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Heat Check: What will the Miami Heat do in free agency?

Heat Check: What will the Miami Heat do in free agency?

hello and welcome to the heat check Miami herold’s Miami Heat show I’m David Wilson I joined as always on the other line by Anthony Chang our Heat beat writer here at the Herold Anthony what’s up uh you know just covering for agency day three nothing nothing’s up well in the Heat’s case not much has been up as of uh when are we recording this Tuesday night Tuesday night but probably after we record this you’re going to make like seven trades and everything yeah that’s how it’ll go um yeah as you said it’s Tuesday I don’t know when this will go up obviously uh with July 4th I’m hoping Wednesday morning yeah that hopefully so hopefully nothing crazy happens tonight um but as of now not a lot has happened uh of any note for the heat obviously some some honestly like really big moves across the NBA like I don’t know like Championship defining moves but like the fact that Chris Paul and Klay Thompson both like I mean Chris Paul has changed teams a lot now but the fact that Klay Thompson has changed teams and Chris Paul is going to play with Greg papovich like yeah best rewind like seven years and imagine someone telling you that um obviously well I’m sure we’ll talk about Paul George going to Philly because that changes the East a lot um the heat though um I don’t know just hasn’t hasn’t done a whole lot um what’s the holdup Anthony salary cap yeah I know everyone loves talking about the salary cap and it’s more complicated than ever with this new CBA but it’s you know as disappointing as some fans might be and like how as as boring as it seemed for for or Drew Smith Spectators yeah Drew Smith kind of got caught in the middle of all everything um great story good guy happy for him that he’s getting in this opportunity again to be on a two-way actually was playing pretty well last year before he got hurt he was before got hurt we can talk about that another episode but um yeah it’s just it’s not a surprise like they didn’t have they don’t have much ability to do much like with their with their C situation they’re going to be above the first apron they do not like most teams want to be of the be above the second apron really if you if you’re the second apron it’s because you’re you’re a championship team or like the Celtics where you know you’re going be done Barry I think on Twitter today put it like very well like the cellers can do that because this work is done yeah this is the roster and they’re fine with that for the next five years you know yeah so the heat do not want to be above the second apron which is totally understandable and that and they’re above the first apron so really they only have minimum contracts and a5.2 I think million doll midlevel exception which is like nothing now Lev is like a minimum for a b is like three 3 point something so it’s not that far off felt like not that long with the mid level was like oh you could get someone good on it and now it’s like yeah just you know nothing the Big M mid level which is if you’re first a it’s like 12.2 or 12. I guess that’s real that’s yeah you can get a nice you know rotation player with that but with the Heats mid level it’s like you’re you’re getting a guy either taking a discount to join a really good team or a back rotation player yeah a little bit extra to a better in yeah so it’s kind of the you know where the heat are and where they’ve been and what you know where we knew they were going to be entering this uh offseason um the only move they’ made is bringing back Kevin Love which is not a surprise right Andrew Smith Andrew Smith and signing signing two undrafted guys um to we talk about them one of them we talked about last week so yeah yeah actually thought they had a good draft night and then the undrafted guys too were yeah we will obviously do pickups later after but but like hours of draft in the last two weeks figured put that in the back of the episode hey we hit on some guys like you said so yeah it was a productive few hours um so yeah I I think it’s not surprising because this is the heat cap situation they you can’t just like oh I want Klay Thompson I just want to sign him like you can’t do that this isn’t baseball um There are rules and they’re more limiting than ever and that’s kind of where the heat are heat are at the moment and yes hywood Heist Martin we get into that next like what’s going on with them but my main point is this is not surprising at all because they’re so limited yeah you laid out they brought back so far the only moves they’ve made are bringing back Kevin Love and bringing back Drew Smith on a two-way um they have lost dlan Wright I think that’s the only guy they’ve lost so far right someone umre uh and so now the two big names out there are Caleb Martin and uh Haywood High Smith um should also say like most of the bigname free agent targets are have all found their destinations too we mentioned obviously clay and Paul George um Donovan Mitchell signed his extension or agreed to his extension today I think um so a lot of the big names that have been like kind of linked to the heat over the last few years are seem to be locked I mean you never you never know in the NBA I guess but uh Donan mitcher can request a trade tomorrow after signing exactly so I I don’t know what the rules are on how how soon how long you have to do but um yeah for the most part the big names are out of the way so now it comes down to Caleb Martin Heywood High Smith um and the heat can’t afford like we said with their current situation to bring those guys back um so yeah where