@Sacramento Kings

NBA free agency: Kings quiet start okay … for now

NBA free agency: Kings quiet start okay … for now

agency began yesterday at 3:00 Pacific Standard time no movement for the Kings yet but uh some in the works something going down we’ll see man I hope so maybe question mark it’s been exciting except for nothing has actually happened and that’s always when you start to get a little a little nervous uh just that you know you would hope that the Kings would actually make some big moves here but sometimes those take a little while and sometimes the market has to cool down as far as the free agent Market in order to make those moves and uh like look I think they’re they’re in on Brandon Ingram we know that at this point uh but they’re also uh there might be another name Kyle another name oh what name is that um I Heard a little bit this morning I don’t know if we uh you know it’s not something that’s super solid but I’m hearing that there’s a potential for uh you know the Kings to kick the tires on a Lori market and Trad so but we’ll see like there’s there another name to throw in the mix we’re just going to throw it out there just a name in the mix uh nothing like super solid uh but uh Lori marketing it does sound like is becoming available with Utah Jazz yeah and uh if he’s going to become available then the Kings need to do their due diligence there and see if they can get in on the conversation yeah th% and that’s why I I think what you said there is important it’s not like hey firm reporting that A and C are happening but if we’re going to talk about Kyle kosma and if we’re going to talk about Brandon Ingram we can now throw Lorie Markin in into that mix of player that may be available that the kings that that certainly fits with with what the kings are looking for and what they need so we can uh we can put him in that mix as well but let’s start with Brandon Ingram yes because that was the big deal yesterday and again uh keep it locked into ESPN 1320 through the Insiders here we’re hanging out with you till noon then dowlo and KC will pick it up at noon they’ll take you to four o’clock any news that is that is happening uh we will bring it to you and we will have the best analysis for you of of anything going on with your Sacramento Kings but for now we have a report from friend of the friend oh boy here we go three two and one friend of the program Sean Cunningham Fox 40 Sean Cunningham that uh says the kings are having talks with the Pelicans about o Brandon Ingram trade I think you and I both are in on the Brandon Ingram idea just from the player the fit what he brings to the table what would that cost though because that to me feels like the kind of deal where you might have to include Keegan Murray yeah I don’t think the kings are going to do anything that includes King and Murray now sure at least for right now like we never know I don’t ever want to say you know Never Say Never Never Say Never sure I mean that’s that’s for sure um but as of right now like look the Kings believe he’s part of their core and they also believe that he’s better than a lot of the players or he’s going to be a better player than a lot of these players that we’re talking about uh the Brandon Ingram thing like look if we’re going to assemble a trade um it would be centered around Harrison Barnes and Kevin herder from what I’ve heard um and then some sort of pick compensation um but that’s just to match salaries the the Pelicans from what I know from what I’ve heard from sources elsewhere are looking for someone they’re looking for a center and they would like a third team involved potentially and whether the Kings can make that happen or not I don’t know whether the the Pelicans can make that happen they can draw somebody else in and say Hey you can have this player or this pick compensation or whatever but we’re looking for this um you know like just a Banny about like we talked about me and Kyle before the show um could you get Atlanta involved with Clint capella yeah who’s in the final year of like a $23 million deal and you know could the Kings send like a herder and a dwarte package to Atlanta with capella going to the Pelicans along with Harrison Barnes and some compensation whatever um like again we’re just spitballing here who knows what will happen with that but uh Brandon Ingram’s on a a one-year $36 million contract and you can’t just trade for a guy and instant well you can trade for a guy and instantly neg negotiate a contract extension but the initial contract extension that you can negotiate is very small it’s it’s a two-year deal with only 5% raises and it’s very limited as to what you can give somebody so uh you would basically you have to wait a six month waiting period which throws everything kind of in in flux you wouldn’t find out if you were able to retain either Brandon Ingram or Lori Markin in until January that’s when you would really be able to neate in Earnest with these guys on a long-term contract extension and that that gets a little that gets a little scary yeah and and that’s where I think one of the big Hang-Ups for me would be with this is because you would need to talk with Brandon Ingram’s agent or Lori Marin’s agent and in I don’t know that you could Ure and get a guarantee but gauge the interest because if Brandon Ingram it straight up says no I won’t resign with Sacramento that okay maybe you’re thinking about this deal a little differently I think you I think you’d still want to acquire him yeah and try to Chang mind year yeah for sure but I don’t know now that I’m attaching three first round picks to it oh no or anything like that so and and same goes for same goes for Lorie marinan but I think that has to be not the number one thing because I do think at some point you have to make some kind of move because if you’re waiting on some guarantee uh Beyond like yeah maybe maybe I’ll resign then you’re probably never going to get anything done yeah and I think that that’s the problem I mean we’re watching so many free agents come off the board like every day you know it’s it started yesterday at 3 and you know it was really a slow play it wasn’t like it wasn’t like you’re