@Boston Celtics

Tatum’s Supermax + Celtics for sale! | Bob Ryan & Jeff Goodman Podcast

Tatum’s Supermax + Celtics for sale! | Bob Ryan & Jeff Goodman Podcast

going to take it got it Boston WIS two legends and basketball analysis with over 70 years combined experience this is the Bob Ryan and Jeff Goodman podcast NBA some college a little bit of everything you know what can I say but it wasn’t going to happen here hey everybody it’s Gary tagu along with Jeff Goodman we will catch up with Bob Ryan later who is traveling right now and we have brought You by prize picks the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network pick more pick less with prize picks Jeff got some work to do here no surprise the Celtics made Jason Tatum the richest man in the NBA for now for now for now till till next year when somebody else will get a bigger Max contract but um yeah no surprise I mean Jaylen Brown uh will be the highest paid player this coming season right Jason Tatum will be the highest paid player The Following season so um it doesn’t surprise me I I gotta say again you know kind of Where I Stood with Jason Tatum from the get-go uh so this doesn’t really surprise me all that much I think you know just like people kind of hated on Jaylen Brown for being the highest paid player um and I was one of them because I don’t think at that point Jaylen Brown was deserving now if you gave it to him now I would say okay you know what he proved it yeah to me Jason Tatum has proven his worth prior to getting this you know this contract that makes him the highest paid player in the NBA like to me is he the best player no there’s probably three guys that you probably take over Jason Tatum right now but he’s in the he’s in the equation it’s just we knew it was coming the and we’re going to get to the Celtics ownership it just shows how smart the Celtics ownership is um and that they are committed to winning also had no choice here they had zero choice on this one I actually think oh no but I’m talking about coupling the two together sure well yeah I mean because a lot some guys you know as well as I do Jeff some guys would have traded Jaylen Brown and saying I’m not paying two guys and they did I would have I would have a few years ago now last year I think their decision they made last year was was looking back on it obviously very very smart which was not to Penny pinch Jaylen brown right you might have been you might have gone to him and said hey we’re not giving you the full Max you haven’t earned it you were terrible in the play offs we’re not giving it to you instead they said hey we’re going to reward you and give you the full Max because we believe on you believe in you and then in turn what did Jaylen Brown do he went out and he worked his ass off and he got better and he showed him that it was the right decision with Tatum there’s no decision here I me this this was this was the biggest no-brainer there was and same thing with Derek white 125 million seems like a bargain so there’s I mean this dude he he’s he’s the fabric of what makes this team so great he really is I mean again it’s no coincidence that the franchise in in the it started to flip when they got Derek white L literally that’s when they if you look at it all that’s when they started to win again they were a mediocre team and then all of a sudden they acquired Derk white not like he was great he wasn’t remember he couldn’t make a shot in the playoffs that year but what he did was he instilled the attitude that I think was needed in that Celtics locker room which was hey like this this isn’t about me this isn’t about any individual this is about team and as he ascended and started to play really well nothing changed with Derek white like he is who he is and nothing’s GNA change this dude is all he he’s he’s just what’s right about everything about the NBA like Derek W is like the poster child for what’s right about the NBA and an NBA player who who worked his way up from you know the division two ranks to Colorado to San Antonio where they couldn’t wait to get rid of him because remember they wanted dejonte Murray to be the guy at that point so they got rid of Derek white Brad Stevens got hammered that first year why did he overpay 18 million a year for Derek white and now um that was a a bargain and he helped you you know win a championship and maybe be in contention and win others and I have to believe that Wick grck and his father who are selling their share of the team I have to believe they knew that this was coming this had been in the works they’re very smart businessmen so they said we’re going to invest in the team and we’re going to pass the cost on to whoever buys the team now uh Wick is going to stay on until he’s probably 6465 and ballparking there uh as the until the sale is complete now if I have a lot of thoughts about this so I’m going to break it down and tell you how I understand the ownership group you have Wick grck you have Irv grck who is a very important part of this equation okay yep and um Steve puka then you have the Abbey group shout out to Bobby and Dave Epstein uh and Eric swansson uh so you have that group so those are the four major partners then you have all the other guys filling in the blanks right but the grous specs are basically the majority owners because it’s father and son and Wick wanted to buy the team and you know his father’s a brilliant businessman Works a smart guy so the two together started the process then they brought in Pags and they brought in the Abbey group because I know that Epstein were interested in buying and so forth so you know Irv is a self-made billionaire and has taught at in the Ivy Leagues he’s taught at Stanford and I have to believe that he and Wick this is my opinion had this strategy that like look and when they talk about the trust and all that the family that’s real okay that’s real stuff right and you’re talking about a lot of money so I think when they also took a page out of mar Cuban’s book they look at what Cuban did yeah right because they said okay you know I can witch says I can run the team till I’m in my mid-60s which is great I W two championships financially this could become a problem for us because let’s face it Jeff a sports franchise now you got to be Bill Gates I mean you know so I think it makes complete sense um I think I think I think it make complete sense can I push back and I don’t know the answer you may not know the answer to this but my qu he’s 63 years old Wick he is a fan he’s a fanboy make no mistake he is a fanboy no question I think that’s what makes him a good owner agreed I mean listen I think what