@Chicago Bulls

Bulls Lose Andre Drummond In Free Agency | Zach Lavine Trade Market Is DEAD Right Now

Bulls Lose Andre Drummond In Free Agency | Zach Lavine Trade Market Is DEAD Right Now

the Chicago Bulls lose Andre Drummond in free agency to the Philadelphia 76ers and it seems the Zack LaVine trade value is worse than ever got to talk about some of the news that has come out in free agency to this point all that more in today’s episode of the Wy City Bree Sports Talk daily let’s go [Music] now if you are new to the Channel please like the video please subscribe to the page we do talk Chicago Sports Daily on this channel it’s the only Channel talking Chicago Sports how Chicago talk so make sure that you stay in tune with us man so the Chicago Bulls lose Andre Drummond in free agency and this was not a surprise right we kind of saw this was coming as as Bulls fans me and Hayes have talked about over on lock on bulls we’ve talked about it here on the breeze that he was planning to opt out of his deal whenever right opt out of the last year of his deal and I I think that it’s tough that you lose him because of the contribution he was able to give you I mean last season you look at his production through 60 games for the Chicago Bulls was still able to give you eight and a half points still able to give you uh rebounding wise nine rebounds off of the bench nine total rebounds and eight and 1 half points and that is is in 17 minutes of play you knew that he he knew that there was bigger value out there he’s able to go out there and get it with the Philadelphia 76ers twoe 10 million uh which is more than he’s played for under the Chicago Bulls the entire time so good for him good to see drum go out there and go to a competitor I mean it’s tough to to like not cheer for these guys when they go to other teams especially when you’ve seen them give their their heart blood and soul to your team and so there’s a good get for Philadelphia I mean listen when when you talk about what Drummond meant to this team I think there’s a lot of times where we felt he was being underutilized I think now out in Philly he already understands that Dynamic understands how Joel embiid works and the best part about it with Joel embiid is he’s able to give him like I’ve always said when he played with embiid he was able to give him 15 minutes of real time to rest on the bench and it’s the freshest we ever saw Joel embiid and then they went and traded him away in that Brooklyn deal made no sense bro made absolutely no sense um interesting move to me that uh that Phillies I I guess that this is kind of where they started you know the long term is Paul George right so you got to get the deals done where they can but it’s good to see drum get this deal done uh excited to see what the future is going to be for him and hope he loses every time he plays against the Chicago Bulls let me know you guys thoughts in the comments Below on the Drummond deal the fact that the Bulls lose Drummond did you want to see the Bulls resign Drummond or are you kind of all in on the youth movement even though honestly right Drummond could have been a piece that could have been a part of that but we saw the Bulls throw the qualif offer out there to Adam sonogo the other day I would think they probably want him to take some of that uh uh um responsibility that Andre Drummond had as the backup center off the bench and listen Adam sonogo is a guy that absolutely can the one thing that I love about cogo’s game is he just knows what he needs to do and he doesn’t go out there and do too much that’s what you want to see from your backup big man he may have some opportunity to start a little bit this season if they do end up moving V we’ll see what that ends up being but to me the fact that you’ve got go right now uh a qualifying offer out there makes him a restrictive free agent if anybody wants the match they can go out there and uh they can do so and the Bulls can try and match a deal but sonogo is a guy to me who you know he he just understands his role very similar to how Drummond did what do you need me to do you need me to put the ball back in the hole off an offensive rebound I got you you need me to set a pick and roll I got you you need me to go down there and defensive rebound I got you you need me to block shots I got you we saw him do that with the windy city Bulls we saw him do that with Yukon and in limited minutes in the NBA we saw him do that as well I think Hayes uh pulled up a stat in the Wy with the windy city Bulls he averaged six defensive rebounds and six offensive rebounds a game so I think the Bulls do have a plan for replacing Andre Drummond I don’t think that it’s the end of the world that we lost him but it is a nice piece that you lost and I’m glad he was able to go out there and get a little bit more money for himself especially with how they’re throwing money around here like I said let me know how you guys feel in the comments below hit that like button subsscribe to the page leave that fivestar review man y’all know what to do appreciate you guys for tuning in and showing love as you always do now let’s talk about the story at hand the Zack LaVine story that seems to be breaking the internet today because we’ve gotten a couple of reports from a couple of different people Chris B haes being one of them uh and I mean listen when you hear and Bobby marks being the other I should say uh when you hear the fact that the market for Zack LaVine is so bad that we can’t give picks away to move on from Zack LaVine that we can’t go out there and give up a player four players who are being cut right now for Zack LaVine the two things that we heard Bobby Mark said this earlier uh there is no marker for Zack LaVine they are trying to give him away and attach a first round pick I’ve been told by multiple multiple people this is Bobby marks talking of the Zack LaVine trade now first off I think it is asinine to attach a first round pick with without mad protections on it right like it it is even without the protections why are you giving away first round picks like that that that’s the first part to me that I really have an issue with here uh because to me that that’s just that’s bad business that’s not what I want to hear around a Zack LaVine trade it’s not it’s not what I want to hear that my front office is doing hey we need to rebuild we need to go with the youth we need to start to move things in the right direction what are you doing we’ll give up a first round pick if you will take this guy off of our hands it’s just not how it’s going to be done like like if you’re at