@Milwaukee Bucks

Jim Owczarski on the Bucks’ draft and Giannis’ return to the court (Hear District – Episode 20)

Jim Owczarski on the Bucks’ draft and Giannis’ return to the court (Hear District – Episode 20)

[Music] the five time Allstar Marcus Johnson alongside Marcus Johnson what’s up everybody hey this is the here District captain of this vessel and I got my first mate my number one son Christian Johnson what up talk to me H Rain Man Let It Rain I go guess what we’re going back can’t pass s to break go go fight go go fight welcome everybody to the here District Marcus Johnson you’re listening to a buck plus audio production on the buck Plus network your weekly pulse on the Milwaukee Bucks straight from a buck Legend This Is Here district with Marcus Johnson alongside his son and 1995 NCAA Champion Chris here’s MJ what’s up everybody Welcome to the Fantastic Voyage I’m the captain of this vessel Captain Marcus Johnson Captain Captain Johnson as we speak I got my first mate Chris Johnson what’s up Chris what’s up MJ how you living everything good everything’s gravy everything is good everything’s beautiful and we are again I always say this is I’m getting redundant but we’re always you know proud and privileged but but this this young man I guess I can say that it’s all about perception and perspective this very young man is an outstanding writer uh for the uh Milwaukee Journal Sentinel it used to be the uh Journal when I played we had the morning paper at the Sentinel Bob wolf covered the team then then we had this the uh the uh Journal was the afternoon evening paper and that’s when we had Tom enland and bu of really really great writers but he’s they combined the two when do they when do they merge Jim ozari when did they merge Jim how long ago was that W first of all welcome to the Fantastic board welc to you can you can see how easily I I digress and kind of get off track but but when of those two papers merg oh my know goodness um do your homework do your homework Jim before you come on this show do your homework before you come on this show man hey we can get in the point forward but I don’t you know um this was late 80s I want to say late 80s late 80 okay okay okay well but but you do you do an outstanding job and and you know and I don’t I don’t say that lightly Chris because you know I’m always pick the the brains of uh you know Jim and Eric name and and they just you know I’m glad they weren’t around when I played because they would have been snooping through my trash and all that stuff like some of the reporters back in the old days used to do trying to find out stuff you know what I me legendary real real German real journalism real journalism real real yellow real yellow journalism back in the day but Jim doesn’t practice that he he keeps it above board he keeps it legitimate but man we got to jump right into it the Bucks dra draft and let me just tell you my perspective because when the Bucks drafted AJ Johnson first of all love the last name you don’t have to call me Ray you can call me AJ or Ray J but you don’t have to call me Johnson but but but but um I digress but again when I heard that name Aj Johnson you know what my first reaction was Jim uhuh you know what it was I imagine it was uh oh oh or who what what the hell John horse what huh is he did he did he go on a time machine and hang out with me back in the 80s what what what is he on you know AJ AJ Johnson who the heck is who and then I then I read so said okay well how do you pronounce that Australian team uh Chris J that lamelo played for what’s the name of Tim he played for ilara ilara IL right it’s it’s it’s way way way too many like consonant in there and like you know so but Elara and so I looked up his numbers and he averaged a whopping 2.8 points per game right uh eight minutes per game uh corre 29% of his three-point shots you know a low volume just over one three-point field goal attempt per game uh 54% from the free throw line I’m like wow you know so I said well you know maybe lamelo had comparable stats going over there as a young player let me look at lamelo’s Stats lamelo 17 points seven assists five rebounds I mean played really really well well against grown men and so I was a little flx to use to use the term a and then you know you start doing a deeper dive and you start finding out more about this young man and then the thing that always sells you or doesn’t sell you is looking at the film you know let’s let’s let’s go to the tape so I watched the tape and man you know I see a lot of potential but Jim talk about the process how you found out I mean when did you find out and uh what you know about this young man from Fresno yeah well it’s interesting you know I covered the NFL for half a dozen years too guys and and it’s and the reason I say is the the drafts for these things for us in the media is very much like The Fan Experience we are not allowed in the facilities we are not allowed in war rooms uh we are watching on TV legit like everybody else so obviously you know if you’re you’re kind of plugged in the folks but again it’s it’s draft day um generally the people you speak to or trade messages with are busy in that in that moment um and there’s so much paranoia about their guy and not wanting stuff to get out so Aj Johnson you know look the the Bucks did meet with him at the combine I mean that’s one of those sort of mass media spots right where where you know agents kind of type talk up their guy you kind of hear who met with whom but you never know you know how those interviews go or anything like that so AJ met with them at the combine in Chicago uh he participated in the combine so you got to see him a little bit there um and you know in terms of how how did he look how did he look at the combine we don’t so again we don’t get to see a ton margus like it’s there’s still some like the individual events if they participate uh some scrimmaging I’ll be honest margus like that was if I saw him because I mean you really weren’t looking at like Tyler Smith makes sense like he was sort of in that boat you know some of the bigs at 23 uh Tyler KCK from markquad end up going to the Knicks of so I don’t know if at my at that time Marcus I was thinking the Bucks would go 19yearold developmental project at 23 um had they kept the pick so um yeah I I definitely it was a surprise to a degree um you started hearing AJ’s name as a potential selection there the day before so Tuesday um you know the athletic mocked Aj Johnson at 23 so something really kind of bubbled up there in the 24 hours before the pick um but even then I you know you mentioned the who um yeah look he he went to Australia for a year and unlike lamelo ball not I mean he was a high highly regarded Prospect I mean you all are out in California you might have heard of him as a prep star um but you go but he wasn’t at that sort of level that Lamar was and or lamelo excuse me and I I mention Brandon Jennings on draft night you know even Brandon I mean I had heard of Brandon in in Chicago you know uh at sort of early internet days before he went to Italy um and and he was a you know he played 20 minutes a game in Italy at least um before he was drafted by the buck so yeah Marcus and Chris I I think it was just as much of a surprise that he was the pick there I think if you invert these picks guys like Tyler Smith at 23 Aj Johnson at 33 everyone’s like oh that makes sense I think it was just the fact that AJ went in the first round um was maybe the thing that caught Everybody by off guard Jim did you get a sense uh or what type of sense did you get as far as from the Bucks perspective as the position they’re projecting Aj Johnson to feel the role long term and in the short term did you get a sense of that yeah John for um said that he he could be a point guard but he really leaned into the combo guard aspect and Marcus was interesting you mentioned his free throw shooting percentage usually that’s an indicator right of how well a guy May shoot what kind of jump you know long range shot he has um and the reason I say that is because JN kind of talked about him as a thre level scorer at some point is an in between guy guy who can make threes and someone who can attack and finish at The Rim so he he said look he likes to get off the ball um be it in in transition or quickly in a half court likes to cut things like that Chris so I think they view