made him a good owner was was hiring Danny AES because same thing he had to do he had to make the move but none totally but again Danny AES was the one who hire Brad Stevens correct was probably the one it my guess is who kind of made the decision that hey Brad Stevens will be a good GM right right like let’s face it that wasn’t Wick that had to be Danny a telling Wick Hey listen sure this is the right move to make now go get a new coach put Brad in the GM role he’ll be great and and turn I’m gonna go to Utah but a good owner but a good owner listens to his people totally no no I’m I’m all I’m all for it he he he made some really good decisions here and honestly didn’t micromanage uh and let Danny and Brad do their thing my question to you is like okay are they doing it now because they feel like like now’s the the ceiling for for right now to make all this money like you’re gonna you’re going to sell it make huge money you’re still going to be involved you’re not going to be the majority guy and maybe it it just takes I I guess some of the the you know the the things that you have to do off your plate as you get into your mid 60s and you can enjoy life like I I just I can’t comprehend that part of it because they’re at the top right now why would you sell when you have a chance to win a couple more titles over these next couple years Gary and be like the hero around here and be you know revered even more than you’re revered right now I don’t I don’t think Wick’s AG has anything to do with it I don’t think Wick has anything to do with it and this isn’t any disrespect to Wick I think it’s all about Irv grck he’s 89 years old okay so you think it’s his decision yeah yeah I think I and I think and I don’t want to make it sound like Wick is like you know Daddy’s boy and all that because he’s taken some unfair crap on that sure this deal doesn’t go down with Irv no question okay so Irv comes in and Wick they buy the team Wick has been an amazing owner I want to be clear he’s been an amazing owner think Dad you think Dad just said Hey listen I’m gonna bankroll most of this deal and I’m gonna let you run things I’m I’m letun know well see again I don’t want it I don’t want to make Wick sound like he’s richy Rich because I think Wick you know I really I don’t want that to happen because Wick’s pissed at me enough as it is you know I mean listen it doesn’t matter anymore it doesn’t matter but but I I don’t want to make a sound like that look IRB grck was one of the one of the founders of cable television he made a gazillion dollars okay so if Wick is born like you and I right he doesn’t buy the Celtics now what Wick did is Wick put together a terrific ownership group he put together a terrific management team he put the right people in place they could have won three or four championships right if Kyrie works out if Garnett doesn’t get hurt okay so there could have been more so what I’m saying is if you take a look at what happened um uh uh oh God I just blank the richest man in the world um uh God he just at 93 Warren Buffett Warr Warren Buffett God thank you Warren Buffett just said 99% of my inheritance is going to go to charity and my kids are going to run the foundation that means the kid the three kids get the 1% which I’m sure is plenty to live on right so I think at 89 years old ER grck you know the financial guys they come around they say look we got to make this work Al it could be a financial nightmare for the family oh so you think that that may have been here here that’s what I think it is get your finances in order before you go 89 let’s sell the team that way you can I don’t how many kids does he have do you know no just Wick oh that’s it yeah and I think Wick’s got two so the point is is that so why do you have to worry about it if you only got one kid why do you have to worry about it I don’t know but when you put in when when you put in the press release the trust and future considerations Jeff I don’t understand the numbers man I mean but when you put in the trust and when you put words like trust and will and family considerations that has to be part of it I just I just again I feel like why couldn’t Wick have said to his dad hey listen give me two more years here we can win two more titles let me enjoy this as the I you know I don’t know I now why now instead of when the window starts to close which I’m not sure it’ll even close in two years I I think right now they probably look at it as a business decision and they say the the the the price of the team will never be higher but it will it will higher well that’s what they say but they’ve won a championship they’re coming off a championship you they have young players and Wick gets to run it until 2028 even if you even if it doesn’t again now again I think he’ll be involved just like Mark Cuban’s involved after you know selling 73% of of the Mavs like it’s not like Mark Cuban’s not gonna be sitting behind the bench still he’s still G to be sitting behind the bench and have a a you know a say and and and still own a portion of the team uh but it’s different it’s different when you are the guy Wick has been the guy for a a long time here and I just don’t understand why you would give it up now as opposed to waiting a couple more years again Dad is 89 so you don’t think Dad is enjoying this too I think Dad is driven by the numbers and I think the numbers tell them to sell now now that’s what I think and again that is no disrespect to Wick because what you’re saying is correct I think Wick loves being the owner I think Wick lo I think that’s why he’s a great owner look you’re going to own a team if you’re going to own a team to me you gotta be like Cuban you gotta be like Robert Craft for a while John Henry was all in now who knows you gotta be all in now we know not who knows now we know now we know I mean but but you to me you want to be all in you want to win you know and and even if you’re silent and you’re in the backgrounds it’s all about I mean like hey Wick said it the Red Sox are cutting back and we said no we’re going forward now we do know that they’re going forward but somebody else is going to have to pay the bill game time is the authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to the first pitch so it’s really easy just download the game time app okay now to me right now the Red Sox are the ticket you want so go to a Red Sox there’s nothing better than going to Fenway Park or going to a baseball game period so what you do is you download the game time app create an account use code clns for $20 off of your first purchase again redeem the code clns for $20 off terms apply create an