do they go from here and yes do we have to start you know trades have to be part of this equation one way or the other right whether it’s going to be you know who knows to trade for some bigname guy or bigger you know not like a obviously they’re not going to get like a superstar but you know Demar rosen’s name has been floated around over the last couple days I think there’s a a very you know a lightly used Kyle kosma down in Washington that’s available for a couple first round picks um that’s what you want you want you want picks um but uh for the most part they just they kind of have to make trades if they want to do anything just because like you said $5 million is basically all you can do in that’s not going to get you a whole lot at this point yeah um they have 11 players under contract right now not including orando Robinson who with a non- guaranteed deal so we’ll see what they do with that but if you’re projecting forward of like them filling out let’s say they get to they they go up to 14 and they enter the season with 14 players on standard contracts which they’ve done in the past right because of their tax situation and cap situation let’s say they signed two vet you know vet to minimum contract which is like 2.1 million capit you’re left with like let’s say 7 million for that final spot for either a hwood heith or Caleb Martin or some you know an outside free agent you can’t offer them you can only offer them the exception because you don’t have the bird rights so like the $5 million exception so if you’re trying to keep P high from the K Martin the most you can really offer him at this point without going above the second apron is like 7 million yeah is that enough to keep them is enough to keep Haywood I thought Heywood would get more in fre agency to be honest with you entering everything he’s still available as of time we’re recording this um I know and we reported this last week There’s Been mutual interest I know he would really wants to stay in Miami I know that he’d obviously like most of their like most of their fre agents he they would love to have him back um Caleb Martin I know that he made a push to keep him before the opt out last week because if he opted in they could sign him to an extension right um which was a way of keeping his cap hit lower this year at 7 million by opting it and then signing him to a bigger extension raising the salary they tried and you know obviously he didn’t opt in so that didn’t work but kind of thought it was I thought after that like he wasn’t coming back at all like it was pretty much done he was leaving once he oped it out it was going to test the open market but I I do think they’re still trying like I think the heat are still trying to find a way to keep them um whether that’s shedding salary in a trade to create more room under the second apron to sign him to a bigger deal whether that’s him making less for on a short-term deal just to come back and then be a FR aging again next year and see what happens I don’t know um I wouldn’t say it’s like likely at this point but I think there’s still like hope I wouldn’t rule out a KLA Martin return so I think there’s a lot of things on the table like as as limited as the heat are there are trades they can make either to acquire players or to shed salary to have more flexibility to either keep their free agents or you know you mentioned dear Rosen I don’t know how real that is that’s going to take a lot of salary cap gymnastics to make that work but they could shed salary to find a way to sign Dem Mar Rosen or do a signing trade with dear de rozan so yes it’s been quiet yes they’re limited but you know the Heat have a creative front office and I’m sure they’re exploring all the ways to kind of figure out the best path forward other than like some crazy Big Move Like A D rozan do you kind of feel like it’s like I don’t want to say Caleb Martin or bus because they obviously have to sign some guys like just fill out the roster but like are there any other of like the guys in the Caleb Martin tier of available free agents that you think make sense for this team um I don’t know that maybe they’re interested in I guess that kind of range of guys would probably be like buddy hee who I think I just saw his cooking in the Bahamas right now for uh the Bahamian national team uh tyus Jones doesn’t seem like they need a like a point guard like that Malik Beasley um I don’t know Kyle Lowry I don’t see that one happening but uh sure um I don’t know I meano like there there’s a handful of guys kind of who are in that similar range um I don’t know any of those like other type of guys feel like a fit to you at all I like Dennis Smith Jr I know he’s a guard a smaller guard but I just think his point of attack defense will be needed especially if he lose a Haywood High Smith and Caleb Martin Precious Precious available right precious is available um I know Dennis Smith spends some time in the off season in Miami I I think I think he worked on bam a lot um but Dennis Smith is a Dennis Smith junior is an intriguing name L Walker I feel like he has to be more than the minimum right or even more than the mid LEL no he’s he is another guy who’s he’s not obviously gonna get Caleb money but he’s yeah I’m talking about like a guy in that kind of range yeah Jay Crowder is it already past that I mean he’s he’s available maybe at a minimum Wesley Matthews just scrolling through a list of available fre agents Patrick bever fun guys come up FZ Patrick Beverly no I other Dennis Smith take the take the SW there Josh aogi I like him Jeff Green RS R had a triple double today who he where is he Croatian think uh forget who was it that beat um Slovenia