him as a a multi-level scorer at 65 uh with Elite Speed down the line wow okay that’s how they that’s how they project it out I don’t yeah yeah okay well no and and again you can get thrown off the track and a lot of people online you read read the comments and and you know and and John horse talked about you know swinging say swing the fences he made big swing the big swing the big swing it’s like swinging for the fences you know but but you’re gonna take you’re gonna take a gamble on a guy like this at 23 the thing Jim and I don’t know how much you’ve had a chance to Deep dive into this um but I have the thing that that really blows me away is the way the game of basketball um and I sound like Mark Jackson or somebody e got the game of basketball but the game of basketball the way it opens up so many doors and opportunities for these young men I I didn’t know anything about him until I I talked to his high school coach Jim out here Derek Taylor ta High School good friend of mine and Derek started giving me some of his backstory I’m an actor been in acting for 50 years and so I’m always looking to see what motivates a player what’s the thing that motivates a guy this young man this kid Jim I mean you know Fresno hard knock life he and Jaylen green best buddies Mike Hill Chris is the guy that you know was his trainer and kind of you know consigliati to use the term from The Godfather but he grew up in some abject Pro poverty single parent home mom had him at a young age I believe and and Mike Hill thought that Taft High School with Derek Taylor because Derek was the guy that coached Jordan Farmar coach Larry Drew Jr coached the uh the Hamilton’s Isaac and Daniel Hamilton who never made it big time in the NBA but but great college players but Mike Hill thought that t would be the good good school for him and dererk was just telling me how how this young man came in at um as a sophomore I believe 62 120 pounds dripping wet didn’t play a sophomore year because of covid came back played as Junior but but but what he told me was that that that you know they live from motel to motel just one of those existences that you just can’t even fathom but he said that this young man and I’m almost going to bust a tear here thinking about this never brought any negative energy into the gym ever never talked about his dire circumstances always kept a positive mindset Derek talks about his mother not college educated but introspective and was was a person that that kind of helped fuel him and he just talked about his work ethic just just lived in the gym uh needed a lot of work but he had a handle he had a a handle he could dribble of basketball and and you can see it in the film he could get to his spots get where he wants to go he slithers through small openings and so from that standpoint Jim when I when I see that in a young man like this first of all I’m always so enamored for them and and this uh the sudden riches that you come into because his family needs it needs it needs it desperately but I just think the Bucks have themselves a young man that’s going to come in and going to fulfill every ounce of potential now is this something that that you had talked to any of the books people about you are aware of what’s what’s your take on that yeah it’s interesting Marcus no we unfortunately the timing of all this we haven’t we didn’t get a chance to go deep dive into to that I mean I mean that’s great background in Intel and and you know those are on the list like Tyler Smith’s coaches and and coming up they’re sort of on the okay when can we get a hold of these folks um but I what I will say is is John Horst several occasions mentioned the interview process with AJ um and his thoughtfulness his mentality and the fact that and I think this plays so you you just sort of educated all of us here on the high school aspect then to decide to go to Australia look he could have been a pro at overtime Elite and at in the G League ignite like his new teammate Tyler right he could have done that um he is young enough it’s the nil he could have a seven figure deal playing at Texas right you know I mean so there was a decision made there to go to a professional league and I’m not look I I I I understand there’s levels to this right and and if he were in Europe or you know one of those leagues it’s probably bet better right than with with their quotes to than the NBL but it’s still a pro league right and and and as John said they learned something by the fact that he went there and unlike a lamelo didn’t play didn’t have the success maybe he thought or or maybe people sold them on whatever that may be and yet you’re right no no negative aspects or energy about that in terms of you know his communication about it and what he was bringing to the table in terms of the Bucks interviews and and things of that nature Marcus yeah and his coach said that his skill set was astounding as a 14 15 year old and and he just needed to um clean up some things he said he can over dribble at times he’s really good off the balance but sometimes he can dominate the ball needs to be a little bit more efficient with that but I was just really impressed with that go ahead Chris no I and I think the big thing though when you see this guy you you have to look at the NBL so the NBL as a league Jim and you alluded to it it may not be a top tier League like those in Europe but it is one of the most physical leagues in the world so those guys will beat you up those guys you know those Australians they don’t play as you saw with Alexander SAR his number uh the second pick in the draft sar’s numbers were a little skewed it wasn’t as impressive as he was over in the uh against the G League team you know he looked great over here but when he’s over there in the NBL it was hard to get a good read I think the same thing happens with AJ the thing I do remember horse saying about Johnson was that he does have a defined Elite skill set and that is speed and athleticism I saw him for the first time as a freshman out here at King Drew high school he was playing on the aou circuit he was this to about 120 125 at the time but you saw like a long-legged long arm bouncy live young dude he was always been younger than everybody and played up so he understands competition and he also understands through Jaylen green how to be a pro he knows how to work he understands the mentality the attitude and so those are all the factors that I see in this young man to go along with the long arms and the potential like dude get him in the gym lock him in the gym shoot a thousand shots a day and and the definitely will have them something very soon here I’m I’m a big wingspan guy was got a 68 wingspan and then Chris the truth was a team that he played for right Paul Pierce’s a team here in Los Angeles yeah yeah for a real quick time yeah it was the truth y okay but but so so so Jim I mean you know in terms of um the Bucks and and and and and kind of the the scuttlebutt out there I mean are people starting to appreciate this move you think or is it still a lot of push back on you know we are win now team why would you you know swing big for the future yeah it’s interesting Marcus it’s sort of a a split to a degree because there are there is a segment of the fan base that is very concerned about 2030 you know um and the fact that the Bucks don’t have a pick in 2025 they don’t have a second round pick till 2031 um you know it’s an older team so there there are and and so um look uh to Chris’s point this athleticism this Elite Speed um that’s something that you know John horse he’s like only Andre Jackson Jr has that on the current roster um yeah so there are I think the the I think AJ maybe pacifies if you will that group of of fans who are like what are we going to do in three years now for the bucks want they’re expecting to win a championship Marcus you’re you’re Marcus you’re supposed to be on a on a boat on a on a thing whatever down the parade in June right so yeah right take my shirt off and like yeah yeah like you know shoo shooting water shooting water can’t drink beer but shooting water I don’t know for some reason I thought like the parade should go down the Milwaukee River I think that that’d be cool too but anyway the uh tell Peter Bing that uh for the next one I but like for the win now aspect you’re right like they don’t look I I know people want to make comsa Tyres