normal the the rules have changed in the NBA with tampering and so really it felt kind of awkward and weird it almost like a trade deadline that Fizzles MH and so we’re sitting here waiting for things to come through and nothing is really coming through and so you know the whole time you’re like what’s gonna happen but then all of a sudden boom boom boom boom you start seeing some of the guys that I know a lot of Kings fans like n Marshall or or Derek Jones Jr you know all of these yeah these long athletic Wings coming off the board and that’s the type of guy that the Kings need and you’re just kind of watching Everybody El get better but I would point out that like look there’s a couple of mechanisms here in play and and it’s something that um I I think people should keep in mind that just because players are signing right now at different places and you may like that player it it doesn’t mean that the Kings can’t go use their mid-level exception and go trade for a player like that that’s out there they can there are going to be players once the dust settles yeah that teams need to reconfigure their salary structure and and the Kings will be able to get back into the market market and go find some of these players right it just you need to get the big deal done first so you’re not tying yourself up and limiting what you can do cap wise and that’s why it’s so painful to watch a a you know sort of these trade ideas or these trade rumors play out over a day two days that’s not what you need at this moment this moment you need something that’s secured something that will happen and that you know is going to happen and then boom it’s over and now you can go put the rest of the pieces together yeah and I think that’s where I I don’t want to call it frustration because I don’t think there’s frustration but there’s a there’s a an angst because like you said okay we’ve been talking about Kyle kosma and there was Smoke on draft day that oh Kyle kosma and there’s a a gonna be a deal for for kosma and lead up to the 13th pick and then nothing now we hear about Brandon Ingram Oh and now hey is Lori marinin gonna be available okay hey he fits too and it’s like okay these this is all great but is what comes of all this yeah because at this point if they’re not Landing one of those three guys and I understand that that what you’re saying teams are going to have to reconfigure what their rosters look like and there’s going to be a players available for the midlevel or or part of the mid-level or whatever it is I I don’t think the I I I don’t think the kings are done making making moves necessarily if they don’t get one of these three guys but anything they do outside of Ingram marinan or kosma is going to feel super underwhelming to me no I I think that’s the problem you know what this feels like right now is when Bonnie McNair took over the team MH they went into that off season uh and it was it was the the shortened uh the co shortened yeah offseason after the bubble and things did not go as planned so the only thing that Monty was able to do was he drafted uh which Tyrese halberton which was spectacular but you know again it took a little while uh and he sent Glenn Robinson the third and ham Whiteside at this point the Kings have traded for jayen uh McDaniels and they’ve signed or they’re going to sign Alex Len that feels eerily similar and they they went out and they they drafted uh dein Carter so like this is a moment though where you have to again I keep saying this you don’t have to make a trade just to make a trade you have to make a trade because you’re not good enough your team did not make the playoffs and one draft pick doesn’t help you make the playoffs not not this year like two years from now maybe Devon Carter is part of the the program and it helps you win something biger yeah that that’s very possible and I I really like him but at the same time you have to like jump into the into the freay here I I always think of you’ll as an ace fan this Terrence long sitting with the bat on his shoulder watching strike three go by in in the playoffs I mean you to bring up old stuff well but that’s what this feels like in the out thing on the two seamer it’s Derrick low you know the two seer’s coming you know what’s coming like any so so you understand what I’m saying though like this is a moment to take the bat off your shoulder and take a a big hack and I think there are fall fallback plans here I think like Kyle kumma could be a fallback plan here um but what are you g to do right now and and that’s the question and like look all of these things come with a certain degree of of risk but that’s where like you’re at a position in your build you have to take the risk you have to put yourself out there and try to improve the roster especially with what’s happening in the Western Conference well and this is where it’s not I understand the the concept of not making a deal just to just to go make a deal and I don’t think that’s that’s the case here because there are players available according to reporting there are players available who could help the Kings and the Kings theoretically have the assets to go get them which is where I think there’s a lot of people are sitting here going hey Now’s the Time like the boat’s coming around you got to jump on yeah because the the oh it’s got to be the right time and it’s got to be the right trade well the time the time feels pretty right and the trades are all there and I’m sorry at some point coming up short and going oh well they tried it they explored it but the deal just wasn’t right or oh they got out bid or whatever it is that’s not that’s not going to that’s not going to fly now no I totally agree and I think there’s a certain amount of risk that the Kings aren’t willing to do and and I still think that again Keegan Murray is a player that’s that’s not gonna be on the table as long as they can possibly not have him on the table but that doesn’t change the fact that you have a really really strong core of four and you need to find a way to make that that core of five or six get over the hum and you got to get over exactly exactly

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