today be Luca yeah Croatia yeah he had a triple double so he’s a free agent I know that he’d never had interest in the last in last season so maybe he’s a so I I don’t I mean it’s a thin group right now obviously it’s day four free agency or day three I can even keep track anymore the heat don’t have much to offer so I kind of think they’re just trying to see what happens with Caleb and or Haywood and then figure out from there you know maybe explor and I know D roen right there’s been exploratory conversations there it seems like so I don’t know I mean I think they kind of knew they weren’t going to be real players in the first few days of free agency because don’t have the space yeah the big exception they weren’t in the Paul George game they weren’t in I guess that big one Caleb Klay Thompson even they weren’t in Clay Thompson game yeah but I just I think they were waiting for things to settle and now it’s like okay let’s see what’s let’s see what’s up let’s see what teams are willing to you know want salary you know is a little bit of the first couple days are frenzy I guess dur brosen being out there is still a like a big prize potential like that’s going to be a big salary it’s like you kind of got to decide if you want him soon or you run out of space to sign him um obviously without trade you know trades always essentially have to happen for a big free agent signing at this point in the NBA um but yeah now now there’s like not a huge rush I guess but um still just you I mean what if if they miss it like if Caleb Martin signed somewhere then all of a sudden it’s like so sign somewhere else and all of a sudden it’s like now what right like thing we’re waiting on essentially like yeah how long does he want to wait exactly right and the market dries up is continue to dry up obviously every hour right more teams are giving out money to yeah players and there’s a lot of teams out there still with like the full exception that if that’s what Caleb ends up with it’s still a good summer for him right like 12 12 point whatever million a year um that’s pretty good for Caleb Martin so it’s like the market hasn’t completely dried up yet it’s just been a I don’t know if it’s because of the tampering rules and like teams being scared of that and players being scared of that and agents being scared of that or if it’s like just this complicated CBA 60 picks in it yeah that too right yeah we they don’t want to have a 58 pick draft next year again um or if it’s like the C the the new CBA and how complicated it is or just teams being scared to go above all these aprons that like it’s been a weird free agency very slow moving I know people some have compared it to baseball where where baseball like slogs on for three months like free agency like it takes forever usually basketball like the NBA after the first two days you’re done and this has been really really slow so it’s been a little bit different yeah um okay should we talk about the draft I don’t know if I have anything else free agency wise that you want to hit on no I think we’re good let’s talk about the draft okay uh you nailed it kle we goes to the heat at number 15 um and guy you talked about his like second round pick you like Kad Johnson goes to the heat as an undrafted free agent um he also gets P Larson very Arizona flavor to their draft uh in second round um let’s start with kle we though we talked a lot about him I don’t remember if it was last week or the week before probably both um but uh if he plays the way that he did at Indiana um then he is a type of big man that he have kind of that they I they just really haven’t had basically in the BAM era um in terms of a hyper athletic um Rim Runner who also could potentially step out hit threes they’ve had you know they’ve had good three-point shooting big men obviously with Kelly o lenck and and Myers Leonard um you know they’ve had kind of like bigger um Rim Runner type guys I guess if that’s what you would call um you know Thomas Brian I guess is you know kind of like that or Dwayne deadmond D yeah uh but this is you know there’s a reason you know when you take a guy at 15 even in a draft like this um they’ve got they got to have pretty good either like like just skill or athletic tools and he certainly has the athletic tools we talked about the shooting and maybe some of the questions there but he at least has shown the potential to be a good shooter um I guess the question is does he help the the Heat this year because we obviously can see what the like long-term vision is for him and you know bam is a long-term part of the plan here right like um he in a year or two is going to be the best player in the heat barring something surprising so you do have to think about who is going to play with him long term but the heat are also trying to win a championship this year so for this year do you think KW helps the heat at all I mean he helps in the sense that they don’t really have anybody like him on the roster right yeah um they have bam who’s 69 undersiz Center but obviously he’s one of the best centers in the NBA you have Kevin Love Back who is very good as a backup center last year but more for spacer yeah like not a rim protector kind of just takes charges uh contains the on the perimeter like on blitzing you know hedging and and recovering so a little bit different like kware is 7 feet tall with a 75 wingspan and it’s like can be a really good rim protector can make an open three um I think the the only concern right now immediately is that he’s GNA have to add weight to really yeah he’s skinny yeah he’s gonna have to add weight to really you know bang in the NBA like that’s going to take some time so I’m sure