Maxi it’s easy play Under dock I think it’s a little bit of apples the oranges Tyrese was 200 pounds as a rookie he played 35 minutes a game at Kentucky as a freshman I I think the Baseline there is different and those Sixers weren’t these bucks right so I think for the win now fans it is a little bit of okay we get it but does that mean Andre Jackson Jr starting next to Dame does that mean they have they only got a couple free agent spots do they kind of have a good idea Mar boj yeah Mar right I mean yeah right Maran or Andre right so is that what that means so I think for the win now group um it it is a little bit of okay like let’s see what else happens and then kind of make some assessments there you mentioned tyres Maxi quick Tyrese Maxi’s story he played at the top 100 camp in Virginia Chris Jim and he was on well my son Cyrus was on the same when you’re an NBA player you get your kids in to that camp with no problem so I got you know Cyrus kind of legac into that camp he may have had he says it was more but I say two buckets the whole Camp Tyrese Maxi assisted on both of those I always tell Tyrese Maxi you know always remind him of that scenario and tell him thank you so I got what I’m on what good look at what I’m on video like you my son cus up down there oh yeah I know Cyrus how you doing he’s doing good man he doing but but but so my comparison again Anthony Simons because I saw Anthony Simons uh and this is another story I saw bear with me I saw Anthony Simons doing a uh pregame workout it may have been the covid year I forget what year it was when he was a rookie and may have been covid but anyway so he’s working out he’s got this handle I mean I I never heard of him you know Anthony I know Anthony Hard Away good friend of mine work together in Blue Chips and all that and so that was a good story but then I watched him with his handle get to his spots he had a really smooth way of getting to his spots and and a really solid shot so I mentioned on the air that night that this was going to be a future star in this league when we played Portland when he was a rookie he didn’t play a lot flash forward to this season we’re playing against the Blazers he’s hurt with the with the with the hurt hand or something going on so he’s not playing but he’s working out but he’s sitting down I get it introduced to him and I so I tell him man look I saw you as a rookie I I I I started blowing you up on the air talking about how he’s like yeah my mom and dad told me this Milwaukee announcer really likes your game man this Milwaukee all he did was just talk about how good you was gonna be that was you huh I was like yeah that was me man but but but hopefully now we got we can’t go real quick Chris we gotta touch on this the suit the the draft day suit any any comments I mean it reminds me of that Carmelo Kendrick Perkins uh TJ what’s what’s TJ’s for TJ the Big B but but to me but look I like a young man who’s out there taking fashion gambles out there with you know just fashion risk and just so that gives me an idea that he’s got a sense of himself he’s comfortable with himself when he had the big fluffy shoes on Chris I mean that was a confidence confidence is everything confidence as as as a pro you’re going into the league you’re dressed like that and not only did he have on the the the suit the double breasted The Fluffy shoes but he was sagging his suit he kind of had a little flavor uh about him man I’m all over that he was sitting in the big King’s chair he’s just a greatl looking kid he’s well spoken I mean when he comes off and you listen to him and you’re he’s really engaging I mean he has star written all over him in my opinion like I I seen a lot of guys and this guy has a different kind of look in his eyes man so but that’s funny if J you brought that up Jim how’d you like the suit give me your Give Me Your Fashion look I I can appreciate all of that especially mark because you know I mean the guys for the most part yeah there is the little like fashion walk pictures but I mean they don’t have players don’t have to wear that stuff anymore right it’s usually like hoodies and sweats and you know so I I that might be the only suit he ever wears again so I think yeah yeah I think if you’re gonna do it do it like that heck yeah yeah when we going to stop trying to fit a baseball cap on like these big huge ginormous ginormous you know the the baseball camp just barely barely barely hanging on but I guess it’s a you know just a tradition that you just can’t let go of but we wish him all the best and and and again just quickly back to his high school so he played his junior year at Taft High School played for Derek Taylor and then his senior year he was convinced to move out to SEI Valley Chris Jim to play for D the D Academy that was uh K Day West had opened up a new Academy out here in Southern California and then it shut down it closed down so he just he’s been through some stuff some disappointments and to continue to have and the one thing Derek Taylor said was that he is no energy vampire he’s not gonna suck the the you know the air and the energy out of the room with his with his you know it’s all about me and and and and look at me and all this stuff I need attention High need all that stuff that he is just such a really well-balanced kid and especially considering what he’s been through hey real quick I just wanted to get Jim’s thoughts finally on AJ do you think that like how much time do you think he’ll spend in the G League this year Jim as opposed to the big club like will he you know go down like you get any sense of that I mean I could only go by the history of the team and Mar Bo champ Chris Livingston um I I guess players you might Mo most recently compare I think Andre Jackson Jr National Champion three-year starter at Yukon no real need for him to go play with the herd but but Livingston and Bo champ did kind of spend that time right going back back and forth getting minutes I do think they want AJ around Dame you know I I think they for sure I mean you know Marcus just went on the the the kind of told us about Anthony Simons I mean that’s literally Dame the under the- wi thing bring aony in and and really Mentor that young man um off the court uh as well as yond the court stuff so I think the Bucks will have to find that balance like he’s probably going to play more for sure with the herd it’s just okay what’s more valuable In This Moment getting a couple practices in with the herd because as you all know the Bucks aren’t going to practice very much once the season begins versus the bus trips the plane rides the team dinners on the road with the Vets yeah right so I think that’ll be the the the usual push and pull uh that the Bucks face with these young guys yeah well we’re looking looking forward to just kind of watching him grow and develop and the one thing that he has is some time on his side I mean you can be patient with a young man like this and and it’s good to go to a veteran team that that you don’t need his contributions to be successful and so there’s no pressure and it’s all about you know advancing and and getting better development and development at your own speed your own time and we’re not locked in trying to get you there this year we need you this year so from that standpoint I think it’s an excellent pick and you know my mind has been changed from that initial that initial draft day kind of like who what now what’s going on here let me let me do a deeper dive to find out and once I did that I fully understand why uh the Bucks and uh the guys who make the decisions were were so enamorate with this young man so now and and a lot of people have said this that that you know you could almost swap the first and the second round and it would make more sense but Tyler Smith talk about Tyler Smith the Bucks second round pick at what 33 Jim what what do you know about him yeah so Tyler you know played domestically Right started at overtime Elite in Atlanta and then the the g-league team the ignite which this is he’s the last one I mean that or his team is the last one they’re they’re disbanding that now um they didn’t win a whole lot I think two and 35 I mean terrible seven seven and 4 S 45 okay it was yeah not not great but but what what Tyler did not not great great oh man dang you throw my boy j hardt under the bus MJ I mean it’s it’s it’s dang J throw Jay Hart