical therapy are ever-improving. It's not impossible for a guy who's missed a season OR TWO with injury to get back to playing a respectable amount. Klay Thompson hasn't really had any injury issues since he came back, and he was already getting older before the season even happened. Isaac has undoubtedly busted his ass like a man on a mission to get back healthy again.
    Just keep on eating doritos and scoffing at guys who push their bodies to the absolute limit 3× per week for a living

  3. if you guys can't agree on if Murray is available for Ingram then maybe that makes it a fair move for both sides.

  4. I like James. He is very good at what he does. However Sean is cool and calm and often gives James good feedback. Like in this podcast today about the use of the word ‘mistake’. I thought it was very important feedback. Sean just is a bit more refined than James. They both like all of us strengths and weaknesses. So just validating Sean for speaking up and having the courage to confront James on that. I would just invite James to take a breath and to not be defensive like he often does.

  5. I know nothing about trading /investment and l'm keen on getting started. What are some strategies to get started with?

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