there’ll be times where like they’re playing the Charlotte Hornets and K we gets 12 and 12 and then heat Twitter is going to be calling for him to start next to Bam immediately and there’ll be moments like that and that’s good right like he’s going to need those moments in his rookie year to continue to grow and you know continue to gain confidence and all that but I think it’s going to be a little bit of a work in progress to start I think the physicality is probably gonna be the biggest adjustment for him yeah somewhere between Nicola yovic and and uh haime hakz um I don’t that’s fair yeah I I don’t see him being necessarily a g-league guy I think you could just because you can always use like that but um you know there could be I we’ll see what the roster ends up looking like like right now he’s like he just don’t have a lot of centers so I guess he’s he’s the backup center right now just uh by default Kevin Love Kevin Love yeah I mean Kevin Love I guess um you three big men essentially right now right so those are your three big men who play um we’ll see if they add another Center somewhere like will KO where will there be stretchers where he doesn’t play for the Heat I’m I’m sure that could happen um will they be stretch will he start a game or two probably um and will he have some cool highlights that’s that feels pretty safe I’m sure for sure for sure and I I mean I like the pick because they need I you don’t find those guys in the free Agia market right in the MBA like a big a seven-footer who can shoot threes and protect the rim like yeah we’ll see about I mean the three-point shooting we talked about it he does not shoot well from the free throw line so I think there’s some fair questions about how real that shooting was he shot 42.5% last year on a pretty small sample size but not like you know he was taking what one more than one a game I think um I think I think it took 40 all year which is not a lot yeah it’s more than one a game but yeah it’s a college basketball your season’s really short so yeah um but even if he doesn’t become a great shoot that means at least he like can shoot a little bit right like he’s take one a game or whatever um but I think even if he doesn’t ever develop into a great three-point shooter he can be valuable to the Heat um in a way you know like a Nick Clon I think was a comparison for him or Turner Jared Allen yeah Miles Turner feels like he need the shooting to like complete that comparison but in terms of like yeah Jared Allen Nick CL like those guys are valuable and it’s really valuable to get them um on that first contract because they kind of tend to get overpaid on the second one yeah um because they’re hard like you said you don’t find those guys in the free agent Market there’s a reason they get paid a lot because they’re hard to find there’s a reason that he haven’t found them right bio really has been like they hav they haven’t taken a lot of guys like this but again there’s just not a lot of guys like that in the draft either be or teams would it’d be easier to find for everyone you are you surprised they pass on dalon connection that was gonna be my next question um a little bit it just felt like a such a heat pick but maybe like we I think we talked about it feels like it kind of been alternating a little bit with like the uh take the wi now future win now future um so I guess it was the the future I mean I I get it because D connect would certainly help them more this coming season right like he would be immediately a in your top eight probably of a rotation um but um the heat you know we we we mentioned we’ve said it a lot this offseason they’re in this odd state where they’re trying to win now but at the same time you can sense they don’t want to mortgage the future for just this current moment where frankly they’re pretty unlikely to win a championship um and K we potentially three years down the road when he’s still on a rookie contract him and Bam is like a pretty formidable front line and then you know all of a sudden you’ve got one star in bam let’s let’s say we turns into a Jared Allen or Nick Nick Claxton like not an All-Star necessarily but like a no doubt star quality starter yeah yeah like a well above average starter like you then you’ve got your star you’ve got a defensive anchor and a and a a piece that’s hard to find and then you’re kind of one star away again from being right being able to kind of extend the BAM at bio window even if the Jimmy Butler window um comes to an end yeah I kind of think that’s why they took him over connect and even like Jared McCain and different guys are available at that spot is because I I just think they they they know that’s hard to find like that’s not that’s rare especially like to be available too like yeah I that at that price point as well like a $4 million salary next season so like if D connect is Max stru would it surprise anyone like like if that’s and that’s and that’s good like that would be fine like solid player but the he have found those guys like literally off the street so yeah yeah all right um all right um second lson you asked me before we started recording uh what do I think of him I said I don’t know if I’ve seen him play because it’s a possible to watch the Pack 12 Network which officially ended by the way uh yesterday Pack 12 network no longer exists because the Pack 12 no longer exists um but uh he goes for a guard p lson in the second round um what do you think of that pick I like it I just like that they added a bunch of different skill sets to the roster like obviously we talked about K but P Pelle Larson is obviously he’s a good three-point shooter um but he has size at 66 has some