under the bus seven and 45 man but but but but it’s all about you know they just needed 37 more games Marcus they would have figured out 45 go ahead sorry no so Tyler um obviously same concept right as the NBL like he the G league is full of you know either NBA players uh you know like Glenn Robinson I third for instance was playing on the herd Chris Livingston marjon bamp guys like that o other younger prospects um you know that that are getting ready for for the league if not already in it and so what Tyler showed I think that the Bucks really liked was uh a an offensive an offensive shot like he projects as a as a true four or traditional power forward is um you know at I think he’s 69 without shoes no one plays Barefoot so what 610 almost 611 uh seven foot wingspan so there’s some like Rim protection uh potential there but also uh real athletic I mean got the same vertical as Aj Johnson at at 38 in um you know some of his combined measurables were pretty quick so they think he can get out and switch you know out out on the perimeter if need be which obviously the league is moving in that direction um I think 37% guys on catch and shoot threes so kind of your floor spacing uh offensive player I his his around the rim stuff not great um but again you’re talking about a 19y old so you know there’s always going to be room to work uh room to improve things and I think that’s probably one area Milt Newton mentioned finally that he’s another guy add some more weight you know um and and again you know kind of looking at a year or two or or two or three down the line yeah it feels like you know with these with these two picks the Bucks really they gambled on some guys that they feel like are going to hit like Tyler was the top 10 recruit coming out he took a unique path but he’s been on a development path same with AJ my point about that development path when you’re young 17 18 and you’re playing against o older guys Pros you’re you’re getting better exponentially faster and so now when you you’re in your third year of your development plan like Smith like AJ it’s like that’s a year that they could really turn a corner like you make a jump between year two year three year four in your development I feel like that horse has some foresight and some like looking out in the future a gamble move on this it’s it’s amazing because if these two guys hit and they live up to their actual potential they realize their true potential as players I mean he’s gonna look like a genius yeah I mean and look and that’s I think they’re their bet to a degree right um you know what what better group to learn on as The rosters we record this if you’re Tyler Smith you know uh I I I feel like Giannis is a is a hard guy to try to feel like you can be like CU he’s he’s one of one but look at Bobby I mean Bobby’s a six10 a guy who you know learned developed a three-point shot in the NBA right and and and a guy who has improved defensively right with maybe he doesn’t have those athletic traits as Bobby says you know I’m not the one blocking shots my vertical is none you know whatever you know self-deprecating BP but like you know they’ve got some guys that that Tyler and AJ can kind of look at and say okay I I see myself there to a degree but Chris to your point um look they don’t have a ton of picks and you do you do hope for a rotation player and maybe you see the the the the framework of an Allstar right and um you just you do have to hope if you’re the Bucks that that development plan as you said you’re whether it be for Tyler Smith who is now a third or four fourth year Pro or an AJ who’s now a second year Pro that um you know getting into the NBA system where you yeah don’t practice as much where you have more free time where you know the the coaches let’s be real like Doc may like these guys but that’s got to make sure Chris is ready to go and right and and maran’s ready to go yeah so like it’s a little different um but yeah that I mean but that’s the game that’s the draft is you’re projecting out and and they can get to what they see and so what I like to do and and we all like to do it but but you know I always try and figure out who this guy reminds me of a little bit I talked about Anthony Simons with u Aj Johnson and so you know I pulled up some video on Tyler Smith went to Synergy thank you Matthew Curley over at Synergy for providing Matt Matt with shout out to Matt we gotta give Matt Matt thank you brother all right so but but but you know Chris and and Jim I want you your take on this he reminds me okay big 69 610 Lefty with some range don’t say Sam Perkins no no he’s more mobile than Sam Perkins but Terrence Jones Terence do you remember ter from or from uh Kentucky went to Kentucky out of Jefferson High School in Portland played with Terence Ross in high school and Aaron miles and all those guys out of that say but that that Terrence Jones kind of that big mobile left-handed 69 you know really good athleticism but the one thing and so there’s a reason why a young man like this with all these measurables as they say last until the 33rd picks I watched some video he’s got to work on he’s not as explosive as you would like off of two feet in the paint in a crowd so thus you’ve got the 49.7% of his of his layups that he that he only made this year he gets his he goes to his right hand line he’s a lefty sweet Lefty sweet Lefty jumper I love Lefty jump Shooters sweet Lefty jumper but he goes to his right hand a lot and with the with the and again he’s got that great running vert which was like 38 inches I think the the standing BT was like 27 28 or something like that and so he gets that right hand so when you get him you know in a secondary position you let him get downhill he gets that that Runway the takeoff he’s jumping in the cup but in a crowd where he’s seditary now he’s got to explode up he’s not quite as effective so he’s got to got to figure out kind of where his his buckets are going to get in those kind of scenarios but but you know that to me that’s the reason why the as a cutter he was in the 24th percentile which is below average uh transition he was excellent and it spot up really really good he’s really really good uh post-ups which I was uh happy to see but you know he’s not a a finished product thus the 33rd pick so there’s got to be some work put in but I do like the potential and the aggressive mind set offensively he’s looking to score pretty much every time he gets the basketball so I don’t know Jim how you got any imp on that you know you do fine if you don’t yeah well I mean look it’s again you are you know as Chris mentioned you’re sort of betting on the potential and what they could be um and of course everyone’s looking for the Hall of Fame comp or the all NBA comp I I I actually respect wildly that you brought up a guy ter Jones who what played seven years in the league as a rot yeah best season best seedson average 12 and seven I mean you know he had a couple of years of double figure it’s double figure for his career 10 and six or something like that which is you know which is not always what fans want to hear necessarily but the math is the math is that if you can if these picks can get to that point um yes that that you’re a solid NBA player right and and you’re in the league into a second contract um which is a huge Victory like it it when you zoom out you know and and what but what the hope is is is that maybe some of those things either pop or you know there is a Next Level that the team believes is there and now it’s up to them to pull it out of that play yeah well and the fact that you you talked about um Aj Johnson being placed under the wing of a Dame Lillard I if you get Tyler Smith and Giannis hooked up and jannis takes a liking to him and he gets on that you know developmental curve that that Giannis has uh put some of these young players on with him you know and just the confidence and Ste going against the two-time MVP and workouts and during the offseason or during the season or before practice I just think those kinds of connections for a young like young man like this will be invaluable other thing I like about him he’s a New Orleans kid and I love I want to do a documentary on this Chris maybe somebody’s done it already but there’s been so many really good Hurricane Katrina displaces that grew up in New Orleans he was you know he was a year when the when the hurricane