account and redeem the code clns for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed here’s my idea I think I have the perfect guy uh to be involved in the next ownership that’s good and I hope it’s not John Henry because he’s sniffing Bob Ryan I think we need to get Bob Ryan involved it might be a minority stake you know I think he saved his his his shekels over the years I think Bob Ryan might have like under his bed millions of dollars from all his Around the Horn appearances from all his Boston Globe colle there might be a million couple million I don’t know how many million he hasn’t a lot more than that we know that he hasn’t spent it on clothes because it’s it’s the standard navy blue blazer light blue shirt slacks or some t-shirt that somebody gave him I think somebody though whoever buys the Celtics should just throw Bob Ry in a bone and and give them like put him on the put him on the list of owners on the list owners put last but put Bob Ryan on the list of ownership in the in the ownership group how cool that be well the concern right now is whoever buys it will they have the same emotional investment as the grous specs no probably not probably not because they did I mean and and look Wick deserves as does Ps and everybody else but you know Wick if you’re a fan you can you you have you should have nothing but praise for Wick grck and look Wick is an emotional guy he’s been mad at me he’s probably been mad at you he gets angry with the media he defends his guys Wick Ross because every they got mad at me they used to get mad at me both he and pagala when I would hammer Rondo I think that was Rond they were not happy with not happy with that but but you that’s what you wanted an owner I mean gr where gross is everything you wanted an owner so to sum it up my feeling this is a business move driven by Irv and the family and that again that’s no disrespect to Wick that’s I just think that and I think that probably one of the I mean that’s one of the reasons he’s sticking around I mean he’s going to get to enjoy this until 2028 and I think that what we’re looking at is it’s very hard for a family to own a sports franchise now it’s just I mean what did you see what the I mean we’re talking about billions of dollars yeah I mean he bought it for 360 million and they’re going to sell it for five billion or something six billion 7 billion look at the crafts have done they said Robert Craft overpaid for the Patriots now it’s worth5 billion so you know unless you’re Buffett or unless you’re Gates that’s a big nut man even if you’re a part owner but that’s what I think I I think it’s driven by the numbers and I think Irv has a lot to do with it prize piic is America’s number one daily fantasy app with over 5 million active members it is the easiest and most excited way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize pick it’s just you against the numbers get in on the daily action with your friends become part of the prize picks Community today all you do is pick more or less on two to six players their St projections and watch the winnings roll in you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks you could turn $10 into ,000 prize pick is available in more than 30 States across the country including California Texas and Georgia now here’s something that you can think about what you can think about here with prize picks here here’s an example of something you could or this is the whole idea behind the concept Caitlyn Clark for more than three and a half three-pointers made and Brianna Stewart for more than 23 points see it’s that simple download the prize picks app today and use the code clns for a first deposit match of $200 that’s code clns on price picks for a deposit match up to $100 pick more BL it’s that easy that’s what I think all right let’s get can we get on real free agency it’s been by the way the most boring NBA free agency uh opening that we’ve had in a long time you know and I think part of it is obviously the big names were older guys you know Paul George Clay Thompson it was in a highlevel group I also think Gary we didn’t have the content that was asking to be traded this year right we didn’t have the James Harden it feels like every other year James Harden you know especially when he was in his prime was demanding a trade Dame Lillard right a year ago was demanding a trade I think KD did it you know uh years ago like I just feel we don’t have that this year who nobody there’s nobody that that’s basically saying like no I’m I’m you know I’m not I mean the biggest the biggest deal we have was before free agency open I thought Mel Bridges going to the Knicks that trade was probably the biggest fireworks we’ve had so far because it made a contending team and a big Market team that’s been a relevant for a long time better more relevant more relevant I’m not sure they’re there we talked about this last week to challenge the Celtics if they’re healthy but they’re better they’re better and they lost hartenstein to to Oklahoma City there so they’re going to have to figure out what to do at the fiveman spot whether it’s just going to be like a little small ball with Julius Randall or they can move Julius Randall but you know when the biggest names are Paul George and Klay Thompson that are in their mid-30s that are on the downside of their career that have been of injured over the last three or four years and are not the same player they were obviously in their their late 20s yeah I I just it didn’t move the needle for me nothing’s mve the needle Donovan Mitchell resigns with with Cleveland this morning that was something that was kind of a formality for most people um and Cleveland’s Fine Again they’re good but nothing happened that says to me Gary that the the the landscape of the NBA has shifted right to whereas like the the order isn’t still the Celtics I still think Denver if like Jamal Murray wasn’t healthy last postseason let’s let’s call call it what it is so I still think Denver’s number two and then like yeah Minnesota I mean Minnesota certainly with what they did in the draft Gary getting Rob Dillingham and teren Shannon Jr like I think Minnesota’s made themselves better not which which is what you have to do if you’re a small Market team like that you Pro you have to do it through the draft and they they’ve done it uh but you know Paul George to Philly I think it’s a bad fit I I on the court it looks like a great fit because that’s what they needed right they need a two-way Wing right to go along with them beat and Maxi okay a big Wing what I would say is my biggest concern is two one Paul George is always hurt okay always