athleticism I think he’s a 38 inch vert um Adam Simon was saying he has big hands like he competes on defense like is he gonna be a great defender maybe not but he like he has the body and the physicality and the athleticism to like be a solid Defender right so it’s kind of like I think people are just pegging him as a shooter seems like he’s like more of an all-around guy that could just help and kind of plug in different holes when he’s on the court almost like I think he be different but almost like a Max stru Max because he’s got the one thing we we talked about streu a lot over the years the thing I think both of us liked about him is that he was like big like like like wide and that let him compete on defense in a way like that Duncan couldn’t um and you know I think again like we talked about if you get uh streus at 17 you’d be kind of happy with it which is where the Lakers took connect if you got stru at what pick do the 44 you feel really happy so I I I get that comparison um definitely he shot it you know he’s a good three-point shooter that’s known and yeah like 65 210 plus like he’s going to put on more I know he’s an older guy you know he’s 23 already so it’s not like he’s gonna get much bigger than that you’ll probably get a little stronger just because everyone does in the NBA um but um you know the size is I think important there 65 um and like you can tell he the one thing you like you know he can put on weight because some guys just can’t right yeah and he’s got the frame too um I think you know going to be a starter maybe for the heat because they like plug guys in like that but um no I think you’re right he like he’s got the makings I think of just a rock solid role player uh another comparison I heard for him was Grayson Allen which I also could kind of kind of I could kind of see it I know other than yeah and a fun fact he born in raised in Sweden moved here to go to college I think he went to Utah State first before Arizona or Utah I think it’s Utah State I’m not sure exactly you can hang out with Gustav forsling yeah there you go um P Larsson that sounds like a hockey player oh definitely P Larson definitely yeah we’ll see if he becs a Panthers fan maybe maybe maybe uh forsing host him is forsing Swedish I didn’t know that that he was from Finland uh no all the other guys are from Finland foring is is Swedish that’s a good story and Mondell are are uh finish maybe maybe foring will host him at a Panthers game yeah um okay you got anything else on him or you want to get to the undrafted guys real quick one definitely want to talk about say one they get Zion poen guy we did not talk about but uh Florida um a gator so a little bit of local connection or Florida connection there Anthony does a little fist pump um uh but the big one is kashad Johnson who we talked about as a potential pick for the heat in the second round uh they get him as an undrafted free agent um and he is you know he’s just like kind of like the next I mean it’s like is a t like the next like Heywood heith or um you know whoever that that model that he has had going of just like small forward power forwards who kind of come out of nowhere and become very solid NBA players like is it too early to pencil Kad Johnson for that I don’t think so he’s 66 225 pound BS ringer has Z comparison as J Crowder J Crowder yeah uh 610 wingspan really good athleticism can really jump like really high uh shot for shot that’s some good analysis right there he jump he jumps really high uh he shot nearly 40% on threes last year um so just like your classic 3 and D guy that can that’s that really probably is best on the defensive end and has a big body that could fit in the heat switching scheme where he has athleticism to guard maybe smaller guys but he also has the physicality and the size uh to guard bigger guys um he just seems to fit right I don’t not saying that he’s going to translate immediately to the rotation but definitely got to keep an eye on I thought he would have been great for the second round pick the fact they got him and Pella um I just think it was a really good night for them because again like I said they added a bunch of different skill sets the size and wear the shooting and Pella k Kad Johnson kind of fits what somebody they need kind of that three and D for you know power forward role and then hulland is kind of a traditional point guard I think he had the best assist to turnover ratio in Gator history like just really good point guard good shooter um so just I think they came away with some really intriguing names to watch yeah and the other thing you gota like about casad Johnson he obviously played Arizona this last year but ALS played at San Diego State before played in the national championship so it’s like he’s uh played in like in big spots too he’s not you know like he he’s not a guy who has who’s all tools who’s all potential who’s all you know who put up numbers at like a lower level school he’s a guy who who’s played and who was like you know he’s kind of like a role player a little bit too at San Diego State because everyone who plays for San Diego State is essentially a role player um so um yeah is he going to be in the rotation this year like probably not right the odds are against it but um you could see him a year from now he’s an older guy too played five years in college I he’s 23 he’s yeah so like heer grabbing a guy like that thinking that he’s gonna help them ideally you know he’s on a two-way contract it’s not like yeah so like they know but they would love to develop in into a role player shortly yeah P Poland and him are on two ways and Drew Smith has a third two-way so the heat three two-way spots are