hit but DJ Augustine Greg Monroe a lot of these guys moov from New Orleans to Houston to go to High School Houston or the Dallas area so it’s just fascinating to me how you know these guys have to uproot their family so whether or not he was impacted personally because he was so young but you know his family his mom and dad I mean again this is another story of I don’t know how much they struggle if they struggle but just the fact you’ve got to uproot you know your whole your whole deal and move to a whole new area a whole new city uh to me it’s just kind of fascinating so we’ll see how it plays out but I’m looking forward to watching these two young men develop and work and and uh you know live in the gym and do their thing all right here District we’ve got uh Jim oari G to take a brief pause for the cause and we’ll be right back with more of the Fantastic Voyage I’m the captain of this vessel y’all all right welcome back to the here District uh Marcus Johnson Chris Johnson joined by Jim ozari I mean and you talk about a bunch of continents that just twist your mind all how you ocz e w a z p c k Legendary Legendary Legendary it’s like ozari very real simple just spell it like look one of the best moments back when Twitter was fun um I actually had someone tweet at rayquan the chef if he could rhyme my last name and I mean all he replied was lol and that’s all I needed screenshot it forever you know hey hey Jim Jim Jim I noticed in your bio that you’re a wuang fan now talk just just just real quickly on that man talk to me about the woo and where cuz I’m a wuang fan too but talk to me about that man where you get on the wo but before you do Jim ozari do speak farsy go I don’t know if the deal’s coming for you on that one marus okay yeah hey um so yeah I’m you know I’m from Chicago originally but the you know 36 shamers coming out and I was in high school in 96 so yeah that and I remember it was just a friend of mine it was like you have you heard you get have to listen to this and it’s one of those records that just you know I’m 14 15 years old just like blew my mind right and uh so yeah the Wu tank Clan is is um you know you know have you met any of those guys you met any of those guys no not not personally no for I wild you a question though I was at the Chicago concert it’s my first concert ever that they were opening a Rage Against the Machine Grantland wrote a big thing about it it was their last concert with the full original lineup they kind of had some disputes in that tour they’re supposed to go back to New York for like the HOT 97 Summer Jam and they they kind of broke up then um and then I actually saw him again when they came back and did a anniversary tour 36 Chambers yeah they’re it’s incredible group that’s dope yeah yeah man I a quick MJ quick quick rout tank story for Jim um I was in New York uh summer 20 11 hanging out with my old coach Steve Lavin who used to be the head coach at UCLA he’s now the head coach of San Diego it was his birthday so I think we’re at the mandron or somewhere in SoHo somewhere ritzy and we’re hanging out and then as I as we walk in and sit down for dinner man right to my right is the Rizza it’s the Rizza the Rizza is in the building so I go over to him I I I say I say hey Rizza can you come wish coach Lavin a happy birthday then he comes over to the table man wishes lav a happy birthday it was a dope moment but real cool dude man real one regret I have is I did have a chance rard did a project with uh Paul Banks for banks and Steels I think a record ahead of his time in 19 and he did a he did a a concert in Chicago I had a chance to go by I was living in Cincinnati at the time and I did not make the Fantastic Voyage for that Daye and reference Marcus uh I did not make that I still regret that I do so much for sure for sure for sure now help help me out guys um did you guys watch the uh series about the woo and I always pronoun wuang I want to say Wu Tang is it Wu Tang is it is it Tang or Bernie the Bernie ma or wait who was it with no it was a it was a show called uh the Wu Tang and American Saga on Hulu it was came out about two or three years ago oh my goodness and and but who was the that lead actor the skinny dark skinned brother he’s been a lot of good stuff Chris okay I I don’t remember I don’t remember his name which which me which which which uh band member rap group member did he play Bobby was name was was it Bobby in the show think are you thinking Bobby Digital aka the Bobby digit Bobby it’s the r Bobby Digital Bobby Digital yeah okay okay well I’m saying this actor though just did a did a I mean I fell in love with this actor just just from his portrayal of that character in uh in that biographical drama so if you haven’t seen that people your your Wu Tang Clan fan uh who we got we got we got the RW thef we got Method Man we got help me out the the about 30 of these brothers the Riz the jizer capella uh Tony Starks Ghost Face Killer you got you got some other guys you never heard of you got some other guys you never heard of you got hey I got all I have all those those those records right where where Riz says is like uh you know get your individual deals but as a group like I mean record-breaking stuff yeah I’ve got all those yeah yeah I I think Rizza was on one of my favorite shows I want to say California I believe he was on there toward the end of Californication uh with David Duvy and yeah yeah yeah yeah he was played a real like edgy kind of you know overthe toop kind of character but he was really really good so I appreciate all that anyway where we going with this oh and and and so this is a great segue Greece and Giannis Giannis played his first game jannis played his first game since when Jim when April yeah April 9th at feiser form against Boston now now what was your your personal feeling when because it’s been a lot of push back and we’ve talked about this uh about him playing you know international basketball after the issues that he had with that Sol Solus muscle above the calf or below the calf or whatever it was uh just what’s your feeling about that yeah I mean at first you’d like to think that Bucks fans are Bucks fans and they would be saying these similar things if Giannis was playing for Team USA um but that aside uh no I mean look Greece has not been in the Olympics in men’s basketball since 2008 they’ve never medled it’s clearly something Yannis feels very strongly about it’s one of his career goals is to get gree into the Olympics um you know without him last summer he had knee surgery um that they did not automat ically qualify so they’ve got to kind of go through this little tournament here um which really the only impediment is Luca donic is Slovenian team so we’ll see how Luca is gonna play and and if Luca and the slovenians win then giannis’s Summer’s over and he can train but if if Greece wins he’s gonna be part of that the whole Olympic game for about a month or so and and will will Slovenia be in if they lose are they in already do they need to is it is a a must-win situation and and obviously Luca has been in shape and just got done with the finals um we’ll see what he’s got left in the tank svenia is a pretty good team as it is so um not to Discount the other teams in this qualifier but um those are really the two guys but I would say in general though Marcus um y like Giannis is gonna have to play like and you know everyone knows this we may not see it they might not put it on Instagram but NBA players are getting their runs in and they’re playing against dudes now what makesa different is there are Stakes there are and it’s a physical game whereas the run in in in La um you know guys aren’t Gonna Knock You down when you go to the rim right they’re going to let you finish safely that’s not the case great Point yeah so that’ll be the one concern for fans but I think in general look he’s he’s gonna play he’s gotta play and I think it’s good that he’s healthy enough to do so yeah quick quick story about the runs in La so Chris is playing against Kobe Bryant and Kobe’s what in this after his first year Chris that I love this story and so and so they’re going at each other Chris is holding the Zone Kobe’s holding his Zone Kobe’s like all of what 18 19 years old both of them Chris like what a year younger than you or something like that or Kobe’s like 17 18 yeah 17 18 and so Kobe I’m right and I’m there