hurt in his mid-30s number two I don’t think up up here you gotta be able to handle Philly you know that good luck La baby it good luck good luck Paul George when things go bad right because I just don’t think he’s equipped to be able to handle Philly especially at this point in his career like again if you’re in your your mid to late 20s you’re at the top of your game this that and the other now we know Paul George he hasn’t last year was the most games he’s played in like five years so like and there was 72 games or something like that most of these years it’s been 50 60 games those fanss are going to crucify him if he doesn’t carry them too deep in the playoffs and and his on the court so I don’t love it but my take with Daryl Mur has always been it’s like he plays stratomatic basketball right it’s like he plays stratomatic like he doesn’t think of like how everybody actually fits it’s just about the numbers and accumulating talent and never about how they fit together yeah well I think it’s a desperate last second swing sure you know emid that was Harden in Philly right that was Harden in Philly same thing you know if embiid is healthy you got a shot it it doesn’t matter that to me is he if he’s healthy it it’s still his team he’s the guy but the Celtics are so damn deep you know I don’t if they can stay healthy I don’t see anybody and the way they played it’s the Celtics league to win again but in health is the thing so and and one another thing Jeff I want to say is none of the big players have a reason to be unhappy they get paid well they’re getting paid but like in Dallas okay the big guys in Dallas and Denver they just want to play ball they don’t seem to and they’re getting paid no drama no drama Kyrie there’s no drama with Kyrie right now because he’s found a home right so you know those guys want to get paid they they’re getting paid the life they have here is wonderful they’re happy one got to the finals one won the finals a year ago so you know who’s complaining the Celtics Stars they’re not complaining they got nothing to complain about you know LeBron always had something going on KD wasn’t happen happy in Golden State you know there’s there’s just none of that yeah even even the young guy like Shay gild just Alexander they won enough at Oklahoma City last year right so you know Jaylen Brunson obviously one enough in in New York so who the guys that you could think if there were a guy that wanted out right now the guy that you would say would would want out would be LeBron right would be LeBron because got he’s got bronny correct and he doesn’t want to move from La so like he’s the one right Anthony Davis and LeBron right they don’t want to leave well they’re reped by the same agent right so they don’t want to break each other up because they feel like their only chance to be pretty good is is if they stay together so I you know I mean I guess the only other guy you look at is like KD is he unhappy again like there might be a point Kevin Durant wants out of Phoenix again no one cares I know I know but he’s the guy you know the other one I could see in a couple years is if like well even in a year what does Jimmy Butler do in a year right what is Jimmy Butler does he want out in a year and try to win a championship and go with go with the team like I think he was the better fitb in Philly to be honest than Paul I agree with you he could handle it he right he’s done it it didn’t go great but he’s done it and yes he could handle it now I don’t know how I think he in a beat are good but you never know what Jimmy you never know what Jimmy yeah yeah know but yeah Jimmy is the third option Jimmy is the third option you have a chance to win a title I agree but I yeah he he’s you know there are a few guys that you could see as like if things go go bad but a lot of these guys like you said they’re younger um or the older ones like aren’t going anywhere like the who you know the old stars who are KD they don’t want to go anywhere I mean Steph’s not going anywhere Steph’s retiring in golden state no he’s happy he’s playing he’s won enough he’s did he win three or four four three well okay so he’s he’s good and then Minnesota I thought because they underachieved possibly would there be some finger pointing there wasn’t no no no listen I’ve come a long way on an Anthony Edwards a long way because again I keep going back to what I saw of him in college in his one year and it was a disaster a complete disaster but again I blame the coach Tom creen more than I blame Anthony Edwards Anthony Edwards always had the talent mhm it was just how he was utilized there was was completely wrong um and and he’s just man he’s better than I thought he’s just a better basketball player than I thought he was he’s a better shooter a better facilitator he plays hard all the time like he’s he doesn’t play like he’s entitled at all like he just and and my biggest worry with Anthony Edwards was always like going to Minnesota right where they had had no culture right like I just thought he needed go to a place where the culture was strong in Minnesota there was no culture but again what they’ve done there the the you know Management in Minnesota with Tim Connelly has been awesome yeah and they’re gonna win he’s what is he 22 yeah yeah I mean they’re gonna this is good the the the guy that you still want to see can he get back is John Mor can can John Morant get back two years ago when we were talking literally about Tatum Luca and J those were the three and now Jah has become an afterthought and just as a pure basketball fan he’s great to watch yes you know you’re rooting for the guy he had a problem you hope he comes back I just want to see play W right maybe he needs to get out of I I almost feel like too he might need to get out of Memphis get out of Memphis maybe get out of Memphis get with another star that’s a little more mature yeah that can teach him like I just don’t know who there is in Memphis Yeah you know he needs I know this doesn’t imagine that’s who hey that’s who the Lakers need imagine if the Lakers had John Mor I was just going to say that like I don’t know if it how it would work cap wise and all that stuff but but like John Morant with LeBron over his shoulder Perfect Right perfect Jeffrey we’re good my friend thank you very much enjoy the holiday the Fourth of July holiday brought to you by prize Pi the exclusive daily fantasy partner of clns media Network pick more pick less with prize picks again Bob Ryan fans uh Bob Ryan part the new Celtic ownership group that we’re joking um Bob will be Bob will be joining us later in the week see you later guys [Music]