that point I it’s it’s tough to say keep them but it’s like like dude you you know that that is not the way to do business and it just makes no sense at this point you’re literally just saying take this guy off our hands and we’ll help you get better but what I do think it tells you is that the market for Zack LaVine is absolutely a desert right now now the reason that it is a desert and I think the reason that people are overlooking is because why the heck would I trade for Zack LaVine if I feel like I’m in the Paul George sweep States if I felt like I was in the James Harden sweep States if I feel like I’m in right there there’s free agent names out here who are available that people are looking at that I am absolutely going to call all of them before I call Zack LaVine before I call you about Zack LaVine and I think that’s the part where people are kind of over panicking here but why I do think that the market is dried up right now Zack LaVine is going to be the consolation prize I’ve been saying this for two months now he is not going to be the person that team call First teams feel like right like Paul George just tweeted out a little while ago heading on a flight to Miami right or to to Orlando right like we know what the everybody’s going to be talking to Paul George and trying to win the Paul George prize and then when the Paul George prize is up if you end up going out and getting somebody else right that may be when you want to hear Zack lavine’s name come up so I’m not surprised by the fact that the Bulls are are having a hard time moving Zack to this point I am surprised by the fact that they attaching first round draft Capital to it that to me just makes absolutely no sense I think that’s a failure by this front office to go out there and and just try to give up on uh um or just be done with it not give up but just be done with the Zack LaVine Saga which I understand it’s probably stressful at this point but you can’t just be done and give up stuff to get it out of your F please get them away from me like that’s not how this works and so to me I think that that is one where if first round capital is being included in a LaVine trade that’s absolutely not unless it’s the Portland pick if it is that Portland pick that’s different right if it’s the if it’s the the Portland pick has been attached to this for so long right at this point it’s going to become two second round picks they’re never going to get good like this draft didn’t help them right at all so actually it did I’m not going to say that Donovan clinging I think he’s going to be a dog in this league but I don’t think he’ll be a star so it didn’t help him that much but to excuse me to then turn around and hear from Chris Haynes that the Zack LaVine Market is so bad that the Bulls offered a Zack LaVine package to the Warriors that would have included Chris Paul and Andrew Wiggins coming back now maybe the Warriors are still in on Wiggins even though we’ve heard that they’re looking to move him but the fact that teams don’t want him so bad that they’re like no even though we’re going to cut this guy because Chris Paul was waved then I believe an hour after we heard this news we’re going to cut this guy but we don’t want your guy I don’t know why the market has fallen to this point I do think that it has a lot to do with with the conversation that we just had right about uh um how he’s going to be the consolation prize and teams are going to go for other pieces in different directions but if you have a trade on the table already do you cut Chris Paul and maybe right to make the Paul George money work if you feel like you’re going to be able to get a deal worked out with him immediately maybe you do cut Chris Paul to just try and clear some things up for you and I think that that’s smart cap wise right but the fact that you hear that again it does go back to the sweep stage right that Zack LaVine can’t get traded for Andrew Wiggins and Chris Paul two players that we absolutely know they want to move on from that is very very damning of how the league views Zack LaVine right now that is very damning of how the league views him being a player that is going to impact winning on a team that all the teams they’re trying to trade them to are playoff teams they’re not trying to send them anywhere like Detroit last year was different but they’re not trying to send him anywhere bad they’re literally like yo take this guy please and he will help you winning the playoffs and teams around the league are going no he won’t we’re okay that to me is like I said it’s a it’s a very damning statement and I think that it really shows how much the Bulls have really fumbled this bag when you look back on some of the deals that were available some of the deals you could have made some of the deals that you could have gotten back for Zack LaVine the league does not view him as a winning player and they are unwilling to be moved at all until three or four names come off of the board that tells you so so much about the value of the guy that you have paid to be the highest paid player on your team and that makes it very tough but we’ll see I do think that Zack LaVine still ends up getting moved I think that they like like a lot of people have said like Casey Johnson said right there’s a scenario where Zack LaVine could be back but to me as much as the Bulls are trying to move him as hard as they’re trying to get him out of here I think that eventually some team will just go you know what Paul George is off the board James Harden’s off the board uh sure we’ll we’ll take a chance this is not what we wanted but we also have this plan in place that we need to go out and compete next year so we’ll take Zack LaVine but we’re not sending you anything that you’re looking for in the deal we’re sending you the bases of bases we’re sending you role players at Best we’re sending you guys who are over the hill contracts that are going to come off the books that’s what you’re going to get in a Zack LaVine trade and listen where when you’re where the Bulls are right now I’m not surprised by that at all but uh let me know what you think about the Zack LaVine Market basically being dead and uh let me know what you guys feel about the Andre Drummond signing in Philly drop a farewell drum in the comments below of course drop a c red in the comments below man it’s your boy Pat the designer back at it again we’ll be covering all the Chicago Bulls free agency news if there is any today and maybe some just of the crazy news that may drop today as well uh y’all stay safe by there Chicago C Red Nation stand up peace