Jim I’m there watching magic everybody’s there men’s gem full packed and so Chris Gard Kobe Chris does something Kobe calls a foul so Chris is like that ain’t no foul that’s a bunch of BS use the RO just bull Flink you know bull feathers and so Kobe’s like that’s a foul so Chris is like yeah you you you know Chris started talking to him you know and so Kobe was like I ain’t afraid of you I ain’t afraid of you so Chris starts coming at him you know and so Magic’s on the sideline going Chris Chris Kobe come on y’all Chris come on now Chris Kobe and I and and I’m on the sideline because I know I know my son Jim and I know that if he breaks Kobe Bryant’s jaw a no I’m just saying if he would have swung on Kobe Bryant he would have been the most vilified man in losw he talk about talk about talk about been canc been like well I was a competitor but what my dad did tell you so I I after all that happened it was one of my most like eat crow moments of my life like so after I like try to you know get punk Kobe and get into it with him the very next play down this dude catches a tip duck on me and I like fall and I like fall I look up at my he kind of looks the other way it’s just like it was like it it was a Karma it was a Karma moment Jim yeah and I was there Jim I’m like I’m like Chris Chris man he’s like you stay out of it Dad stay out of it dad this ain’t got nothing to do with you dad I like oh boy here we go I didn’t want my son those were the days canel but those were the days do we know if Maran and AJ a jack Andre Jackson Jr do we know if they’re still over in Greece or well I guess they bro broken Camp kind of maybe maybe they they’re probably back by now yeah I I think they’re back um typically for fans be honest the younger guys tend to be the group that goes to Greece with Giannis early um obviously he’s not with the Greek national team they’re competing they’re training so the Bucks players had to come back right they’re mean I guess they could have hung out there for vacation for a little bit but I think they’re getting their work in and um look I mean it’s end of June summer league starting in a couple weeks they had to get back get themselves back in you know domestic sea legs if you will but it’s always a I think a fun thing for those younger guys to get over I know everyone sort of wants to know about the vets and the coaches um I think sometimes that stuff happens a little more under the radar they’re not as sort of out there with their business that might happen like in August September when there’s that real true break from them see one one summer Yiannis needs to take the the color commentator over there have you seen a spread Chris at the top of the hill look at the Acropolis or whatever it is I mean he’s got this beautiful beautiful spot and I just know he’s got it laid out over in greets and I’m sure I I can just imagine you know how uh how great of an experience it is for these young guys to be hanging with jannis and Deo and GRE it’s that’s unbelievable and the work you get to get in I think the work is like the biggest part of it all like to be able to work out with this dude and get that intensified work in small group or whatever it is and that that up close and personal attention man I mean it’s really a wonderful team building deal it it is because I think again Marcus you know this Chris you know this like an NBA practice if they do it at all I mean you’re getting into your big group or your guards group or your skeleton and and you’re F like so you know yeah they’re together but they’re not like together together so yeah to be able to um to to have that sort of really really tight-knit individual attention and maybe there’s some other kind of pro over there where they can get a run in um but you’re right it’s it’s really just them I mean Giannis doesn’t have a huge circle right so it’s a pretty tight thing um but Marcus I think you know what I think he should take you because as far as I know team broadcasters would not count as like some sort of salary cap uh issue you know like Giannis can’t pay for all of this because like they don’t want you know they they feel like those things can be yeah yeah yeah but I think I think the broadcaster I think the podcast can work so I I’ll vouch for you with that one I think let’s talk to Johnny Watson and Peter F and make that happen let’s do it baby no let’s do that but but jannis we talk about this yet we’ve I’m having so much fun we talk about the first game against the Bahamas jiannis had six fouls in what 14 minutes pack Murdoch award goes to six fouls and 14 minutes come on what’s up that’s an interesting way to fulfill your minute restriction like if you wanted any doubt like if you wanted to take that and just make sure you couldn’t come back in you fall out on the way out that’s the way to do it I’m out all right so now um what’s been in the news and my son Josiah had a great tweet he talked about the recent debate and how that stole all the luster from Brony James it’s big day you know the debate kind of you know overshadow overshadow rained on on his parade but but um bronny James is a Laker I don’t think that’s a shock to any of us they picked him at 55 um and it’s not like they picked him at you know 28 or 32 or whatever I mean 55 you’re getting into the Mr Irrelevant area of the last pick in the draft and I I may be I’m not in the minority I’ve heard a couple other guys say it but but I just like the skill set defensively first of Ball but when you think about we talked about Giannis and the benefit of these guys working out with Giannis who who who goes at it harder anybody but to be able to work out with LeBron you know 247 to be on the same nutritional program any other program that he might be on not may not be on but you on all these all these Elite level training programs and you know what I mean Chris I mean can you imagine LeBron spends a million dollars a year on his body right on his strength conditioning his oxygen and his blood his his nutrition so you do you mean to tell me that bronnie and Bryce aren’t getting the same treatment look I I I know we you know there’s been a lot of scuttlebut about nepotism and you know Bron’s taking a slot from someone more deserving I disagree I think bronnie is deserving of the to be the 55th pick in the draft we’re not talking about Lottery not talking about first round you’re not even talk about early second round you’re talking about one of the last picks of the draft you no one really remembers the 55th guy there’s only been like four Dudes or five dudes ever that have really balled out in these type of picks so you know I understand it’s LeBron so you’re going to be up in arms and there’s going to be that natural haterade but gosh for me it’s this is a kid that had a cardiac arrest situation and is a great kid and he came back and he did his best and he’s humble see the thing he’s not some spoiled NBA player son as far as what I get from bronnie so for me I just don’t I don’t really like how people hate on him a lot cuz he’s not he doesn’t strike me as a bad dude what you think about the whole situation Jim yeah I mean well clearly this was going to happen right as soon as it became clear that LeBron James Jr could play again which in and of itself is is a tremendous thing for him um and who knows what his long-term prospects are healthwise right like if this was one of those things where they don’t know if he can play professional sports to least 30 do this now right um but that aside I you’re right I mean like it’s it’s the nepotism thing is is as W said on the BR on the broadcast I mean it’s from ownership down to you know uh equipment level guys and and front office like so that that is what it is I mean what what better pod to be on to talk about this like like Marcus no seriously like the Marcus like what would and Chris what would that have been like if Marcus is at the end of you’re playing in LA with the Clippers and they could draft Chris like what like hey that’s cool as hell like even just as a Storyteller for me um and I couldn’t imagine it don’t do it Chris don’t do it do it Chris don’t do it now I can see from the sun’s perspective it from LeBron J for Brony it’s it is going to be tough like you’re already yeah carrying your father’s namesake um you are now on the same team you are now on a team that expects to win titles um these are all things he