@Atlanta Hawks

Alex Sarr gives BLUNT answer why he didn’t work out for the Atlanta Hawks

Alex Sarr gives BLUNT answer why he didn’t work out for the Atlanta Hawks

going along with that there’s been a lot of reports the last couple days about you declining to work out with the Hawks what what went into that decision yeah I mean I have a great team around me you know Bill Duffy and W they already been through all of this and I trust them and you know I’m not going to get into the specifics of where I worked out or where I didn’t but uh you know I’ve been doing my best in my workouts and that’s all I can control do you want to be the number one pick I mean of course you know as a competitor you know but for me it’s more important to be drafted you know I think at the end of the day that’s what most important you know and you just got to be grateful for that when you look at Atlanta and Washington how do you feel like you could fit in those places I I think I can impact winning on any team I land at you know I’m pretty confident in that you know I think my defensive hostility and offensively me being able to play different spots make me I think an impactful player on winning


  1. Pick him anyway. Other teams have picked players that didn’t want to be picked by their current teams. Banchero, Sexton and some other players too…..

  2. honestly i still get him. that we can still get great trade value. unless we trade the first pick to begin with. point blank period. not getting any value at all just because a guy dont wanna do something is dumb in my eyes

  3. I think what he’s saying is he has already worked out so pretty much watch the tape. He doesn’t mind to be #1 pick and thinks he can fit in well with the Hawks.

  4. This makes no sense…. The hawks are easily the best team that he can be put on. He could be on a playoff team or he could he a 12 seed on Washington.

  5. I don’t know if he’s telling the truth or he just doing media talk but once again this is why ppl can’t listen to all of the rumors that be out there bc we heard it from the horse’s mouth that it doesn’t matter where he plays just as long as he gets drafted to a team.

  6. You don't have a good team around you if they advising you not to workout with Atlanta. Especially if they are pushing Washington 🤡 show. You from overseas shouldn't be judging any team you don't know jack😂

  7. Wow.

    After seeing this, glad Hawks passed on him—but as a Hawks fan, it’s frustrating staring down the barrel of ANOTHER REBUILD :/

  8. He’s a lame enjoy the wizards it’s people who would give their right arm to go #1 and have put in more work than this guy let’s go Hawks

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