@Orlando Magic

Orlando Magic Made SMART Moves During Free Agency

Orlando Magic Made SMART Moves During Free Agency

yo what’s going on guys and my Orlando Magic Orlando Magic oh Orlando Magic Orlando Magic I don’t know why I did that but you I had way too much f with that for a second I feel like we made smart moves we had money but we said no no no we’re we’re going to take an Iron Man a guy Mr or liable one of the best if not the best catching shoot three and guard in kavus Cowell Pope he won’t overstep he won’t ask for too many touches he’ll do what he needs to do he’s a champion ship pedigree player two rings with two separate teams the Lakers and the negs and it’s not a crazy deal then we bring back Gary Harris who seems to be a really good locker room guy we bring back Goa two guys that like I thought were for sure got now we’re hearing that Jonathan Isaac’s get an extension maybe a renegotiation extension this is awesome and I think it goes to show where we’re at as a franchise we’re ready to take the next step we know we’re a playoff team but we also knew that the player CU I think we all can agree Paul way Caro is on his way to being a tier one player like a potential MVP can MVP candidate the hope is fron Wagner becomes an All-Star candidate and this is coming from a guy who’s an Orlando Magic fan an Orlando Magic Washington Wizard Minnesota timber worlds fan yes some a Mist when it comes to being a sports fan but those that’s everywhere I’ve lived and everywhere I’ve been able to support teams now the Orlando Magic the the hope is is fron bog there is going to be an Allstar I would say that a most people are way more [Music] higher on fron Bogner than I am as someone who Scouts for a living T like evaluates talent and like I think Bron Wagner is a really good player I personally think fron Wagner might be a third I think best case scenario on a championship team fron Wagner is a third option maybe a fourth option like best case scenario fron vogner gets to the same level as male Bridges but there’s a chance that fra Vagner is just a fringe allar while like male Bridges I would say is like seems like he is an All-Star it’s just hard with fron I just don’t like I the jury’s still out so let’s go with that fron is a three or a four I think that option a third or fourth option I and he’s you assume that he’s a 3 four so and Paul Van Caro’s a four and you’re going to keep going with like a a traditional rebounding dig which means you want to have shooting at the shooting guard position which like we have with jet Howard contus Cowell pop and the rest of the roster that with it’s kind of crazy if you think about how much with now that Marquel folz has gone but with the current roster this is what it looks like currently guys Jaylen SS is going to be a start point guard backup point guard a combination of Cole Anthony and Anthony black then cavius kowell Pope Gary Aris and Jet Howard are is our shooting guard rotation then fron Vagner Caleb Houston and you would assume a mixture of probably Gary Harris kavus kowell pop Tristan D Silva Jed Howard also playing the backup three and then at the four you probably have behind Paulo banero a combination of fron Vagner Jonathan Isaac depending on the different lineups if we go small if we go big and we still have W Carter and Goa So currently our roster we have 13 guys on our team and to me that’s where like I just look at our Squad we have 13 guys I think if anything I wouldn’t mind us going in a bringing back Marquel FS if marel FS wants to come back on a cheap deal and just be a veteran on this team I would not mind I think us finding a veteran defensive minded point guard or just any veteran point guard would be good for us so keep an eye out for that as we still technically have two roster spots and then I think a combo forward would really help us out I think if we can get a guy who can help space the floor I can play multi multiple positions theoretically a guy like Royce O’Neal would have been cool and I I I do Wonder like if we look at free agents like who’s going to be available and who is it I I think part of what’s going to happen is with the current like makeup of free agency obviously we know that demard De Rose and LeBron James Miles bridges are the biggest names that’s not what they’re going to go after but would they want to see like a buddy hee who’s still very very solid outside shooter he score off the Dremel like do they want to go after more shooting same thing with a Malik Beasley do they want to go with a c Bay where they’re not can they might not get him all season but they could get him down long term and we know mo Vagner is another they could bring back Mo Vagner which they probably will let’s be honest he’s a he’s a guy that they a guy that I wouldn’t be surprised if they go after is Kyle Anderson but we assume that Mo arer solid screener good finisher around the BS can handle the ball little set you know he’s can shoot the three-point shot I wouldn’t be surprised or even a Gary Tre I think those are like little moves that they can go out and get I really do like the idea though of them either like a Dario sarage a Gordon Hayward a as we talked about earlier bring back mooger is fine if if they bring back Mo vogner I think then getting uh another front Court player isn’t a necessity so let’s go that they go with a a mo Wagner so then you either go out and you get like a buddy healed Malik Beasley Gordon word I guess another outside of that it starts become i l Walker would be cool I know Luke canard’s out there I don’t really think he solves what they need I still do think either a pat B A Marquel folz Jetty osman’s a guy that I really like that I think they could help but they’ve made smart moves I think they continue to look for those good deals S sim fono was supposedly going to go back to the Pistons I don’t know if that’s going to happen and if he is he’s got great size he had a really good shooting streak and he’s an underrated off the dribble score he put up 10 and a half points four rebounds and one half assists on 46% from the field 40% from the three same thing with Haywood iith two guys that I think yeah if you can go bring back Mo arner and Marquel folz and then if you want to bring in like a guy like jedy Osman or a Haywood heith or a Simone fono I think that’s how like you finish off this off season with a cherry on top and and yeah I I just think it’s definitely fun to see how they’ve we they’ve been able to just find very good value in free agency and especially with the contracts I don’t think they’re they’re forcing the issue and they’re not handicapping themselves the money and the thing is is next year’s free agency class and even through the trademark next year the the the trades are going to be better like they’re going to be better trades available so if I like they’re doing right now I don’t see the problem in just you know staying patient slow and steady wins the race sometimes ladies and gentlemen

The Orlando Magic have made smart moves during free agency, strategically adding talent to their roster. With calculated signings and acquisitions, the Magic are aiming to strengthen their team for the upcoming season. Join us as we analyze their free agency strategy and discuss the impact of these moves on the Magic’s future.

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I own none of the footage in the video, it is intended for the purposes of critique and education.


  1. I like franz alot. He has improved each season. Plus he stays healthy. Versatile and him being a fringe all atar works great.

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