can’t control that is now thr upon him that no other player ever has had this so but again that he didn’t choose that um but he did choose to be a basketball player so um you know I think that’s the one hard part about it all but I think it’s great in general well and I understand your point about it being tough and by the way that actor I was talking about his name is I want to get that that played uh Rizza is Ashton Sanders he was in Moonlight uh a bunch of Judas Judas and the black Messiah and Native Son did a lot of good stuff Ashton Sanders really good I got had to give him that shout out great job ashon Sanders thank you ashon Sanders did did a tremendous job thank you but but to your point I mean so I’m reading something about somebody and and and the name is it David tum Detroit so I see David tellum oh tellum okay got his son of gay okay uh uh um Malone coaches Denver is Brendon Malone is one of the you know best assistants in the history Detroit Pistons Chuck Dy you can just go on down the list of guys the bicker staff and and and Wes unel Jr and it’s this is not you know it’s the NBA but it’s the NBA this is normal practice in the NBA it’s its own entity that’s why I try to explain to people you can’t look at the NBA like it’s some regular place like some regular you know regular job like you’re hired at Ford oh he’s hiring his son it’s not the same thing they move with their own set of rules just like they can hire JJ reck with no coaching experience and and just not bad an eye it’s the NBA way so that’s the part of it that that kind of bothers me you got to look at it in context this is the NBA man this isn’t some regular job and and a quick story tasteless story but but but a memorable story oh boy I’m I’m at UCLA and and I and I go to our one of our doctors and he’s got a son that they’re both Proctologist right but I don’t go to him for a proctology thing but the doctor the father is like well you know drop your pants let me examine you so he puts on the glove and the KY and examines me and then tells his son hey son this is kind of weird put a glove on and feel this and then son comes over puts on the KY he jams it up you know and what the hell and I’m sitting there just kind of like what’s going on here I mean this is like the the weirdest kind of father father and son tag team thing going on in yeah again I digress you start you start talking about NE you start talking about nepotism father and son that’s an ABS that’s an that’s that’s an absolute true story I swear to God but anyway and yeah but you talk about bronnie and and how tough It’s Gonna Be and I understand I understand am I gonna get C no no no no that’s funny okay okay no no uh you talk about bronnie and and and and how tough it is yeah and from from a but this kid’s been through what a heart whatever heart issues open heart surgery this um um um you it’s it’s been tough on him Chris will tell you we had a whole show Jim a couple of episodes ago and my sons were all on there Josiah and Joshua who’s a a tremendous young actor now for uh bet and Tyler Perry but but it’s it’s it’s it’s always gonna be tough I mean that that road is just going to be tough normally and the thing is that Brony if it doesn’t work out you best believe he’ll be vice president of the clutch Sports within five you know you know he’s got he’s got a he’s got a pretty nice safety net to all back on so from that standpoint I think he I think he’ll be I think he’s gonna I think he’s going to surprise some people yeah I you know and that’s the thing I mean we we started this podcast talking about fck picks and developing Chris mentioned this the ra like the the historical stats of picks that late look he’s gonna play a lot of g-league games uh you would think that’s the only place he’s really going to play obviously they’ll I I’m curious if they’re going to get the play together thing out of the way like the open opening night yeah you know just sort of like let’s do it right away and so there’s not this anticipation type of thing yeah with with with with with with uh jeie bus sitting at at midc court Jeanie bus whose dad was a pretty uh pretty popular in the NBA Genie we talking nepotism since we’re talking de not forget that yeah yeah like the the basketb let’s leave that out you know the B so the basketball side of it I think um once all of that is over with um and and and not to rush that process for bronnie but I think that that’ll be the one thing it’s like okay we got through summer league got through training camp and the preseason games and then the first game playing together and then because look LeBron wants to win a title right and sure yep while he I think he had that tweet a couple years ago like Bron’s better than no I mean you know he’ll you know he’ll he’ll realize pretty quick I think that no Ronnie needs to get his game developed the Lakers need to do their thing with their new head coach but in general though yeah I got Chris you’re right the NBA is a different kind of league in that way obviously we’ve seen it in Milwaukee um to a degree with with with not just Giannis and tasus and Alex in the organization but I think you know this team Bucks have had I mean look at the dun Lees to some degree I don’t think Mike Jr yeah was no Mike junr played here after but whatever like it it it’s all it all happens and uh you know I I think good for them on a human level though for sure and I think I think the biggest like Jim you just alluded to it one of the biggest gripes that people have about this particular situation is that LeBron was outspoken tweeting and putting on Instagram that Bron’s better than some of these guys before bronny was ready Jim like that is probably 90% of why everybody is so dis Ed or people are expressing disgust about this move because you saw it coming that was a level of disrespect associated with that when you’re saying a guy that hasn’t earned it yet is better than guys that have already proven it so I think that has factored into it unfortunately bronnie and and to MJ to your point about having to go through this stuff and having to deal with it I mean imagine being bronnie James and you know going on social media any day of your life and reading all that stuff so you develop a thick skin you develop a certain type of immunity to certain things in your mind and I think he’s laser focused I think he’s going to he’s going to get better quick and he’s going to he’s going to be all right I just don’t I don’t know I just really don’t know if he’s gonna be a sustainable NBA guy yet I gotta I gotta see yeah we got to see but but he does uh bring to mind a couple of pet peeves of mine we we’re going to wrap it up pretty soon but that first pet peeve is that bronnie was listed at 64 they measured him at the combine at what 61 and a half yeah and so so I’ve always been one that I wanted to be taller I wanted to be 67 you know so I’m really like 6’5 and three qus when I was a freshman at uh sore UCLA measured at 65 and a half as a freshman sophomore kind of got on my toes a little bit in the measuring in the measuring line good job they got me at six 66 and 66 and a quarter and my teammate the late great Gavin Smith is like he was six 66 legit he’s like you’re you’re not taller than me I was like well I was then uh uh my daughter shy 5’11 and a half when she took her physical I told her get on your toes a little bit be six feet be a six-footer you know and so that’s always something when we played against the Sixers Jim Chris I had like 13 or 14 rebounds my rookie year had a great game and George mcginness in the paper said yeah he rebounds really well for a guy to 6’4 and man that just that just man you talk you know you talking about something that just steams and pisses George mcginness yeah yeah he rebounds really well for a six4 guy but but but the other thing the other pet peeve of mine and Jim you are partly a contributor to this is the turn point forward now nothing irks me more Chris Jim when when when when look I don’t claim to be the first point forward Jim and Chris I just claim to be the guy that invented the term I said told you over and over again 1984 the playoffs against the New Jersey Neds they pressure Darwin Cook Michael R Richardson Mike dun Le Junior getting spun around every time my teammate every time he bought the ball Mike dun Le senior every time he bought the ball up the floor and Nelly