On this episode of the Jeff Goodman& Bob Ryan Podcast, Jeff talks about how Tatum deal was a no brainer but the C’s rolled the dice on Jaylen and it worked. The reason the Wyc is selling has a lot to do with Irv Grousbeck – in our opinion. All the free agent moves were for older players. The young guns are happy were they are. And much more!

0:00 – Celtics sign Jayson Tatum
1:48 – Celtics ownership and smart decisions
3:02 – Impact of Derrick White on the team
4:36 – Breakdown of the Celtics ownership group
7:14 – Brad Stevens transition to GM role
10:33 – Financial considerations in team sale
13:18 – Game Time app for ticket purchases
14:25 – Tickets lowest price guaranteed
15:37 – Concerns about emotional investment
21:51 – Concerns about Paul George in Philly
23:10 – Players’ contentment with their current teams
25:37 – Speculation on potential player movements

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  1. You JB guys are crazy!! He said they were smart to max him, that he wouldn't have believed him to fix his handle and turnovers, but he has.

  2. Hey, uh, listen, uh, you know uhh Jaylen Brown just is not that kind of guy. Uhh he will never be able to fit into the 1a 1b role uhh you know he's not that good at defense and has too many lapses and you know last weekend I was at a high school and there was an unbelievable center who could dribble better than Jaylen. Listen what this team needs is a Kyrie Irving.

  3. This is extremely simple. They do not HAVE or WANT to spend the 1Billion in luxury payments they will face over the next 4 years. This is not hard. These are not ultra rich owners like Ballmer. They will also not be running things until 28 that's an absolute joke. Nobody is going to spend 5B on the team and let Wyc run the team for 4 years while they spend all the money.

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