full but those can be swapped out any time so I know people are worried like I got a bunch of questions say what does this mean for Cole Sider and londes Williams who still have qualifying offers out there for 2way contract it means the he are gonna have some decisions to make right like maybe those guys sign exhibit 10 and talk about like the last week of training camp right it’s like who gets the last two-way who gets the two-ways right so I think at this point it’s probably between those Five Guys who’s GNA get the three two-ways right now it’s those three and and Cole and Alanis don’t have it but that could change in the coming months yeah um okay before we wrap up should we talk about the Panthers sure I mean I feel like just this entire week has been just fun tracking the Stanley Copic that’s been yeah the best part of all this and we were I was talking about this the other day like the the reason local media huge win for the team to win the Stanley Cup not just because like you get to wor about the Stanley Cup run and yeah all the celebrations but like you get a whole Summer’s worth of Stanley Cup stories like where is the Stanley Cup today where did Matthew kachuck take the Stanley Cup where now Ander barov take the Stanley Cup um uh yeah I was I was at the parade on Sunday I’m finally dry after uh standing out in the rain for five hours or whatever it was that morning um uh pretty fun and and you know cool to see uh we talked about it a lot just like that people like really cared about it the ratings were really good for it um nationally not just locally um you know they got a new TV deal locally which I think will only help them um after you know I haven’t been able to watch Marlin’s game all season because I am a xinity subscriber so um you know obviously like a a pretty good moment um you know hard hard to have a better moment for them but like the fact that they it didn’t just come out of nowhere right they built this up over the last couple years I that’s the big thing that’s how you build like a a true fan base right like and that’s how you build life consistent it’s that the Marin yeah that’s there yeah won the right who cares because the next has been terrible right right yeah so I think that’s the and the fact that’s it’s not only these two years like this is seems sustainable like they’re going to be good for a while I know they lost some guys in frency this week right after they won um crazy timing like the day after the parade they lost some guys but I mean it’s like what the NBA the NBA Finals wrapped up so quickly or they would have been pry much the same position sure yeah so I it’s just it’s good to know this gonna be sustainable and I think this might I don’t know if it ever be a hockey town but like you see the you see the there’s fans like people care about hockey if you win they’ll come they’re more popular in the Marlins these days I think without a doubt maybe I don’t know the Spanish market like who knows it’s right it’s hard to tell based on like the numbers at the Miami heral and local TV ratings because obviously such a big percentage of the Marlin fan base is consuming Spanish language media I think but I mean right now seems like they’re more popular than Marlin certainly obviously right at this very moment but like yeah of course there’s an alltime high right now but I I just I couldn’t believe like I was wondering if they win are people going to go out with pots and pants to at the locker and they were there I couldn’t like I was that’s I that’s great to see I just you know that I you there with him Anthony I thought about it but I was like H I don’t want to wake up my daughters I don’t want to go out so I just uh I stayed home and watched on the news but it was I mean that’s our that’s our what fifth professional Championship I think since 2000 three for the heat one for the Marlin 2003 yeah and one for the Panthers so they don’t happen often so it was nice it been a while I was talking to Cody I felt like every game I was at like they might do it tonight and they kept not doing it but you know it been since 2013 yeah you know obviously a lot markets go a lot longer than that but considering the heat the Run considering the run the heat gave this town particularly with three championships in a seven-year stretch um and then you throw in the Marlins four championships in a 10-year stretch um this was a pretty long drought yeah but don’t take it for granted right because could be another 10 years and no one would be surprised the Dolphins are gonna win a Super Bowl next year so yeah worry they got to pick up their carry pick up their their slack it’s their it’s their turn now we’ll see what happens um all right Anthony uh we can wrap things up there uh you can follow Anthony on Twitter Anthony _ Chang follow me on Twitter at DB Wilson 2 um maybe we will see you and Pelle Larson at a Panthers game sometime soon looking forward to it all right uh thanks again for listening we’ll talk to you guys next week

Read More:

On this week’s Heat Check: Exploring the Miami Heat’s quiet start to free agency and a look back at the Heat’s picks in the 2024 NBA Draft.

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1 Comment

  1. Get in the Derozan deal not as a destination for him but as trade facilitator 3rd or 4th team to move Herro . Get back Rui and Ayo . Fills two needs more scoring and POA defender.


    Still can shed salary (Duncan and or Terry ) plenty of FA still available.

    Jae Crowder
    Isaac Okoro
    Chuma Okeke
    Saddiq Bey
    Dennis Smith
    Lonnie Walker
    Chimezie Metu
    Tyus Jones

    Plenty of more

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