said MJ we need you to relieve the pressure you bring it up here’s how we’re g to run our offense and I said to Nelly instead of a point guard I’m a point forward now since I’ve said that you’ve had Dell Harris Peter vessie all these guys uh Johnny Johnson said I think he said Lenny Wilkins invented that term now look Johnny Johnson great point forward for the SuperSonics with Gus Williams Dennis Johnson coming off the screens I guarded Johnny I know how good he was in the position Robert Reed played the position with Alan level and Calvin Murphy and Mike Newan those great guards down in Houston Maurice Stokes played the position in the early to mid 60s you watch some old footage of Maurice Stokes and he’s pushing and handling and dishing and Diamond Rick Barry one of the greatest point forwards of all time my only claim to fame and I told Paul prey this you know Paul prey Jim was if you look up Missouri Valley Conference alltime Point guard guards you’ll see Paul press’s name listed on there so now Paul prey gets implemented as the point forward after I leave he’s a point guard for Christ’s sake how tough it is it if you’re a point how tough is it Chris if you’re a point guard now so so so and look I give credit for to Paul prey for taking the position and making it his own but my only claim to fame Jim and I know you’ve got a lot Adell Harris a lot of lot of lot of push back from these guys saying oh I and so my thing is always well look I say that I invented it in May of 1984 that term I came up with the term just find me a public record of someone using that term before May of 1984 you’re not gonna be able to do it Jim but uh you speak to what you’ve Unearthed in your voluminous voluminous research you got about 30 seconds let’s go real quick no I mean the reason you mentioned 84 and at the journal s oh yeah we did do you know a couple part series on this because of you’re coming up with the phrase and it is true like that publicly Don Nelson I think is the one who went like was quoted as that right but you’re right it didn’t exist uh before then 40 years right since uh since 84 the spring that was the reason why we did that obviously Giannis I think at one point you know I don’t know what you call him now and and uh you know when he was 69 I think uh they they thought Larry Drew I remember thinking when they drafted him like oh in that vein right of of someone who can relieve pressure but yeah it’s um 40 year four decades and if you think about now in positionist basketball we talked about LeBron I think for a time you know he fit that mold uh Marcus so no that’s that’s a credit to your imagination but also the skill set right and then you need coaches you mentioned all those other players um you know coaches along the line that were back then huie Brown talked about this guys like a player may have a skill set but you’re just the player you need to you need the coach to allow these things to happen or to break some boundaries to a degree so Don Nelson he’s in the Hall of Fame for a reason D Harris is in the Hall of Fame for a reason right uh Marcus yeah probably should get there soon for a reason right and along with Rick Barry Etc so yeah it was a it was fun to look back on I definitely recommend people to check it out and you know hear what Marcus had to say I think it’s Unique that with MJ when you list some of these other guys that’s like how much time they actually spent running the guard the the lead guard position and then the fact that you were enlisted to do this and it not really being your primary skill set I mean I think that resonates like when I see guys that are point forwards it’s not like oh he used to play point guard in high school and now he just has the skill set no it’s like I’m a legit small forward that has a handle and like Bor di to an extent like you know you’re like this guy that can dribble and set up but it’s not like you were born to do that to me that’s the true essence of a point forward like LeBron as good as a point forward as LeBron is like you know I’ve been I’ve been torn on this because I know LeBron played a lot of one growing up and he was always on the ball but is he truly a point forward is LeBron just like a a big old point guard right anyway we I digress well yeah and it’s interesting we when I was with the Clippers of all teams uh don Cheney my coach at the time the great Don cheny Don duck Cheney L him to death Don cheny give a little shout out chy duck duck duck duck but um so with the Clippers I think nor Nixon may have been holding out or not in Camp or something and so uh Sam mcmanis that’s my uh you know Sam mcmanis of the LA Times Jim I don’t I know the name I don’t know back he’s yeah he’s yeah he’s back in the 80s so yeah you wouldn’t know him he’s hopefully long G by now but he but Sam would do all these exposes and all this stuff but but when Don Cheney was asked by Sam mcmanis well you know what do you guys going to do for the point guard position and Don Cheney was like uh well look you know we’ve got some options and one of those you know Marcus Johnson is is an excellent ball handler played the position in with the Milwaukee Bucks at times and so I’m gonna use Marcus as a point guard and Sam McManus you know writers are not supposed to have editorial opinions on stuff but Sam McManus the next sent says who does he think he is Magic Johnson you know who do who does he think he has Magic Johnson come you know yeah but anyway so that’s why so it’s sticking point but but it’s all good you know um I appreciate the contribution that that that I had to the position and uh just uh you know it’s it’s it’s been all good but but but Yannis back to jannis so talk about again I gave you my my rap lyric ozari and does speak far farsy um uh but but Giannis you talked about what do you call him I got the perfect name I got the perfect name what PowerPoint forward PP power point forward PowerPoint power point forward anyway all right J look man we appreciate you hanging out with us we’re gon to let you go we can we can keep you here all afternoon man thank you so much for your great insights man thank you for all the great work you do thank you for sharing with me some of the great work that you do to make my broadcast easier and uh we’ll see you uh are you going to Vegas for the summer league to be determined yet okay okay same thing TBD but we thank you man and we got to get you back on the show and and uh get more of this good stuff man thanks so much Jim ozari Marcus Johnson the captain Chris i g say Chris Middleton Chris Johnson the uh the first bait Chris Chris Johnson the first mate and this is the Fantastic boys this is here district and time [Music] out this has been a buck plus audio production [Music]

This week on the Hear District podcast, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Bucks beat reporter, Jim Owczarski, joins Marques and Kris Johnson to break down the team’s draft picks, AJ Johnson and Tyler Smith. Marques does some reporting of his own and shares a revealing conversation he had with first round pick AJ Johnson’s high school basketball coach. After getting into Jim’s love for Wu-Tang Clan, the three of them discuss Giannis’ return to live game action in the last warm-up game before Greece begins their win-or-go-home Olympic qualifying tournament. Marques can’t help but share a hilarious story about the time Kris tried to punk Kobe in a pick-up game and learned a valuable lesson about messing with the Mamba. And who better to discuss Bronny joining his father on the Lakers than the only father and son duo to ever win a national championship at the same college? Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your sense of humor) Marques recalls the time he was subject to a strange incident of nepotism while visiting the doctor. The podcast wraps with a discussion of Jim’s longform feature report on the Wisconsin roots of basketball’s point forward position, with Marques insisting he get his due credit for inventing the term.

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  1. Chaque contribution ajoute une nouvelle couche de connaissances, enrichissant la discussion et élargissant notre compréhension.🍭

  2. What blows me away about Johnson, hearing more about his background was how he was in those nba talent circles? Jalen green, Beauchamp.etc

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