ON Today’s Episode Pat The Designer Talks About The Chicago Bulls Losing Andre Drummond In Free Agency , He Also Talks About The Report That The Chicago Bulls Have No Trade Market For Zach Lavine

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  1. This is why instead of preparing a knee jerk max contract for this guy years back, the Bulls front office should have allowed him to shop himself around to other teams. Because they would have learned that the rest of the league doesn't think he is as much hot shit as they did. And it's not just because he is "injured" a lot. I'd argue his injury schedule often helps him avoid being traded, and is probably a tactical move on his part. He plays for his contract incentives, cares about himself 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. And he and his agency leak articles, sabotage trades. The guy is a complete cancer, and has a negative affect on young player development, because he has to be the spotlight. He is the STAR and makes sure everyone knows it. Do you guys remember the "beef" behind him and the team, and coaches. Well here is why? The guy is an asshole, and the whole league knows it. Way to step in a big pile of dog shit AK. And those of you making excuses for this guy are just as much of the problem. A bunch of pathetic homers.

  2. It's all BS about Zach having no value.. it's simply the other GMs are playing hard ball cause they know the Bulls wanna move off Zach so they are playing AK for the fool.

    Best move is to give them the finger and announce Zach is not up for trade under any circumstance,let him ball out for the first half of the season and they will change their tune.

    I have never seen a 25ppg player this difficult to move.

  3. It's the same thing that just happened with Dejounte Murray. Teams played hard ball and the Hawks folded,now in NO all you'll hear is how they stole Dejounte Murray..

  4. I’m shocked that a) he resigned with Philly b) he only received 2 year 10 million. I thought he could have gotten more and an expanded role. I loved Drummond but he deserves to compete for a title and play meaningful minutes.

  5. As far as Zach Lavine Bulls are going to have to eat that contract because they held onto him a year too long. This is a huge blunder on upper management. He will have to step up his value. But due to his attitude I can see him sitting out again just to stick it to Billy Donovan and the Bulls

  6. Keep Zack he gon come back a monster he see don’t nobody want him he gon T up the thing dat I saw wit Zack since demar came he was hating on him the way he shined his face expressions and body language show it he was toxic if he get pass the me me me stage and just hoop most importantly share the ball this team will be lethal but I thing we should really shop vooch he not a bad player it just the protecting the rim part either him we really need dat that’s why we gave up a lot of threes cuz the team had to help him in the paint which led to easy kick out for threes and in a lot of close games if our players didn’t help it was an easy blow by for the two

  7. I'm all in on the "youth movement" aka the 12-16 win tank to make sure we keep that top 10 protected pick next year.

  8. I pray to god we don’t do something as dumb as give away a first round pick to get rid of Zach like just eat his fucking contract it’s not like we are gonna be any good this year anyway just letting either rebuild some trade value or something don’t try to give up future draft capital to save some money to sign some other useless player that won’t do anything for us. It’s not like it’ll clear up $40 million for us. No team has enough cap To just take on Zach we would have to get other dog shit contracts in return. Giving up a first would just make me done with this team man and I’m already teetering on the edge

  9. Fucking fire AK man I can’t think of one draft pick in his era who has done anything other than Ayo being way better than expected. And he has been god awful in free agency and the trade market fuck this team and especially FUCK AK how does he still have a fucking job

  10. I hate this team and AK has done nothing but make this team worse other than his first year he had one good free agency and then has been down right awful making the team worse and worse every year. I hate this more than Ryan pace I swear😅

  11. Dude I’ve been saying ZL is a salary dump all year. Dude plays 60 games a year and is owed $45M per year for the next 3.

  12. Lavine isn’t going anywhere. That contract, the injury history, and his failure to affect winning make it a bad mistake for any franchise, unless they have two all stars in front of him and just DGAF about the luxury tax.

  13. The best way to get off Zach's contract was to pair with Caruso but you guys did a bang up job on that 1… Josh Giddey 🤦

  14. AK did fine, I wouldn't have re-signed Drum either. Bro gave us a handful of nice games all season. Let him ride

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